Asmongold Ranks The Best Game Consoles of All Time | Tier List

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legend of zelda link to the past these are all my old original games there they are boys now you guys wanted me to uh to rate these and rate what the best consoles were of all time i will go ahead and i will do that all right first one this is sega master system isn't it yup this is sega master system you know what you guys know about this nothing because it was trash the sega master system had relatively no games on it and compared to the nintendo itself there was almost no sales at all for the sega master system it did not have hardly any interesting games on it and this is the very point where sega did not know what they wanted to do and it had one yeah it's not it had sonic did it have sonic i don't know i don't remember it having sonic well regardless uh the sega master system sucked uh the the controls were garbage uh i played it just a little bit once and that was it uh there's only like maybe one memorable game from this entire console and at the very e at the end of the day this is one of those consoles that kind of herald the heralded the end of the age of just making a bunch of shitty consoles i think the sega master system was an f it was trash actually i'm gonna put it as a d because it led the way and it paved the way for the sega genesis so we're going to let that one go yeah we're going to say because it paved the way for the sega genesis we're going to we're going to give it that the sega saturn yeah sega center sega saturn was one of the only 32-bit systems that was added into the into like the console market now the sega saturn uh probably had one of the worst release uh like the the marketing theme and the marketing strategy for the sega saturn was probably one of the worst marketing strategies that's ever existed for a console in all time the fact is that the sega saturn had a few interesting games but in the world that it existed in it was too expensive for like for people to buy at that time and the nintendo 64 came out so much sooner afterwards and the nintendo 64 had much better graphics because again sega saturn was only a 32-bit system nintendo 64 was a 64-bit system so sega saturn i actually think is worse than the sega master system because the sega saturn didn't really herald the beginning of anything if anything it heralded the end this was the beginning of the end for sega sega saturn was a huge misstep a massive mistake a colossal [ __ ] and a big [ __ ] up what is this mega drive i didn't do mega drive mega drive is sega genesis wait mega drive is sega gen i thought this one was sega genesis look at this view background image this is the wait are they just called to say oh wait he just says two of the same thing so sega genesis we're just gonna put both of these together uh we'll put both of these the same thing okay uh it's america versus different e-release okay well we're just going to combine them all right because it's easier and most people probably haven't played both anyway so we're just going to say the sega genesis the sega genesis was an incredible console it was um there were a number of great things about it it had tons of controls on the controller it had tons of incredible games you're talking about all the sonic series you're talking about earthworm gym you're talking about a number of the other games as well vector man i remember i played that one all the [ __ ] time uh sega genesis had incredibly well done graphics i think the graphics from sega genesis were undeniably better than what super nintendo had i i they were aladdin yeah shinobi likes uh yeah dude uh [ __ ] yeah there's plenty of other [ __ ] games now i've got my old sega genesis games in my back and in my my old room and back there it's [ __ ] amazing right um i would say sega genesis was an incredible console and it was the best console that sega ever made sega genesis in my opinion i don't think that it had the the game offerings that uh that the super nintendo did like for example right sega genesis had like eight amazing [ __ ] games but the super nintendo had like 20. so we're gonna have to put the sega genesis as the highest a that can a can be it is almost an s but i feel like other things do deserve to be an s more than the sega genesis okay so the sega genesis is a solid [ __ ] ass dude sorry solid [ __ ] a dude it is amazing and i played it all the time i have multiple sega genesis consoles because i broke them now also i'm seeing on this list here we're not seeing a sega cd so if we combine sega cd with sega genesis because they were supposed to be ported together then you also have sonic cd then you also have those higher end games that was really really [ __ ] cool so yeah you had sega cd as well like um and like obviously there are only a few games really that good for it but it was a little bonus and i think that was cool now the next one here the dreamcast here's the problem with the dreamcast the dreamcast used technology