Asmongold Ranks ALL World of Warcraft Bosses | Tier List

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this right here is my list my tier list of all of the wow villains number one you have a villain that would be forgettable except for the fact that he drops a mount this is alec here the uh commander of the wind now i didn't even really know why al aqir was against us i had no idea why i still don't really [ __ ] know why maybe because like him and uh ragnaros was boys and like ragnaros was like deathwing is actually the he's the real deal you know and so you said all right fine [ __ ] yeah the boss fight was [ __ ] badass like the alec here boss fight was badass but the war behind him was garbage so we're going to put alec here as a bee all right so we've got the next one uh we've got ursula uh [ __ ] lady ashvane she's a a very uh very beautiful woman uh of course very healthy doesn't matter uh you know if she turns into a fish or not or or how how big she is or anything like that here's the fact with her is that i don't like her i don't know i just i never liked her as a character i really can't explain why maybe yeah it's fat phobia maybe that's what it is but the thing is like some of the other cultiran that are female are actually thick like they're hot but like this one not not so much this was the worst part of the kul tiras storyline was her and uh we're gonna go on to number uh number three here which is actually not only see not only is ishara a good villain like you know it i know it everybody knows it but she also turned her into something somehow even uglier than what she was in the first place ashara is a great villain she's [ __ ] hot she basically made a pact with an old god and she's like so arrogant that she thought that she could you know [ __ ] pull one over on an old god this is an easy s plus villain ashara is an amazing villain she's like basically in a lot of ways like a female denathrius and also the boss fight was pretty cool except for on mythic because you had to actually take a college-level phd class to be able to figure out how the [ __ ] to do it but besides that it was definitely an s to your boss you know it i know it everybody knows it so next boss right here yeah this is the sarian this is the last boss inside of uh he's got iron foe right there that's the mace it never drops i never really got that excited about the dark iron dwarfs a lot of people like it like he's cool uh he obviously like kidnapped or convinced the dwarven prince uh princess to go with them and i would say like this is probably a bt or villain uh he [ __ ] magny's daughter yeah yeah i mean that's that's kind of low man that's some [ __ ] up [ __ ] so we're gonna put him down here we're gonna give him a b now the next thing we got to look at here this is another villain uh it's g hoon now this is the kmart version of an old god you know you go to the flea market and you see uh you want to buy a an action figure of thor and it's obviously a gi joe that just got painted with like a watercolor and it's got some red on it instead of the instead of the green well this is basically g'huun i feel like g'huun is a stupid [ __ ] idea like number one it's a dumb [ __ ] idea that like oh they made their own old god to experiment on it like get the [ __ ] out of here but they couldn't control it like shut the [ __ ] up that's the dumbest idea i've ever heard because the only reason like the titans could have just gotten rid of them the only reason that ahman thul didn't get rid of all the other titans the same like you know what he did with the assassin right the [ __ ] titan that uh or the old god that like uh [ __ ] garrosh ate his heart he just he went in there he plucked that [ __ ] out of azeroth and he threw him in the garbage and that that's the way that's the way he deals with an old god as he ripped that [ __ ] right the [ __ ] out gahoon is not only i thought was a dumb boss he looks cool like that's one thing i can give him he looks cool the fight for gahoon was [ __ ] annoying like people quit raiding not because it was too hard but because it was too hard to make yourself care [ __ ] that boss and he didn't even drop any good loot he dropped the same [ __ ] that everybody else did like you spend [ __ ] 18 minutes going through some synchronized swimming location and you know not location rotation and what do you get out of it a [ __ ] 385 piece of [ __ ] that you don't need g'huun gets a c there are some d there are some d villains right this is a double d villain but there are some like massive [ __ ] d villains and i'm not going to give him a d so let's go to the next one the next one right here is malganus now in my opinion mal'ganis is [ __ ] awesome mal'ganis is probably one of the more interesting dreadlords i'm going to say mount i think malganus is an a t or villain right like does he really hit that s tier i don't think that he hits the s tier but he is easily [ __ ] easily an eight-year villain you know what i know what everybody knows it right arthas's nemesis arthas chased this [ __ ] all the way to northrend to kill him and he did he arthas did kill his ass so yeah i would say that what ray was he in uh he was in a five-man dungeon in uh caverns of time he's a legendary villain yeah he's legendary now the next one here is uh xavius now xavius i always thought was a cool villain he [ __ ] made malfurion number one but then you go and you see xavius at the end of the um where is it look at it he ain't got no legs look at it he he doesn't have any legs like what the [ __ ] is this man i felt like the idea of the emerald nightmare it just didn't really hit it was such a cool idea it just it wasn't it wasn't there i would put xavius as like down here as a bt or villain it was not amazing it was not crazy he's definitely better than alec here i'll tell you that for sure but he's not an at your villain and he's certainly [ __ ] not an s tier villain okay let's be honest now the next one here is c'thun now