Asmongold on "Why His FFXIV Streams Are so Popular" | By Josh Strife Hayes

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so asmongold tried streaming final fantasy 14 the problem streaming mmos in this video i'm going to share the secrets of streaming and explain why playing a game for an audience is nothing like playing it for yourself that's true a few days ago i along with 214 thousand other people watch the popular world of warcraft twitch streaming gold play finally crazy 14. and i think it's fair to say the stream was extremely entertaining messing around with character creation the incorrect pronunciations of places and names to the running in and out of enemy range as a tank which is something you don't really need to do in final fantasy 14. agenda gold was doing his best to enjoy the game he was giving it an honest try the issues he faced however was the army of people potentially several thousand players mobbing him at the start and then crowding him as he played through the introduction yes so many people that from the moment the game launched the opening cut scene he was spammed with friend requests the novice network request popped up instantly the moment he was in the world and the opening elevator in limsa leminsa was crammed so full of people he couldn't get in even trying to log on for the first time he was met with a queue of 500 people in the world waiting to meet him now the stream was highly entertaining and i feel it's given us a great chance to talk about the major differences between playing a game for personal enjoyment and streaming a game for the audience's entertainment ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm joshua that's definitely true i've worked in the entertainment industry for many years of my life doing various different jobs and before that i was a teacher now the number one ambition for children nowadays is youtuber you can check this there's been studies i always saw that um that like in the uk and the united states like what every single kid wants to be is like a youtuber and then in china they want to be a scientist man we are [ __ ] up man like this is oh god like yeah i want to be a youtuber man please man please let me be a youtuber man come on dude done youtuber or twitch streamer is the new goal that people want to aim that's true many years ago it was astronaut then rock star then movie star then reality tv star now it's youtuber or twitch streaming it just keeps getting worse understand that playing a game for an audience playing a game or creating game content as a job is fundamentally different to playing a game in your own free time there's expectations there's pressure yes there's goals you have to achieve and continue to achieve throughout so allow me to explain the differences between playing a game in your own free time for your own pleasure and creating video game content for mass consumption okay so using asmon gold's latest foray into the world of final fantasy 14 let's discuss how twitch streaming gaming content as a job is quite a lot different to playing games for fun okay whether you personally find asmon gold entertaining or not is irrelevant this is a discussion of the reality of entertaining an audience not a critique of asman's style before we begin consider dropping a like on the video or subbing to the channel for more mmo stuff ring the bell for all the future videos as usual a massive thank you to all the supporters on patreon and twitch more on how you can support at the end for now let's begin let's start with the idea of you playing a game for fun you're sat on your couch and you're gaming you're quiet the game you are looking at the game enjoying the visuals you are listening to the game enjoying the music you're probably reading the text in the game or experiencing the gameplay and the plot which is all helping to draw you into the world of the game the atmosphere is drawing you in and one hundred percent of your focus is on enjoying the game you have nothing to worry about other than your personal experience now imagine standing in a theater or a cinema and projected onto the screen is a video of some top level gameplay the theater is full of people watching the gameplay and you need to comment over the gameplay and entertain them you don't need to play the game at all you just need to entertain your focus isn't on listening to the music or watching this job reading the text you can focus 100 of your attention on just commenting on the events engaging with the audience and actually providing an engaging and entertaining experience people want to stay for in this scenario 100 of your attention can be dedicated to entertaining others now imagine you're doing both at the same time with no script that's a lot for multiple hours that's a whole lot to be playing the game and paying enough attention to it bro that's hard questions on the story and personally enjoy the story yeah while also engaging with potentially carrying multiple conversation threads on at the same time and here's the biggest problem with that your attention isn't split 50 50. it's not a fair split between game and audience it's actually much more heavily weighted in the audience's favor you need to pay as little attention to the game as you can possibly get away with and devote all the rest of your attention to engaging and enhancing the audience's experience and it's this balance of personal investment into the game and audience acknowledgement and audience interaction that most streamers get wrong when you play a game for your own benefit and enjoyment the game is actually very true there's a lot of streamers like i see a lot of people and this is something that streamers do a lot there are so many streamers that are [ __ ] boring man i just like how like if i ever want to there are people that are asmr streamers for me and they they never even look a mic but like if i pull up their stream i'm gonna be i'm gonna be out