that was too expensive nobody bought the dreamcast because it was too expensive i remember it was like 300 or 400 dollars and back then that was like 600 nowadays it was way too much [ __ ] money you had the controllers that had the little frank thing on them i have a dreamcast but i didn't buy one whenever it actually came out i think dreamcast had a few really really really good games on it dreamcast in my opinion was sega's biggest mistake i think sega invested too heavily into the hardware on the dreamcast and they sold it at too high of a cost if they had sold it at a cheaper cost i do really think the dreamcast could have competed very easily against any of the nintendo consoles in no problem right uh and no problem man and so like yeah that's what i would say sonic adventure was so good sonic adventure didn't you have the [ __ ] uh you had soul calibur one i think was on the dreamcast uh what were some of the other ones too i'm trying to yeah fantasy star online that was another really big one jet set radio yeah that was the other one and crazy crazy taxi i think was on other other consoles as well but um overall i do think sega genesis was a great game but it was plagued by the problems of just being so expensive that you couldn't really afford it most people couldn't afford it so we're gonna put the sega genesis or sorry sega uh sega dreamcast we're gonna put it as like a c or a b what do you guys think c or a b uh i'll say b yeah it's like c like it would be a d here's the way i look at it right it would be a d for like marketing strategy and it would be an a for games so what does that kind of balance out to a b or a c so i'd say overall probably like i'm going to say a low b we're going to say a low b for the dreamcast next one the xbox 360. the xbox 360 had halo 3. the xbox 360 also had the red halo of death it was dysfunctional if you held it standing up sometimes the disc would fall out of the tray and then crash the console um let's see what else besides that those are probably the two worst things about the console it had a very very bad release i think that many of the games for the xbox were i don't know like i mean you had gears of war i i mean now that i think about it yeah i mean there's a lot of really good games for the xbox 360. i'm gonna say that overall it's gonna be it's gonna xbox live though xbox live was in the original xbox bro like there's no [ __ ] that there's there's yeah i'm gonna say it's an a but it's behind the genesis it's definitely behind the genesis uh i think genesis was way better uh for its time xbox 360 was pretty good too though all right uh that's pretty much it uh wrong or no i think this is accurate i think this is completely [ __ ] accurate now absolutely asked here yeah i i don't really think so all right well let's go over we're going to look at the xbox uh sorry the ps2 now the ps2 this is an easy one everybody knows what it's going to everybody knows what it's going to be that's an s this is like probably i mean this is this console like this is an obvious [ __ ] ass everybody knows the xbox the playstation 2 is an s uh it had some of the best games ever it came out before by the way it came out before the nintendo gamecube and the xbox so the ps2 predated them by like a year or two and the game it still came out the graphics were [ __ ] amazing it could play dvds it was a it was a console it was like basically having an iphone in 2007. like you were literally ahead of the curve if you had a playstation 2 back in like 99 or 2000 whenever they came out this was a massive [ __ ] jump in technology and this playstation 2 was relevant for longer than any console has been relevant since then and after then and before then it was the most relevant console people still use playstation 2s to this day like zach's dad is still borrowing my playstation 2 so he can play in nba [ __ ] 2007 and he's been borrowing it ever since i think 2007. and you know what i went over to their house and he's still [ __ ] using it so yes the playstation 2 is by [ __ ] far and s by [ __ ] far now the gamecube gamecube is also a solidus now the this the decision and the conversation is not really about if the gamecube is an s right because everybody knows it's an s is it better than the playstation 2. i don't think so i think that if if you look at it if if you look at it it's a it's a low s right the gamecube had like the little tiny cds like the ps2 was simply a stronger console it had more options and it could do more things it had a wider variety of games it could play dvds like these were all massive crazy things that the playstation 2 could do and the gamecube could not but one thing that i do think that i'm gonna have to say that makes the gamecube still an s is the fact that many of the games that came out on gamecube are still being played today people still play those games today ps2 i don't think you can really say that as much the gamecube games held up way better than the ps2 games like i'm talking about [ __ ] wind waker i'm talking