c'thun is in my opinion the old gods are great [ __ ] villains i love the old gods as villains i feel like c'thun is probably the best one i i like c'thun as villain the most and the reason why i like c'thun the villain is the most is because he's not like he's not crazy like the way that like you know like the [ __ ] you will die like that [ __ ] your heart will explode like it just and especially like back then whenever the game came out like nobody was used to that kind of [ __ ] right it was like what the [ __ ] like this never happened and i really think that it was cool and c'thun i would say is an a to your villain i don't think that he is an s to your villain i don't think so at all but i would say easily he is an eight-year villain and it was the first old god fight as well so there's this uh this this guy next lord stormsong so here's the problem with me being able to rate lord stormsong it would have required me to have read the quests everybody says d sounds good to me let's put them in d okay next what do we got here we have kel'thuzad now kel'thuzad is i feel like kel'thuzad is a he's a great villain and kel'thuzad is at the point now where they brought him back for shadowlands and you guys got to understand like kel'thuzad they brought this dude back three times because he used to be a human he was in the kirin tor and then he decided to say never mind i'm gonna be a necromancer he died so that's number one he died there and then they brought him back he's a lich and then he's a lich and knack's 40 and we kill him there and guess what we didn't destroy the phylactery so guess who comes back at level 80. it's the [ __ ] witch again kel'thuzad and then finally we kill on the level 80 we destroy the phylactery we make it down to the shadow lands and guess who was in the shadow lands it's kel the [ __ ] zod like you just can't get rid of this guy he's like a he's a cockroach of the warcraft lord you can't stop him you can't get rid of doesn't matter what you do it's like voldemort yeah exactly he's got a million horcruxes it's like at this point if kel'thuzad comes back in the next expansion no one's gonna care like everybody's just gonna think it's funny it's like blizzard thinks up some [ __ ] convoluted like he had a backup phylactery that was back in azeroth and like uh his soul went back like yeah whatever right like nobody would even give a [ __ ] if they brought back kel'thuzad again and they probably will just for the memes yeah kel'thuzad's an s to your villain right he's a bottom tier s-tier villain but he is an s-tier villain because of how ridiculous he is mr bigglesworth too he's got a soft side true all right next guy blackhand now blackhand in my opinion is [ __ ] awesome i i love blackhand i don't think he's an s i actually don't think he's an s like he's not very complex he's just a big badass [ __ ] orc he's just a [ __ ] badass orc like that's it it's not that like you have to be some kind of super powerful being to be an s just badass no need for conviction you're right and that's what makes him a great eight-year villain i think black hand would go right maybe probably i don't think he's not better than c'thun i would put black hand as an a black hand is an easy [ __ ] a villain now let's go ahead we're gonna look at the next one yeah and also the fight for blackhand like the fight for blackhand was so [ __ ] good man it was amazing so next thing we have is edwin van cleef edwin van cleef is one of the only characters in the world of warcraft lore that there is actually any ambiguity as to whether he's really wrong or not and the fact is that like he's introduced so early in the game and there's a lot of reasons why like you know maybe he wasn't totally wrong about everything and i think that having a character like that is really [ __ ] good van cleef is not a villain and that's why he's an s t or villain that's the whole exact [ __ ] reason obviously he he's an s-tier villain like this is a great because there are a lot of ways you can get to being an s-t or villain right you can be the joker you can be dio you can be thanos uh you can be sauron right all of these are completely different [ __ ] characters with completely different motivations and completely different personalities and just the way they act is totally different right and all of those can get you to s tier if it's good enough so van cleef is definitely s tier even though he's totally different than ashara yeah vancleef is over c'thun yeah because c'thun is a one-dimensional character he's really cool he's super interesting he's an old god and everything like that but you don't sit around and think about c'thun like oh man like this is an interesting character it's not an interesting character it's just it's just an old god next one here illidan now illidan as a villain well we know he wasn't actually a villain so it's the same thing illidan was obviously asked here like you guys have no idea what it was like back in vanilla wow back in the days whenever illidan showed up on the [ __ ] screen because everybody knew everybody [ __ ] knew that we had to go to outland they knew that [ __ ] was coming because it was wrapping up everything that happened in warcraft three and who was the main guy who was in charge of outland [ __ ] illidan and so the moment that he hit that screen everybody went [ __ ] wild obviously illidan is an s tier villain i think that illidan is as good as ashara like illidan probably is better than ashara but maybe not it depends on what you like illidan is definitely he's has like the iconic voice lines the fight is awesome he's a complex character he ends up being on our side later on mike illidan is [ __ ] bad ass ildon is amazing i love illidan all right speaking of uh let's let's let's change things around here we got car gath blade fist now yes somehow cargath blade fist who uh got [ __ ] over by orcs or sorry by ogres his whole time uh at some point in the story decided to be a gladiator for them how