Asmongold Reacts To The Biggest JERKS of Classic WoW - Punkrat

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yo guys poke around another video as we all know in any online video game the most frustrating part can sometimes be that human element in Warcraft this can be especially true whether it's like jigsaw or some doofus causing a wipe in your raid or in your group or just some jerk spoiling the air with his presence you'll run into everything there is to offer in your experience with classic wow it's inevitable and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way life is about balance without negatives the concept of positive doesn't even exist I completely agree with that I like the idea that we're in an open space in classic Wow and people have the freedom to be a dick right I mean like I'm not talking about like individual like harassing people right but like and I think the avenues in which people can be obnoxious in the game right now are completely sufficient and I like the idea that you can be a ninja derp you can be a troll if you want to be I feel like that makes the game more interesting and in a way more exciting this dynamic makes things interesting and creates memories which become sacred with the touch of time so in this video I'm gonna cover the line where some people of classic Wow don't biggest jerks let's get into it also don't be that guy so first on the list we've got players who don't understand itemization and roll four items which McConnell you watch this video what is it I just wanna make sure you're watching it's about the biggest jerks of classic well yeah Oakley your future though it's your reality there aren't good for them or aren't an upgrade this happens all the time epics are scarce and classic and some people are either greedy or just looking for a purple at any chance that they can get well I'm greedy for a side grade or a downgrade blue abyss will have a great blue in an item slot and without understanding the difference in itemization they'll just need on an item which is worse than the current one that they I've seen this happen before guys it's not taking it away from somebody who potentially needs it extremely bad of course this is my master looter is a very important thing it's always more frustrating when you try to explain to them that clearly you don't need this item yet they feel entitled to anyway especially I've seen this happen many many times over the years it's been something that with a lot of people they they just don't get it they want to get as much gear as possible etc see if they rolled for it in one item yeah I clearly don't need it in the raid leader gives it to somebody who actually does need it and then they go on an all-out tantrum because they didn't get the item next up we've got people who hold the flag in Warsong Gulch holding up the BG and griefing everyone in it oh well there's no time limit in war song like there is I hate expansions to avoid this exact phenomenon a title forces against TV was the only battleground that can last an indefinite amount of time Warsong Gulch is the griefers paradise so you really experience this if you PvP a lot you will one day be in a war song where your team is losing real bad and the enemy team if they feel like being jerks could just hold on to your flag for hours while camping your graveyard there's I used to do this I used to do this we would camp the graveyard until they stopped rising and eventually it was like 10 to 2 people because nobody else would join the BG and yeah of course yeah Weezer's well I didn't want to have to do I didn't want to do this it's all like I wanted to camp people at the graveyard I did it because I had to I had to do it to get my 250,000 honorable kills for the bloodthirsty mountain and back then like you know there weren't a lot of other options and I had to sit there and farm nor some of which I would hold the flag and kill people AO iing them down right at that exact graveyard and I did this for like maybe 2 hours like one like one of them would ask for two hours and eventually people would just stop queueing in and they would just quit and other people in my group would just like afk out because they'd be so angry that we weren't actually turning in the flag there also ways to jump up above the walls of the Alliance and horde base which puts you in a spot that's incredibly hard to wall jump up this is a real pop you do try to get up there they'll just kill you as you attempt to wall jump up giving them the ability to drag out the match endlessly if they really want to this is a relatively common troll in war song and vanilla yeah and you'll probably end up seeing it at some point my advice just leave the BG immediately and get your deserter tag counting down instead of wasting your time in there alright now I think that should be reportable I don't know how you guys feel about it but in my opinion I think that if you're going you're way too especially use terrain to your advantage to make it to where people can't get to you I feel like that's terrain exploitation and it's griefing and it should be against the tos and you should get suspended for 100% these guys I'm sure a lot of you guys have encountered wiser I learn a lesson from one to sixty skinning they you know that you have to loot the beasts that you kill before you can actually skin the leather this introduces a little bit of a frustrating scenario that I see people complaining about on the wild forums and on reddit constantly this is this oh no people don't read their beasts kills wait what who gives a [ __ ] about that I thought they were gonna talk about people skinning the other guys mobs like the devil sores right because that's what unbind was doing like nasty and Elbert was trying to kill the devil sores then an unbind to just be sitting there oh trying to [ __ ] skin nasty no burrs [ __ ] mob these people who are killing beasts and are not looting