Asmongold Reacts To The Weirdest Items In Classic WoW - Hirumaredx

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okay let's take a look at this was a trinket which had the effect to remove one bleed effect this is really good seeing as trinkets were kind of rare and hearty joy a three-minute CD really lose much for having this equipped and using it to get rid of a bleed from a warrior or rogue VP or the odd raid or dungeon boss who apply to bleed was pretty good so it was a unique trinket with an effect that was pretty useful despite the fact it gave no other stats then again a lot of trinkets and vanilla didn't really have stats on them either and would sometimes only provide a unique effect the trinket was easy to get to all you complete one quest in the searing gorge which required you to go around and kill twenty dinosaurs and there originally was no limit on the bleed it would remove so when the Burning Crusade came out and one of the bosses in the new raid morose and Kara's Anne used a hard-hitting bleed as one of its mechanics tanks were using this vanilla wild trinket in order to remove it so they added a restriction to the trinket where it would only remove a bleed effect applied from a target level 60 or below where outside of this trinket there are no ways to remove bleeds outside of a dwarves racial ability stone form one point up immunity spells which remove everything holy few common dock types which can't be removed by healers my gold was trash at the beginning of Burning Crusade so I don't remember that happening like back then like my guild was so [ __ ] bad we weren't even we didn't worry about morose right man maybe one day we'll be able to get [ __ ] morose down but we never even got a chance for that man although in Legion they did add a homage item in the game called the feathered loofah uh-huh it was an item that you could create with first aid that had the effect to heal for a little bit and remove bleed effects but only while you're on the broken Isles stayed in BFA this item was just added to tailors along with all other first aid crafts and at number 9 we have the six demon back what is a certain item with an unused effect which would have one of six random effects okay three of its effects were to shoot out a spell two of its effects were cc's its elastic act was to summon a fellow hunter pet for you for a little bit wait what it's six effects it's three spell effects or a lot more common the other three that's [ __ ] also used it it had a higher than normal chance to shoot a fireball holy [ __ ] bolt which would slow the target for five seconds as well or a chain lightning their two are the targets and then it's other three more rarer effects was a cyclone like ability okay that's just a straight-up stun a polymorph and then the fell hunter pet summit since string guns were pretty rare and he had a good chance for its effects to just do damage and it only had a three minute cooldown this item despite having a weird effect wasn't half bad as far as DPS trinkets go obviously there were much better ones in the game but if you had this one it at least had some fun effects on it if it didn't do damage dude I didn't even know anything about the gnomish mind-control cap oh this is possibly mind control and this [ __ ] which would then allow you to control them like a wolf interpet but if you already had a pen out you would have to dismiss your pet first in order to use this ability but there was also a few caches to it after patch 1.09 Amon targets out of combat also he had to be an engineer with a high engineering skill in order to use the items that's whatever that took my name though you did not need to be a gnomish engineer any engineer could use this helmet the helm had a 30 minute cooldown so not something that could be used very often and as probably the biggest caveat to this thing it had a chance to fail which was pretty common with a lot of engineering I wonder what would happen if fails it's still kind of the case today you become I failed it had a chance to just not do anything or mind control yourself and put you under the control of the mob you were attempting to mind control and that's so nearing items had a thats so badass dude that is so badass and I mean really it is so [ __ ] cool that they had that back in the game then I used to love that kind of [ __ ] I don't know what happened already sauce I neveri never watched this trust me if we have watched it there'd be eight different react videos about it that's how I check up I've seen it before and I have not seen this video I don't know why people keep saying that um yeah that's [ __ ] awesome man it's not back in the day we have it today that is true that is very true pretty high chance to fail and vanila well this was not used as a reliable form of CC and instead just kind of a fun item with occasional niche uses number seven the horned viking helmet this helmet had the odd use of fact two charges reward only patented in the thirty seconds but it would also knock you down and stun you for a bit a 30-second CC is actually an incredibly useful effect to the point yeah a lot of lawyers would farm the helmet in order to use it in PvP and of course handsome niche PvE uses as well I remember he wasn't like tips doing turn or you let warriors use this helmet for like an extra charge I was like yeah right dude well I wish that Warriors had I think in vanilla if they had one extra charge or like if they had heroic leap in vanilla I think that they would be better right and now if I could give warriors one ability in vanilla wow it would be heroic leap I think that's what would be the most fair thing I don't have agree act any hi Izzy hi yeah I mean they're good no just give them one heroic leap and then that way they're not gonna just get kite no so completely broken no no no no just one extra week that's all there's just one extra leap its CC were heavily used in