Asmongold Tries MYTHIC RAIDING in WoW Dragonflight

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raid Difficulty is set to Mythic we are Mythic rating guys police don't suck okay pug Mythic sounds legit I mean it's gonna be challenging like I I don't think we're gonna just one shot it but I think we can do it all right guys let's ready check let's do it all over this land is teeming with let's go roll out boysrian himself shaped the Earth around the Vault to put we must break their lines and stop Razz again before she you guys know what to do oh my God your attacks on its Center platform bring it down I wonder if we'll one shot this I don't think so how much help does it have oh it only has 150 million that's not that much okay okay that [ __ ] is getting deleted no we're pretty much already done killing them all that's nuts nice to see an upgraded gremba tall yeah I think this part of the raid is really cool like honestly I think Falls of the uh Vault of the incarnates is like I I think it's it's an st or Raid I I personally think it's better than Castle nathria I think it's better than any raid that we had in shadowlands and I would say it's probably better than any raid that we had in BFA too like maybe ashara's Eternal Palace is like as good as this rate I don't know I'm trying to think it was better you like nylotha I didn't like nylosa I thought nyloto was like pointless no these ones don't drop boes looks like we go the rest of the way on let's see bird keeper sucks yeah Raza get must be stopped they do drop boes really okay we'll then loot them and give them all to me just Loop me all the loot and give me all the boes quests that's probably a good thing I don't like the radius of her heel I feel like it it uh it's annoying soft scales following a whale okay I'll grind your skulls under my heel zoom up yep get them consumed boys let's go no boes today [Music] all right uh so yeah basically uh let me read it again so whenever you get greater flame Rift I think that's like a tank swap or some [ __ ] I don't know I think it's going to be really obvious whenever we see it let's just get ready and go swap on the main yeah it's got to be interrupted too the the attack one shots you everyone's ready okay let's go guys this is Mythic so like really try to try to turn on both monitors for this okay you aren't for Destruction okay that's on me I think he needs a taunt whenever this happens really to me disappear into Sanders okay I'll reduce you to Ash I just battle around somebody to me you're going to senders I'll reduce you to Ash or destruction turn to centers okay let's see it's a white it's white okay so what does this look like all right so we kill one of these and then we go and we kill one of those okay your strategy was flawed from the start behind on damage yeah I know yeah let's see uh death's dwarf uh you got hit by a melee from what [Music] got melee from the first big ad spawn okay [Music] the mobs that fixate oh you didn't run away from the fixate of course foreign well just do that next time [Music] I talk boss whenever it comes up yeah that's fine [Music] you show healing yeah there's healing yeah make sure to be interrupting that ad too waiting his content yeah it's really annoying I wish we just respawned right here that way we don't have to like I mean it's like we have to run from like here to here like what very annoying okay so ambulance as soon as he's here we'll go ahead and we'll get ready [Music] you only need three four Heroes for this good because we have three and a half it seems all right we're waiting on Dro gear he's not ready thank you okay all right let's do it I'll pull let us see if you are worthy of my skill s not for Destruction really to me turn to centers I'll reduce you to Ash for Destruction the first person who dies just um go ahead and uh [ __ ] in like uh disciplined as holy Spartan I'll reduce you to Ash March for Destruction undisciplined okay surround enemies hmm you think we don't have the damage your strategy was flawed from the start okay well let's see if we can get anybody new the magic here is replace low DPS oops I'm going to put you on ignore okay uh foreign looks like we just don't yeah we just don't have the DPS we'll try again let's try again for now anyway this guy's pretty well geared okay Nami you can step out and we're gonna kick dwarf out too um and we'll invite him instead okay we'll see how this goes alrighty no charity rate no it's just um the thing is like I don't I'm not mad at them or anything it's just that we can't do it with low DPS that's all like you just can't do 40 like that's the same guy that like on the first pole he uh he got hit by an ad so it's just like you you get hit by an ad on one pole and then you do bad DPS on an expo like you know that's not gonna happen thank you okay no Ram froze that's my wife well I mean this is on Mythic I don't know the details I think we'll also go defensive stance for this yeah there's no warlock here so um you have to walk over foreign foreign maybe you had me mix up with someone else but I just tuned in and tried to sign up and you blocked me bum nuts can you raid Mythic cross server can you read Mythic crossover [Music] um all right monista and aluminum come on head on over coming to next floss too right yeah I hope so well I didn't know