them stopping you from coming in and trying to get the leather no I know in this scenario it's their kill and you're not entitled to that leather whatsoever so or their inventory might be full and that's why they're not picking up the loot but nonetheless I know this is something that a lot of you guys can relate to I personally had an issue with this running Blackrock depths prison runs and arena runs where while we were doing the XP farm we were killing those redhounds all over the place in the prison and people in my group were just not looting any of them I was trying to get the rug in and thick leather but I couldn't skin half of the wolves some of you guys might not like this one specifically because of what I mentioned earlier but nonetheless we're gonna put this one on the list because it's a very common complaint from a lot of you guys loot the beasts that you kill guys come on okay so this one I have to admit I'm absolutely guilty of especially being a hunter we're talking about mob tagging so somebody who tags your mob that you're clearly about to hit before you can hit it and taking it from you now there's here's what you need to do okay let me teach you guys a few tricks on this so if you see a warlock who's getting ready to dot something up in classic loud dotting a target doesn't tag it so what you want to do if you're a mage is you want to fire blast as soon as their dot hits it or moon fire right if you're a druid and that way you tag the mob but then they start dealing damage to it and then because they're damage will out damage your damage the mob will go on them and they will be forced to kill it and they will have to do basically have to farm experience for you and this is something I've done for a long time back in actual vanilla on BC I used to do the same thing with banishing other people's mobs and then making them leave the zone because I kept vanishing their stuff and eventually they'd get angry and leave I don't think you can do this anymore in classic though it's a couple classes that get the worst end of the stick on this I'm talking about my warriors my warlocks and paladin's so a paladin you don't have a really long range ability and all you have to a bad touch melee range or at least judgement ranged before you can actually tag mob and right before you hit it and you're about to claim it for yourself yep a hunter just comes in and arcane shots it and then it's his mom you might walk over to the other one and he'll just do the same thing and get both of them on his pet same way like a warrior he might be charging over to a mob and before his auto attack triggers or before he finishes the entire charge length a hunter or a mage are gonna blast it and get it onto them and then for warlocks pretty simple they out their dots on something but before the dot actually ticks someone tags yet now this is surely something but if you guys are very frustrated with and trust me it never gets better in any expansion until they made tags not character specific and everyone can just kill things together so in any legacy version of the game well they made it fine whenever most people had an ability that immediately did damage and sun damage abilities like I mean before they did the shared tags it was still fine it was just like whoever gets their instant tag ability off first and that's like it's kind of stupid but you know it's also in my opinion I think it's fine this is just something you're gonna have to deal with and if I stole your mobs sorry so this next one is very similar to the last we're talking about people who steal your chest so you might be in Westfall let's say for example and there's a little null camp with you now or five different guys New York your butt off to clear every single one of them and let's say you're on the last mob and you're about to finish him and get access to that Joe quietiy lo and behold right before you kill the last no some rogue what the flux male or some guy just comes charging orders swooping in and your chest you did all the heavy lifting all the hard work and your reward was just taken from you now Spock um dude here's the thing right is in the open world man it's a dog-eat-dog world out there you got to get what you can get and that's it and if you're not doing it somebody else is doing it like if I see somebody fighting next to a chess man I'm I don't mind if I do you know yeah it's kind of a dick thing to do but I just assume everybody else to do the same [ __ ] thing man yeah [ __ ] that [ __ ] some people would say it's bad etiquette and other people would say that it's just the nature of the game every man for himself on a level we all need the gold regardless of what your opinion is it's still a little bit of a jerk move even if I guess it's pretty fair game this next one is I kind of like that I like that game you know it makes it a little bit more exciting you know you have like people can steal your [ __ ] it's just makes it like whenever you can't have any negative outcomes in the game it just feels boring you know I don't know is it so oh I either win or I win more that's all no no I like the idea so we can just like swoop in and steal your [ __ ] it's like it's annoying sometimes yeah sure but with like little things like this who gives a [ __ ] just bad etiquette people who use health pots in duels dueling is a massive part of classic Wow and I'm sure a lot of you guys have memories of all the top PB peers on your server young the outside of Ironforge dueling in the good old days just like me right now are to the vanilla experience although in my experience top privateer hasn't been as prevalent as it was back in original vanilla where you know the mountain ledge outside of the Ironforge gate was always filled with the most skilled players on your server well it is right now it's Club it's an unspoken rule that every vanilla player knows you don't Pop's healthy in a duel easy when your