Asmongold Beats New World FINAL BOSS After Getting 2 LEGENDARIES

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this is the end of the adventure from the uh various shores to defeating grizzly bear to ascending the mountain and going straight into the depths of hell it's been a great time the real legendary is the friends we made along the way that's real cute isn't it i'm gonna cry today we will do the end game for new world together i will show you guys what the game has to offer we will beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of that game and on top of that i have over a hundred boxes that i farmed last night to open with full luck plus three gear and get some goddamn legendaries that are going to get deleted in 48 hours boys let's put on all the gear i have 122 minor breach caches eight major caches [ __ ] nerd shut up idiot warriors suck all right so we've got the corruption caches as well so boys i'm gonna go ahead and get this one out of the way and i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna put on all my luck gear let's put on all of the luck gear and then we will begin gentlemen today we will unbox the greatest items that this game has ever seen okay all right let's open them up first one [Music] okay all right uh that's this is fine uh i didn't expect to get one on my first one all right we'll go another one okay another gray all right so uh let's see what we can do besides grace so i've gotten three grays so far [Music] three graves everything's fine everything's completely fine it's not a big deal all right another one are you [ __ ] kidding me i got six grays in a row how is this even [ __ ] dude i'm so okay just give me a minute i'm gonna salvage this garbage okay here we go okay we got uh gray boots all right a great staff i'm gonna open up a big one right now i i've got to open up a big one dude a green pair of legs logging legs are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me okay let's go again alright another one okay all right all right we've got to get out of the way just go inside my [ __ ] house okay next hey le'veon did you tell him 527 all right let's go again are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me like i haven't gotten a single good item do should i unequip my luck gear i this is insane what is going on i i'm not even getting a purple does luck affect boxes it should yes it seems like it does i'm just getting horticulturist pants this is i i don't know what to do okay i i do know what to do i'm gonna open up another box that's what i'm gonna do [ __ ] you all right i'm gonna open up i'll open up a corruption cache it's the same [ __ ] thing come on man come on another [ __ ] gray oh it's a green it's fine it's fine i'm about to get it here everything's completely okay everything's just fine let's go we'll do it again another one another one right here okay okay all right all right boys we're heating up we're heating up right here we have the sorcerer hunters boots there we go boys there it [ __ ] is try opening cash that looks yes we actually got ourselves a purpley boy do the trophies increase your damage i don't know but i might as well have one right okay next all right we got a gray okay we have another gray hatchet all right this is fine i i don't care about that it's completely okay i'm gonna avoid get rid of that one too okay good all right we're gonna get rid of all these okay okay okay okay [Music] this is insane i just come on man like i need a legendary i need a legendary like amazon give me a legendary man where's my [ __ ] legendaries this is [ __ ] no jesus christ maybe luck doesn't affect boxes it does okay let's see here come on dude all right i'm gonna open up two big boxes right here oh my god oh my [ __ ] god this is insane this this is absolutely insane like i am it's fine everything's fine we're gonna get through this it's gonna be just okay all right i don't know what this this thing is in here okay let's go oh oh we got him gear score it's not that's not how it works okay finally we got ourselves a purple boy that's actually a pretty good [ __ ] item not bad let's just continue and we'll keep going okay now that we've got one good one all right i'll open up two more corruption caches these are like the really really good ones that have the highest chance of legendaries that's why they have the four stars on them [Music] okay i just wore it i just got i just got another party boy field shadows pants okay all right that is another purpley boy everybody relax everybody relax we do have another perfe boy it's okay i open like 200 boxes before getting four legendaries in the last hundred sometimes gray is just the way it is dude i'm not even halfway done okay like i'm about to hit this it's gonna be fine this is male muncher all over again no it's not this is not male muncher at all like i'm going to get it and then it's not going to be like male muncher because i why it's going to be like mail muncher because i got mail muncher so it's gonna be fine okay let's go over here grace staff i'm gonna open five up in a row wow that was four five holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay boys let's see it that's actually really good i'm gonna hold on to that [ __ ] yes dude okay uh let's see i i can actually get rid of actually i don't want to get rid of it i'll settle it later on okay uh let's see what do i want to get i don't need this this one's trash okay um all right next one come on man that's a skinner helmet i'm in a skinner box i don't need a helmet this is [ __ ] ridiculous like i oh okay that's another purple boy so listen we are heating up we are heating up we are going to get a legendary