Asmongold Soda TIER LIST - Ranking Best & Worst Drinks

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now before I do this I want to establish myself as an authority on this subject you see I know exactly what I'm talking about this is a 100% professional grade quality opinion I know exactly what I'm doing well crack open a cold one I'm gonna teach you guys how to pick which drinks you want to kill yourself with first things first let's take a look at 7up now 7up it's actually gonna be seven down cuz it tastes like [ __ ] garbage I don't like 7up at all I think cherry 7up I've never tried it normal 7up is [ __ ] trash I've never liked it it's basically just a mediocre version actually you know what you know what I will put it up to a D it's not trash I'll give it a [ __ ] D and the reason I'm gonna give it a D is because it's like there are things that are worse than that is okay and so I don't want to give it the lowest ranking possible and now we've got a MW root beer I think this is root beer right yeah it pretty much is so and W root beer I actually think is really really good I would say and W root beer is a solid [ __ ] B tier I really like it a lot now cream soda and W scream soda is in my opinion the best cream soda that you could possibly have it's better than a lot of that bottled [ __ ] that they have at the grocery store it's absolutely [ __ ] amazing so we're knocking this [ __ ] all the way up to the goddamn s my dad and I drink cream soda all the time it's like a thing that we do together and so and he gets a NW cream soda so I am personally invested in this and I feel like this is clearly a [ __ ] sto drink it is delicious it's clean it tastes good and I never [ __ ] regret drinking it okay until I have to go to the dentist but before that it tastes [ __ ] amazing I really really really like cream soda [ __ ] an W is delicious now barks I feel like it's I mean these are really just pretty much the same you know what I mean like barks and an W I would say they're about the same which one is really better than the other is really just kind of up to you and like what your mood is I would say it's maybe an a maybe a B maybe you see it depends on my day so really I just sometimes drink this but sometimes I don't that's what it comes down to all potential sponsors are watching yeah okay well here's one for balls now balls is a drink that is not has no there's no thing there's nothing interesting about balls except for the fact that it's called balls like that's it that's the only reason why anybody says it or talks about it is because they get to say that you're drinking balls there's actually no interesting thing about it other than the fact that it has a name that means the same thing or says the same name as a ball sack and you know what the funny thing is it actually makes sense because they taste about the same let's go to the next one this isn't I don't know what this is I'm just gonna put that there this is the same thing don't know what that is what is this one here what the [ __ ] is this cactus cooler orange pineapple blast what the thought well how do you know here's how I know do you want to know how I know what a ball sack tastes like who here has done a pinch and roll on their ball sack everybody I was doing one like five seconds ago the way that I smell things is the same way that I taste them so if I smell my fingers after I do a pinch and roll on my ballsack that means that the ball sack is gonna smell or taste like the way that I taste something fingers yeah I know I'm seriously I thought about this before guys die I don't just make this [ __ ] up okay yeah a and W is caffeine free it doesn't matter cactus cooler I don't care if I probably haven't tried it yet Canada Dry ginger ale now this is a drink my mother has gotten for me many times whenever I'm not feeling good whenever I'm not feeling special whenever I'm not feeling cute my mom gets me Canada Dry ginger ale now I don't think that it's his big dick as the [ __ ] cream soda but I do think that it's a solid [ __ ] hey this is a solid [ __ ] a I really really like the the cream soda here not cream so excuse me the ginger ale it is absolutely [ __ ] delicious it tastes very very good now coca-cola caffeine free now my mom also used to get me caffeine free coca-cola because it turned out that I was a wild [ __ ] animal whenever I get any caffeine in me and she actually had to limit the amount of sodas I would drink per day because if she didn't I just knocked down five a day ten a day it was no big [ __ ] deal like age five so she decided that I had to drink caffeine free coke and it was mostly actually Pepsi but um you know I think also coke as well so we're gonna actually put this it's not really that good I would I'm gonna put this as a see I don't really think caffeine free coke tastes very good but I do think