Asmongold Reacts to "Rise of the Scam MMO" | By Josh Strife Hayes

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here comes the scams let's see what this is going to be now there's been a lot of scam mmos that have come out i don't know if you guys can think of any of them there have been number of scams and uh we'll have to see exactly what this is in 1890 the charming and charismatic george c parker was sitting in a brooklyn cafe talking to a group of tourists to the tourists amazement george actually owned the brooklyn bridge due to falling on hard times he was selling it quite cheaply in fact the tourists jumped on this once in a lifetime opportunity and they bought the bridge george that must have been so good like imagine being the first nigerian prince nobody is ready for it like you're like yeah um uh i'm a prince in africa uh just send me a bunch of money and uh then i'll get you the money back they're like really i'm like yep that's right okay here you go and there's like no context around it being [ __ ] so you just get people to [ __ ] believe it like that that makes me inspired instead of being a game developer [ __ ] that we're watching a new video now i'm inspired to be the next what's the next big scam yeah bitcoin yeah i thought people say that then go on to sell the brooklyn bridge several more times to several other groups of people over the years he would also sell the madison square garden smart guy statue of liberty he sold one of these landmarks to various people despite not actually owning any of them then in 1920 victor lustig would tour the country with his amazing money duplicating machine known as the romanian box which could make an identical copy of any value note you put in he would demonstrate to people by placing whoa wait what's with the guy's hair it's good making it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah the same hair it's not even close like that the bod the back of my head doesn't even like that at all look well it's not even like that at all like like unironically the back of my head is not balding like it's the front that's a problem identical copy of any value note you put in he would demonstrate to people by placing a hundred dollar bill inside waiting six hours for the machine to work and then receiving another identical 100. where do you buy these boxes once people realized it was the real deal he sold this box to the highest bidder including at one point a texas sheriff the box itself of course only contained one real note and several fake notes the six hour time working was given to allow him arbitrary after each sale then in 2009 the bbc tv show hustle aired following the fictional story of a group of confidence tricksters the show was slick sexy and incredibly successful it's also one of my personal favorite tv shows it ran for eight seasons but now con men have moved on from selling bridges and money printing machines what are they doing now suited and booted image you come to expect they're greedy they're manipulative and they're taking money from naive impressionable children because are now exploring the world of mmo rpg development ladies bro this would actually be such a good [ __ ] segment of my stream going through crappy kickstarters that are obvious scams interviewing the people on them oh my god dude i really want to do that that's so funny i i have to see these for myself because like what if what happens though like if i find one and i think it sucks but it turns out to be like the next the the next big thing idubbbz did i know people have rated kickstarters before i know that all right gentlemen welcome i'm josh drive hayes con men or confidence tricksters who would do the special [Music] sophisticated sexy scamps tricksters tricking old billionaires out of their ill-gotten gains the unscrupulous moguls the robin hood types if you will see that's what they always think that they are so in my opinion right i i think that if you're gonna be a scammer this is like because you know i used to scam people i [ __ ] all the time right everybody everybody knows that about me so in my opinion if you want to scam people never ever ever pretend like you're not scamming them that's where i think people lose the plot if you're gonna be a piece of [ __ ] say you know what i'm a piece of [ __ ] that's it if you ever tr start trying to rationalize it or whatever that's whenever you just go off you know you go off the rails not not at many too it's part of the con well you don't admit it to the people right but you just about to yourself some people fortunately reality is often somewhat the opposite of the romanticized hollywood version of this greedy billionaire being swindled out of his ill-gotten gains by some it's some naive 15 year old that wants to be able to play a cool new game like that's all it is yeah he's totally right yeah what these guys do is okay so here's what they do um basically they have a lot of people and some of the people that they're appealing to were kids and then they use those kids to extract money from them because they're stupid and naive right and this can come in many different ways it's like micro transactions uh supporting a kickstarter um gifting subs uh pretty much uh buying cs go skins uh there's a million different ways that people because the reason why you want to take advantage of kids right the reason why you want to [ __ ] scam kids is because they're stupid so the reason that these guys do this is if you can make a game you're automatically appealing to kids and kids are stupid so you take advantage of the stupid kid you get the kid to use his mom's credit card and then you take the kids money and that's all there is to it it's done did i leak the script but there it is young chap and then that money distributed to the needy that is often replaced with tricking