Asmongold Reacts to "New World - An MMO Already SOLVED?" | By Josh Strife Hayes

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amazon's new mmorpg new world is only a few days away from release and after a relatively successful alpha and beta test players are excited the gameplay is solid the crafting is varied and the community is already forming and cooperating but i have some concerns has the game already been solved has the theory crafting already removed any sense of mystery and why can't you choose your starting zone if you want to start with a friend let's discuss ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm josh drive hayes new world has already seen an alpha and a beta test and both extremely successful we can say this is a very high quality game people are excited to return to the supernatural spanish conquistador inspired land of eternam tackle the supernatural entity that dwells there to do the crafting through the pve and to do the pvp but has the excitement has the adventure has the spirit of trailblazing already been theory crafted out of the game has the sense of adventure been removed before it even began before we begin consider dropping a like on the video or subscribing to the channel for more mmo stuff this is like the bad thing about any game that has like a beta where you can play through it a lot and like this is actually like a good thing about like the classic wow beta is that they they never they blue balled you they did all the fort play right it's like oh man you're gonna be able to get oh you're gonna be able to get this you know look at that you can do this give a little dirty and maybe do a little class quest maybe do a little scarf monster but no you can't go any further right and so they blue ball you so you keep wanting it but like with new world what happened is they released the whole game and there were some people that neck bearded the [ __ ] out of it like me and we reached the end game and now like whenever the game comes out what is really the thing that you're excited about what is the thing that you're looking forward to you see what i'm saying all the future notifications and as usual a massive thank you to all the supporters on patreon and twitch who keep the channel going more on this at the end for now let's begin new world has been designed at least aesthetically around the age of discovery focusing on the spanish conquistadors the spirit of the conquistadors was one of exploration and adventure of trailblazing even the name and disease the world invokes images of journeying into the strange charting the uncharted the game is leaning into the unknown aspect pretty heavily and yet in the last few days i've seen the game be completely and thoroughly documented the unchecked the funny thing is i watched half of these videos last night like i was sitting there trying to watch every new world video to get any new information or any tricks that i didn't know i was to say i was doing the same [ __ ] thing okay like i'm a meta gaming piece of [ __ ] started has been charted before release if you hop on over to the new world subreddit you can find infographics guides charts and complete breakdowns of exactly how to the moment level up with maximum efficiency exactly how many items you'll need to level any given skill the exact route to take to reach endgame as fast as you can a game focusing on exploration and discovery and the thrill of possibility now has a step-by-step tourist guide and i think this will affect the start of the game pretty strongly now there is nothing inherently wrong with theory crafting i enjoy that and some of my favorite games need theory crafting you can play match at the gathering and work out the best deck you can play warhammer 40k and work out the best army you can play any online game or role play game and work out the best combination of weapons and items and skills and equipment but theory crafting is normally done to achieve a goal to get from the start to the end as quick as possible to get from a to b with the least disruption in between and the game play is normally the bit that happens between a and b in magic you're crafting to win as fast as possible in warhammer you're crafting to win as fast as possible in rpgs you're crafting to finish the game as fast as possible in mmorpgs when you theorycraft you're essentially saying what is the least amount of time i can play this game for to achieve the maximum amount of gameplay to get to the end as soon as possible it's kind of funny to think about it that like the goal of meta gaming is to not play the game like you want to invest yourself into the game you want to know as much as possible about the game so you don't have to play it like having to play the game that is like the pinnacle of failure yeah it's just it's not that's not that's what losers do it's like you ever seen somebody out there like farming materials or like trying to farm gold and you're like idiot like he's [ __ ] stupid just go buy a wow token like what are you doing man what are you doing you're farming 10 000 gold an hour like what's wrong with you what do you mean what's wrong with you what is it what are you trying to say oh mcconnell's gonna try to take the every man approach but he's sitting here getting me so mcconnell this is what happens right is that mcconnell doesn't beg for gold he doesn't beg for gold he would never do that i beg for gold yep and then mcconnell banks and then you yeah and then you give it to me so