Asmongold on "New World - A Slightly Above Average MMO" | By Josh Strife Hayes

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jeffrey bezos literally went to space because he earns over 300 million dollars a day and doesn't know what else to do with it meanwhile amazon games can't program a running animation and are clearly using a server they found dumped in a canal somewhere new world let's do this ladies and gentlemen welcome the engine is called lumber yard because it's made out of wood i'm josh drives today we're going to be playing amazon games studios new mmorpg new world now in order to set our expectations correctly let's remember the most successful game amazon game studios has released so far airport mania hd wow wow and a sequel then they started to work on the new lord of the rings mmo right up until they decided to not keep making that because they fell out with 10 cent and both companies threw their toys out the pram and sat there seeing who could ignore the other the hardest so straight off the bat you know we are dealing with professionals new world has been in development for a few years now and for some strange reason amazon didn't send me a beta key maybe the guy who was sending out beta keys got called away just before he reached my name and had to tuck jeffrey into his nice shiny space suit so i tweeted about this absolute miscarriage of justice and lo and behold the absolutely majestic yorkshire tea sipping knight of the realm himself the spiffing brit sent me a beta code like the absolute gentleman he is so new world basically a few years ago amazon shouted hey who wants a full loot hardcore pvp territory control i wish i had known that i'd given a beta key too when about five people put their hands up but then three of them went to play mortal online two and the other two realized actually they don't want that so amazon said hey who wants a pvp focused crafting heavy mmo with area control and the entire player base of life is feudal about 20 people looked up and slowly started to show an interest so then they released the alpha and it turns out when you tell players who live to grief others to make their own fun their version of fun actually isn't so amazing he said very true add some pve challenges and an actual plot and make it somewhat solo friendly and make pvp voluntary opt in to prevent further that's what they did like last year we're getting somewhere if you pre-ordered the game for 40 you'll get access to the beta that's correct you are paying to test their game you would have assumed they could have taken some of the army of amazon employees to test it but no clearly the qa budget went on jets they're too busy pissing in bottles trying to deliver uh chocolate bars to somebody with amazon prime on one day delivery venus rocket opening cinematic rainy streets with dude in cool metal masks 16th century spanish conquistadors chat to a spooky old man with red eyes in a bar he gives the metal mask dude a magical box and then we set off for adventure we are a member of this guy's crew and now the character creation begins it's actually a very nice transition from cinematic to creation but unlike i really like that i i actually really like the beginning i think the beginning of the story and everything is [ __ ] great modern character creation engines there are no sliders you've got several preset faces sliders shapes yeah styles through colors not the best not the worst but what i'm thinking right now and this thought will come up again often is this doesn't feel like something made by a trillion dollar company currently now i'm lucky to be playing at low load times because these kids on launch day were insane some people were waiting up to an hour and as we'll see later this game's servers are made of tissue paper and wishes more cinematic the whole ship is destroyed by a huge stone pillar rising out of the sea and we wash up on the beach and the game begins wasd movement space to jump but as we approach the captain we get attacked i think the best metaphor for this whole video is the fact that the first time that he logs on the first thing that he sees is we are investigating server instability in the world please check for server status they have improved it though combat controls are shown via a quicktime event i don't hate this it gives us the basics and lets us see the effect of each click nice simple right mouse blocks left mouse attacks hold left click for heavy attack press shift to dodge agree you've got a stamina bar that's used up when dodging or blocking basically cheap dark souls have a chat with your captain he wants his box back but instead of waiting decides to melt doesn't even give us his sweet mask shame tab opens your inventory this is laid out really nicely one and two hot keys bound to your main and secondary weapons quick item slots assigned to three four and five armor and skilling equipment are all shown we equip a shield as the tutorial forces us to we eat some food and then get exploring how to describe combat imagine you ordered dark souls from wish this is what would arrive once you've clicked an attack there is no animation cancelling you can't block or roll away from an attack animation once you've started and the enemy has no real telegraphing of attacks there's no audio or visual clue they're going to attack they just start the attack and if you block a spark uh there is one tail uh they get like a there's like a white thing that goes around them for the big attacks but for the normal like average attacks they don't have one so like there is a tell for some attacks but not for others and some of the new abilities there's new npcs in places like ebon's scale reach uh some of those npcs don't have tells for their attacks like the