that that Warren's a block uh yeah I just didn't want I think you had applied like three or four times like I I think I had declined you and then uh you reapplied like why did you think that I declined you the first time yeah I don't understand like do you think I would have changed my mind or something I applied before you de-listed and no you didn't decline me yeah I don't know um okay monista's here where's aluminum foil yeah I just I didn't I don't want to deal with that foreign okay everybody's here we'll give some people assist boy has a CIS stroke gear as a CIS decoria has assist okay okay oh let's give purposes too all right let's go not for Destruction I'll reduce you to Ash for Destruction foreign ers resx butter you are for Destruction and cheer this one fast surround our enemies okay rally all right that was pretty good guys good job just die okay depth so we have butter bean juice March for Destruction you your strategy was flawed from the start um made to save CDs for hero and fire wings I I mean we still have people doing 40K DPS like butter bean and ambulance are 40K that's really low we'll give it another attempt brother being died yeah we're gonna give this another attempt but we will as I've said before uh we will just replace people if you're if your DPS is low I'm just going to kick you out of the raid like that's it I don't really care why it is why it's low or what's wrong or anything I'm just going to kick you out just behind that round like the beginning yep that's fine the difference everyone needs to instantly switch to wall yeah not sure we need four heels wait I thought we were just having people die to Healing like uh wait wait what do you mean we don't eat heels like lava flow Dot why does Butterbean have the lava flow dot on him what is that guava flow butter bean was standing in the fire butter bean why were you standing in the fire okay uh he's not responding let's look at the other attempts and see if it's worth keeping them in the raid all right he had a really good pull at the beginning but after that after this one we're probably just going to kick him out of the raid after this poll if we don't kill it just letting you know okay let's go ahead and get this done cethelli where are you okay he's ready I'm gonna pull it for Destruction to me foreign ers I'll reduce you to Ash for Destruction really to me and to senders sorry about that positioning that was my bad I shouldn't have been there I think we just need to move more juice okay [Music] surround our enemies okay um well let's look at what happened there that's Natalie um why do you guys get hit by the your strategy was flawed from the start why do you why are you standing in the fire [Music] um I had bad positioning yeah there's a huge issue with the circles too how do we want the circles organized like just tell me and I'll do it whatever you want so you can have the big circle behind the boss where we came from right yeah you want me to put the big circle behind the boss okay got it I'll do that it's a DPS issue yeah I think so [Music] I'm gonna do those stuff and put it in custom there that way it's easier and we don't get as many people thinking it's heroic okay um well let's see who else we still need uh Mona Lisa is okay he's here foreign CDs for ads the truth is we wouldn't need to save CDs for ad if ads of people were just good at the game just be good at the game guys also I'm gonna pull them to us rather than walk over to the other side I just think logically that makes more sense and we do more damage that way I think we're just being stupid by pulling it over to the other side for no reason that's probably my fault so we'll just go ahead and do that okay let's go ahead and pull let us see if you are worthy of my skill s for Destruction okay [Music] really to me born to senders I'll reduce you to cash right for Destruction really to me turn to cinders res decoria I'll reduce you to Ash for Destruction foreign s kill the kill the elemental okay deaths for this attempt why does it not show my death oh I'm not dead yet okay your strategy was flawed from the start uh okay so decoria died from Roar we have leaping Flames as well I don't think that's any sort of a mistake I don't know I mean butter bean we're gonna replace you you're getting kicked out because your damage is low oh wait somebody else left the raid pyrella left the raid thank you pyro I appreciate that that's fine thanks to raid yeah for sure man thanks a lot for coming I really appreciate it okay let's get diagra okay we've got two more people in here we're gonna just keep kicking people out and so uh we get people that do more damage I miss I do damage now I've known this ambulance guy ever since like Kata like I used to do rbgs with them like 10 years ago this guy's good he just wasn't playing well in the first few polls that's why I didn't kick him out foreign no rush to kill captain during the odd phase we won't need to be in a rush because it will be dead because we'll have higher DPS problem solved okay I mean these guys to Zone in come on guys let's go how's this guy's gear ah it sucks dick okay oh at least he's got a good weapon all right that's not too bad oh he's got a okay 405 Lariat not too bad he's got his four piece too okay whenever this guy gets here we're gonna go ahead and uh buff