Undercover Cops, What Is Your Best "Are You Fricking Kidding Me" Moment?

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officers of the law who drive and mark cars what is your best are you freaking kidding me moment that you witness because they didn't realize you were watching not a cop but one of my friends was doing it undercover stakeout at night in unmarked car in a bad part of town this wasn't just a unmarked crown vic but a seized vehicle with heavy illegal tint think like a racer mobile while he's there looking for a person of interest in a homicide this guy walks by a few times checking out the car and just looking fishy as frick he comes back stops by the car tries the door then pulls out a lockout tool and tries to unlock the car the whole time my buddy is trying to keep his crap together as this guy is trying to jack a car with a cop in it he draws his pistol cracks the window and flashes his gun the guy drops his tool and just starts freaking running down the street he radioed in a description of the guy didn't want to blow the stake out with an arrest and a uniformed unit picked him up two blocks away guy ended up being involved in an auto theft ring and brought them all down in exchange for a deal he had one of the biggest busts of his career just walk up and try to break into his car best story here i once honked at a car who changed lanes a bit too closely in front of me sucker was an unmarked cop car when that silver chevy slammed the brakes darted behind me and turned into a freaking edm show i almost crap myself the officer pulled me over and apologized for cutting it close good for him to apologize for screwing up we had a guy pull into a lot next to a marked squad car and light up a joint my buddy sitting in the car had to look around to make sure he was in fact in a squad car and that he was in fact in uniform he was the old adage of we don't catch the smart ones never rang more true some guy tried suddenly coming out of a turn lane into our lane when we didn't automatically break to let him in he started screaming and cursing us out even sticking his middle finger out the window not realizing we were cops we lowered our window flashed the badge and hit the lights and then pulled him over the guy started crying and apologized numerous times my little brother is really good at spotting cops marked and unmarked one day we were on our way to a wedding when my brother tells my mom to make sure she's going the speed limit cause she was about to pass an unmarked cop car she is doubtful but does it anyways about 30 seconds later a guy on a black ducati comes flying up behind us weaving through traffic he squeezes between our suv and the cop and we all cheered when the cop flipped on his lights my mom never questions my brother anymore i think your brother might do some drugs i was driving from indianapolis to bloomington one day to visit a friend on the iu campus i was going around 70 or so running late and i passed a cop in an unmarked mustang on the side of the road he pulled out and i got ready to pull over he got behind me and just as he lit me up a lady in a red convertible comes flying past both of us i looked in the rearview mirror and saw a completely stunned look on his face as if he was asking himself did this car really just blow by both of us it took him a couple of seconds to recover but then he pulled up beside me pointed at me while laughing and took off after the woman i passed them as she was getting stopped and tooted the horn twice and thanks to her yeah you can never drive too fast on 37 especially around martinsville you'll get lit up by the cops not a cop in college my buddies and i lived in an especially affordable neighborhood we all went to the bar one night but soon received a call that there was a break-in got home and the cop told us he and his partner were driving by our house in an unmarked car when they saw an individual struggling to carry digital cameras a t-shirt full of spare change and an xbox plus controllers and games out of our house the cops stopped to observe what appears to be a robbery in progress but then the individual actually approached the unmarked car and attempted to sell the stolen xbox to the cops on the sidewalk in front of our house that he had just robbed they said it was the easiest arrest they ever made i'm keeping especially affordable neighborhood sir i had a client that tried to race a blacked out charger when they first came out in his wrx he was winning two at least until the trooper turned on the lights in his grill had managed to get to 108 miles per hour from the line entrapment i wouldn't have floored it if he hadn't taken the bait police job was as a deputy sheriff and i'm sitting there with my partner off a highway exit at a scenic overlook eating some lunch and listening on the radio to chp trying to corner two motorcyclists who are flying around the highway like idiots nowhere support is available so they terminate pursuit for safety about 10 minutes later as i'm polishing off my fourth taco two bikes matching the description and without any visible plates exit the highway and pull into the same overlook they take their helmets off listen for a few minutes kill the bikes and then the one walks over to start p behind the tree we made chp transport them since that guy pee all over himself when we hit the siren we were in an unmarked subaru at the time that got a real laugh out loud out of me well done i'm on the other side of this one i was cycling down a main road and had a green light to cross and i was nearly run over by a massive black car that ran the light and turned into me we both swerved to a stop i immediately turned around and started screaming at the guy you freaking etc you nearly killed me look where you're freaking going next time the car was unmarked police the