World of Warcraft : Raid Guide - MOLTEN CORE (Solo)

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if you're someone looking to get into collecting things in world of warcraft and you're a new player to the game um first off i'm surprised that you exist and second off um great because i am super excited about collecting things i am a new player myself and i am just having a blast going through and collecting like all this stuff from all this old content in the game i mean there's 17 years of stuff to go through and collect very daunting um but i i thrive for this kind of stuff so the point of this video i'm gonna show you uh what i did to start what i'd recommend and basically answer a bunch of questions that i had that i had to you know do a bunch of research to figure out um made the process really difficult so first things first all the things if you don't know about all the things learn about it i'm not going to talk about it in this video i'm going to assume that you already know what all the things is you already have it you already have a max level character as well um so that is the thing before you can really start collecting stuff you do have to level a character all the way to max um at least one and then you can kind of just go nuts with collecting stuff um so do those first two things uh get all the things learn learn how it works figure out what settings you're going to want to use on it and then level a character to max level and then you are good to go with this next part which is what we're going to be doing now all right so the first thing that we're going to want to farm and this is a very important thing to farm for collection progress is raids and that's because they're on a one week lockout you can only do them each once a week to get loot from them and therefore appearances mounts and and all the good stuff right so just follow the path that i'm taking here i'm going to be talking while i'm doing this but we are going i'm showing you the path to take the fastest route from orgrimmar to get to the first location of the first two raids that we um that we are gonna farm here and those two raids are if we go under dungeons and raids on all the things go into classic because that's what i started with um just going through like from the top right molten core and black wing layer those are the two raids that i would recommend starting with and you know just get them done every week i wouldn't recommend doing every raid in the game every week when you start because that's too much pick a couple and kind of just do those and see if you if you enjoy going through in each week getting them done and collecting the stuff once you have most of this stuff then you know maybe add another one move on um but black wing layer molten core honestly i just started with all of the classic raids you'll see the dark orange colors are raids and the yellow ones are dungeons so uh we are over here in the um twilight highlands now the portal that we took from orgrimmar takes us right there and we need to head down here to the burning steps to blackrock mountain so you are going to have to make this trek um you know you have your max level character so you should have flying so it really shouldn't be a huge deal but you're going to want to pick up flight paths so that you know it'll be easier for you you want to pick up this flight path here in blood gulch um which is just right over here and then you want to pick up the flight path over right next to black rock mountains you don't have to make this trek but you do have to make it the first time sadly for horde there's not really a very efficient way to get down to blackrock mountain and this is something that took me a while to figure out the most efficient route too so we are going to fly on over there and i will see you there all right so we are off to a great start already um if you'll notice i am on a completely different character right now and that is because on my main i did go through and record um all the way through uh molten core and then realized that my sound effect volume was turned up way too loud and so like all you could hear was the sound of like the lava hounds just screaming and stuff so that's really not ideal um so i'm over here on my alt this is the second character that i leveled to max my warrior um i he does have no shoes on uh ignore that that's because i haven't i've been too lazy to go farm out the boots um to complete the transmog that i made for him so anyways you're going to want to go over here to black rock mountain we are down there and this is right there we started up here um we got the flight path at blood gulch but we started at dragon ball port the reason we didn't get the flight path here is because you have to do a quest line to unlock it so it's just honestly easier to get blood gulch so you don't have to deal with the quest line so you're going to want to grab this flight path here at flame star post and so then the path you're going to want to take is blood gulch to flame star post that'll be how you just you know get on the flight master and head on over okay great so uh we went from too loud noise to me forgetting to turn the sound back on so the sound is back on now um you should hear the music and stuff in the background so you can tell that i'm really great at this and that i've done this for a really long time and i know exactly what i'm doing um 100 so anyways we're going to go in here to blackrock mountain and i am just going to do molten core in this first video that's the other thing i realized when i recorded before is that i'm not gonna have time to go through both molten core and blackwing layer um in one video so we'll do a separate video for that so just go down here to this little alcove just take the path that i took from the entrance and this is the entrance to molten core now it's kind of unsuspecting and that's because it's not the real entrance this guy just teleports you there the real entrance is inside this dungeon blackrock depths um i can show the map of it actually or is it shadow forge city yes right there that's the actual entrance to molten core and you used to have to you know go through the dungeon to actually be able to get uh unlock the ability