Asmongold Reacts To The Top 10 Most Powerful Abilities in Classic WoW - Hirumaredx

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my video will go over powerful abilities and combos that were incredibly strong at one point or another in vanilla Wow but this list will also cover more than just strong damage-dealing abilities and cover defensive and CC effects as well and number 10 we've got a friend of a building combo in the form of the Paladin bubble hearth you see divine shield the Paladin ability that gives an immunity to all forms of damage and D buffs blasted for 12 seconds and God heart stones had a 10 second cast how much so a pally who was in trouble could simply use bubble yeah and cast heart stone to get out of anywhere yep Holly got caught out in the open world and was dying they could just bubble hearth out of there yep yep ally was mad at a raid they could just pull the boss and then bubble hearth it was the ultimate xscape tool and there were that [ __ ] happened I called I told the same story right the Four Horsemen this one guy literally walking in there like a [ __ ] a bomb in slow motion because like they kicked him out of the crew but he had like the one minute thing until he got removed from the instance he was running towards four horsemen this is like an axe 40 [ __ ] a grows them a bubble hearts out and like the four horsemen just like run through the wall because we thought that they wouldn't chase us through the wall like mograine just comes busting through that [ __ ] wall like the kool-aid man just killing [ __ ] everybody man it was so funny like it was funny but it also was like it was annoying because it would take like 40 minutes for everybody to get back but the first [ __ ] time just watching oh yeah just killing everybody and everybody invent like just [ __ ] angry dude those were the days I was that was so [ __ ] fun man no ways to remove it in vanilla well as mass dispel and sharing Thoreau weren't added until later expansions so if a pally wanted to run away there wasn't anything you could really do to stop them nope number 9 frost shock frost shock is also another kind of meme ability that everyone liked to call overpowered but it kind of deserved its infamy to an extent frost shock was one of the three shock shamans could use which all shared the same short six second cool and since three abilities all shared the same cooldown Blizzard wanted to balance each one in a way that made you want to pick it over the other to her shock had a baked in India was also kind of overpowered to an extent it was really a lame shock just to damage and put a dot up and FRA shock did damage and slowed the target for eight seconds okay oh I'm sorry did I say frost shock did damage because I meant to say frost shock did we did a lot of damage it did way more damage than an instant cast fell at such a short cooldown really should have been able to do it was so bad that someone literally made a video of a paladin rear owing to a shaman just to cast frost shock it was that [ __ ] ridiculous plus it had a slow attached to it that was younger than its cooldown meaning you could keep someone permanently slowed with frost shock frost shock yeah one of the few range slows in the game that I could do that in vanilla Wow anyway and the only one that also did damage and in vanilla wow we're mobility was low this was actually super powerful for that time period so much so that Blizzard added dr's to slows in patch 1.4 basically just to deal with the frost shock problem in case you were wondering D arms don't exist on slows today they removed them from that in the Burning Crusade slows were a much bigger deal in vanilla Wow and shamans were one of the most mobile kiters thanks to frost shock number eight fear not just the Warlock ability fear but all fears here's the vanilla Wow worked a little differently in we do today functionally they are basically the same when used on someone they run around randomly and can't use abilities and on vanilla Wow fear had a chance to break early if they took damage this is still the case today as well only the damage threshold worked differently fear had a higher chance to break the more damage they took from an ability right and a low chance to break from small amounts of damage so if you just put dots on a target and used a channeled ability fear was basically a 12 second stun technique that was a good days man I used to love that [ __ ] I played an affliction warlock it was absolutely [ __ ] beautiful do we finally get to sit no coach down 50 yards Thank You McCool fan donate $100 thank you so much man here take another 100 for some new ear warmers thank you very much McCool fan for the $100 I [ __ ] appreciate that man thank you thank you thank you dude let me get the rest of these hunters priests and warriors also had fears but only warlocks had a spammable no cooldown fear so if a warlock got opened up on in pvp they could have their invisible succubus seduce the target turn around and cast fear then put up full dots and use one of their three channeled abilities to do a ton of small tics of damage and basically kill people through a near permanent fear that would never break number seven the cheap shot slash kidney shot combo rogues could cheap shot out of stealth for a four second stun and then combo into kidney shot for another six second long stun for a total of ten seconds of stun the longest stun chain of vanilla Wow without some kind of special items or gimmicks not to be