Asmongold Reacts To Why Vanilla WoW Questing & The Barrens Are So Memorable - Hirumaredx

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Loveleen in vanilla well was very unique when compared to how we do things in the modern game you could say that mumbling the vanilla Wow was the game so you've spent a longer [ __ ] wash and mmo's were just played differently back then so as I progress through this video you will notice a lot more differences than similarities Jeff out questing is done today first off your character was weak very weak for the first 1 to 10 levels rogues for example didn't start off with dual wielding the iconic ability of a class who is all about attacking quickly with really small weapons could only run one weapon for the first 10 levels also that one was a dagger because you couldn't learn how to use other weapons until level 10 damn I don't even know that back then and even today what they're meant to attack fast and quickly what a lot of high-end damage go ahead yeah it's fine if it wasn't for the fact that the main ability early rogues could use was sinister strike an ability that wants the slowest highest hitting weapon you have in your main hand hunters started off with no yeah just attacks at level 1 and instead had Raptor strike Raptor strike was a melee ability that added bonus damage to your next melee attack and wasn't very good also hunters started off with a weak one-handed weapon - because you were [ __ ] that you were [ __ ] garbage that's the thing is you had built you would build this up and you started off in the game and you you were shitty you were [ __ ] shitty everything about your character sucked dick like everything about it was bad watch fairness you want me to watch your video after this ok hopefully I won't have to because the service will be up but the odds are I probably will yeah that was it was a complete [ __ ] terrible thing and so it's very true but at least it was better than a dagger early hunters could easily be mistaken as a melee class if you didn't know any better because of just how much melee damage you had to do the ability to auto shoot while moving wasn't added to the game until Cataclysm so you had to stutter step Auto shoot kite every mob if you wanted to use your range weapon until you got your pet at level 10 of course now let's look at the question selves for a bit lots and lots of quests where of the go collect this item from mobs and has a small chance to drop variety this was to force players to have to kill a ton of mobs all the time for nearly half of the class you did well that way you'd get that sweet monster kill experience which was crucial to leveling up in an efficient manner most vanilla quest guides would even tell you to kill as many mobs as you could on your way to the next quest giver and on your way to class gather quests all had really long cast times if you got a rare quest that wasn't telling you to go commit mass genocide on wolves to get forepaws you'd sometimes get lucky and have a nice and easy gather quest although these weren't really all that easy most of the things you had to collect had to moderately long respawn timers so if there were other players in the area that made them take a lot longer to do most items were swarming with mobs that had to be cleared out first most of them were very far apart from each other and forced you to have to hunt them down for a long time and also they would take about 5 seconds on average to collect each one same with gathering herbs and mining about 5 second cast times for each with the chance of failing and having to do it again everything in vanilla well had incredibly long cast times to collect whereas today it's almost instant if not collected in two seconds at the most and the quests that necessarily wasn't just about going out and killing or collecting stuff you had to read them very carefully to make sure you understood what to do sure that's whenever I really [ __ ] up like you guys are a read a quest and it's like four paragraph and you read the first third and fourth paragraph and it's like okay I go here and then the second paragraph says first go here well I don't know how many times it's [ __ ] happened I except for in vanilla Wow whenever that happens you don't waste like oh [ __ ] I've got to go use my 14th dollar and and hearthstone or take one of my eight different portal items over to you know for this other continents they'll take me over the area within ten seconds no you just wasted thirty five [ __ ] minutes you just wasted thirty five [ __ ] minutes just for that one goddamn [ __ ] thing information was kind of sparse back then so you had to pay close attention to the class tax to understand what exactly you needed to do because obviously there were no quest markers at the game items didn't glow if you needed them and mobs didn't even tell you if they dropped anything you needed for your class no they're killing mobs was hard your character was weak even after hitting level ten mobs were powerful on average it might take you 20 to 30 seconds to kill one normal non elite level appropriate mob fighting to at once was nearly death but could be handled if you pumped cooldowns or if your class had a way to handle it good AOA in vanilla WoW was the exception not the norm so not many classes could deal with two moms at once on a regular basis and getting three mobs was almost guaranteed death unless you had a way to leave combat or escape killing large groups romps took was very [ __ ] annoying - I hate him so much when he clumped up together and you didn't want to accidentally pull more than one mama was annoying mother [ __ ] [ __ ] there on top of you usually also meant death and going into a cave for a quest item usually mended the mobs at the entrance would respond before you were finished yep as of how long it took to kill everything and it was most times easier to just die in res outside rather