Asmongold FURIOUS Blizzard KEEPS LYING on New WoW Dev Update (Patch 9.1.5)

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Asmon: "If Blizzard releases the new expansion with stupid systems while withholding the obvious solution to them, I'll only play it for a month."

And this kids is why Blizzard will never change. You just gave them your money, AGAIN.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/ItsNotBer 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Tangent: That's a nice sweater.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/DarianF 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's basically the case of the lying shepherd story.

They pulled this bullshit too much. Even if they're telling the truth this time, which personally i doubt, players don't trust them anyways.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Mortal_Dread 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

IF Blizzard intentionally ruins systems in order to get hype for fixing them later, does this actually work in sustaining the playerbase, or is it a miscalculation that would give better results if they just released the systems fixed from the start?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NEET-Wizard_Janus 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is what Blizzard considers as content. 1) They have the players paid test the game. 2) Testers list all the problems and solutions 3) Release a flawed game without the fixes 4) Wait a few patches to release the fix that was supposed to have been there at release 5) ???? "pats self at the back" 6) PROFIT!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Laizen 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
i know you want to complain man do you got to do it for 40 minutes on end absolutely it's probably gonna be 40 more minutes so saddle up you little [ __ ] these people have been ruining my favorite game for five [ __ ] years and the worst that they could do the best that they could do is they could come out with this pathetic excuse for an apology tired of taking every expansion having to beta test a system for a year while blizzard that do you think they pay us bad we have to pay them and then the people they are paying the beta test are [ __ ] living on food stamps well well i took one day off and some [ __ ] happened i talked about it a little bit yesterday but i'm gonna go through the whole post and everything that happened all of that stuff and we're gonna get okay all right all right all right fine fine fine what's up y'all it's me it's your boy asmingold so uh blizzard has decided that they wanted to uh they wanted to do something about this they wanted to write their wrongs and they decided to actually listen to the feedback that they've been receiving for one year they decided to listen they decided to say you know what maybe it turns out that you were right in the next few days you will be updating the public test run with the first look at 3.15 patch with updates like time walking experiences this time we're visiting legion with a couple of twists these point five patches falling in between full content tiers present an opportunity to focus on balance and revision of core systems based on feedback and data from the seasons thus far patch 9.1.5 will include several significant changes to the shadow ends covenant systems in particular uh once you've reached a high renown threshold you will thereafter thank you thank you so much randy i appreciate thereafter i feel like i'm listening to uber danger again uh be able to freely switch among any of the four covenants without restriction or cooldown wow so let's read this again uh once you've reached a high renown threshold you will thereafter be able to freely switch among any of the four covenants without cooldown or restriction isn't that crazy do you remember for the past six months for the past one year basically that we have had we've been told by blizzard that this is impossible that they can't do it and now somehow it's it's just magically possible why is that that's so incredible how these things are that's so amazing how how far technology has come in just these few months in just this one year isn't it amazing as well as use cosmetic rewards that you have earned uh from one covenant if you are already a member of another one both of the covenant switching and use of cosmetic rewards will also apply to alts once yeah exactly and once the renowned threshold is reached on one character so i want to say objectively this is an incredibly good change and this is universally good there's nothing bad about this at all except for the fact that it didn't release with this this is the way the game should have been on day one and i think this is the way that a lot of people feel and i'm going to probably repeat this four or five times going through this whole thing but the main complaint that i think a lot of people have is not that blizzard doesn't listen to feedback they do it just takes them a year to do it and in my opinion i don't really care if it's like oh well we have a development pipeline and it takes a long time for things to happen okay then that's your problem and you're still wrong i don't give a [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] what your reasoning is just because you have to have eight different [ __ ] [ __ ] sign off on a change for the game doesn't make it okay for me i don't care i just want it fixed it doesn't matter like every day that it's in the game the game's bad every single day every day that we have the aoe cap the game is worse every day that we have the covenant features the game is worse it's worse every single day it's not doesn't i don't i did the thing is like players don't think about oh well it's going to change in this patch like i'm just going to stick around no i don't want to just stick around i'm sick i i don't want to have to choose between having my cake and eating it too i just want both of them because i'm paying 15 dollars a [ __ ] month that's it i don't want to worry about it i don't want to think about it i don't want to have to think about the business side for why you can't deliver a good product [Music] that's not my job that's your job and i i also really resent a lot of the uh simps uh on twitter and on on different social media platforms talking about how uh you know all players will never be happy players will never be happy this is not blizzard's fault uh stop being mean to the blizzard dev stop being mad at blizzard because uh you know of this thing or whatever yeah i i completely uh i think it's the most pathetic thing you can ever imagine and the reason why i don't like it right now i don't care about uh a lot of the other stuff but the reason why i don't like this is because i think that it actively makes the game worse because it's weird to me it's like blizzard like the people that run blizzard they have like this existential need of validation they like they have to be showered in praise and i feel like this is the same thing about like they could have just changed the mccree name and and been over with it but they they have to take every little opportunity that they can to just have any chance of somebody being able to pat them on the back it's just it's it's it's like this it's just [ __ ] just so cringe-worthy to me and i just see it constantly it's like they couldn't stand the idea of not being in this morally advantageous position to [ __ ] uh tell everybody else what they should think and be able to you know be showered with it's like the rock star mentality that they said with the devs right they can't imagine themselves just not getting showered for praise and just doing their job it it just it drives me [ __ ] crazy whenever i see this and i know this is a little bit of a conspiracy theory and i know that i'm probably being an [ __ ] by saying this but after seeing it for [ __ ] uh years now and then with the lawsuit [ __ ] it makes me mad it really does i i'm so [ __ ] annoyed about this and so anyway let's go back and look at these other things okay conduit energy is being removed conduits will be freely swappable without restriction do you remember how many content creators went and told me that this was not possible and they couldn't do this because of all of the super elitist players that are gonna force themselves to uh to to change every single every single dungeon or every single fight or whatever there's nobody people kept saying this right these apologists kept saying this and isn't it incredible how as soon as people quit the game all of these things become magically possible that's what it is they become magically possible and i'm going to be honest this gives me really no degree of satisfaction because this is exactly what happened in bfa we originally azerite armor originally shipped with a uh with a restriction you could not trade azerite armor period the stats were wildly imbalanced and then over time they made it tradable and then they added titan residum and you're able to buy the different gear this is something that they've done before i'm not going to celebrate and uh you know act like everything is great because they change something because this is the system this is what they do every time basically this is how things go so you've got um let me go ahead and show you guys this is the blizzard system cycle um so a system introduced into game uh disliked a feedback offered and ignored uh system uh put into game um players hate it just like they said they would this goes on for six plus months usually system changed uh based on feedback received over six months ago that was previously thought impossible players are happy so this is basically and uh now a new expansion fixed system is removed so this is basically what happens this is it and so the this is the blizzard life cycle of a system and i think this is why i'm just change months to years yeah i think that we're in that uh we're in that category now and what ends up happening here and this is a conspiracy theory i said this yesterday on my second stream there's a video on youtube i think you guys have watched this i think that it's not a coincidence i'm gonna be honest i don't think it's a coincidence you can't make the same mistake for five years in a row every single time and tell me that's not a mistake that is planned i think that they intentionally introduce systems into the game in a way that obfuscates the success of the systems that makes it take an artificially longer period of time and then after a period of time has gone by and you've exhausted all the people they're going to grind out the system that much then you introduce the changes in order to hype up the original system and release it in the way that it was originally intended to be in order to double dip on the excitement of the system this is what i think they're doing and i really think this because it's happened so many times they're not selling yeah these people and also i want to get this also just a little bit of a fine print here is that the people that are offering these suggestions are neck beards these are people that don't even their job isn't even a game they're not even game designers how is it that the game designers are unable to come up with better solutions than a bunch of angry neckbeards on a forum why are you even paying game designers to solve problems that the players have better solutions to in the first place it's pathetic and yes this somebody said it in chat occam's razor the simplest answer is most often the correct one why are the game directors why are the people not game director why are the people that run the game i i people get mad at me for saying developers because all the developers just code the game yeah [ __ ] right i'm sure that they have input on feed on changes right the people that change the game the people that have the ability to sign off on a change that makes it into the game that affects players uh these people why why is it that these changes keep being put into the game and the changes put into the game in a context that players don't understand well it's very simple it's because they don't play the game they log on and they do a heroic with their wife and then they log off so anyway while playing alternate characters if you've already completed a given a given covenants campaign on a different character