Asmongold Reacts to "Don't Believe The HYPE - Ashes of Creation"

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah this is the one i saw it caught linked on my reddit and i actually do want to take a look at it ashes of creation don't believe the hype ashes of creation a new mmorpg being made by a small independent studio heralded by many as the the one that will bring disinfectant wait a second i just want you to look at his tabs can we look at his tabs so i'm not the only one okay like this isn't just me like everybody does this everybody has a bunch of tabs open my mom will have on average 200 tabs open okay so just chill out players together and provide the gameplay experience absolutely every mmo fan wants that's what everybody else knew mmob the game to fix all the issues and save the entire genre in a word no in many words let's look at the original kickstarter the team behind it the media hype for it and the reality of what i watch this one and then have a grounded discussion ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm josh drive hayes and today i'd like to take a brief look at the upcoming mmorpg ashes of creation what is i think really what happened is that ashes of creation had the same thing happened to it that classic wow had happened to it and a lot of other games have had happened to it like cyberpunk people yeah he's a good looking guy like i i it makes me mad because like in the i said this already like i i don't want to let's not talk about it okay like he's got a great he's got great hair man dude all right listen well all i'm really trying to say is that every single game that comes out and gets hyped up to this unreal level is never going to meet the hype that people set for it it doesn't matter people will think that classic wow is a great game but it's not the greatest game ever that changes the life and reinvigorates people's enthusiasm for mmos and reshape society so for many people the expectations are not met people create expectations that are so high that it's unrealistic that anybody or anything could meet them and this happened with classic wow it happened with cyberpunk and it's happening with ashes of creation the fact is that yes obviously um you know i'm excited for ashes of creation i've hyped up about ashes of creation do i just automatically think it's going to be a great game no why would i think that i haven't played it well but i think that based off of what stephen's talked about with it what they've done in the videos it's it looks good and so i'm i'm hopeful but i'm not going to say it's going to change the world and i think the problem is that you have some people like i see comments man ashes of creation is our last hope man dude ashes is gonna dude i can't wait until asman quits wow whenever ashes comes out he's never gonna play wow again and like all these people they have like these it's just like it's like these are the same people these are the same people that goof on kids for spending 280 on a pair of sneakers but they're sitting around simping for a game that they've never even played what the stop being a hype beast just get excited about things that you see get excited about things that you know but not things like hypotheticals that's hypothetical it's different it's not though it's not like it is it's different and it's not of course every two there are no two situations that are exactly the same the point of what i'm saying is that don't get hyped up about that you haven't actually really seen that's all i'm really trying to say half the ashes of creation hype is because of you good i think people should be hyped up for the game they should be excited but they shouldn't think that it's going to change the world they should be excited they see a guy investing his own money trying to get invested into a game trying to make a good game it seems and i'm positive about that let's watch the rest of the video okay we'll see what this guy says maybe he's got a different opinion you're going to look so silly whenever you quit wow for ashes all right all right let's go is it who's making it and the insane levels of hype that have been generated around it what we can come to expect from this game and then what players are actually expecting from this game yeah i believe that the insane levels of hype that have been generated around this mmorpg is probably the single most damaging element currently out there for this game player yes thank you thank you that is exactly what i was saying that is exactly what i was saying is because the reason for that here's why it's bad uh turn it up sure i'm gonna turn it up and then i'll go back 10 seconds just so you guys can hear what he said believe that the insane levels of hype that have been generated around this mmo rpg is probably the single most damaging element currently out there for this game that's exactly true and the reason why it's bad is because anybody who will bring up legitimate criticism for the game will be down voted by people who are just blindly supporting it because they're that desperate to have a good mmo that's why it's bad that's exactly why it's bad cyberpunk is an example stopped her in 10 seconds listen i was whenever i watch a video whenever i watch a video this is a 22 minute video this is gonna be a long video okay it's gonna take a while stop pausing too bad if it's annoying you you should have watched the video whenever it came out and another thing too bad tation is way it is what it is you know i'll tell you one thing it it is what it is and the way that i'm gonna do it that's all there is to it way too high for this game and it will ultimately end up harming it more than it helps it bigger people in my video comments on youtube videos on my twitch streams in my discord and general people on twitter saying sorry i'm just pausing to make that guy mad again okay here we go don't even bother playing any other mmorpg exactly because ashes of creation is going to eventually release and just blow them all out the water people are preaching the gospel of ashes of creation above all else yes no i'm not saying it's going to be a bad game at all in fact it's got the potential thank you what we've seen yes would be a very very good game even a great game dare i say it but it's never ever going