Top 5 Reasons you should actually be excited for Cataclysm Classic!

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you and me might be the minority and you know what I'm okay with that there's no doubt season of Discovery is a fun time and there's tons of people loving it and there's also me and you we enjoy it right it's fun but cataclysm is still probably going to be the game taking the majority of our time up when it actually launches well actually before then because I plan on no life in the beta both on Kick and twitch so give me a follow on either of those platforms cheers cataclysm gets so much negative press for a game that hands down has one of the best raid tiers in world of warcraft's history not only that the fact that you can experience these raids however you prefer it be it 10 or 25 man whilst getting the same loot it's just the icing on the cake I personally want to be doing both 10 and 25 man when it launches but the fact that I can have my own little 10man Guild where we raid and have fun every week and then also be part of a much bigger Guild for 25 man just makes the whole raiding system that much better than what we have had to deal with in the past now I know that's just personal opinion but what are the key differences and why has raiding in general made my top five list of things you should be excited for when it comes to cataclysm without assuming why I know everyone still plays classic Raph I do have a sneaky suspicion that if you're spending a lot of time on classic steel and it's because you enjoy raiding or maybe even just passing in raids maybe you are excited for Ruby sanctum although you would be on your own there for me they could cancel Ruby sanctum and I wouldn't literally lose a single minute of sleep but yeah if you aren't a massive pvper then really raiding is probably the core part of the game for you and Trust me it's about to get better I can honestly say from my perspective there isn't a raid in Raph that's better than the opening tier of cataclysm it's not even because of where we are or what bosses we're fighting but mechanically they're just that much more interesting the Step Up from normal to heroic is a massive Challenge and using Blackwing descent hold up you probably at least need to know what the raids are before we carry on all right fair enough so located in Black Rock mountains you can find Blackwing descent in Twilight Highlands you have Bastion of Twilight and in oldum you have Throne of the Four Winds now now these are the first three raids available at launch and there is technically a fourth that it's barried in hold which is basically winter grasp so yeah whatever and what you might notice straight away is all of these raids you've not been thrown into a new continent when TBC came out everyone was crammed into outlands and then when Raph came out we just relocated to north end but not this time around all these raids are located in Eastern kingdoms or camor the old zones and nostalgic cities everyone loves so much and now the center of the game again and I personally love it but anyway back to the now you know where they are every boss in Blackwing descent on normal has a decent set of mechanics and some of them are really unique unique to a point where you've seen nothing like them before atramedes for example he's a blind dragon and you gain a noise bar as you make noise you alert him of your presence and if you fill your noise bar he knows where you are and he's going to give you a pretty rough time the nefarian fight is absolutely phenomenal if you're not cheesing it which sure I'll put a video on how to do that at some point but fighting both anxia and and nefarian at the same time having really interesting mechanics needing a tank that can kite needing healers that really are on their game with their Mana because for healers this fight can get quite stressful just makes it an absolutely phenomenal encounter and that's just two examples out of many and that's also only one raid out of the three raiding in cataclysm has made this list of my top five things I'm excited for purely because the raiding is just that damn good next up would be the leveling and now while leveling has never been one of the fun things for me in the game in fact it's always just that thing that gets in the way of the raiding if you're like me and you're not a fan of like the vanilla leveling style how slow it is jumping from Zone to Zone constantly but you like TBC you like leveling Outland and you like leveling North friend you're going to like the entire level in experience in cataclysm because Eastern kingdoms and camor have been completely reworked all of the quests and the quest in areas are similar to what you'd expect in northrend where you go and grab a few quests you get sent to a place you do them you go back hand in it sends you to the next place it's a lot more linear you'll still be doing the same nostalgic quests but they just made that little bit quicker and a lot more convenient and when it comes to leveling as well at the moment if you see a rare mob you kill it and it drops a green that's absolutely useless and you're not going to equip in cataclysm the rares actually give a substantial amount of XP in fact you kill one rare and it gives you around the same amount of XP as completing a quest at that level would give you so finding all the rares that you can are super important and actually on the last fresh cat server I played on one of the guys in the guild absolutely raced away from everybody on the server just