caffeine-free Pepsi does which one is this is this cherry coke no no no no no no you guys are saying s you know what just to prevent a [ __ ] riot you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put it at a deep because I would have put it in the [ __ ] crash if it wasn't for you guys saying how good it is I don't like it I like original coke I like the real original [ __ ] and that's about it now vanilla coke you know where this is gonna go in the [ __ ] trash if I want vanilla I drink cream soda if I want vanilla co if I want coke I drink Coke that's all there is to it man I don't like to mix and match I don't like to do any kind of weird [ __ ] like that okay I like to just go with the original [ __ ] drink I don't like these iterations where the right oh yeah it's like coke but now it's got like this flavoring in it because he put off we put mooses dicks juices in it and it tastes a little bit different and it has less calories for some reason - like who the [ __ ] is gonna drink that give me a [ __ ] break let me go ahead and look at this one here zero sugar who the [ __ ] you think everybody's gonna drink zero sugar what's the point the zero sugar no calories I'm gonna drink that garbage [ __ ] that it's a waste of time all right now which one is this is this the original now this is Coca Cola classic now show you guys we got one right here why do you think this is gonna go this is gonna be a [ __ ] ass this is one of my favorite drinks I love coke I know this is like some basic [ __ ] classic Wow classic coke they're both good all right this is a solid [ __ ] s is it my favorite drink it's not my favorite drink but it's pretty [ __ ] good what is this your dad's old fashioned root beer I don't drink this [ __ ] I've never tried I'm gonna put it over there now diet coke I can never imagine something like if I ever think about it like you know whenever you see like it's like an animal kingdom you watch like a documentary of two of two apes and like one ape decides like a I'm gonna go [ __ ] that other ape in the ass you know why because I can do that right now you know what they do they do it and the expression on the ape that's getting [ __ ] in the ass is the exact same expression did I have whenever I get a diet coke instead of a normal coke whenever I go to a place and I order my [ __ ] drink diet cokes are [ __ ] disgusting they taste like [ __ ] they give you cancer and they look weird alright it's like that aftertaste that just tastes like you just [ __ ] ate battery acid it is the worst and most disgusting thing do you know what diet coke really should be do you want to know water instead of drinking a diet coke just drink [ __ ] water you either go with coke or water that's it you don't need diet coke [ __ ] ridiculous nobody wants this garbage as [ __ ] it's in the trash what the [ __ ] is this diet dr. pepper with cherry and chocolate well this is like people that use too many [ __ ] after effects on their photoshopped pictures and end up turning themselves to look into some sort of [ __ ] like like an Indian mural of of Shiva or something like that without all these like [ __ ] radiant things around them and a bunch of weird [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] like no no no no no no limited edition good because it's [ __ ] nasty we're putting this one in the goddamn trash Diet Pepsi now esperate three we know what else is free of free of asmin gold as well because I'm not gonna drink this dog [ __ ] at KFC they serve Pepsi at Taco Bell they serve Pepsi and if I go there and they give me this [ __ ] [ __ ] I take it back I've actually taken a drink back I've driven back and I took it back because it was diet I said you know what fill that [ __ ] up again I don't want this nasty-ass garbage diets diet drinks are the nastiest [ __ ] [ __ ] in the entire world I hate them I absolutely [ __ ] hate diet drinks and it's like the worst part about it here's what's really bad about it it's like imagine biting into a hamburger but instead of it being a burger it's like a buffalo turd and you just bite into it and you can just feel it in your mouth and you know it at that point that you're not gonna be able to get that flavor out of your mouth for hours and you know that just that one sip because it's not just the fact that you didn't get the hamburger it's also the fact that you're eating Buffalo [ __ ] and that's what I'm saying with Diet Pepsi is because whenever they accidentally give you diet not only are you getting the wrong thing but you're not getting the right thing you look forward to that drink you're like oh it's gonna be so good I'm gonna wash down these tacos wash down this chicken oh and then you get your [ __ ] you get your drink and it's diet who the [ __ ] goes on a diet whenever they go to Taco Bell who the [ __ ] does that putting this in the trash what's