about smash brothers like what are some of the other examples um animal crossing yeah there's that too um where's the rest of these mario yeah of course [ __ ] mar super mario sunshine mario party came out with the nintendo 64. so that's not really a good analogy but um overall i think mario sunshine pikmin yeah so many of these games metroid prime like gamecube was like basically of all the nintendo ips gamecube brought out for every single like strong nintendo ip they brought out one of their strongest titles for every single ip with the gamecube like you're talking about mario sunshine was a great game legend of zelda the wind waker was a great game i didn't like it i didn't like the theme but it was objectively a great game um yeah paper mario i think that was paper mario i don't know if that's super nintendo or until 64 or not um yeah [ __ ] star star fox 64 was the best one uh that was uh in 64. um let's see star fox adventures was trash uh super mario melee uh yeah the sonic game uh ocarina of time that was the nintendo 64 as well and uh pikmin yeah exactly uh regardless gamecube is a solid [ __ ] s it was some of the best [ __ ] nintendo games ever the nintendo switch so much of this is contextual so the nintendo switch exists now and they in a day and age where computer literacy is much higher and because computer literacy is so much higher you have many other people that are able to just go and play a game on their pc but one thing that nintendo has done very well over the years is still create a value that their console adds by an innate feature that the console has that is a definite thing that nintendo has done a great job with ever since the uh ever since the wii and they could obviously see that gaming was diverging and it no longer mattered the quality of the of the graphics it no longer mattered or anything else like that what people cared about at that point right in about 2010 somewhere around there they started caring about the quality of the game the enjoyment of the game and nintendo has done a great job with making that their priority i think that nintendo switch is a b it is a b console it has a number of great it has a number of great titles it's an a i think it's better than dreamcast it's so hard to compare those because like one came out 20 years ago uh you guys think that it's an a uh i'll put it i'll put up as an a yeah sure actually you know what yeah i will actually you know yeah because it's portable yeah it's an a yeah i'll put it up as an a because it's portable uh yeah that's definitely probably a unique thing about it yeah we'll give that an a because it is portable 100 why not the wii u there is one good thing to come out of the wii u mario maker that's it that's it mario maker was the only good thing and yeah a smash 4 machine exactly yeah you bet you bought this game to play mario maker and smash 4. i would give the wii u a d i think that the the marketing for the wii u is absolutely terrible the console sales for the wii u were the worst console sales for any nintendo console in all the history of nintendo consoles uh it was marketed incredibly badly and i would say that yeah it's uh it's a d next one this is my personal favorite okay this is the console that i grew up with i have where's my old nintendo i've got my old nintendo right over there that's my old original super nintendo that i've played on ever since i was a kid this is obviously an s i think the super nintendo brought forward so many incredible great games that i can't even count them all there were so many amazing games that came out with this console that i think that even now i remember eric and i went to go for the uh the [ __ ] the midnight or sorry the early morning release of the snes mini and there were like [ __ ] 50 other balding 28 year old men sitting there in the [ __ ] rain with their wives in the car pissed the [ __ ] off because she brought he brought her there and she doesn't give a [ __ ] about it and he was all sitting there it's nostalgia is it nostalgia i don't think that it's nostalgia at all i really think that the nintendo super nintendo deserves to have a very very high placing here it is an incredible console the value that it brought was second to none i think that it absolutely deserves to be an s i think that it was observably and easily better you guys want to see something take a look at this let's go let's look at some of the [ __ ] games give me a minute where's my [ __ ] games here's one right here this is my original [ __ ] super mario world right there there's my [ __ ] game also we got more but wait there's more these are my games i got them right here boys i'll show you what we got here we go goof troop this game sucked but i loved it this is that it's just a it's the [ __ ] it doesn't matter all right this is a really good one super mario rpg i played through this game like three or four times i really think this is one of the greatest games of all time for mario i [ __ ] love this game also they brought this game out as well