dungeons and raids the helmet itself dropped from Eric the Swift and Oldham on and is only available to horde players as the NPC is friendly to Alliance yep and since it was located inside Oldham on a not to max level dungeon warriors could soul this place to grab it if they were smart about it as the item dropped from one of three of the lost vikings so if you attacked one of them the other two were going to join in yep soloing lower level dungeons back Nilla wow this heart was a lot harder than it is today that's a joke about 20 levels on the place and since the helmet had such a good effect after vanilla Wow they gave the helmet a little restriction that only be used on targets level 60 and lower basically number six Yass goal of impending do everybody knows about this one that has the effect who increased when everybody knows about this for 10 seconds which was a pretty good effect back when not all classes had speed increases yep and the few that did had incredibly long cooldowns or restrictions placed on this is a swift knee up and right here he had a 3 minute cooldown but when used it would deal damage to you and then drain mana over its duration so the off hand worked very similar to modern-day burning rush a talent that warlocks have which increased their run speed but deals damage to them while it's active if anything burning rush was probably inspired by the skull of impending doom in order to get ever thought of that I complete a four part question yeah that's actually a very true go to a dungeon and around the world killing things the quest would start in the Badlands from a dwarf who would send you to old Amman to grab a tablet which despite the quest-x didn't actually require you to go inside old Amman as the tablet was located right outside the entrance sure then you would go to another quest giver and either Ironforge or undercity depend on your faction who would then send you to dustwallow marsh stranglethorn and the all Taric mountains to collect three items from three elite mods yep then you'd be sent back to the dwarf from the Badlands and you'd receive your skull even with the drawbacks of the skull it was still a pretty useful item just for the speed increasing game my mom still has three p on classes that can equip an offhand normally for the Burning Crusade the item received an update to drain 60% of your mana and health when you used it instead of a fixed amount like it did in vanilla Wow yep this was most likely done so it couldn't be abused by the new health values that players had keeping it to draw back as an actual drawback to it and then in the Cataclysm you can no longer obtain this item so if you have one it still works like the TBC version to this day yep and at number five we have the freezing baby the hobbs waste boy the ethnic ring that had a 1% man to freeze the target for 5 seconds oh my god it also gave some frost resist and increase the damage of your frost spell now the unique thing about this item is those days that on hit chance of freezing at Target for five seconds as this freeze was treated basically like a stun and would just freeze them in a block of ice for five seconds when activated do you guys want to watch that after this dude assuming this shit's still [ __ ] man like oh we should go watch the Hobbes video man like that was such a good [ __ ] video had no internal cooldown and did stack with another freezing band as this ring was not unique equipped you could have two of them on at the same time to double the chances of getting freeze to person the only thing that might have prevented this from happening though was how you obtained this ring there were expenses will drop epic item which is about the hardest way to obtain an item in the game yes you just have to get really lucky to obtain this from a random drop so usually the best way to obtain one was to just buy it off the auction house for a crap ton of gold I am accepting gold by the way guys but if you were very rich and he played on his server with these being sold yep you could obtain two of them and have fun with your enemies randomly being stunned whenever they hit you and since the targets were treated as frozen there was lots of synergy with frost mages in their shatter talent and at number four we have the Thunder brew boot flask this was a trinket item which had two unusual damage it saw the first beam when you used it you would breathe fire for five seconds why connect see I'll give you a nice little AoE and I've heard reports that this AoE could be used without a target and wouldn't agro nearby guards if used on low-level players and towns its second effect is that it would get you just good which could be a good or bad thing depending on who you ask and all on up to bat a 30 minute cooldown it's a bad thing lol ranking is bad incredibly long cooldowns on a lot of their items for almost no reason yeah there's like [ __ ] there's like one random item it's like a 45 minute cooldown to increase your strength by 6 for 5 minutes a 45 minutes it's like who the [ __ ] thought of that it was a dumbest thing man that was kind of the name of the game back then everything had long cooldowns and other games and if anything Wow cool downs were pretty reasonable in comparison you rarely see abilities or items with cooldowns of this long today yep when that was kind of the norm back then as you may have noticed with some of the other items on the list now the way to acquire this item required a lot of legwork you had to complete a five-part cross-continental journey in order to complete the quest chain which awarded this trinket I'm not going to go over it first part of the question required you to talk to a dwarf in way I'm not gonna there's no way I'm all waste my time with this [ __ ] Westfall twas a low-level zone so it was a bullshit-ass I'd have found this on your own Walt leveling normally and also unlikely you found this quest when you're at max