this one here sherry dr. pepper listen dr. pepper has 23 flavors not 24 it has 23 flavors I don't want 24 you guys really like it a lot I will admit it is not terrible but this might upset some people I'm going to put it in the seats here and you know why because I believe in something called opportunity cost and there is never a point in my life where I ever want to drink a cherry dr. pepper instead of a normal Dr Pepper so every carry dr. pepper that I drink is a normal dr. pepper that I don't drink and I think like this because there's something wrong with me and so this is basically it are you [ __ ] kidding me dude no I really do you have 24 or 23 chromosomes I have I have probably like at least a dye of dozens of chromosomes okay dozens of them obviously at time I'm able to make these decisions okay now here's dr. pepper now dr. pepper everybody knows what dr. pepper is right we all know it's a [ __ ] s dr. pepper is my favorite [ __ ] drink I love it it's why I always ask for whenever I go out it is a solid [ __ ] s all right especially in Texas and in Texas dr. pepper is what you drink instead of water at Baylor University they have dr. pepper in the water fountains dr. pepper is the greatest drink that's been ever made now I think Pepsi is good too but dr. pepper is my number one favorite we're putting that in a [ __ ] house font Oh you know what I got to say about fonta whenever I was in middle school whenever I was in middle school I used to every single day go to the vending machine and buy a dr. pepper and you know what happened they made some [ __ ] rule or some regulation that they couldn't sell soda anymore at the [ __ ] high school in middle schools so then after that I had to drink these [ __ ] fountas and power raids because they wouldn't sell us dr. peppers anymore because it was making all the kids fat and so whenever I see fountas the only thing I can remember is thinking to myself that there's a [ __ ] big old thing and it's got a coca-cola ad on the next to it and there's no coca-cola inside the vending machine it's fountas water bottles and gator rates and I drink eight or AIDS and Powerade sometimes but you know whenever I drink Fanta never because it sucks I'm gonna put it as a D maybe it's a C I don't know it's a D or a C I'll put it as a seat I I'm not a big fan of it okay like I drink soda here's the thing I drink soda you wanted to you guys wanted to be a scene I mean like there's some good ones I mean like it depends maybe I'll put it as a see okay you know what I'll give you guys that will give you guys a see okay what is this one here Fago oh great you know what Fago is amazing do you know how good Faygo is is it ICP the only use that ICP ever had was PHA go over ever had with bago was opening it up and pouring it out like that's all it was like this is this is the only thing that I remember this is the official drink like let me see what if I can show you guys ICP was really popular in my high school basically the more Juggalos you have in your school like you can tell how poor our school is by how many jug lows are in the school alright this is another one here alright grape crush soda now this is gonna sound a little bit weird but I actually like grape soda I do I'm gonna put grape soda great prank we're gonna put this on a seat this is a solid [ __ ] see maybe even a B it's hard to me really to decide but let's just put that as C yeah I put it as a C alright now what's the next one here I BC cream soda okay so this cream soda is good I think it's good but I don't think that I BC cream soda is as good as the end of you so we're gonna hit IBC with an A this is a solid a it's decent it's always good to drink I'd never turn it down but it's not something I BC root beer I've never really had this but I'm assuming it's probably the same thing I'll put it down here and say that I've never tried it okay it seems like the right thing that's B okay well I put it as B that's what I meant to say yeah alright yeah so that's pretty much where that one is now jury toes now this is basically you know obviously like you know where I'm at like this they have these everywhere right like every corner store they have these I've never I've never drank one of these before these Doritos thing are these actually good like I'm gonna ask you guys cuz like maybe I should drink it myself or these good or not alright so I'm gonna just put these down and haven't tried it before okay okay let's look at this oh [ __ ] yo this this [ __ ] is good bro like I [ __ ] bought this at AA at Sam's Club one time this is actual [ __ ] delicious delicious soda I really like it a lot now obviously it doesn't have the Reid rink ability that Dr Pepper and Coca Cola have so I'm gonna put it as an a this is an extremely delicious soda and I really really like it a lot okay I'm a big fan of that I know a lot of people