guaranteed i will bet a hundred [ __ ] subs that i get a legendary a hundred [ __ ] subs at the end of this i i know for a fact i'm gonna get a goddamn legendary let's see it that's not it okay maybe like 50 subs yeah like uh like 50 uh me like uh yeah 50 like 40 subs something like that yeah uh maybe like yeah something it's no big deal yeah that's what yeah yeah somewhere around like 50 subs some like yeah yeah yeah are you [ __ ] kidding me man are you [ __ ] kidding me all right i'm gonna open up a corruption box i might as well not have opened up to anything like this is this is so insane like i don't understand how it can be how can i get [Music] how do i get this [ __ ] look i don't even get it this is so ridiculous where's my [ __ ] legendary man oh oh oh no dude no i don't want that [ __ ] okay uh whatever all right we're heating up boys we're heating up we're gonna get it right here next box why not try a higher gear score because that's not how it works ah dude oh my god oh my [ __ ] god man okay oh okay i got this this is good this is actually good all right i got i got a pair of gloves that is pretty good i'm happy now uh i'm happy all right we'll open five up in a row okay let me just uh let me vendor some of this stuff and then we'll go and we'll do it again alrighty guys everything's gonna be just fine let me make sure that i get rid of these do i need any of these i probably should sell that uh i don't need this let me get rid of this okay five in a row one two three four five [Music] that's pretty good that's a purple that's a big old that's a big purple gun uh it's not amazing and you're right it's not amazing but it's still a good item all right it is an upgrade and i'm not going to complain about a [ __ ] upgrade we are doing great so far all right let's go again we're going to do uh we're going to do another one of these [Music] oh okay field chart field shadows coat uh five percent corruption equip weight and then five percent damage absorption okay that's not really too terrible i might as well have that that's good okay [Music] am i actually not gonna get one [Music] bro i'm worried i'm not gonna get one [Music] uh they can't do this to me man they they can't do this to me man there's no way all right one more oh my god dude these are my most unlucky boxes in my life man i've got all luck fi i've got all lucky three gear this is insane did come on please please come on dude uh all right we can still win we have 14 boxes left we've started with over 100 and we have 14 left all i need to do is get one legendary [Music] 10 more 10 more we're fine we're fine everything's good okay oh my god oh my god i all right okay all right okay i got logging boots just when i needed i have i have one one one left of each one i have one corruption cash one major breach cash and one it's okay it's all right guys we're gonna we're gonna get this it'll be all right um i'm gonna get it this be the last one be the last one all right here we go [Applause] there it is dude hey hey what up boys what up still gotta get my first one there it is i knew it was gonna i knew i knew it that's why i bet that's why i knew i i bet dude i know 100 i knew it was gonna 100 dude i knew it was gonna happen 100 dude the last [ __ ] box dude the last [ __ ] box man yes dude [ __ ] yes dude all right let me open up the last two yes man yes dude yes let me see what it looks like give me a second let me see what it looks like oh dude oh dude look at that oh man look at that look at that beautiful item look at that look how ornate and just incredible that is wow god damn i look good okay let's do our last two caches let's do them dude on my last [ __ ] box dude all right let's go what the hell dude there it is boys there it is so you just go in there dude you you're over the box right this is how i do it dude right just go ahead open box dude get my get item holy [ __ ] dude there it is there it is i i knew it was gonna i knew it was gonna happen 100 i knew was gonna happen holy [ __ ] man yes dude yes dude oh my god six dude two i can't even believe is jeff watching did jeff did jeff bezos make that happen yo thank you man thank you thank you so give me give me a million dollars oh my god what the [ __ ] oh my god dude yes dude [ __ ] yes dude all right we got one more box one more one more box i got that i got the legs who gives a [ __ ] dude who gives a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] man double legendaries double legendaries on my last boxes man i dude i knew i knew it was gonna happen guaranteed guaranteed man like two in a [ __ ] row dude that is insane rage is good i i know it's good this is insanely good it's a 625. that's [ __ ] insane all right i've got to put on all my gear then okay and i'll put on this staff right here boom that staff right there boom okay and now for the final uh final weapon look at that holy [ __ ] alrighty boys let's see all the weapons look at the uh look at the red one oh my god dude look how good that looks man holy [ __ ] that is so badass that is so [ __ ] badass man like i'm so happy i got this and now i have like this one too i can use this one as well wow all right now let's go ahead and we will make our way over to everybody if you want to come with us and do this thing with us come over to uh yeah come over to morningdale i think over to morningdale and then we go over to eden grove and we have to go into this raid and this is the first in-game area for us to do everybody needs to meet over here like if you're over level 40 everybody needs to be here okay so boys we are gonna go up against the end game and i need everybody that we can get because we're gonna be fighting a boss