than deal with trying to recruit as you were probably going to die anyway combat was a little harder to today we have inherent hit chance and expertise but in vanilla Wow weapon based classes had to Dilip Perry's dodges glancing blows blocks all mobs could block not just mobs with shields and misses half of the time you attacked a mob at a melee character you would miss the attack in some way shape or form because getting the stats needed to attacks dodged over power miss that's like the perfect [ __ ] trifecta for why Warriors have rage as a resource that that's why Warriors have rage right there that one [ __ ] thing through those was on gear that you had no control over while leveling but luckily casters and hunters didn't have to deal with this as much in vanilla the only thing a ranged attack could do was miss and maybe be blocked plus spells only had to work ok ok BFA now sis did but because I'm so weak gear felt better and more meaningful that's not why it felt better the reason why it felt better is because literally back in vanilla Wow over half of your questing over half of your characters experience was obtained through killing mobs in retail wow 20% of it is killing mobs 80% of it is questing whereas in vanilla 20% of 20% of it is questing and 80% of it is killing mobs so you're spending all of your [ __ ] time going mobs so if you get an upgrade it matters a lot more because you spend way more time killing mobs and you know people might not remember this or think this is true but that's absolutely the [ __ ] case that's how it's always been met finding a treasure chest of vanilla WoW was infinitely more valuable than finding one in the more modern versions of the game as it was almost guaranteed to have a green item in it getting a green item that you could use and have stats that you needed yep just felt better because of how hard everything was and how rare good pieces of how meaningful was yeah being so weak also forced cooperation one spirits with hard to kill bosses or lots of ads never died a group and since everyone was used to dying to more than two mobs at once they were much more willing to join groups and look for them in kind yeah speaking of boss you make friends vanilla Wow had this really unfair way of making boss like mobs harder to kill higher level you see what they would do is just make them a higher level than everything else in the zone yep and they did this with dungeon bosses too this was such a dick sucking move this was literally such a dick sucking move because it hunters have no problem with that they just you know what do you mean what do you mean high level we just shoot them it's easy to shoot to shoot meanwhile if you're a warrior you're you're hitting them and because you're [ __ ] your your energy is based off of how much damage you're dealing you're not dealing any [ __ ] damage you're just sitting there with your big two-handed weapon where's my [ __ ] where's my tennis racket that's the miss and then you're [ __ ] dead that's a whole goddamn thing man I'm so sick of this [ __ ] man like III was always happy whenever they change done and in retail honestly I was happier than ever that just made them elites and [ __ ] and not there's high-level because it was so goddamn annoying full dead yeah exactly full dead all we had a hundred thousand viewers thank God if you were doing a quest in the starting zone yeah and killing mobs level seven and eight for most of the quest you finally get to the final one yeah which has you killed one mop hazel twine when you get to it you'll find out that it's level twelve and destroys you for being four levels higher than you so that level difference so that exit harder to hit and gives it crushing blows if the gap is big enough yet over time Blizzard just come so [ __ ] annoying mechanic from the game and for good reasons making mobs harder by just making them a higher level was kind of unfair well what was no water looped you had to hold shift with each pickup in order to manually activate art that was so far had to loot each mob one at a time that was so fun at AoE loot also you couldn't see the sell price of an item unless you were at a vendor so if you completed a quest and got a reward that you didn't need there wasn't really a way to know which item gave more gold no outside of prior knowledge of which items sell for more usually you just buy just if you don't know which one to get you just download the add-on and if you down down the add-on just get the weapon if it's like a pair of boots or weapon just get the weapon every time it's gonna sell for more or it may be an add-on was like I generally like that bigger the item would be or the heavier it would be in real life the more it will vendor for you just use that logic and you will be right in terms of picking the right quest rewards vendor nine times out of ten travel time was what you spent half your time doing flight points were very sparse and it was rare for towns to have one it was entirely normal to have to run to every actual age in a questions without ever flying as flying was usually reserved for going to other zones and major cities not the conveniences of going from one quest hub to the other yep not like Wallace quests were far apart from each other and not many of them could be done side-by-side like today where maybe three quests could be completed in the same area at the same time so most of the time you were traveling slowly to a questing spot to finish one maybe two quests at the same time before running to a new place for a different quest I didn't yeah classes were slow priests had absolutely no movement speed increases rogues had a sprint once every five minutes and you didn't get the opportunity to get ammount until level 40 where most players couldn't even afford it on the first character for the high price so it wasn't unusual for players just to run on foot slowly everywhere to do everything