Asmongold Ranks The Hottest WoW Female Characters | TIER LIST

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so we have put together a list of all of the female characters in wow and we are going to rate which ones are the best female characters this has been a long time coming and i really do mean that i'm going to take a pissed and we're going to start i i've been waiting to do this for a while man i'm actually not taking a piss i gotta go jerk off so i can have that post-nut clarity and i'll know exactly how to make the right decision and i won't be thinking in the wrong mindset okay i'll be right back okay so number one we've got alex strazza alex draza is in my opinion a high a high a tier and potentially an s tier uh st or girl the reason i say that is number one she has not fallen victim to the same problems that sylvanas has had of increasingly wearing more and more clothes every expansion she has stayed with her chain male armor bikini for the entire game she has huge boobs and she's really tall so we're going to put her maybe maybe a maybe also at this could very well this could very well be an s what do you guys think is this an s here i think actually you know what yeah let's put this as a nest here alleria number two now lyria lyria windrunner in my opinion yeah and she's thick as hell alleria is not that hot she's got all this weird face paint it's weird as [ __ ] she's been off on a [ __ ] foreign planet with this other random loser and she's in love with a guy who gets his sword blocked by illidan's hand she's attracted to simps [ __ ] and baby back [ __ ] paladins i'm gonna put a lira we're gonna put a lira as a bee okay maybe even a c very low quality not that hot all right guys definitely not that hot at all also she got introduced into the story very late which means that she's not really uh she's pretty much wearing normal clothes which is not what we're looking for at all here chromie in my opinion i think that gnomes are disgusting i'm gonna be honest i am not attracted at all to gnomes i think they're gross i think they are i think they're basically it's like they're like kids right it's [ __ ] weird like no like i'm not i'm not about the gnomes like yeah this is she's fbi tier yeah that's perfect yeah we're gonna put her in [ __ ] d yeah it's fbi i think gnomes are [ __ ] nasty why would anybody want to be around the gnome absolutely not yeah gnomes absolutely at the bottom man crawl me i'm not about it at all fbi tier there you [ __ ] go dude fbi tier but chromie we wouldn't have classic that is very true but that's not what we're raiding things on garona all right garona so she killed king lane but she was uh she was mind controlled for it she was dating medivh she is an orc though what do you guys think c or d i don't think corona is that hot to be honest with you like i've never seen like a hot orc before it's just probably not it's not really my thing let's see okay yeah i'm feeling this is gonna be a c2 now jaina this is the next one all right this is gonna be a very contentious one and i think that we should really talk about and we should really think this out before we just we we make a decision okay so with jaina it's a very interesting situation okay and here's why it's such an interesting situation the reason why jaina is so interesting is the fact that they have nerfed jaina like five times like jaina in warcraft 3 was hot as [ __ ] and ever since then like they actually had to like let me go ahead and show you guys what they did to jaina look at look at what blizzard is doing [Music] look what they did to our game can you believe this so you know what in my opinion jaina's jane is obviously a milf i'm not really that into milfs she is really hot though and i think we're going to put jaina especially in terms of all of the iterations we're going to put jane as an a i think jane has a solid a however i'm not going to give it any higher rating than that she's 36 on a milf how the [ __ ] do you know how old they are how do you even know that like i have no idea how this but so yeah i'd say it's yeah it's it's basically an a yeah there you go all right next lore yeah who the [ __ ] knows that all right lady liadrin lady lee i don't know guys hmm that's an s i don't really think she's an s man i i feel like this is this is a [ __ ] b this is a solid a tier guys come on is it really an a tier i think that she's probably yeah googler um it's blood elves i don't really know about googling or looking her up but i'm just saying in general i would go with uh i think this is definitely going to be a b googling the female characters of wow is very risky and i'm not sure if i want to do that on stream okay yeah she's she's going to go with the b i think we're going to put lady gaga as a b now lady vosh i feel like for some people lady vosh is an s and for other normal people lady vosh is like a c or a d okay okay yeah the thing is that you do have like i think queen ashara is way hotter than lady vosh look at lady bosh human form please it's too much work i thought she was an elf before we human form i thought she was a [ __ ] elf what do you mean human form even crazy so i think that lady vosh is definitely very very low quality i think lady vosh is not hot at all not in any way shape or form i think lady vosh is a hundred percent a d like not even remotely close i am not about it no [ __ ] way she is a d man i'm not about it all right my ev shadow song i think my ab is really hot i do i definitely think that the reason that i think that is because you get to see her without armor in the uh in like in jail right and also like think about the fact that ilden puts up with her if illidan is putting up with her at all to some degree she's got to be pretty hot right like he he put up with her no really he did like i would say yeah think about it right yeah she's got to be a freak think about because because