to live up to the unrealistic expectations and the unrealistic levels of hype people are hyping this up to such an unbelievable level that no matter how good it is when it releases it will ultimately disappoint people through no fault of its own exactly egg exactly like that's the 100 it's gonna be listen guys just just play the game but chill out like give feedback you don't like something about it say it if you do say it it is what it is just chill the out man that's all you need to worry about i don't know like it's first time i see you agreeing with somebody well no i agree with people all the time what do you mean i agree all the time with videos yeah before we begin consider dropping a like on the video or subscribing to the channel for more mmo stuff ring the bell so you don't miss a single future video as always thank you so much on patreon and twitch who make all my content possible more on how you can support at the end right let's begin ashes of creation is a new mmorpg described on its website as an experience where everything is permanently impacted by your actions explore trade build and let the world take form from your imagination through your will and into everyone's reality what you create will be the cornerstone of the next explorer's ambition so straight away we've got some bold claims of interaction and player creation within a permanent shared overworld this system has been seen before in more hardcore mmos like mortal online or life is fuel players buildings or shared crafting items so this is possible it's also often used in survival games where player created structures are often the focus of pvp gameplay so we'll look at this more later ashes of creation is being made by intrepid studios over on their company website we can see some quotes from the media about ashes of creation with pc gamer calling it the most anticipated mmorpg mmorpg labeling it as kickstarter's most successful mmo well i mean there's been a lot of him has there ever been an mmo that was made on kickstarter that actually got released or has every single mmo ended up with the creator living in the bahamas with everybody's money crowfall albion online i don't remember man and ign saying we may find ourselves in love with the mmo again that's high praise that's exceptionally high expectations so let's take the kickstarter angle and have a look back at how this project began creation was a kickstarter mmo describing itself in the opening paragraph as the rebirth of the mmorpg it then explains the evolution of the game comes down to what players decide to do if you want a city or a marketplace or the comfort of your own home it's up to you to build it or if a city is encroaching on your territory it's up to you to destroy it now giving players this level of freedom is always a gamble because often people are more focused on the destruction instead of the creation but we'll come back yeah people get a lot more out of it's like hey i helped somebody today yeah that's nice jesus go yourself but if you're like hey i somebody's day up for three hours it's like you'll remember that in 10 years like man you lying in bed thinking about man that was mad [Music] you know so like yeah people are much more motivated to somebody over or to grief somebody than to help them or to create because it takes more effort and it's more of an investment to create things versus just them up to this too the change paragraph lists some very strange in-game weather and landscape interaction which is saying the game will have quiet autumns and devastating winters or a volcano that threatens to level a city i'm excited then adds on on one server the volcano may never erupt on another the devastating winter may last five cycles or with the help of a few heroes the reason if it will last five cycles is uh if you don't pay your carbon tax and uh you don't give your money to al gore uh to prevent global warming and uh that way you you uh yeah it makes it cold all the time those maybe only one so we're going to have in-game weather and environmental damage that won't be the same on every server the consequences paragraph says change for change's sake means nothing without consequences true and then explains when a player makes a choice in a quest that choice cannot be undone when that volcano erupts and destroys a city the landscape is forever altered ending with the world will be in flux and history will remain where it should in the hands of the players while this whole paragraph sounds nice quest choices in most mmos cannot be undone anyway so that's not really a unique point and the consequences angle is interesting because having personal consequences for personal actions is great design choice but having consequences for the actions of others can often lead to griefing if you create a house you have a house so that's kind of the issue that i have with like any game that you can impact other players without their consent is that almost every game that happens like that turns into like really really toxic super fast like it's just because people play those games here's the thing that's people like how do i know people are like that because i'm one of them right and so like i any time that you knew that you could somebody else's day up you're going to go out of your way to do that and that's why like i'm usually no i'm i'm a dad i used to be a dick like i'm not a dick now because i'm streaming you know it's like doesn't look good if you do that right but i used to be a complete piece of like everybody knows this again it's not a surprise and the point that i'm making here is that uh giving people the ability to grief other players will end up making the game worse because it will alienate people who are legitimate players or just people who want to enjoy themselves in the game and what it will end up doing is it will invite more people in who are hostile and toxic and gain enjoyment out of harassing people effectively false it'll create pvp well the thing is like what kind of pvp is it whenever it's like 10 people go and they just kill you and you you don't have a chance right and that's the kind of things that these kinds of people are doing griefers are enjoying themselves too yeah but the difference is that like a griefer enjoys himself at the expense of