i i get all the hate and then you get to play the every man oh okay so this is going to be like a is going to be like uh a slash spit situation here okay no i'm just tanking things i'm taking all the hate i'm not saying you and i represent the [ __ ] every man i'm saying not everybody can [ __ ] drop 20 bucks on a goddamn token for a virtual currency [ __ ] well you could farm gold a lot [ __ ] faster if you were selling carries all right so it's still stupid to farm at 10k golden hour that the game you are occasionally playing through is the game are you theorycrafting away the content i've already made a video on have guides ruined mmos and i think over the next few days the release of new world will actually really highlight the points i made in that video the mmorpg is a forever game it is designed to be played for many years but they often don't launch with years of content at least not for the hardcore players they launch with enough content to sate a casual player but these charts and graphics aren't for casual players they are detailed step by step guides to blizzard possible and get to the end game and if you do this i feel you may become somewhat disappointed when you realize the game you rushed through was the bulk of the actual gaming experience if you enjoy playing efficiently that's fine what people do is they play into the end they they rush into the end game and the end game sucks then they quit and they say the game sucks but yeah the journey inside of the game is just simply not what a lot of people care about that's what people do and it happens in wow it happens in final fantasy it happens everywhere just understand if you follow a step-by-step maximum efficiency guide you are playing the game to consume the content as quickly as possible so when you later turn around and say wow the game has no content you'll have to realize it does you just played it in a way to skip most of it yeah you achieved your goal you reached the end quickly well done enjoy having less to do you played in a way to finish the game as fast as you played yourself you achieved that you suddenly realize you've skipped the game new world is based on the tales of adventure from years gone by and these thrilling stories often focus on the journey more than the destination the original explorers of uncharted islands didn't have maps and so they discovered as they went the trailblazers didn't have efficiency mapped out for them yeah yeah now the conquistadors of new world just look on google and they figure out the most hyper-optimized way to build plate armor to fight against the uh the hordes yeah that's what that that that's what uh didn't that what cortes and pizarro did they were like uh yeah let me just check my phone right here uh okay well it says the aztec it says he's really oh he's got a daughter let's see if she has an only fans okay seems like she doesn't well let's kidnap her anyway and then we'll use her right and this is what they would do yeah cortex cortez basically did have a min max guide if you look up anything about cortez is history the guy is basically a complete piece of [ __ ] who ended up accidentally winning almost every encounter like there was one time that he had a mutiny and then by the time that he got to the mutiny because i think he went to the wrong place the person who was leading the mutiny died from my dysentery or something so he came there and it just worked itself out and by the way while he was sailing over there he had his wife and his mistress on the same boat hernan cortes was a [ __ ] pimp 20 careers of overcoming adversity that make for a good story later treasure island wouldn't be as good if there was a giant arrow pointing to where the treasure was if you want to remove your own personal sense of exploration and discovery by using guides that's absolutely fine you're welcome to do that it's your prerogative no one can tell you how to play or not to play a game no one can tell you how to have fun the danger is because these guides exist people will feel at least a level of pressure to use them if you don't use a guide will you lag behind the rest of the community will you lag behind your friends if you do use a guide are you pressuring your friends to do the same thing and removing their sense of adventure and exploration no this is what i did to mcconnell is i ruined mcconnell's classic wow experience by trying to force him to play a good spec is mcconnell wanted to play a rep paladin and i said no mcconnell you're wrong that is not how to have fun you cannot have fun and i was like you need to play holy and so what did mcconnell do mcconnell did something that's called malicious compliance yeah mcconnell [ __ ] put palladini on follow for all of molten core as holy and spammed me with rank one flash of light hey you want your exist here's your heels [ __ ] it's often enough to put new cars into these situations yeah mcconnell rolls a 100 on an onslaught girdle and then he never raids again boom yeah he's done like his why would he need to raid he just got the belt like what's the point to be fair i still use that belt at 70. oh god jesus christ that's so bad oh my god just get the belt you can probably get somebody to make it for you i don't know [ __ ] wow dude yeah it's just too [ __ ] much man uh yeah so you don't want to yeah you don't want to have to play the game you don't want to have to have that type of responsibility use this am i playing the game wrong yes if i'm not playing it efficiently