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gun meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we are out here on the san antonio river walk you know we're away from the studio right now but that's no excuse the gun memes wait for no man woman or androgynous beings you know who you are the people that we had to change the new 4473s for but as of the topic of this gun meme review i'm sure you guys have already seen atf's coming after pistol braces again and just when gun owners were starting to think that we were safe from new restrictions on arm braces and such yeah atf kind of went screwed that all up who's pee pee's up on the chopping block this time well none other than q uh with the sugar weasel and the honey badger the atf has officially come out and targeted the honey badger and the sugar weasel braces as of possible violations of the national firearms act or the nfa because it is 2020 and fun is illegal now real quick i do just want to give a huge shout out to a big supporter of ours acre gold it's a great currency alternative on top of lots of lead and brass so if you want to check them out go ahead and check them out in the links in the description and in the pin comment without further ado let's get to the means company tries to comply with ever shifting atf opinions atf legal department it's illegal but we can't tell you why it's now an sbr go to jail it's fine for now we were just kidding when we approved you if you've been in the gun community for longer than a couple of years you probably remember the armbrace fiasco it's legal no it's not it's lego but you can't shoulder it no shouldering it's fine no you can't yes you can proving that the atf has just about as much logical consistency as a 90 year old dementia patient washington dc in response to public demand for efficient services and clarified gun rules atf promotes magic eight ball to director of firearms and ammunition technology division honestly at this point i'd probably prefer that at least i know a [ __ ] eight ball doesn't have an agenda atf no bicycle riding no rollerblading no roller skating no skateboarding no scooter riding gun owners unicycle just basically where this whole arm brace thing came from it kind of goes like this in the cycle if you haven't seen it before atf makes up a stupid rule or has to enforce a stupid rule gun companies figure out a way to comply with that rule while also getting what they want as well in this case armbrace you know not technically a stock so it doesn't violate the nfa but you could use it for a similar purpose atf cracks down on it we find something else atf cracks down on that we find something else it's the same thing with the bump stocks and the binary triggers and whatnot just finding a way to reach just circumvent the laws to get what we wanted anyway while also still complying with the rules that we were given which is what makes this entire thing completely [ __ ] weird because for arm braces the atf really won't give a [ __ ] definition of what does and does not comply it's just like shaking that [ __ ] eight ball when you send it into the tech division it's like looks just the same as all the other braces on the market but is it a stock this time ah who knows and of course the atf has refused to clarify because no they're bureaucrats you said it's a pistol right yes but now it's suss i knew we're gonna have some [ __ ] among us memes in here that that has just completely taken over pop culture for whatever [ __ ] reason it's a fun game though gun owners in 2020 pistol brace man that's what you get for complying with our laws thankfully it's not a pistol brace ban yet in fact there's actually some fairly positive news on that front it was actually just released that there is now a stay on the cease and desist that the atf put out on the q armbrace basically saying they got enough political pressure that for the next 60 days they're putting a stay on the stay that they put on cue if that makes any [ __ ] sense that's because enough of you guys actually gave a [ __ ] contacted your congressman contacted the people in charge contacted people at the nra who actually and showed up and together we're actually able to put pressure in the right places and put pressure on the people that actually politically kind of agree with us let them know that this was something that we actually cared about so good good on you guys when the nra actually stands with sb tactical and q to fight the atf well well well if it ain't the invisible and we had to bleep that for whatever reason uh because for whatever reason youtube puts on the same level that they put and look guys i don't make the rules i i just comply with them until you change the rules again my life is starting to make sense throwing this one in there because i said that we have to do a marty robbins meme every time we do gun meme review now and i want to try to stick to that honey badger ballads and trail songs marty robbins including classics like big iron sbr blues atf ruckus handful of pistol braces and hangers they're hanging me tonight constitution's call don't infringe my rights running gun el paso it's a pistol-ish freedom blues tannerite and booze come and take it boogie atf's demise it's a stock not a brace atf bs extended edition regardless of your opinion on the whole defund the police movement i think we can all get behind defund atf [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you're cool and [ __ ] you i'm out especially the f portion no problem with the a's and the t's clearly have no problem with a's but the f's are at least constitutionally guaranteed come to think of it they had to amend the constitution when they tried to get rid of a as well so i guess that works out so you're ready for [ __ ] to get weirder so i was talking kevin burningham on the phone yesterday is the owner of q and he let me in on a couple