super mario all-stars it brought in super mario the lost levels it took me eight years to beat that game because i was too young to do it whenever i was a kid i have this one as well i love this [ __ ] game also secret mana i still have my old cartridge secret of [ __ ] mana this is actually a really rare game now and so i've got this one right here chrono trigger i don't have chrono trigger these are my games man i grew up with this [ __ ] dude i love playing this [ __ ] game man quite expensive yeah so i've got that one but wait it gets better [ __ ] star fox you're goddamn right i had it i played through the [ __ ] man i beat andros's dick off yeah i [ __ ] loved this game i was so into this it was one of my favorite games [ __ ] ever i was a huge fan of this one and these are just the games that i have right here like i have more upstairs or downstairs i mean castlevania i love this game as well do you know what my favorite thing about this game was having this terrible jump mechanic he goes like simon goes oh it was so bad the game the game jump mechanics were [ __ ] terrible but i loved it i remember there's this one part of the game where you're like running in like this spinning [ __ ] circular like room it was like return to karazhan room oh it was [ __ ] bad ass dude and like i remember whenever i would get there i knew that i was about to die because i was really bad at the game and uh yeah i [ __ ] i love this game and then i have a lot more downstairs as i said like yoshi's island everything's downstairs legend of zelda leading to the past these are all my old original games this cartridge does not save games all the time my game about every three weeks or so would get reset i actually learned how to speed run legend of zelda the first three [ __ ] temples and get into the dark world in like an hour at age seven because i just got so used to having to redo everything because the game kept dying on me there they are boys uh because of that i think i'm gonna have to rate the super nintendo is not this is my number one console of all time i think that for a lot of people playstation 2 would be above it but for me personally super nintendo is my number one console let's go ahead let's talk about the other ones after that okay uh so we have playstation one now in my opinion i think playstation one so playstation one had final fantasy vii it had a number of like really really really really really good games and i would say that playstation one was probably for its time better than the sega genesis but i i cannot see a universe where playstation 1 was more meaningful than the gamecube i think playstation 1 is like a tier 1 a but it doesn't go above that i think that would be what i think is fair it's a tier 1a this is a great console uh for me personally and like obviously like you guys have to understand like i i was i'm a nintendo fanboy like let's be honest like everybody knows it's like i'm a nintendo fanboy like i love nintendo i've that that's my main thing right and so you have to understand like the fact that i'm rating any of these playstation consoles anywhere near this uh is very very good okay so this is important to remember but yes playstation one also it had all the mega man games oh yeah that actually playstation one did have a lot of really good games [ __ ] uh i'm just thinking i i spyro had spyro 2 i'm pretty sure yeah i did um i'll say it's still it's still an a it could be an s but i'd say it's done a the original xbox or better known as the halo machine now the xbox itself the console had a number of interesting features you could store music on the console um it could play music it was the first console to really have a strong like do we want to count xbox live do we want to factor xbox live into this because if we factor xbox live into this i think that it automatically hits it hits an s like if we factor xbox live into this it automatically hits an s because i i don't think you undergo you guys understand how [ __ ] monumentally massive monumentally [ __ ] massive having online gameplay was it was incredible like it's you guys like the zoomers you guys don't understand this but this was [ __ ] this is like an oh you know like the aladdin song where is like a whole new world well it was like that okay but it was a console i'm gonna put this [ __ ] at an s if we want to count xbox live if not it's going to go to uh it's going to go to a low a so this is with xbox live this is without yeah dreamcast did it first yeah there were games that had uh there were games that had online before xbox live but it just can't compare like xbox live was just it was the advent of modern gaming modern online gaming xbox live like that's what i always say like halo it's like i always say about halo 2 and halo 3. halo 3 is objectively a better game than halo 2 but halo 2 for its time was a better game than halo 3 was because halo 2 even though the gameplay was not that amazing on top of that it brought in online play it was so much [ __ ] bigger than you could