by knowing where all the rares were and running around and just killing them all he didn't even Quest he just ran around killing rares pretty much all the way to like 60 so it really is a substantial amount of XP so using something like rare scanner or if you already use rested XP for level in this has actually got a built-in rare scanner anyway so that would be my preference the then you want to use them cuz you do not want to miss a rare when you're leveling but the leveling experience for me actually now starts from level one and what I mean by that is because I'm not much of a fan of the vanilla leveling experience it's always refreshing as soon as I get to 58 and get in Outland now it's like you're in Outland but from level one if we were to add on top of the fact that you don't need to run all over the world picking up instance quests anymore because as soon as you walk inside the instance you can pick the quest up that even just makes jumping in a dungeon using random dungeon finder on your way up even more enticing because there's nothing more frustrating than now going and doing a full deadmines clear or a full Shadow fan keep and having no quests now as long as the dungeon is your faction you'll be able to get the quest so what I mean is in dead Minds horde probably won't be able to get the quests even if you're using random dungeon finder the same way Alliance won't be able to pick the quests up at the start of Rage fire Chasm but yeah the leveling had to be in my top five cuz honestly it's actually really enjoyable now the third one on this incredibly important list is probably just the way the classes play every class has really evolved from RAF of the Lich King with paladins having holy power Hunters now having a focus system and some of these rotations just being so challenging that it's actually incredibly fun to play that's not to say they're difficult because there's lots of buttons to press it's more that there's more things to maintain Buffs to keep up procs to watch out for it's just a lot more engaging and I know not Everyone likes that some of you like vanilla and like TBC because you could just Spam shadowbolt not going to get away with just spamming shadowbolt some classes are easier than others don't get me wrong and we will be looking at the easiest to hardest classes to play in future videos so if you're going to be playing cataclysm absolutely hit that subscribe button before you go anywhere but the classes just feel rewarding and actually out of all of the different versions of the game that I play cataclysm also feels extremely well balanced in PVE where certain classes Excel on certain fights but everyone can be competitive as long as you know how to play many people have said to me what's the top DPS what's the bottom DPS what class should I play to you know top meters on every fight I'll tell you the same as I tell all those anything that you want to play you will be able to top Meers on if you're better than the people you're playing with of course there'll be a matter of course people will work out that actually stacking Unholy dks at the start's going to be really strong arms Warriors so much better than Fury Shadow priests are actually really strong in certain situations rep paladins are actually broken if they're played right you know there's all of these little things that we do know but you as just an individual just as a player who just wants to have fun and play the game play whatever class you want and if you master it you will be able to do well but overall the classes and how they are had to make this list because I feel like every small niggle I've got with classes in raap of the Lich King is actually addressed in cataclysm and it's something that no one talks about because everyone talks about the negatives with cataclysm but the fact that Hunter is so much more fun with a focus bar than a Mana bar and warlocks don't need to to worry about keeping ridiculous amount of Soul stones to be able to do anything with and the tanks having actual rotations and being able to actually put out big damage and the healers like healing in cataclysm is incredible because you really have to be on your game you've got to manage your Mana healing is no joke in cataclysm which is something that I really like as someone who likes to heal a lot but overall across the board every class in cataclysm feels better than it does in Rafa the Lich King the next one is the guild system and if you haven't seen my video recently about the guild system or if I haven't actually posted it yet and I done this one first I'm just going to stick a segment from that in here which will go over everything you need to know about the guild system because ultimately I think the change to how guilds run how guilds operate perks rewards is probably one of the best features of cataclysm starting with the basics nothing's really changed in terms of how you form a guild you still need to purchase a guild Charter pay the 10 silver and name the guild what you want and then run along and get some signatures you as the Guild Master will be the first and and then you'll need four additional signatures so it doesn't take too long to actually get a guild together once you're part of a guild you'll notice there's a nice new UI first of all you can see the name of your guild and your Guild's Crest you can see what level you are and how much xp you need for the next level The Guild news and events are all in one place now events can be things from people dinging level 85 or the guild