to go there uh but you don't have to do that anymore you can just talk to this guy here on your first time lothos he does have a quest for you that is to go and find the actual entrance you don't have to do it if you don't want to because you can just talk to and you can tell him hey put me in the molten core lothos and he'll do it so there we go we are inside the molten core now um for the second time and it's actually it's actually fine because i still need to farm some pieces out on this alt so it might be better for showing you what to do if you'll notice i do have um quests tracked in my quest just to you know make my life more difficult i i like to really really collect everything so quests are on there too um so you'll see i finished that one these quests here it'll be different based on what class you're playing um you'll see that these quests have specific classes i don't have these done on my druid because it is the quest line to get um thunder fury i think which is a sword and druids can't use swords so um yeah so these quests show up on uh my warrior here grockle but they you know they might not show up for you depending on what class you play um so that is the quests look at the zone drops you're going to want to be killing all of these trash mobs as we go not only for the zone drops but also to level up your reputation the reputation for this raid is all the way down here in the classic reputations the hydraxian waterlords and i am honored with them right now on this character i did get exalted with them very recently on my main but you'll see when we kill things we get reputation with them this only happens until we get to revered so you go through everything up to honored and then um then you stop gaining reputation just from the trash mobs and you only gain reputation from um killing the bosses so i have to like kind of remember how to play warrior here for a second sorry i uh i haven't played on on grocel in a while so um yeah we're just gonna be killing all this trash as we go through and um obviously it's gonna go a little bit more slowly because i'm doing this and i'm not a druid so i can't turn into a cat but hey you know it's all right um so the zone drops are going to be for your class and they are bind on equipped so you can get the other classes zone drops and mail them over to your alts if you are one to um collect all of the appearances for all of the armor types which again i am just because i want to make my life really difficult um most people don't do that i am i'm pretty sure that most people don't do that but hey if you're if you're like me and you want to go for it all you can mail the uh zone drop items over to your other characters because they are buy non-equip so that's why you're going to want to kill trash until you get those and then also for the refutation until you get to revered and like i said then you only get reputation from killing the bosses and speaking of bosses um let's look at the map right here real quick so we started up here and we kind of just walked down and now we're going over here to these first two bosses lucifron and magmadar and so um here we're gonna common boss drop what is that that is a blacksmithing pattern right okay these stupid amps okay there there we go that's what my button is bound to um yeah it's a blacksmithing pattern so if you don't have blacksmithing obviously that won't show up so lucifron it looks like i got everything from him and he is just right here i'm going to tell you if there's anything special you have to do for these bosses but most of these are more core you just walk up to them and like one shot them and that's it um that's that's really that's as simple as it gets it's molten core um so again i don't have anything that i can collect from lucifer but i am going to check for voes and you know there are none so i'm just gonna move on i highly recommend leaving any loot that you do not actually collect because even if you want to sell it it will send it to your mailbox you'll get a message from the postmaster and he will send you the items that were like lost in the void or whatever there's some like clever way of saying it um so yeah you can just leave all that stuff there and then sell it later on or just delete it whatever you want to do so it's it's not you're not losing a bunch of gold if you don't pick up all these other other items so you'll see here we got 100 rep for each of those bosses so that is the standard we get 100 reputation for each of the bosses let's see how much how much reputation does it take okay so i'm halfway through honored right now and that is going to take me another 25 000 to get to exalted so that's a lot um and this reputation is a to farm really it is i took me so many weeks um i mean i i recently got it and i've been playing the game for like six or seven months on my main and i've done it pretty consistently every week i've missed a couple here and there but it takes a while and you get a big old nothing for doing it you don't unlock any vendors or anything you don't you don't really get anything for it but hey you know that's that's that's how it goes i i mean most of this stuff i'm collecting these appearances that i'm never going to use and that's just if it if it's not helpful in any way that doesn't matter if it gets your percentage up so um we're just going to keep continuing on through here now we're back going back down the main thing and gennis is next um so magmadar could have dropped a couple things but he didn't because why would he so we are gonna go over to genus next something to note as well is that another reason you want to kill the trash you want to kill specific trash these molten destroyers not the molten giants but the molten destroyers they look the same but they're different um see like that's a molten giant and that is a giant destroyer will be molten over here somewhere um yeah there's more destroyer the molten destroyers drop uh blood of the mountain which is a crafting material used to make um sulfurous so you need to make the um here i'll just show you this real quick actually uh where's here's gahanna so just laying on his forehead real quick okay there we go um did he drop anything nope that's paladin nope okay cool