ever imagine now let's go ahead we're gonna look at the next one here is this the xbox one anyway the xbox one was not only a [ __ ] in the ass to the players for the games that it had it was also a [ __ ] in the ass to the entire gaming industry it took sony making the playstation 4 so you guys don't remember this but they were originally gonna make the xbox one force you into being always online force you into having connect uh attached to it force you into not being able to resell your games that was [ __ ] the xbox one for that reason it doesn't matter what happens is getting rated at a [ __ ] f that is a [ __ ] f right there it doesn't matter anything else and you know what it took sony it took sony with the ps [ __ ] four to whip their [ __ ] nasty gangly disgusting asses into shape and tell them listen that's not how we do it and think about it like this sony saved our [ __ ] ass because sony could have said you know what xbox is doing this we're gonna do it too and now this is the industry standard and sony stood up for something sony stood up for consumer rights sony stood up for the consumer experience and they made sure that their playstation 4 didn't have those features they blew xbox the [ __ ] out of the water and xbox had to come back to the table because they couldn't [ __ ] compete thank you sony we'll get to that the original nintendo the original nintendo so you've got mario one two and three you've got duck hunt you've got all the other you know the usual things right uh you know super uh [ __ ] legend of zelda legend of zelda i think legend zelda 2 was in there too um this was an incredible console this heralded so so like there are basically in my opinion there are two eras of consoles or three eras really there were the era there was the era before the nintendo that was like the atari the odyssey that i think the turbo turbo graphics happened after this um and like all these kind of like the ibm machines you know and there are basically the these are the dark ages yeah the famicom uh yeah 16 bit all the other ones right and i have some of them these were the dark ages and nintendo came in with this console and they brought the light and the [ __ ] was it glorious they said let there be light and there was it was beautiful this was the beginning of the new age of consoles right here the nintendo nes was the beginning of the traditional modern day console i think the second age or third age would probably be happen with the wii right the wii was whenever the divergence really happened and consoles actually started to try to create value innately rather than just being video game machines so uh but basically this was much more important this was much more [ __ ] important i'm gonna rate the nintendo uh uh i'm thinking right now so i think that xbox so okay so the impact that xbox had on gaming was equivalent to the impact that nintendo had on gaming i would say but i think nintendo had more games that were good so we're gonna put the nintendo ahead of it yeah we're gonna put the nintendo ahead of that uh yeah i think the number of better games like the xbox really didn't have that many good games like i i don't think it did like i know some people might believe it that i i don't i don't think it had that many great games it had a good amount and that was about it let's go ahead and move on the wii i have a wii the console the wii was the first level of innovation like you had like the icam and things like that from the playstation 2. like you had that kind of stuff but the wii was the first level of real like integration and innovation from consoles ever since the nintendo in my in my opinion i i really feel like yeah motion controls like people really undersell how innovative the wii really was at the time the wii was the first console that appealed to boomers my dad wanted a wii i don't even think my dad knows what a nintendo 64 is like if i put a nintendo 64 a [ __ ] a super nintendo and an nes right in front of them i bet you i bet you couldn't even tell you which one was which he could probably tell you gamecube's the gamecube because it's more like a cube right but other than that i don't think you would have known this console was the most innovation that we had for multiple generations of consoles and i think that that innovation does earn it a high slot i think that it was more innovative than the switch it was more innovative than the nintendo 64. or sorry the xbox 360. excuse me xbox 360. use the wii as a gamecube that's also a really good point yeah we had full backwards compatibility i honestly might even put above sega genesis like i really think this is a fair rating i i really do like this was incredibly innovative this console right here is why we still have consoles nowadays it's a big reason before this people didn't really like at this point like there were a lot of people who just stopped really using like they stopped really caring about consoles because they were just playing games on pc the wii was the first time that a