opponent are both one hit from death and it seems so tempting to just pop the pot and win the duel you don't don't do it that's why who does a snake for the rest of your life engineering items are more accepted it kind of depends on who you ask the popping potions is strictly prohibited as a rule 1.12 - disgusting - you spoke okay so next you're absolutely [ __ ] business Gosling and pugs I mean I get it if the Pug is super crappy I get it but honestly if it's that bad just leave or stick it out and shut up but when a group is pretty bad or quite good even and you have one guy who at the first sign of a mistake or a slight challenge start acts like a little pissant bringing down the entire morale of the group and specifically making the leader feel bad because when you lead a group it falls on you it falls on your shoulders whatever happens in that group yeah that's so I feel like you're running an inefficient run but complaining literally helps no one and it makes things worse if anything morale is incredibly important in the team environment see anybody that pulls like these kinds of [ __ ] moves man I I don't want to deal with them I don't even want him in my guild right it's like I've been insult like you guys know how many mythic quest keys I've ever left in BFA and reaching combined I think - that's it and both of those we are all agreed that we were gonna leave I never leave keys if I'm in a run I finished the [ __ ] run that's it I've always been like that and it's like at a certain point yeah it's like I'm like guys can we please call it this isn't really going well but if they want to keep going I never leave runs men I try to be as fair as possible I mean one sec I don't know why I'm like I'm getting a runny nose right now do apologize for that complaining and trash-talking in a group just causes animosity and creates a snowball effect that can make things even worse I if you're an angry [ __ ] I'll probably kick you out of the guild one way or another yeah I just don't want to deal with you it's annoying it wastes everybody's time it just it makes things unpleasant yeah I just kick you out of the guild and that's it and it you know when I was younger I was super bad at this and I used to complain all the tied into it playing competitive team games taught me to sort of reel it in a little bit and the results have been signal when things go bad you want to have the guy bringing people up and setting a positive tone bringing people together the leader of the group feels guilty when things go bad and if you respond sometimes ativy and say something like guys it's okay we got it this time just focus up that was an extreme and generally helps performance going forward I can't put enough emphasis on this if you want to complain do it in discord in a private chat or in your guild chat with people who aren't in the group but keep the actual group chat positive and try to be productive you'll end up saving your own time in the process and most likely ameliorating things within that group rather than starting a downward spiral of finger pointing and player tilting so this next one I totally agree with that I mean like obviously I used to be much more toxic about that kind of stuff and back in the day like there was a point in time where I would leave groups more regularly and usually if I ever left a group I would just simply leave the group and that would be it I just never go back into the group and that would be done [ __ ] these guys doesn't matter I'm done finish with this what is more of a group thing and it's pretty big honestly we don't know how much of a relevant factor it's gonna be since there's gonna be cross around BG's in vanilla blizzard but we don't know how big the BG groups are gonna be how many servers are gonna be included in each BG group and it still might be a factor so here we got queue Dodgers the scum of pre mating in classic web o maids will roll level ones to spy on enemy teams in order to dodge their bgq so that we did this same [ __ ] with our Bee Gees all the time like if we were queuing into a team that we knew that we couldn't beat we just wait for them to get a game and then we queue again like everybody did this back in the RBG days unless you were literally the top team like ed there's no team that I knew that didn't queue dodge unless they were like the top team that were on at that time everybody else q dodged only faced uncompetitive not everybody means this is cowardice at its best yeah and it affects the PvP honor ladder since the queue Dodgers are able to farm on or quicker against creditor teams of course they're going into quick BG wins over and over and the other teams are taking queues against stronger pre mates yeah this next one is a vanilla classic I've seen it less and less in later expansions but for some reason it always seems to reemerge in a big way in the classic raiding ecosystem we've got the tyrant raid leader satire is generally based in reality and I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen the kind of spoof parody videos about raging tyrant raid leaders from old school well the onyxia wipe viral video is probably the most obvious example wait a minute no it's not me and all it's not me like am i a tyrant raid leader I am the most gracious raid leader that there is I I'm reasonable I talked to people I'm like you know what you can I understand where you're coming from you're you know having problems etc I am the most reasonable raid leader that there is and and that's it that I am NOT a tyrant at all I am NOT a tyrant or a bad raid leader I'm a very very good guy who's reasonable and I always listen to what other people have to say generally it's a relatively young kid who's leading these rates early twenties max mixed with maybe a little bit of a Napoleon complex you know taking out his real life frustrations and insecurities out in the raid comms I hope you don't get caught in one of these