up get your food buff guys hero on Rings or pull uh let's hero on pull I understand that we might want a hero on rings but I don't want to I don't want us to think that we have the damage for the Rings because we can kill the first set of rings with heroism because we're going to have to do two or three sets [Music] so yeah we're gonna Hero on pole and then later on we might hold the hero to use it as like a stop Gap if we're gonna have a ring and you know we're at a position or something foreign is this guy good oh he's got pretty good gear he's 405 uh he's got like okay okay he has no enchant on his weapon diagra do you know that you have no enchants on your weapon did you know that you know that right he says I'm broke [Music] [Music] um the chip enchants are like 100 and Goldie I know all right let's go diagra if you do good damage I'll give you a weapon enchant okay double shock it's on you okay let's go let us see if you are worthy of my skill and to send us March for Destruction we can go that way if you guys want that's fine with me this is confusing monista okay let's try to get everybody moved and um I'll reduce you to Ash for Destruction okay all right uh let's see here go ahead and wipe it uh yeah it's a good deaths monista do you know how you died I died early yeah but it wasn't your fault well it was because you didn't use a healing potion or a health stone well actually we don't have hell stones Runa Fowler Rune of power was in the fire I need personals bro uh okay well um just make sure to move out of the fire next time monista because you were standing in the fire and you died uh let's see we don't have anybody to replace you right now so like I'm not going to be mean to you until we do so that's what's gonna happen and uh let's see viviona leaping flames okay you just died from dots uh let's see if you tried to heal yourself you did use acceleration good job [Music] diagra do you think you're doing good damage in the raid right now did you know that you got out DPS by a person who died pick up the damage or I'm going to kick you out okay all right let's get this done foreign all right let's go I don't see if you [Music] yeah we're gonna be moving this way okay you aren't for Destruction foreign and to cinders I'll reduce you to cash for Destruction okay undisciplined surround our enemies okay you followed the wrong time do we have any other DPS that want to come in for Mythic uh we're gonna kick this Warrior out as soon as we have somebody that's actually good um also the healing sucks people are just dying to damage strategy was flawed from the start why is nobody healing decoria I don't really understand that because if I look at his deaths this doesn't really make sense okay all right we're gonna replace the warrior with this Hunter here and this guy's got way better gear so this should be a much better Improvement I understand that this might be a little bit turbulent at the beginning where we we get people that know what they're doing but it's okay they're wiping on the first boss here I am versus Shaman in general is really bad at the moment I mean navicos is like 100 underperforming but I don't know why and I don't know if that's his fault or or what if we had another Hue or I'd probably replace him but we don't also for damage we still have Natalie literal garbage damage let's see you died early again you died because you were standing in the fire were you aware of that I can also heal by the way yeah we might have to do that it depends no no you're one of our higher DPS we have repair everybody repair okay so also we're always going to be going this direction okay we're going to be going like this you guys understand so that means you guys need to uh make sure you're not standing there yeah counterclockwise uh yeah [Music] make sure to get your food Buffs guys my DPS meters needed in MMOs yeah yeah all right I think we're pretty much good uh let's go ahead and ready check and then we'll pull and GPS need to not be behind the boss when the odds spawn yeah they should be in front of the boss that way the ads run towards the boss it's kind of just common sense if you understand the mechanics of the fight okay here we go for Destruction really to me I took fire damage there that was unfortunate I'll reduce you to Ash for Destruction really to me turn to cinders I'll reduce you to Ash great great job so far guys keep it up okay surround our enemies leave none alive move forward and kill this one I'm gonna rally here just so you guys can recover good job all right you guys can do a little bit of damage to him there all right Kenzo get him back in position all right now all we have to do is do it again to me going to senders okay if you haven't used your CDs by now uh save your CDs for the next set of ads we're gonna have to do two sets and then the boss dies okay I need a taunt really to me can you please despawn your Earth Elemental uh yeah it actually makes it harder I know you're trying to help yards for Destruction battle runs Viviana fedarez Vivion battery is kinasana don't batter as viviona oh purple's dead okay all right let's go kill this we've killed the boss killed this we kill the boss right here great try guys we'll kill it next time okay just die your strategy was flawed from the start viviona you didn't try to heal yourself