Asmongold Learns Everything About Warcraft Dragons | Platinum WoW

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i feel like everybody knows we're getting a dragon expansion next so let's watch this you can't get more fantasy than dragons and sometimes warcraft is a fantasy universe dragon dragons are some of the most powerful beings on azeroth who have an extremely in-depth lore that begins all the way back to the very foundation of the world how did these magnificent beasts come to be what is their purpose and what exactly are they doing in the modern day sit back and let's learn everything you need to know [Applause] story begins during the ordering of azeroth the titan keepers waged war with the untamed elements on the planet and banished them to their respective elemental planes got it but not all of the elements were imprisoned some of these rogue elements developed into the first ever proto-dragons what i didn't know that the majority of the elementals turned into how the [ __ ] does that happen what information we know about these ancient times comes from the novel dawn of the aspects and in this book there is easily the most horrifying and monstrous villains that has never really gotten the respect he did in game [Applause] that's the big boy the father of dragons was a monolithic beast that dwarfed the rest of his kind one day an unquenchable hunger dominated his body and he suddenly began to terrorize the other dragons yup he performed the unthinkable he started to cannibalize the other proto-dragons this had dramatic effects on his body and he began to develop mutations like growing limbs and eyes all over his now decaying body to put in perspective how big gallacron was his roar had the ability to cause devastating avalanches and his wings were so large that the other dragons would mistake it for thunder he was a big boy his breath also had the ability to raise slain proto-dragons into one death which were called the not living and their bite would infect other dragons who developed whites i never knew this yeah no no they're they're literally zombie dragons what the [ __ ] the titans holy [ __ ] the surviving proto-dragons teamed up to defeat this gargantuan beast okay these heroes included the titan keeper tear malygos nazdormu no therion yasera and alex strazza that's cool [Music] that's a oh he's dead well [ __ ] during one of the battles tears hand was bitten clean off by galacrum the titan keeper would later get a new silver hand as a replacement goddamn this glorious heroic battle would become legend for the people of azeroth and tyr's silver hand became the symbol for the knights of the silver hand paladins thousands and thousands and thousands of years later holy [ __ ] i never even knew that so wait a second so the main symbol for paladins is a symbol of them losing because that's the main thing that they have is like this is the one thing that they're so it's that they lost the guy lost his arm oh my god god paladins man what do you expect gallacron would later be defeated by the team of proto-dragons when malygos flew inside of gallicron's mouth with a giant boulder and freezed it in his throat then eltherion flew inside his mouth and blasted a zombie dragon down his throat to push the boulder in further why gallacron has little tiny proto-dragon arms they were just too small to perform cpr on himself and he choked to death and died wow kind of a crazy and strange death for the biggest dragon in warcraft that's so dumb that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard of my entire life oh my god that's so dumb what the [ __ ] rip bozo true oh my god what kind of writing is that i don't even know like you know who had a badass [ __ ] story was lee shin lee shin that they had to literally use a nuclear bomb to kill him because they had tried everything else and it didn't work the final recipe yes but keep in mind guys this is all part of the jailer's plan for the father of dragons can still be found in the frozen tundra of dragon blight but the funny thing is gallicron has a bunch of more screen time in hearthstone compared to world of warcraft this is so dumb maybe we'll see that change in a future expansion i think the problem is like you can never have a character like galakrond in the game and have it feel fulfilling because it's the same as like yogg saron not deathwing to a lesser extent and there's like other other games it's the same thing i said before like with a [ __ ] uh galactus like how can you have galactus in a movie and have it be in any way relatable because it's just like that this the cosmic scale of it is so high and it's like yeah even sargeras for another example too yeah you can't really have him in the story uh it's like uh like gallicron is obviously like the the lord of the rings has like that anacalgon the black which is like the largest uh uh dragon of like all time right it's basically the same general story and um i i feel like you can't really have a character like that in the story and have beating it feel fulfilling or the jail or jailor's not that big cosmic horror it's it's it's like i don't really know if it's cosmic horror or not i don't know make him like his own like a wandering isle maybe literally had a guy who killed half the universe with a snap yeah but like that was like a [ __ ] that was like a cheat code right he just had like he put in like you know a x you know three four w space bar enter and then you know what happened uh yeah bahamut's another one right it's like you can't really have like bahamut at full power because he was so big like the only time you really fight bahamut is like when he's like he's already dead you're fighting like is like his his like a spirit kind of displaying their awesome power the titan keepers were impressed by the five proto-dragons that defeated galakrond the raw power of the titans was infused into these five proto-dragons so that they could become the power ranger defenders of azeroth wow protect the