level since the quest didn't appear for low-level players or max level players and the quest giver himself is kind of hidden in an out-of-the-way location this is kind of a secretive quest to accept anyways the first part of the quest required you to go to stranglethorn Vale in the middle of a Naga camp in order to get some Holies guys it seems like we're able to load back in for at least probably 35 seconds before we disconnect again so if you're part of the group please load back in Smitty you've got one spot and then we're still waiting on our last slot okay make your way over to BRD or sorry BR that e BRS spring water the second part of the question required you to get three separate materials one located in the swamp of Sorrows another located in tenaris and the last all the way in the hinterlands then you'd be asked to get one true silver bar which you could just buy off the auction house and after that you'd be sent on another journey this time to fer Ollis in order to get a branch and then for the final part of the quest you'd be sent to the searing gorge in order to get a piece of oak oh then after you return to Westfall you'd finally get your trinket Wow some speculation that this was meant to be a quest for players newly obtaining their mounts to give them a reason to run around the world with their newfound amounts that's actually really smart yeah I have different parts of the world that's no easy solution that was likely in early correct as in the wild diary book a book in which one of the well vanilla developers talks about so John seven didn't making the game yep they do talk about how they really wanted cross-continental quest for all classes at level 40 so they'd have a reason to use their new mounts this quest is a good example of what they had planned see that's so smart like that that's so smart because if you if you make a cross-continental quest all 40 if you just spend all your time in dungeons you don't really find a reason to like do you need a mount if you live in scarlet monastery no so giving people reasons to go out there and actually see like oh wow I need my mount so I can do this faster that's what it was all about man and it's actually really crazy to think like all the different ways that they figured this [ __ ] out like I'm so [ __ ] glad about that like I mean like plastic wow it's just literally those guys were [ __ ] geniuses like I mean they were [ __ ] geniuses okay let's go and for every class instead of just a few of them getting class like this number three the spectral essence this trinket has the effect to allow you to interact with ghosts inside of one town this trinket was pretty standard for quest like items and special effects as trinkets and vanilla Wow were not very commonplace and good trinkets repair your trinket spot was usually fine to equip something there without hindering your character all that much okay in order to give the trinket you had to complete a quest which would send you into skull amounts to kill a rare oh yeah then you to get this trinket which would allow you to talk to the folks of ceará daro and even buy some unique items from a vendor which could only be seen with his trinket or the eye of divinity a trinket only priests could equip that drop from a boss in molten core the trinket didn't have any stats or do anything else this is basically just the precursor to quest items which did special things Blizzard would usually just put them on trinkets that you had to equip and at number two we have the dark moon card twisting nether this was a dark moon trinket which had the effect which would only have a chance to activate when you died basically it gave you a 10% chance to resurrect after dying with 20% health and mana and when the trigger has do they worked kind of like having a soul stone on you in which you could choose to accept a resurrection or not now seen as this trinket only had a 10% chance it was not at all reliable had not really worth the trinket slot and raised Wow its uses were basically just for solo content - occasionally that's true - back to your courts or if you literally do that's my [ __ ] dude it at least had the potential to be sometimes useful and razor dungeons holy [ __ ] this trinket didn't actually see very much use until arenas were added to the game in the Burning Crusade in which people would equip this trinket in order to sometimes come back to life in an arena match which could single-handedly help you win the game usually compromising arena the team which secured the kill will basically treat it as if they've already won and maybe let their guard down a little bit so seeing someone Raz back up real quick to join the fight is all it could really take in order to turn the tide of the battle back in your favor yeah I guess so as far as I know this trinket still works in arenas today maybe I tried looking it up and couldn't really find any confirmation but I also didn't find anything saying that it didn't and it imagine somebody using that like Blizzcon or something god dude that'd be so funny and like especially like that the player the the casters wouldn't understand it they think it was a bug oh my god that'd be [ __ ] hilarious number one we have the hook of the Master Angler this is a trinket that had that on use effect to turn you into a fish and allow underwater breathing and an increased swim speed kind of like the artifact fishing pole effect which turns you into a fish and allows you to swim faster except instead of having to equip something in your weapon slot okay this one only required you to equip it in your trinkets locked unusual for a trinket like this this trinket actually didn't have a cool-down in vanilla how I get to how I get this usually all fun ability had incredibly long cool how I become a fish one you could just turn into a fish whenever you wanted well outside of waiting 30 seconds after equipping the trinket anyway the trinket