you just died like a bot we might take this Druid healer I don't know I kind of don't want to replace the shaman but Druid healer might be better it's been there since the start you're right and he I mean like really navicos has done bad healing but he hasn't made a single mistake so we're going to keep him for now but just try to pump up those healing numbers okay we've like the truth is that like the deaths that happened like lava flow was kinosabe just stood in the [ __ ] just stood in the fire like that's obviously bad but I died super quick let's see did you die super quick yeah that's true I mean it took I mean six seconds I mean [ __ ] like you've got to get at least like 45 seconds you know to know to use your cooldown for sure do what I can honestly rates soft top most of the fire dark to compete with the vokers all right I mean yeah it's I'm not gonna but that you could be totally right [Music] the truth is like we have the damage we just don't have the healing or sorry we yeah yeah we have the damage sorry yeah I was right okay okay let's go let us see if you are worthy of my Steel dare to centers you aren't for Destruction rally to me and to senders I'll reduce you to Ash New York for Destruction really to me turn to centers let's get those interrupts out guys rally you are for Destruction I had speller [ __ ] up I thought we'd be fine let's go let's kill the ants okay uh okay tell him to save a CD yeah well let's look at deaths again your strategy was flawed from the start foreign direct heals at all and then incinerate it didn't back up I got hit by the ring okay can you raise me sorry okay let's do it again trained mentally to not stand in front of a boss in most games yeah I just was hoping that people that would raid Mythic would be able to think past that okay let's go ahead and do it again let's go guys come on let us see if you are worthy of mine deal s not for Destruction experience really to me you're into cinders I'll reduce you to Ash you are for Destruction to me scared to Cinders okay great job on this ad set I'll reduce you to Ash surround our enemies okay easiest Gigi just do this again and to cinders right for Destruction okay kill these ads growling I'll reduce you to March for Destruction save all your CDs for the uh the next set of uh of rings okay if you haven't used a CD by now don't use it I'll reduce you to Ash for Destruction and to senders batteries me uh let's see what can we do here yeah keep going keep going you guys can still kill it battle res double okay hopefully oh my God how do people die at least well you guys killed that flame just kill the other one all right just you're not going to get another set of these so just don't worry just do big [ __ ] heels on Kenzo how'd you die let me see oh Kenzo died I didn't even realize that much for Destruction I died from burning wound just keep going guys just keep going uh whenever you can put a salt or sorry not Soul Stone just get ready to battle res purple Kenzo perp Kenzo again uh ignore this set of ads guys ignore this set of Ides pads kite it away and burn down the boss and like Focus interrupt the big guy yeah ignore this set of ads just literally CC them and burn down the boss they're gonna wipe it like two mil I think let's see what happens I'll reduce you to Ash or destroy destruction to Cinders yeah we've got no DPS alive honestly it's just Loyola um surround our enemies your strategy was flawed from the start very close yeah yeah we're gonna get it um I don't know why tanks are dying look up what Perry does that's the reason why you stand behind okay I'm going to ban you um I just got thumb no it's fine [Music] okay those are boundless usually if people give advice or information that's just stupid because they don't know what's going on then I just ban them not spell reflect yeah I I could have spell reflected that um I was just expecting to get healed I feel like if I look at my healing like the healing I take it's like I don't even receive any actual heals I'm just getting like passive AOE heels a single he'll fight 40 seconds right yeah I mean like I don't know what to say also like perf like if you could move the boss more like I don't know why like it's it's like why isn't it like as soon as you taunt you just move the Ballastic why is there even a delay I don't understand because I mean it would make sense right that you would just taunt the boss and then just move him but whenever you don't then people are clumping around uh around the boss and they don't know what's going on just doesn't it doesn't make sense to me let's go and do it again do you have battle scarred veteran Talent yeah I do healing receipt for healer let me see [Music] yeah I mean this is about right okay let's go foreign not already battle risk we have two Druids in a raid we can't battle guards for Destruction really to me I'll reduce you to cash for Destruction all right let's go here good job I'll taunt and start this one off okay since I already have my CDs and to cinders March for Destruction really to me turn to centers I'll reduce you to Ash March for Destruction really to me okay we're gonna have one more set of ads and then we're gonna have the next set of the uh the big ads rally viviona don't [ __ ] die for Destruction surround our enemies big damage batter as Mona Lisa if we