passenger side window rolled down and there was a guy in a baseball cap and a bulletproof vest sitting there holding a rifle i kept shouting abuse at him until i realized he just apologized for nearly running me over and kept on driving i actually work probation we drive grey slick top charges with blue lights we monitor people that are on gps monitoring for the state occasionally these monitors go dead they need servicing sometimes an offender says frickit cuts the unit off and goes trolling for a station wagon full of nuns or something well anyway i'm in this gray charger with blue lights because it's my week to do the gps monitoring thing in my state probation officers have the same arrest powers as state troopers dnr officers or normal police only we have statewide jurisdiction so i come across a disabled vehicle with a big ford behind it there's lots of traffic and this ford is trying to get around the disabled car so i'm like man this dude is never getting around this car so i turn on my blue lights stop traffic so he can get around safely so i'm sitting there waving the guy through when this indian fellow comes up on my passenger side window and he says officer that guy in the truck just hit that car he was going seriously fast weaving all over the place then he hit that car right there i think he's drunk at this point i'm like wait that guy and i point to the guy i'm letting out and he's like that's him so i'm like god damn it i already have my lights on so i hit the siren tone change and pull him over long story short i end up kicking the crap out of him cuffing him and waiting for the local smokies to show up and transport him to jail because i don't have a cage car turns out he was driving down the street drinking out of the vodka bottle and orange juice bottle making little mouth-sized screwdrivers with his dang four-year-old in the car the upshot for the little four-year-old was that one of the responding officers that showed up had a thick liverpool accent the little girl legit thought that she was speaking to the cop mary poppins super cute you know you're an alcoholic when you mix your drinks inside your mouth i'm a cop in training but wasn't in an unmarked car person was playing on their phone in the middle of traffic and didn't realize what kind of car was beside him but he looks up to me sees me and just gives me the finger apparently for looking at him only then does he notice my uniform or perhaps the big white blizzary on the side of the car my instructor didn't believe it until i assured him i wasn't making it up that guy ended up admitting it to my instructor probably the most expensive finger he ever gave someone and the most expensive round of whatever they were playing on the phone i am not an officer however this is too perfect not to tell mind you i was not speeding i accelerated quickly and got in front of the sub beside me who proceeded to tailgate me he was driving aggressively and i thought road raging so i got over again and sped around a car in front of me and got over again i made my turn and the guy was on my tail again suddenly he lights me over and my stomach drops i pull over and a plain clothes officer gets out and approaches he says sir why were you driving like that i am not a traffic officer but your erratic driving gave me no choice but to pull you i shrugged my shoulders and responded you were tailgating me and looked angry i thought you were raging and tried to get some distance from you he responded that's fair and walked back to his car and drove off i did this once though i technically did speed and get a ticket for it some suv was riding me pretty hard so i sped up to allow him to go around me mind you he was really really on my butt lit me up and gave me a ticket for it i managed to get it thrown out in court because i included the prior eight hours of recording on my dash cam showing my safe driving and not speeding once retired sheriff's deputy here was not working but in plain clothes with my young children at in tow we were at a local street carnival in my jurisdiction when i watched takanis do a hand-to-hand transaction of some type of narcotic i contacted the officers on duty at the carnival and the deputy prosecutor happened to be there as well she asked me if i would be willing to do a purchase from one of the carnival workers i had never worked undercover and didn't really know anything about narcotics or the street lingo i was able to buy h and have an arrest affected almost immediately hey i know you are off duty and your kids are here but we'd appreciate it if you'd set a good example for your kids and go by h off that carny solid undercover work sir not an officer but every day after high school four of us took the same three-mile stretch of highway home we frequently raced each other to the last exit and the highway was usually pretty empty one day i drove with my buddy and he pulls up next to this blacked out ford taurus show and looks over going about 80 miles per hour all of a sudden a mass state trooper rolls down his passenger window to look at us blares his sirens throws all of his lights on and starts ripping down the highway he either got something important to do or was bored and wanted to frick with some kids but we definitely chilled on the racing after that sounds like he sized you guys up and decided that's probably all it would take to keep you from acting like idiots in the future we had a new hire who went twice the limit 160 in an 80 kilometer per hour zone and then proceeded to cut off a policewoman in an unmarked car as he was in a company vehicle with a clearly visible logo security company she called us and spoke to my boss we called in the guide to the office and i fired him he could not believe that he was fired just for going twice the speed limit he kept saying but this is the