Asmongold Ranks All WoW Cinematic Trailers | Tier List (Best/Worst)

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ranking all the cinematics so the bfa cinematic i would say the bfa cinematic is uh it's probably like a it's like an a or a b i would say it's probably like no it's a b it's a b here's why because as an alliance player how do you think that it makes me feel whenever my king starts crying you know what i mean like that that's basically where we're at here uh my king this is the guy that we're supposed to have in charge and he starts crying are you kidding me this is what i have to do no yeah [ __ ] right i don't want to deal with that all now cataclysm the cataclysm cinematic was really cool i liked it a lot personally um i i don't think it was really amazing it was probably like a i think it was also a b cataclysm cinematic was probably also a beat the reason for that is that like they did they made like a lot of story about deathwing etc but i think it was like probably a b somewhere around there now the burning crusade cinematic i don't think it was that good i actually think the burning crusade cinematic was a c i i think the bc cinematic was a c i i don't think it was really that great i wasn't a fan of it and uh it was like it was not like you were not prepared yeah that's cool but like it was i don't know it just didn't really seem like super exciting to me or anything it was like okay cool this is you know it is what it is um like if you compare like the storytelling and like how much better here's a way to look at it like all of these cinematic let's be honest okay let's just be honest all these cinematics are s cinematics okay like every single one is a [ __ ] s like every cinematic is [ __ ] amazing that blizzard is done it's every single one is really really [ __ ] good so let's go back to where we're at this is a b and this is a b and this is a c now the bfa cinematic the only good thing about the cinematic was varian and the worst thing about this cinematic was sylvanas because they could have made her way hotter like she could have been way hotter than what she originally was but i do think that it was a good cinematic i liked how varian fell in the water and he was fighting the legion on the broken shore with sylvanas it was pretty she could have had way bigger boobs you could have made her thighs bigger you could have had her just wearing less clothes it could have been way better but you know blizzard decided to go with you know the whole [ __ ] sjw route and just make her look like a real woman and you know what do you think i'm playing a fantasy game for okay like look at varian barry's got this like massive [ __ ] hair the dude's got like a a 50 inch chest he's like this massive [ __ ] warrior but oh heaven forbid you give a girl d cups and then the world's gonna explode give me a [ __ ] break the legion cinematics in a them yeah it's an a let's go to the next one yeah he's got a 10-inch yeah exactly all right mr pandaria look well i know you might not like this this might not make you happy you might not be like oh wow this is so good i'm so happy here but here's why i didn't like it because it wasn't wow like i think the cinematic like objectively was good the cinematic was fine right it's like a b or an a cinematic yeah but this is not wow this is [ __ ] this is disney this is some [ __ ] disney ass [ __ ] like i i saw that cinematic i'm like what the [ __ ] is this like what do you mean like i don't want to see that dog [ __ ] no [ __ ] way i didn't like it at all so yeah i feel like i wasn't a big fan of the miss and pandaria cinematic um i like how they there are some positives about it okay they introduce the pandas they introduce i think this cinematic does something that's different than many of the other cinematics where it actually introduces the characters uh like kind of motives and introduces like what you're going to think about the characters what kind of characters they are and because of that i do actually really think the mists of misa pandaria cinematic was good it's just that it wasn't that good does that make sense it wasn't wow and i i think that objectively it was good but in the context of it being a wow cinematic it was not good does that make sense do you guys see what i'm saying here uh you got guys picking up what i'm putting down i actually just can't take it so serious like the other ones well maybe i don't want it maybe i want to take it serious all right so the original warcraft cinematic so i really like the original warcraft cinematic i'm a big fan of it here's why i like it a lot is because it introduces the characters and the players are the focus and because of that i think the players being the focus and showing the different things that you can be in the game that is [ __ ] amazing i i really think that it's awesome and because it has that different type of focus instead of like on different characters