true in my video our guides ruining mmos i argued that while you don't have to follow a guide if you don't want to an mmorpg game is a community and your actions will affect the community choosing to play inefficiently will allow you to retain the sense of exploration and adventure but may hinder a team who want to play mechanically not emotional here's the way i've always looked at it is that if you're playing by yourself you do whatever you want it's totally fine but if you join a group i think that there should be an expectation that you will try to not be a piece of [ __ ] you know because if you're going to solicit other people's time and effort and invite them to play with you and willingly subject themselves to that now if they're if they're fine with you playing like a goofball that's okay but if they're not then you're the one who's wrong and not them yeah that's the way i said you don't pay my sub that's right and you don't pay their sub either and you shouldn't be surprised whenever they don't want to play with somebody who's not putting in the same amount of effort that they are it's all about finding people that are of the same mindset that have the same goals you want to join a guild that gets all the world buffs in classic wow you do that but if you get all the world buffs in classic wow and nobody else in your guild does and you get mad that they treat you the same even though you're doing way better then you're the [ __ ] because you're coming in and you want everything else to change around you i think it's about being able to fit in likewise following a guide might allow you to that's how i see the content because that's what you find fun but you are now more likely to find yourself alone at the end game while other people take their time playing through casually when world of warcraft classic released people were excited to relive the classic experience as they remembered it but it didn't feel right and that's because we are living in the post-information age for that game when world of warcraft released it was released pre-information didn't know about the dungeons or the raids or the best in slot items and it was only through playing that the guides were written and the websites were set up to help players become better nobody had the mmorpg especially a new mmo as a new player is the creation of the body of knowledge about that game the process of moving from a pre-information state to a post-information state we didn't know we explored now we know and it's that exploration that a lot of people enjoy and these guides and infographics get produced by the people who do the exploration unfortunately you know what i think i think that both sides are [ __ ] i think they are because like if you are one of those people that like you're super into just you go off and you play the game and you do what you want to do and you just you have fun and everybody else should play the same way that you do why is everybody rushing everything bwl is coming out i'm still level 41 man i can't get my mount for another three weeks what do you mean dude oh my god slow down guys nobody's enjoying the game what is this like yeah you're a normie dad you've got nine kids three wives and two jobs you don't have time to play the game and nobody else should either and so that that guy's an [ __ ] right 100 because now he's complaining about the way other people playing the game because some people like to min max but if you're a men maxer and you get mad at anybody who is not playing the way that you want to play and you try to push that on other people even in places like you're not really supposed to do that in uh you're just [ __ ] on people in like a city or whatever uh then that's totally [ __ ] bad too so i i think it's about letting people play the way they want to play that's what matters to me that that's what i think is important the most by doing that they are removing the reason to do it from other players with data mining and almost complete alphas and youtube and twitch and wikipedia we are in a strange place for the mmo because brand new games are releasing into a post-information stage immediately when the only way to discover was to explore game play was the answer you didn't know how to level a skill until you went to do the skill you didn't know if a weapon was good until you use the weapon and when gameplay is the answer players experience more gameplay they answer the question by actually doing what it was they had a question about now all the questions you could possibly ask have already been answered before you even log in a brand new player to new world can know before even downloading you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of uh remember whenever i played dark souls and people were like i got this item it was called a fire keeper soul it was in blighttown very very specifically it was like no you know like after you kill quailag and you're going back up the the the ramp and it's like that thing where it's like the the dart thrower and there's another one another one the dogs at the bottom and you pick it up and um i i get the fire keeper's soul and i'm asking you guys should i use the fire keeper soul and everyone's like yeah yeah use it use it use it try it try it try and use the fire keeper so use it right now it's to be really good for you and mcconnell no don't don't it's like do it man oh my god do it click on it see what happens oh man you got one of those oh those are so rare dude oh this playthrough