planet from any future threats all of the keepers agreed to strengthen these proto dragons except for odin because he's kind of an [ __ ] [ __ ] them but they did it anyways eonar the titan of life empowered alex strazza and yasera to protect all living creatures girl power ganon the titan of magic empowered malygos to protect the powerful arcane that dwelled across azeroth amen thule high father of the pantheon empowered nazdormu to guard the very fabric of time and space damn and finally kazgeroth the titan sheep man you really messed up here man theory on the power of the earth you [ __ ] up whatever dwelled beneath oh is that actually a new version of death so that's what i wonder if this is like what deathly was supposed to look like before he got corrupted whatever lord of dirt yeah no wonder he got mad with their powers combined this council of beings called the aspects became the first ever fully fledged dragons to ever grace azeroth and now it's their mission to be the world's eternal defenders but like what do the dragons ever do well what are the dragons ever done that matter like it gives a [ __ ] a cute yeah i guess aq like that's the first thing i can think of aq yeah when the aspects were granted in the sky there was a rare celestial event called the embrace where azeroth's two moons embraced one another the only time a dragon can be transformed into an aspect is during this event which only happens every 430 years i hope that they um like wouldn't it be badass if like whenever the the patch like the dragon uh expansion comes out the new eclipse happens and uh wrathion becomes an aspect and it changes the entire skybox and lighting for everybody in the whole world wouldn't that be [ __ ] crazy [Music] next the keepers helped forge the dragons a sanctuary called wim rest temple this giant tower would serve as a meeting place for all of the dragon flights and be the heart i fell off that tower three times one of the many parts of draken culture is something called a visage day visage day is when a dragon comes to age and they perform a ceremony atop the wimrest temple to choose their humanoid form dragons have the ability to transform into any of the races on azeroth and it's typically done so that they can spy on the mortal races across the planet to make sure they aren't doing anything nefarious or they just do it for practical reasons that's not even really true like every time that there's a dragon that is in a human form most of the time it's a negative it's like onyxia deathwing like it's it's always bad like what what do you mean like it's alex rozza yeah that's true dragons knew how to transform these races because uh you know bronze dragon flight and the fairy yeah i'm nefarious stuff okay but here's the thing dragons are not just limited to humanoid forms they can turn into anything and i mean anything there's this there's this one fire in the dawn of the aspects book where alex raza just disguises herself as a giant-ass tree [Music] okay okay now let's go through each of these dragonflights in more detail that's so stupid that is so [ __ ] that's so dumb like i i i'm sorry i think that's so dumb no it's so stupid top tier writing some of the writing and wow and like the uh the the like the literary divide like these devices they use it just like they're so stupid like what the [ __ ] is this like yeah like why couldn't he just like make her like if she could transform can't she just make her boobs bigger like just do that like i don't turn into a tree who cares nobody wants to see her be a tree what the [ __ ] was this who thought of that [ __ ] i like to eat on stream because i was taking a piss i was holding my dick with one hand and i was eating my cake with the other ham why because i want to eat i don't eat on stream and talk about exactly what they do starting with the red dragon flight and the tree transforming queen of dragons herself alex strazza hilarious and the cycle of life is reborn anew the red dragonflight are the protectors of all life on azeroth this means that they're the ones who deal with any dangerous overwhelming threats on the planet they also restore devastated lands and protect ancient artifacts one of the special abilities they have i never did that though every time something bad happened the dragons didn't do nothing well in my opinion yeah arthas but they didn't do nothing to arthas it was that was sylvanas that god has asked remember deathwing yeah they played north rassel didn't it like man i guess there's some things but like when does this ever happen in the game when is there they burned undeads and rather roaching the blight all right all right all right all right they're not they're not that useless but like if the blight's so bad then why was jaina able to just do the ice [ __ ] you know what i mean their fiery breath can either bring horrible destruction or rejuvenating life we can see the healing effects of the fire first hand during the wrathgate cinematic where they scorched the alliance commander bolvar four dragon with their healing flames i mean doesn't bolvar look he'll just ignore that charring all over his body that seared his flesh beyond recognition look he's healed okay trust me to this day the red dragon flight and their dragon queen continue to watch over all life on azeroth and protect it from certain death before battle i always assure my forces that through the fire and the flames will carry on what time did she actually say that no way no way she really oh my god no it's so [ __ ] funny a pass but the dream is eternal the other dragons of life are called the green dragonflight who you don't see very often when exploring azeroth that's because this dragonflight mainly resides within the ethereal plane known as the emerald dream this plane of existence is one of flourishing life that represents the world of azeroth if it was never altered by intelligent beings one of the special abilities green dragons have is they got that melatonin dragon breath