is a reward from the string fishing fishing extravaganza event and winning the grand prize [ __ ] how many people could get it considering the event is only held once a week basically but only one person per session per week today but you do have to get first place in the fishing turn away which is pretty difficult unless you're on a server that literally has no one else trying out a [ __ ] way I'm gonna do a track which is doubtful since the tournament also has a prize for an heirloom ring item heroin which is an incredibly useful actually don't have this want to do an extra 5% experience and since the item is so useful that means lots of people are still doing this tournament today in order to try to get one but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win it the first time I ever try and do in the tournament i won second place now I'm good enough to get this trinket nobody gives a [ __ ] nobody give us a [ __ ] anymore like you go over like on retail wow there's gonna be like point 1 other guy that's like fishing there and maybe he's trying to go for it or not nobody gives a [ __ ] about anymore it's kind of sad dude like these little fishing events used to be like a really big deal back even up to like wrath there were a big deal all right it was good enough to get the heirloom ring which is what I actually wanted anyway alright and that's it for the video if you know of any other weird items that I missed I'd love to hear about them as well as ideas for future videos just like this one down in the comments yep it is 135 guys which means that my my internet this is the this is the daily [ __ ] and I don't know why this happens or anything like that but it does this video I'm gonna go ahead and run go back in again agony 145 we're uniquely backed in at number 10 we have the dark iron pulverizer this is a state ii that has an amazing effect player it has a random chance on hit to stun the target for 8 seconds should i use that like imagine me stunning somebody for eight [ __ ] seconds wait just like one [ __ ] boom just stunned forever IIIi don't know I'd love this yet okay we'll watch the Hobbs video after this one okay guys after this video we will watch the Hobbs video not other stun that a player character can use in game but from vanilla Wow anyway there were some expansions in which a rogue could get a 10 second kidney shots done but anyway I just made this weapon really amazing that's so sweet wasn't for the fact that it never prompt yeah well never isn't the correct term for it it's more like you've just had an incredibly low chance to proc where if you attack something continuously for five minutes you might see it proc one time she's crying frequently that it was basically useless than just kind of a gimmick weapon but oh boy this thing did proc online and you can totally swap to a better weapon it make full use of that eight second stun to maybe kill an eight second nine we have Jesus Christ this was a dagger weapon that could be used as a skinny knife and was the most sought-after skinny knife in the game because I need to get my energy level which ninja 10 gives thank you maybe thank you ninja lot players to skin thank you very much mocks so in order to skin Onyxia you needed the skin already Cygnus in the plus 5 inches let me see if we've seen it okay I'm gonna go and scroll up there before is if it's in the if it's my react to ask which was needed to get the scales from Onyxia which were then used to create the cloak which was needed in order to complete black quaint layer later on in classic Wow they had it a sword item called the zulan slicer yep which was a dress which gave zoom went back to spinkle skinner except on a sword item yeah so classes who couldn't use daggers could use this sword instead and be able to actually skin boss level mobs yep so despite not being a max level dagger it was a very sought after dagger for its unique effect number 8 the ravager this was a two-handed weapon drop from the Scarlet monastery with a special unique weird effect that had a chance on hit to force your character to basically get laid nine seconds you can command dude I love this one nothing it's a we accept unlike this is Roy couldn't move during this weapons prong oh you're just spinning around in a circle hoping things in it wouldn't move away from you the triage was entirely possible in PvE situations spinning board the damage this ability did was okay for its level it was a good class abilities what do you mean was insane grab the axe because of how cool the ability looked and not really because of its useful yeah there is that too as people would use this weapon at max level just to have their character spin around yeah they remove the ability to get this weapon and miss so the only way to acquire this weapon again would be to wait for the classic Wow servers and a number seven we have the unique item called Antonius Reaper of souls oh this is a one he's just watchin a weapon that only existed for ten minutes yep but it had really good stats for those ten minutes and did a crap ton of damage and I guess that's kind of the whole point of the limited real time duration the item was used during a quest chain for the ah th staff where you'd fight a demon called a yesh who is dual wielding the sword and drops one of them in the middle of a fight if you disarm order defeat him with I think that you have to disarm him to get him to drop the sword i I don't remember that it's been quite a while but I I think that you used to have to disarm him yeah ninety DPS so I want you guys to just to see that weapon right there this weapon mainly in red chakra this weapon is better than any weapon even in Burning Crusade it was ridiculously [ __ ] powerful sword was unique for being one of only two conjured weapons in vanilla Wow the second to begin the hammer of expertise of course which lasted one hour instead of ten minutes and at number six we