the [ __ ] did that happen i don't know but it sure didn't make a lot of sense to me cargath was a shitty [ __ ] fight and it was one of the most badass iconic original horde leaders they put him in the first boss of highmaul are you [ __ ] kidding me the disrespect the disrespect of that that's a this is a d and he's going to be below all these other [ __ ] bosses because at least you didn't you didn't get let down with lady ashvane you were just happy that she was off the screen with cargath you were hoping that something good was going to happen and something bad did happen instead medivh as a villain i don't really think that medivh really is a villain we've never fought medivh i would not really even say medivh is a villain at all i i don't think he's a villain like he got possessed by sargeras like i mean that's like where do you even put that like i'll put that as a c i feel like that's a c level story like who gives a [ __ ] all right and speaking of getting [ __ ] emceed by sargeras we have the big dick himself sargeras now sargeras is uh basically you know morgoth of azeroth he is the main evil it's his burning the burning crusade that was his idea okay so sargeras uh the mad titan crazy corrupted evil sargeras is [ __ ] amazing and yeah he's not evil they they changed that right because he originally was evil he's not necessarily evil he is just destroying all the planets because he's a uh you know he doesn't want to have the void wards basically uh uh possess a titan soul i think sargeras is an s to your villain i think that he is either above or below ashara but i think that he is below illidan because there just hasn't been enough personification to really put sargeras above ashara like or sorry above illidan like there's no no shot like maybe in the future but not now all right next thing sylvanas now the thing is that by the time that sylvanas actually became a villain she was d tier whenever she was a uh you know a more interesting character she was an ester sylvanas was one of the best characters in the story there's a reason all these girls on twitter [ __ ] you know have quotes from sylvanas in their care in their their [ __ ] twitter bios right and they're simping for her even though she's obviously [ __ ] wrong the fact is that savannah's used to be really really cool but now sylvanas is the worst villain that we've ever [ __ ] had sylvanas is terrible is the worst thing that we have ever [ __ ] had so yeah we've got putress next now putress if you guys don't know was the guy that bombed like no it's a joke man it's a joke right where she belongs it's a joke because again like it was worse than car gath like we had some expectations for car gath but for sylvanas we had 15 years of expectations so putress i always thought was kind of weird because like whenever i originally saw this i thought that putress was like he was the guy in charge of the revolt but then i heard that like sylvanas like it was some kind of [ __ ] inside job i felt like i was watching an alex jones video and it just confused the [ __ ] out of me it was a retcon yeah that [ __ ] was [ __ ] stupid so i'm gonna put putress like honestly putress doesn't really seem like it's that exciting uh if he just gets retconned and it was actually sylvanas sylvanas's idea all along so the next villain the next one obviously is actually uh like i don't know where to put garrosh because how can the one true warchief of the horde be a villain the greatest warchief the horde has ever had how could he possibly be a villain it doesn't make any sense like how does that make what the [ __ ] right garrosh unironically did nothing wrong uh until he got he until he ate he ate the heart of yasiraj the old god and then it [ __ ] possessed him so it's like that's the same i said with arthas arthas and garrosh did nothing wrong garrosh is in my opinion i like garrosh more than illidan personally i think garrosh is way more interesting than illidan because the story of garrosh is way more interesting because it actually the way that he is perceived in the story changes throughout the the political development of the story of the game because if you had garrosh in warcraft 2 garrosh would be the greatest war chief the horde has ever had and i think that's the most interesting thing right he is a man born in the wrong century and i thought that was cool and he's also one of the he's an original character he's not from warcraft 3 or some [ __ ] [ __ ] he was a completely original character and also like you know he was so sad he thought he was a loser in burning crusade because he thought grom you know was a piece of [ __ ] and then he turns out that grom [ __ ] saved the horde and then you know then he becomes a war chief yeah he was awesome man so yeah garrosh one of my favorites now white mane i feel like this is uh this is again this is going to be going into the double d tier like i i i don't like where do you put some where do you put white mane like i feel like it's just it's such a like it's not that exciting of a character well it is but the story isn't exciting and so like what the [ __ ] is the point you know what i mean like like i i feel like the the whole idea of the scarvet crusade and everything i think that's kind of cool but i mean she's just really a religious zealot like how high can you rate a religious zealot i i feel like we'll put her probably we'll put her right here i think i think right here is fair uh she's beats here yeah but she's hot i know that but that's not what we're rating them as okay i've done a waifu tier list and wow before i'm sure i'll do another one all right next one is uh yogg saron now i love yogg saron because he's [ __ ] insane yogg-saron is absolutely [ __ ] insane he is crazy he's a wild animal he's an [ __ ] he's corrupting everybody he's ruining everything and he doesn't care he thinks that [ __ ] is funny man and so like yogg saron like which is the better old god yogg saron or c'thun it's hard to say i kind of like