that has the ability to put their enemies to sleep yeah i remember that green dragons try to show his ignorance and pacify their enemies rather than kill them yep that being said in the dream the green dragonflight works alongside the druids to control the ebb and flow of nature and protect it from a horrifying presence the emerald nightmare xavius a sickening corruption called the emerald nightmare constantly festers throughout the dream this twisted dark magic alters life into a horrific mockery of itself and brings only madness and corruption i thought this was really cool i always did i thought this was badass and you know how like you use the shadow priest dagger and it makes that little tiny bit of corruption at the end of the area in uh the [ __ ] emerald nightmare that was so cool man i loved it the rift of alm yeah yeah origin of this dark power comes from the old gods and xavius the nightmare lord who orchestrates the spreading of corruption across the dream all of the guys the green dragons we see in game from classic wow to modern day have pretty much all been corrupted by the nightmare and even the aspect ysera was cursed by the nightmare and in legion she was put down by the player characters damn damn [Music] this was really cool it was so [ __ ] badass man holy [ __ ] it was the green dragon aspect would return in the shadow lanes expansion in the zone of art by the way they have made terrando way hotter like i just saw her in that cinematic i feel like tyrande might actually be the hottest female in the game right now i i really think i i really think so which is like the emerald dream but for dead creatures and she helps tron to fight sylvanas and stuff [Music] what are you roaring at [Laughter] i will teach you ignorant children just how little you know of magic the blue dragon dragonflight led by malygos is an enclave of dragons committed to protecting the use of magic on azeroth and making sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands malygos and his blue dragonflight went dormant for thousands and thousands of years after a major defeat i'll talk about later in this video during the war of the ancients and the dragon aspect was weakened depressed and a little bit insane but then again who isn't [Music] malagos would fully regain his power and sanity during the events told in the comic book series shadowing i just like you know what sucks man is it like like what a comic book [ __ ] series where's this [ __ ] in the game like you know what they should just do is they should just like do what they should do an expansion where they actually don't add anything into the game they just put the stuff that's in the books in the game just like a [ __ ] just go back add this into the game and then we can move forward because like i never knew why malygos was crazy i was like i don't know why is he mad like what's he mad for just tell him like stop like why why are we killing him like i mean he's got really good boots yeah but still why would i do this a collection of books with uh oh just some some wonderful artwork huh in this series taragosa one of the members of the blue dragonflight brings some netherdrakes to the blue dragonflight domain called the nexus in hopes of balancing the magical energies inside of them instead these nether dragons try and take over the nexus and then malygos eats all of them which then restores his sanity and his power after spending ten thousand years dormant well bro who writes this like who who writes this like what the [ __ ] this doesn't even make any sense like what why is this even happening it's like the story just it's so silly malygos realized that he really wasn't doing a good job of protecting the magic across azeroth the puny mortals on the planet had been abusing the power he was supposed to protect and had summoned the burning legion on azeroth multiple times and fractured the world in the process acted swiftly and started to divert all of the magic across azeroth's ley lines and suck them up into the nexus this violent siphoning of magic had dramatic effects on azeroth's world soul and caused irreparable damage furthermore the mages of dalaran noticed that their spells did not have the power they once had you see this was malygos's biggest mistake getting between a mage and their magic the kirin tor mages said they killed him goddamn scaly son of a [ __ ] and teleported their entire city from hillsborough foothills and into the air above crystal song forest and northrend wait war against whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's why they moved dollar in bro i thought it was a plot device i thought they were like uh yeah so why do we move dollar in uh yep that's right we moved it why'd you do it well it's over there now so here we go let's move on that was it i didn't know there was a whole story about this jesus came on hold and teamed up with the red bronze and green dragonflights and the horde and the alliance and started the nexus war okay while malygos may have had some valid criticisms about the mortals on azeroth destroying the world while trying to keep the magic away from them was no way to solve the problem and he was defeated within his domain called the eye of eternity that's right i uh i i beat him and uh whenever i was uh i raided a raidwood this whole thing i regular had the first kill on our server of malagos tin man and after we killed him i i quote accidentally linked my uh champion of the frozen ways title into trade chat and everybody was talking [ __ ] like they're like you you [ __ ] you're just trying to brag about this i'm like that's right i am i'm better than you and you're not even close to as good as me i'm a champion of frozen waste and you're a [ __ ] so there it is and i was talking match that's impressive yeah back in the day it was a long long [ __ ] time ago but uh yeah it was a good time then you woke up nah bro i got these i got the screenshots you go watch the video that was the same thing i was so happy