naive or impressionable young children yes or swindling the elderly or the vulnerable out of their money preying on desperate people if you've been following the dream world fiasco on we'll watch that afterwards and i want to say there are a lot of people who are they're not part they're not 90 years old they're not nine years old they're 29 years old and they're dumb as a rock basically like imagine somebody with like the same intelligence level as a walrus so you have a it's like imagine how easy it would be to trick a walrus into doing something and and these are the people right these are the people that they're going for multiple youtube channels you'll be aware of exactly what scam mmos look like aware of how wild the boasts are and how unsubstantiated the claims of what they can actually do are and you may consider yourself a rather intelligent wise individual who wouldn't fall for such obvious blatant scams but they're not aiming at you they don't very very good point and uh here's another good point um here if if you're scamming people i'll give you a little bit of advice here probably shouldn't say this but i'm gonna say this create a tell create a tell that filters out intelligent people from your initial pitch because smart people will even if you trick them in the first time they will catch the scam before you get their money or before you get their stuff so a good example of this is a lot of the nigerian prince emails and a lot of scam emails intentionally use bad grammar and they intentionally use wrong punctuation and things incorrectly and the reason why they do that is that way all of the fish that they still catch even with those things that are wrong those are the the the largest of the whales those are the the biggest of the dumbos and if you do that and you cast a wide enough net dick fish you're going to catch there are going to be big dumb and fat so you create a tell it's not an mlm yeah exactly like yeah that's a good one right and so if you want to get people into your juice cleanse mlm tell people it's not an mlm and even explain things in a way that they could draw a triangle around the power structure but if they don't do that they're so dumb you're going to be able to make a ton of money off of them so get put it right in front of them and and make sure they can't see it because if they can't see it here's the other thing is it once people feel people will commit to something that they feel like they're getting scammed out of even if they know their think or they think that they're getting scammed out of it because they don't want to insult their own intelligence to think that they got scammed in the first place so they'll follow through with it like imagine subscribing to a game for 15 years when it started sucking 10 years ago need to trick you you're too hard to trick they're trying to trick the people who don't know any better exactly the dumbos the problem there's a sucker born every minute are designed to bypass your logic centers your intelligence and go straight to your emotional core to pull on your heart strings and to plot you from your money by manipulating you not by promising an actual viable service and over the last few years wait what the [ __ ] is that for acadia is the premier social mmo and it has a cat with wings on it what the [ __ ] is that supposed to be created from players dreams i'm pretty sure it's created from players wet dreams what the [ __ ] is that that's disgusting mmo's claiming to be all things to all men to fill a need that you so desperately have suck yes let's take a look at these scam mmo rpgs work out how you can spot the scams work out why they're trying to scam you and then hopefully i want you to protect other people let's examine the strange world of the scam mmo before we dive into this strange world consider dropping a like on the video or subscribing to the channel for more mmo stuff and ring the bell so you get all the future oh obviously a huge thank you to the supporters on patreon that's awesome it's got so many channels supported more on how you can sport at the end for now let's begin when looking at questionable projects it's very important to remember hanlon's razer which is never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity basically that means i agree with this except for whenever it benefits somebody if somebody is inadvertently benefiting from something then i assume they're doing it on purpose if they're not benefiting from it then i do not assume they're doing it on purpose that's the difference for me personally something seems stupid or straight up too good to be true it's probably it doesn't mean the person doing it is an evil genius they're much more likely to simply be delusional idiot or completely unaware of the complexity of what they're claiming they can do if someone says i'm going to do x and i have no idea how difficult x is to do don't assume they're trying to con you as soon as they're just ignorant of the true difficulty of what they're claiming it is they can do but with that i think that's a good point i agree with that it's like if i finish the [ __ ] unreal engine video and i'm like yeah guys i'm gonna make an mmo it's like yeah okay okay guys all right matt yeah yeah sure go for it man that remembered these game projects are different because they are all being created by people with claimed experience in the design arena people claim a level of authority people who tell you to trust them these projects aren't just just amateurs unaware of reality they are claimed experts telling you they can straight up do the impossible con man or confidence trickster is someone who achieves a goal through trickery and deception sells you a product that doesn't exist or gains from you and not repays the debt they've been around for years but it's only recently the old