or whatever but it has it just on the players uh the bc one is like kind of the same thing but i just didn't really think it was as good and it was also the same thing as the vanilla one i'm gonna put the vanilla one as an a yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna put the uh the vanilla one as an a now war words of draenor it is in my opinion one of the greatest cinematics blizzard has ever made i absolutely loved it i remember watching it and then i watched it with my mom and then we watched it again this is one of the most incredible cinematics that i've seen in a long time and i would say overall it's probably one of the best ones that blizzard has ever made i love this cinematic everything about it makes makes sense the story is it makes sense the call back to warcraft 3 is [ __ ] amazing this is absolutely an s t or c play it i will play it i actually i'm not gonna play all of them but i will play this one because it's so [ __ ] good words of drain are cinematic 30 million views this is the best one they've ever made maybe i only the only reason why the wrath of the witch king one could be better is because of the story behind it objectively i think this is probably the best one starts off the thumping thunders of war 20 years ago in draenor the [ __ ] scene it shows tannen jungle with the [ __ ] peak right where manorah drank the blood or sorry grom drank the blood of man rock 35 [ __ ] years ago first thing you [ __ ] see big dick grom hellstream in his goddamn crime and then you see garrosh in the back but you don't know it's him yet and then you see the biggest most conniving cock-sucking piece of [ __ ] should i do this or not garrosh told them what was gonna happen though must we give in return this scene dude everything and he knew because garrosh told him pours that [ __ ] [ __ ] out he's like no golden like the conniving little [ __ ] whimpering [ __ ] steps out of the scene and garage told him he'd beat this [ __ ] so he turns around he looks at him he says you know what let's do it again look at that this giant [ __ ] and he knew this [ __ ] was gonna happen he planned for it and they just start dropping bombs on this [ __ ] manoras the most powerful [ __ ] pit lord in the whole world in the whole burning legion so they need a lot for that garrosh came and helped them make the iron stars they tie that into the siege of orgrimmar look at that oh it's so [ __ ] good i've destroyed that and it's like how strong was he really as much of a badass as we thought he was yep yes he was and this right here is in my opinion the best scene in any [ __ ] cinematic lift that [ __ ] up there right here and it's not even close and it is not even close and this is the original warcraft these cinematic where rom dies but garrosh saves him that time it's the exact same thing manorak's dead ass right there and this dude you thought garrosh was just some big dumb blue face it was pushes that [ __ ] that rusty ass [ __ ] throws his father's legendary sword or his axe to him and there it is we will never be slaves but we will be conquerors and then you see them [ __ ] rebuilding the dark portal again rebuilding that [ __ ] again but doing it on their own terms doing it the way that they wanted it to be the way the orcs meant it to be this is by far the best cinematic they've ever made it's [ __ ] incredible and like whenever you saw this you knew what was gonna [ __ ] happen and it was impending you [ __ ] knew it it was so good like it's not even remotely close this is the best cinematic they've ever made it's an s by the way now wrath wrath is wrath or which king is better rather which king is only people think that it's better and i can i can understand this right people think that rather lich king is better because it has arthas in it okay it has arthas in it and it is [ __ ] incredible let's be honest this is absolutely [ __ ] incredible everything about it looks really good like i will show you we can look at it we'll watch it we'll watch it since we already watched the one these are the two these are the two best ones i think right i'll i'll just pull this one up too so one of the big things about this rather king cinematic that a lot of people don't remember is that this [ __ ] came out like over 10 years ago and the graphics still hold up today and the reason why that matters is like the illidan cinematic was kind of janky but back then like this was like what like [ __ ] 13 years ago this cinematic for its time was incredible look at this off right where warcraft 3 left off the day you were born the very forests of lordaeron whispered the name arthas [ __ ] lies [Music] and like that the parallel of like king taranis telling arthas about being king and he is thinking just not the king that king tyrannus thought he would be and you knew this was coming this is another thing is you knew this was coming ever since wow came out you knew that the lich king it was gonna