about that man unthinkable the mortals will destroy everything my sister what have you i did what i had to brother you gave me no alternative but malcolm so ends the nexus war but malgos was right the humans were [ __ ] everything up like of course he was trying to take away their magic like what is that yeah malygos was right like they were summoning in the burning legion they had like the whole sundering thing like it was really bad like jesus this resolution pains me deeply but the destruction the monumental loss of life had to end regardless of malygos's research about the burning crusades i will mourn his loss i won't check out the sick new dragon mount i got cool dragonflight then had another aspect leader called calgos for a brief moment in time but now in the modern day the blue dragonflight's numbers have dwindled to such a low amount that the flight was abandoned altogether what the surviving dragons went their separate ways and are no longer unified wow [Music] i always thought the bronze dragon fight was the coolest one i really did i thought it was the coolest [ __ ] one man how it's like yeah it's so badass because like one thing like i usually hate time travel stuff i've said this many times like time travel cringe no not time travel again but like something about them i like the idea of the infinite dragonflight how they're trying to change history and like nasdormu is trying like even like the idea of um [ __ ] like the opposite like the uh the the evil version of naz dorman whatever the [ __ ] his name is i forgot even where it was and um it's like where he's trying to predict uh you know or stop the end of his life mirza yeah mars mars on there you go that's so [ __ ] cool to me i love it time is a tangled web try not to dwell on all the loose ends that's what steve should say every single time that we call out the retcon that's honestly what he should say like every single time that like they have a problem with like they get like oh but what but wait i thought art i thought arthas was uh time is a tangle web nope dormu the lord of time and the bronze dragonflight have the ability to travel through time to the past present and future their ultimate mission is to maintain the true timeline on azeroth what whatever that means generally the bronze dragonflight does not involve themselves in events on azeroth unless they are absolutely needed some examples include when nazdormu blessed nordrassil to give the kaldurai elves eternal life or when the bronze dragonflight played a role in the war of the shifting sands yeah they're so cool but but the bronze dragonflight's real enemy is the infinite dragonflight this is a flight of dragons corrupted by the old gods and are trying to manipulate the very fabric of time and space for their dark masters to be victorious i find that to be so stupid that is so stupid to me oh they're manipulated by the old gods why why not have it be where it's like in my mind i think what is like what is a way cooler story the way cooler story is the bronze dragon fight dragons that look forward into time to see their own death in the end of times and they're trying desperately to stop it and to like prevent it and alter the timeline where the bronze dragonflight has to stay the course and keep everything the way that it needs to be in the timeline you know what i mean like that's that's way [ __ ] cooler than like oh and also like it's like it's there's like an existential level of philosophy into it and it's really interesting but [ __ ] oh well there are oh well you got the uh well so there was the you know the tentacle boys right okay so you know how they corrupt stuff yeah okay yeah yeah you see yeah yeah you see where i'm going right yeah yeah yeah that's what they do yeah absolutely it's like what kind of garbage is that like it's just there's no um like timeline altering like obviously like bronze dragon fight what's like kind of like a vague parallel with bronze dragon fight is alexander in uh in final fantasy is that the alexander ending was really good because it had that existential level to it you see it i mean like it and the existential level is the most interesting thing about it like the rest of it is just boring it's made for a 12 year old demographic 20 years ever since exactly did you finish alexander yeah so like basically at the end of alexander uh there's a guy there's this girl mead or mid or whatever the [ __ ] her name is she was this emo girl and she was trying to find this guy who she was simping for and the guy got pulled into the void and then alexander was able to reunite them and then change them into a timeline way far back into the past to where they actually had a wife together and they ruled over their people and the book that you read that tells you about the information about alexander was actually written by them and like that was really cool because it's a completely closed circuit you see what i'm saying like that was badass how do you remember that what do you mean i did it also an infinite dragon pirate called time captain hook tales stupid this was added in shadow lands and i will not allow yeah the leader of the infinite dragonflight is a dragon named who's actually nazdormu from the future that's so cool since nasdormu can see everything past present and future is a future version of himself and he's trying to subvert his own death by destroying the true timeline and helping the old gods in the process that's so bad i see the infinite i will try and disrupt the timeline first hand in the caverns of time dungeons like escape from dern hold the black morass and the culling of stratholme yup we finally defeat muruzan in the end time dungeon which is a future version of azeroth that will exist if the old gods win this is also a good time to mention that nazdarmu and morozond are both voiced by martin sheen who is a famous actor from these films and he also has the most bro like the departed one of the best movies that's ever been made if you haven't