the personality the personality of c'thun is a lot more uh menacing in a way but yogg-saron is just a wild [ __ ] animal and i would say yogg-saron is above kuth it's above c'thun explains a lot of politics when garrosh is being raided that high well not really because garrosh isn't real i don't know if you know that he's not real yeah so like whenever he drops a bomb somewhere like nobody actually dies yeah no one dies it actually it's not that big of a deal so just keep that in mind let's go to the next one nefarian what the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] cares about nefarian like i would say nefarian is like he's like he's like right here i would say like maybe he's right here you know what nefario he's so iconic we're gonna we're gonna put him at the bottom of that we're gonna put him at the bottom of the a tier okay because nefarian did have a role in classic and he was like involved in multiple things he was like masterminding [ __ ] and like that was cool like for sure he was cool and also he had a cool fight like he did it the nefarian fight was badass and yeah he had some really good loot too you're right about that absolutely so he controls all black rock man yeah of course he does uh absolutely nefarian part two had that funny raiders quote well there's a lot of things that nefarian had that were cool and all i'm really trying to get at is the nefarian now that i think about it was like kind of a little bit more of a complex character but not that much more okay wasn't it he borrowed the whole kidnapped dragon eggs i think so but i'm not sure now we have malygos in my opinion malygos is a uh it's a very boring character mal goes like why why are y'all saying hey like why should mal goes be an a tear [ __ ] boss but everything bad that happened with malygos happened off screen he's not better than nefarian even slightly if you read books he's great what happens if you don't if you don't you put him as a [ __ ] c i read the i read the day of the dragon book okay i was really excited whenever uh yeah he's above go he's worse than no he's not he's not worse than g'huun okay like don't say that fights four bloke that was the coolest thing to happen and wow up to that point are you [ __ ] kidding me man but you really think that was the coolest thing that ever happened in a while whatever i would never kill jaden came out of the [ __ ] uh the sun well man well like he says surprise [ __ ] it's me i'm here like that's not even remotely close and then also uh that dragon got turned into falmouth that [ __ ] was badass too and then also illidan like remember illidan that [ __ ] was cool and then what about whenever kale those rose up into the air and shattered the [ __ ] windows and then threw everybody up in the air turned off gravity like you're really gonna tell me that malagos like malygos was cool like don't get me wrong it was [ __ ] cool but there were a lot of other cool things in the game too all right you remember i remember yeah i remember i remember back you remember that oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah mal goes lame fight yeah i thought it was okay all right let's look at this one here so we got this guy right here zul'jin zuljen's a great fight zuljin is the example of a character that um yeah i think he's he's a great character like he got his arm cut off zuladrin basically is a character that loses every single thing like there has never been a time that zul'jin won by all zul'jin does is lose he lost his [ __ ] arm he lost his eye he lost his bear mounts and then he lost his instance only to get brought back to lose another [ __ ] bear mount and he also lost his original loot which blizzard gms won't [ __ ] restore i'm gonna give zuljin an a to your boss level actually i think b is like either low b or sorry high b or low a it's one or the other uh actually it wasn't m in the remake oh yeah you're right about that yeah it was that other [ __ ] yeah never mind yeah i say low a high b like somewhere around there that's what i think is fair let's go to the next one who the [ __ ] is this the five-man boss who gives a [ __ ] gorak tol yeah that's that's him he's the last boss in waycrest manor he was cool in a way but like why have we not like i thought see this is like this is what i was expecting in shadowhands i actually thought that we were gonna go to their [ __ ] homeland in the patch before xerath mortis like the patch before we we would go to the there would be like patch 9.2 the blighted lands patch 9.3 warcraft in game and we kill uh we kill uh [ __ ] uh the jailer so like i was disappointed so like in a way i i don't know if i really can i can be a fan of that he was scrapped yeah it's disappointing because i thought the whole throws and and everything like that was cool but it just is just another piece of [ __ ] it's just another piece of [ __ ] man that's all there is to it was never fleshed out as a character no it never was uh the whole which thing in dress fire was cool yeah he was cool i don't know maybe i'll put him like right here yeah he doesn't deserve to be a d like the dress far quest line was like yeah he's not a d but he is a c best opportunity tier yeah yeah exactly now archimonde you know what i think about archimonde i think archimonde out of the three uh you know you've got valen you've got [ __ ] kil'jaeden and you've got archimonde why is everybody rate archimonde so high you don't even know anything about him he's just an [ __ ] like there's no there's no personality it's like kil'jaeden is a thousand [ __ ] times better than archimonde like he's a he's just he's basically the bouncer of the draenei and then he he turned against the his boys that's what it was attacking the world tree though yeah but he's the trio nah the thing is they're confusing him with kj yeah kil'jaeden is [ __ ] awesome archimonde is not archimonde is like archimonde is like right he's like right here okay i can't put him any lower because of so much nostalgia