have the deathblow this is a commanded sword that has a chance on hit effect to deliver a fatal wound who carries that amount of damage now despite the fact this weapon says it deals a fatal wound what it really means is that it just does some extra damage yeah as in this fatal wound doesn't automatically kill your target no it also doesn't mean that it only activates when the target is low on health or something to you know do a fatal wound it's just a chance on hit to Proxima extra damage just like other weapons more like a fake wound or fake oh is it was fake whole word that sounds like fecal no never mind state the exact same thing like the jet click crushing I guess it doesn't know that doesn't make sense because the proc is shitty hit to wound the target producing bonus damage fatal wound just seems like a flavorful way to work the same thing yeah and there are four of the weapons of vanilla well then also state they deal their bonus damage as a fatal wound except for it's not like the Halbert of smiting unlike to death blow this weapon has a chance on hit to literally decapitate the target and kill them instantly if only it actually did that actually do that no just as bonus damage instead alright it's just another ability that'd be a really good that'd be a really good mechanic you know like you just have like this weapon it accidentally procs and just cuts the head off not a big deal there do you watch this before and no I haven't the very flavor way of saying that it does some extra bonus damage yeah I don't think Blizzard knows what decapitating means well to be fair this weapon did have another distinction where its bonus damage proc could proc it's bonus damage proc kind of like how a shamans Winfrey proc could proc windfury so it did have a chance to do some really good damage but I don't think that was intended since it was hotfix later on and just turned into a normal proc weapon that's a really big profit of damage instantly of course and at number 5 we have the hydro King this staff which is a drop from a bomber gone gave it a little bit of frost resistance which is okay I guess but it always allowed the user to just passively breathe underwater yep and since this was a weapon you could swap it in if you were underwater and fine I must have kept this for too long your breath meter to reset and then so I got the ring and later on yeah all while still being in combat and because this item is a weapon specifically that actually made it really useful as you could swap it in and out during combat that's right so it was one of the few weapons that people could actually carry around in their bags to have in some of those just-in-case moments you know moments where you have to randomly be underwater for a quest for long periods of time moments like this almost never happened but if they did you'd be happy you carried around a hydro cane in your bags yeah I I was I'd keep this around with me for years and I never used it like I was like maybe two times that I ever use it and that was it and at number four we have the dazzling longsword this sword has an effect where when you hit a target you have a chance to decrease their armor by about 100 for 30 seconds so armor pen before that was a stat but in the game but also while this armor pen effect was applied the target cannot stealth or turn invisible so this sword Adam basically applied fairy fire to your target which is really good in PvP against stealthy classes the unfortunate thing about the sword was that it was a main hand weapon in vanilla well you couldn't just equip it into your offhand in order to try to fish for procs on classes which could do a world it and we tried using this s font had this during the beta but we never really had a way to actually make it actual usefully well you guys know what I meant to say it was also an actual using item which dropped from random mobs of around level 40 so it was hard to obtain I have verbal dyslexia weapon which was a little easier to get called the phantom blade oak rock with a similar effect except it laughs this is from and there's also in these really really good Layton the Burning Crusade blizzard change both of these weapons would just be one-handed instead of main shuttle Rebecca anguish means they could be equipped in the offhand slots in order to use its proc more effectively although by then their damage would have been way too low to really mean anything in the Burning Crusade although these two weapons seemed like they would be really good twink weapons for the 30 and 40s brackets and at number three we have typhoon this is a two-handed sword from as you increased 1% chance to parry which is a really good weapon for death Knights who would quash it to the game until two expansions later yeah in vanilla Wow yucks included warriors and that concludes the list of classes which could take that's right and warrior two always equipped to hear that hear that voice that's it no paladin's no Druids no [ __ ] shamans one-handed weapon alongside a shield not two-handed weapons and Perry is definitely a tanking stamp so not very useful for classes many wall dogs has damage dealers as they would love that stat to be something that increased their damage instead but I guess cases could be made for PvP usages whatever there was also another low-level sword item called a guardian blade which was a two-handed weapon that gave you bonus armor and defense stat to tank exclusive stats that classes that can use two-handed weapons don't really care about I feel like back then Blizzard they didn't really know they didn't really know what they were doing I'm gonna be honest like they really they just didn't really know what they were doing they were just kind of figuring things out slobo are you all going back on Slovo I'll give slobo a few minutes okay and uh-oh are we lagging again I'm trying to invite Smitty oh [ __ ] why can't wear a fee reward can you give