she's sitting there putting people in jail all the time in full armor yeah there's got to be something wrong we're going to put this as an a not as much as gina but we're going to put my av as an a uh yeah i think this is an easy a guys this is an easy [ __ ] a white mane i i don't know why she didn't make the cut but uh we can just talk about that afterwards all right moyra thorson all right so this is another uh i think this is a situation where there are you know there's always been conversations in fantasy are there dwarf females and do dwarf females have beards okay and i think just based off of the fact that that conversation is even in the realm of possibility we're gonna have to put moira pretty far down there okay however dwarf females can be really thick and because of that we're going to give her a high c she is going to be the highest c this is going to be yeah this is a high c above garona abso [ __ ] lootly man absolutely higher than garona absolutely higher than grona not even close man wasn't she like the boss at the end of brd didn't you have to fight her as well with like uh the cesarean guy you did didn't you yeah you did okay so think about it like this this dude captured this girl and he held her down there in blackrock foundry for like eight years there's no way that she's not hot she's he's a dwarf as well yeah that is true let's go to the next one princess talanji [Music] i think this is gonna be another d tier yeah this is this is another d tier there's no rule 34 art of this at all and we're just gonna put this all the way in as a d tier yeah this is d tier absolutely 100 all right yeah not very interesting not a very interesting choice at all all right queen ashara so queen ashara in my opinion what is the aesthetic of korean ashara queen ashara is the it's the it's the fantasy of being like 19 years old and meeting like a 45 year old bored housewife that knows a million things that you'd never even have thought of that's the fantasy of queen ashara she's hot she has tentacles she's uh like she has like that attitude i don't know like how to explain the attitude she's like that arrogant kind of like cool like sexy attitude and on top of that she has big t yes she has big titties you know what i'm saying right so it all right basically there's this yeah the dummy mommy fantasy exactly so we're gonna put queen ashara i'm gonna be honest okay we're gonna put queen ashara as an s queen ashara 100 s tier you know it i know it everybody knows it yeah it looks the same as lady vosh no she doesn't no and it's also about attitude it's about personality okay personality does matter okay so nobody can think this is yeah this is there's a lady vash and queen of shark so anybody that thinks that thinks this is objectifying it's not because personality 100 [ __ ] matters okay sylvanas now this is a really hard decision okay sylvanas should be very high up there savannah should be a tear from aspie voice yeah sylvanas is asked here um she's a s without a doubt for the horde she's an s she's not even horde she's [ __ ] health i'm just thinking about it so she can summon chains out of nowhere like what would it be like if a banshee sucked your dick you think about that think about that she can fly that's true yeah she can fly as well actually like thinking about that yeah she can literally suck the soul out of you exactly i think yeah that that definitely is going to be uh that's going to be a big help all right we're going to put sylvanas in my opinion because here's the thing with sylvanas is that i think sylvanas would if you were if you were in a relationship with sylvanas every day you would not know what was going to happen because there would be some days where i bet she would just completely pop off and just like throw all your [ __ ] out the window yeah she's crazy like actually [ __ ] crazy so we're gonna put sylvanas as the hot we're gonna put sylvanas above jaina definitely but not necessarily into the s t or category okay guys she's a corpse well that doesn't i mean that's not a big deal right like i'm just saying like uh it just as it as a general rule as a rotting corpse don't have to you know just look at the deviant art stuff okay don't think about that it's disgusting all right theresa now therisa in my opinion is not hot at all therisa looks like those models that they have in those fashion shows that are like 98 pounds and you can clearly see like every bone on their body like they've been starving inside of like like a [ __ ] jail cell for three months before and they're only being fed uh you know like i don't know like crackers and water for three months so that they can walk down the aisle so in my opinion i think theresa is not that hot i'm going to put therisa as a b below hilaria i think this is what's fair this is what's this is okay this is this is completely completely fine skinny shaming the thing is though is that how can i shame her she's not even real number one do the men i would do the men of warcraft absolutely i have no problem with that it wouldn't bother me at all i think in a lot of cases men are more attractive than women it's i'm i'm just not attracted to them let's go to the next i'm not bisexual no i'm i'm not like i used to not even watch [ __ ] like straight porn i thought if there was a guy in the porn you would be gay if you watched it whenever i was like 11 okay so i don't want to hear about it anyway let's talk about taronda so tyrande is in my opinion a clear s i actually made a tweet about this the other day i said tyrande would have an only fence you know it i know it everybody knows it think about it like this she has to be really hot because illidan spent ten thousand years getting cucked and he still didn't he still didn't have enough he was still willing to go back for more 100 percent tyrande is an s 100 [ __ ] percent man it's not even close illidan tier three sub