i'm gonna be out like a light done real quick finished people that just sit there and play the game there are some people that are entertaining and funny i i like them right but and i also guess stop stop putting in the names of the people that whose chats that you're banned in stop putting in the names of people oh man i got banned in this dude's chat he's probably talking about this guy i don't like man man do i [ __ ] hate that dude man quit dude i'm not talking about anybody you know you know how you know i'm not talking about anybody you know because these people are so [ __ ] boring nobody watches them you don't even know what they are team gets your undivided attention when playing a game for an audience your attention does get divided between the game and the audience yeah and if the audience doesn't have enough of your attention they will leave this means you will play them ah they will not leave they will sit in chat man this shit's boring bro man i hate this bro i remember whenever this stream was good this sucks i'm gonna leave man i hate this i've been here for 40 minutes and i haven't laughed once geez how long is this gonna go on for i hope he doesn't do this tomorrow or he's gonna put me to sleep again i'm asleep guys that's all it is yeah you fell off yeah no that's what it is they don't leave they sit there and they complain no i i know obviously i'll have them do weave right it's just a joke but like still he he's definitely right about this he's 100 right in a way you never normally would you'll narrate your actions you'll comment on issues you see instead of ignoring them you'll exaggerate your reactions to situations you'll take way longer to play than you normally would because you're reading dialogue and making jokes about it and all of this energy that's being used to entertain means you as a player can't invest as much focus and attention on the actual game as you would be able to if you were playing alone streaming a game means you are responsible for providing both high quality gameplay as a visual medium and high quality audience engagement normally as an audio medium at the same time yeah i am halfway there okay like the high quality gameplay is like hey you know it is what it is but uh the audience engagement you know we're there yeah sure divides your attention and makes you miss all the small things in the game that you wouldn't normally miss people laughed at asmongold for missing the voice situation filters on the ff14 character creation screen he was deciding on a voice and only listening to the shouts he didn't change it to the laughing or the sighing and people in chat mocked him for missing something so obvious the fact is he likely did miss it because the game was not commanding his total attention his audience were he was focusing on making one of the dullest sections character creation interesting he was commenting narrating joking and talking the entire time his energy was focused on you as an audience that's true i care about you which streamer will tell you focusing on entertaining often makes you miss the small things in the game it does so any streamer needs to divide your attention between paying personal attention to the game and enjoying the experience of the game and engaging the audience and giving the audience something for their time a funny anecdote a humorous story a personal relation to a conversation that's going on and one of the biggest things you'll notice if you watch any good high quality streamer is the insane level of interaction that they constantly keep up that's very this is because people's attention spans have been studied and found to have fallen the average attention span for the average audience member is seven seconds oh [ __ ] man no wonder i keep losing people [ __ ] i thought it was eight damn it man that explains ever i've been a second off dude i've been going on way too long man my eight second plan is ruined we gotta go back to the drawing board oh no seven seconds off honestly like i've gotten bored in the middle of a vine like i'm watching a tick tock it's five seconds and i'm two seconds into oh my god never mind if something doesn't happen within seven seconds of someone joining your stream or watching your video they will leave and this seven seconds resets every seven seconds because you have to assume a new audience member is joining every seven seconds what this means is if something interesting doesn't happen for seven seconds one two three four five the majority of you start playing oh my god i feel an urge to do something else you might have felt a small urge to check your phone to switch to another tab maybe you watched another monitor or a screen or a tv that's on in the room when i was quiet that's because people's attention span is dropping twitch streamers and youtubers have to fight for every second of an audience's attention of course unfortunately this means one of the greatest entertainment techniques is lost because all streamers know they're fighting for your attention all the time they're very hesitant to allow or hold silences which means the art of the tension filled silence the emotional build-up of these slower-paced scenes is often destroyed imagine watching a streamer play an extremely tense and emotional game with a several minute long cutscene masterfully crafted to build and hold tension that street you know what's funny reminds me of this reminds me of remember that girl that was crying about the rabbit how cute the rabbit was and the rabbit got shot with an arrow whenever he's talking about that that's exactly the thing that i remembered yeah that that's the first thing that comes to mind would feel the urge to talk to comment to narrate and in their mind they are adding to the quality of the stream by keeping the audience engaged of course but in reality they're weakening the impact and the ambience of the scene it's a horrible catch-22 you need to talk to engage