because yell oh wow love to have quests that made you go all over the place the other vast amounts of your time were spent on downtime downtime was the name of the game killing a few mobs or one especially two that's what makes wow such a great streaming game is I'm literally sitting around reading chat over half the time I'm not even playing the game III don't even play the game that's the best part about it it's not like oh I've got to worry about you know all this other [ __ ] I don't even play the [ __ ] game dude I'm just having fun and yeah this is amazing [ __ ] yeah alright let's go we're gonna look at the rest of these alright I'll hopefully get the old log back on now what's going on why is Wow down blizzard and the listen sometimes you know how like there's like an eclipse you know like an eclipse is right the planets line well there's been eclipse of like every [ __ ] planet in the solar system today and it's created an intergalactic dildo to [ __ ] me in the ass I'm all fifty nine fifty [ __ ] nine and I can't get this [ __ ] to work fifty [ __ ] nine Hoff mom would mean having to sit down and eat to get your health back or bandage first aid was very valuable for leveling as most classes did not have self heals like they do today and you got the materials for bandages from killing humanoid moms mana classes ran out of mana constantly and had to sit down to drink all the time as well out of combat regeneration is so high today that it's not a problem like yeah doesn't matter until maybe max level mythic plus dungeons yeah mate with all these hurdles to leveling and all the time spent running everywhere it did make a few things more meaningful the world felt bigger because you spent so much time on the ground having to slowly run everywhere also reaching a new level felt more rewarding every two levels you got new abilities our ranks to Train and every single level after ten gave a new talent point so getting a new rank of one of your damaging moves could sometimes double its power which gave a very drastic and fun power climb whereas killing a mob may have taken 30 seconds before now it's pivotal it only took 20 seconds a new every level was good lowly getting stronger and stronger with the same periodic power climbs as sometimes hitting a new row of talents could give you an ability to double your damage output because the base line was so incredibly weak the additions and power-ups you got along the way were much more noticeable this also made class class more meaningful most class quests in vanilla Wow gave you either a much needed or crucial ability like shaman totems and hunter and warlock pets or gave a piece of gear guaranteed to be useful for your class and we're generally worth doing as well as usually pretty difficult annoying some special especially the longer totem quest chain or the druid seal form class oh wow but having to work hard to get an ability or a good piece of gear did give a good feeling afterwards of course it did so to sum things up everything took you forever to [ __ ] get a character was weak everything took forever to complete everything took forever to travel to everything took our rewards were on point and felt genuinely rewarding though glow loathes made the highs a lot more enjoy it's true and I think that's why vanilla questing is remembered with heirlooms much better resource management higher numbers that lower lookout okay oh god fastly kill the mobs dude my dis dude was like literally [ __ ] level 20 and he's just Auto attacking and killing everything that easily it's actually insane to go from b.fa leveling to classic leveling and then go back to be FA levelling it's like literally playing it's like being level 40 but you have full tier 3 and you're dueling ash bringers that's how power you powerful you feel getting new gear in general the game has just evolved so far past the point of vanilla WoW is harder leveling that it's basically an entirely different game quest nowadays are a lot more sane and reasonable more clumped up for ease of access mounds can be obtained at level 1 and there's more ways to gain XP outside of just grinding mobs and doing quests I personally think the game is better with all these changes but is it I don't think so I don't think it's better because ultimately like what what it what what is really better how do you define better in my mind better means it's more enjoyable and you have an experience that's good it doesn't really matter about like oh is this objectively better yeah any game designer is gonna tell you that ya BFA is better than retail Wow or sorry then classic Wow but that doesn't make it better just because you see something that you know makes sense that it's better doesn't mean that it's better like whenever you're whenever you're trying to engage people's emotions sometimes you have to think beyond logic really an argument of which is better when they're both so fundamentally different because the vanilla model is also enjoyable in its own way addition I kind of missed talent points and new ranks with leveling so what do you guys think is there even a comparison to make when they're both so fundamentally different I'm interested in other opinions on the matter thought the reasoned vanilla barons and to a lesser extent TBC and RAF parents covered so fondly by horde players and was so popular was because of a combination of bad planning and yet zone design by blizzard if you look at some of the earliest screenshots of drill you'll notice that almost all of it is alliance zones and cities yeah and pretty much all the lion zones were created they focused on what mattered is what they're saying that they focus someone matter there was a guy you know should we focus on the Alliance or you know like the Horde like were obviously gonna focus on the Alliance she is hot like is that just me but I I mean she's hot before they worked on the Horde zones leading many people to