another player and other players just enjoy themselves without necessarily having to remove somebody else's enjoyment at the same time it's not really yeah of course they're both having fun but whenever you're having fun at the expense of another person it's an it's a net neutral effect it's not as good so they addressed this well anyway i'll go ahead and i'll find a video i do think uh i do think the guy being uh josh you're being concerned about that is completely legitimate and anybody who think it's not didn't play phase two in classic wow like the game was literally unplayable you would spend like an hour just trying to run to a dungeon in one zone because you would just keep getting killed over and over and over and tons of people just quit the game like nobody wants to sit through that why would they so that's what's gonna end up happening that's the consequence for your action if someone else comes along and destroys your house that's your consequence for their action but now we get to probably the most unique selling point of the game the node system the kickstarter explains so let's just have a read every zone is made up of multiple nodes each node has a zone of influence as players adventure and complete their day-to-day goals their experience is being captured by a node through its zone of influence as players level up so do these nodes with enough experience a node might become a village or a city or with enough experience even a metropolis as these population centers open up players can establish citizenship through in-game node housing instance housing or our freehold system so this node system will basically be dividing the overworld into specific chunks and your actions within the zones of influence of a node will improve it or damage it essentially making the entire overworld a massive territory control game what happens if you max out a node and build a house and then someone else damages the node do you lose your house we'll have to find out likely yes because of the consequences they faced earlier the kickstarter continues and lists the four races humans elves orcs and dwarves although they've all been given suitably fantasy names and sub-races then below that you've got eight archetype classes tanks mages fighters clerics rogues summoners rangers and bards this is all i mean all this looks good i mean again i i feel like uh i feel like all this stuff is fine i mean the node system and destroying other people's houses and things like that i think that like the world changing and there being some degree of consequence based off of those changes is good but it just depends on like what the extent of that consequence is and how much that extends into impacting individual players like experience in the game now it seems this is the kickstarter that people wanted because it raised over three million in funding and the offices of creation team have gone on record through interviews and reddit posts stating they've had several million more added through private investors so the project has a lot of money behind it hundreds of millions of the elections but definitely solid game now below that we've got a list of mmos the team has worked on before including star wars galaxies everquest planetside everquest next everquest 2 and the x-com series so the team working on ashes of creation seem to have some experience behind them so let's meet the team steven sheriff is the founder and creative director of intrepid his linkedin page this is the guy we talked to before ceo of intrepid with the position responsibility of revitalizing the mmorpg genre there is no other experience listed the guy may have had jobs before but he's choosing not to list them the lead designer is jeff bart he's also on linkedin and we can see he spent five years working for sony online entertainment as a content designer for everquest 2 where he focused on writing the gameplay story narrative and quest hooks he says he wrote over 200 quests the chief financial officer is john moore his linkedin page shows his only position for the last six years is being chief financial officer of intrepid the lead programmer is kevin macpherson this guy has worked as a senior programmer on everquest everquest ii planetside 2 and vanguard saga of heroes and the lead architect is mark stork who has many years experience in the games industry but only one named specific game on his linkedin page the iphone and ipad game retro assault challenge there are more team members but i think the point that he's trying to make here is that a lot of them don't have as much experience for as much of an ambitious project that they're trying to do i'm kind of assuming that's the that's the point he's making but we'll have to see at least shows the people making this do have some experience in not only the video game industry but also the mmorpg industry specifically my only concern so far is that all the experience is relatively old-school focused yeah with everquest and everquest ii taking up a majority sometimes design history now this isn't necessarily a bad thing i've played those games and every question is here the nominal mmorpg for the time it dominates all the time rpg landscape for many years on what a good 3d mmorpg or a successful 3d mmorpg could be a social focused mmo and it was the king essentially up until world of warcraft dethroned it in 2004. and many players do claim yeah that they want to return to the design philosophy of placing social interaction at the very very top focusing on player interaction instead of solo focused theme park style gameplay my main concern with this is the mmorpg demographic the average player that's now shifted to favor solo players the mmorpg is no longer as niche as it was back then and is now a much more general gameplay genre people are playing the mmo who would have never played everquest precisely because they can play it solo or it's much more casual friendly that's a good point i think that's true uh there are a lot of people that like playing uh that they like playing solo and i think that's completely fine i've i've never liked the idea that mmos should not have solo content i think that my stance has always been that solo content like the mage tower for i think mage tower is the best example that the mage tower