happen this was the biggest baddest [ __ ] in the entire warcraft universe for most people and there he is it's time my child i watched with pride as you [ __ ] solar weapon of righteousness right here this is the best [ __ ] scene dude look at that remember with wisdom and strength and i know you will show restraint when exercising your great power [Music] opening this [ __ ] he just unleashes the [ __ ] gigantic [ __ ] frost one oh it's so good [Music] just gets up he knows what's gonna happen badasses never look at explosions you never knew this [ __ ] was coming man look at that gigantic [ __ ] dragon i don't think anybody expected this [ __ ] to happen either yeah it was central so look at that and this was just [ __ ] amazing i remember zach called me on the phone on my little [ __ ] flip phone the day this cinematic came out man oh my god look i tell you this for when my days have come to an end there is you shall be king [Music] absolutely [ __ ] like emotionless killing machine i think that like a lot of people that didn't play the game back then didn't play warcraft 3 wouldn't really understand like the the significance of this because ever since warcraft 3 like at the beginning of warcraft 3 arthas was the main character basically in the story like this is the prince and the entire story is basically centered around him and world of warcraft comes out and this is in 2004 and there's no lich king there's a lot of talk of the lich king there's max ramos but there's no witch king and then burning crusade comes out and illidan is the boss and burning crusade and everybody thinks of themselves oh [ __ ] what comes after illidan everybody knew this was coming every single part like in words draenor nobody really knew worlds or draenor was coming nobody could predict that but wrath of the lich king did something that was really really good it's that whenever you know something is coming and it even makes you more hyped for it than you originally were you know it's coming and you still want it to come and they and they [ __ ] deliver like the fight itself was awesome everything about wrath literature was [ __ ] awesome like i i loved it man and it delivered yes it absolutely did [ __ ] deliver right shadow ends now uh yeah so this is obviously yes i think wad and and wrath are like pretty much even uh it depends on really like how you want to you know figure it and how you want to decide it but i think that they're basically about this it depends on kind of how how you feel and i think that it's just so much that's the thing is like there's so much story and so much so much going on with like the wrath of the witch king cinematic that it's very hard to rate it properly because of the impact that it has on the war like you have to understand that rather lich king came out in 2008 i believe and like uh warcraft 3 and arthas that [ __ ] came out in like 2000 and like 2001. so by the time the lich king came out this was like a 10-year buildup of of this story like it was a 10-year [ __ ] build-up why do you like legion so much uh the legion cinematic i thought it was really well done i just i felt like it was really really well done uh that's basically it 1998 was it really i guess that the frozen throne is whenever really arthas became the lich king but he was a death knight i think in in artist one or not [ __ ] uh warcraft one warcraft three yeah warcraft three sorry i'm like getting myself confused here shadow ants um shadowlands uh i think i don't think i can scroll down uh i don't think i can scroll down far enough to find a place to put the shadow and cinematic at like i actually i've rewatched every single wow cinematic except for the [ __ ] shadow and cinematic like i have never i i am so [ __ ] sick the only good thing they did but the the only good thing they did with the shadowland cinematic right i will say this is this right here because right here everybody thought that sylvanas was going to take the crown and become the lich king like everybody [ __ ] knew this was like they were like oh this is it it's gonna happen because everybody had thought this was gonna happen for like [ __ ] years and then the moment that it finally [ __ ] that you think it's gonna happen is a prison and you think she's gonna [ __ ] put it on she puts it in front of her why she's gonna put on the crown she looks at it you think it's gonna happen this is the best part of the cinematic right there you thought she's gonna put it on and she tears it in half and like nobody [ __ ] expected this nobody had any [ __ ] idea this was gonna happen and there it is yeah that was [ __ ] awesome and it's like some parallel world [ __ ] and i will set us all free yeah that that was the coolest part about it everything else was [ __ ] stupid obviously but but this was [ __ ] awesome like that part of it was really really good because it's the subversion it's subverting expectations like that i i think is