Yeet Cannon is CANCELLED

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I do want to point out before we get out any further that my comments section is literally a plague that has now infected random herrera's comment section as well love you guys thank you for commenting if you guys are wondering how to help out well first off the biggest support of the channels done meme review that's right you sexy mother lovers who are officially so vile that Papa Grantham has to mention you in a video about frickin bolt guns hope you're happy with yourselves that's for that reason that I'm going to be drinking through today's episode of gun meme review which is coincidentally sponsored by LED slingers whiskey it is actually not matt best give me a call back please don't want to obstruct the label there alright let's do this I also wanted to take this moment to wish you sexy [ __ ] and happy 4th of July bet you didn't think we were gonna do a video on the 4th of July that's because we didn't we filmed this ahead of time because what is it noon noon Eastern Time I am already passed out on a bunch of cheap wine coolers so you guys have a happy and safe 4th of July so something that I guess I have to talk about here on gunman review is the gun meme to end all gun memes that ripped its way through social media the last couple of weeks and yes we are going to be talking about that name here on gun meme review so I guess strap yourselves in for another great episode of gun meme review as we tackle the heat cannon in the room so here's a little bit of gun meme history for you High Point firearms which is basically a meme in itself released a contest for their new 9-millimeter called name the 9 and of course the internet had a field day and I would probably say about 90% of the choices that were voted on were not serious ones but the winner far and above all the rest was the yc9 or the heat cannon 9 millimeter at 556 entries if head and shoulders above the rest and a high point even acknowledged the fact that this was the major contenders the yc9 and the mean pages kind of took an interest because you know that's something that everybody got behind they're like yes make high point name their new gun the heat cannon well high point firearms then later kind of stepped in it because they released a new list of things that people could vote on and yc9 was nowhere to be found this set the internet on fire everybody was getting in on the heat cannon mean it was the one time I've ever seen the gun community band together about anything and it was a damn heat cannon I don't know what the hell's going on with this time line but I'll be damned if it's not entertaining so we're gonna be going over a couple of the you can it means because of course high point disqualifies yc9 everyone that wasn't very cash money of you well glad we finally get to use this mean it's one of my favorite mean templates ever high point naming a gonna eat cannon isn't very professional also high point well you can never accuse high point of not knowing their target audience if I was ever going to buy a high point which if they named it a you can and I absolutely will I would want it in the dollar dollar bill y'all texture that's just obvious urban camouflage right there the Instagram gun community you can yc9 yeah that's basically what it turned into that was my entire feed so I don't know where I was or if I was conscious at the moment but as soon as I came back to my Instagram feed it was just littered everybody was posting about this stuff it was insane I would have hate to have been the high point social media guy having to explain to his boss exactly what the hell was melting down on social media and apparently they had to explain to them what heat meant I look like all you need oh you don't look like a high point you heat cannon 9 I really hope he just ironically posted that below I would have loved to see her at Google that fiasco now I don't have a yet cannon hohoho I would like to see an alternate cut of diehard or instead of beretta m9 on his back Bruce Willis just pulls out of you can i watch that theatrical release for sure gun ownership is important a free society heat cannon Boogaloo get heated on during the Bogalusa my god this is uh that was that was what my Instagram feed looked like for at least three days and I'm not gonna say I didn't enjoy it but God that had to have been a weird three days for somebody who was just kidding into the firearm community but alas somebody at high point is actually listening to us poor poor meme hungry peons and they enough to post a little bit later saying that they had forgotten about the heat cannon and they actually meant to post it up in a later poll or whatever they were saying it was after immediately saying that they weren't going to call it a you can and saying oh no we still were but we forgot about it I don't know I I it's it's high point I have no idea but yes Youth cannon was back on the docket and the internet was ready to vote on it and the memes just got crazier and crazier and of course that led to every ar-15 company and just a bunch of just random companies all jumping on the bandwagon to make a buck anyway yeet cannon nine or yc9 immediately won the popular vote and I am very much hoping that High Point actually follows through with it but that leads me around to the first ever declaration of a dead mean by the power vested in me by a gun main review and you sorry heads I am declaring the heat cannon meme officially dead sorry guys it was funny for like the first two days or like maybe twelve hours and then I immediately got sick of seeing it my feed let it die let it die peacefully not like Star Wars with their new trilogy alright let's see what my discord team at DeGeneres has cooked up for me today oh yeah thought we'd throw in some some of the memes you guys make about me some of the ones that we can show seriously might just chords are really weird nobody's born cool except of course night for snitch a you are the best and I'm amazed by how many people would not get your username thanks buddy different cultures interpretations of Jesus truly beautiful I really don't know how I feel about being included with Ian the actual gun Jesus Papa Koran thumb and Keanu Reeves but I've kind of got a boner about it right now now I feel weird about the crucifixion comment I made earlier don't actually crucify me guys that would be very not cash money of you so thank you for those of you who make non NSFW memes of me you guys Rock move on to some of the other stuff we get today he put out like an anti-vaxxers kid he missed all of his shots and then died oh that one's gonna cause some controversy in the comments teacher we're going to the tech museum today girls ah so boring the boys oh my god so that I love this meme beyond the obvious joke there's actually another joke in this probably about 20% of you guys get it and if you do the love of God don't spoil it in the comment section I just want to leave all these people confused because that is genuinely funny that's a good history joke whoever made that may + or if you're like me come see - in history cuz I was awful at being a student really bad what would you do if you found me and your gun safe well haha got to put down my drink for this one what I do if I found you in my gun safe well begone thought that