Blizzard HATES Asmongold!? OG WoW Lead Dev Fires Back after Leak

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oh gee wow all right let's look over here i'm gonna read the comments made by mark curran okay a lot of people have wanted me to look at this and i've been kind of slow about it but we're gonna get into it so mark curran is talking about the blizzard league about state of wow so let's see here i'll read this real quick but i think it's probably [ __ ] lastly the biggest elephant in the room i just couldn't read it because it's funny the biggest elephant in the room is yo boy aspen gold the newer hires cannot stand him they've used terms like toxic masculinities and dog whistles to dangerous males while some of the oldest crowds still remaining have called him based or telling it like bro this is not like this is no way exactly engaging some malicious acts of cyber warfare the the idea that outside element has such an effect on our product genuinely upsets people how did we get here a couple of things that happened in aaa game dev that led up to this point the biggest thing is money once aaa gaming got bigger than all media you start to attract a lot of executives who are in for the immense profit versus the love of making games the change starts at the top and is made worse by game companies going public this starts with a flow down to middle management who are starting to make serious cash the why of a company changes instead of going for games that they would love to play and identifying as gamers themselves there is now a sense of the other we made the games they paid for them og blizzard culture used to be we are gamers right down to the receptionist and we make a game for ourselves because we are gamers that's gone now and devs at many aaa studios are distinctly us versus them the whiny entitled gamers as an example this was not helped by the increase in personal attacks on devs by gamers themselves gamers are passionate but unfortunately this sometimes leads them to move beyond criticizing the game to personal attacks and some really unsavory and threatening behaviors true and real it's very unfortunate that happens and i try to call it out whenever i see it let's get back to the money once games were obvious money makers and everyone started to play them and it became a cool rep you started to attract a different type of developer the first wave did it for free made very little money very little success just to make the dreams happen but once games were viewed as a stable myth and more glamour career choice with good pay you started to attract the types of professional who are very good at their job but definitely what i call the nine to fivers they treat it not as a passion but as a routine job again this wasn't helped by upper management who is now flooded with mba and marketing types who treat devs poorly and binge hire and fire them from project to project treating them like tools unfortunately this is not something that's unique to gaming yeah it is not unique to gaming at all this is just in general what it is uh it's hard to have a passion with both management and angry gamers don't have your back true though when zynga blew up on facebook and metrics were becoming important along with predatory monetization when mobile exploded and everything became free but with pay to win the sheer scale of gaming profits left in order magnitude one to two or four words billions and not millions suddenly making games for game sake was not the goal now games are needed to collect metrics retain users and the way success was judged was not was about how much money per user you could make not about having a great game the focus moved from gameplay to monetization metrics i think that's true it's like nowadays basically whenever you're buying a new video game if you're talking about monetization the way that you decide what monetization usually want is you pick what dildo you want to get [ __ ] in the ass with right do you want to get [ __ ] in the ass with uh micro transactions do you want to be free to play but with pay to win do you want it to have a um pre-order thing that gives you extra stats like there's always something bad about a game like there's a dlc or like yeah day one dlc etc there's always something like that in these games and it's so sad to see but i don't really see it changing if you want me to be honest with you i really don't it just happens so often uh when you design for monetization metrics you get a very different type of game than if you design for gameplay these two are often at odds and you find yourself deliberately making your game worse so it can sell better convenience items and power items that's true and that's the way that they're designed the game is designed to the game is designed to blue ball you into buying power bonuses it is designed into blue balling you into buying something that you need to buy that's what it is man apps are [ __ ] lootly steve jobs is right when you let this type of y drive your company and you make monetization the only goal you kill your innovation in the company and drive out the innovators and makers that's true while jobs is talking about sales and marketing staff versus product makers it's games it's worse in games designers are now the sales staff the gamification of monetization makes and breaks the triple a game so now even if you're even if your product people are contaminated with this mentality that's true yeah they have to because they have to design it directly into the game uh the devs do it for fashion who are tiger being blamed by gamers for corporate decisions above them and who do it have genuine passion