right i mean we've had we've been killing archimonde ever since [ __ ] bro we've been killing offering we've been killing arkham ever since warcraft 3. so we killed this guy so many times so like i get like i can't put him any lower but like archimonde is just such a such a boring character he's a lower than zul'jin yeah because at least there's some [ __ ] intention with zul'jin some personality behind it some uh you know like what do you want to really call it uh you know motives with archimonde he's just gray and mad that says he destroyed dalaran dude yeah that was cool yeah no the thing is like he's cool he's badass but how far does badass get you because i think blackhand is way cooler than archimonde so he's definitely not there nefarian is definitely cooler than archimonde because you actually get to interface and talk to and interact with nefarian like archimonde is just a bad guy that's it he's just a big bad guy nefarian who the [ __ ] is nefarian cloud strife 12 well guess what were you 12 [ __ ] years old you're asking who the [ __ ] nefarian is grow up what's the next boss vera mathras oh my god oh my god this boss imagine this okay imagine you're part of a 10 000 year plan you get found out and you get used as a [ __ ] bdsm sex toy for some weird women that have six arms well actually that doesn't sound that bad to be honest but like what i'm like i mean he got they [ __ ] his [ __ ] up like let's be honest they completely [ __ ] his [ __ ] up so i feel like vera mathews is it's a c t or villain it's a low low it's an l to your villain yeah he's a walking out yeah after he had to serve savannah's view yeah this guy's a [ __ ] he's a professional simp man exactly think about it let's go look at the next one elisande ellison was awesome i loved elisande as a villain again she had a lot of the uh she had a lot of the qualities that ashara had now she's not ashar right because she doesn't have tentacles let's be honest but she's still really really [ __ ] good i would say that elisande is depends on where you what your opinion is but i think she's either below or above the old gods i think it's either one or the other that's what i think is fair and the fight was really interesting how you could go back in time like the fight was [ __ ] cool if you heroically through the middle you would [ __ ] die i remember that really clearly one expansion boss though just kind of thrown in there though but it wasn't really just thrown in there because like you had more lore about elisande than you probably had about malganas whenever you really think about it there was so there was like more cinematics that she was in there was more [ __ ] that happened to the archimonde ellison yes bro absolutely now let's go ahead and look at the next one kazakh what do you mean kazakh what the [ __ ] did he do like he just shows up like says for the burning legion and then he dies like who cares yeah he got he got soloed by one paladin well we're just gonna we're gonna put him down in d all right he's not as bad as some of these but we're gonna put him down there in d all right what's this here next one stitches stitches who the [ __ ] added stitches what all right we're gonna put stitches as a it's a low b because at least it was cool because you were helping the guy what the [ __ ] was his name it's not abercrombie the [ __ ] uh necromancer and you were helping him the whole long a whole time around and then somehow this guy comes in yeah he was scary and duskwood no he wasn't just walk around him man you see him on the road get off the road i never been killed by stitches you just walk around him uh the next one kill jaden in my opinion i think kil'jaeden is [ __ ] awesome i love kil'jaeden i love the way he looks i love his motivations i love his relationship that he has with valen i love the last cinematic that he was in kil'jaeden is [ __ ] awesome i feel like kil'jaeden is an s tier boss he was so [ __ ] badass the fight was really [ __ ] cool he took you to argus everything about it was cool i loved kil'jaeden man i like his regret as well yeah well it wasn't really regret i think it was relief at the very end because he thought that they would never beat sargeras and then valen like my mike in my head like what happened was that valen granted him a vision of the future that showed him that uh sargeras would lose that's what i thought that's what i thought would have what it was now i don't know that if that's true but like that's my opinion i would put him about actually right here yeah i would put them about right here now let's go to the next one open image arugal or rugal who gives a [ __ ] about all rugal he's a boss in the 20 level 20 dungeon so basically our rugel summoned the way the worgen came into azeroth is basically this guy was opening doors from other dimensions and somehow the worgen just came through the door so not only did this guy [ __ ] uh get a bunch of people killed but she was the first [ __ ] thing that introduced furries into this game you're going to a d this is a d that's a d boss uh uh that is a d [ __ ] boss enabling furries in my game what's the next one baron rivendare hmm he's really cool baron rivendera is really [ __ ] cool but there's not really much of a story to him at all i feel like baron rivendare is about right here like there's not much of a story at all the baron riven there he's just there he's got a mount if he didn't have a like if if baron rivender did not drop a mound who the [ __ ] would give a [ __ ] nobody nobody would care dude it wouldn't matter so let's go to the next one now this is one of my favorite [ __ ] villains man i love cho'gall i think cho'gall is [ __ ] bad ass and he's not that complex of a villain he's really not but i just think the two-headed ogre making a deal with the devil like all that kind of crazy [ __ ] i'm gonna put shogal all the way up here i love cho'gall choke on these nuts that no [ __ ] like shut up like he's such a good boss like cho'gall was awesome