seen the departed it came out i think in 2006 2005 probably one of the greatest movies ever made like you you have to see that movie the apocalypse now is also good but like i i just i love the departed over-the-top hilarious line delivery ever from rousson the powers of the hourglass do nothing to me the powers of the hourglass do nothing to me with help from the player characters muruzan is defeated you know not what you have done though what i have seen at last it has come to pass the moment of my demise the loop is closed my future self will cause no more harm still in time i will fall to madness how do we have a story that is so cool like that that is awesome that's so that's so cool because he knows it's going to happen there's nothing you can do about it right because it's like how can we have something that's so good and then at the same time oh so yeah mal goes uh there was these other dragons and uh what they throwed up and uh so mal goes had to uh if they were gonna take over so mal goes ate them and ah [ __ ] what happens then oh he becomes sane again but wait a minute i thought gala crime never he ate dragons it made him turn crazy and grow extra arms oh really time is a tangled web don't confuse yourself on the loose ends how who the [ __ ] writes this like who's deciding this like i i who's this oh but you know what you know what it is it's there's like 10 people deciding it and one person's a [ __ ] and one person's not this nonstorm request line is [ __ ] great i love it and you heroes will vanquish me that's so cool the cycle will repeat so it goes also in this future catastrophic end-time version of azeroth there is a dragon impaled on the wimmeras temple and yeah maybe we should talk about that guy huh there he is dude let's jump all the way back to when the dragons first got their powers you know while the other aspects got to enjoy being the protectors of life taking naps in the emerald dream controlling the flows of powerful magic and traveling through time and space you know what neltharion guardian of the earth had to do dirt boy sit in a cave [ __ ] bored as hell yep furthermore having the powers of an aspect was a gift but also a burden the force of azeroth's earth constantly weighed down on the therian he could feel every single stone press upon his body in the insurmountable pressure became overwhelming this weight was his burden to bear alone and ultimately he found it to be too much the earth water seeked relief from this immense suffering and that is when the whispers of the old gods are present deep within the earth i didn't know that invaded his very soul yeah i was the only gods that could free no therian from this burden and not only that he could also be granted powers beyond his imagination if he served them he could create a world where only his black dragonflight dominated azeroth why why did i do that the therion's schemes would not come to fruition until the events of the war of the ancients when the burning legion first invaded azeroth with an ancient artifact called the dragon soul that that is the eternal pancake this is the this is the device that destroyed deathwing this is the eternal pancake you have to watch out for this well therion convinced the other dragons to funnel a portion of their power into the disc so that it could be used as a powerful weapon against the demons that invaded azeroth but when it was time to actually use the disc against the demons yeah therion said [ __ ] you damn he used the dragon soul to blast demons night elves and dragons alive just killed everybody the blue dragonflight surrounded the crazed earthquarter palagos tried to reason with him but it was futile one of the blue dragons struck by the dragon soul was named sindragosa who was hit so hard by the blast she flew halfway across the world and landed in northrend where she would later be resurrected by the lich king and she's on the wrath of the lich king login screen and she's all like that's really [ __ ] cool god damn i didn't know that either oh my god that's badass holy [ __ ] yeah that's actually that is really really cool all the dragon flights left to ruin imagination retreated to his lair as his body began to crack from the overwhelming sheer power he now possessed magma and fire flowed from his chest and his eyes burned with flaming red [Music] his goblin and drogbar slaves here we go crafted him adamantium steel plates and bolted them to his body to stop him from splitting apart from the raw power he now possessed damn so it's like those belts that power lifters wear whenever they're gonna do like a really big bench press they just put a lot of those on deathwing that's basically the same thing right yeah i am deathwing the destroyer the end of all things inevitable i am the cataclysm [Music] see i read the deathwing book whenever i was in high school so whenever they announced cataclysm i was equally hyped for deathwing as i was for the lich king i know that might sound weird but i was actually equally as hyped for it because like deathwing was like so powerful in the books it was insane okay so for the rest of deathwing's lore i'm only going to be focusing on the essentials of his story because it's a lot okay so after deathwing's transformation the dragon soul was renamed into the demon soul oh and malfurion teleported into his lair and he stole it then illidan and azshara's army stole it from malfurion and they tried to use it to open up a portal for the burning legion within the depths of the well of eternity but then the spell was disrupted and reversed and the portal started to suck up all of the demons out of azeroth and the sundering began the world being split apart as this is happening the demon's soul is falling into the well of eternity but then suddenly nasdormu from the future appears and grabs the demon's soul that's the truth of the camera and he gives a cheeky wink and then he teleports out of existence the sundering is over and the world is split future nazdormu