Blizzard Just LOST IT! Lead Manager Insults Asmongold & Promotes Harassers in FFXIV

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lead product manager and data at blizzard calls asmin gold an [ __ ] so i have been called an [ __ ] by somebody at blizzard they're right i am an [ __ ] i think they would think i was less of an [ __ ] if they did their job right though now whenever i talk about this kind of stuff i i don't want to see this guy get hate i don't want to see him get fired or something like that or people get mad about it or anything this is not a big deal to me i talk [ __ ] about blizzard all the time if you think that i'm gonna get my feelings hurt like a little [ __ ] baby if one of them calls me an [ __ ] i'm sorry it's not gonna happen i don't care no i think that they're dumb i i definitely think they're dumb but they think i'm dumb too so it is what it is the thing is like listen i i've always said this before right it's like i'm sure there's a lot of people at blizzard that don't like me it makes sense that they don't like me because uh i mean i i talk and i criticize their game a lot i'm very outspoken and i think really one of the big reasons why i don't like it they don't like me is the fact that i'm a uh i'm not politically correct i represent all of the negative stereotypes that blizzard likes to print in like they don't have and that that's really the truth right like i am bad pr for them and if you go and you look at these people's twitter so like this guy so he was responding to a tweet this is actually really kind of funny i'm not going to pull the tweet up because nobody needs to see who it is but just think about it like this i'll i would read you the uh the twitter bio but i can go ahead and just paraphrase it for you um 31 year old um uh anti-fascist furry that is a gender expert okay so this is the kind of person that we're dealing with here these are the and and the best thing about this is that these are the people who like to uh that they like to put themselves out there as if they are the most uh most ethical and the best people possible these are the people who like to tell other people how to act and how to interact with each other these people have no friends they don't know anybody in real life they spend their entire lives on the internet and the original tweet was telling people to follow me around in the game and spam report me to get me banned off of final fantasy so whenever a blizzard employee responds to that and signal boosts that to any degree i'm going to resent that to an extent i definitely am but it's not because he called me an [ __ ] it's because he's promoting somebody who is literally trying to organize harassment against me like that's that's really what it is that should not happen that that absolutely should not [ __ ] happen and the thing is like people say it's his personal account he's verified on twitter he's verified on twitter because he works at blizzard and because he's verified his account is posted and promoted more on the algorithm because of the verification so it literally is not his personal account because he's verified as it being the account for the individual that works at blizzard so it's just not true that's just [ __ ] you can't say that yeah the guy's a [ __ ] dick uh i don't have anything against him i don't want to see him get fired i don't want to see him even get in trouble okay i don't give a [ __ ] about this kind of stuff but i think he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and i think again if he had made better products and he had done his job better maybe he wouldn't think i was an [ __ ] all the time that's really what it comes down to is that i do think that they're mismanaging their product i do think they don't know what they're doing and it's [ __ ] obvious they're riding off of the coattails of people that if they were working right now at blizzard entertainment they'd be fired for being problematic it's pathetic and it's annoying and you know why it's annoying it's because they're ruining my favorite games they're ruining my favorite games day in and day out and i don't care about the people i care about the ideas none of this [ __ ] matters to me none of this is a big deal like people be calling me an [ __ ] i am an [ __ ] i am he's right there's nothing wrong with that they're mauling because wow is going down it's got nothing to do with that these people don't like me i live in their head rent free like i can i can take a break from streaming and they'll bring me up probably and talk about me completely on their own volition you guys know how i have a very good memory the person that made the original tweet quote retweeted a post that i made saying that people that put pronouns in their bios on twitter are clowns and they quote retweeted this three years ago to say that i'm like to basically talk [ __ ] about me to disagree with me and this is the same person i remember them from three years ago and as soon as that tweet got any traction the first thing that that clown did is they put their [ __ ] paypal link in there that's the first thing that they did they immediately put in a link for some people to give them money it was shameless pathetic and it's embarrassing absolutely [ __ ] embarrassing it's actually so so [ __ ] pathetic man but that's really all i've got to say professional victim griffers well they're not professional okay they're just victim grifters if they were professional they wouldn't need to link their paypal after every tweet that they get that gets over 100 likes like let's be honest certainly not professional i hate people like that and i want to make sure that people understand this because i think that many people have noticed this and i i don't think i'm the only person that has noticed that so often that the people that are the most outspoken and the most unhappy about uh toxicity the people who are the most unhappy about the way other people are talking on the internet are the first people to result resort excuse me to the most vile and vitriolic and personal insults that you can possibly make the second that you step over their invisible line they are the first people because the reality is they think that they're