Assassins Creed Valhalla - 10 Best Weapons YOU NEED TO GET!

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hidden within the depths of england and norway are some of the most secret weapons that you can find in assassin's creed valhalla and while there is a ton of unique weapons that you will come across along your journey none are quite like what you will find in this video as today we are going to be covering 10 flawless or mythical rarity weapons that you can find in assassin's creed valhalla starting with the legendary spear once wielded by odin himself known as gangner now odin spear is one of the most unique weapons that you will find in the game as it comes with the perk where the spear's reach is extended by a force field and boy can you notice that force field when in combat not only is this force field very noticeable when in combat but also when the spear sits on your back it gleams with this strange kind of glow making it even more awesome now again going back to its perk because of this it makes it one of the best melee weapons to use at range i mean spears in general have a great reach so extending that even further is only a recipe for success especially if you juggled this with another spear anyway how do you get this weapon well to be able to find gangner you'll need to be near the end of the game and have completed most of these story arcs and provinces in england that are shown on your alliance map you need to do this all the way until you get to a story arc known as a brother's keeper this is where your brother sigurd will ask you to return with him to norway to a region known as hordefilk now i'll try to avoid spoilers as much as possible here but essentially this story arc will take you to a secret cave called going heller and you'll have to do a few quests here to cut it short once you have completed those quests in this cave and essentially completed this story arc it will take you back to your settlement from there if you simply travel back to norway and make your way through the same cave again and this time take a left instead of where the quest would normally lead you which is to the right through the big door at the end of the left side of the cave is where you will find gangnia lodged into the side of a wall a true mythical weapon in all its glory and definitely one you guys should pick up when you are far enough through the story but now let's move on to a weapon you can actually get a little earlier on and this is known as lagatha's axe this two-handed danax is the prized weapon of the famous shield maiden lagatha he was the first wife of ragnar lothbrok so you can expect this one to be pretty damn good now the weapon itself comes with a perk that increases your crick or hit damage when surrounded by more than three enemies at once making this a great weapon to use especially for the late game it's also one of the few axes in game that definitely comes in that flawless rarity now to get this weapon you'll need to head to a location known as house steads which can be found in the province of jorvik shaya in this location on the map once here you will find a building that is covered in snow and is blocked by a stone wall now of course you'll need to blow out that stone wall to get inside and usually this can be done by finding and launching an explosive oil jar at it but unfortunately i couldn't find an oil jar anywhere in this location so a good workaround for this is to use the ability known as incendiary powder trap you can get this ability quite early on in the game and if you don't have it yet i'll leave a link in the description below that will show you where to get it anyway once you have blown out the hole in the wall simply walk inside and you'll find a chest to which lageta's flawless danax resides definitely a great weapon for you guys to pick up and now let's talk about a weapon i haven't seen literally anyone talk about or show online and this one's called the mark of sull the mark of sol is a flawless predator bow with a perk that increases your ability damage when your health is below 50 it also has plus 20 damage when shooting people in the back also because it's a predator bow you will have that extra boost to headshot damage as well now to get this flawless bow you will need to get your settlement raven's thorpe to level 6 which pretty much means constructing all of the buildings you possibly can and upgrading the ones that have a few stages the cool thing about this though is the fact that it can be done over time as you progress through the game you'll learn some of the levels for completing certain alliances and the rest can be done by collecting building supplies and raw materials that you can find in gold storage containers and for going on raids so just make sure that you are raiding often anyway once your settlement has reached level 6 if you head over to your merchant yanli she will have a special stock that becomes available to you and within that special stuck is the mark of soul predator birth which she will be selling for the core price of 700 silver oh and side note she will also be selling scrolls of knowledge for the exact same price these beautiful things grant you a skill point when bought and she'll be selling a total of five to you once that settlement reaches level six so some extra skill points also await you for doing this anyway to move on to the next weapon now we have vordia's bite so vodia's bite is a flawless two-handed danax that comes with a park where heavy combo finisher hits have a chance to drop a poison cloud that will intoxicate all enemies around you again making this a great weapon to use when fighting in a cluster of enemies as always the weapon view and stats for this will be shown on screen with its notable stats being attack and stun damage and let me tell you this weapon felt like one of the more powerful ones within this video so definitely pick this one up to get this you want to head over to the cabela outpost this can be found in the northeastern region of hamptonshire in this location on the map once here you will find a tunnel that is blocked by a movable shelf and also a stone wall once you move the shelf out of the way simply blow a hole through the wall and make your way inside once inside there will be one more shell food to move out of the way and this will lead you to a room with a golden chest where the vorder's bite resides but while we're on the subject of two-handed weapons let's talk about hemming's flawless axe as this one can be easily missed hemming's axe is another flawless two-handed danex that comes with a perk that increases your heavy damage when below 50 percent health perfect for those playing on the harder difficulties of the game but you will most likely be taking a bit more damage that extra damage boost can definitely help out after all now you pretty much get this weapon as you progress throughout the main story but again it can be easily missed for this you have to have completed the nottinghamshire arc which ends with the tale of two yards once completed if you report back to ranvi and then go into your room and check your mail you'll receive a letter from villi who thanks you for your aid and offers you his father's acts known as heming zak's in return you'll find this perched up against the table simply waiting to be picked up and again while this is something that is just given to you throughout the main story it's definitely something i wanted to mention just in case some of you guys missed it but anyway now moving on to the flawless dagger that is sutengar's claw now the