you will be able to immediately earn the renown and third soul bind unlock without needing to replay the full narrative arc i think this is again a great change so let's go ahead and read the rest of this while we hope that many players will be pleased with the increased accessibility and freedom for experimentation these changes will permit we we know that you might be wondering why we didn't make the adjustments like these sooner after all a large portion of the community has been vocal about wanting to see changes along these lines since mid-2020 when shadowhands was still and i'll correct this for him alpha so yes we are definitely wondering that i am certainly wondering that i've been wondering that for quite a while when it comes to the limitations on covenant switching millions of players experienced shadow ends for the first time through the lens of their covenant of choice and that would not have been possible had the choice carried less weight from the outset well that's not even true this is such a stupid statement because if the implementation of the system that you had originally had that you're suggesting and putting into the game was in on release they would have still experienced it from the covenant of their choice because they wouldn't have had the [ __ ] renown in order to change it you don't even know how the game works it it literally disproves itself it disproves itself inside of the lines how can you be this [ __ ] stupid who's making these decisions do you see what i'm saying read what listen read what i read what he says millions of players experience shadow and so the first time to the wins that they're coming at choice now would not have been possible without if the choice carried less weight but the choice if the change and having a choice is [ __ ] it's built on having high renown then at the beginning of shadow end you wouldn't have had the choice fundamentally because you wouldn't have had a high renown so the same thing would have happened you you don't even understand what you're doing how can you be so stupid and i don't mean to be an [ __ ] but this is [ __ ] stupid millions of players experience shadowlands for the first time through the lens of their covenant choice yeah and that's why they quit nevertheless the conclusion of the chains of domination campaign the covenants are united against the jailer and revisiting player feedback in that context has led us to reevaluate our approach well that's stupid who cares about like what do you mean in the chains of domination campaign it doesn't matter in the beginning of the [ __ ] uh in the beginning of the shadow ants they were even more connected than they were at the end of the chain of domination because daenerys they didn't go through a huge [ __ ] revolution in revenge they didn't have uh the maldraxas that margrave whoever the focrexus get assassinated you had two of the leaders of the covenants get basically assassinated and removed that and now the primus is back who the [ __ ] cares about that and also karathystra is [ __ ] like disenchant or like basically dead she's like fainted like how is it that the covenants are more divided at the end of chains of domination than they were at the beginning when everything was just running according to plan they didn't even they're not even they don't even know like what is the logic behind this am i crazy here it's bad writing no i think that yes obviously some of it is bad writing but this is bad logic like even the logic that they add to rationalize why these things happen is wrong it's like even based on their own rules they're still wrong in terms of day-to-day player experience the advantages of a rigid division between covenants have diminished since shadowhands launched while the downsides feeling disadvantaged in certain types of content or having to choose between mechanical advantages and aesthetics have only grown i cannot believe this i genuinely cannot believe this this is on this is unreal you have no idea how the game works like i really i really would love to see these people like i would love to see like what their armories are i want to see how they play the game they have no idea what they're talking about and it get it gets better we'll see the i the fact that blizzard the the developers thinks that there are advantages of a rigid division i i want to make this very clear the fact that they are trying to salvage in any way shape or form any sort of rationalization that the changes that they force players to deal with for over a year had any positive impact whatsoever is completely [ __ ] insulting it's insulting to everybody's time who's spent playing the game everybody who actually understands the way the game works it is a complete insult and all it goes to show is the fact that they have no idea how their own game works they have no idea how to make decisions and how to change things the fact that like they think that like the first time with their covenant of choice like it just they're just it it's just it's pathetic it's like they don't even know how renown works do you see what i'm saying like they don't even know how their own system works it's unbelievable conduit energy however is a different story the system simply has not played out the way that we hoped it would we should have heeded community feedback and taken a different direction a year ago yeah that's literally what you said with azerite armor that that that's literally what you said with azerite armor like you said the exact same thing like how many times is this going to happen uh this is it's groundhog day a majority of players largely ignore the system and are unaffected by it that's true while the minority of players who want to engage in multiple content types competitively feel constrained by it see the word competitively is just unnecessary and this is this weird delineation and this weird uh different differentiation that blizzard has made they've actually convinced themselves that only one percent of players care about having their character do good damage only one percent of players care about their character that doesn't like they they don't care about like character sucking right