pops back into existence again and gives the four other aspects the demon soul and they put us why didn't he just go back in time and tell them not to put the power into the soul in the first place that probably seems easier to me then we just avoid this whole situation time is a tangled web okay okay that's fine actually to be honest it actually makes sense that like now that i'm thinking about it makes sense that he wouldn't have done that because they needed the demon soul the dragon soul to to kill deathwing later on so they would have needed to empower it because it was necessary to kill him later on in the future spell on it to prevent deathwing from using it in the earth under red ridge so yeah actually returns to his lair to find out his slaves has started an uprising sparked by a taran named holden high mountain so he leaves and takes a long nap instead of depot thousands of years pass and the dark portal is opened and the orcs are pouring into azeroth and the first war begins while shifting awakes from his slumber and disguises himself as a human noble and a blackrock orc and spies on both sides of the war and kind of just smarts both sides orcs won the first war and during the second war deathwing finds the demon soul turns out trying to make deathwing the aspect of the earth by putting it in the earth is not a good idea problem himself cannot control it because of the war the aspects place on the artifact so deathwing grants magic convenient visions to soul thread the wack chieftain of the dragonmaw orc clan bro wasn't he in warcraft 2 wasn't that guy in warcraft 2 bro i remember his name i really like about oh my dad got a dumbass [ __ ] name i remember him leads him to the demon soul these orcs then kill the red dragons protecting the artifact and claim it as their own orcish warlock necro skull crusher wields it no no you got mail deathwing sends nekros more magically convenient email dream visions on how to use the demon soul and the orcs use it to enslave alex strazza and her red dragonflight imprisoned the dragon queen within the abandoned dragon city called grim patol the dragon ball clan then used the red dragons as mounts to fight against the alliance and force alexstrasza to make more eggs in her imprisonment despite this the horde still loses the war and the majority of the orcs fled back into the dark portal and deathwing follows them strikes a deal with the orcs and offers them some black dragon children in exchange for safe passage into draenor they agree and deathwing flies to gorgron and has a secret lair with a bunch of black dragon eggs what the gran and the ogres living there did not like their territory being invaded especially the leader named gruel gruel teams up with khadgar turalyon and illyria who are also on draenor and they fight deathwing and gruel impales a bunch of black dragons on spikes around the zones granting him the title the dragon killer well then why'd we kill him that guy seems like he did us a favor why we kill him and gruel seems like he's not that bad we never heard his side of the story you know loot he does have that trinket is pretty good earthwing said [ __ ] this [ __ ] and flew back to azeroth where we got what do you mean deathwing like is so powerful like he can literally unmake the entire continent but he couldn't deal with gruel what the what what do you mean fight with mages from dalaran and thanked his own death by falling into the sea meanwhile back on draenor ner'zhul opened up a bunch of portals which led to the world being destroyed and turning into the outlands yeah the remaining black dragons were twisted by the magic and turned into nether drinks i had no [ __ ] idea about that i actually had literally no [ __ ] idea about that that is so badass imagine how much cooler the game would be if we knew this like that would be wouldn't that be crazy if we actually knew what happened in the game like that's nuts we did not i didn't know that like you'd never know this [ __ ] because like here's the thing is like they get you final fantasy the reason why why i remember the war in final fantasy is that final fantasy presents the war as a tweet and wow presents the lore as a twit longer like i'm not going to read a twit longer like you know it's like okay finally coming clean about this and there's a twit longer i click on it and i don't even read it i just scroll down and if it takes me more than two seconds to scroll all the way down i'm like ah you know i'm i'm happy for you we're sorry that happened whichever one you know like i just move on it's too much deathwing then infiltrated the alliance again as a noble name he was pretty sussy to the other nobles and the kirin tor mages and he didn't end up doing much the three remaining aspects malygos yasera and nazdormu helped free alex strazza from grim patol and with the help from a human mage named ronan he destroys the demons which grants all the other aspects full power once again and deathwing fled deep home into hiding again classical comes out and deathwing's children onyxia and nefarian are causing trouble in azeroth alexia disguises herself as katrina prestor and no one bats an eye that she is the same last name as that sassy guy that tried to infiltrate the alliance beforehand yeah i was about to say yeah wouldn't that be like uh it's kind of like a dead giveaway yeah i mean like you're right here in blackrock mountain where he's working on experiments to make a dragon flight that can really taste the rainbow and he's combining all the dragons together to make the chromatic dragon flight but both of them are defeated random side tangent here one of nefarian's creations was a five-headed dragon called chromatus now nefarian died before he could give this abomination life but later the twilight cultists empowered it in the book twilight of the aspects now chromatus only makes an appearance in this book and almost single-handedly kills the other aspects and is literally indestructible despite this chromatus