console in itself added value to the game think about that it was the first time the console in itself added value when did that happen before this think about that when was it better to play on on a console than a computer you can maybe say you can maybe say the ps2 with like the ddr pad and things like that and the itoy etc you can maybe say that and also let's go back to it and playstation 2 is one of the best consoles of all time and the dvd player for the ps2 you're right this right here completely changed it for nintendo i'm gonna give it this rating i think this is a fair rating the nintendo 64. the old nintendo 64. it did have four uh four players but the super nintendo had this already so you guys saw a secret of me saw secret of mana already now secret of mana you were able to plug in a five play and play with three people in secret of mana so it actually wasn't the first time that nintendo had done multiple players beyond two but it was the first time that it was directly compatible with the game or sorry the system on like a base level now let's talk about the nintendo 64 games all right so you're talking about super mario 64 one of the best mario games of all time people are speed running it to this day um you're talking about ocarina of time majora's mask goldeneye uh super smash brothers pokemon stadium mario kart mario [ __ ] party like i remember man like whenever i got mario party 3 the kids from across the street cameron and his sisters came over and it was [ __ ] 9 p.m and it was a school night and their parents let us play mario 3 until 11 p.m we played it downstairs in the living room and it was [ __ ] awesome so you know what we've got that okay those were the good [ __ ] times perfect dark you have uh what are the other ones here uh diddy kong racing never played that oh dude star fox 64. that was that was the [ __ ] bro that was the [ __ ] like i oh my god the worst thing about the the nintendo 64 was the [ __ ] controller i think the controller was a [ __ ] it was a [ __ ] um but it really like where is it i think that guys yeah like what the [ __ ] is this i still have it right here from whenever i put on my head look at this what do you do like i played i held it like this okay some people did it like this i i didn't like doing it like that i was young so like my hands weren't really that big like i put i use it like this it was just like a weird [ __ ] thing man and i don't know man that was certainly a problem it also had the rumble packs too this is another thing i i forgot about this and i'm seeing it here it had the rumble packs which back then like you didn't have rumble packs for controllers like that didn't happen so like it did happen with that and it was really [ __ ] fast yeah first analog stick uh i mean like if you if you don't want to count like atari yeah sure uh it was the first analog stick uh yeah first joystick yeah overall like the nintendo 64 was [ __ ] awesome it really was there were a lot of games though i feel like the nintendo 64 a lot of nintendo 64 games did not age as well i think that unironically there were more super nintendo games that aged much better than nintendo's 64 games i think that the i think this is a i think it's maybe right there what do you guys think about right there uh what do you guys think about this i feel like maybe an s maybe it'd be right here everything's an a n s yeah i could move some of these down right i i could move this down to here i can move these down to here maybe yeah i think that would be fine right i mean it doesn't really like it's just a matter of categorization anyway that's my rating for the xbox uh sorry the nintendo 64. that's pretty much where i would i don't know like maybe better than the xbox one i just can't see it being more innovative than xbox live i just i i can't see it like of all these consoles i really feel like each one did something incredible with gaming besides probably the gamecube like i would say maybe i think the gamecube i like the gamecube more than the place than a nintendo 64 though i personally did i feel like if anything should be rated down it should probably be the gamecube but for me it's like i grew up playing the gamecube so it's so hard for me to write it down so let's go ahead we're gonna stick with this alright next one the playstation 3. i think the playstation 3 for me was a hard pass the playstation 3 had a very limited offering of interesting games it was it was released at the same time around uh the xbox 360. it was more expensive and it just really wasn't as great like and i've never been like a big playstation fanboy but to me i just wasn't really super excited about it like i never felt the impulse to buy a playstation 3. the only reason why i want to play why i want to buy a playstation 3 is so i can play demon souls that's it i don't care about anything else besides that besides playing demon souls everything else is just a bunch of [ __ ] i don't care about any other game besides that that one thing and uh people say the last