they will even go indy what remains are those doing it as a job one they often hate and they are not innovators the arrogance is also real steve talks about how whenever you get surprised because you have monopoly on the market wow had a monopoly on mmos and they are no longer gamers but game sales people so of course they are prone to disruption in this case it wasn't square and final fantasy by itself that just happened to be the game that was competing on gameplay instead of monetization they were not the monopoly it's also an old enough game that the old values of gameplay were more important when sparked by an exodus from wow i started with the playerbase it was started that was tired of being treated as customers and often treated in a monopoly taken for granted poor service in terms of content not listened to milked for cash and fees then came the streamers streamers are the world's biggest force in game marketing they can make a success overnight with zero traditional marketing with apex legends that's a good point that's a huge point yeah that happened that 100 percent [ __ ] happen or they can absolutely tear your game down that's true too yeah having streamers play the game and having it be a bad game does really really hurt the game it absolutely does yeah among us is another one among us is a huge one he said no marketing no we didn't say no marketing he said no traditional marking listen to what he's saying listen here um many of the aaa and game marketing never understood this and many still don't get it today when streamers were just getting started i was told by ea and my aaa staff marketing teams what a waste of time it was to do youtube and twitch even though it cost a fraction of the ad spend of course they were wrong and now curry favor to spend money on twitch and youtube but they don't really understand it they spend this is i they're so it's so true that they don't understand it because they have streamers tweet out these going live tweets for these games like i've had to do this too whenever we've done a sponsored stream and you have to use some [ __ ] hashtag that nobody cares about like i'm sorry but your focus group marketing team made out of people that have four followers on twitter don't understand how it works that's why they have four followers on twitter and they're showing up to this job five days a week for sixty thousand 000 a year instead of actually going out and doing their own [ __ ] marketing is because they don't know what they're doing they're stupid that's what it comes down to and and no i'm not wrong like i'm not [ __ ] wrong it's so pathetic man it's so [ __ ] pathetic they spend money on it but they don't actually watch the streams to understand whenever things are going wrong or they don't believe that it will affect them so when asthma goes to me uh started dipping his toes into alternatives to wow interviewing final fantasy content creators and then finally playing it himself on stream blizzard was unaware or unbelieving of what was happening they were the monopoly even asmongo was taken in shock by a sheer number of viewers his final fantasy stream attracted that's true uh even the underestimated uh the number of dissatisfied and curious alternative for wild gamers well what happens in streaming whenever one content creator hits a gold vein of views others quickly hop on that's very true too remember whenever ludwig did the subathon and then everybody else did a subathon that's what people do man i considered doing it i decided not to but there's plenty of other people that did consider doing it absolutely uh suddenly you have many wild streamers talking about final fantasy and starting and streaming what's a wow gamer to think the rest is history the king is dethroned an expression of shock on his face sometimes you don't need the best product you just need to be good enough to take advantage of the company this rested too long on their brand a monopoly to actually change innovate and improve this won't change while gamers are leaving for good but if a monopoly can wake up pull an expansion out of a turnaround this drastic a square itself did with the realm reborn it can flip it around again that's true the problem is blizzard you chased all your innovators away oh well i'm actually curious about this i'm gonna look at google trends so you've got world of warcraft and read his last tweet sure let me read the last tweet a tip for final fantasy 14 follow this and you'll get 10 times your sales and user base take it from a new take it from the wow guy fix your account website it takes six devs to do an emergency rewrite thank me later it took me three hours to buy your game and figure out account issues i'm not alone that's going to get me a that's going to get a [ __ ] like from me that's true that is so goddamn [ __ ] true let's see here world of warcraft and this is the game and final fantasy um [Music] wow what day did i start streaming the game yeah what day did i start streaming the game july 3rd so that ended on [Music] wow dude that's nuts holy [ __ ] that's crazy what the [ __ ] i don't even know what to say that's insane uh wow i mean i think that's one thing i can say right there [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,080,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, final fantasy asmongold, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv vs wow, wow killer, asmongold ff14, FFXIV, asmongold leak, wow leak, ffxiv leak, asmongold blizzard, mark kern, mark kern blizzard, blizzard leak, leak
Id: kbBgOiqIrjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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