speculate and that Blizzard just kind of ran out of time when it came to the Horde zones yeah of course in because of this it's obviously not after all there is it's obvious proof but what is it is it is there is proof you know what the proof is good of Thunder Bluff dude it's literally a [ __ ] hill there's a series of hills like all the hordes that say Hills is like Oh war Gomorrah what is work them on it saw I just put some huts around what do you want to put next to the huts Oh put another hunt next to it yeah duh yeah it tell ty listen horde zones are a [ __ ] joke deniable that for a lot of various different reasons yep if you reward you were going to end up in the Barrens eventually you sure when vanilla there was no dungeon finder and a low level dungeons themselves could take anywhere from one to four hours to complete if you did manage to get a group together so those were out of the question if you wanted an alternative to quick leveling battlegrounds did not start giving experience until late and wrath of the lich king mining and herbalism we give experience either and obviously pet battles learn to think back when really the earliest weren't there the only way to efficiently get your shoes out thank you thank you Behrend was basically a funnel point for three of the four playable races in holding yep after the starting zone touring trolls and orcs were naturally I went over there to and even undead would travel there sometimes rather than deal with silver pine forest or tarren mill it was [ __ ] - so in itself was massive probably one of the biggest zones ever in the entire game it also had only three flight paths and even less graveyards yep one flight path in ratchet one at the crossroads and a third at Camp Tahoe the flight path from ratchet to the cross also hauls in extra - I used to call white possible from the crossroads to camp Tahoe was the most useful one and even then those three flight paths covered only a very small portion of the map so you had to run everywhere at that time you didn't get a mountain till level 40 and old Barrens was notorious for sending you to all the very far corners of the zone for questing oh you're running marathons forever actually the [ __ ] war edition it also had the largest level range of any zone spanning 15 levels so you pretty much had to go to the Barrens you stayed there for a long time and you had to do very long boring runs to get to quests on top of some of the quest being infamous for being awful man Crick's wife being one and probably the most known quest in WoW the venture Co samoflange quest the terrible especially a good question what do you guys think is the most the most known quest in a while wait did everybody knows this is Hager I feel like it's probably harder to kill Hager uh ol Blanche II know nobody gives a [ __ ] about all Blanche e-r asking nah there's no way it's wrathgate okay I'd say like man man Rick or ha Gerst Alvin no no there's no way like it cuz like the thing is like literally anybody that plays Wow would probably know about [ __ ] Hager let's see stolen silver no no yeah it's Hager 100% allgor Gort quest free from the hold and collecting for zebra who's with a very low drop chance and various other similar low drop chance gathering quests the zebra a class that required you to do one simple little task zebra go out into the Barrens and kill zebra for four who's not so bad right I mean Mira has four hooves don't they know they don't have any because this quest if you focused on it and only it would take you about an hour to complete imagine that literally one hour you spend one hour in the game to get four zebra hooves that after all of that time you come back and you turn it in you know what you get a pair of white leggings to have less stamina we're sorry they have no stats and less armor than what you already had it's great absolutely amazing the problem with the quest was twofold one there were not a lot of zebras and they liked to roam alone and two they had a really low chance to drop the hoose so you had to go around and hunt down these little bastards and then hook the oranjee gods were on your side when you finally found one lost in battle one of the most infamous quests ever the objective was simple find out what happened to man Craig's wife only this was in the time before there was a vast readily available game nobody knew where the [ __ ] it was so in order to find I never completed this you'd have to dig my never dead as of comments and message boards or forums since her body was not in an obvious location yep man Creek gave you the quest here and his wife's body is over here just randomly to the side of the road not near any other quests and very far away from man Creek the easiest way to find out where man Crick's wife was was to simply ask in chat and Behrens being the most populated zone in those days L&T of people yep but after the question has been asked for maybe the tenth time in the past 30 minutes people would start giving not so serious answers which would then devolve into more off-topic discussions most of which involving various links to certain legendary weapon Donald Trump and the tales and exploits of one known as Chuck me and and and more importantly Donald Trump all about him now if barons isn't remembered for its terrible question experience because really I could go on and on about some of the other really terrible quest in the zone the Barons chant is what trade chat started out as yep random trolling you know theory blessed blade of the windseeker dumbass mother daughter various is what he's saying means dumbass what so many horde players spent so long in this one zone running very slowly all over the place because it was massive and only had two relevant flight points you had a lot of free time to chat while auto running to the crossroads look at the [ __ ] gun next to the zebra oh no lfg your mom where's Azeroth that's Jesus and that