and keep people watching but you need to remain silent to give them something emotionally worth watching so now we know that streaming a game means diverting your attention away from just enjoying the game for yourself and instead focusing on providing an entertaining experience for the audience including narration comment critique reading chat engaging with conversations and adding in your own entertaining personality while at the same time playing the game to the best of your ability and it means constantly making sure something is happening every seven seconds to capture and keep the fleeting attention span of the average audience member even if this means damaging the pacing of the game's slower scenes or events so neither you or the audience actually get to experience the game for what it's truly designed to be if you're still unsure of the differences between streaming for personal enjoyment yeah it's definitely true the audience is entertainment imagine this imagine you're sat on your sofa playing your favorite video game but then a hundred people turn up and watch you and if these hundred people leave you don't pay your rent you don't eat suddenly entertaining those people is much more important to you than enjoying the game specifically yeah i would say this works with a horror game you only need to look at how much streamers joke and laugh and make light of the actual gameplay mechanics suddenly they're laughing about things that should be scary they're engaging and talking to the audience during cut scenes that should be silent the game itself is set dressing it's background ambience it's being used to bring people together and to enhance the entertainment value of the stream streaming a game isn't just streaming the game it's streaming a period of time that is entertaining to the audience in which the game is involved but i think that's very true like that's definitely like it it's more true so like for every game it's a little bit different right so like for some games i try to make the game more of a focus and for another stream i try to not really [ __ ] worry about it as much right for like wow i try to like really make everything except for the game the focus like if there's anything like if there's new content that's awesome but like usually you know that doesn't happen but other than that i try to let the uh the way that i look at it right and this is how i tried to stream a game this is how i went into final fantasy is i thought about what is the best like what is the best experience for my viewers what is going to make them the most happy what is going to give them the most enjoyable experience and that was my goal it wasn't necessarily to play the game in any sort of way or whatever it was how can i make this play through something that people want to and more so people something that people enjoy and makes them happy and that's that's really what it is but it may not necessarily be the focus yeah but with a high quality streamer it very rarely is there is however one major issue with streaming a multiplayer or an mmo rpg game that affects the stream much more than most other game genres and that is other players if you are watching a streamer playing an mmorpg and you are watching them hoping to see their first experience in a game and to see their honest and genuine reaction to the beginning of an mmo that you yourself love and maybe you're excited to see them take the first few baby steps into a massive exciting world you need to understand the experience a popular streamer will have playing an mmo on stream to an audience is completely different to playing the same mmo as a general player yeah your memories of a starting area or the general early game experience are probably a slower paced open maybe less populated area meeting the tutors equipping basic items fighting low level enemies jumping around or messing with menus this is not the memory a major streamer will have not on stream anyway they you want you want to know the actual real truth is that yeah same same shirt yeah same joke i think that i have enjoyed playing final fantasy more because i streamed it because a lot of the dialogue does go on and the fact that like me and the chat can like laugh around and like have fun with it etc like that's made it more enjoyable like it's been better for me that i streamed it than not we'll remember hundreds of people jumping around and spamming emotes and trade requests at them people trying to give them the best items straight away to count through content oh yeah writing them to guilds spamming friend requests spamming particle effects to fill up the screen with processor intensive graphics and lag the client all players physically blocking quest npcs or killing quest requirement enemies playing an mmo on stream as a well-known streamer or celebrity isn't experiencing it as a new player genuinely would it is broadcasting your adventure as a spectacle as a show yeah you are fully aware that you are doing this your responsibility is shifted that's a good thing personal enjoyment towards audient engagement i'm a mid-sized twitch streamer and my streams generally get between three and six hundred viewers and that brings with it a small crowd of people who enjoy meeting up in the game and gently trolling me which i'm absolutely fine with because i know when i play a game on stream despite me enjoying that game i'm not just playing for me i'm playing for the audience and all big streamers know this content creators and streamers are video game fans and entertainers that's what got us into this business in the first place i hate the successful ones are the ones who can find that balance between personal enjoyment on stream and audience engagement and entertainment if we want to enjoy a game well it's also like there are some times whenever you talk and like you make the content too much about you and it's important to know like one thing that's like really good