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gun meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers i'm coming from you of coming from me coming to you from an undisclosed location an undisclosed state all right just don't tell demo ranch okay anyhow we are just getting to the airbnb after an 18-hour drive all the way here but you know what tomorrow or today is thursday and you guys need gun meme review so we're gonna [ __ ] do gun meme review as much as i really don't tend to enjoy politics very much a lot of shit's happened in the last couple weeks since the last gun meme review this news presented entirely without comment regardless of your thoughts of the now former supreme court justice i am very excited to see what becomes of trump's newly nominated supreme court pick especially what that means for second amendment cases on a lot of the cases that are going to be going up to the supreme court specifically on guns especially when the nominee's name is literally [ __ ] barrett speaking of politics i don't really want to talk about did you guys watch the debates because the question is the question is just left will you shut up considering how the rest of it went at this point i'm actually pretty glad they didn't bring up guns but i think there's a couple moments there that have resulted in some pretty decent memes we'll see what becomes of it in the next few days when you're mag dumping your sbr and the range officer asks if it's legal will you shut up man well if you're in the middle of filing your nfa paperwork i will make it illegal franklin armory buys bushmaster for several million dollars me who bought my bushmaster for 600. don't ever use the word smart with me i prefer buying the companies that aren't shittier in all seriousness i hope this works out really well for franklin armory they've been hit or miss on some of their stuff but they usually have really innovative ideas i'm genuinely looking forward to what becomes of this buyout hopefully the tooling is useful for them if not they made a bad deal all right but now we got the politics out of the way up front time to move into the meat and potatoes and the donut but before we do that time to thank this episode's sponsor and also the reason why we're currently not staying in a motel 6. sponsor of this video is big daddy unlimited big daddy unlimited is a gun ammo and gun accessory subscription service that's basically like the costco or the sans club of the gun world depending on which youtubers you watch it's where you can find great deals on all the aforementioned items that youtube absolutely hates so i won't say them again but you can find the links down in the description and in the pin comment and we're going to be going down and spending some time with them at the epic shoot i think next month always a good time seeing that crew we appreciate their support for us and the support of other gun channels if you want to show them some love back definitely sign up in the link in the description of the pinned comment and you will have exclusive access to the best trade deals in the history of getting trade deals and who knows your dad might come back what's that we can't say that line no you'll still get good deals anyway thanks to big daddy unlimited let's get back to the memes so a few days ago my buddy donut operator was holding a sign in a photo that says military experience does not equal law enforcement experience stunning and brave right not sure i could have expected the pushback on that considering those are two totally different [ __ ] professions tack swap but anybody who's been on the internet for longer than a few days knows exactly what happened next you're holding a sign people are gonna photoshop it donut even jumped ahead of the curb and posted out the template himself so why shouldn't we use it what happened over the next 24 hours made the drive to texas very interesting get white claw to sponsor at real brandon herrera white claw gets a free crown vic if they do i couldn't agree more my friend excuse me logo facing out rich the only communism i like is in my gun safe yeah it's in my gun safe and on my office wall and on the floor usually on a couch or two currently all over the floor of an airbnb in texas stop asking brandon when the ak-50 comes out it's a personally funded project he can work at his own pace i salute you sir it's really freeing that you know somebody finally understands and you know i've got a lot of obligations that i've got to take care of and just that's pretty much the way this is going to work i love the project to death i will get it done i just at my own pace it's why i never took pre-orders this really makes me feel good that some people out there do understand and [ __ ] immediately after that ak-50 update please that was the most short-lived happiness i've had in a long pretty much ever since i found out megan fox had those like toe thumbs if you're not familiar pause new tab brandon herrera secretly loves the ar-15 yeah that's that's real cute coming from a guy whose favorite full auto friday gun is an ak not just an ak and io ak you're perpetually a few hundred rounds away from turning full auto friday into frag grenade friday i o i o it's going to [ __ ] blow i o i o i o i o forgot how much i like disney parodies i might do another one on monday i call dibs on the ak-50 if