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gun meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we're not gonna talk about that here at timer recording which it's only like 14 hours ago if you're watching this as it goes live we still have no clue how the next four years are gonna go i almost like it better that way one thing's for sure no matter which way this goes it's going to be an absolute train wreck doo doo show for about a month or two that's the last thing i'm going to say about it yar pack your mags with gloves kiddos but not a real note if you're having an anxious week like the rest of us not to fear time for haha funny internet show no gun memes you're always there for me first thing we can talk about is a little bit of news i don't know if you've heard but because of things we won't say because we've been actually getting monetized lately the varus shot show has been canceled which sounds like horrific news for the gun industry if you've never been to shot show i personally still kind of enjoy shot show but for a lot of industry professionals this is a breath of fresh air especially to your liver so for one lonely week in january gun industry people are going to have to [Music] perform absurd acts of bachanalia somewhere else if you don't know what i'm talking about yeah we got some memes for that shot show 11 a.m shot show at 8 pm shot show at 3 a.m shot show at 8 00 am repeat for about five days honestly you have no idea how little sleep your body can function with for a week straight until you've been to zhancho you have to be up and ready for the show at 9am and the parties don't end until about three you do the math on that one and that's not including all the [ __ ] that happens after hours and of course the hour long ubering either way also i'm not going to mention who's in those photos if you know you know and if you don't know i'm not killing my monetization for you because google is cracking down i'll give you a hint his daddy can't seem to piece together a sentence to save his life and might be very unfortunately relevant for the next four years come on man shot shows cancelled see nobody cares honestly i know a lot of people were predicting this ahead of time yeah there's a lot of talk about this or they're like oh the way to the election whatever no didn't even need to they were saying that they were going to social distance at shot show have you ever been to shot show also pretty sure if you've been a shot show you're immune to any viruses out there anyway that's actually not true cancellation of 2021 shot show tiggers really triggers sharp uptick in demand for homeless shelters from las vegas cocaine dealers yeah shot show after about 2 am gets really dark and it just now occurred to me how so many people are able to function on so little sleep nose blasting nose blasting the saiyans expo center colorized january 2021 spirit halloween this is made even better because the caption says this looks a lot like full conceal headquarters i'm told they're finally out of business if you don't remember who full concealed was they were the company that was doing those ridiculous erector set folby glocks which is how you'd say goldilocks if you were dyslexic i don't have any particular animosity toward this company of course i just always thought it was kind of a dumb idea we have kydex holsters it's uh it's it's really not that hard full concealed declares bankruptcy oh no anyway that was actually my exact reaction i was like i looked it up real quick i'm like did they actually oh yeah they did moving on they also they also might be the only gun company that has failed in the entire year of rona riots election season this is like playing bingo if all of the spaces were the free space and they still went out but alas to full conceal you will be missed by someone i'm pretty sure but you know who's not out of business us and that's thanks to our sponsor goat guns go guns make great desk ornaments toys and or weapons for your cat and or dog they've been a shoe supporter of the channel we definitely want to give them some love so if you want to check them out in the link in the description and comment we would greatly appreciate it i'm sure they would greatly appreciate it as well on to the gun memes stonk military slang now a concentrated artillery bombardment a mortar stone stonks i'll never be able to think of a stonk sky the same ever again those stonks going up are actually lockheed martin sending 66 millimeters of profit in any direction when you pick up your semi-auto belt fed from your ffl yeah yeah of course with the sot that's not really a problem but you know hey actually no for on a real note that's always bothered me like semi-auto belt beds to me are just complete sacrilege i wanted to get them so many times or even before the ffl like the dsa like rpd that was uh semi-auto and you know of course by 39 belfat i thought it was like the coolest thing but just every time i saw one shoot ugh it hurts a part of your soul it's like having a lamborghini aventador but the stick is welded in first gear it looks the same as the cool one but good luck getting out of the walmart parking lot these days belt feds may also be useful for getting out of the walmart parking lot when they tell you that you can't shoot at enemy personnel with the 50 but you can attempt damage this is so poorly written but you can attempt damage their equipment so you aim for their helmet straps proof read your means i have to decide if i'm illiterate having a stroke you're having a stroke you're illiterate it's a rollercoaster of emotions for me alright when you're taking a piss and realize your urethra is rifled like your rifle [Music] a lot of you probably have pristine rifling because it's only been dry fired which is acceptable because it's now no nut november i've already failed i lost all my guns in a boating accident feds aquaman it's interesting the atf might have found the only use for aquaman i've ever actually thought of i really wonder how sick of all these boating accident memes the atf actually is we have totally [ __ ] over the one guy who actually did lose a bunch of guns in a boating accident it's like dog at your homework that [ __ ] will never fly now me when i realized the ammo panic has only just begun this is all just so tires yeah i feel you man that's uh one of those things i really don't have a lot of advice for right now i guess the way i started to look at it is no matter what how the next four years go for you is entirely dependent on yourself at the end of the day who's sitting on top of the hill in washington has a little bit to do with your life but you control the rest of it so it's a little bit more fruitful to focus on things that you can control at least that's the way i look at it also gun so if you guys recall we did a video kind of talking about the forgotten weapons super cursed ak completely destroyed crank kit really brought a tear to my eye and we offered in that video the owner wanted to reach out we would rebuild it for free got an update on that one i have it this thing is every bit as bad as we thought it was and uh we're definitely gonna be doing a video bringing it back to its uh former glory gonna build this thing up the way god and mikhail intended so i'm looking forward to that one i'm sure a lot of you guys are too that just about wraps up this episode of gun meme review i appreciate it guys if you aren't subscribed already be sure what are you doing man go ahead and click that subscribe button and click the notification bell if you want a prayer in hell of youtube actually sending you out notifications when we upload i appreciate your support guys and i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video gone meme review let me do that again that was a weird voice thing you don't know what i'm talking about oh we got some moves for the [ __ ] it looks like the same gun but good luck getting out of the walmart parking lot or let me say the same thing when they tell you you can't shoot at enemy personnel with the 50 but you oh [ __ ] how do i do that in a way that sounds like i haven't jerked off for the entire month
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 288,161
Rating: 4.974113 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, gun meme review, meme review, memes, gun memes, pewdiepie
Id: HgioPw7-DRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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