and like rich and i talked about this last night with dungeons and dragons is that the mug yeah okay yeah very funny right seven second rule there you go and we talk about this is like you have to know whenever somebody else is like saying something really funny and just like let them go and let them do their thing and then they let you do your thing so like whenever the game is doing like some really cool thing or like there's something crazy happening take a step back let that [ __ ] happen and just go with that rather than try to make every single second in the game all like super funny and super high content or whatever because there is a point where people want to just experience it to an extent like it's about kind of having a uh it's about having having a balance just for us without the pressure of entertaining will play it off stream when any streamer or content creator plays a game on stream they know the audience is going to come first asmr gold is a professional he has managed to strike that balance between personal enjoyment in the games he plays and audience entertainment at his streams when you as an audience member watch a stream your time your attention is valuable and rare and streamers work for years to get even a few minutes of it yup good streamers find the balance between enjoying what they do and entertaining the audience as they do it so the next time you watch an mmo streamer and you wonder why they're not staying silent and focusing on the game mechanics or why they're talking so much and missing simple things in the game or why they're interrupting cut scenes with funny personal stories remember twitch streaming is much more than just playing a game it's because the reason is because usually the cutscenes could be [ __ ] boring number one and number two it's because i'm reading chat like i'm literally not even looking at the screen like it's like yeah oh you missed that yeah because i wasn't looking at the entire i'm i'm reading chat i'm meaning how many true world w's we're getting in chat it's like huh am i getting to them today guys uh am i really hitting today okay yeah they got it all right they like me that's great all right true okay guys good complex balance of gameplay engagement interaction reaction and accepted levels of audience trolling we know you're going to want to get involved that's the magic of the mmo genre you can and as long as that involvement makes the stream more entertaining for the audience it's exactly the casino if audience involvement is reducing my personal enjoyment but making the stream more entertaining for the audience that's fine because the audience are the focus of the stream if i want to enjoy the game i'll play it in my own time it only becomes a problem when things actively make the stream less fun for the audience such as having a queue of 500 people waiting to log into a world because now your responsibility is to entertain people and you've got no gameplay to bounce off to do that that's where i that's where i excel is because i can just talk like i could just if you guys want i could sit there and just talk for the next four hours and not even have a game or anything and it's just like and this happens in the otk events if you guys ever notice whenever we have like a delay ms kev's like asthma come up here come up here just start talking and i just start talking about yes so anyway um you know i went to wendy's today and you can you guys believe what they have at wendy's now look at that look how much the chili is this is crazy remember whenever they found thumbs in chili those were the good days and i just keep going on and on and on and on and on about right and i can just stall and waste people's time and this is just what happens right i'm doing it right now see i proved it to you if you want to be a streamer or a youtuber then go for it but remember you'll need to learn to love engaging with and entertaining an audience as much as you love the game because that is the majority of what you will be doing yasmon gold is a video game fan and an entertainer and he knows the streams are the entertainment for the audience i truly hope he's got an alternate character and he's playing through in his own time to truly experience the game without the stress of performing and i hope he enjoys final fantasy 14. it's a fantastic mmo if any of you want to join me i'm on the omega server it'll be cool to see you in games sometime and as always thank you for watching that's another massive thank you to all the supporters on patreon and twitch who keep the channel going you can support from only a pound a month check the video description good insightful video patreon twitter discord and our new subreddit definitely always very good video yeah thanks for linking it nandra i appreciate it a lot yeah uh the omega server yeah chill out dude chill out it's good and uh what's this here pounds yeah it's good i'm easy to listen to i've actually tried to be uh i try to speak very clearly whenever i i speak in my stream because i know i have a lot of people that watch that are not english uh native speakers right and that's i i don't know if i want to go through the whole video for this but um uh the whole thing like yeah there's a lot of people that made videos about me and talked about me and [ __ ] like that and i think that's awesome like i'm very glad about that i think it's great all right boys we're ready to start playing the game we're ready to get into work we're ready to get [ __ ] done [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 601,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, ff xiv, ffxiv josh strife hayes, josh strife hayes, asmongold stream, asmongold popular, asmongold most popular, ffxiv stream, ffxiv popular, asmongold ffxiv stream, final fantasy 14 stream, ff14, asmongold ff
Id: dAUkUpQS92g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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