large uh they're like the samurai warrior guys like that they don't have for for their attacks either so there there are actually a lot of problems second too late you get hit you just kind of need to know when to block it's not bad by any means it's perfectly serviceable now i personally love so here's the problem the problem with the game is that every single npc behaves the exact same here's how every alligator in uh in new world goes he goes like this and then he does his tail thing he goes like this and then he goes like this he goes he does the tail again and then he charges it is scripted as [ __ ] every single one does the exact same thing that's the problem they do not respond or react uh they do not react properly of dark souls combat and i appreciate the slower more tactical nature of choosing series and living with the consequences of choosing the wrong one but if you're after a more reaction-based action combat system this will feel somewhat clunky and unresponsive kill this elite dude and get a skill point using a weapon increases your skills in it and all weapons skills levels separately so you get better at whatever you use i like this system it rewards time and effort invested into your chosen style meander up this hill and we're greeted with the in-game actual start and honestly graphics are nice music is great atmosphere is lovely combat is decent ui is clean it feels good but it still doesn't feel like a trillion dollar company has made it good i agree with that entirely i mean these guys made airport mania hd i completely can deliver on the world's greatest mmo so the game is imaginary on the isle of eternam and as we descend into this pit we get to see the issue with a turn-in the island is surrounded and sometimes covered in this stuff called corruption and here's our old captain friend he has been corrupted and now we fight him this is the first moment i start both having fun and feeling disappointed this fight isn't bad from a superficial standpoint animations are smooth combat sounds are nice atmosphere is great but mechanically it's very bare bones light attack block sometimes roll this is a set piece of your game's opening and it feels somewhat lackluster halfway through the face location or just how jeffrey is feeling on any given day you can actually start in a few separate places now each start is basically identical you'll have the same quests given to you by differently named but identical npcs and you will learn the same skills now here's the biggest difference between this pvp and crafting focus territory control mmo and all of the other pvp and crafting focused territory control mmos new world actually has something resembling a plot or a narrative and an adventure line that you can follow to learn the basics you know when people agree with that i think that like the plot is good the plot of new world and everything is great the problem is that the quest takes so long to do you run 30 minutes 20 minutes to be rewarded with three voice lines that was good in 1998 but nowadays i think people want something a little bit more a little bit more and expansive this game doesn't hold your hand well i've explained before that's an awful way to introduce new players to your world you need a small amount of hand-holding until the player is confident enough to go and play solo and new world does seem to hit that balance quite nicely there is no mini map but there's also no auto pathing there is a compass to the top and a green mainline quest symbol to guide you though the early quests are all voice acted and the voice acting is fine it's not fantastic it's just fine maybe some of the voice acting budget went on jeff's soft little space booties which i can only assume are lined with mink and probably light up as he runs and now a small movement issue it seems the motion capture budget ran out mid-stride because running forward takes about three steps and then locks you into this position and this isn't just me others are gliding around like this too now i actually didn't have this one happen to me uh yeah i did not have this one happen to me i didn't have to worry about this at all disclosure this didn't happen when i played a few days ago but i'm recording now and it's happening now so this is yeah exactly if you run sideways it's still fine this only happens when you run directly forward as you explore gather resources and fight you'll level up and you can spend your level of points on one of five skills strength dexterity intelligence focus and constitution each stat actually shows you what weapon it affects this really nice design that makes choosing where to put your points much simpler i would say just in general the ui for new world is one of the best uis for any uh any mmo that's ever been made i think the the ui is absolutely phenomenal where the weapon drawn is not only still bogged but actually much much funnier this npc sends me on a cooking quest and we get to open the journal the quest journal is actually fine cleanly laid out easy to follow and read for all the mechanical issues the game has the ui design is not one of them same goes for the map the land mass is actually pretty small compared to other self-described hardcore pvp mmos which is a welcome relief too many nmos make the map massive but forget to put anything in it it's going to be bigger on release my understanding is it's going to be bigger on release and there's going to be more zones and open space doesn't mean anything if there's nothing to happen in that space but oh here's a nice feature resource spots such as iron or flint or wood aren't shown on the map but they are shown in relation to a topographical key you can see the resources you need and then locate the type of land you'll find it