symbols and runes on the handle of this dagger recount the life of sutengar who is the proud yotan who defended his home against odin's malevolence also if i pronounce the name wrong i am incredibly sorry i'm just terrible with pronunciations anyway in my opinion this is one of the better daggers you can find in the game mainly because i just love daggers and the constant stagger of enemies you can get with these things for each hit you land now in terms of the perk it actually increases your critical hit damage after each hit and this can stack up to 10 times and because it's a dagger you'll be able to get this stacked up very quickly now to get this weapon it can actually be found in the western part of winchester in this location on the map once here you will find a hole you can jump down that will lead you through a secret tunnel it's quite a lengthy tunnel but if you make your way all the way through to the very end you'll find a chest to which you'll find sutengar's claw inside definitely a great dagger for you to pick up and that leads us into our next weapon which is the soldier's flail the soldier's flail is a flawless one-handed weapon that comes with a park which increases the weapons speed when your health is at full and the one thing i think we all love about flails is that secondary attack where you just whisk the thing around your head as you just aimlessly run into enemies i love it anyway the soldier's flail can be found in chefnam which is in the western area of hamptonshire in this location on the map once here if you walk into the building and climb all the way to the top on the wooden beams you will find a chest that is hidden in a secret room at the top inside of that chest is where you will find the flawless soldier's flail and if you thought that weapon was good well wait until you see this one as it's now time to talk about the hammer of legend itself being mjolnir yes thor's a legendary hammer mjolnir is actually in the game however it's probably the hardest weapon to obtain on the list to give you the rundown mjolnir is a mythical hammer that comes with a park where every single hit has a 33 chance to do stun damage to all enemies around you and a 100 chance to deal stun damage if you perform a finisher with this thing making it a pretty damn powerful weapon but it can only be wielded by those who are deemed worthy so how do you become worthy enough to obtain this thing well you'll need to obtain all five pieces of thor's a legendary armor and i've actually already done a guide on this so if you don't have his armor yet or don't know how to get it i'll leave a link down below to a full guide on how you can obtain this bear in mind though it is quite a lengthy process anyway once you do have thor's full armor set you will now be deemed worthy to wield the hammer so if you head back over to norway in the region of hordefilk and go to this location on the map and make your way through the mountain you'll come to find that thor's mighty hammer is waiting for you stuck inside of a rock you also get a very cool looking cutscene when you pick it up as well but hey while this weapon takes a long time to get let's move on to something that doesn't take a long time to get and this being the death scold so the death skull is a flawless light bulb that increases your critical chance the lighter you are so if you like to rock a light armor set in the game this bow might just be for you as always the weapon stats will be shown on screen with its notable stats being attack stun damage and its weight now to get this weapon you'll need to head over to the island south of hamptonshire in this location on the map for this you'll be traveling underwater so once you're here if you dive down and head towards the small hole in the wall you will find the chest where this weapon resides to be honest it's going to be very hard to miss this if you're using your odin sight when down here so if you want a quick and easy flawless lipo definitely get your hands on the death scold and to finalize the video we can't leave without mentioning the sword of legend excalibur now excalibur alongside odin spear and mjolnir is one of the secret mythical weapons you can find in this game not only is this weapon really powerful but it also has its own unique isu kind of look going gun and some really cool sound effects to match now to find excalibur you'll first need to collect all 11 secret treasure of britain tablets eight of these can be found in several caverns scattered throughout england and three of them can be found on zealots so let's talk about the locations of the caverns first and then afterwards we'll talk about the zealots bear in mind each cavern will hold a puzzle within it that does need to be solved they are fairly easy to solve on your own but if you do have trouble i'll leave a link to a full guide in the description below anyway the first cavern named the old cellar can be found in the middle of the essex region right here on the map the second name the cavern of trials can be found on the eastern side of kent the third is in the northern region of nottinghamshire right here the fourth can be found in wiccans cave in yorkshire in this location the fifth can be found in the eastern region of sussex in the santa latch mine the sixth is over at the red lychen cave in the eastern part of hamptonshire right here on the map heading on over to the western part of hamptonshire now is where you will find the seventh in a location known as wosek and the final location is known as grimes graves which is in the western part of east anglia in this location on the map anyway onto the zealots now and these are pretty powerful so do keep that in mind the first sellot known as hrafgaar can be found roaming near the high rocks location in sussex killing kim will give you a tablet he or i'm not really sure how you pronounce that is the second zela and you'll find him roaming near agnitum tower in essex and the third zealot known as walden can be found roaming near tonbridge monastery in kent right here on the map again each zealot will drop a tablet when killed and if they don't spawn when you first go here try meditating a few times or fast traveling to and from this location and hopefully they'll eventually spawn for you now obviously this was more of a quick fire guide on these locations so again if you need more details on this check the description below but once you do have all 11 tablets you'll then want to head over to merden's cave in hamptonshire once in the cave if you make your way all the way to the end you'll find a bunch of pillars in which you'll need to place all 11 of the tablets inside once done you can then pull out the legendary excalibur from the stone that it sits in and trust me while this one's quite lengthy it's 100 percent worth it and that's it for the video if you enjoyed the video drop a like down below it's always greatly appreciated and i'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: TwoDynamic
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Keywords: Assassins Creed Valhalla, Assassins Creed Valhalla - Top 10 Rare Weapons YOU NEED!, assassins creed valhalla weapons, assassins creed valhalla best weapons, assassins creed valhalla legendary weapons, assassins creed valhalla secrets, assassins creed valhalla rare weapons, rare weapons, legendary weapons, best weapons, assassins creed, assassins creed valhalla top 10, top 10, rare, legendary, mythical, new, video
Id: ZM_8CPpq0mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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