thanks ganis um so i'm gonna show you this real quick if we look at the bosses and we scroll all the way down here to ragnaros you'll see the eye of sulfurous that is a you'll see here it's a crafting regent regent i i don't know why i said it like that it's a reagent to get sulfuris the hand of ragnaros which is this hammer that's a legendary weapon from back in classic you have to craft it by crafting the sulfuron hammer which is from blacksmithing which i actually am a blacksmith on grockle and i do have the recipe so i will just show you that we're going to scroll all the way down here let's find it sulfur on hammer so there we are so there are two things to note that are drops from molten core just in general that you're going to want to pick up um the main ones are the blood of the mountain and the sulfuron ingots the essence of fire lava core and fiery core those three also drop and then the dark iron ore is what is chilling around here um that you can mine if you have mining um so just keep that in mind if you're wanting to really collect everything making the sulfur on hammer is a pretty pretty big uh milestone pretty big achievement i have not taken the time to get the rest of the resources yet but you will see i'm still missing five blood of the mountain and that is exactly what the molten destroyers drop they have a really a decently low chance of dropping it um but there's one right there perfect okay thank god um i didn't get a single one on my main when i was going through and i kept talking about it but nobody wanted to drop me one um so we are over here now killed gar just a big rock guy does he have anything for me no he does not cool thanks guard um yeah so there we go that's another boss down we're just going to keep on going through here so next is shazrah and uh baron get what was that priest i don't have one of those in my bag maybe i should take that okay yeah so this is what i'm talking about with the bind unequip these are the zone drops and this is a priest this part of the priest set but i'm going to pick it up anyways because i could mail it over to priest character once i get one leveled up um i'm trying to think if there's anything that i mentioned in my previous attempt at recording this that i've failed to mention so far i don't think so um this this raid is really simple it's really just go through and kill stuff um the layout is pretty simple too okay we already have that um so this is a this is a good one oh there there he is baron get he just walked right in front of us great thanks okay and then shazwas attacking us right now did he have anything no okay shasra is dead now too okay really man oh well i guess schausburg couldn't drop anything already at all baron getting could have dropped me that that sword right there all right just keep on going here i'm i'm not gonna be super diligent about killing all this trash because i doubt that i will farm out the hydraxian waterlord rep on my alts because it just takes forever and i already did it once there's no point um but it is helpful because they drop stuff just like this which i do not have collected and it requires a mage oh this tube dang okay i already have one of those in my bank but i don't have a major one i actually have a max level made as well so that's there we go that's a piece of gear that i'll send over um so yeah you can do this obviously with all the raids you can do them on each of your characters but do keep in mind the the way that um all the things works and i probably should have mentioned this earlier the way collecting transmog in this game works this is something that confused me so much for the longest time um you can see like i mean as a warrior i wear plate armor right and so that means that i can equip any armor that is of a lower quality than plate so um male leather and cloth i can equip them but you cannot collect appearances for armor types that are not your main armor type for your class this is something that i did not know for a really long time and i just did not understand why i was like on my warrior you know because they can wear the most different types of armor and i was like oh yeah so you just do stuff on a warrior and then you know you can get all the you can get the cloth the leather the mail in the plate it's good great and i just wasn't collecting any of this stuff and it took me so long to find that answer so uh keep that in mind that is a pretty important thing so if you really want to collect everything uh for every armor type which again i'm pretty sure most people don't do they kind of just collect all the transmog for their main uh their mains armor type but um if you do want to go all out and do all of them you will have to have four characters at least one for each armor type cloth leather male and plate so that's kind of how that works you'll see a lot of these items that i might be able to equip that are dropping from these bosses that i haven't collected yet i'm not picking up because it's not going to do anything it's i'm not going to collect them so we just killed the sulfuron harbinger right over there and we're gonna move on over here we have to circle around ignore this guy for right now we have to go over here and kill golemag first um that is the one like sequential step thing that you have to do in this raid um there's there's a lot of those sort of things later on in later raids but you know this is pretty primitive stuff so it's uh not not really that complicated as far as the uh the progression through the raid goes so here's golemag and i'll just throw our axe at him real quick and there we go he's dead um and will he drop us anything okay a sulfur on ingot so that is that is the other thing i was going to mention the lava cores the essences of fire and the fiery cores those three reagents um which were three for the uh sulfur on hammer let's see if i can get it again yeah um essence of fire lava core fiery core those three drop from like any mob in here they're pretty easy to get you'll get a ton of them then blood of the mountain is from the molten destroyers and sulfuron ingots drop from golomag and he is the only thing that drops them it's not a super low drop chance you'll drop it in addition to gear but definitely