Asmongold Reacts to "The True Story of Deathwing" by Nixxiom - World of Warcraft

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alright let me see what this is the true story of Deathwing the destroyer that's a that bad guy by the way he's not a bad guy so we've already established that Illidan is the biggest loser on Azeroth but who is the biggest edge lord that's true would be Deathwing okay so let's start at the beginning a long-ass time ago Deathwing and the other dragon aspects pretty much had the exact same storyline as the very first how to tame your dragon movie him and the other dragon aspects used is that true no is that actually true or not Wow okay that's hilarious I had no idea to be a bunch of [ __ ] tiny proto Drake's then they defeated a giant badass black alright guy just pause and look at something real quick this prototype is not in the game look at this that proto Drake is not in the game that is a legitimate black proto Drake that's not in the game at all what the [ __ ] we've never seen that one before we got the green one that's red one time wasps one the blue one from who crappy voice this one's not this is awesome why didn't they put this one in the game this looks better than all the other ones the Fox pecks used to be a bunch of [ __ ] tiny proto Drake's then they defeated a giant badass dragon monster named galakrond who is way more interesting than any of them and then the Titans are all like whoa dude these dumb little Drake's are kind of cool man let's give them powers and fluff Alexstrasza became the guardian of life Sally goose became the guardian of magic I owned every [ __ ] card yo Sora fell asleep and Darkwing became the guardian of the rocks that's right rocks yeah interesting blizzard okay so for pretty much ten quadrillion years dreadwing flew around and made sure that dirt was dirt and that mountains weighed a lot his job really didn't make up any sense whatsoever but thing was certain he hated it and for good reason too well alexstrasza was having non-stop sex and making life and stuff and Malley McDonald was playing with magic and userra was taking naps all day all he was allowed to do was chill out inside of caves and count the cracks in the walls hey man I would hate that job too so one day derp Wang made an account on OKCupid looking for a lady as miserable as him and he stumbled across a certain person's profile that had all the same fetishes that he did I'll spare you all the details but lots of tentacles this profile belonged to someone called the old gods and over Skype they started to talk about how cool Daniel wing was and how he wasn't being appreciated for the hot manly stud that he was doodling agreeing that he was indeed very much awesome started to listen to these old gods and he began to silently plot against his fellow dragon friends so skip a little bit and demons are attacks Roth and shadow wing has the great idea to make a magic golden dinner plate to fight the Legion he proposes this idea to the rest of the Dragons and tells them that in order to create the one dinner plate to rule them all they would all need to dump their power into it to make it super strong and stuff now you might be thinking why would the Dragons pour their own power into this golden dinner plate of death wings and you know that is a great question so the dragons do it and oh no they were tricked it was all a trap set off said who stole their power didn't shed power into the plate and then used the weapon against his dragon friends what a day the Dragons cry and go home because the power was stolen and dark flight became so evil that day that he turned into a giant lava monster dragon Wow all seemed well for doodle derp and his plan of evil with his golden dinner plate of power no but suddenly [ __ ] Malfurion Malfurion shows up suppose that dinner plate like a badass tells death friend that he's an idiot and then he leaves like the swag druid he is is that Hatcher and fly guy is really pissed off by this and he tries to get his dinner plate back but he fails the war ends Malfurion saves the day because he's so [ __ ] awesome and for ten thousand years black dragon deaf guy sits in his death lair of death and chats with the old gods about how his life is a dark abyss of hatred and darkness so edgy skip ahead a couple thousand years and black winged figures out where the magic plate is he manipulates a bunch of orcs to use it for him they turn Alex trap into a BDSM dragon sex slave and then death friend decides to hide his eggs in Outland because well he doesn't want anybody making omelets DeGraw like that and they kill a ton of Dredd Bay's kids which makes him really angry he kills him bran then he flies away then dread flight decides to take on the role of lord Prester of all tracks so he can bang some human women then he tries to turn the kingdoms of the north against dollar on which of course doesn't work and ultimately black flight gives up and goes into hiding again to talk with the old gods about how his life is never ending vortex of hatred and blackness and darkness and dark dark and stuff yeah but at long last years later after thousands of years of planning Deathwing finally unveils his master plan to destroy the world and to bring torment upon its people oh sure all these years only old days their plan will finally be revealed during the events of Cataclysm he emerges from his hiding spot shed and he lights a random zone on fire every now and then and he gives players a stood in the fire achievement it's genius and he also brings back a Ragnar roast because Ragnaros is just really [ __ ] cool but Tyrion beats him too so as you can imagine the world by this point is just tired of Danny Wang's whining on his constant complaining and so a massive talking green pickle uses the golden dinner plate of destiny to blow a giant hole and Redwing makes him crash into the Maelstrom and then a hand random heroes finally put an end to the black dragon and his obsession with tentacles and that's pretty much it is that what happened is that what happened guys see here's the only thing that I would say is a little bit different is the death wing uh why they always got to get down on death wing well I I guess yeah I get not people didn't know he's an ant yeah now death wing was an [ __ ] yeah yeah I'll give you that yeah death wing was an [ __ ] cuz he did do the thing and I read the book whenever I was like 14 and I don't remember anything about it I deserve it I like the book
Channel: Everything Gaming
Views: 984,678
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Keywords: nixxiom machinima, comedy, parody, funny, character, history, story, warlords of draenor, burning legion, legion, dragon aspect, demon hunter, nobbel87, moocluck, mooclucking, wow machinima, true story, nixxiom, discussion, cataclysm, illidan, arthas, deathwing, lore, warcraft, wow, world of warcraft, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold wow, everything twitch, asmongold watches, asmongold deathwing, asmongold youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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