first time i've done it freaking [ __ ] about a month later he called my boss and asked him for bail money for a dui my boss just laughed and hung up on him he was worried his parents would get angry god damned [ __ ] obligatory not me but my dad he was a detective in an unmarked car coming back from a hearing he was not in his jurisdiction and going 35 40 in a 35 there was a woman behind him riding his butt which he largely ignored because he wasn't going painfully slow in fact a bit over she starts beeping her horn and waving her arms swerving side to side like she was trying to find a way to zoom around him he's also approaching the township line putting him within his jurisdiction literally five seconds after he crosses the township line the woman speeds around him funny enough at this township lying the speed limit also drops from 35 to 25 he clocks her going 55 puts on his removable police light and pulls her over now this is where things get funky his car has a dash cam and records everything this will be important soon as he walks up to her window she is visibly shaking in anger he shows her as badge explains who he is as he is in suit and her not standard police uniform and tells her he clocked her at 55 in a 25 he then asks her for her license and registration and she responds by screaming rape out the window as loud as she can he then asks if she would be more comfortable if he called a uniformed on duty patrolman she suddenly calms down and says it's fine i don't remember the timeline as i was younger but he ends up being taken to court for assault this woman was claiming my dad reached in her window grabbed her breast and said he wouldn't write her a ticket if she was willing to play ball my dad is mildly stressed bill has reviewed the dash cam full audio and good quality video with his appointed lawyer which clearly shows none of that ever happened and my father never even approached putting his hand inside her car judge here's the woman's testimony and asks if she has told the truth she claims she has at that point they bring out the tv and play the dash cam judge informs her she should ask for leniency and maybe she will receive a break from false charges from my understanding in order to avoid jail time she agreed to a very long probation period and community service one of my favorite how stupid can you be moments and also a good lesson to not be in butthole in general what a stupid woman i hate when people lie about rape and sexual harassment taking away from the real victims i was on duty one day driving not in an unmarked car but a clearly marked car it was an hour before i was to go home so i had already mentally checked out pretty much anyways i am driving down a road and this car zooms past this stop sign in front of me causing me to slam on my brakes and slam on the horn literally close to hitting him it's funny because i exclaimed out loud to myself in the car mother sucker i wish there was a squad car near you but told and i proceeded to remember i was that squad car and turned around 15 seconds later and pulled him over yay had a little justice boner that day getting pulled over is scary enough but a cop walking up to question me with an erection would be terrifying edit my poor inbox not a cop but i want to tell the story about what happened to my son when he was about 16. he and some friends had been hanging out at dq they were leaving dq in his friend's car to go to one of their houses they had encountered some other teenagers who were taunting them and generally being buttholes my son was in the back seat of the car and two of his friends were up front a dark-colored sedan pulled up next to them at a stoplight kid driving says to front seat passenger it's those butt holes again do something front seat passenger grabs a shoe and chucks it at the car's windshield well guess who was actually driving that car lol i got a friendly call from the pd to come pick up my kid along with an assurance that he hadn't done anything wrong but had really really stupid friends the cop made some kind of quip as i was picking him up about grand theft auto skinny jeans edition coma the cop made some kind of quip as i was picking him up about grand theft auto skinny jeans edition that's too funny at least they took it in stride and didn't arrest his friends and throw them in jail for three years like al zaidi i'm a cop and nothing really changes you would be surprised the stuff i see in a marked patrol car some people are just that oblivious or just really don't care yeah bad drivers or idiots aren't going to notice the marked tahoe on the shoulder the marked crews are the lane over whatever they're so self-absorbed they'll just do their thing we had a deputy get hit when someone cut across three lanes clipping his marked crown vic in the process because they wanted to pull in front of someone else and flip them off as part of a road rage incident obligatory i am not the officer but i was driving on a 50 mile per hour limit dual carriageway and a nice fella with a horse box attached to his pickup decided that 0.2 inches behind my car on the inside lane was a nice amount of stopping distance for himself then he decided i wasn't having enough fun with just music so proceeded to flash his lights repeatedly rave time a turn off approaches so horsey mcfuckhead takes it then decides to cut across back onto the motorway in front of me across the chevrons forcing me to swerve into the outside lane lest my car be written off by his clearly occupied horse box then it happens the angelic humming of a siren the majestic flashing blue lights of karma and marked police car flies over from a little while behind me chasing the now speeding probable horse sucker i passed them about five minutes later and tooted my woefully inadequate horn because i could i was a detective off