can okay I'm disciplined your strategy was flawed from the start [Music] foreign we're gonna have to replace one of our Healers navicos we're gonna have to replace you it's just it's not working uh who's the who's the Healer that you know monista Kling okay yeah thanks for coming now because I appreciate it man okay it's not here thinking all Shaman's ass I don't know if the class is bad I have no idea it's just that healing is not good enough and we need to make healing better so we just have to replace people and then that's it novel Coast was here the whole time he actually played extremely well maybe his class is bad maybe he's under geared maybe he's not as experienced I don't know why it's just that it's a problem and we need to fix it and that's all there is to it okay um yeah as soon as he heads over we'll go ahead and we'll get this done it is what it is yeah it's not the issue why people are dying okay uh let's see I mean damage is really good uh let's see yeah that's [Music] drug here you stood in the fire and that caused you to die viviona let's see I mean honestly bro like you really went all out like used a healing potion you used acceleration you did a great job staying alive man that's not your fault at all foreign using rank three yeah I don't think him not using a rank 3 healing potion is his fault I got like that's not that's not fair uh ambulance you want to be in group three yeah if somebody wants to swap ambulance around thank you check the Spells navicos was [ __ ] topping dispels so another W for the shaman I feel bad foreign this is the one we're going for right here obviously this ring would be crazy like I I don't really need this uh this back piece like this is not useful for me but uh everything else besides that would be great okay um we'll go ahead and we'll reset the boss yeah let's go ahead and reset [ __ ] my bad it doesn't matter mistakes happen you better see if you are your strategy was flawed from the start I never get mad at people that make mistakes I only get mad at people who determined who are determined to repeat them so don't worry about it all right let's go move up let's do it boys come on let us see if you are worthy of my skill s you are for Destruction really to me foreign ers I'll reduce you to cash for Destruction to me rally can't you senders foreign foreign all right okay people are just dying man like I don't even know what to say like they're just dying their Captain spawned so far away didn't pull out I thought I had aggro on the captain I'm pretty sure I did from now on what I'm gonna do if that's an issue and like we think that's the problem is I'm just gonna have the captain Circle intersect with the boss and that way he's gonna always be behind the boss like every single time oh I shut the run back after wipes yeah I mean as I said if you do like a pie graph and you look at like the amount of time that I spend on this raid I wonder how much time is spent just like going from point A to point B like just meaningless like meaningless time like how many polls could we have done if we were playing this in like Final Fantasy system or like Lost Ark system probably five more pulls it's just like you know a three hour raid and lost ark takes six hours and wow it's just such a colossal like bad design I can't believe that I can't believe blizzard is still doing this that's outdated as [ __ ] yeah it was a bad idea it was bad then too okay yeah I mean it would be nice if we had a priest healer but we just don't have one so there you go people enjoy it I don't think anybody enjoys it there's just stupid people that only play WoW and uh they they don't know any better okay let's go let us see are worthy of my skill s not for Destruction okay really to me and to cinders I'll reduce you to Ash really good job so far guys let's keep it up really to me batteries double why is he not bad arrest he's been dead five seconds why is he dead five seconds I'll reduce you to Ash yours for Destruction surround our enemies this will be a really easy one good job for Destruction rally to me just keep it together guys this is literally just all rinse and repeat ers okay we're gonna have one more set of ads after this okay I I think we should still be fine when do we have the next battle res uh we should still be able to do it surround our enemies leave none alive kill it kill it kill it come on good job if we have a res I think we need to Res me over decoria 20 seconds okay just Spam [ __ ] CDs until then and I'll taunt as soon as I can whenever I'm up CC the ads burn down the boss nice job good work guys oh [ __ ] The Shield dropped holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this Shield dropped oh my God yes bro I think we can take yes bro doubtful there it is show drops all the [ __ ] time yeah let's let's [ __ ] let's get it how did I die before we Engage The Storm eater I expect they won't make it easy for us just didn't get healed okay let's see what this is well nice we got the [ __ ] Shield voice there we go oh my God Law's rewarding us to wait multiple times I mean I would have felt that way if we killed it earlier maybe taunt swap didn't happen to be honest it's very hard for me to maintain like to to do a new fight like that and raid lead and also stream and like pay attention to like everything everybody's