con man tactics have started to push into the mmo design world so let's take a quick look at how they work before we look at how they're using mmos specifically to make money cochrane rely on three things to achieve their goal abusing the extremes of human emotion fear of missing out and pressure to make a decision now and the absolute unwavering confidence yeah here's the thing is it especially the second one creating a sense of urgency is a great way to make a sale and you can create a sense of urgency by being like you can have it right now or it's only available right now and you can even do both it's a very common car salesman tactic and i used to use it a lot myself when i would sell stuff too that they should be trusted the first is emotions you sell something by choosing an emotion enhancing right nostalgia using it if you want to sell someone the brooklyn bridge you appeal to their sense of wonder their sense of power to control it imagine having that dude landmark how respected they will be how you're gonna walk everywhere with the bowties you appeal to their desire to be if you're selling a money box you play up to their greed their desire for more the lost for wealth if you're cold-calling people pretending to be from revenue and taxes and demanding payments you play up to them fear threatening to throw them in jail for not paying to bankrupt them to make them homeless if you're starting a collective and you want people to join you you provide community friendship acceptance belonging a place to feel important you provide the situation that will remove their intense loneliness cons work you basically get people to let their guard down that's what it is you want people to let their guard down however it is right and the way you do that is telling people what they want to hear and the way that you find out what somebody wants to hear this is like if you're trying to make a sale this half of this video is going to just be me giving my own advice on how to scam people is it that's why like in a lot of really really a lot of really really good salesmen will get you to just talk to them at the beginning so they can discern from that conversation which emotion to appeal to you see what i'm saying so you have to like you have to know like let the person give you the direction that they're trying to go in now obviously if you're putting an ad out you have to kind of you know have like a predetermined idea of it but still that's the idea it's qualifying someone yeah yeah i don't really know about terms right it's just it's what it is actually true yeah oh yeah look by finding the emotion that drives the individual person and then applying pressure to it until that person will do anything that you asked them to do to make the pressure stop they want what you are selling once the person being conned is interested they're known as the mark now you've got your mark you apply a time limit you want to sell the bridge but you're going away next week yes you can sell the money box but you're moving tomorrow you need them to pay the agreed tax amount within six hours or they're going to jail the less time someone has to think about their decision the less likely they are to think logically ask friends or family about it yes or research into the con man's past and figure out it's probably a scam you don't want people using logic or sense you want them to make a choice based off pure emotion the emotion you've already established they are the most driven by be that there's also an emotion on a personal level uh one thing that's really good to sell by is instant gratification like and it's actually less of a manipulative thing but like if you can tell people you can have it now that is actually a huge value add for tons of people yeah like the [ __ ] instant gratification like we can do this for you right now like a pre-order a boost yeah all that other kind of [ __ ] right instant experience boost yeah there's ton tons of examples greed fear anger revenge lost power a desire for belonging a family or a fetish you want them to make base animal instinct choices and you want them to make them quickly and you don't think about it with confidence just subscribe to my only family and the absolute unfaltering belief that you are completely correct and you are to be trusted yes since people have had stuff other people have found ways of taking that stuff from them either through force or through coercion and now it's through emotional manipulation of the context absolutely mmorpg when compared to a general cross-section of the general population have been studied and discovered to have higher than average levels of addictive personality the casual mlo rpg player wants a place to belong a community to be part of they want an experience to have the hardcore mmo rpg player wants a second life effectively and all want to have a connection and a commitment to their character and they ideally want to be the early adopter to the next big magic game if the next and this same thing like that same emotional draw is what gets people to like oh new cryptos out new crypto it could be the next bitcoin and people put money into it because they're like well hey it's only a thousand bucks what if i put a thousand bucks in a bitcoin back then i'd be a millionaire that's what it is yeah fomo fomo exactly and like this is sold in other games like and there's all kinds of different levels and degrees of this so you have i think the best example this is pre-orders right pre-orders are a socially acceptable level of fomo that companies use to take advantage of people and make them make decisions that are not necessarily in their best interest what's fomo sorry fear of missing out so that means that if you don't get it now it's going to go away forever or you're getting this opportunity to get in on the ground floor