things that i wasn't previously aware of one of them being that there was actually a stay for for lack of a better word on reevaluating braces probably why we haven't heard too much in the our braces legal aren't they legal in a very long time for the love of [ __ ] stop writing opinion letters it's legal until you ask and they say no so stop writing the [ __ ] letter you boy scout the way these couple of guys within the atf and i know i'm gonna get a [ __ ] audit just for saying this on the internet the way they're trying to get around this in a super shady way is they're not actually going out and evaluating braces anymore they're waiting until something you know potentially criminal shows up traffic stop anything where someone is in possession of one of these braces and then they're using that to say that oh there's press well look look here well we just got this you know crime scene and uh well now we can evaluate it because this is this was in possession by by someone who committed a crime or something along those lines which leads me to my favorite part of this entire ordeal based on a prior ruling uh the atf basically recommended you didn't go over 13 and a half inches for length of pull on a braced pistol when the atf came out with all this horseshit i mean the ruling they tried to claim that the honey badger was 13 and 9 16 inches see a problem with that that's right the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms the branch of government responsible for understanding technical aspects of firearms and ruling what is and is not in compliance with the law can't operate a [ __ ] tape measure he was actually released the solidworks uh evaluation here where they're able to measure from point a to point b determining length of pull which is from the trigger to the of course the the back of the brace it's not even [ __ ] close probably because their tape measure is sideways which is not in compliance with the way that they said to measure it uh i'm on a soapbox now just goes to show how easy it is for some of these lifelong government bureaucrats to [ __ ] up our lives and the lives of people running companies working for these companies and beyond that it has bigger implications within the gun community as a whole there are millions of braces in circulation now and one government bureaucrat gets a wild hair up their ass and now there are millions of felons freshly minted overnight it's that easy i know you guys don't like when i get political too much but seriously this is one of those things where you really have to give a [ __ ] contact your local representatives tell them that this is something that matters to you because that's the sort of way we're gonna fight this i'm gonna leave some links in the description and in the pinned comment you can go ahead and reach out directly make us think about it atf tries to ban a pistol brace contradicting their own guidelines and making people possible fallons atf fed boys upgrade several gun groups and thousands of gun owners write their congressmen and the doj about your [ __ ] and now you're under scrutiny for it [ __ ] go back just a reminder that bureaucracies are made out of people people who can be held accountable for their actions anyway soapbox over stepper's gonna step close out this meme thread with game of thrones you gonna die for a pistol brace someone is i rate this meme 13.335 for the honey badgers actual [ __ ] length of pull anyhow let's get into some other gun memes before i have a literal stroke scott from kentucky ballistics has been confirmed as the guy from the math problems does that guy seriously need 62 watermelons a concerned customer that's right you remember that fourth grade math test that you failed it's all scooter's fault property owners hey bug boys there are all these riots in my town can't you help stop them poop boys can't man my mom said no that's a whole separate issue for a whole different day i've been on a political soapbox too much this episode i'm just gonna slide right on by that swipe left ah name that pokemon doof doofdoof i'm a child i know i saw that and i laughed out loud come on you can picture the noise too you know it well you can't picture the noise because uh you can't picture noise you can imagine the noise though i need a nap that face your non-gun friend makes when they have their first malfunction i'm sorry i i'm an ak guy i don't understand this meme me having a good time in texas the fear of matt killing you i don't know maddie boy's losing his window here i've been in texas for like what almost three weeks now beginning to think he's a little bit off his game i'm gonna go to drive tanks in a couple days get right the hell out of the states like i was never here i don't think i haven't seen you guys who are responding to my hashtag don't tell matt with i'm telling matt doesn't seem to be working there bud but i genuinely am enjoying my time in texas and it looks like i'm going to be able to get out of here without any problems get back to the ak factory and get [ __ ] rolling again that just about sums things up for gun meme review thank you guys very much remember to subscribe and press that notification icon because the powers of b really like to suppress us from the algorithm these days it's kind of hurting so it helps us out a lot merch is a thing that we have so if you want to support us there i've got the link in the description and the pin comment and as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] you
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 343,739
Rating: 4.9796071 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, ATF, arm brace, kevin Brittingham, honey badger, sugar weasel, .300blk, SBR, brace, nra, colion noir, meme review, gun meme review, memes
Id: wDZenvIyL7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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