be looking for those and picking those up if you're planning to make sulphurists so now that we've killed every boss except for this one up here we can actually go up here and kill this one um you might have you know one of my first times i just i killed the sulfur on harbinger and then i went up here i was like oh i'll just go kill this guy real quick and then he wasn't there and i didn't understand why and so then i had to backtrack and that's annoying so um yeah you got to kill everybody first before you can kill majordomo over here and does he have anything for me no he doesn't well okay so i'm getting like nothing from this run um sears majordomo he's got these guys just helping him out and he like takes a second die because he doesn't actually die he becomes friendly and then pick up his loot from this chest right here um so you know don't be looking around like why didn't he drop anything what's up with that i did that a couple times too um so now we killed uh major domo we don't have to listen to his speech he can just shut up and we can move on um we're gonna backtrack though we do have to walk back now majordomo will not be there if you missed one of these bosses at the beginning i have a couple times walked straight past gehennis on accident and then had to walk all the way back and that's a pain in the ass so don't do that don't forget to kill the ball just try and pay attention a little bit i will mention this while we're right here there is this part that drops down to where golomag is so you could drop down to golomag but then you have to circle around kill the sulfur on harbinger and then go back up i'm not 100 sure which way's faster i kind of do both um i just kind of go back and forth between the two but you can you can take that route if you want that is an option um yeah i'll just kill a couple more trash things on the way here i'm not going to do any of this mining obviously it's going to take too long as a waste of time but i would recommend you know getting as much out of these as you can because you can only do them once a week and if you need something to collect something even if you're like man this i don't want to be mine and stuff while i'm going through this like it sucks you should you should probably just do it because you're not going to want to do it later um unless you you know buy a lot of it off the auction house which you know that that is a very real possibility so you know it's really up to you but i would recommend just getting as much as you can out of these runs because again you can only do each raid once a week on each character um so yeah here we go so we're circling back around this is where the rock guy was gar and then there's genus we're just going to take this path over here instead um and now there is um one other oh nope got it already okay yeah a lot of these classic boes i already have so it's getting less useful for me to check to see if anything dropped them um but i'll do it anyway gotta be thorough so here we are in ragnaros layer okay i'm just getting a lot of zone drops huh warlock braces cool so here we are uh you can circle all the way around here and go into the middle that way or you can just you know jump in the lava and kind of just jump across it and you can you can like shimmy your way up this ledge here um it takes a second to find the exact spot it's on like this little corner part um you want to find it pretty fast otherwise you know you're dead and then you have to walk all the way over and then same thing you can just jump across this lava obviously if you're like playing warrior or something you can use your like heroic leap or something like that or vent there you can use your door of shadows but uh once you get here here's major domo again and then you gotta talk to him he's gonna tell you a bunch of other stuff that you don't care about and then he's gonna start talking some more and he's gonna summon ragnaros and you kind of just gotta wait here wait for him to do that and then uh ragnaros is gonna just you know one-shot him and just kill him because he's mad at him and then you can kill ragnaros so you kind of have to sit here and wait for a second but other than that you know you kill ragnaros you get the molten core achievement um the eye of sulfurous is the reagent for the sulfur on hammer that he can drop and then he obviously drops a lot of you know other just set pieces stuff like that and speaking of set pieces i'm going to hit v which is what i have my collection key bound to and go up here to sets scroll all the way down to the bottom because they're in sequential order and look at the battle gear of might from molten core this is the warrior tier set and you'll see i am only missing the boots which is a drop from guinness so i've got all these other pieces collected except for the boots from guinness so um that is where you see the actual set completion i think you might get an achievement for um finishing the set as well so i'm not 100 sure on that but you know i really could have used those boots because i am walking through here barefoot still he's still not done yet but that that oh there we go here we are all right here it is he's dead he gives you 200 reputation you know got to give you a little bit more just for the fact that he's the final boss um it still does like makes zero dent in the massive reputation grind you have to do to get to exalted but um yeah you know it's really not the exalted reputation with the hydraxian waterlords if there's one thing in any of these early raids that's not worth getting it's probably that i will i will say that um but yeah that's molten core um so next we are gonna go to blackwing layer i'm gonna do that in the next video and that is also located here in um uh blackrock mountain so you can kind of do these just back to back you know piggyback them off of each other each week and yeah hopefully i didn't forget to mention anything i will probably uh cover it in the next video if i actually did so thank you for watching if you did that's it yeah see ya
Channel: Panyot
Views: 6,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gIe0PNe3Q6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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