doing so like I probably could have used the cool down there I should have used a cool down there but I didn't so it's like that's my fault too okay we've got that shield now [ __ ] yeah all right let's go over and do Council yeah we can do we can try Council you're missing Diva over in fortitude with a survive of the better calm yeah I mean it's just again it's hard for me to uh it's hard for me to keep up with everything obviously let's pull these mobs we need another healer we can kill Aaron all you can kill Council guaranteed I'm hoping so I'm very happy about this I got my shield this is why I didn't spend my Valor to upgrade my other Shield yep we need a Healer if we can't get one by the time that we get over there I mean like we'll just Mythic Boe Farm like who cares and uh if we can't get somebody it's whatever but I think we can do counsel like what's the what's the mechanic on Council I don't really need anything on Council like I could get maybe like yeah I don't need anything out of council honestly okay let's see Primal blizzard [Music] oh you can heal okay double shock why don't you heal and we're gonna invite this Hunter foreign goes away from soaking blizzard um that's it conductive mark okay so we have to clear every Mark with the actual with the Rocks okay that makes sense [Music] sure okay foreign got one fold so I'll get replaced now okay sounds good thanks for coming one bite blocky we're probably not going to do this forever or for like a while because um we're going to do older today too but we'll see Mark doesn't expire any according to rock scenes we've run Walker up and let's mark up between Rock Transitions and it'll be able to cool the rocks yeah it makes sense yeah we'll probably do this only for like an hour if we can even get somebody we need to get another DPS okay I can't sign and join even though I'm saving the same bosses wait what blocky can't join the raid even though he's saved to the same bosses wait why I do not trust Mythic lockouts why like why not just change that I don't understand it doesn't make sense you get saved to a specific group but they'll change it soon I I hope so there's like so many um there's so many like pointless restrictions and annoyances that wow rating has and I think it's probably one of the biggest reasons why people don't rate as much as they used to because like you can do Mythic plus and you don't have to deal with any of those restrictions and you just get to play the game and have fun and not have to worry about some you know like weird like Boe rule or like running back to the boss or like what what is like what what are we what are we doing like why why does this exist it doesn't make it I I don't know like it's like you know poor question why why why okay we need two more people we want you to do with the static group I mean if they want you to do it it's a static group then why don't they let you do it on Cross Realm Boomers holding wow hostage I unironically think you're right it's almost like being taught a lesson whenever you mess up any mechanics you are just you die because you don't okay good job Frost does not care who falls into its own temperature IQ is defending trust me like anybody who defends wow rating in its current state has a room temperature IQ and it's a cold room by the way okay they are so bad it's not so much defending while rating as it is going against your opinion yeah I mean I just they're just stupid I really enjoy raids but there's no reason to have so many restrictions there's just a lot of things in raids that make the raid experience worse like having to run back to the boss not having summoning stones at bosses um I I think that's like those are the main ones yeah like yeah too many trash mobs like like we've been doing trash for like 10 minutes that's crazy there's no reason there needs to be this many ratings should be fine now it's really like a job that's the same with anything there's nothing unique about that okay don't clear every single Rock leave one up I'll move back do we have anybody like are we going to be able to do this oops it's gonna be Unleashed on a world in need of our rule camerisa I mean like it doesn't matter we only have 18 people right now we need two more DPS I like trash that shows mechanics yeah yeah that's fine well having a summoning Stone makes warlocks less valuable yeah it does I think that would be a good thing though I mean the truth is like having one class that provides a utility that saves so much time isn't really good game design because sometimes you can't get a warlock for certain reasons that are out of your control so like should you just be punished for that no I don't think so I think that's just a it's silly design there's no there's no improvement that it creates for the game like is my experience better because of this the answer is no sometimes you can't get a tank or heal right I don't know I'm Banning you oh no no I'm not going to ban you for that I'm not going to be I changed my mind no no I'm not gonna be on you like a tank could be like one of five different classes a viewer can be like one of like five different classes too um like a warlock is only one class so it's totally different I think inconvenience is good for MMOs to be honest no I don't think that anybody thinks an inconvenience for