in the right and this is always scary to deal with is if you ever have somebody who is a zealot or some sort of a [ __ ] extremist in this way or another and they have these extreme opinions they believe that if you step over their line that they basically have complete [ __ ] autonomy to say and do anything they want to you because they've lived in their own self-radicalized echo chamber for the past 10 years without having any human contact and they think that they're actually fighting the next revolutionary war by tweeting it's pathetic and i am so sick of seeing people like this they are so [ __ ] annoying and i see this constantly and it's unfortunate to see people at blizzard play into this it's unfortunate to see people play into the idea of spam reporting another content creator doesn't matter who it is or why they're doing it it's a disgusting thing to do and the person that made the comment is disgusting themselves it's pathetic and i don't think it should be supported by anyone like i actually i prefer like you know what the truth is i prefer them calling me an [ __ ] to just ignoring me like i prefer that because now at least we have a dialogue now we have a dialogue this is totally okay with me because at least that shows here's the thing is if they're sitting there calling me a [ __ ] [ __ ] that means that they care enough about what i say to have a [ __ ] opinion about it so you know what i'm totally okay with that it's totally fine i'm not mad about it it's completely okay uh man's been a half hour later it doesn't care well the thing is i don't care about them saying it but i care about the idea does that make sense so like i care about the idea of these kinds of people that inject themselves and infest themselves into different communities and different groups of people and then make them worse because they have no idea what they're doing and yes of course i that i do care about that but in terms of being called something this does not personally offend me does that make sense so it's a little bit more of a nuance there but uh yeah that's that's how i feel about it i want to spam report you has 226k tweets yeah they're mentally ill like it's actually just that simple like that that's that's not yeah there's something wrong with it there's probably not just something out there it's probably like a laundry list if something's wrong with them i think they're actually anticipating our profile uh honestly i i don't i don't even think that's a bad thing like there's a lot of people that think that i'm autistic i don't know if i am i never got tested for it because you know what i don't care if i am or not because it doesn't really matter to me so yeah people have told me i'm autistic i have a lot of the symptoms too or asperger's or whatever and you know what that's fine i don't hold being autistic against anybody like the whole being piece of [ __ ] against them though i think that's probably the only uh that's probably the the that's probably the best thing about them honestly that's probably the best thing about them the thing is it's not like i will always i hate this [ __ ] song why i hate this song i literally [ __ ] this song makes me so mad to listen to it because it reminds me you know what it reminds me of [ __ ] sylvanas not [ __ ] sylvanas but just sylvanas it reminds me of that that individual that has been infested with the uh it has infested the community now i do think that um the story and and wow is i don't think it's really as bad as people think it is i i don't but one of the reasons like i think that's a survive everything surrounding sylvanas is bad like i i do think everything surrounding sylvanas is bad but that doesn't mean that the other things that are outside of that are not not not okay right there many of them are completely fine it's not that big of a deal but overall i i do think that uh it's it's something they gotta work on because i do think there are a lot of people out there who do really care about the story lines in the games and those kinds of things matters a lot to them and whenever they see those story lines getting butchered whenever they they see those things being uh being changed or being removed or something like that and just kind of being mismanaged i think that makes a lot of people disappointed and i do think it's turned into a mary sue situation i think they should kill sylvanas off and move on i think they need to make new better characters and stop trying to co-opt old characters to push new ideas it's i think frustrating for everybody and i think that it's the same as uh there's like a kind of separate thing right it's like if somebody wants to make a comic book like we've always seen these right these comic books that'll like push these like political agendas i'm completely okay with that but not when it's thor not when it's spider-man not when it's captain america or captain america is kind of a political ideology in itself right it's the first thing to find the nazis but like in general like it's don't don't take something that already has an established precedent and then change it based off of your world view and that's what i that's what i don't like to see happen and that's what it comes down to everything's political though of course it is but it doesn't mean that like everything is political well then if everything's political then why do you have to make everything political if it's already intrinsically political huh think about that it's not being political it's about overt lecturing yeah nobody the thing is like this is another thing right it's like with stuff like that nobody wants to be lectured and condescended to by somebody who draws pictures for a living okay uh it's it's it's extremely patronizing and i think that most people resent it that's all it comes down to yeah it's just it's ridiculous [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,368,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, blizzard, asmongold insult, asmongold outraged, blizzard insult, blizzard asmongold, asmongold harassment, asmongold ffxiv snipers, asmongold snipers
Id: hCKDV6zIoNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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