everybody else doesn't care that's not true a casual player that plays rpgs gets excited whenever they receive an item that makes their character better whenever they have to make choices for their character that put them at a disadvantage that's created artificially an average player is going to resent that this is not some sort of high level mdi you know super epic gamer thing that only they care about apps are [ __ ] lutely not one of the reasons why blizzard is so bad with making changes is the fact that no one person is responsible for anything it's because everything is done by committee and these committees are cross-referencing each other and there's nobody who is held accountable for bad decisions that's i can guarantee you that's what it is you can say ian it's his fault right oh yeah for sure it's his fault but it's really not because that's not the way that the uh that's not the way the development is set up it's his responsibility but it's not really him causing these things to go wrong does that make sense he's still responsible he is he's the developer he's the director of the game that's the way things go uh it's an unfortunate reality of being in a leadership position that even whenever things happen that you don't like they're still kind of your fault um anyway so all i want to say here these kinds of things are frustrating for i think everybody who's played the game for so long to read because whenever you look at uh these competitively feel constrained by it overall that adds up to a negative experience conduit energy isn't really making the game better in any appreciable way so we're moving the system entirely we said that we we said we said this exact thing no [ __ ] yeah no [ __ ] sherlock uh as for the covenant campaigns get for alts and the ability to freely swap covenants on all this change is one uh outgrowth that many ongoing discussions with the development team focus on feedback that times players feel like the wow content they enjoy most is locked behind experiences that aren't nearly as appealing to them some of the feedback revolves around differing play styles and content types but a consistent theme is that experiences that were fun the first time start to lose their luster on repeat playthroughs on alts especially when required for power progression i'm very glad you know like obviously a lot of this has been negative but this is this actually is very reassuring to me because this is an absolute perfect identification of what the problem is this is exactly it so just as the threads of fate system exist to allow players to skip uh the level up zone narrative on subsequent playthroughs we want to give max level players a similar option to having to avoid replaying a covenant campaign they've already done this is good change this is 100 a good change i'm very happy about this yes amazing great as the 9.1 ptr progresses we hope to roll out several other changes aimed at giving you more flexibility and choosing how do you prefer to adventure in azeroth we'll have more details to follow as we finalize our plans stay tuned for full ptr notes in the near future what about corthia uh corthia sucks yeah i mean it's it's a [ __ ] zone i mean it's just another version of the timeless aisle i think that blizzard has basically just tried to remake the timeless aisle every single patch since they remade the timeless aisle and the reason why nash guitar and mechagon were so great in 8.2 is they didn't try to do that they actually tried in mechagon they were like hey we're gonna make this cool new zone with a bunch of crazy [ __ ] in it and you know what it was a cool new zone with a bunch of crazy [ __ ] in it it was awesome i know you want to complain man do you gotta do it for 40 minutes on end absolutely it's probably going to be 40 more minutes so saddle up you little [ __ ] because we're gonna talk about this whole [ __ ] thing these people have been ruining my favorite game for five [ __ ] years and the worst that they could do the best that they could do is they could come out with this pathetic excuse for an apology where they try to rationalize their own decisions and not even understanding that their own decisions wouldn't have even been possible with the changes that they were implementing yes saddle the [ __ ] up these people are ruining my [ __ ] game i'm tired of it i'm tired of accepting dog [ __ ] i'm tired of taking every expansion having to beta test a system for a year while blizzard do you think they pay us bad we have to pay them and then the people they are paying the beta test are [ __ ] living on food stamps you didn't know like where's the money going [Music] does bobby need to buy a new yacht yet i keep playing it because i love the game i started playing wow warcraft in in 1997 1998 i was a little kid i love the game [Music] it's not addiction i love the game i've always loved the [ __ ] game and that's never changed but it gets harder and harder and harder to feel that way you're a blockbuster champion yeah yeah back to back and it's an abusive girlfriend yeah everybody says that the truth is that it doesn't have to be the reality is that we can send we can send this girlfriend to therapy and we could we can rebuild her we don't need it this does not need to happen this is unnecessary it's so unnecessary what would take on sub uh i will kind of just say i'll say this right now if the next expansion comes out and we have another version of azerite armor we have another version of uh you know covenant another version of legion legendaries and the system ships without a obvious solution to an obvious problem the system has like there's no legendary vendor or there's something wrong with it in one way or another i'm probably just gonna play the expansion for a month and then quit that's probably what's gonna happen i'll try it out and then i'm probably gonna just quit because it's it's just it's too much you have to at certain point say enough is enough and it it's it's been that that point like last expansion like enough is enough was the corruption vendor rotation it was the corruption vendor rotation that was enough is enough but i stuck around i stuck around because i thought you