in that would be completely honest with you i didn't know this existed identical shade of light brown so as you adventure around eterna you'll find skilling spots to interact with shown by the little circle symbol if you press e you'll interact with them pulling up a bush or cutting down a tree and it does actually affect the in-game model which is a really nice touch as far as skilling is concerned it's basically like giant 3d runescape and that's not a bad thing no it's implants gather some sticks yeah it's great up from the floor have to admit though the casual in me is really really missing having a mini map i don't think that would ruin what you're going for here game mini maps are normally quite well received back at the quest give it npc i feel like a mini map would even work in this situation because wouldn't you have a compass or something i guess you do have a compass at the top i feel like this is supposed to just be your mini-map in general use the campfire to craft you can craft various things at major crafting stations in town everything from armor to weapons to ammunition is all craftable it is entirely possible and indeed encouraged to be self-sufficient in this game and the crafting menu is again really nicely laid out recipes on the left select one shown in the middle with what you need and crafting button on the right nice and simple we've made a knife from the gathered materials and now we need to hunt a boar for some food so we silently skate up to this unsuspecting ball like the ninja we are and it doesn't even fight back like the ball doesn't even care that it's being attacked press e to gut the ball get us out and run back to the camp at this point the mob ai is bad like it's just bad in so many cases it's not reactive in almost all circumstances it's just a scripted list of abilities that it does in this order i'm actually running sideways everywhere because it looks less stupid than just gliding around cook the food into better food then get sent off to search your shipwreck environments are lovely music is understated and fitting the light rays and reflections and textures on everything look nice the actual level design is top-notch it's just the moment-to-moment are good gameplay from the mechanics around the land randomly usually guarded by enemies i do think like half of the problem with the game or at least like 30 40 percent of the problem with the game is the uh stability of it like the stability of the game is a huge component find supply caches search them to get stuff from ammo to weapons to armor they're basically a little reward for exploring and fighting talking of fighting it's average there are moments it shines like when you've memorized an enemy's attack patterns and you can block or roll at the right time wasting no time and dispatching them or when you're like that heavy attack and an ability to kill them quickly like it's not a bad system it's just this game was made by a trillion dollar company i'd expect something better than i've ever seen before and that's one of the issues we'll come back to the game is good but it's not better than anything currently already out there here's a feature i quite like traveling to a new landmass shows you the suggested level of the area you've just arrived at in general but there's nothing to stop you from traveling anywhere see this is the perfect amount of hand-holding the game is saying hey i'm not going to stop you doing this but just so you're aware it's suggested for this level it's giving the player all the information they need and then letting them make their own choice it's the freedom to listen to advice or to ignore it and this is great there is a more elite enemy on the ship deck they've got a shield so you need to use a heavy attack to break the shield block some actual tactics i like this another treasured cache gets me a cool it's not an actual attack that you just keep hitting him until his stamina bar is over and then you just hit him again because while he's blocking he doesn't do anything there's actually no there's no gameplay involved and i do want to show you guys you guys want to see what it's like to uh uh to to do a fight new world this is the this is the ui i was just pulling this up a second ago this is the ui of the way that or not sorry the ai of these games okay this is me doing the fight okay so i'm fighting this big alligator this is an elite alligator boss okay this is an elite alligator boss oh my god what's he gonna do oh wow he went he did the attack he does the tail thing oh my god what's going on uh oh he's on uh oh oh oh oh oh what's this oh [ __ ] oh what's he doing what's he doing oh oh he gotta go for me oh what's this oh oh whoa whoa whoa what's going on he's oh what's he gonna do what's he gonna oh he's trying to get me with the try to get me with the chomp dude what's that oh there's the hit right there he can't do anything because he's on the rock he can't handle a rock how do you think you expect him to handle a rock man he's just gonna sit there and die that's the way it works man that's garbage that's straight up [ __ ] garbage man i'ma be honest like that's trash everybody [ __ ] knows it too yeah and then i get chased by a load of zombies again i like yes it means even at low level it's a very lethal mmo you aren't i would say syllable i actually want to agree is like i promise i will do some pvp before the video ends oh awesome the first spear skill is a throw like a javelin that's cool parkour over the ship's broken frame to gather some questions is actually really nice projectiles are traveling 3d models and the enemy hitboxes are mapped really close to the enemy this level of accuracy is essential in an action game to make it feel fair a few more questions i