of us i'm not a big fan of that i just feel like the playstation 3 of the four playstation consoles i feel like the playstation 3 is by far the weakest of the three it is by far the weakest of the three and i'm gonna say that a playstation 3 i thought it sucked i really did i thought the playstation 3 sucked and i thought that it was probably like it's about right here playstation 3 it was in my opinion a huge miss for playstation it was a huge [ __ ] miss sorry there it is it's maybe even better than a dreamcast it's hard for me to say because it was just there's so much time between those two things it's really difficult for me to be able to compare them now yes you're right playstation 3 was online but was it really online remember that how many months was it oh yeah yeah you guys forgot about that huh you guys forgot about that huh three months that [ __ ] was offline no you get what you pay for xbox live was [ __ ] flawless ex dude i was the biggest [ __ ] xbox fanboy i remember dude i had the same disappointment in my eyes whenever i saw them pull that [ __ ] with the xbox one that i had whenever arthas turned uther away and went to kill everybody in stratlam like i was so [ __ ] upset man i was like no you can't do this to me i'm emotionally invested in you you can't you are the chosen one i can't watch you do this yeah i couldn't i don't that is the only xbox system that i don't have i have a 360 i have the original xbox i was a huge fan of xbox and then this happened the online for ps3 was free asmond okay you didn't know what i was talking about there was like a three or four month period where the playstation 3 online was just dysfunctional and unplayable and then also there were problems with it as well uh even after that and so it was a long [ __ ] time um was it three weeks i think it was more than three weeks i i'm pretty sure it was it was more than three weeks uh regardless though i think it was completely overpriced i think that the game the game offering was mediocre i think that the online while it was free and that's cool it wasn't really good enough and so i'm gonna go ahead and just kind of cancel those things those things out now the last one the last one the playstation 4. this is a great console the playstation 4 is the dominant console today now there are a lot of people there are a lot of people who prefer the switch and i understand that i get that i get that makes sense for me i have the switch and i have the ps4 basically i think the ps4 was an incredible [ __ ] console and also on top of that the ps4 as i said earlier the ps4 brought in they they defended the integrity of console gaming as we know it if ps4 didn't do what they did against xbox we would be living it wouldn't be ps4 it would be ps 1984. for that reason i am gonna you guys like that i thought that up in my head right as i was saying it for that reason i'm going to put ps4 right here it is an a console this is an absolute a console it has bloodborne it has god of war it has a number ps4 exclusives are the best exclusives on the market if you are going to buy a console for its exclusives and you're not playing it for party games for your you know kids and everything like that right um ps4 exclusives are the [ __ ] gold standard it it's just how what's this here how is the wii better than the ps4 easily the wii was so much more innovative than the ps4 it was a completely different universe right like honestly i would almost categorize these as two different things the wii was way more innovative than the ps4 like the ps4 was just a really good ps3 the wii was a completely different way to think about playing video games this list right here is the truth this is the bible this is the guaranteed unabashed accurate completely unbiased minus maybe super nintendo but you know it is what it is this is the list move uh 360 up and xbox down one 360 up and xbox one down no no no way like the console had so many [ __ ] like hardware problems i'm not gonna rate that as a [ __ ] a give me a break no i like you know what my 360 is it's behind my door like like i threw that [ __ ] down the stairs and you know what probably by the end of the stairs it worked better it was a piece of [ __ ] like whenever you had it standing upright like they had in a [ __ ] commercial the disc from my halo 3 or halo 2 came down was it that's the console would just die do not [ __ ] give me any [ __ ] about how the 360 should be a [ __ ] a there was no console in this entire list that had more hardware trouble than the three [ __ ] 60. how is the switch under the 360 the switch is under the 360. oh that is a good question how why is the switch under a 360 switch really in a because like the wii u is also portable so like the switch's idea of being portable was not new i i will do this i will do this that's all i want to do so like in my mind there's like a couple of different categories right there's like the game offerings the uh the innovation of the console itself the controller out overlay the other types