inconvenience's sake is good for MMOs I think inconvenience can make sense in circumstance in in certain circumstances but like obviously you don't believe that inconvenience is good because like if let's say you could never repair your gear like I mean [ __ ] that would be really inconvenient right but would that be good no so it's not like inconvenience is good that's like saying bad is good for games like it doesn't make any sense however there are some things that uh you know kind of would fall under that category anything that separates the player base is bad yeah I think so too in general I think that logistical challenges are not fun to overcome like being able to get a certain amount of like a large number of players for a raid if the raid is extremely challenging I don't think that's really fun to overcome I don't think having to get a certain class comp is fun to overcome I don't think uh having to get like certain Buffs is like super fun to overcome by like having those classes I don't think having to get a warlock to summon people inside is fun to overcome to undercome or overcome sorry uh uh I don't think that like let me think having to like run back because you didn't have white protection is fun to overcome I don't find any of these things good I don't think they've added any value into the game the soccer game if you just Spam irritation if you die you quick Resurrection your wife and full buffed within a second wait so you're saying that like Final Fantasy rating isn't a good game yeah it is you're crazy if you don't if you think that like why would it why would the game why would why would why would the game be bad if you don't have to spend as much time in between pulls like why would that make the game Bad doesn't make sense it's like saying Dark Soul is better than sakiro because you have to spend longer running back [Music] [ __ ] some people are so brain dead man [Music] this wild mindset it's just yeah I know it's amazing Yeah Anna karenia I'll invite you give me a second [Music] if you keep pushing it you can just ask your bosses to have a lower HP so you don't waste time on them weird take so you think that having to run back to the boss is the same as cutting the boss's Health in half so it takes less time you think that's the same thing what an idiot oh my God since we just got somebody I'll I'll say five more minutes we can't get somebody by then we'll go ahead and we'll call it foreign to get a group for this kind of stuff not the same but slippery slope it's not a slippery slope at all the slippery slope fallacy is whenever you conflate to unrelated things and draw a correlation between them which is what you just did like slippery like saying that one thing will lead to another thing is not a slippery slope a slippery slope fallacy is whenever you say one thing will lead to something that's unrelated and if you think that the boss having less health is the same thing as run backs taking less time you fundamentally misunderstand what I'm talking about you you actually don't even understand what we're talking about at all there is wait why did why did you invite [Music] it's wow brain man what do you expect let me do her up razigoth all right we'll take this uh this Monk all right head on in let's get this done sponsor hope you're doing well oh yeah I think I heard about that yeah what's up man how you doing hardest part about this is the mechanics overlap at times by the way okay I'm going to understand someone liking the trash poles even if I don't like them I don't think anybody actually likes the trash bowls I think people think they like something but they don't even understand why they like something yeah like a lot of people just AFK and also like there's a question of you know if you have something that 80 of people don't care about but for 20 of people like vastly diminishes their experience and it annoys them like is it good to keep that in the game yeah it's I mean yeah it's a good point yeah it's literally called trash why do you think it's called trash because nobody likes doing it I just want to kill the boss yeah people still think of how long BlackRock depths runs were where it was going to venture for hours now it's basically a formality it was a different game back then and uh making a game all right like an MMO that wastes your time as gratuitously as it did back in I don't know like 2004 is just not a good idea nowadays because people are just gonna move on and play something else that's why a lot of people try to go AFK men trash yeah of course it's just a waste of time I don't think they should remove all trash but I think they should cut trash down by like 80 percent arkellos let me know whenever you're ready I'll start on opal Fang oh oh you will perp okay that's fine I'll get embar do people go AFK during movie previews yeah a lot of times they do that's whenever you get like uh snacks and [ __ ] like that okay let's move up let's get this done pull them whenever you guys are ready all right I'm gonna pull fire remember we've won up these operations nice Flaming Steel steer your flesh okay I was wondering if that would work keep those interrupts out guys whenever we can be wrapped in the blizzards foreign yeah I thought that'd be a good idea to rest the tank eventually am I bugged no you're just stupid Flaming