confused by the two-minute stun chains in mists of pandaria that were just happening all the time the only real downside to the stun combo was the energy and combo points required to use the two abilities which could be completely offset through some items like thistle tea a 10 second stun was powerful back then and would be powerful today yeah although this 10 second stun wasn't exclusive to vanilla wow it was a thing all the way until Cataclysm when Blizzard finally put kidney shot and cheap shot on the same stunned ers but it was really strong a vanilla Wow - and the cause of lots of complaints about rogues being too overpowered I wonder what those came funny enough the thing that people associate rogues too being able to see see someone to death without ever getting hit Mac yeah didn't actually involve the cheap-shot kidney shot combo which I'll get into a little bit more later on in this list number 6 curse of shadow and negative resistances before patch 1.9 you could cause targets to go into negative resistances with either curse of elements or curse of shadow negative resistances were a stat that would lower damage taken by their specific element and give you a chance to resist their effects so having high shadow resistance meant you took significantly less shadow damage and could sometimes be immune to fear and other shadows school debuff applies negative resistances basically did the opposite and caused you to do bonus damage to targets so a warlock throwing up a curse of shadow on a target causing their shadow resistances to go into the negative they could hit them for double damage shadow bolts what the [ __ ] if they crit to do a potential of 4 times their normal damage what does basically a guaranteed one-shot to any player that's really this is so good that Blizzard just removed the ability to go into negative resistances in patch 1.9 as it was most likely a bug anyway and unintended number 5 mortal strike mortal strike was one of the hardest hitting instant attack abilities in the game which skilled with weapon damage who don't know some abilities scale with weapon damage and weapons have varying levels of damage based on speed did a lot so a fast weapon will do less damage than the shadow weapon since it hits more often yep while a slow weapon will do a lot more single hit damage because it doesn't hit as in damage and that's how Blizzard balances them out with each other so with an instant attack like mortal strike that scales off the weapons damage and doesn't care at all about its speed you want the slowest weapon possible to make sure could hit the hardest and this is where the arcanite reaper came to fame 3 parameter was a high level blue a point that was somewhat easy to craft and extremely slow with an attack speed it was so good and even outclassed some epic two-handed weapons from molten core this I actually liked the idea of weapon speed being like a factor like having like a three point two percent pull up three point to speed polearm versus like the 4.0 speed big dick [ __ ] great hammer the only problem that I really had with this system is like in Dark Souls for example like slower weapons are really good for some things and faster weapons are really good for other things but overall fast weapons are as far as I know better but in WoW since everything basically just did weapon damage there wasn't really any instances of a faster weapon really being better except for maybe for generating threat you know and I think that was the main issue that they had with having weapon damage and I just like flat weapon damage being modifier for the damage for like abilities but if they had something where like faster weapons had their own advantage maybe they would generate more rage etc I do think that it could have been a really cool system they could have built on and iterated on by being a level 58 blue item so coupled together with mortal strike a middle-of-the-road geared warrior could take out half the help of a player with one Ms yeah of course and even shield cloth phase with the crit of cause easy effortless power and very widespread with you how easy it was to obtain the Reaper yeah of course but come patch 1.8 Blizzard normalize weapon attack speed what and brought mortal strike more in line and no longer overpowered with an extremely slow weapon and on a side note because of the widespread use of the arcanite reaper it was used as the model for the heirloom two-handed axe we have today number four blind prep ever here the infamous stun rogue who killed max level geared players while naked and using a starting zone dagger well that infinite stun combo actually didn't rely on stuns very much and was in fact so strong because of blind you see blind is an instant cast long form CC that breaks on damage this preparation is an ability rogues have that resets the cooldown of all other Road ability so what the naked rogue in the video did was take advantage of the fact that preparation could also reset the cooldown a blind and the fact that eviscerated static damage and didn't scale at all with gear so what he did was double cheap shot with vanish and then blind he'd wait the full blind duration in order to leave combat Andrey stealth then snap and wait the full duration again for another resale since in vanilla Wow SAP made you leave stealth then it's like that dude was a grand [ __ ] marshal and he just got beat by a rogue that's not wearing any [ __ ] gear I mean like guys listen boosted yeah I mean that thing is like