Asmongold's Powerful Message to Viewers Who Envy His Life

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i envy the lifestyle of asmon gold when i was 16 to 19 my main hobby was just playing wow with my friends i thought though i had school i had plenty of time to play the game and be a solid part of my life experience i regret nothing those were good times but that was more than ten years ago now i have a full-time job and a part-time of mine i have a wife a house to maintain a dog and responsibilities i love it all but at the same time i can't even remember when the last time it was that i could dedicate time to wow and just play games i have to have a d i have a decent computer i have games that i have enjoyed installed but i barely have time to finish even one of them this used to be my main hobby and i can't even name the last game that i saw the end credits for and then i look at asman and the way he can just chill out on life without a care in the world and the amount of self-acceptance of this guy even though he has a life that society tells you over and over again that you should not aspire to his self-acceptance even feels like an act of rebellion it's hypnotizing the way that he can just say he is lazy and has no ambitions and be completely okay with that i barely remember seeing someone with his level of comfort about who he is sometimes when i watch his streams how his life was mostly just playing games and eating junk food and having so few things to care about that i wish that could be me for just a week or two to breathe i cannot play wow the whole day or let my house become a mess for a while or take a break from my job just because i want to without feeling tremendous amount of guilt or serious consequences this man gets to live a life if you can and even though they have worked hard to be where i am now there's a part of me that would trade it all just to have a lifestyle like this listen i live the lifestyle of a fiend and a degenerate nobody should watch my stream and say i want to be like this this animal i like there have been people who have tried izzy tried living with me no mere mortal can live with asthma and gold no it doesn't happen this is this is a fiend this is i am an animal okay my mom yeah my mom's fine right but she's in the other room but she doesn't really like she doesn't need to deal with me all the time and you know even she gets pissed off about how i am sometimes too here's the facts i i get that a lot of people want to live the way that i live or whatever and the truth is that i lived this way before i streamed uh i i lived uh at the expense i i got you know food stamps and i tried to get money through the government as much as i could because i never wanted to do anything and the thing is like i don't really call the animal a pig in our country i am listen i don't think anybody with a successful life should want to be like me and i really mean that i i genuinely mean that you do not want to live like i do you do not want to be me there are some positives both being me there are definitely some positives but there are a lot of negatives as well so i want to explain why why i do what i do and what makes me not just like kill myself you know like why is is i will i enjoy i find things that i want to do and i do things that i want to do because it's not like an aimless life i do what i want to do i think doing nothing is like yes most the time i do nothing i can do nothing but i have the option to do and pursue the things that i want to do and so you have goals i do have some goals yeah i have things that i want to do right it's like i'll play a game i'll hang out with my friends or something like that and it will make me happy people are envious of economic freedom i think that's a big factor of it of course it is yes um but i i lived this exact same life whenever i was 21. like the only difference is i probably got a a small drink instead of a large one at the store like i i've always lived this way i've always been a minimalist i don't really care about things they don't matter to me it just doesn't make a difference to me i i don't care being the same way whenever you're 50. i have no idea what i'm going to be like whenever i'm 50. i have no clue but listen do you still have the sam's club thing pinned on your wall yeah i do it's right there i used to uh i used to work at sam's club right there i've got it right here on my uh on my thing that's the way i feel about it and i don't think anybody should want to live the way that i live for many people my existence is a soulless degenerate disgusting existence i don't want people to get upset or i don't want people to feel uh jealous or anything like that the truth is that you chose to get a dog you chose to get a wife and many of the responsibilities that you have and the reason is because you wanted those things it's always easy to look over and see what somebody else is doing and wish that you were able to do what that person is doing but the truth is that people want to be able to live the life of a degenerate for like maybe a few weeks but not for their whole life and i think that this person should probably think about ways to take vacations and spend time with themselves and that's something that i think a lot of people might have forgotten the art of spending time with yourself and being able to indulge and do something that you want to do because there's nothing about this that says that you can't take a vacation you can't go do something for yourself you have to make sure that you do have that thing for yourself that you're able to do that makes you feel like you're not just toiling away with your life and you don't have the opportunities that you used to a lot of people can't take vacations though i feel like the overwhelming majority of people can take vacations sometimes like there are very few people especially people that don't live in the us many people can take vacations false uh it's up i don't know man like i've i've had like multiple friends that have worked in retail jobs and they've they've taken vacations too like i don't know what job like everybody in here thinks that they have that they can just never take a vacation from that's crazy to me information uh what's this you're wearing a fortune 500 company and you only get 10 days vacation yeah there are some times where obviously yes are there jobs that don't give you a lot of vacation time yes there are but the truth is that you probably took that job because that job pays more money and you could have taken a job probably that pays less money that gives you more vacation time and you chose not to do that i i think that ultimately you have to look and think about what the time that you invest yourself in gets that you get out of it false are you crazy you guys act like you have no control over your life like the cards are just already set for you like you just like you know you can only do this little small thing in your life and you have no control over your own destiny take control take things into your own hands stop waiting on somebody else to give you something stop waiting on somebody else to allow you to be yourself take it for yourself do something that you need to do this is a friend of mine right here people just nod and get hired now not realizing they are screwed i got four weeks vacation instantly whenever i got my new job exactly and scratch don't you like i don't know like don't you work as like an accountant or something like that you have a good job and and and they treat you like a good person because you have a good job that's valuable yeah he works in accounting he gets four weeks of vacation here's a