why was he cool because he looks cool and he was like an ogre mage like i thought that here's the thing like in warcraft 2 ogres were on the horde side i thought that ogre mages were the coolest thing in the game i thought they were just so [ __ ] cool like they were badass with the two heads that argue with each other and [ __ ] i love that man absolutely yeah ogre is still not a race yeah because they haven't been bad they haven't been the ogre should be in the horde the horde should get ogres absolutely i thought that would release him as a playable race i think they will soon yeah uh he was not an idiot like the other ogres yeah exactly because like that's the thing is like a lot of the other ogres were [ __ ] they basically uh like this i'm not even kidding like in the lore all the smart ogres died i'm pretty sure in high mall so the only ogres that are left after high mall were the dumb ones like that that's straight up yeah he overthrew yeah he over i forgot all about that he overthrew the emperor from from hymo yeah that was [ __ ] badass so yeah i would definitely say that too yeah cho'gall is an a t or villain i love cho'gall all right that's my point that i'm getting at that's what i'm trying to say we never went to the ogre homeland stupid [ __ ] wad man like wad could have been the best expansion we ever had and instead it wasn't so deathwing deathwing is the best force of nature boss with no motivation really whatsoever that we've ever had he's just a pure force of nature like he's possessed by nazareth yeah but like uh who gives a [ __ ] the the problem with uh with deathwing is that what the [ __ ] did deathwing ever do he's just a dragon that flew around i feel like deathwing is the same like he's just i would put deathwing like right like right here i would not put i would probably put him right here yeah i think this is fair uh deathwing is just there's not really much about him there's no story there's nothing about deathwing at all like it's just he's just he's are you high no i read the book i read the book there's no story no but what i'm s y'all are completely missing what i'm saying i didn't say there's all right what i really mean to say is that in cataclysm all of the time that we are interacting with deathwing there is never any interfacing with deathwing you don't talk to him you don't really say anything to him you don't do anything like i read the word the dragons book whenever i was 14 [ __ ] years old so i don't remember a lot of it to be honest but i know that deathwing has a story but the fact is that in the game he is a one-dimensional force of nice nature boss which is really cool however that's about all i can say yeah that that's about it now maybe he doesn't want to talk to you geez well it's just it's boring boss all right next thing ragnaros i love ragnaros ragnaros basically uh the dwarves dug too deep and uh no they summoned ragnaros i think they summoned ragnaros what a mistake that was that was a that was a [ __ ] mistake wasn't it so i i like ragnaros like he's again it's a force literally a force of nature in this case it's a force of nature boss he's great and then like you fight him again in firelands they pull them out and they kill them it was really cool man it was really really [ __ ] cool so yeah i'm gonna put ragnaros up here as an eight-year boss absolutely what do you all think do y'all think that's fair i think that's fair let's see the next one garona uh like it's not again it's like not even really a villain like wasn't she just getting mind controlled didn't she just get [ __ ] mind controlled that's what i thought happened like like they took control of her body and like made her kill uh king lane she was yeah like that's that's not interesting at all to me like that's [ __ ] boring not a villain at all yeah like i would say garona as like an antagonist is like a c-level antagonist it's not really that cool now we also have you know i talked about dio one of the best villains what is the warcraft version of dio [ __ ] gold dan goldan there are no redeeming qualities about gul'dan gold dan does not have a pet cat gold dan does not care about anybody gold dan does not even really even care about himself gul'dan is just pure [ __ ] evil that and that's it that's that's all he is just a pure [ __ ] evil and because of that i think he's a good he's a good boss i i would put golden all the way up here as an s to your boss and i would maybe even put him above uh kil'jaeden and sargeras it like it may be up here chaos yes straight up chaotic evil this is such a good fight he's he's comically bad yeah he's he's comically [ __ ] bad man he only cares about gaining more power yeah exactly uh he is great man the worst mortal yeah uh goldan is amazing i i love dan i think that ashara is probably more interesting but gul'dan is definitely uh definitely really [ __ ] cool all right so yeah next one here is hakkar hakar summoned by the trolls again in retrospect probably not a good decision probably thinking back on it maybe they should not have done that a car is in my opinion not super interesting i would put a car right next to alec here a little bit above alec here because there's a little bit more story to it but not that much yeah it's not that [ __ ] much all right next one is helya helya number one odin did her dirty like of course she's [ __ ] mad of course she's [ __ ] mad odin did her dirty and then on top of that like at the very end then finally she goes up against the primus and the primus just disenchanter all this for nothing but i thought some crazy [ __ ] was gonna happen with like helya and there was gonna be like more to it but no he just says get the [ __ ] out of here i'm tired of you hell he is dead i don't know really if she's dead or not but she's not around too much the fight and trial was kind of bonkers bro i i thought mythic helio was a good fight uh the thing with mythicalia that was like mythicalio is a good fight if you like scripted fights mythic