haven't had it but for me I think that it's really really good okay tried Romans Cree soda maybe I will mellow yellow' what is this here the original smooth I've never had this before I'm just gonna put this away alright next Coca Cola in a bottle so this is Coca Cola with real sugar here's the thing about real sugar if real sugar was good enough why did they move over to use in high-fructose corn syrup now do I want to just eat dirt or do I want to eat something it's been genetically modified scientifically to be the highest quality and the most delicious possible my body has been altered so much and my genetic DNA has been modified and manipulated and [ __ ] up so much by these different types of chemicals that I have actually dislike real sugar and I prefer fake sugar that's cheaper well regardless it's better or not it's not better I'm gonna put it as an A it's obviously very good I would never turn this down but at the same time I prefer the the real version of the fake stuff okay that's what I'd like to say yeah I prefer all sugars bad for you well whatever let me go ahead and look at the extra one okay what is this here wait this is just coca-cola in a bottle its Pepsi in a bottle what is this from [ __ ] 1994 look at that picture there drinks your sugar yeah I don't know man what do you guys thing about this diets the most fake that's Pepsi Mexican Pepsi uh I think I've had like one of these before it was okay I'll just give it probably like a B or sorry I'll give it an A yeah this is definitely an A all right let me read this one here Minute Maid lemonade now I used to drink this one a lot at the store and not the sort at school whenever we we weren't able to have soda or anything like that I would drink the Minute Maid eliminate I really really like this a lot now is it s tier it's really hard to say that the test tier but it's a high a low s so we're gonna give it I'm gonna be very very delicate with myself giving STR nominations here so we are going to give this a an a because I think that it's very delicious it takes very good and overall I like it a lot now this is the pink lemonade yes now I like pink lemonade more I don't know why I like pink lemonade more I don't even know what pink lemonade is I don't even know what the difference between pink lemonade and normal lemonade is at all I just for some reason got this idea in my head did I liked pink lemonade and after that I've always lists I've always drank pink lemonade that's all there is to it yeah because it's sweeter okay well we're gonna give this a [ __ ] guess I really really really like this like I do drink this all the [ __ ] time back in back in high school and I really liked it a lot okay it absolutely [ __ ] delicious give me a second let me take a look at this Mountain Dew Baja blast I've never had it I have never had Baja blast not even once have I ever had Baja blast I've never I always thought it was some [ __ ] [ __ ] weird thing or whatever it looks like mouthwash yeah it actually does look like mouthwash that's a good point Baja blast I've never had it before and you know what maybe I will [ __ ] try it maybe I will try Baja blast you know what I should do I should stream myself going to Taco Bell trying baja blast because I want to see what this is like I want to see if it's actually any good or not now Mountain Dew this is the original Mountain Dew now I've never tried it I know I'm never trying Mountain Dew is electric piss water it's what people do it's what Kyle's drink whenever they're playing call of duty modern warfare 2 calling their friends the n-word okay this is what Mountain Dew is for it is electric piss water and I'm going to rate Mountain Dew at Adi it is a [ __ ] D now mr. Pibb Xtra now what is mr. Pibb mr. Pibb is scuffed dr. pepper it's the dr. pepper that you get at the movie theaters because for whatever reason they don't sell dr. pepper I have no idea why I've never known why but it's basically dr. pepper and because it's basically dr. pepper that means it's also basically a [ __ ] s mr. Pibb is [ __ ] delicious it's barbecue water well good it's [ __ ] delicious I really like mr. Pibb now is it better than dr. pepper no and put dr. pepper in the front right there but at the same time I'm gonna give it a [ __ ] s this is delicious I like it a lot it's really really good just spicy on its coke versus Pepsi well I think they're both good all right let's look at the next one Crush Orange Crush soda orange soda sucks I hate orange soda I've never white orange soda at all I'll give it a decent a lot of people are saying it's really good I will give it a D I'm not a big fan however wild cherry Pepsi now I've never had this before I'm just gonna put this down at the bottom I have no [ __ ] idea I don't like having any new flavors or anything like that I don't like any change I don't like any of this [ __ ] I