that's bugged out that these spawns in like five seconds so i have to have enough people here for us to basically one shot the boss so we need a lot of [ __ ] people here gentlemen in this new world we will succeed i ask only that you guys pay attention follow me listen to the directions and stay together we have more people here now than we've ever had before and we have more meeting us in the area as well gentlemen we are going into a level 65 elite raid this is very hard many of you are low level you should not be here but for some reason you're here anyway be careful the mobs will kill you very fast come on boys run with me you run wrong way guys over here over here let's go wait for everybody over in this area there we go there we go there we go there we go and if you want to meet us somewhere you can meet us right over here at um at malevolence that's where we're going okay so let's go ahead and um let's jump down over to this one come over this one look at them all look at them all dude here we go put on your rear armors oh it's okay man i don't need to worry about that i just want to have all my armor on uh that i usually use i don't want to have any other kind of like weird [ __ ] go on now guys i respect i respect my character i am now full intelligence my spells [ __ ] [ __ ] up i am full ant i am a full-on mage boys okay on the top of this on this bridge i believe there will be a world boss at the end of the bridge so guys be careful i know a lot of you guys are not ready for that so just let the higher level players take the lead a lot of a lot of space we've got to cover there we go okay get right through these perpe boys don't you don't want to go through any of this green [ __ ] don't go through this green [ __ ] boys here actually you go through it but just run right through it run right through it ignore these mobs yep be careful here be careful you can crazy mike crazy mike r can you shouldn't have oh that's another one off the edge oh that's another one off the edge dude boss has been pulled by someone all right let's move oh [ __ ] all right boys let's go deep dick on boss deep dick on boss let's go i'm trying to hit him i can't hit him god i'm 1400 look at me hitting 1400 boys 1400 every single hit big damage guys let's see it fire spells all right i'm going up there i'm gonna try and do a little bit more damage there it is there it is watch out guys don't get knocked off res rez the dead rez the dead if they're over level 40. don't res anybody who's not level 40 though get away from him this is a powerful beast i'm gonna hit him with my uh with my fire fire [ __ ] there we go oh it's not even doing any damage oh there it is there we go boys keep it up we almost got him easy [ __ ] game easy [ __ ] game 6 000 experience for that one kill okay what do we get from the boss uh let's see what we got okay we got encumbered from the boss all right awesome so let's throw this away uh we'll throw this away too there we go all right great okay guys so you guys want to know where we're going right there whenever we go into this tower i want you to understand that many of you may die you may fall off you might fall down stay close to me go one at a time through these different areas and you'll be able to succeed and survive come over here let's go this is the tower okay there is a raid boss at the top of this tower that we need to kill that's the tower that we're going up this is it boys we have to go all the way to the very top of this tower it's a very dangerous and winding path so you need to stay together and stay with me there's also very powerful bears in this area very powerful that's the bear right there watch out for mr bear tag him take him out take him out get mr bear out of here big damage on bear big dick on bear boys let's go see it easy good job stay with me always stay with me abc always be staying with me okay defeat despair defeat the spirit it's in a very it's in a very unfortunate position it's a good thing i healed myself huh you guys were right good job be careful do not fall off here do not fall off watch that edge watch that edge voice crazy mike that was pretty crazy man be careful don't you fall off good i have to make sure they're all safe i'll use my food too good i have to keep my party safe see we're making our way up there all right let's go yeah this is really good okay so now we're gonna go right over to here and this circle here is what summons the boss we tried to kill this boss last night and we failed everybody do not activate the boss yet move up over here not activate the boss yet everybody come over here make a circle around and get around this circle get around the circle okay get around the circle okay give them just a second make sure that they're all prepared and ready to go and then i will begin the explanation gentlemen today you have been summoned here to answer the call to defeat this beast you have ascended to the top of the tower now we have to fight a few waves of mobs and then the boss itself now there's one very interesting thing about this boss he loves to reset go we need more damage more damage i'm getting out of the way he despawned finish it finish it finish it he spawned on death go get on him yeah there it is there it is there it is he can't move now berserk every single person needs to get ready and use only ranged attacks on the boss if the boss is coming at you run away from him just run away from the boss if he comes at you that's the only solution we have to kite him around hide him around the more he does abilities the higher chance he has to despawn at all casters get ready start facing face towards the boss face towards the boss he could spawn