apps a [ __ ] looty dude she's hotter than sylvanas look look look i'll i'll sh i'll pull it up where's the cinematic um what's it called again come on are you guys all right all right she's oh yeah she's alive too which is a that's a bonus in itself look tyrande is definitely way hotter than sylvanas and it's not even [ __ ] close man it's not even [ __ ] close okay all right valera now i think this is not even this is not even a question this is genuinely not this is not even a [ __ ] question valera is 100 ester like i'll look it up i'm going to look these up on wowhead okay yeah she's getting an s tier 100 this is a new this is a new to have a tier above s no we don't need a t or above s but this is good enough so we're going to get valeera we're going to say valera is valeera hotter than it i think valerie is hotter than ashara like that's what i would say yeah i think she yeah definitely that's above us yeah i think yeah this is this is number one so far at least okay yes okay good she looks like sylvanas never she was alive yeah sylvanas was really hot too exactly all right verissa windrunner so this is like the uh like theresa windrunner is like one of those characters it's like green mario which is luigi literally nobody gives a [ __ ] about this character nobody cares it doesn't really matter i don't even know what she does like like who like yeah like why does this even matter no really let me see if i can look it up this just it's not no man like the thing is that i would say that this looks like the kind of girl that would that would get offended over every joke that you tell with your friends yeah every joke you tell with your friends this is the this is the one that you get that would get offended man apps are [ __ ] looty you know what i know it everybody [ __ ] knows it a karen yeah she's gonna ask to speak to the manager we're gonna put verissa i don't know about above or below therisa but definitely not as hot as the area somewhere like somewhere around here now url i think this is a uh this is a fairly fairly obvious decision here urel is probably one of the hottest ones in the entire game she is the only uh she's the only female drain eye in the entire storyline that has any sort of impact whatsoever and jorel like draenei females are the only reason like the draenei males look ridiculous they literally have dicks for beards but the draenei female they have horns so you can hold on to them while you're doing it from behind they have a tail so they can penetrate you if you're into that kind of stuff and they also have they have the hooves as well so they don't lose their balance i've thought about this a lot and i'm gonna say urel is number one this is definitely number one it's not even close no really am i wrong am i this is science yeah it's science url definitely number one true and real you know it i know it everybody knows it now with yasira hmm isir is really really hot so yasira is like for sure an s tier right like in my opinion i think she's like for sure asked here like def definitely asked here i think that so i don't know if she's hotter than alex strazza what do you guys think so hmm okay this is really really hard decision i think alex draws us hotter yeah alex draws us hotter okay yep definitely all right so we're going to put yasira right here maybe a little bit above tyrande what do you guys think about that it's okay good white mane i know that we don't have white mane on the list i think white mane would also be asked here let me see if i can find another tio list real quick okay okay world of warcraft shadow ends waifu tearless all right yeah it seems like yeah almost all of these are going to be s tier though like that's the problem it's like they're they're all going to be s tier because they all have fan art done of them yeah this is it's so like it like i don't know like this one like d this is going to be a this is davos 100 s drakka zero uh a and r is a high [ __ ] s freya's disgusting we're gonna put there's a d i don't even know what the hell this is open image new tab oh ellison yeah that's a d again uh helya is a [ __ ] c because she has huge titty actually b uh jaina on this picture is a [ __ ] ass 100 this is disgusting this one is really good that's an a vash is a d again this isn't undead that's going all the way at the bottom uh this is the uh what is this here this is just literally the covenant tab this is the covenant tab okay this is a d 100 this is a [ __ ] d and then there's a shara right there ashara is hotter whenever she has the tentacles i i really think so yeah i feel like many of these you've already gone through and i do think white mane is uh i think we're gonna put white man as an s tier as well white man is definitely an s tier absolutely yeah 100 white man's an esteer this one is not really as i feel like the one that we did is better because it shows like more of the more realistic models right rather than just like the over sexualized ones which it really makes it hard to judge based off of that because then it's like they would all be ester you know what i mean yeah so so i think this one like our list is much more fair and much more equitable okay mount off time yeah this is well this is the first mount off we're gonna do and now we're gonna do the other mount off in game [Music] okay [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 434,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold tier list, asmongold ranks, tier list, wow tier list, world of warcraft tier list, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, sylvanas, maiev shadowsong, tyrande, sylvanas vs tyrande, jaina, queen azshara, mmo tier list, female character, asmongold female character, female tier list, female, wow ranked, ranks, rates, female characters
Id: C6ZMqU-1t8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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