helia is like a mythic helia is like a final fantasy 14 fight it's like a final fantasy 14 ultimate and if you actually think that the ultimates were harder than mythicalia you are [ __ ] crazy mythicalia was ridiculous whenever it came out like absolutely disgustingly hard so the fact is that helya was like it was yeah it was a final fantasy ultimate fight it was super scripted it was the same pretty much every single time and it was just really really hard so i'm gonna put helya uh like maybe right here like yeah i'm gonna put her right there yeah what do y'all think below white mane uh no i don't think so howie is more interesting than white man white man's not that interesting she's just hot okay next one here they really put hogger on the list huh they really had to hit us up with hogger they had to give us hogger all right look we're gonna put we'll put hogger and s tier okay yeah he's your first you never forget your first boss right yeah there you go hoggers yeah hoggers and esteer we're gonna go the terror of elwynn forest okay yeah most memorable boss by by far to be fair probably more people have killed hogger than any of the other ones on this list so you know take that for what it's worth next one kale fuss kale those is i think kale those is badass i've always really liked kale thoughts and i also i even liked them kind of in shadowhands i didn't think they i don't feel like they did them dirty in shadow ends it was good so i would say kale those is um the only thing that in my opinion like is he an s tier villain i feel like kale those is an ester villain like really he is like kalethos is an s to your villain like he would be higher but arthas literally cut them like he was trying to get with jaina and jaina wanted to talk to arthas instead and so that that kind of you know kind of keeps him down the list used to be s now he's an f tier yeah like that [ __ ] with the matches terrace was weird you're right about that like i'm just gonna pretend like that one didn't happen okay that was so [ __ ] dumb uh yeah he's he's the where's waldo boss that that's that's kel'thuzad well actually they're both kt so yeah i don't i don't know how that [ __ ] happened but all right next one magtheridon magtheradon is look you have two pit lords like all the other ones like [ __ ] casrogall like which one was a it was a netherron i forgot no that was the dreadlord um like mac theradon and uh manorath are the two main pit lords okay asgore yeah there you go and brutalists i guess you've got brutalists too manna roth is clearly better than magtheridon if bro if illidan had gone up against meg there or sorry against manorath bro like he would not have been the last ball he had been the first boss of bc okay like that would not have happened yeah this is this is manorath at home mctheradon i mean like look he just he got beat by an elf man he got well i guess like i mean the thing is like manoroth got beat by an orc so like it's not really that much better i mean i can't really say but like it's hard to say yeah next to corona yeah um i would say i would put manorath as like a b villain i would put manorath i put him right i put him right here yeah as a b villain and now of course we have the other pit lord mag sorry i meant we just did make their own manoroth okay man roth the biggest big dick pit lord there was he offered the orcs the blood uh his blood to basically control them and all kinds of other crazy [ __ ] the father of your yeah bro manoroth is [ __ ] awesome like i i think manor off is up here with like the old gods he is bad he's like super strong he's really powerful he's just awesome man yeah he's just [ __ ] awesome so yeah obviously you've got that now obviously as well we have the lich king i think everybody kind of knows if my dad knows who the lich king is okay the lich king is like the most iconic character of all world warcraft like of the entire warcraft franchise the lich king is the most iconic character and he is one of the coolest stories arthas by the way did nothing wrong he looks cool everything about him was [ __ ] badass okay i love the lich king you know like that that's all there is to it yeah the lich king is great so everybody knows who the lich king is next i can't believe this guy is even on the list do you remember that stupid guy uh that uh you killed before you killed g'huun does anybody remember him mythrax yes same who gives a [ __ ] about mythrax all right next n'zoth i think he's a cut below the other ones like he's a cup below the other one he definitely is i don't think he's an eight-year i definitely don't think he's an s to your boss by a villain i i don't think so like he's walmart cthulhu yeah that's basically it it just it was like the fight is [ __ ] annoying uh everything about everything about n'zoth is [ __ ] annoying we got to see the full power of an old god unleashed and the only thing he could manage to do was take over some zone in cataclysm give me a [ __ ] break like this was supposed to be like the [ __ ] uh the end of days and yeah he and he got one in pandaria too he got the [ __ ] pandaria one that that that area was already [ __ ] up by garrosh to begin with we're going to give him his i'm going to put him down here i feel like n'zoth was like not that interesting i feel like he's like right here he's he's a bt or villain not that exciting not that cool it is what it is right let's see here the next one we have of course onyxia onyxia again is like it's one of those [ __ ] characters in the lore that is just so iconic i feel like this is a yeah we i you we are in agreement here this is an a tier i think right here i would put an xia as an a to your high eight to your boss now the next one zul i actually kind of liked zul yeah the prophet zul like i kind of like yeah like i'm not saying like he was great but i think he's just a solid like he fits into the b-tier uh characters in terms of like just a random war character or something like that yeah zul was probably