is incredibly great content and i i like having solo content in the game sam is like the plague fall slime guy all those things are great but the issue is that you also have to have group content that has more meaning and more significance than most of the solo content i think that's the problem that wow has is that solo content has ended up cannibalizing or making group content irrelevant or not as important as it used to be think that's the difference the mmorpg needs to provide tools for solo players to have a fulfilling experience and to keep up with groups because if an mmo doesn't do that it won't survive now you could argue that this solo focused design has effectively shifted mmorpgs away from what they started as yeah which was social facilitators social hubs and move the mmo more toward solo focused single-player gameplay and this well that they had to do that because mmos in 2003 were special because you could interact with other people online that special that that specialness no longer exists because everybody can do that all the time everywhere and people have eight different mental disorders because of how often they do it like it's just it's much more common now the the novelty of it is gone absolutely an argument to be made both for and against the pros and cons of that but you do need to understand the demographic of the player base has changed substantially so i really hope they're able to appeal to enough people to keep an mmo rpg alive because remember for an mmo to succeed you need to reach a critical mass of players both on release and then going forward as the game continues to be updated and continues to be expanded and yeah if you can't have it's the same as like a social network like nobody wants to join a social a new social network because nobody's on it and then nobody's on it because nobody wants to join it's like a a vicious circle that's why games pay like streamers to play them that have like a lot of player base because they want to get people and draw people in to create that initial player base to have that be a uh to have that be a draw in itself but yeah it's like playing on a dead wow server you can't even do half of the content and the game it's just depressing to play it that becomes harder and harder and harder to do the more niche you make your game play you need to appeal to as broad a possible an audience for an mmo to survive so we've got a highly funded kickstarter with a relatively experienced if somewhat old-school focused team behind it with a lot of very impressive gameplay design promises being made let's see what the general public opinion of the project has been so far mmorpg youtuber the lazy peon has covered it extensively and referred to genuinely the most exciting upcoming mmorpg that's the video that i watched and then after that that's whenever i got excited about the game that's what it was right there and uh yeah i i think that uh i i i think that's definitely true like and also like people get excited about new games it's just what people do i don't think that it's bad to get excited about a new game the only time that it's bad is whenever that excitement clouds your mind and prevents you from being able to look at it critically and look at it rationally and think rationally i think that's what the difference is for me mmo youtuber kira tv made a video explaining how it was the hype mmorpg made a video showing how it could revolutionize the mmorpg genre then another calling it the mmorpg savior and website massively op reported on how the community hype for the game is reaching an absolute fever pitch so it has reached insane levels of hype and player expectation well there's also another element of this another like factor which is youtube algorithm people like imagine all right two titles ah this game might be good ashes of creation promising game that could be fun or ashes of creation the the the blazing phoenix reborn of the mmorpg soul to change our lives forever i mean the second one sounds way cooler and you're going to want to click on that you know what i mean you're gonna want to click on that so you have like the other element of like editorializing and dramatizing the titles in order to get an engagement so yeah you're gonna watch the second video it sounds cool right mmo will kill every other mmo i hope so i mean i don't really hope so but like i hope it's good i can say that i do really hope that the riot mmo is good i'll be very excited to play it whenever it comes out for this game are sky high with many people making the bold claim it will save the mmo genre so i have a feeling i sorry i don't want to pause that quick again i guess that one guy in chat is going to be mad right now um but i feel like people's hype for an mmo is inversely correlated with how much they know about it so the more people know about the mmo the less they're hyped for it but the less they know about the mmo oh man that's big that's a huge game this one's gonna change the world and it's like the more people know the more they're like ah you know we'll see what happens yeah the mystique the mystique ceases to exist exactly i guess i'll have to go against the grain somewhat and say this okay don't board the hype train because it never stops where you think it's going to stop i'm not saying ashes of creation isn't going to be good it could be good it could be great we'll look at some because people gameplay reason why people build hype around things it's the same as like classic wow people build so much hype around the game and the reason why they they're looking to recapture a feeling that they used to have so they're looking to recapture a feeling of you know that that feeling of of newness that feeling of being a new player in a strange world me yeah i feel that way too right i always want to be able to have that experience again who wouldn't it was incredible i loved it but the fact is is that that's so circumstantial to your life that you can't you can't experience it again so it's literally impossible for these games to simulate the same experience that these people wanted to because the reason why those people had their experience is like a one-time thing yeah it's you can't experience it again exactly it's like going to high school like you can go to high school