yes there were more people like if you get Grand Marshall let's call balance yeah it is balanced but he's a good but it's a good player so is the other guy probably and it's like how do good players counter being unable to play their character until they die right it's like it's a good players can't avoid a one-shot this is kind of the same thing thinking classic his balance yeah I mean listen like the way that I look at just trinket they're just gonna vanish man just reset wait for your trinket do it again right that's all there is to it it's sorry to say like I mean they just vanish and do it again like the thing with rogues is that if you are a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] and you play a rogue you you're gonna do this it's just what it's what you do this is how you play right here trinket Ren then they can't they can just all grabbed all away except maybe the whole thing again after going through two full rotations of this CC chain along with at least two cold-blooded eviscerate and a couple of other damage moves to build combo points that's what allowed a naked rogue to kill fully geared players and wined was the crucial part of that whole CC chain as blind was what allowed the rogue to leave combat in order to use snap which allowed cheap shots dr's to disappear why back then you guys gotta remember blind back then was a poison it wasn't like a like a cc in the same way it is now like it was a poison so you could be dispelled and also had a really really short cooldown he was like thirty seconds or something and let the rogue save all of his combo points for eviscerates so it was really eviscerate static damage and blinds cooldown resets that allowed the chain to be as effective as it was and you could have someone cc'd for about 45 seconds straight five-minute if you did it correctly why of which only 10 to 12 seconds of that were spent and stuns and because of blinds incredible usefulness with a cooldown reset from prep there's blah blind was a five minute CD in vanilla Wow damn like I said I never played a road back then I I thought it was like [ __ ] it was like 30 seconds or something I thought I could blind all the time [ __ ] okay yeah you could skill it for just three minutes yeah with 30 minutes is still a lot more than 30 seconds so I was totally wrong per happy I don't know I just I didn't I didn't know that Blizzard made sure all future versions of preparation excluded blind from being reset starting with the Burning Crusade and that's how preparation has worked ever since number three windfury weapon during two points of vanilla well wind free weapon was kind of broken and overpowered wind fury is a shaman weapon enchant they gave the shaman a 20% chance on hit to proc two extra attacks because we got to one point for this proc didn't have an internal cooldown so it was possible for wind fury to proc off the two hits it generated from wind fury and theoretically could proc off itself forever until the target died this was also the time period before attack weapon normalization and since the extra hits from wind fury basically counted as extra attacks they did insane amounts of damage from a very slow two-handed weapon like the arcanite reaper there was even a famous video of a shaman going around with a legendary mace from molten core one-shotting people with wind fury procs eventually though warriors could do that easy wipe the thing is like what shot like a shamans highlight-reel is a warrior's like that's like be footage you know you show that between other things like like a shamans highlight reel oh my god look at this big crit Wow and it's like warriors just do that all the time so I can never I originally saw that video I wasn't impressed Blizzard added a three second internal cooldown to win fury so it couldn't proc off of itself anymore and killed it even further with attack speed normalization and patch one point a but [ __ ] patch 1.07 discovered that the individual ranks of wind fury didn't share an internal cooldown so if you do wilded weapons you could apply the highest rank of wind fury to your main hand wet and then the second highest rank of windfury to your offhand and get 2 times the procs which was good until this two got nerfed yep fixed in the Burning Crusade number 2 will of the Forsaken will the Forsaken was given to undead players as I racial with the launch of the game when Blizzard decided to make undead players be counted as humanoid instead of undead yep to retain some of the CC immunity that that may have provided has been classified as undead in the beta made them immune to a lot as CC that could only be used on humanoid targets I wonder like who the [ __ ] thought with that thought that was gonna be a balanced oh well they're just undead so they just don't get CC it by like [ __ ] half of everything it's like who the [ __ ] thought that was gonna be balanced I wonder like sheep and just made them immune to fears altogether so what will the forsaken did was break charm fear and sleep effects and as well as make you immune to those effects for 20 seconds yep No 20 seconds 9 is huge and that was a downgraded version of what undeads could do in the beta which was be permanently immune to them which is why I can see why Blizzard left that in the game for so long eventually Blizzard thought giving a race 20 seconds of immunity to 3 CC effects of which one of them fear being heavily used in PvP unfair compared to the other Rachel's sorry about it so they derided in