is why Barrens is remembered for all chat and it's incredible leveling experience oh and also alliance rates the devs Jets might have been full of memes and child is trolling but it was also full of the crossroads is under attack yup since it seemed like the cross we knew that [ __ ] - that was really [ __ ] fun man that was so [ __ ] long roads always under attack well for a number of reasons they only have level 41 the Alliance knew that there were a lot of horde players in the way up and not only that by low-level horde players the Barrens also had a very crucial geographical flaw that alliance zones of similar level did not have ratchet this little city was neutral had a bow to the Eastern Kingdoms and a very short run to the crossroads which was nearby the crossroads is also where a majority of the quest givers were located so just simply taking the easy and convenient boat to ratchet and running leisurely into the crossroads and pulling the guards one by one sense at this time guards dinar all Zerg attackers like they do today a small group of max level Alliance players could hold the crossroads hostage for quite some time guys remember whenever we did this [ __ ] and then we just basically completely took over and then we had to leave because it was honestly getting sad it was honestly getting [ __ ] sad that the Horde just couldn't it they couldn't get anybody over there which is pathetic and so they eventually like they had to stop playing and we just had to go over to or Gomorrah so my dad was just so [ __ ] embarrassing me and why not it was easy to do and you were almost guaranteed to get a few low be trolls orcs or torrents try and fight you because I didn't know any better so it was easy pickins until the max level horde players came in to clean house the crossroads was a site of constant world PvP depending on your server there could be a couple of small scale battles taking place every day the only reason that Barrens isn't more well-known for its world PvP is because it's not a contestant for a whole host of other things that this well because what the Barrens wasn't contested was it like I'm like 90% sure it wasn't contested so of course they're not gonna have like oh yeah I remember the barons PP yeah I wasn't contested of course there's not gonna be a lot of PvP there well yeah here's our PvP happens it's [ __ ] like a South Shore and tarren mill in front of like how many think where else is there there's that that's the number one place STV yeah STV is probably the main place that there's a lot of [ __ ] PvP and then maybe a little bit beyond that I like me like western play clans or something like high levels because people are like competing for like grinding spots aspect of it and VR games over she added and don't get me started on the landscape the landscape of the zone it's alright actually landscapes are a very subjective thing to discuss and many people have fond memories of the barren wasteland that they spent weeks maybe even months levelling through personally I was never the biggest fan of the zones aesthetics but it could look very cool at times in Cataclysm with the remake of the old world The Barrens was cut in half and turned into two leveling zones and each zone is about the same size as other regular sized zones which should tell you something about just how huge the old Barrens was if splitting it in half made each new zone only normal-sized okhla and with the splitting of the zone most of the old qualities of vanilla Barrens are gone you know long I never liked that bye boys 'red totally [ __ ] up by letting that this should happen before they had the technology to have the two separate zones at the same time they totally [ __ ] up by not doing that we're gonna need to stay in any zone for very long with all the alternative ways to level and with dungeon finder being available at level 15 most players totally skip it all together so Barrens chat isn't even a thing anymore Blizzard fix pretty much all the old quest and no longer be absolutely terrible so no more spending an hour killing zebras for four hoops and guards and the level towns are actually a threat now so it's not as easy to take the crossroads as it once was so world PvP is almost non-existent there anymore with Blizzard making changes to the zone to fix its many problems they got rid of what made it unique yep but that's not always a bad thing sure we'll never have the old barons again because most of the things that made it such a heavily traveled zone were because a bad zone design so would you even want that again is it better to have a good zone that's kind of forgettable that hardly anyone goes to or a bad zone that everyone's forced to go to because that's what all barons was it's better to have a bad zone that everybody is forced to go to that's what it is that that's honestly the truth is it so much better to have a [ __ ] ass zone a [ __ ] ass garbage zone that everybody [ __ ] has to do it like time Messiah was timeless I'll really that great timeless I was good but you know what [ __ ] sucked is the layout not being able to fly getting killed by people with the sensor on constantly and everybody [ __ ] remembers it because everybody was there and you were sitting there with everybody else and you had to deal with it and that kind of [ __ ] was what matter [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 318,026
Rating: 4.7753305 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, asmongold channel, asmongold youtube channel, asmongold vanilla, asmongold classic wow, asmongold classic, classic wow, vanilla wow, vanilla world of warcrfat, hirumaredx, asmongold hirumaredx, hirumaredx vanilla, hirumaredx wow, hirumaredx classic wow, asmongold vanilla wow, asmongold questing, wow questing, asmongold barrens, wow barrens
Id: XV3MET2ndUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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