Steel steer your flesh foreign [Music] okay it's gonna be a wife decoria were you listening whenever we were explaining the mechanics hey and we're sorry not the Corey sorry Dro gear were you listening run back yes I just forgot at that moment okay um all right so anyway let's see here who died and how Kenzo died from being entombed by lightning or Sorry by the guy we could have broken him out he could have used a cooldown ahead of time he could have used the fire so a lot of things Kenzo could have done uh obviously like that's just what happens I guess meteorax Airness uh did you solo soak was that it no you sold you only soaked with a few people it's an OCD the fire was on the other side of the room no I know it was because I had to jump to to get out of it I soaked with like two or three yeah you guys need to soak with more people also um I don't know who it was that thought it was a good idea to stay in melee with the uh the fire but it wasn't a good idea it was a bad idea in fact let's go that was me sorry yeah okay well let's move up and do it again [Music] paranus foreign let's go what fun shall we play they are so bad I'll purify you nice Flaming Steel steer your flesh good job kind of hey hey smash foreign it's okay I can do opal thing Flaming Steel steer your flesh foreign battle res ambulance Stone he wrapped in the blizzard I'll purify you okay Flaming Steel steer your flesh Frozen to perfection [Music] you belong in the nothing but Ash remains my swapping we're swapping on two stacks of opal Fang am I not taunting fast enough I'm getting shitloads at from both I don't know like are you just out threading me or something like I'm not sure because it's like I feel like we're doing the same damage like if I'm if I'm not taunting fast enough I'll taunt faster this knows yeah I don't know let me run back sorry Mark raziath I'm not going to do heroic grass I guess yeah it's just not gonna happen uh what is even drop uh bracers and a helmet I mean this trinket would be nice yeah I just I don't want to do it Okay so I'll go Battle Stance actually that way maybe I can hold aggro better this might be a little bit of a mistake we'll find out okay yeah so Kenzo died from melee I'm swapping ever oh you want to swap every Crush okay got it I'll do that from now on uh on heroic and normal we always just did every two but since you want to do every Crush I'll do that uh let's see ambulance just died from oh we got melee and Drug here not enough people in the soak [Music] all right let's go ahead and move on foreign [Music] 's ready let's go ahead and pull what fun shall we play hang and Stone don't die aberration Flaming Steel steer your flesh they are better as wild foreign I can't keep up with like all these mobs like they're just stacked on top of each other I can't even read the names or anything all right um let's go ahead and wipe this fight's annoying as a tank yeah this sucks man you belong in the ground you were not up to the challenge wait now let's get Frozen no no yeah I should have I should have moved I just didn't I didn't move like me watch something I think yeah I I don't think we're ready for this one our mistress yeah this shit's just not gonna happen guys the problem is like I mean whenever I'm tanking on Mythic like I just have to I have to keep up with so much at a time it's just hard to do oh [ __ ] poiter and strata above the damage meters it helps a lot we can try again tomorrow uh maybe like I don't know it just depends like I'm just glad at least we killed one boss I think we can kill the other like probably the first four realistically like not now but like over time okay these boss frames taros's major DPS check yeah exactly that's why I think we can do it foreign I think that um I think just over time people are going to understand it better it's just like I think I underestimated how many things like you have to keep up with because like I don't know like whenever I'm I'm like rating and like radiating it's like I can never just do my job I have to do like everybody else's job too I like calling out for people to do like Common Sense stuff so it makes it a lot harder for me to like uh you know focus on on doing everything that I need to do then clear Stacks well I couldn't clear them because I was focusing on 10 other things at a time and also like you have so much there's like so many things happening on the screen at the same time it's hard to even keep up with everything that's why people raid with like seven different add-ons it's like micromanaging all that stuff is hard to do like mistakes are going to happen
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 489,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asmongold classic wow wotlk, asmongold classic, classic wow, vod, asmongold vod, full vod, asmongold retail wow, asmongold mythic sanctum, asmongold raid, shadowlands raid, dragonflight, wow dragonflight, dragonflight changes, dragonflight raid, asmongold dragonflight, vault of the incarnates raid, vault of the incarnates, asmongold dragonflight raid, dragonflight mythic raid, asmongold mythic raid, vault of the incarnates mythic
Id: WMNMhpA8U80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 17sec (7217 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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