is defeated but he doesn't die so he was thrown inside of an arcane prison so perhaps maybe in the future we will actually see him in game site there's a lot of parallels with this whole story with greek mythology whenever you really think about it right because you have like so so basically if you look at like the the dragon flight is the olympians and then you look at like kronos as galakrond and then obviously this character is like typhon think about it like yeah that that's actually like i never even knew about this at all holy [ __ ] tangent over onyxia and nefarian's mother and deathwing's baby mama is a black dragon also known as sinestra who hates deathwing and wants to make her own dragonflight she goes to outland steals some other dragon eggs and fights the grim patol and uses the shards from the demon soul that i guess were just left on the ground to create the twilight dragonflight but actually this again like that's the same like does the same plot device quick champion throw the eyes over the bridge throw the eyes so nobody can ever get them again nobody will ever see the eyes of the nidhogg again throw them off the edge like why deathwing planted this idea to make the twilight dragonflight in her mind because writing she is killed by her own experimental children and is later resurrected by deathwing and oh my god this plotline sucks thousands of nerds stand outside of game stores midnight december 7th 2010 and the cataclysm expansion drops i was there by the way i was there at the game stop waiting in line and it was so cold you know what happened and that that uh that one right there is so cody and jeff and my mom were sitting in the car and they put me up to it that i had to sit out there in the literal snow the freezing cold while all of the three of them sat in the car with the heater on talking about how much fun it was gonna be to fly around the nazaroth wait that's what happened i had to sit out there by myself and then listen to this guy that didn't even know the mounts from icc and he was trying to talk to me like please do not talk to me noob like you don't know anything well who are you deathwing has awoken once again he erupts out of the earth which tears a rift between azeroth and the elemental planes causing natural disasters all around the world the eastern kingdoms and calendar are revamped yadda yadda yeah yeah deathwing gets punched in the face by dwarf later in twilight highlands deathwing gets in an epic fight with alex strazza but it's also an in-game cinematic from over a decade ago so with no sound effects whatsoever so you get this awesome scene oh wow they're rolling down the hill in my opinion like deathwing like alex strazzer would not there would not even be a fight in my mind like deathwing was so ridiculously [ __ ] powerful it would not even be a chance like there would be like no like she'd just lose in a second oh wow that's so epic alexstrasza loses the battle but deathwing is wounded and flies away later in the expansion aspect to regroup halaghos is now the blue dragonflight aspect and thralls in place of the urban aspect they decide that if they are ever going to defeat deathwing they are going to need to obtain the dragon soul in its purest form before they do that they go to the future to deal with muruzon like i mentioned earlier in a video in this hypothetical future deathwing became so powerful his body started ripping apart at the seams and since the world was fully dominated by the old gods he was no longer useful to them so they mind controlled him and forced him to impale himself on top of the wimrest temple which god damn that is badass okay now that was cool that that that is actually cool i never knew why he was there that's badass yeah it's metal true yeah exactly that's the kind of stuff i want to see that's [ __ ] cool like what's so weird about this dragon story is like half of the points in a story are [ __ ] st or badass story points and the other half of the points are like uh yes so he made him mad so we ate him and then so we put a uh we put a uh a an acorn in his mouth and he died because he couldn't breathe okay all right yeah got it mirrors on killed now we can travel back in time to the war of the ancients grab the demon slash dragon soul and then travel back to the present time and start the dragon soul raid the last raid in the cataclysm expansion okay so the actual dragon soul raid gets ragged on a lot by the player basically yes it does meh gameplay-wise but there is absolutely no denying that deathwing's death at the end of this raid is the coolest death of any villain ever in the warcraft universe so the dragon soul is empowered by the aspects and then thrall shoots a giant laser beam at deathwing and then you get to go on an airship and parachute onto deathwing's back and then you rip apart the plates holding him together golden like i'm thinking about it right it's like gold that i guess like overall it's like so if you think of like the aesthetic of it i agree but like the gameplay just wasn't really super good like what i was what i imagined the deathwing fight to be is chasing deathwing over a giant plane with everybody either riding on the aspects or people in like tanks like the flame leviathan and like trying to shoot him down and like this massive thing and then finally the heroic only phase happens and you're in like this wreath flame area and it's just you and deathwing's human form and you finally kill him there right like that's what i was hoping would happen that would have been way cooler but like the thing is it's like bismarck and final fantasy 14. yeah it's like large-scale fights are always almost always garbage like really they're they're almost always garbage like how many good large-scale fights do we have in in wow or again final fantasy i haven't done all of them yet so yeah like how much are they like the uh jaina yeah that's not really it look let's see all the war ragnaros aq40 uh crosses not really like it's just