agree with that or a local cave the main problem here is wielding a bow makes the leg running glitch worse it looks like i'm skiing along with one ski in the cave in quite an awesome touch three of us seem to form this rather impromptu group how i talk yeah these are cool just communicating the classic mmo way of jumping around and fighting the same stuff imagine man just as this unspoken bond of camaraderie grows almost as powerful as a spaceship engine we reach the boss and the others run off and leave me alone like a forgotten amazon parcel the chapman boss is pretty cool actually some minions some attacks to dodge my spear throw has a stun effect so that's nice and killing him gets me some more loot this is basically what the pve aspect of this game seems to be find some corrupted powerful npcs guarding treasure kill them get treasure back outside i received some territory points with most of the pvp gameplay being focused on area control your faction can own landmasses or cities and as you do in my in my server we've lost all of them like there's just this other like the purple guilds are like way more organized than we are and our guild doesn't do anything and we just kind of show up and like yeah the whole map's purple now it it sucks new stuff in each territory you can earn territory points to unlock certain buffs while in that territory like reduced trading tax on some market boards increased experience or more faction reputation gained when you do stuff this is an interesting system that rewards map exploration and we'll have to wait and see if it has engaging long-term benefits oh you can also fast travel to places you've unlocked but you need to spend a resource to do it and i don't have any of that resource but i really like this system it means early game travel is essential but late game travel gives you the choice of paying to get to places you've already been quicker it's costly i'm worried about them making that a micro transaction uh fast travel i really hope they don't do that but i think they will there's reward again it's kind of similar to dark souls yeah i think that they're gonna do it the gameplay you've seen was recorded on a new account made to redo the starting zone but i'm switching back to my main account because i've got a cool pirate costume and i want to do some pvp the game has all the standard comforts of home a personal bank account known as a storage shed a market board auction house where players can buy and sell things and honestly the town ambiance is terrific the army i agree with that grounded and just stylized enough to be interesting without being garish i love the way it's the game the spanish conquistadors is held really well the color palette of the bright green foliage contrasted with the darkened timber visually gorgeous there's a wealth of smaller touches like ferns and birds and tapestries hanging around visually the towns are really fleshed out and they are a joy to walk around the soundtrack absolutely well fit you don't even notice how much it's enhancing the overall ambience they have knocked environmental design out of the park i mean they've basically sent it into space which is great because now jeffrey can also enjoy it and now comes the joyner faction moment it's a territory control pvp game so of course there are three factions who all absolutely hate each other and stand for different things yet all somehow co-exist in the same town you've got the marauders big angry shouty boys who want to smash you in the face with the hammer of freedom yeah covenant who are all religious zealots and want to hand out free hugs and see the good in everyone zombies eating people's faces who are a bunch of super smart boys who think magic is cool and maybe we should try using that oh quick i'm gonna be honest okay like whenever i actually get into the game if one of the realms one of the factions is controlling everything i'm just going to swap over to that faction i have no allegiance here you can do it every three months so if there's one that's under control i'm just gonna swap over oh if purple's under control great i just play purple it's fine i don't give a [ __ ] running toward a set of steps doesn't actually cause you to descend them properly by keeping you can't swap to the biggest one shoot off the end really that's too bad this is dumb fix this is and head out into the wild the global chat is saying something about a fort to the east being attacked so i get jogging i may only be one man with a musket but i can hang back and snipe like the best of them on my way there i run into someone from the opposite faction flanked for pvp than me with more money more weapons and more armor he seems superior to me but i think i can win he's beezos i'm branson let's do this he's dead he's so [ __ ] dead like it's so obvious too oh wait no what he's actually gonna win what are you aiming at shoot him in the head he's gonna win oh my god god damn i actually won i'm gonna be real with you i did not expect to win that fight i guess that just goes to show that's impressive maybe intimidating spears are the best medieval weapon thanks lindy beige the fort is far to the east still so i get running running through higher level areas avoiding roaming enemies sometimes fighting them and then we face the biggest hurdle so far the most difficult enemy in the entire beta bear the lag oh seriously are the servers you are using made of the finest potato because it's been dire every world is lagging everyone is crashing if this is a stress test how many people were you actually expecting to play you are a trillion dollar company you've been advertising this game for five years how are you surprised when people wanted to play the beta every mmo launch ever has been met with