is really awesome and uh especially to do that and have it be a success right and um watch the whole thing no i'm not going to watch that trash like this cinematic was [ __ ] garbage like you can't build up the lich king as being like one of those like most powerful [ __ ] entities in the entire world and then have one of the faction leaders that had a hard time killing an old orc you know it beat the lich king with no challenge okay like it's just [ __ ] stupid it was just absolutely [ __ ] stupid like i'm sorry but it's just not it it made no sense like they could they could make sense of it in the uh in the game right and they could have made sensitive sylvanas but i really think that they did a terrible job with this in my opinion i think they could have had the exact same thing happen with bolvar beating her beating him because bolvar is big dumb and slow that's what the lich king is he's a big dumb slow idiot with a big mace he's not fast he's not clever he's just big dumb and slow and she could have out maneuvered him you know jumped on top of him and grabbed the head she could have even died in the process and then gone into the shadow lines after she destroyed the helmet like there are tons of other ways that they could have done the cinematic to not make the witch king look like a total [ __ ] [ __ ] like they could have done this in many different ways but they chose not to uh i'm [ __ ] annoyed he's a warrior no he's not he's a [ __ ] death knight i'm pretty sure this is i'm pretty sure the lich king's a death knight all right like i would say it's uh pretty goddamn obvious that vulvar is a [ __ ] no he's not he's really not though i mean like bolvar is actually i don't know bolvar kind of is a [ __ ] because like you compare bolvar because like bolvar fought he fought arthas and that didn't go over too well like arthas literally one shot him so i can't remember that arthas literally one-shot bolvar it was it was pretty sad like look i'll show you look yeah he did no he did watch what where is it i'm just gonna move ahead this is the first in-game cinematic he did watch watch what happens yeah he got his ass big everybody thought this guy was like the most badass [ __ ] the humans had like this guy was like basically he he was like he's like he's the king basically the king of stormwind for like five years ten years this is also the uh like it's funny to see the uh look at that the the look of oh my god and like you can see the pixels in it man this is like if they had made an animated version of like lord of the rings in the 60s or something like that yeah it's like way way way back in the day [Music] and so this was the first in-game cinematic they ever had arthas had shadowmoon arthas was also the lich king okay and then you had like sarfang's son you know uh drainage surfing and this is a real bad ass too he's a huge badass i see you have like the board and the alliance both coming in wondering if you show up i couldn't let the alliance at all and you have the tenant of alliance between the alliance like everybody was like oh [ __ ] dude we're gonna beat the lich king's ass dude there's no way arthas doesn't stand a [ __ ] chance and the entire army is sitting there this is how much of a badass arthas was of your people demands justice from four look at this dude and i called that [ __ ] out and then he came out and then he came out you speak of justice of cowardice i will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear and so this is like the two the two biggest badasses in like the alliance and the horde one hit one hit literally one [ __ ] hit that's it you think about it right sylvanas look think about how long it took sylvanas to deal with uh what's his name you know uh sarfang without using like that magic [ __ ] it took her a little bit of time lich king boom get him out of here and that was a sarfang in his prime like it was in his prime hey for all the lives you've stolen traitor boldly stated but there is nothing you can oh yeah wait he didn't kill bolvar that's right i thought he did now it makes sense why why he couldn't control vulvar i mean this dude got killed by by a debuff i mean that's actually kind of that's kind of sad yeah he got got killed by a diva no oh this is the hour of the forsaken i told you guys this before like i actually thought they were going to add in like a third faction with this i was like this is cool because like warcraft 3 had four factions i was like oh [ __ ] is this gonna happen and this [ __ ] word of the ring [ __ ] where like the dragons come in they're like we're gonna save you bullfar and they [ __ ] set them on fire you guys literally just set his ass on fire dude burned everything away i think the music like this part was really really good and just like everybody died i think like the coolest thing about this is like you were just doing quests in in the [ __ ] and dragon butt right and like you had no idea