again don't do that by the way the cops will be there and uh it's a big thing but you know if you you let's say you could go back in time and you know go back and you're 15 again and you're in high school it would not be the same experience that you had the first time because you have all this other knowledge you have this like perspective in your life and it's just completely different and that's the truth and it's the same thing with classic wow like i can go back and i can remind myself of what it was like the first time but it's all circumstantial and in the context of what the first time was like you see what i'm saying never going to be 15 again no trust me i i'm i i don't like that either uh it it sucks to be a 5 out of 10 and it releases and it's an 8 out of ten yeah you're pleasantly surprised it did better than you expected it to do it surpassed your expectations but if you expect something to be a ten out of ten and it releases as a nine out of ten despite the fact you're disappointed because it didn't match your expectations of being perfect despite being the better game you are unhappy because you over hyped what it was going to be in your own mind your ashes of creation releases and it's an eight it's like if somebody says they're gonna bring you uh if somebody comes home and they bring you one taco and it's like awesome this guy just brought me a taco but if somebody says they're gonna bring you home three tacos and it turns out they only brought home two because they ate the third one then you're disappointed it's a matter of perspective and building expectations liar true out of 10 or a 9 out of 10 on anyone's scale fantastic it'll be an extremely good mmorpg i'm excited to play it the issue we're seeing now and the issue that's being created by the players is everyone's expecting it to be this unrivaled 11 out of 10 masterpiece a single shining beacon in the mmorpg landscape true unreal and anything less than perfection is going to be seen as unacceptable yeah and this is just not a believable or a safe place for a game to be in before it even releases let's have a look at some gameplay ign has a video featuring pre-alpha gameplay from 2018 so if we start here we can compare changes with more up-to-date footage we see a snap excuse me um yeah i think that's definitely true and overall i i've always said that make sure that you do things in context to make sure that you you look at things like it's not bad to have high expectations for something but it's important to recognize and be aware of those expectations and not let those expectations distort reality and the third person camera health and mana of the player to the bottom left abilities listed in hot hotkeys along the bottom enemy health when in combat shown to the top of the screen with no minimap visible graphically it looks fine high polygon counts nice explosions and water effects particle effects on display as earth magic spells are cast the video shows a standard high quality third person action game over on the ashes of creation youtube channel we've got a developer with some more recent but still outside footage the video is an hour long so i watched it and here's the highlights 16 minutes in we see some lovely lighting and particle effects with the blue swirling vortex 17 minutes in we get to look at some mounts with all the devs riding a two-tailed black third fox-like thing 26 minutes in mountains lovely particle effects the enemy uses an aoe which briefly shows a red circle on the floor and players can dodge out the way the enemy drops some loot and players can roll need or greed on it the rest of the video is standard third person group content and some nice environmental design ideas i think like that environmental design like you look at that picture that looks like a game that you want to be part of like to me at least i think it does look really nice yeah it does look would you play an mmo with no mounts wow i don't know what to say yeah i i really don't know what to say about that one that's a that's a that's a tough question man yeah i think it looks great like the the visuals there were great about the node gameplay the actual player created aspect they've been heavily pushing the main old-school design focus actions and consequences because the gameplay shown is good but nothing groundbreaking where is this player controlled node system they've been relying on so heavily while searching the official ashes of creation youtube channel the last mention of nodes i can find specifically nodes is two years ago so i checked the ashes of creation subreddit and before i could even search for the word node i see these two threads one explaining how the game is still years away from a full release and yeah begging people not to pre-order because you know how bad pre-orders can go searching for node on this i don't like the idea of pre-orders i think pre-orders are antiquated they should not exist anymore and they should have died in 2010 where they belong the only reason that pre-orders ever existed is so gamestop would know how many copies of halo 2 to stock just to have a base general headcount of how many people are going to buy the game on release now we're dealing with virtual products that are distributable to functionally every single person in the world and there's no scarcity because it's a digital product that can be replicated infinitely there is no reason for pre-orders to exist pre-orders are simply a way for companies to guarantee a sale on a game that has not been released which i think is stupid and i don't support that at all i do yes i do pre-order games i want to say i pre-ordered wow yep i've done it i think you guys are probably pre-order games as well but i i think it's and i probably should stop doing it yeah i should probably uh pre-download yeah i guess yeah now they let you pre that that's the value add that the pre-orders have is they let you pre-download the game so you can play it 15 seconds faster on release uh it's just crazy uh it's a hypocrite no the thing is like everybody is hypocritical in a lot of things right like pre-orders are bad but there are some games that i know that i'm going to play that i just pre-order anyway like yeah obviously but i do think pre pre-orders are unhealthy fundamentally