earning achievements and right at the top you'll have your guild message of the day if you had any upcoming Guild events used by creating a Guild event on the calendar that would also show here so really for everything to do with your guild who's joined who's dinged who's got new items what events are coming up like everything's nicely in one place and then moving down here you'll see the latest Guild perk that you got so for us we got have group will travel which is a 2hour mass summon and the next one we're going to get is Chugalug where the duration of Buffs from all Guild cauldrons is increased by 100% we'll get on to what Guild cauldrons are soon also down the bottom you'll see your guild reputation so I'm currently honored with them and not too far off of revered now reputation does play a big part because if we look at the rewards what our Guild currently has yes you can see loads of heirlooms which we're going to get to shortly but if I wanted the Reigns of the golden King I need to get exalted with the guild before I can actually purchase that mount same goes for reign of the dark Phoenix and some of these that I've already got as you can see required friendly with the guild just going back to Guild perks for a minute though we'll quickly fly through everything you're going to get now we know that blizzard have said cataclysms coming with changes and I actually expect cash flow to be one of those changes but first of all when you get to level two in your guild you're going to get fast track which increases experience gained from killing monsters and completing quests by 5% so before we even get any further it's quite obvious that being part of a guild is going to be extremely important in cataclysm just because of how powerful some of these bonuses actually are you're also going to get things like 10% movement speed which doesn't work in Battlegrounds and Arenas Mr popularity increas in reputation cash flow which each time you Loop money from an enemy an extra 5% is generated and deposited directly into your guild Bank in addition completing Guild challenges will reward gold directly to your guild Bank as well so when you go to the info tab you can see your guild challenges every week we can do seven dungeons one raid and three rated Battlegrounds now these are rated Battleground wins once we kill any level appropriate raid boss while in a guild group we're going to get huge XP and 500 gold put in the bank and the same goes for doing dungeons as a guild now the good thing about the XP from here is doesn't go to the Daily cap so every day there's a cap on the amount of XP that you can actually gain but if you're doing these challenges this will go above the cap so it's actually really important that you get these done every week now blizzard did say there was going to be changes like I said and I actually think this will be a part of that I think this number may be reduced so smaller guilds have got more of a chance of getting all of these complete every week even though they're not a big stretch at level six you'll get fast track rank two which is going to increase the experience from killing monsters and completing quests by 10% there's reinforce where your items take 10% less durability loss when you die Hasty half which is a really important one because this actually reduces the cool down of your half Stone by 15 minutes so this actually takes your half Stone down to a 15minute cool down I do like that reinforc rank two causes 20% less durability loss when you die and then a really interesting one is chugger lug so the duration of Buffs of all Guild cauldrons is increased by 50% now you know our next rank in our Guild is going to be Chugalug rank two where it increases the duration of Buffs from Guild cauldrons by 100% now the guild cauldron recipe actually comes from the guild achievements so we might as well touch on this now now next to where your achievements are you've got your guild achievements now as well and these are everything from leveling each different human or dwarf getting your guild to level 25 killing loads of Critters killing the opposing faction class and race combos to even completing Guild challenges now they're all broken down into different categories much like your own achievements you want to keep keep an eye out on the important ones which give rewards now for professions to get The Cauldron of battle recipe you're going to need to make a th000 cataclysm flasks now this is not you this is your entire guild so every time one of your Alchemists make a flask it'll go towards this achievement once that's unlocked you can then head to the guild vendor you can buy the recipe from the vendor now what you'll notice with the actual crafted product The Cauldron of battle it creates a Cadron that ra members can use to gain the benefit of a flask appropriate to their class and talents The Cauldron has 10 use and last for 10 minutes now you're going to get more cauldrons of battle out of crafting this than you would if you was to just craft individual flasks and hand them out and then with the guild perks like Chugalug increasing the duration they're going to actually last longer than a flask as well there's another perk called happy hour which actually increases the number of flasks gained from using a guild cauldron as well this is by 50% which would then mean your cauldron's going to have 15 uses instead of 10 now this is just the first rank of cauldron or you could call this The 10-man Cauldron you can also get a bigger cauldron which we don't have