this [ __ ] was coming out like they didn't really like tell you ahead of time this was gonna happen or anything like you just turned into quest and like this [ __ ] just popped up it was the coolest [ __ ] [ __ ] man it really was like i was so i was so excited i was dude i got like [ __ ] chills watching that [ __ ] man i remember it was like the second day of wrath and i went and i watched that [ __ ] it was so [ __ ] good the original battle for the undercity yeah exactly uh yeah since the wrathgate was sylvanas's fault and savannah's beat bolvar twice i told you that dude was a [ __ ] like i i it's like but he's supposed to be the lich king though that's the thing is he's still supposed to be the lich king and i don't know i actually i thought that for some reason he uh he killed uh what do you call it yeah it's like look this is like the most you know [ __ ] sarfang sun you know the most badass [ __ ] warrior of the horde goes up right against the lich king this is what i thought was gonna happen to sylvanas boom the [ __ ] out of here the [ __ ] out on top of this [ __ ] the the [ __ ] out of here oh what what what do you think you're trying to do like what is this dude and uh yeah frostmourne op yeah i guess it is but um i didn't expect it to be uh to be that op right and uh even arthas i ran like little [ __ ] in the debuff yeah but he didn't die from it yeah exactly i mean excuses they're giving you just the jail or his power right yeah sure i mean it's an excuse i don't know i was still [ __ ] annoyed by it okay i'm always going to be like [ __ ] eternally triggered by this and it's just going to annoy the [ __ ] out of me uh yeah that's basically it it's frostmourne bolvar does not yeah yeah sure but that's not the only [ __ ] difference all right [ __ ] you talking about yeah it's like frostborn made yeah arthas a lot powerful more powerful right but so did becoming the lich king okay how do you know that becoming the lich king made him more powerful i can show you why uh that see bolvar couldn't do that whenever he wasn't the lich king he always able to do that after he's the lich king because the lich king gives you special powers because you're the [ __ ] lich king but i think this is clearly like the cinnamon rat the shadow and cinematic i think is worse than miss japan actually you know what i'm gonna make the the miss bandario cinematic as c because i think the only thing that deserves to have the lowest rating is the [ __ ] shadowland one the the shadowlands one is so bad that it promotes the mr pandaria one that's basically how i feel about it alex transit versus hanzo's better fight in the shadow and twice from nuts from hots yeah anything would be okay i i just but when savannah's alive arthas one shot her yeah of course arthas one shot her because arthas is a badass and sylvanas is just like a random [ __ ] elf like yeah if sylvanas was an elf arthas said get the [ __ ] out of here like i have time for this [ __ ] like yeah of course um yeah no no [ __ ] [ __ ] and a ranger general listen to the lich king they're all just elves okay so he's a goddamn lich king let's see where's the community rankings i'll see what the people say yeah it's about right wait why they why they make bfa and a why they put bfa as an a who did who did that i i don't know man like i'm not a fan of that at all that's that's ridiculous yeah bfa is an a yeah [ __ ] right uh it's horde players i mean it's like yeah i guess so i don't know as an alliance player it was just [ __ ] embarrassing uh yeah all the rest of this was dumb i'll take a look at legion was a c like give me a [ __ ] break the legion cinematic wasn't amazing but like i can't like they're so stupid to vote the wad cinematic as a b like that right there just completely invalidates their opinion like my opinion of the entire [ __ ] thing man like let's be real she's not normal she's a [ __ ] banshee queen basically a witch queen a banshee queen versus like the lich king is like the difference between the president of the united states and uh the queen of an anthill okay like that's the difference so i i don't want to hear any of that stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] it's not i don't want to hear any of that at all the lich king should have won it shouldn't have even been close and that would have been it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 291,266
Rating: 4.7711959 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold tier list, asmongold ranks, asmongold rates, tier list, wow tier list, world of warcraft tier list, shadowlands cinematic, wow cinematic, wow trailer, wow best, wow best trailer, wow best cinematic, wow worst, asmongold trailer, asmongold shadowlands, shadowlands trailer, wow cinematic trailer, world of warcraft cinematic, world of warcraft trailer
Id: 34r5NNiZ7BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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