like it's the same thing as like almost everybody takes part in something that they want to get rid of but they just take part in it out of convenience like that's just the truth and if you can't understand that you probably don't spend a whole lot of time thinking subreddit links us to this youtube video with some more alpha footage of the exact moment a node levels up at 48 minutes and 20 seconds into this developer video you can see the moment in this small settlement it instantly upgrades to a fortified city it's not a slow building process it's an immediate switch and any player standing where a new asset is about to be placed as the developer is in they get really located warped out using the developer's words of that place and put next to wherever they were standing well i'm completely fine with that like if the node system is binary or it's like i'm assuming it's like garrison's right where like in your garrison you you build each different building and you upgrade your garrison from like level two to level three it's just a complete change there's no like oh i build up you know my walls a little bit i have to farm out some bricks and i have to get mortar for the bricks etc and build these things up continuously like it's just not realistic to expect something like that to happen now i do think there are some circumstances where this does actually occur i'll give an example is valheim in valheim you slowly build up your base and in the nature of building up your base you unlock different things like higher comfort levels for being able to get more rested experience being able to craft better quality things from your crafting bench or your smithing shop or whatever the it is and you're able to do that so valheim actually i think is a great example of incremental player power progression that's visual and not just a binary change but it's also a much smaller scale game than um mmo with like hundreds of people in the area and it's something that's like very very small scale so i do think that it exists it's just maybe not realistic to expect to happen in a uh in a game like this it's not possible in an mmo yeah yeah i just don't know if it's possible video is from march 2020 so we can see the node system does in theory work it's just an immediate upgrade from rank a to rank b and an immediate graphical change we've also got multiple youtube channels now springing up all dedicated to covering ashes of creation and gameplay and class releases like i think that also like it's very important to understand which came first the chicken or the egg so these ashes of creation youtube channels exist because there are people that want to watch it so for example if you see a bunch of people like there are a lot of guys i'm sure they made minecraft videos because they saw how many viewers like tommy in it is getting or like one of these other minecraft guys and they want to get a piece of the action so it's the reason why these youtube channels are existing is because players are so hyped up for them and people want to consume this content and that's i think a problem with just in general society right it's a you know that the option two of what i gave of the uh the video example people get really really hyped up about everything they get super hyped up about everything it is what it is uh existence of these channels is a measurement of hype yeah exactly i just channel assistant good measure of a healthy amount of pipe yeah uh the the channels exist but i think the people making the channels are simply responding to a demand now i i just wanted to make that clear like the all banking on it being the next big thing and riding that wave so where does this all leave they want to get the viewers seen proof of third person work so gameplay all of that and all the bold claims the game is still making about revolutionizing the genre where are we now if you're excited for ashes of creation to release then i'm excited for you but i also want to wish you a call to reason i am excited about the game i'll say this right now i am 100 excited about ashes of creation i am not going to deny that i am very excited about this game i want to play a new game and it doesn't matter to me even if the game is a little bit scuffed i don't give a i just want to play a good new game that's all it comes down to i have wanted to have a new mmo like new world came out and i had some of the best times that i've had in a long time playing new world i made friends i had a new experience and honestly i'm gonna be real with you guys there's a part of me that likes playing these games off on stream but there's a specialty there's something special about me just being able to sit in my room by myself playing with people experiencing the game as a real player and that felt good was new world the same as classic wow no it wasn't but like i loved the music of it i i loved a lot of things about new world and the thing is that i am excited about ashes of creation because i can just for a brief moment remember how it felt i'll never re-experience it but i can remember it in a more visceral way and i think that's what's so special about it that's what's special about these games is that you get to have that that thing that you remember it's like you go back and you look at you know pictures of you and the boys from back in the day like obviously you're not doing it still but it still makes you feel good and i think this is just a more involved and interactive version of that it's still early days in the development ashes of creation is probably going to be good yeah if it follows player feedback and it follows a decent development schedule it might even be great if they take their time and make the best game they possibly can will it be able to stand among the big five will it be able to stand up there with the elder scrolls online or final fantasy 14 or runescape who knows at this moment here's what i'm semi expecting with ashes of creation i am semi expecting a potent not some expectation but like i'm prepared for this is a no man's sky situation where the game initially comes out it has a huge amount of hype the game can't follow through and live up to the hype and then people leave and then the game slowly gets better and then it grows the player base over time i think