at any second get ready get ready going in run run go go go there he is go i see him get him get him shoot him where is he where's the boss there he is everybody on him everybody on the boss move in closer if you can't see him get out of melee get out of here did he do he spawn oh you [ __ ] get away he's in half you can do it come on come on everybody everybody everybody all damage all damage all damage everything you've got use all your mana don't worry about resist go for the kill go for the kill go for the kill go for the kill yes there we go there it is boys holy yes he did it who's ready to go to the [ __ ] arena who is ready get out of the [ __ ] way we [ __ ] did it we [ __ ] did it man [Music] we're going to go over to the merc guard arena and do the last boss in the game let's do it let's do it boys it's time all right so boys we have made it all the way up so i'm going to show you guys what's going to happen here gather your group near the arena entrance and enter the arena only one group is allowed in the arena at a time while in the arena you cannot respawn and you have a limited time to defeat the enemy within you will not bleed out or lose items if you die during the arena challenge and defeat the spreegan within 15 minutes and this is the merk guard arena key that we need to use ready [Music] here we go all right let's see if we need to use more corruption use your corruption food a little bit okay go there he is watch out [ __ ] come on we're doing really well there we go okay all right okay moving moving oh my god [Music] take care of that take care of that healing focus ads focus ads focus ads okay all right he's going in the next one he's going next target got it good staying on him staying on boss staying on boss more ads more ads are up [Music] got it stay remember focus ads over boss ads over balls come on that's okay he's moved he's so erratic i know he's stumping we everybody knows he's stumping [ __ ] that's funny okay i'm gonna go hatch it [Music] watching him watching him good all right keep it clean boys keep it clean keep these acting in control okay oh man we need to be more dead we need to have more damage on these ads man how's the boss doing not very good all right they're dead okay dave get your potions okay watch out there we go there we go it's half out [ __ ] me get dave up get dave up get dave we cannot lose dave bye uh whoever this guy is [Music] got it okay [ __ ] okay i have to stay on them get kite him away get him away i'll get him up i'll get him i'll get him down in the middle oh boy [Music] killing the ads good [Music] dead i can't [ __ ] move good recovery ads okay well i i [ __ ] i dude it's like i couldn't move i was like animation locked more out more more damage on that more damage on ads oh my god redo your corruption potions redo your potions [ __ ] i'm i'm panicking [Music] definitely focus on the threats and the crabs because i get to craft yeah got it got it come on get these corruption entities [ __ ] dude these do so much damage like holy [ __ ] they're more dangerous than the boss kill these entities everybody get on these [ __ ] incidents jesus oh my [ __ ] god dude this is so clunky [Music] that one's dead okay good we need to have more damage on boss remember we have to kill him in seven minutes oh my god come on or damn it boys come on refresh your corruption potions if you need to into the small ads just group him up and aoe him down don't kite him bart there we go we're doing good damage on boss right now keep these ads in it's cool get on that entity okay okay [Music] i know the sound effects are stuff [Music] everybody knows that get those off got him okay come on come on [Music] let's go yep get those under control oh my [ __ ] god okay got him stay approaching remember keep your corruption potion watch your trucks level play it like he's at 90 boys okay [Music] [Music] okay got it got it take him out everybody unboxing everybody embossed over them boss yes dude yes there it is boys [Music] that was interesting yeah i think me and levi need to stay on the boss like the whole time okay let's see what i get here we go in game content right there boys this is the end of the adventure i think this has been a good adventure i've made friends along the way i've done things i played the game a lot and i'll keep playing it off stream a bit i look forward to playing the game whenever whenever it officially comes out and i look forward to seeing the other things that they're going to do in the game it's been a great adventure and that's what mmos are for the content matters and it makes a difference but what keeps you logging on every day is because of the people that you play with and i think the people that we played with the friends that we made there are things that we will remember for a long time from the very shores to defeating grizzly bear to ascending the mountain and going straight into the depths of hell it's been a great time the real legendary is the friends we made along the way that's real cute isn't it i'm gonna cry [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 470,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold best, asmongold tv, new world mmorpg, amazon new world, new world amazon, new world beta, new world asmongold, asmongold new world, new world mmo, new world, new world review, new world game, new world 2020, asmongold mmorpg, asmongold plays new world, amazon mmorpg, new world endgame, new world end game, new world final boss, new world end boss, new world boss, new world legendary, asmongold legendary
Id: g9y93CjadeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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