brandon dies i love if like it's implied i could be immortal i asked donut to help me with matt and scott and instead he's calling tips on my [ __ ] and i'm sure a lot of you guys who clicked on the video know about donut or are fans of donut and so i thought it'd be cool to get him in on the video so donut you want to be a part of gun meme review like a guest part and gun meme review to be quite frank my hair is starting to look a lot better than yours so i'm just gonna have to skip that one buddy all right let's just reel that on back um cut now that we're done with that rapid fire rapid fire gun memes 2012 sweet build bro 2014 decent start buddy 2016. bro you you need to upgrade to dick mod 2018 bro you using stolen wi-fi to post this you [ __ ] poor 2020. i would rather murder my firstborn than own that living embodiment of the welfare state gun owners have gotten a lot more aggressive about this i've noticed there's no such thing as the starter rifle anymore there's no base model you either start mid-tier or you're [ __ ] poor oh wait it's always been true men really think it's okay to live like this no whoa whoa whoa whoa nobody said it's okay to live like this okay that couch is [ __ ] hideous do you know how much ammo you could fit there also when i said i wanted to go bar hopping that's not what i meant but i'm not disappointed my praying grammar come on me praying that my ammo order doesn't get cancelled the bass pro fulfillment center employee what the [ __ ] is this original image yeah you know that shit's getting sold out the back of the truck to his friends before that [ __ ] even hits the shelf completely unrelated if any of you work at a bass pro fulfillment center please dm me i'm just kidding that's a joke no it's not standard home defense hardcore home defense [ __ ] scary home defense [ __ ] scarier home defense depends on your order of operations [ __ ] scary home defense is throwing that flashbang and then attacking with an axe [ __ ] scarier is just going in straight with the axe and then just celebrating with a flashbang afterwards also jesus christ hardcore home defense you've got a [ __ ] magnifier on the optic how big's your goddamn house me does several mag dumps on my vector to test the new suppressor my subdivision's neighborhood watch emergency meeting yeah it seems like you need a better suppressor speaking of suppressors we gonna quietly yeehaw the silent howdy dude this makes me want to get back into cowboy guns i like cowboy against a lot i might be doing a video on that next thursday but seriously leopard cats are just cool i think they're neat my hands look like this so hers can look like that card declined plot twist both of our hands look like that and in the case that you actually don't share a bank account with your significant other that just implies you're stealing her debit card necessary tools against the koof that some countries use usa france italy north korea that's why cases in the u.s and pretty much all over the world continue to gradually rise while north korea pivots back and forth between zero one zero one zero one zero one me it's medicinal cop well first of all that's a belt-fed machine gun i promise officer i have a prescription from dr ron paul plus the belt-fed machine gun's just a cure for my depression it's amazing how far technology has come polish remover 1940 polish remover 2020 spa ah the mp40 the original ghetto blaster that joke is terrible and i will burn in hell wasser every other akm i'm gonna tell you the joke on this one this one's for us ak guys see we get to enjoy little in jokes like this ar guys btfo roses are red the big red is on fire can you shoot off a tire boot without popping your tire i mean uh it's not funny no i'm not paranoid about being in the same state as matt why why do you ask look it's gonna be a quick in and out okay i'm only here for the build courses collash bash maybe pop into drive tanks or something like that and then i'm out of here he'll never know i was even in the state hashtag don't tell mad i mean do like uh like i don't care completely unrelated um i'm gonna make sure all the doors are locked and just kind of you know patrol the perimeter but remember if you have a good gun meme or you see a good gun meme that you're totally cool with shamelessly stealing put it on reddit on our slash brandon herrera or go to instagram under hashtag gun meme review and has a chance of being featured if it's good enough anyhow guys that just about wraps this up if you want to go help us out and support us the merch is down there in the description and in the pinned comment remember hashtag akg notification squad if you do get here and comment in the first hour of an upload you'll be entered to win some of the merch that is down there at bunker branding we appreciate your support remember to subscribe and click that notification bell it helps us and it helps you be a part of our notification squad so anyways guys i appreciate it and i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 427,920
Rating: 4.9668021 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, meme review, gun meme review, donut, donut operator, presidential debate, memes, Supreme Court, the AK guy, AK guy, Big daddy unlimited, Garand thumb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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