that uh that seems possible jeff i don't believe you guys i don't believe you i will watch it i will can i at least finish the video and then i'll look at the jeff thing okay the single biggest issue the game is facing right now is not developer contact it's not updates it's not communication it's player expectations yes and the unrealistic level being placed upon it please remember games like no man's sky cyberpunk wildstar juke nukem forever dude the last two i forgot about uh wild star everybody this is like back in cataclysm or whenever it came out everybody thought i remember dude like you know who i watched for wildstar back whenever the game originally came out towali i watched towie play wildstar and even me right i was an idiot back then and i was like wait dude towie's like the big wow guy and now towie's playing wild star oh bro is the game dead and you know like that was the way i felt about it and duke nukem forever it couldn't have been good like duke nukem forever could not it could never have been good if duke nukem forever should have been doom eternal it should have been doom eternal with sexist jokes and more cigarettes or sorry cigars that's what it should have been i know dogs right i hate those dogs so i hate those dogs first version of final fantasy 14 first few months of the elder scrolls online spore i do fable diablo iii hell even guild wars 2 when it released it was hyped beyond belief and then met with disappointment despite being a very good game when you over hype games yes you create a situation where it's a no-win situation game is great it's never as great as you thought what it would be yes in your mind and you're always disappointed because just that little bit ashes of creation has so far shown us it's not only got the funding but it's got the team behind it to make it a reality and they've been releasing consistent updates showing us progress so unlike most kickstarter mmos i believe this one will actually eventually end up existing it's got some pretty lofty aspirations and claiming it's going to revitalize the job existing that's bordering on arrogant why but it probably will be a decent game but stop hyping it up and you're probably going to enjoy it a hell of a lot more yeah you know how games like valheim just came out of nowhere ended up being quite good and we all liked them that's because no one expected it to be perfect we were just happy with a really good game i think valheim is a great example and another example is apex legends apex legend just came out one day and it's not like everyone was like bro dude are you sick of boying pub g you're getting shot through the wall maybe you can't build and crank 90s like myth can well guess what maybe you die to fall damage like myth did guess what we got a game for you apex legends and everybody's hyped up about it everybody's so happy about it it's great anthem's another great example myth i like myth a lot okay like i got no i'm it was funny the fella died to fall damage right that one time but like i actually i like myth a lot um anyway so the all i'm saying is like this has happened before and i think games that have no expectations going into it always turn out to be better received i think he's totally right with valheim being a great example and apex legends is another great example too avengers game yeah it didn't matter how many times they paid streamers to play the game nobody gave a about it if we keep expecting ashes of creation to be the savior we're going to be disappointed the player interaction that it's discussed the building the establishing of trade routes the cities and the player creations that does concern me we've seen things like this in albion online where it often means higher level players i've actually had to play that game zones and gank the new players the moment they step into any kind of pvp territory yeah that happens in classic wow too like you've got the rogue waiting on the border with he's waiting on the border with uh uh he's got the hungry and cold and and king slaw and king's fall and he's sitting there waiting on the edge of westfall and uh duskwood and the moment that he comes the moment that that level 23 walks across that bridge and he's dead ass and he's dead ass that's exactly what happens oh it's bad but it's the way it goes oh he is ready steven comments on the video i'll look at it in a minute okay i'll look at the jeff stuff afterwards i still don't believe you guys like y'all been telling me all day it's been my birthday it hasn't been my birthday and y'all expect me to believe jeff kaplan left blizzard the out of here we've seen in shroud of the avatar how when you give players the ability to construct anything they just make garish monstrosities in the overworld immersion breaking structures yes and a big wooden scene dick from the pre-alpha or the alpha footage is world changing it's good we've got third person action camera action combat hockey abilities we've got nice graphics a good node system they've shown it works but nothing has shown me they'll reinvent the wheel no and nobody wants them to reinvent the wheel and i think steven knows that um i i can't get over the fact that i i feel like numbers in some games like being able to see the numbers of the damage that you're doing to me is such a core important principle that i want to see the games have yeah i i want to see the games have and like i'll give you some examples i think new world did great with numbers i think original classic wow did great with numbers i think that valheim does really great with numbers i i like the valheim numbers as well and uh dark souls does decent with numbers i want to see big numbers that make me feel like i have a big dick and if the numbers on the screen don't make you feel like your dick is longer than it actually is then they're not that good and i i do think ashley creation could definitely work on having better numbers and like better pop-ups you guys meme on me for this but i'm not wrong what they have so far is a very solid game that sits nicely within the mmorpg framework and will absolutely find a hardcore of players when it releases they've got a very high quality product but they're not revolutionizing the genre and to think that they're going to on release is setting