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gun name review what is up you sex a YouTube mother lovers we are back it is the first Thursday in May which means gun meme review but also means we are in level 5 of Jumanji this month's prize murder Hornets I really don't know how or why these are a thing I don't really think I care I'm just kind of rolling with the punches on this one at this point but as of course we expected them to the AR guys are already trying to attach them to their budget Andersen's but there is a lot to talk about a lot of sad things I'm afraid for our Canadian brothers but before we get right into the means it's like I said the last gonna be in review we're desperately trying to get a liquor sponsor so this one is a local company gold leaf vodka hopefully one of them just decides to pick us up we're done going after the big brands for now trying to go for smaller ones we'll go for anything hmm this is really proven I could be bought pretty easily speaking of which that leads us to this week's sponsor la es concealment le s concealment is a high quality holster company here in the United States that does not just make your typical Kydex holsters holsters like their Ronin 3.0 are CNC machine for maximum precision which means they can make just about anything interest I personally have one on the way for a Glock 19 but it's a it's not quite here yet because I spent so much time insisting they make one for a Makarov because of course I did I'm not sure if they're gonna go for it but if you want head on over to LA s concealments Instagram page and ask them if they would please make a makarov holster I would love to have the Ronin 3.04 Makarov please and thank you but once again we want to thank le s concealment for being bold enough to sponsor gun me review not a lot of folks will do that so thank you very much let's roll into the means this week's gun means bring us over into politics which I don't normally cover on gun main review but this isn't politics this is dumb as politicians trying to ban guns so it's gun gun means oK you've got that taken care of okay we good all right Prime Minister black face has announced a ban of I think over 1500 types of assault style firearms which apparently includes ar-15 big F's in the chat in the comment section for our Canadian brothers and sisters everyone ok 2020 hasn't been great from almost having World War 3 to the Chinese virus to Kobe's death but I'm sure it'll get better Trudeau's gun ban good day gentlemen I am here to change the future there's no way this dude actually looks like Trudeau at all he's got way too masculine of a jawline there look at that thing the McDonald's wing man yeah it's a sad thing a lot of Canadian guys have actually been hitting me up on Instagram stuff like that and I just I see every every now and then they're talking about like dude I don't know what to do because I think that you have two years to surrender your non-compliant firearms and then they just come to your house and take it because unfortunately our Canadian friends have let it get to that point where they think they do have a registry on all firearms like that and they're going to be going bye-bye so Civil War part 2 maple syrup Boogaloo [ __ ] if you go far enough north you could literally have big igloo I think Canadian Parliament operate though yeah we have the White House they have the big igloo after Canada finally Falls in America is quickly becoming the very last place where a citizen can realistically own an ar-15 the Second Amendment uh-huh I'm in danger I'm not sure that's true I think there are a few other countries where you can actually you can hone air 15's to the I'm sure at least to the degree Canada could because I know it was pretty heavily regulated up there although you could own it still if you're from outside the US and Canada and you can actually own an ar-15 you know some regulations and whatnot aside you can actually own like an air 15 or an aka or something like that let me know in the comments I'm actually I'm curious to see that outside of sambhal yeah you know you guys don't count Who am I kidding you know how they're not know step on syrup excellent Photoshop I think we should start calling him Justine tread Oh from now on you know like don't tread on me Justine because he's a he's a [ __ ] boy tread tread oh he treads he step on syrup come on do a Boogaloo wouldn't that be a son of a [ __ ] our uber polite northern neighbors are the ones who start movin out I could actually see that as a legitimate business model running arms across the Canadian border for legal reasons that's a joke I can already tell that comment is going to age like milk I don't think before I speak guys come on like a dog chasing cars I just do boogaloos sidequest great white north expansionpak hijack the maple syrup supply train and use it to smuggle in freedom fighters rewards fast travel system +30 maple syrup unlocks playable character ghost of John Candy that might be a planes trains and automobiles joke and if it is well done so to sum up the current situation in Canada referring not to the Canadian people but instead the Canadian government the great American long Swanson shares his thoughts dear Canada [ __ ] you the mustache is spoken time to move on seriously guys for the the folks that are watching in Canada we do have a surprising amount of Canadians in the audience that's a tough one guys hopefully things can improve politically up there before that happens I don't really know a lot about the Canadian political system off the top of my head but I'm really hoping that you guys can get it figured out and if not yeah there's really no way I can follow that up and stay on it iced but our thoughts and prayers are with you and if you're a facebook mom that's enough but going back to Boog sidequest memes for a moment do you remember when I first cover those and I had one request one very simple request this formats fine please don't murder it there's a lot of examples I could use for this but I'm gonna use this one cuz you'll see boogaloo sidequest number 420 nice team up with Brandon Herrera to clear the city of any remaining alphabet boys reward gold-plated Kalashnikov unlocks achievement the a k-boys plus 85 boss status plus 99 hair plus 20 Russian the job done on this Photoshop is incredible they went through the effort to crop some of the white background away from that a K and then just gave up same with the eat [ __ ] do drugs shirt and I know somebody is going to clip me sang eat [ __ ] do drugs I will shred it boogaloos side quests have officially turned into well this boo quest six four three six five four - five - five four - four five - four five - yadda yadda gun hahaha ATF funny ha dia yada yada yada yada Yad Li epic foot xD XD XD DD drill had funny +4 virginity - 2 stat or something this is basically what would happen if you took everything under the hashtag gun main review on Instagram right now and fed it to a computer and it spit out its own version of the Boog side quest of me I really enjoyed it when it started now it just kind of makes me sad long story short you killed it me jokes have a punchline and the punchline shouldn't be murder me IRL with family meal online making MOOC means that will haunt me in my nightmares thank you we plenty more memes to go to but you know you guys complain if the gun main reviews aren't as long as you'd like so don't worry I've got you homie but before we get to any of that one last thing that we for sure have to cover before we get to the miscellaneous stuff I love I love grant I mean Garland he's great I don't watch his channel because his videos don't do anything stupid well they're kind of the same [Music] to fight Lucas because I don't think a Lucas has been in a hand hen engagement ever one verse one co D is stupid I want to fist fight him yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes a million times yes this has to happen I will referee this thing [ __ ] it I will be V non roided-out Joe Rogan's narrating the damn thing flannel daddy vs aimbot gun I didn't think I needed it but I do all right boys you know the rules I want a clean fight a fair fight no hits below the belt unless it is funny in which case absolutely send it I totally want to see this play out restraining order this order hereby declares that garand thumb is not to be allowed within 15 feet of Lucas Potkin now I feel like the guy with the stick coconut just come on to a fistfight but that's enough of that time to get to some miscellaneous memes cuz I think we have some good ones the og Karen she tried to destroy her husband's ar-15 but just ended up committing a felony she was trying to make a point and she she cut off the barrel of the ar-15 not realizing she made an instant SBR which is directly violating the NFA Act and yeah I think it's punishable by a quarter million dollar fine or up to ten years in prison which did anybody ever follow up on that or she immune because she's a politician let me know in the comments flood in a mega hat nah millimeters for [ __ ] and small women I carry a 1911 in 35 but I shoot my XD phone if for fun everyone in the gun shop people need to speak does not make you intelligent if you find me in a local gun shop odds are I couldn't get ammo online fast enough what's in the box I'm not even gonna go at this one Hey encore is a good album when I'm walking through the parking garage at 3:00 a.m. with 17 rounds of nine-millimeter Hydra Shok under my Canada goose and a guy in black airforces starts yelling he needs to talk to me for a sec oh that's too bad I'm sorry but you selected the wrong one the black air force's comment is really throwing me off when you connect your completed upper and completed lower and call it a built a are you know I'm something of a gunsmith myself also a joke from our guys forsaken guys if this video gets over a quarter of a million views we will bring back a our guys versus a okay guys I don't want to do that series a lot because it does get all it's the same joke but I don't know kind of our celebration we're going over 400,000 subscribers and yeah kind of fun plus I feel like we have a lot more AR guys in the audience now and the butter it's gonna be great when you've shot tens of thousands of rounds of the cheapest Steelcase [ __ ] you can buy but as soon as you try to video yourself you get all the double feeds I have a question for God them the apocalypse will be utter chaos no laws no cops total anarchy the apocalypse how guys that are afraid to appendix carry has sex they tell it hey how guys who in the past have very poorly appendix carried have sex yeah they can't appendix carries a fantastic option for concealed carry as soon as you can get over the idea that you're basically holding your dick hostage constantly judge anything else the coat hangers gun owners have is not for laundry but for the whoa whoa hey hey that sounds like a great place to end this episode of gun me review thank you guys as always for supporting the channel remember eat healthy tip your waitresses because they're currently going against a government edict to work and I will see you sexy g-tube mother lovers in the next video bye [Music] this is basically what would happen if you took everything under the hashtag AKG note not the hash to Jesus Christ wrong hashtag oh one more time I can do it I promise this is basically what happens if you take the entire hashtag gun meme review on Instagram Instagram no oh okay wait better than that could have been okay thank you this week's gun memes bring us to the great white north where our friends in that frozen tundra of I don't know what's in Canada I don't care I've never cared no that's too oppressive Elias concealment makes high quality holsters for a variety of handguns and they are not your typical Kydex holster they're 100% CNC machine for maximum what maximum quality I guess the Rhoyne Fitness just sounds like its own category of like the Olympics it's only got College elective all right these are the this is the stuff they yeah this is the stuff that can't make it into the video oh yeah I like that voice crack that was nice one of these days I'll make it to puberty I'll take a future Brad stuff I don't know Keiji tardes ji tardes hey kg tardes you got to say GTR yeah all right boo quest six four three six five four two five two five it's literally these five to fifty I thought I was having a stroke for a moment yeah the black air forces comment is really throwing me off the first time I read this really quickly I thought we immediately just threw this away and Nick not going to got a review because I'm like oh that's racial like oh wait no no those are shoes or some [ __ ] Miss Piggy air mentor insult you know if this video gets over quarter of a million dollar per quarter Jesus Christ that's optimistic whoo no more cast dragons for us boys boo quest six four three six five four - five - five - four - four five - four five - first stop first try damn it it all goes at the end I guess
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 521,554
Rating: 4.9345446 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Gun meme review, meme review, Canada, gun ban, Garand thumb, t Rex arms, Lucas Botkin, memes, Boog, big igloo
Id: l0HKJSYczQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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