somewhere around uh he's probably about like right here that that's where i would put zul all right next we're gonna have the big dick lee shin lee shin was an amazing boss fight the story like what's so crazy about lee shin is lesion they invented lesion in one patch one patch and then out of [ __ ] nowhere he enslaved pandaria yeah like this guy came out of [ __ ] literally nowhere and the story for him was so badass that people still think he should be a nest here and guess what i [ __ ] agree like they had to use a nuclear bomb on lee shin because he was such a [ __ ] badass and the version that you get of lee shin that you fight against is some like weak ass [ __ ] undead version of lee shin that's not even remotely close to his full power so i would say lee shin is absolutely an s to your boss like 100 [ __ ] percent lee shin is awesome one patch chad yeah one patch and he's an s tier that is crazy the next one who the [ __ ] is this who the [ __ ] is this oh the guy from [ __ ] gnomeregan oh who cares who cares about what the gnomes do oh my god anytime i got i get a headache anytime i have to think about him who gives a [ __ ] yeah like what the [ __ ] like i'm gonna put this down as a d like i i maybe the story is interesting i'll take your word for it all right but to me i don't really give a [ __ ] about him i don't think he's that interesting okay yeah he's a bootleg dr robotnik that's actually so that's so good i love that so true and so real tichondrius another one of the dreadlords brought back in legion to fight in the nighthold tichondrius uh i feel like tichondrius is the second coolest dreadlord where like the obvious coolest dreadlord is 100 [ __ ] percent malganus ticondrious is about right here i would say tichondrius maybe yeah he's below deathwing i'd say but tichondrius is [ __ ] cool yeah and he was the leader of the nathazim before sargeras well yeah before they retconned it and it was actually denaturous but yeah you're right so the next one here yasiraj he was the one that got removed and he was the one whose heart that uh garrosh controlled i feel like this like he's not even really much of a villain like you don't really interact with him at all i feel like he shouldn't even be on the list yeah like he he shouldn't even really be on the list like he's not really there like he's cool like he's definitely [ __ ] cool so that's about all i have to say about him like i feel like he's a tier like he's cool but that's about all i have to say darkmoon fair i never watched that video that platinum video i never got into that one maybe one day i'll watch it oh ner'zhul okay all right yeah i i don't really have a lot to say about siraj like he didn't really there's no point in story it was not really anything going on i really liked ner'zhul i was so disappointed that we didn't get more of his story because you've got to remember man ner'zhul was the original lich king like oh he died in a dungeon and he died like a [ __ ] it wasn't even like a cool [ __ ] badass dungeon he just went down like a [ __ ] it's embarrassing man gold dance master yeah he's the guy that trained golden i i think that ner'zhul is like a but like i don't think he was really a hundred percent a villain that much because that's one of the things like with with him my understanding was that was the deviation between like him and um uh what's his name and goal dan is it like gul'dan was much more uh malicious or malevolent so i would still say ner'zhul is an is a um is an s t or villain so obviously we have the two other villains that are in the story okay we have denaturius and we have uh the jailer the jailor in my opinion is a d-list villain denathrius in my opinion is below illidan dinathrius is one of the the best villains we've ever had like yeah denatharis is s to your villain like he's right below illidan he's better than ashara in my opinion i think he's way better than ashar poison nathan it's the main villain in shadowlands i don't get it because people didn't i think blizzard had known how much people liked nathrius they would have done that but we can't really say bobby oh there's a you know i mean look dude bobby is uh he's on another list okay he's on jeffrey epstein's list not the wow villains list so yeah anyway uh this is my list right here of the let me see if i can zoom out just a little bit so everybody can see the whole thing is like one screen yeah there we go this right here is my list my tier list of all of the wow villains uh minus of course obviously a handful of them there are some that were not on this list it was not complete but i think it's good enough so yes this is my list right here what about a hero chart if people do that then they can do that if people want to do that they can do it right archimonde and same tier as ditches yeah and you know why because archimonde has just as many lines as stitches he has just as many voice lines as stitches does think about that argus argus wasn't really a villain like he was like a machine that was used it's hard to even say argus i'd put his like a c to your villain yeah he was really cool like maybe that would put him in b but he's not like really that interesting at all jaylor not s tier jayler the jailer should have been the best villain we ever had the jailer 100 should have been the best villain we've ever had it should have been denaturious and then right after him the [ __ ] jailer and nope we got thanos but we didn't get the voice lines that's what happened with the [ __ ] jailer what a disaster [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 637,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, asmongold tier list, asmongold wow tier list, asmongold ranks all, asmongold ranks every, asmongold ranks wow bosses, asmongold ranks bosses, asmongold rates wow bosses, asmongold warcraft, asmongold world of warcraft, wow tier list
Id: VckU6cH8n6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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