day one lag you should have been prepared for this eventually the lag subsides and i built a camp these are your mobile respawn points as i said man the their their engine is called lumber yard and it's called that because it's made out of wood it's just it's a trillion dollar company they can't figure it out now they have i'm going to say this they have made improvements on the servers throughout the throughout the time right a few sticks and some flint and you can build them anywhere as long as you're not too close to civilization and just as i'm about to heal up and go and join the fort assault team the server completely crashes oh that's only the finest potato that's right so new world while i was streaming this a few days ago i had a really good time the environmental design is quality the ambience is really immersive and the ui design both overlay and in menus is fantastic it's got enough guidance and early game quests to teach players all the basics then it's got a fair amount of pve content like map completion and achievement hunting that you've always got a goal to aim for you've even got the daily resource quests you can collect from any of the main towns the crafting is simple to use a wide variety of layers and food that's setting up your own build and kitting out your own inventory is going to take you a while it's a solid adventure game the pvp element right now seems fine it's just being held back by the lag the fact that i could defeat a higher level using movement and tactics shows it's not just number versus number no the reason for that is because they have scaling that's why uh like a level 12 can kill a level 60. i saw like a video on this obviously the 60 has the advantage 100 but there is a lot of scaling ill does actually seem to matter or it did when i was fighting my main concern is amazon is a trillion dollar company this beta is a month away from full release and it's just not on the same level of quality as the current big mmos it's not got the storytelling and plot focus of final fantasy 14. it's not got the depth of builds and deep lore of the elder scrolls online it's not got the platforming of guild wars 2. i can't comment on the end game because i don't think anyone's got there yet it's not a fully hardcore pvp focused game i want to say this uh i am coming out with my review of new world it's gonna be a big one i'm level 58 and a half i have been playing this game i want to show you guys real quick you want to look at something that's my play time right there 228 hours i have played a lot out of this game it was 55 yesterday or a fully watched e-focused game like neverwinter it's a decent i'm hitting 16 enough graphics and voice acting and decent enough combat but it doesn't yet do anything any single thing better than anyone else imagine if this game didn't have the amazon name behind it and it launched from some no-name studio would it still be making the waves it is probably not i think amazon probably not you're right about that recognition to get people to play and they have the foundation for a really really good mmo here but it needs a bit more polish some animation bugs fixing tightening up the combat and speeding up some of the animations and sorting out the terrible lag if amazon are willing to invest time and effort into this game it could be something fantastic i can say but as it stands i don't know that's what makes me so mad at new world the reason why i get mad about this game is this it's because i am i am frustrated that it has such a great foundation and i think the foundation is being squandered type of mmo player you want to appeal to i don't see it dragging players away from any established game because it doesn't do any one thing better than anything else it's not pve or pvp focused enough to really hyper focus and capture that demographic i seem to be trying to be quite good at everything instead of an industry leader at anything when the game releases i'll give you an example a score out of ten but until then i will be grinding away enjoying my time because it's not a terrible game it's just not there yet i also need to think of a way to repay the spiffing brit for getting me the beta key hopefully he'll be happy with a box of tea bags and doesn't need me to do something stupid for a video idea but until we know cheers for what he's gonna have to do a massive thank you to all the supporters of the patreon and twitch 100 you can support from just one pound a month check the video description for links to the patreon twitch twitter and our discord and as always have a great day okay so i'm gonna say this i have played new world enough to have done a lot of content i have done a lot of the dungeons i have done a lot of the stuff in new world whenever i put out my video it's going to be the video that's going to be it it's going to be the video for a new world i can promise you guys that like it is going to be it like i i have played the [ __ ] out of this game now have i played as much as some of the dudes on alpha apps are [ __ ] lutely not but i played a whole [ __ ] lot i played a lot this is going to be the [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 473,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold best, asmongold tv, new world mmorpg, amazon new world, new world amazon, amazon new world gameplay, new world first impressions, new world gameplay, new world asmongold, asmongold new world, new world mmo, new world, new world review, what is new world, new world first look, asmongold mmorpg, amazon mmorpg, new world release, new world 2021, josh strife hayes, asmongold josh strife hayes, jeff bezos
Id: 8WR77kZdlUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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