situations in raid guild it's unbearable in certain cases and it's kind of similar to people who complain and pugs it generally doesn't coroner's are it's all the best guilds tend to have a very calm cohesive camaraderie type culture within their voice comms which allows them to thrive in difficult situations while having a little petulant child is your ray litter who's just yelling and going crazy all the time can make things go worse and can make people leave and then having to recruit over and over again not exactly we used to have a rule back in the day where every single time that I would raid weed somebody would quit the guild if they had to take if the register took a day off and it's like oh [ __ ] as Minh Gold's gonna have to raid every time I did a raid somebody would put the guild and I did this on purpose right because I knew that these other people in the guild we're just getting by scot-free oh by the fire again I wasn't paying attention well was it on my screen but it was there I don't know didn't see it I didn't show up I think it was like I don't know and the renders are it's well why you do a girl voice dude it's not a girl voice um it's it's not it's not girl voice okay it's okay you're a good boy you're not going to do you're a good girl whatever you're a good individual you're not gonna do anything wrong you know and I I get one night every month about to go into that raid and to just [ __ ] to just [ __ ] on him and I have felt so goddamn good because I everybody else in the guild what message means I can thank God dude thank you so much man thank you so much this dick boy's been getting by under the radar every single day it's been pissing me off and then I come in there and I enact [ __ ] justice and I say listen to me you dumb [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I don't really say that usually what I just say is like well if it wasn't on your screen then why did you try moving out of it in the wrong direction and like just calling these [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] out right it was amazing like I would do this like even back in the day like if I ever read it again on the live servers you guys will see I am harsh but I'm effective and I'm constructive whenever I'm dealing with actual good team right if it's a random pogrom or dumbasses yeah I'll be a dick but like if I'm dealing with a serious team right whenever we were doing or our mythic or mythic pugs for a Sharan we had no problems I know I was never an [ __ ] much else to be said Tyrel trade leaders are the worst next up we've got world PvP griefers I personally I find this kind of stuff more funny than I get annoyed by it but I know most of you guys out there absolutely hate this stuff so I'll mention it level 60 s who stay in red Ridge all day ganking level 20s now an EU servers there's always an undead mage or Undead rogue probably Russian sitting there all day griefing low B's I actually heard a story from the old days of Blizzard banning somebody who would just camp low levels all day in red Ridge not sure how I feel about someone actually getting banned for that but you know it is what it is also I can add people who kill flight path NPCs but again I find that stuff more funny than I care about it but that's the game dude like in my opinion like killing flight path NPCs and everything like that that's the [ __ ] game like if you don't like that if you're not a fan of that then I don't know really what to say it's just it is is what it is it's still a jerk move I guess so I'll I did it yeah okay now I left this one for the last spot and I think rightfully so they say save the best for last and a lot of you probably forgot about the nature of these annoying leeches or at least the magnitude of it within a classic contact so we've got gold beggars gold beggars aren't a factor in the newer versions of the game because gold is pretty much irrelevant but in classic gold is like everything else scarce store magically is where this situation is the worst the leeches will harass you for gold donations yeah City Center non-stop hey sometimes they're sneaky too you'll just get a random little sneaky whisper like hey my mate what Oh how's it going mate Oh how's life mate how's your mom mate good a soul mate go on many adventures lately mate yeah just killed on Ixia that's pretty sweet oh wow made that that's so good can I have God for Mom yes just turn around and book it don't do it don't give them gold in fact a lot of the time you have people with high-level characters who make low-level alts specifically just to beg for gold instead of gold farming it's a cold making strategy for this what makes Sun they just pretend to be a new player who needs gold for skills or amount and just beg for gold all day in Stormwind all right boys that's it for this one I'm sure a lot of you guys can relate to this one we've all had encounters with these kinds of jerks on the game before right like I said in the intro though it's all part of the ecosystem another human element that makes the game bigger than just a game it's an experience yep so that's the video honey if you like I missed the previous video in the comment section I read all the comments and I want to hear you if you liked this video and want to see more content like this make sure to LIKE comment snot you know the drill soldiers I hope you liked it and with that anymore have a good one I'm out peace okay here's the thing this is a good video I like the video overall I thought it was a it works pretty well [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 524,030
Rating: 4.7612343 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, classic world of warcraft, punkrat wow, punkrat classic, punkrat classic wow, asmongold punkrat, asmongold reacts to punkrat, punkrat asmon, asmon wow, punkrat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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