yourself up for a disappointment yeah i'm not saying don't look forward to it i want you to be excited for things how i'm excited for it i'm saying approach it with grounded optimism yeah the healthy skepticism toward any claim that is made admire it for being ambitious well this is something that you could apply to everything in real life like there are some people who just bro they get so like they hear something and they want i think here's what it is people want to believe it and because they want to believe it they can do as many mental gymnastics double flips backflips uh contortions that they need in order to rationalize why what they want to happen is what's going to happen that's ultimately what it comes down to is they're going to do whatever they can to make sense out of that i mean you have like like kind of like minor examples like this and you have macro examples like religion i would say i don't want to sort of chat war here but i think there are many people who believe religion because they want to it's because they want to it's not because there's not an objective uh basis on what they believe it's just they want it to be true and admire it for being pretty it looks good i'm not i'll look at the tough thing afterwards okay pedestal yet not until it's been released for a few months yeah for a few years true and it's settled into its actual true and real within the mmorpg sphere let it release let the players evaluate it and see where they think that it remains in the tier of quality and then let it continue to have a life as long as it can sustain yeah it's not going to be released for a few more years yet and maybe it's going to be here to stay who knows hopefully it won't be another flash in the pan but you're not helping anyone by hyping it up as the next big thing before it's even released remember that everyone was super i think it's so what he's saying is definitely true and i think it's like a very delicate line to walk especially as a content creator whenever you're evaluating and giving attention to something new like this because obviously i'm excited for it like being a content creator doesn't mean that you don't have any feelings like i i see a game like this and i get i get excited i'm like wow this is really cool and like i personally am excited this is not you know the uh it's it's just persona it's just he's that's not really what he's like no i'm really excited i'm happy and whenever i see things like this obviously i i get excited and you know conveying that excitement to the viewers is important to do but of course you always have to measure it and i think the issue is that sometimes you have so much hype that goes one direction you have people that make videos like this just to kind of bring things back into context i think it's okay to get hyped up but not to create unrealistic expectations and while that has found a substantial and hardcore player base and is still definitely a healthy population size it's not the world dominating force that everyone claims that it would be yeah so i say again look forward healthier creation healthy optimism don't board the hype train it never stops where you think it will i look forward to playing ashes of creation on release i wish the devs all the best and hopefully i'll keep up with its development cycle i will too i'm keeping my expectations realistic and my anticipation tempered and unless you want to be disappointed i suggest you do the same cheers for watching what are your opinions on ashes of creation are you boarding the hype train or calmly hoping for the best let me know in the comments below and another huge thank you to my supporters on patreon and twitch you can support the channel from just one pound a month check the video description for links to videos twitch twitter as always have a great day the scam mode that got funded i probably should watch that one that's funny yeah i might watch that uh that that's great let me go back over here and um yeah 22 minute video the thing is a lot of people need to hear this though even if you might think that it might be the same you need dears so steven did make a post i'm going to go ahead and read steven's post and then i'm going to tell that story and then we're going to look at the jeff stuff okay hey josh appreciate the video i tend to agree in most cases hyping up game and development can raise expectations to unattainable heights and ultimately negatively impact the impression upon release of the game with that being said though caveat there's a clear distinction between hype and excitement players should feel comfortable expressing their excitement for a game or company based on solid reasons it's very true where the excitement is for things like graphics designs gameplay philosophy customer service community interaction transparency et cetera when projects get this type of support and feedback from fans it makes the development by motivating developers and dare i say the industry in many ways that's true consumers aka players have very powerful voices whenever it comes to expressing their content or disobedient whenever the direction of the game or project or discontent excuse me uh it's important to use the voice so companies can navigate better whenever catering to the gaming experiences for their audiences so in summary tempering expectations can be a good thing but don't be afraid to express your excitement or support uh support for projects that you feel are doing a great job in specific areas cheers that's 100 agree i totally agree with stephen yeah yeah i i totally agree with what he's saying and uh it's it's a 100 uh yeah there it is totally agree uh it's a matter of degree and it's a matter of context [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 606,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold mmorpg, ashes of creation, asmongold ashes of creation, new mmorpg, ashes of creation mmorpg, best mmorpg, mmorpg, ashes of creation gameplay, ashes of creation update, mmorpg 2021, new mmorpg 2021, asmongold ashes of creation interview, ashes, ashes of creation hype, ashes of creation review, ashes of creation release, ashes of creation thelazypeon
Id: 4P0OabmrEfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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