little here's a little [ __ ] trick learn a skill that people care about everybody needs an accountant if your skill is uh picking up boxes and moving them around you're probably not going to get four weeks of vacation and you know why because anybody can [ __ ] do it do something that other people can't do and they'll give you money for it that's the truth and that's not a sag that's not a sad at all you have to invest yourself and build yourself up you you can't you don't just immediately get there people make minimum wage not need an accountant but yeah but your goal should not be to make minimum wage like that's not your goal like i really think that there's like a certain level there's like a certain amount of learned helplessness that a lot of people have and i think that it's sad to see because i've been in that position too i have it's not like i'm speaking from like some you know oh i don't know what it's like i do know what it's like because i've been in that position as well you can't rely on anybody else to do you favors you can't rely on anybody else to have your best interests in mind you can't rely on anybody else to help you you can't rely on anybody else to ensure your success you can't rely on anybody else period you can only rely on yourself and you can only trust yourself and you can only believe in yourself don't rely and wait for somebody else to give you a golden ticket print it yourself this is the this is the lesson i learned with shadow mort remember what i told you guys about how talib got his shadow mourn and then he stopped doing the runs because i expected somebody else to have my best interests in mind i expected somebody else to go out of their way to have my best interests in mind and i learned the hard way that wasn't the case and that was an important lesson that i learned that i never forgot while you're comparing it to wow absolutely it's the same situation if you can't understand the metaphor it's because you're stupid so listen you have to you have to be your own be your own biggest advocate it doesn't mean don't look out for other people it doesn't mean only help yourself and [ __ ] everybody else but it means help yourself that's what it means help yourself have your best interest in mind take take [ __ ] into your own hands do something that you want to do i'll give you i'll give you a little a little a small little story okay one story and then we're gonna get ready for the preach interview yesterday i had somebody come over to my house he was a friend of mine his name was cody cody and i grew up together cody was the same cody who had the uncle dad who got arrested at the school cody is the same cody that who had the little brother who had hid all of his peanut butter in his different things i saw cody yesterday for the first time in 15 or 20 years i was so happy to see him it was great and you know what he was there for he was there because he was looking for new people to do work for because he's working for a new contracting company because the guy he's working for used to work at a company and the contracting company stopped letting him get sales didn't let him invest didn't let him invest equity into the company and froze him out and told him he couldn't work and you know what the guy did he said [ __ ] you i quit and he made his own company and now him and his friends are going around looking for work making that happen that's how it works [Music] that that's what it was that happened yesterday and that's in my ghetto [ __ ] neighborhood that there's there's like [ __ ] cops around all the time this person took it into their own hands it wasn't cody cody didn't do it cody's working for the guy right cody's a good guy but um it's basically his boss did it and what i'm saying but cody went with him cody went with him cody took the chance to go with this person and he took a risk all i'm saying is i literally have an example of that from yesterday in my life and this isn't somebody again this isn't somebody who grew up with all their bandages this guy didn't get a million dollar loan okay this is just a a guy who wants to do something who saved up his money and is trying to make something happen your anecdotal evidence does not trump statistics usa is one of the country's lowest vacation time people don't get time to go to the doctor for [ __ ] sake i know that and a lot of the people that don't have time to go to the doctor and a lot of people that don't have time to do these other things and get vacations are people with skills that have no value that's the truth because if they go to the doctor and they can't go to work they can just get somebody else and replace him in three seconds and that's the cold hard [ __ ] truth develop a skill that makes people value you should it be like that though no i'm actually a fan of a universal basic income i completely disagree with that i think there should be a universal basic income and i think it'll be a necessity because automation is going to take over most of the means of production in the next 30 years yeah but that's not happening right now [Music] that that's not happening right now so i can work towards that but you can't just live in a fantasy world and then get mad whenever the real world isn't the same thing you're literally useless if you don't talk about wow you're absolutely right yeah you're absolutely right i'm completely useless if i don't talk about wow i quit school and if i wasn't doing well i would have basically no other skills right now like if i got like if i got if i got banned and i went to go get a job i would not have any other real skills that would be valuable at all besides moving boxes that's the truth it's not like i i like what do you think i'm you think that i'm above this i'm like beyond this i've like i've i've transcended this no i just play video games all day i'm not special i'm not different i'm the same as you many of you guys i got lucky i i did my stream and my stream does really well and if it wasn't for my stream i'd be sitting around collecting welfare playing video games now maybe i would have gone to law school and i'd be a successful attorney or a lawyer or maybe i'd still be uh doing whatever i needed to do to get money just like i used to for the majority of my adult life [Music] i'm not some special individual person that's beyond this or whatever i'm the same as you many of you guys that have no skills or whatever you think i'm like being mean to you or whatever yeah i'm not i'm not special i'm not different i'm the same that's how i know it's true i know it's true because i experienced it i know what it's like to be expendable to be told that you can't have your phone in your pocket and treated like an eighth grader while you're having to work that's how i know you're expendable you [ __ ] everybody is almost everybody in the world is expendable doesn't matter ultimately you probably don't you you as an individual don't really matter in the grand scheme of things most people don't matter like i'm not special i'm not different there's nothing like oh wow you know i i've got you know like i've got this one thing that makes me special nope not me either uh i'm just the same if i got banned on twitch tomorrow you just watch somebody else and that'll be it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 656,465
Rating: 4.9413328 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, why i live a simple life, asmongold life, asmongold simple life, powerful message, motivational speech, inspirational speech, asmongold speech, a day in the life of asmongold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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