access to yet but to get the big cauldron of battle then you need to make 3,000 flasks now getting The Cauldron for your raids is going to be important but it's also going to be important to get that's a lot of bait which gives you the seafood magn recipe it's basically your fish feasts so what I really like about the guild system is you do need to all pull together to tick many of these off it also gives you reason to go back and get some of these old legendaries that maybe evaded your guild because there's a guild achievement to get all of the legendaries up until this point and individual achievements for each one as well and ultimately it gives you all something to do together even going back and doing the old heroics that you might not have credit for now I've always been a fan of personal achievements so the fact Guild achievements get added as well I I really do like it because I like the fact that you'll be like oh guys should we get together and go and do XYZ heroics because we haven't got credit for them yet it's just it's nice and it actually gives you reason to play with people from your guild outside of just logging on for an hour to raid but going back to the perks and now just picking out the important ones you can get mobile banking which summons a guild chest on a 1hour cooldown this is at level 11 you get the next rank of Mr popularity you can get increased honor gained at level 13 you can also get an increase to the chance to gain a skill when you're crafting by 10% which really good for crafting professions on alts the quick and the dead is an extremely noticeable one which increases Health gained when resurrected by a guild member by 50% and it also increases movement speed while dead by 100% Guild m where in-game ment between Guild members now arrives instantly justice points increased honor points increased bountiful bags which is an amazing one where it sometimes increases the quantity of materials gained from mining skinning herbalism and disenchanting arim which reduces the gold price of items from vendors by 10% and then finally Mass res where yes with one button you can bring everybody in your raid back to life but it can only be done once every 10 minutes so you can see just by looking at those perks that it's going to be not only incredibly important to actually cap your guild XP every day but getting those challenges done every week as well so you can get more than just your daily cap some of these perks really make a big difference and some of them sound minor but even things like bountiful bags so your herbalists that are going around getting herbs each day to be able to make cauldrons are actually going to be able to make more cauldrons because you're a higher level Guild and then The Cauldron they put down is going to give more flasks and it's going to last longer I really like the guild perk system as I alluded to at the start it's just cash flow that can cause problems because with cash flow it's not taking your gold away from you instead it's generating extra gold so every time you kill something let's say it dropped 10 gold it's actually now going to drop 11 Gold and you're still going to get your 10 gold but one gold is going to go into the Guild Bank now what this causes is people just making massive massive guilds spam inviting everyone with add-ons just to be getting all the benefit of cash flow and then that gold will probably be sold on dodgy websites I do like the the cash flow perk though because really as long as you've got cash flow available then you should be able to have Guild repairs turned on because as long as people are actually doing stuff in the world they're then going to have a constant generation of cash into the Guild Bank for them to them repair with so I don't know how they could change it I do see the negative side to it even though I do like it myself now that's all the perks and like the main Guild screen next up how the roster looks so you can see who's online and what zone they're in you can filter everything by Guild status activity even achievement points or professions now this in particular is a really good one cuz being able to just filter by professions and then go I need ascribe you can see all of the recipes that can be made by people in your guild so if I wanted for example let's say a Hellfire tomb I can then click on Hellfire tomb and then view crafters and it will tell me all the people in The Guild that can actually craft a Hellfire tomb for me just a really really cool way of not having to like type on Discord oh who can make this you can just look in Guild see you can make it send them a ma and maybe your ma is going to be instant with the materials and then they'll send you it back overall the actual profession pain inside the guild system I really really do like and then you've got news let's say you was away for a week and you want to have a real quick catch up on who looted what from The Raid who's dinged 85 in the last few days then this tab is perfect because you can just scroll through and see everyone that's been doing stuff what they've got it's just a really cool way just to have a quick look at what's been going on when you have not been around and then finally the rewards tab this will show every reward that you can get or you currently can't get because of whatever restriction it is so for example I can't get reign of the golden King firstly I'm not exalted with a guild and secondly the guild isn't level 25 but Guild tabards as an example now are a lot more useful because you actually