of things that the console allowed to do i play dvds or ps2 for example and then also like the hardware capabilities for itself right so all these different categories i'm like ranking against each other uh where would the psp be i don't know probably as a [ __ ] b like the psp wasn't really that great i broke my psp in chemistry class and so uh philip cdi yeah i mean like a lot of the other like so i want to go back right uh give me one second i'm gonna go ahead and open this up again uh yeah i mean like you do have like other things right like this is the links this came out in like the [ __ ] like early 90s i believe this game gear is this game yeah game gear like i have a game gear like game gear is really great so the game gear is probably one of the strongest arguments that i have for global warming so every single level that you play in sonic the way that you have to celebrate by beating the level is by buying a new pack of batteries yeah that's basically how it would work but the game gear uh it did have a backlit screen which was really really cool and uh that's basically battery so bad it was so [ __ ] bad yeah i have one of these let's see uh game boy advance uh i thought game boy advance roy wasn't that good that great like i don't know like the game boy i have the original game boy um i have the one that's see-through though uh let's see uh nintendo ds i thought that was really cool because the nintendo ds had a touchscreen and it also had two screens nintendo ds i think was probably like one of the coolest looking ones uh this one right here was this the nvidia is the nokia one nokia engage i think this came out in like what 2003 or something like that uh maybe a little bit before then this was pretty much like nobody used this this is like nokia trying to make a phone into a into a console uh let's see are there any more of these other ones here that are worth anything uh yeah this is like way way old school like this is like before that this is in the dark ages uh what's this one here i don't even know what that is is that i guess the nintendo switch yeah i guess it must be oh dude this is the old [ __ ] atari holy [ __ ] my mom used to have this one look at that yeah that's the old [ __ ] atari yeah was that the 5200 sorry 2600 damn okay let's see what about this one here ah dude i don't even remember this one at all yeah some of these consoles like you guys forget but like a lot of these consoles like stuff like this right like these were [ __ ] like these were the old days man these were the [ __ ] old days like it doesn't look that cool and it wasn't that cool okay like these were the [ __ ] old odyssey consoles and [ __ ] like that yeah commodore 64. like this [ __ ] was [ __ ] this was the like you plugged this in to a [ __ ] rock and you powered it by getting on a [ __ ] bicycle and like paddling water okay and you had to feed it like grass in order for it to work like this was some straight-up stone-age [ __ ] like i didn't even have these i i didn't have these i only had i bought one like way later on i think i have this one no i don't have that one i have one of these i have a [ __ ] odyssey i don't know where it is here uh it's somewhere um anyway let me see here did i miss any more of these oh oh this one here oh yeah the nomad this came out after the game after the game gear and it just never really caught on like nobody cared about this one at all uh let's see oh i have this is the one that i have i think it's one of the ones that i have yeah these are super super [ __ ] old far too expensive yeah it was so long ago i it's hard for me to really remember uh let's see what about this one here that is is this neo geo oh my god yeah all of these people they were all trying to like this see this is what mine looks like this see i had this one right here i have two of them i have this one and then i also have the sega seeds on the side but this was my original one and you would hit that button and the sega cd would come out this was [ __ ] lit it was big too it felt good whenever you picked it up it was like yeah it was so [ __ ] amazing okay are there any more of these that are really worth looking at i'm pretty sure this is all a bunch of like old failed [ __ ] portables and then you have this one here see this is actually um they have one of these in a guantanamo bay and they use it to torture prisoners and they give them visual migraines it only takes five minutes [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 191,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold console, asmongold consoles, asmongold ranks, asmongold tier list, asmongold rates, tier list, console tier list, game console tier list, gaming console tier list, best console, the best console, best console of all time, best video game console, best gaming console, playstation, nintendo, xbox, top consoles, top video game consoles, top 10 consoles
Id: xrpEfLsx7hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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