I probably bleached my gun safe make sure you didn't touch anything it's probably get diseases I can't pronounce do you even fast reload ah so you might want to be careful with that one because you're like 45 degrees on each mag away from them and windmill of friendship over there or so next week on The Walking Dead AR pistol in a modified cowboy boot digicam kill Skechers with the white sock wearing Rafiki pole for support because he carrying the whole damn Second Amendment on its back oh the worst part is I don't think I would have noticed that's a modified cowboy boot unless it pointed it out specifically that's hilarious and I kind of want to make one I I'm not even mad at this point that is a level of resourcefulness that I just got that's missing from these newer generations you boomers really had it figured out me showing my friends my gun collection explaining guerrilla warfare tactics yeah you definitely want to wait until after the second date for that one ask me how I know but if you ban abortions women will just get them illegally gun owners hey I've seen this one yeah that's always funny to me honestly like so people say it about abortion but they also say it about drugs too is like the Republicans will just say like oh I'm anti pot I'm anti all this stuff is like okay so you think that banning guns will create a black market but banning drugs that's just fine that's okay if you ban something that people want you're creating a black market so also flipping that other to the other side you think that banning drugs is just gonna create a black market but banning guns is okay even though I can literally make it with you know a bunch of schedule 80 pipe in a pink rummel when you're watching John wick 3 and you hear a kid say oMG is the guy from fortnight Ernie prepares to commit a hate crime God if I heard that the movie theater I don't first of all I hate it when people talk in tears and I hate it when people are on their phone in theatres right I've got to be one of those guys that's just like the most irritable dude to go to a theatre with because if you're doing anything that attracts from the movie experience I'm imagining 30 ways to kill you in my head but if some kids said that like Hello cigar from fortnight ah I've heard that in my comment section to my blog too immediately you know you honestly think everyone should be able to buy machine guns well yes so like uh so I fall in kind of a weird side of this it's like I obviously think every gun laws an infringement but what annoys me more than gun laws is gun laws that make no sense like 922 R makes no sense suppressors being an NFA item when you can go out and buy an air 15 that can do just the same amount of damage loudly you could just buy off-the-shelf like that makes no sense to me like they regulate things they don't understand heat shields in California bad thing pistol grips bad rifles good pistol grips bad seriously on the machine-gun note you can as a civilian owned a machine gun it just has to be made before 1986 because apparently the ones made before 1986 are safer than the ones out there today clearly so I can buy a minigun that was made before 1986 but I can't buy a full-auto Ruger 10/22 that was made in 2008 I don't I don't like yeah it's actually going to Lance when the RSO tells me to stop turning off the lights at the indoor range because so I can shoot with my noodles no I don't think I will that's funny and I feel really bad for the guys who have to shoot it indoor ranges I know that shooting outdoors is not something that a lot of people can do but god I hate indoor ranges am I the only one that hates indoor ranges like I really can't stand them just everybody with a muzzle break if you run a muzzle break in an indoor range I hate you I legitimately hate you as a human because you have no regard for my entire sinus cavity and not having a TBI when I'm next to you in the lane next door I'm suddenly realizing why we don't include drinking and gun meme review and I don't care Jesus told us treat poor people as if they were him oh my god why why would you choose that one also by Arsenal six one six first of all personal six one six is fire apparently when the Boogaloo kicks off and you don't have a plate carrier but your buddy does dude you're in front genuinely funny I appreciate the use of Marvel means and I feel really bad I don't have my Tony Stark glasses right now which is always funny because people ask me like where do you get your glasses I'm like there's six bucks in Amazon it's literally just a knockoff speaking of which we are going to be giving away to the a kg notification squad a pair of my knockoff Tony Stark glasses so if you've been looking at the videos and seated well let me go ahead and get them real quick I guess that makes more sense so if you've seen in the videos or photos on Instagram my totally knockoff Tony Stark glasses and you are interested in having a pair I literally have a pair for my car for my house for the shop everywhere they're literally like six dollars in Amazon but I am going to be giving one away to the H hashtag AKG notification squad as well as like a little you know personalized letter because I could leave up if you don't know what the AKG notification squad is that is for thief the guys that basically hit the bell icon so they get a notification that the videos come out and can comment in the first hour of a video being posted with something regarding a hashtag AKG notification squad so if you get that out in the first hour you will automatically be entered into winning whatever swag we're giving away this week whether that is t-shirts or you know glasses that I wear whatever it's just little stuff I've given away like a k-50 test brass different stuff like that so that's something that we started to kind of try to encourage you guys to get in early and kind of comment and engage on the video so if you like that idea go ahead and you know keep saying so in the comments and I appreciate you guys and I will see you sexy [ __ ] in the next video I'm gonna go black out I'll see you guys later also remember to have a very safe fourth of July be careful with your fireworks and for the love of God don't go home with anybody below a 5 below it for I'll see you guys on Monday or to Greece alrighty well [ __ ] right that was the intro that I gave me it's actually not bad at all oddly enough I've never had net slingers whiskey before I don't mind this I don't mind this at all and I know a lot of people are gonna yell at me for bitching out and putting ice in my whiskey but you're not my supervisor so deal with it and that's [ __ ] up that's really [ __ ] up especially the Afro mentioned wipe this is like the crucifixion special what the [ __ ] is up with this gun main review the crew that's like that's just the New Testament the crucifixion special oh that's I feel like I'm going to hell for that one look you Jesus apparently oh yeah I can't well no no I'm his Oh [ __ ] damn it
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 687,750
Rating: 4.9234457 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, vlog, guns, gun, startup, Meme review, Gun meme review, Yeet, Yeet Cannon, Hipoint, Yc9, Yc 9, Hi-point, Canceled, Pewdiepie, MrBeast, Memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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