know what shadow ends is good in a lot of ways and i think that it is i think the rating in shadow ends is decent i think the pvp at the beginning at least was fun i enjoyed it uh there were a lot of things i thought the story for shadow ends was gonna be good too i really did i thought that it had a lot of potential now i think a lot of other people felt this way too who were wow players there was a lot of excitement about about challenge remember you know watching mitch and zarya and and soda and everybody play at the beginning of shadowlands that was so cool wasn't it that was really enjoyable for me it was and i had a lot of fun and i think the problem really the biggest issue with shadowhands is the fact that there just wasn't enough content like that's the biggest issue with the game like all this stuff aside like yeah this stuff is bad like 100 percent but if we were getting 9.2 right now and not 9.15 i think that people would have a very different perspective of the game let me go back i'm going to read the rest of this okay sorry i've been kind of like going off on tangents because this has been something i'm thinking about constantly uh also the updates for the uh updates to improve the game environment for our community including some additional changes of uh to some content to better reflect our shared values better visibility into the impact of your in-game reports of harassment and more serious penalties for people engaged in disruptive behavior i think that's probably a good thing assuming it's not you know super draconian and it's not overzealous but yeah this is probably a good thing uh overall legion time walking and this has been something i saw dratno suggested this i've suggested this before too not just with legion but with dungeons even before that uh they're introducing dell back into the legion dungeons with legion timewalking and take on challenges within including access to some legion mythic plus dungeons that's awesome uh the event will run for two weeks time the first time and then it will zoom on a regular one-week schedule for subsequent bonus events i think this is just a 1 100 positive wow content but it's old well that's good though like that's the same thing that we said is good about final fantasy right is the fact that you can go back and do bahamut and go and do coils with men eye level and echo off and still have it be a good experience like that's that's good so yeah i think this is good so these are the statements that they've made here right uh fall 2001 legion time walking with mythic plus improved covenant swapping legendary item recycling so this is also a really big thing is that the making new legendaries and shadow ends is just annoying uh final fantasy implements it way better though time locking sucks uh yeah i think it could be a lot better and i think that they need to uh they said they're doing legacy raid tuning right it's right there so we'll see what that means uh new allied race customizations ability and talent buffs guild banks arena season two new arena bulletin board group browser this is all good stuff new daily quests new reps yeah all the classic stuff everything about this looks good these are all i want to make sure this is very clear all of the changes that blizzard is adding into the game are great changes these are all incredibly great changes these are things that we've wanted for so long we've wanted this ever since the very beginning of the uh of the expansion but the truth is that i'm not going to consider this a win until we get this changes before the system hits live servers i am sick of beta testing a system for developers who are too stubborn and too arrogant to imagine that players know what they want because we do we do know what we want and that's why so many people quit right i'm gonna try my absolute best to not get tilted in this video it's the third time i'm recording this video because i've been getting really upset talking about this stuff so this is the shadowlands 9.15 content update preview and i'll have a link to this in the description box below if you want to check it out earlier today i was talking about this on my stream because a lot of people were curious am i going to come back to the game are people going to come back to the game and i'm going to talk about why i think this doesn't mean much at all although albeit it's some great changes that are included in it they are in my opinion pretty much a year late the major ones here are covenant updates you can now swap your covenant they pull the rip cord you can play whatever covenant you want there's no punishment you can swap you keep all the cosmetics do you guys remember whenever uh preach interviewed ian and ian said that it wouldn't be possible to pull a rip cord and that like a rip cord didn't exist do you guys remember that like i remember that too like and i'm just thinking about that isn't that crazy well i had spent months along with a lot of other people i don't want to take credit for it because i have had people at the company get mad at me for apparently taking credit uh for stuff like that so i talked about this along with so stupid on the forums that's so stupid talking about it venice talked about it i made videos for months in the ptr i made a video here i made a video here i made a video here this is so petty i made a video here about it i made a video here about it yeah i talked about it for months saying hey the gearing system although it's an improvement has some serious issues that are really easy to fix can we fix it in the ptr because well the ptr is when you provide feedback right that's the point of the ptr the public test realm i go on there to test things and let you guys know what's wrong with the systems there right it's it's it's help and it's not just me talking about it it's a lot of people well no it took them all the way up until now to make that change and in this patch they also promise that they're going to make some talent improvements and ability improvements now the funny thing about that is is although they may fix they may fix you know the systems in the game the actual balancing of the game is completely garbanzo right like i said