is gonna be easy for you what the [ __ ] and finally i click on it and then immediately you [ __ ] idiot you're so stupid why would you click on this are you dumb what's wrong with you and i had no [ __ ] idea how would i know and so this happened to me and i pressed i got five humanity and so uh yeah i felt like a [ __ ] idiot that's what happens yeah i can't i can't believe i ruined those strangers you ruined you ruined the whole thing can't believe that that was disgusting i'm so sorry read it that is so [ __ ] disgusting wow leveling root is weapon combination is and gold farming method will be i find it extremely ironic that a game based on the exploration and discovery of a new world has been fully mapped and charted before it even releases now as in the previous video guys ruined mmos i explained the solution and it's actually quite simple just find people who enjoy the game the same way that you enjoy the game if you want to meet up with people who use guides to theory craft everything to the top speed run the content fine you can do that if you want to hang around with people who don't read guides and explore and discover that's fine you can do that as well just team up with the people who play the game the way you want to play them especially if you have a group of friends so you'd think i'd just say just start new world with your mates unfortunately you might not be able to new world will release into a post-information state the player base won't be forced to explore because everything is already documented you explore for your own personal enjoyment this means you can do you guys think the random starting locations is a big deal i don't really think it is uh i don't i don't like it but it's like it's like 30 40 minutes of like solo questing and then you just meet up in the same place like i don't like it sucks like i all right so here's here's the truth right remember back during during wow whenever you had like that stygia chisel that would remove the sockets of domination and i was like well it's not that big of a deal to have the stygia chisel and then somebody in chat said well then why is it there and i was like good point very good point so i don't think it's a big deal but i can see why people are annoyed by it you could say the same thing about the [ __ ] paintings no because it's a different reason it's that people aren't mad about the paintings getting removed they're mad about why they're getting removed nobody gets yeah but it's like if you have to justify something's existence within a game that i don't think that i don't know i don't think that's going to lead to a good place if you're constantly have to having to justify something oh well this this doesn't need to exist because uh we don't like the chisel because it it's it's you know it's not a big deal so it's a waste of an inventory slot you know what everybody knows it's a waste of [ __ ] time man no i don't care about the chisel yeah i'm just saying like i i don't like having to justify something's existence in the game some someone said that uh i i think sometimes if it if it's something that affects players and it affects the gameplay loop i i think that it should be always called into question uh design decisions like artistically are different though choose to play to a map outline or to ignore all the guides and go on your own journey so from the moment you log in you'll ideally want your friends around you to adventure together in a way you all enjoy well when you make a character in new world you don't get to choose where you start you will be randomly assigned to one of the multiple starting zones so if you and a friend start playing on the same server on the same day at the same time you may spawn in on different sides of the map and walking to the other side will not only take a long time it also means crossing dangerous areas with aggressive enemies and likely dying i have to say though if you don't like from walking if you don't like walking from one randomly assigned point in the map to another randomly assigned point in the map with about 20 minutes of travel time between point a and point b you're going to have a really bad time doing story quests for uh for new world a really really questionable starting mechanic mmo rpgs are designed to be played together and the opening of a game is where you can make or break your play account players decide if they like a game within minutes up to an hour or two if you're lucky having a system where friends or a friendship group cannot start their adventure together in an easy way is going to put so many people off especially people new to the genre who only bought the game so they can adventure together with friends now i know there are people who will be shouting and commenting just level up a bit and you can walk to meet your friend and yes i know but i'm thinking about the average gamer or a new mmorpg player being told to play a game for several hours before you can go and join your friends when the only reason you're playing is to go and play with your friends isn't a solution that's a template putting on until an actual permanent solution is found there is no reason for a random start system to work like this now players in the discord and reddit have already found a solution and it's dumb like the thing is like that's that's the thing the way i look at it's not a big deal but it's still dumb and the way i see it is like if this is what the issue is is like dumb design decisions like this