duty with my family when a jackass started following me way too close i sped up and he did too he pulled up next to me and he's driving a crown vic with the full police lights package in the words test vehicle on the door he's clearly upset turns on the lights and motions for me to slow down he picked up a radio mic and looked like he was talking into it i was inside of my own jurisdiction by now and called dispatch to see if they knew who this dude was nobody knows meanwhile test vehicle turns off the road behind me to a shopping center my wife sighs heavily as i turn around and spot him getting out of the car wearing a sweet pair of cargo shorts i calmly took down the tag and arrived early for work the next day cause my normal caseload was going to take a break for mr a test vehicle found out he was not a police officer but a salesman for police vehicle lights stroked out a warrant for impersonating a police officer and locked him up the same day that when i went over to the jail to talk to him he told me that he gets angry when people speed around him when he's driving that car he wasn't the pervert cop impersonator type so he got a slap on the wrist but his employer was pee when i told them i'm a cop in ohio and i was driving a 2011 hyundai elantra the police paid for it so it was really nice inside leather extra speakers etc one day when i was out on patrol listening to some cop rap a guy drove past me with speakers so loud that i could hear the song reba mcintyre over the cop rap so i blooped him with the siren and pulled him over i walk up to the car and ask him what he's doing and the tinted window rolled down and it was reba mcintyre i was completely stunned and i said i'm sorry bit of tickets a ticket she grinned sheepishly and said that's fine you're just doing your job it was one of the highlights of my career before i retired family members story a detective who drives an unmarked car a [ __ ] box actually to really blend has seen deals crimes in progress but this stands out best my cousin is a lousy driver by nature one particular night he was being tailgated high beamed etc by an unhappy motorist behind him he pulled into a gas station to let bin pass but the unsuspecting jerk followed him you got a freaking problem buddy he yelled to my cousin in a thick accent my cousin gets out in the punk look and nervous while the detective replies nope but it looks like you do now and flowers his badge arrest for driving a car with revoked registration driven without a license possession of drug paraphernalia along with citations for his actions before the confrontation just let it go when driving always baffles me that when you are already driving without a valid license and drugs in your car that you would go out and behave like a [ __ ] too not an officer but the idiot in the story i was 17 and thought using a pigeon fast car you follow behind in the hopes they get a speeding ticket and not you on the highway was smart so i followed this charger in the fast lane going well over the limit followed him for a good 20 minutes before he quickly went in the right lane slowed down and pulled behind me then he turned on his sirens i was following an unmarked police car the pigeon strategy doesn't even make any sense if you're behind them you're easier to pull over okay i am not a cop the car was not unmarked that's why this is so are you freaking kidding me scene bridge over the interstate left lane enters the interstate middle and right lane go on down the road cop sitting in right lane with lights on as he sometimes does nearly the entire bridge is solid white line for that left turn lane to prevent people trying to cut in at the last moment for people who don't realize and have missed the turn there is a very easy u-turn area right past the bridge some prick who i would have sworn was blind if not for the fact he was driving a car was at the end of that long wait for the left turn he shoots into the middle lane cutting me off drives the length of the bridge and pulls up to the light in the middle lane and stops puts on his left turn signal i am stuck behind him as he waits for the entire light no one is letting this dumb freaking this isn't that kind of city and he clearly just didn't want to wait his turn not to mention the whole solid white line and easy u10 area after the light he could have just gone past the light and pulled a u-turn there is a designated space for it but no siree bob not good enough for him so i am sitting there having waited the entire length of the green light for this prick oh and the reason the line wasn't moving is the left arrow had gone red 20 seconds before he pulled his [ __ ] baggery looking between the now yellow light and the cop who is staring at this guy the light turns reed the guy then proceeds to very slowly pull out and turn left from the middle lane going through the red light the look of utter incredulity on the cops face as he turned on the siren and immediately pulled him over will be with me forever still pee he made me miss the light though the justice boner was worth it though two unmarked cop cars busted me doing donuts in an empty snowy parking lot when i was 18. they were in the far corner and i didn't think much of it after a few minutes of driving like an idiot they finally flipped the lights on and drove over they kinda laughed at me and gave me a stern talking to but let me go that's the right kind of policing you weren't putting anybody in danger good on them if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 47,412
Rating: 4.9209728 out of 5
Keywords: undercover cop, undercover cop in the hood, undercover cops, are you kidding me, police, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: BNQ0Bjf9hs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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