increase the amount of reputation that you're going to get wearing each different level tabard but of course what most people are going to be interested in is all the new heirlooms which is legs capes and heads and and most of these actually just come from Guild leveling so at level 20 you unlock the heirloom Helms at level 10 you're going to unlock the cloaks and then actually when you get working as a team so this is getting every profession maxed in your guild that's then going to open up the heirloom legs now even though you can see them all in this Paine you can't actually buy them from here of course you do need to visit a guild vendor the good thing is now in ra classic we've got the heirloom tab once you bought it it will go in your collections Tab and you can use it as many times you want on multiple different characters we're actually originally in cataclysm wasn't the case now you're probably thinking well how do you actually get guild reputation well guild reputation is actually not too difficult to get anything that grants Guild experience also grants you guild reputation but the guild rep is also on a weekly cap so there is no way just to rush to exalted because you are going to be limited unless blizzard remove that restriction but completing quests rated Battlegrounds participating in guild raid boss kills or even earning Guild achievements all go towards your reputation so like I say the easiest way to think about is anything that gives Guild experience is going to give you guild reputation and then when it comes to what gives Guild experience it is just everything you would expect completing Quest or even doing dailies killing Dungeons and raid bosses and even winning rated Battlegrounds as a guild like you need to be in Guild groups but basically just get a dungeon group together and go and spam and you you'll watch the bar go up or go around doing your dailies or quests or whatever you need to do ultimately it's not a quick process getting your guild leveled up to 25 and on the basis that you're restricted by how much xp you can actually gain it is going to be a bit of a slow process one of the problems is the bigger the guild the easier it is to hit the cap every day of course but this is something that Blizzard's going to be addressing so if you're a smaller Guild and all you're interested in doing is let's say 10 man content you're not going to be at a disadvantage I think they're going to try and make it so every Guild can level at the same Pace no matter whether you've got 200 members or 20 members and then the final one is Goblin and wargon which seems like a really weird one to end the video on but someone who's a big enjoyer of Druids having an align race where you haven't got to be a night elf is a big win for me now Goblin and wargon both have their own unique starting zones which look absolutely fantastic and they come with their own set of racials as well and the Goblin racials are really cool but then again so is the wargan but I think for PVE Goblin definitely pulls ahead but for goblins you've got a rocket jump forward you can launch rockets at an enemy you receive vendor discounts you can periodically summon a personal bank and you just get a flat 1% haste this is as well as your Alchemy skill and potion healing being increased whereas the wargon can periodically move quicker with a little Dash that they get their crit chances increase by 1% their skinning skill and speed is increased and they're resistant to Nature and Shadow damage what it doesn't mention when you're creating your wargan is the fact that you don't ever need to mount up so being a druid who don't really like going on mounts anyway because of all their forms you've got an ability called running wild running wild is a 1.5 second cast and you literally move at Mount speed because you're running wild and dark flight by the way is the temporary little Sprint which is a 40% movement speed increase on a 2-minute coold down and it lasts 10 seconds now I know I've mentioned it but the starting zone in particular for Goblin is absolutely immense I'm not normally a fan of the starting zones where you feel locked into them but the Goblin and wargan zones are really cool and on the basis we've not add a new race you know since we had Dr and blood elf added and I know we got death knights with RAF of the Lich King but actual races these are the first ones since TBC and honestly playing my priest as a goblin is definitely enough to keep me as hoorde when cataclysm classic launches and that's my top five I hope you enjoyed it tell me what you're excited about for cataclysm I know there's a lot of people that are not excited and there'll be people commenting on this video like no one's going to play C Dead on Arrival and all of that but I don't care I'll be playing it I'll be making videos if you're going to be playing it and you're wanting to consume videos this is where you want to be so again subscribe like the video and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 73,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, twitch, Dk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, best, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, news, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, tier, paladin, 10 man, 25, phase, launch, before, Pre, patch, naxx, pre, fun, most, lock, dk, Secret, farm, grinding, spots, gold, xp, p1, cata, cataclysm
Id: vAbksx0AarI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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