me a lead here can you give me a lead real quick and we'll get this done but I guess cases can be made for classes using them to level up with we're having a little bit more defensive stats might matter in case you're wondering no druids could not use these weapons and sure hell cannot use swords there's Steven Lee hears about the stats on the weapon could it make use of the defensive stats on these weapons Plus bears can't parry attacks anyway and at number 2 we have Sewell phrase the lash aren't shoes this was a to sulfa is a waste of time remember how many [ __ ] times I tried to go in this way III don't like how many [ __ ] times that I do this stupid ass [ __ ] it took me like I bought like 50 times I went in here and I still couldn't get this [ __ ] done man I was so [ __ ] mad it's so bowling back on I've so bows and on we need a like another mage or something we'll find out what else we can get after that we have one one slot open assuming that Roy's gonna be able to Zone in and its sword with a proc chance to debuff a target as well as put a dot on them yeah 15 seconds although it's not on this list for that proc it's actually here because in order to obtain this weapon you had to combine two other weapons together so [ __ ] it's drawing two different bosses so popular as I know I think this is the only weapon in the game which required you to combine two weapons together in order to make it which wasn't part of a quest or profession so in order to make this weapon you have to head over to zolf Iraq and kill two bosses who would each drop a weapon called Jing Three's the protector yep and sang Thrace the deflector the yang threes had a non-use effect that would combine it with a that's why I didn't get inventory in order to create sol phrase so unlike other created weapons you didn't make the weapon through a profession you literally just combined two items from your inventory to create a new one this weapon by the way salt race is probably one of the biggest pieces of [ __ ] weapons that Blizzard has ever made but it's probably like literally the biggest piece of [ __ ] weapon that Blizzard has ever done like I I really cannot think of a more piece-of-shit weapon than this I it is the dumbest most [ __ ] pathetic awful garbage weapon they've ever thought of which is unique in of itself and isn't really something to my knowledge that's been done since of course there were some weapons wood you can click on them in order to transform them into other weapons but this isn't that as it's literally combining two weapons to create a brand new one and at number one we have the manual crowd pummel err this was a two-handed mace weapon with a really good on use of fact which would increase your attack speed by 50% first is so stupid like you'd have to farm these [ __ ] things out if you really want to do top-end damage 30 seconds but with the downside that you can only use this effect three times total yeah then you could never use this effect again yeah it's a farm out more with limited charges on its ability that once you used all three charges you just straight-up could not use its ability anymore and it was turned into a normal stat stick yep that being said it dropped off a low-level boss and nomer gone so if you wanted extra charges as a max level character you could just go in there and farm it to have multiple copies of the weapon and this is exactly what feral druids would do because you see on certain illegal servers people have been playing older versions of Wow for many years and had meta gamed everything there is to know about those old versions of WoW and it's through these less-than-legal servers that people found out that feral druids could actually pull competitive dps as long as they just farmed out a crap ton of manual crap um alerts no jack imagine having to be imagine trying to be competitive in raid but you have to spend all day farming no more gun that's all you have to do is so [ __ ] sad man it really is how [ __ ] sad is that if you look up how to perform the best DPS for feral druids and vidal well they will include this weapon as part of the normal rotation house cuffed despite the fact that you can only use the effect three times before the weapon is useless yep and why does this work on feral druids and not other melee classes well that's because feral druids don't care about the weapons damage weapons to them were only snap sticks as a weapon damaged didn't increase their melee attack damage so using the crowd tumbler to get a 50% increase attack speed for 30 seconds which is ridiculous I might add was such a great effect that it let them forego the need of having actual good stats on the weapon whereas players would be completely neutered if they had to use this weapon just for 50% attack speed yeah because if you swap this weapon to another one the effect would end immediately so only feral druid could take advantage of this effects unique ability at max level of course today you can still get this weapon they just remove the charge system in Burning Crusade and gave it a more reasonable haste proc this weapon was only available and usable in this way in vanilla Wow basically alright and that's it for the list do you know of any other weird or unique weapons that existed in vanilla Wow earnest if okay got them down in the comments as well as ideas for future videos just like this one [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 902,667
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold channel, asmongold youtube channel, asmongold classic wow, asmongold classic, classic wow, classic, classic world of warcraft, classic wow items, hirumaredx, hirumaredx wow, hirumaredx classic wow, hirumaredx asmongold, hirumaredx items, asmongold items, wow items, wow weirdest items, world of warcraft, items
Id: DjlnArgaNd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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