right if you ever heard like an mlm speech about this or a pitch about this usually you see that language get in on the ground floor or something like that and you can be one of the first people to to establish it right fomo these nuts okay dude all right let's keep going your mmo comes out every player wants to be there on day one and this is what every single kickstarter mmo promises to be these traits have been exploited by the gaming world for years with subscriptions or micro transactions or pay-to-win systems or limited time sales but now the con men are taking notice they're realizing the mmorpg gamer is an absolute ripe target for emotional manipulation we are whales we are whales we are whales we are beaten down whales that have been taken advantage of for the past 10 years and it's just sad it's honestly just sad because so many mmo players just want a good game that they will accept so many bad things in a game just for the chance that it won't actually suck a big fat [ __ ] dick let me show you how they do it opening kickstarter and searching for mmo brings up an eclectic mix of results from legitimate projects that actually got made to ambitious but ultimately doomed ideas to absolute shovelware garbage but when you go through and read what they promise take note of how much is just straight up emotional manipulation and how much is impossible to achieve let's look at the emotional strings they pull the way they use fear of missing out and the lengths they go to to convince you they can be trusted it's a game called the fifth prophecy it's going to be an mmo sequel to the fourth coming series which is in itself an isometric mmorpg available on steam the project leader is looking for eight thousand seven hundred and seventeen dollars to make an entire mmo which for anyone understands is about enough money to employ a highly skilled developer for about a month yeah i don't think eight thousand dollars is gonna be enough to make the game i feel like it's probably a little bit short maybe you need to get up to like nine or ten at least only comment which is now deleted is asking if they actually have permission to make a sequel to the forthcoming the comment is not answered and the commenter has since removed their pledge yeah i wonder why i change the lines i am a programmer analyst for 15 years this is the trust me statement 15 years sounds qualified despite the fact that has no actual relation to game design then you've got the line my autistic son pushed me to make a sequel and appealed to the emotion with autistic children or anyone on the autism spectrum it has no relevance to game design it's a manipulation technique to make you react emotionally to the pitch and immediately think it's a positive thing to support further genuine respect copyright we do not use any material from the forthcoming games the game will be totally different despite the fact the first the same name top of this kickstarter page is a sequel to the fourth coming games in the written it's like at least you could use like the word spiritual successor or something like that that's really ambiguous but no but no it's not what it is risks and challenges bit he adds wow thanks to my obstinacy and positivism i will overcome the trials this is another trust me sentence with no proof he has the ability to do this the long-lasting design section then says if the enthusiasm of people is as strong as the original game it will last for many years so fuel fuel belonging and community while simultaneously placing the responsibility for the game's lifespan on the players instead of the developers that's one thing that i think a lot of mmo players are really they're really what's the word for it um they're very sensitive to is players don't want to get involved with a dying game that's why having an mmo be considered as dying is a bad thing because whenever people believe that they're playing a dying game then the value of their accomplishments is not as as important it doesn't matter as much and that's why people try to that's why i think wow stop doing the sub number counts it's because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy once people feel like people are quitting the game then people actually start quitting the game and then whenever people actually start quitting the game then more people feel like they're quitting the game and then more people quit the game right it yeah it's like a [ __ ] it's self-aggravating or whatever you want to call it project so far has three backers and has raised one hundred and six six snowballs another project face of mankind okay fall of the dominion let's skip to i'm sorry but if anybody [ __ ] pledges any money to this game i'm looking at literally one picture just just take your take your 20 and throw it light it on fire just just just take take take the benjamin and light that [ __ ] up because it's honestly the same thing look at that like what what are you like you see a game that looks like this what is the best case scenario you ever wonder about that like what is the best case scenario for a game that is has the same graphics quality as lord of the rings online this is like nintendo 64 the mmo it's into the trailer and enjoy the sob story complete with sad music after around 18 months they shut down the service and cancel the contract [Music] after that i tried to get the game back on its feet on my own i called it face of mankind rebirth well six months later i had to realize that not only i have burned out but my finances as well so it was rather painful to finally declare that i had to cancel the development yeah how can we [Music] that is just an extreme appeal to emotion using one man i did he didn't have a dying dog to be fair he really wasn't trying like if he didn't leave the company because his dog was dying i mean is he really