yeah they just never really get it then throw shoots another target laser beam makes a giant hole in his chest and he falls into the maelstrom a swirling vortex where he originally birthed from and the same place where he first betrayed his friends and as this giant dragon is clinging on for dear life fire and magma spewing all over his broken you slowly help push him down and then finally deathwing is defeated by thrall shooting another giant [ __ ] laser brain it was pretty cool with deathwing defeated the aspects had fulfilled their purpose of defending azeroth and the powers granted to them by the two what do you mean they offend their purpose like i never understood this i i nev i never got it at all like wait a second but what about all of the other problems in the like their purpose like wouldn't it made more sense so like they're relinquishing their powers because they are um uh it's like they're too dangerous their purpose has been to see it with mortal eyes but they're not even mortals oh my god oh my god man what is this man titans was fully expended after the cataclysm it was now the age of mortals it was up to the people of azeroth to defend the planet but this does not mean that the aspects are powerless but they are mortal now and are not nearly as powerful as they once were even after the cataclysm expansion we still see them involved in azeroth's conflicts like when they empowered the heart of azeroth in battle for azeroth wow as for the black dragonflight there is an extremely small amount left on azeroth still alive and there's an even smaller amount that isn't corrupted by the old gods on the black prince those two guys black dragons who's trying to restore his flight's name it's of course there are some smaller details i brushed over but maybe we can talk about those in another video and no way we are not done you know these dragon spawn guys i want to know the lore behind them none literally none this is all that's on their wow pedia page and they became this way from hanging out with dragons and what the [ __ ] what what what do you mean like this is not the news it's not the news or a moment this is before the newsroom was in a this is a medicine moment that's a medicinal like yeah so uh yeah so there's four some of that four legs yep that's right well how'd they get like that i don't know hanging out with dragons or some [ __ ] right i mean like imagine like what would happen you hang out with a bunch of dragons all the time like maybe you turn into a dragon too huh yeah you know that's what it is and i'm like yeah it's true okay that's fine yep sure what the hell does that even mean you also got the draconid who are half man half dragons who are empowered by the flights they serve but also they became this way just from hanging out with dragons again what i thought i always assumed the draconids were like weird um they were like weird creations of nefarian because like you know you go into the in the [ __ ] bwl right and he has like all these experiments and [ __ ] like chromagus et cetera like i thought they were an experiment of like crossbreeding dragons with humans but no they were just hanging out with dragons oh well [ __ ] that's totally different what does that even mean you got dragon men these are humans meshed with dragon spawn stone drakes these are actually elementals and not dragons storm dragons these are storm dragons i don't need to make sense and you have storm drakes which these are another type of dragon that lives in stormheim that just also exists and barely relate to anything i've talked about for the last 30 minutes okay that's everything you need to know about dragons [Music] oh my god oh my god is you kidding me holy [ __ ] like i'm gonna say one thing real quick one mother this video was a w video this is a this is a capital w video holy [ __ ] this video is so good like i know why people would want me to watch this for so [ __ ] long it's because it's a good video god damn this is a good thing absolutely every video on god truth yeah this is amazing i love it like uh it's just like everything about this was like really really well put together and like i'm i i like platinum wow deserves more recognition he's got 200 000 subs though which is which is good especially for like a while content creator especially nowadays you know but like this is a uh this is a great thing i'm super [ __ ] happy to see this stormdrakes uh from odin because didn't he give the because he didn't get the aspects his power i don't know like i really i'm not sure right but like this is just so cool like i i love the video i think it's just so well done let's read a few of the comments okay guys we'll uh we'll see what people have to say and uh what their opinions are of this uh the story itself but like isn't that weird though how like half of the story for the dragons is like so cool and then the other half of the story for the dragons is like so not cool it's like dumb once the dragon expansion hits people to take notes they'll probably retroactively change every aspect of the dragons in the lore galacron eats his own kind against mutations malygos eats his own kind and regains his sanity see that's exactly what i [ __ ] said how do that work how do that work nobody knows the problem is they have different writers shouldn't they like talk to them or be like hey so this is like what we're thinking about doing so i just try to keep it in like on like the same playing field right like that's about it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,054,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold platinum wow reaction, asmongold platinum, asmongold platinum wow, wow dragons, dragons wow, dragon expansion wow, wow expansion, wow next expansion, asmongold platinum reaction, asmongold reacts to everything you need to know about dragons, asmongold reacts to platinum wow
Id: NE3Ujw_Gx6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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