like having things exactly the way that they're supposed to [ __ ] be man let's go the next one your view background-image Crystal Pepsi listen the only thing that I associate with crystal with Crystal Pepsi is [ __ ] like it's y2k like that's the only thing that I associate with Crystal Pepsi this is some [ __ ] that happened in like the year 2000 and they just wrote it off and nobody drinks it anymore yeah why - [ __ ] K let me just go ahead and I'm gonna get rid of this LA beast wait what that was this LA beast they brought it back wait really oh [ __ ] I had no idea okay I guess so whew background image now Pepsi Cola now we're into the real [ __ ] okay now we've looked a lot at these other things that I'm not really that big of a fan of you know what I mean like this you know kind of [ __ ] like ah you know all these random ass drinks but now we're actually getting into the serious drinks now Pepsi Cola made with real sugar and you know what that means that means it's not as good as the fake [ __ ] okay my body again has been genetically modified throughout duck decades and decades of drinking soda and ingesting high fructose corn syrup and growth hormones out all kinds of other poisons to actually reject the real soda the real sugar and welcome the fake sugar so Pepsi Cola is going to be an a all right it's going to be a solid a with real sugar now let's go ahead and look at this one right here now this is just vanilla Pepsi I hate vanilla Pepsi vanilla Pepsi is like Pepsi but it's not because it's not as good as Pepsi it sucks so we're gonna get vanilla Pepsi a [ __ ] trash rating it is awful now right there gentlemen [Music] ah that's good that's real good let's go on over we're gonna give Pepsi a [ __ ] s okay and I'm rating these and like in terms of which ones I like the most this is a [ __ ] s I love Pepsi all right what is this one here I don't know what the [ __ ] this is I'm just gonna move on RC Cola RC Cola is what you buy if you can't afford Coca Cola or Pepsi or Dr Pepper this is a struggle soda okay like there are a few of these that we're seeing here wait oh no oh nevermind there are a few of these that we see here these are struggle sodas this is the [ __ ] that you drink like let's say you you uh you know you just got back from the ICP concert so you just pour it out all your Faygo and you've only got one thing left to drink and it's between Bud Light and RC Cola this is not what I'm gonna [ __ ] go with man RC Cola is nasty as hell I've never liked it it tastes like [ __ ] and it's not as good as the other soda we're gonna give this a [ __ ] trash rating I don't like it whew background image I don't know what the [ __ ] this is we're gonna just put that one over there Sierra Mist Sierra Mist is scuffed sprite it's just scuffed sprite I'm gonna give Sierra Mist a D it's not really that amazing it's just a it's a D okay what is this one here if you background image I've never had any of these sue cream soda I can't say one way or another now sprite is the next hard decision sprite let me just only go downstairs when I take a piss and I'll be right back and I'll make a decision okay guys give me a second it's today I've decided it's an a yep let's go ahead and give it a name there we go all right yeah I was not really sure about it I had to go downstairs and really just give it some consideration and decide really what the right decision was but yeah we're gonna give this a [ __ ] a I like it a lot now squirt I'm gonna be honest the name of this has always disgusted me and I have never wanted to drink this because of the name the name sounds weird and because of that I have never drank this before in my life we are going to give squirt and I don't care haven't tried it Stewart's ice cream I don't know what the [ __ ] this is storm like what the [ __ ] is this storm women lime I mean I had this like back in like [ __ ] 2003 I don't know I'll give this like a D and what is this here citrus flavored soda dude I don't remember that at all yeah I don't remember this at all Serge I've never had this before yeah it's quality not quantity quality not quantity gentlemen okay regardless yeah we've got this here and Dr Pepper number one Pepsi number two probably I'd say cream soda number three coke number four I'd say mr. Pibb in front of dr. pepper in front of the lemonade and then yeah pretty much in this order exactly so this is pretty much what I have for my perfect soda list [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 576,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold tier list, asmongold soda tier list, asmongold ranking, soda tier list, tier list, asmongold soda, top soda, soda tier, best soda tier list, best soda, soda, asmongold ranks, asmongold rates
Id: R-sV8-wEjeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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