trying to actually sell the product no sixty thousand dollars that's a sixty thousand dollar vacation and sadness the next few videos are a technology teaser and a pitch video both hosted on youtube and both now unavailable look at the bullet points below no grinding no classes player driven economy wow how convenient universe and they finish with no argument or friendship will ever go unheard this is both an appeal to community what does that even mean also completely untrue imagine every argument that ever happened in an mmo actually impacted the world the world would be a mess yeah it's like i ninja looted that mace remember i ninja with the mace from a cruel and somehow now um there's a wolf that was gonna spawn but now he doesn't spawn anymore because asthma gold committed evil and evil destroys life and there are no more there's no longer 37 wolves in hinderlands there is now 36. i have impacted the world in a terrible way five minutes and if you pledge just 10 thousand dollars you can design a unique one-of-a-kind character just for you custom armor custom hat custom weapon and a custom icon so players know your custom this is just hunting for narcissists you they did this to be fair though uh path of exile did this too they delivered though that's the thing right it's like they they delivered in the game i'm not a fan of having player inserts in video games like that that's my opinion i'm not a fan of having player inserts for people especially that donate money etc like look at the hall of grand masters and path of exile like if anything if you're like man i'm really so addicted to this game i want to find a way to quit the game go buy a hall of grandmaster's map and run that a few times and then you can just move on and so there's totally like a lot of precedent for things like this being bad but they're not fun this one is not fundamentally bad but he he is right he is right josh is right this does absolutely appeal to narcissism because people that are narcissists are the ones who are going to spend ten thousand dollars to be recognized of course will even be listed as an executive producer in the games credits and they will invite you to a paintball event with them and then a relaxed dinner i'm not making this up it's actually a backer reward the estimated delivery date of this baccarat was well this petition titled removal of face of mankind fall of the dominion on steam seems to suggest it did get put on steam and the price wow system was monetized beyond belief and in the comments we even see someone commented kickstarter fraud here's another mmo global adventures last updated in 2017. it got funded for just under 2 000 which actually surpassed its ambitious lofty goal of 200. now it's canadian money too so it's actually only about six dollars in usd 22 to make an mmo the game says your life will get turned upside down as you hunt for hidden treasures and fight zombies vampires and ninjas the graphic even crazy it is fair to play never pay to win you cannot gain gameplay advantage by spending real money that was a bro this looks like look at the font man the font is like whenever you don't whenever you're like 14 and you have to do like a graphics design project and you're edgy and you listen to three days grace and you [ __ ] go to go to google and you're like cool badass fonts and you click on the first search option and it takes you to a font well guess what this is that font this is comic sans for edgy kids element of the kickstarter campaign remember this scrolling down we get to see even more backer rewards with the warning the exclusive items shown in the soldier tier and above will only be available via this campaign missing out kicks in now and if you pledge 750 you'll get your face on a wanted poster in every main town and further down they explain the kickstarter campaign dude like what if the guy's ugly though what if they're like submit a picture and the guy submits a picture of his dick what if they're like okay all right here's the wanted poster and then they're like all right what picture do you want to use like here's a picture of my dick you know what i mean like what did they do saying 12 of the kickstarter proceeds will go to making an anime series 12 of the 2 000 they raised they are going to make an anime series with just over two hundred dollars but even further down they actually explained why 222 dollars was the goal stating the kickstarter is actually just to gauge interest and don't worry because 222 dollars is actually only about 0.01 the total budget is 2.2 million and the investors have already agreed to give them this they just needed a kickstarter to show that they were serious wait this is a nigerian prince mmo that's actually a nigerian prince of mo are you kidding me and people gave them money oh my god it's so sad they do dude all they need to raise man is we just need to get 222 dollars and if we can get 222 uh we have a venture capitalist firm that's willing to give us 2 million but we have to raise 200 and change we have to hit that 200 mark guys if we don't hit the 200 mark we're not going to get the 2 million it's it's all out the window game launched on steam has mostly negative reviews comments let people know the servers were taken down more than a year ago yeah the other comments include choppy animations completely unsynced audio needlessly bad dialogue 10. payable vip which create a pay to win system paid mounts in the cash shop you can't get through playing the game and oh i don't know about that that doesn't really worry me too much uh but yeah of course that's what it is yeah that of course that's one of this here's the thing is like a lot of these mmos it's it's very hard to draw the line of what is ethical and what's acceptable in a lot of these games because the reality is that a lot of these games are hard