in my one of my videos that i believe yeah and i i didn't mean offense to this to anyone in the awc apparently it was a little bit offensive or it's been offensive what are these do you think the game play in awc is embarrassing and that's what the product is trash it's been trash it's always been trash except for like three patches like who watches that and thinks to themselves wow i want to start playing this game no of course not but the gameplay is so bad that i don't want to watch because of things like this or it's too damp this is smexon who competes in the awc an insane player and he's getting one shot by a wind walker from 100 hp due to the bone dust brew spinning crane kick whether it's a bug or i don't know what it is because they've actually tried to patch this thing three times and haven't been able to do it and i want you guys anybody who doesn't play wow this is all so this health is at a hundred percent and this is it one second so his health went from 100 all the way down to zero in literally one second i've been seeing these i'm just gonna say what i think it is these in these wow copium inhaling andes going around and crapping on other people for playing other i've seen them crap on my friends oh bro dude people literally say they go into my chat and they say to me wow so i guess you're just kid you you're okay with betraying and killing wow the game that that built you up and you're just you're killing the game you've decided you've betrayed us the funniest thing about that is you need to thank those people you should be thankful for final fantasy or the weeb games that people are playing because without those games people wouldn't you wouldn't be reading those changes because they unsubbed that's the reason exactly you're getting these changes in the first place you wouldn't be getting these changes like this if people weren't leaving the game yep when you sit around and you just you keep supporting the game no matter what you aren't going to get the changes that you want the this proves more than anything 9.1.5 proves more than anything that blizzard will only make changes when they feel like players are leaving their game because and that's what i think that we should do if the game sucks we just stop playing the game boom that's it period it's done i'm finished with it i don't want to hear it like i that's it i don't want to deal with it like this is it it's bad it's not fun i'm quitting i'm not playing i think that wow players are so conditioned to accepting dog [ __ ] that every once in a while they won't get dog [ __ ] and they'll act like they were just given like a [ __ ] steak it's not a steak man this is baloney they're giving you spam they're giving you baloney they're giving you a [ __ ] microwaved you know hungry man meal for two dollars and you think it's a [ __ ] wagyu steak it's not they're just keeping you barely alive they knew right the fact that they made all of these changes they knew what was wrong with the game they knew what players wanted but they didn't do it exactly so many of them are just like oh skippable skipable mall intro let's get rid of that fix the item level on the pvp gear sure we could do that problem solving it's like a knob you put like a number you just type in a number and you change it they knew what was wrong with the game this whole time but they didn't want to do it they thought the way they had it was better and it's it's not like it's not they have no idea what they're talking about like that's the problem is so like you need to have and this is the thing is you need to have developers that know better than the players it is not good that the players are solving the problems for the game and that's what bothers me the most about all of this is that this could have been easily implemented in the game during that seven eight months drought where there was no content they could have easily done these changes easily but they didn't do it why did this even have to be an issue in the first place because you didn't want to listen because you thought the way you were doing it was right because you like spa sparklers like the joe dirt example it's not what you like it's the consumer it's what we like we're the audience we're the ones that are paying do i haven't watched joe dirks for so long to enjoy otherwise you end up in a scenario where people don't want to play your game and they're going to go somewhere else yeah they go somewhere else that's when you make the change that's why it's so damn important to vote with your dollar you know let's see what else they add to the game but it's it's definitely frustrating although i'll be being good changes it's frustrating as at least in my shoes so anyway i'll see you guys in the next video peace max is part of the take on the on the system what is this so the experience expansion for the first time and the reason they experienced it so well was because they were with their covenant of choice and that would not have been possible had the choice carried less weight oh my [ __ ] god how can you go ah how can you go from saying this to that blizzard this is completely wrong this is completely wrong like a stupid one like this ah it's so this is absolutely [ __ ] wrong no one no one not not the most casual person is this true what a [ __ ] idiotic sentence oh my god how how can you write that they're just stupid that's how not a single player in this game would have experienced this expansion in a less profound way if they could freely choose their covenants from what i find to be so funny about it it's not just that with the thing i i have to re-emphasize this i'm going to say it one more time based off of what they said about this you would have still had the experience through the winds of your covenant of choice because you wouldn't have had the high renown threshold that would allow you to swap between covenants they don't even understand their own game they don't even get it they don't even know how it works it's unbelievable man [Music] you
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Id: njEIQJOaqLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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