patch 1.6 to only make you immune to those effects for 5 seconds instead of 20 which was so powerful but pissed off a lot of undead players someone took a screenshot back in the day of a list of reasons Blizzard thought players might be quitting Wow and one of the options available was what the [ __ ] house will the Forsaken was nerfed Wow which was most likely a joke but still kind of a big deal will the Forsaken was always a strong racial throughout its whole life and still gets nervous even today but it was at its strongest in vanilla Wow yep and number one pyroblast or pon-3 vanilla Wow Blizzard balance casket response based on how long the cast times were here we go the longer the cast time the more damage the spell did what about you one of if not the longest cast times of a single target nuke spell Enon at a six second cast time it also had a six minute cooldown because it hits so hard wait pyro blasts at a six minute cooldown what I don't remember that at all the presence of mine did I thought presidents of mind was three minutes but I thought Wyden was 30 seconds so you know it it depends yeah I thought it was three cuz yeah presence mine was three minutes because they called it three minute mage because every three minutes it doesn't matter how shitty you are at the game if you're a mage you can kill somebody every three minutes and that's the way that it was gonna work now arcane mages had this ability called presence of mind which made your next spell instant cast yep and worked on pyroblast also they had arcane power which gave them 35% more damage for 15 seconds both of which were on a three minute cooldown and neither was on the gcd so if you had too good on you spell power trinkets because before patch 1.10 you could use multiple on yesterday OCD you could just macro in presence of mind arcane power here spell power trinkets and pyroblast to create one of Wow's very first one shot that's a swifty macro right this one was literally a one-shot macro and not just a clickbait burst macro you could one-shot plays with his macro but only once every three minutes six minutes before power bosses cooldown was removed in late vanilla yeah as far as damaging abilities go this was probably the most overpowered thing as it was a guaranteed one-shot instant cast range nuke didn't require skill outside abiding to good spell power trinkets and creating the macro now for some honorable mentions things I thought to put in the list but decided against for what the thing I find so funny about this whole list right is the fact that like warriors they do so much damage that a normal like a large [ __ ] from a warrior is what's considered a thing on this list right and it's like yeah warriors aren't that good at 1v1 okay we got we got that everybody knows they're not that great of world well won't be one but like whenever you go into like a BG situation a BG situation and you're [ __ ] you pop recklessness you pop sweeping strikes you go into Berserker stance you queue up a cleave and you cleave and you whirlwind at the same time and three [ __ ] people die because you just [ __ ] delete them off the screen oh yeah yeah I'm surprised he didn't put in sleeping strikes whirlwind combo because that was Opie is [ __ ] that's like an on-demand win theory it was insane or you just get cc'd yeah that's why I use a free action potion you have like 3 healers behind you and that way you don't die right but after all the CC runs off then you killed everybody that's how it would work in reason or another that's basically just reckoning it has a paladin talent that allowed a paladin to solo a world boss I didn't include it though because for one it's talked about two dads a bug and everyone would probably be expecting it and - the big reason is it's only in the game for like a day or two obviously a bug in an oversight I guess it would technically count so I'm adding as an honorable mention but these other things you know we're actually used in the game for more than a day of course besides that there might have been some other things I probably overlooked so if you know of any other overpowered abilities or things of Anila wow that I might have missed I'd love to hear about them down in the comments okay okay so number one let's look at this year warlock PvP in a nutshell feared dot-dot-dot fear drain life fear drain life coil spit slash wall death coil was [ __ ] ridiculous well I mean this is so you should have mentioned truesilver champion shield proc with a paladin who gives a [ __ ] about paladins the animation is feeling really cool I'm in this video rogue is the reason why I'm gonna go shaman orc with male armor that's very true reckoning bug was only a handful hours and boys would roll back to servers to back in ever classes were unique and had an identity that's gonna be that's gonna be a big true from me yeah that's gonna be a big true I totally agree with that I want to do one more run right here [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 1,108,955
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold channel, asmongold most powerful abilities, classic wow, asmongold classic, asmongold classic wow, hirumaredx wow, hirumaredx asmongold, hirumaredx classic, hirumaredx classic wow, classic wow abilities, classic wow most, classic wow most powerful, classic wow most powerful abilities, classic wow most powerful class
Id: Zl0ke-dA37Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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