to make and they're very difficult they take a lot of effort and a lot of time and because they take so much effort and because they take so much time there's a lot of people that want to make that money back i understand that but at the same time there is a point where the if you compromise the integrity enough of your project in trying to fund it then what is the project what is the point of having the project at all you know what i mean it's like imagine like a good example of this is what i've said about my stream is that i say pretty much whatever i want to say on my stream because i have my stream my stream is to an extent a uh a vehicle of self-expression and if i can't express myself on my stream then what is the point of doing the stream besides money right why do it why do it if i can't do the thing that i do it to do edgy fatigue system limiting how much you can play and a comment from the publisher super games who also made dream of mirror online stating the development company pixelsoft have stopped developing and have just sort of ran off tricking people is easy convincing them they've been tricked they took their 222 dollars and they ran that's much harder the con man will always be a good guy got it man morally grey people until the end of time i gotcha [ __ ] it's full of players that have extreme emotions that are remarkably easy to exploit full of players crying out big rpg you will have the narcissists that want their face on every poster in town you will have your completionists true you want to start a game on day one you will have the loneliness of people you want to be members of a guild or running a guild you will have every single type of player wanting something to fill an emotional void and if you promise that you'll have a lot of people willing to throw money at you and follow you with your brand new game exactly simple fact is if you actually have the ability to produce and create the game that you're claiming to create you don't need to use emotional manipulation you will need to promise the world you won't need to say trust me you'll be able to show them proof here's an example is there tea or coffee in this mug neither it's a space marine mug obviously it's full of space marines that's a promise trust me if it actually was full of space marines i'd have proof of that i'd be able to just show you you wouldn't need to trust me you'd be able to see that i'm waiting for the [ __ ] i'm waiting for him to pull out a [ __ ] space marine miniature i swear to god if he pulls out a [ __ ] space marine miniature out of that [ __ ] i'm gonna get so mad i'm gonna be so [ __ ] mad man but i was actually telling the truth and that's the easy way to spot the con man from the actual experienced developer the people with the real stuff do it she's too bad proven really funny of what they claim they can do scammers and tricksters hate it when you talk to other people because when you talk to other people then you start to see between the cracks then you start to read between the lines you get other people's opinions and you realize this might not actually be legitimate they impose a time limit they push your immigration buttons and then they say don't miss out that's another tip for scamming people is you want to isolate uh isolate buyers don't let buyers talk to each other uh so it that's always a good idea because whenever buyers get a chance to talk to each other they'll find the flaws in what you're doing and so you want to make a sale as fast as you can isolate buyers and make it to where they're only in their own head noted hashtag askmod tips yeah trust me when someone tells you to trust them without proof that they're trustable that should raise all kinds of red flags that's a good it's actually like a very see see i [ __ ] i [ __ ] knew it man i [ __ ] knew it dude like there's no way like look at all the figurines behind a man there's no [ __ ] way he didn't have any i knew it i knew it i knew it man i [ __ ] knew it space marines you can be sure that youtubers such as myself kira tv callum upton the lazy peon mmo bite and slopes game room are going to be keeping a close eye on all the upcoming mmorpg projects from more famous ones like ashes of creation star citizen and rise of the fallen to the absolute shovelware kickstarter junk and we'll work to help you see through the manipulation and make an informed choice so you are not taken in by the next big you don't get goofy the age of the scammo is upon us to all of us to analyze and scrutinize these projects so the naive or the vulnerable are protected the dumbo another great big thank you to all the supporters the big old bumble twitch you keep the channel going you can support the channel from only one pound a month and you can check the video description to find links to the patreon twitch twitter and our discord channel and as always have a great day yeah that was a very very good video i liked that video a lot and it's really funny for me to see that because a lot of these techniques and things like that yeah please please uh link the video mods if if there's a mod that can link the video please go ahead and do that i'm driving it's okay man uh well if you're driving why are you typing if you're driving i'll link the video on the other thing okay there i'll do it myself [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 409,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, fake mmo, new mmorpg, mmorpg 2021, scam mmo, scam mmorpg, scam game, biggest scam, dreamworld scam, mmo scam, scam kickstarter, scams, kickstarter, scam mmo alpha, josh strife hayes, asmongold josh strife, Huge MMO Scandal, mmorpg scam, rise of the scam mmo, scam, wow scam, asmongold scam, game scam
Id: zSEdm9exmpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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