even though they're not a big deal it's like a mining canary it's like if they're willing to do one thing that's stupid what if they do another thing that's stupid you see what i'm saying you see how this happens right it's not a big deal but like the the reason the rationality behind it is a problem involving accepting but not handing in the first quest then finishing it and opening the map to teleport to another location and hand it in at the place you want to start because the first quest is the same no matter which starting zone you're in sure but the average player won't be on reddit and starting a game with your friends should not require a complex in-game workaround now i understand there are temporary solutions and fixes to this issue but for the average gamer you don't have time to tell them a fix you can't trust they'll read a reddit thread you can't say oh just play for two or three hours because the average casual gamer is going to give you an hour at most and then leave yeah every single moment of your gaming experience from seeing the advert to downloading the game to signing up for an account to logging in for the first time needs to be smooth because every single road bump along that way we'll lose you players it is remarkably hard to give final fantasy 14 money and we've explained before that ff14 are losing players because of that road bump in the process so if you log into a game and you can't go and meet your friends straight away that is a small minor road bump it might not affect you but i guarantee it's going to affect someone the more road bumps the more hiccups a player base faces along the way from purchasing to playing to teaming up and enjoying the content with their friends the more people you are going to lose if you want to capture the spirit of exploration which is what new world is i'll give you an example right so like if you ever do you guys ever seen us like do like sometimes we do like a stream on like the chipotle channel or we do a stream on like the current channel right it's like sponsored streams you lose so many people going from one twitch stream to another and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who it is or anything like that it makes no [ __ ] difference because even it doesn't matter if it's a sponsored stream or not even if you're going from one stream it's like have you guys ever had a time that like you get your you want to watch a stream and you open it up on mobile and you don't have ad blocker on mobile like i don't have ad blocker on mobile and you get hit with an ad and you're like actually you know what [ __ ] it i do that once a day at least at least once a day i say yeah [ __ ] it like that's it and it's only like really it's like it's like 30 seconds your time you can just like wait for 30 seconds but why why would you wait you have to get your content now okay you're hooked into the matrix you've got to get your fix at this exact second and if it takes more than five seconds you're done make it possible for friends and family to meet up immediately let them form parties and form guilds immediately let them adventure together from the very first minute of logging in because if you do that people will be much more likely to stick around personally i think new world is going to launch with two very different feelings one of newness and exploration and discovery felt by the casual players picking up the game from seeing the adverts and wanting an adventure and the other of charted completion and efficiently mapped out gameplay held by those already reading up on tactics and strategies with a planned out route i can see both these feelings finding it difficult to mix together in the game world the best way to reconcile this is to have players start with similar players but the randomized start isn't adding to the fun it's just keeping friends away from starting together and it will not go down well with a more casual player base yeah casual and you will not like that let me know how you feel about new world launching in a post information age and whether the randomized start is a good thing comment down below thank you for watching another massive thank you to the patreon supporters and twitch subs for keeping the channel going you can support from only one pound a month check the video description for links to the patreon twitch twitter discord and my new second channel josh drive plays where i'll be replaying classic games voted on by you and as always here's the video right there a great day patreon list yeah it's great to see him have that many people man that's [ __ ] awesome i think his videos are great they're insightful and i think he talks about the thing is like this guy talks about a lot of the things that i think about so i like watching his videos a lot i i even watched some of the ones that i haven't seen on stream off stream [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 815,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold tv, new world mmorpg, amazon new world, new world amazon, amazon new world gameplay, new world first impressions, new world gameplay, new world asmongold, asmongold new world, new world mmo, new world, new world review, what is new world, new world first look, asmongold mmorpg, amazon mmorpg, new world release, new world 2021, josh strife hayes, asmongold josh strife hayes, new world launch experience
Id: Kl-8Xjk_pZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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