Asmongold Reacts to "He Will Not Divide Us" | By Internet Historian

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shia labeouf is an artist yes welcome to his museum wait this is wrong such works as watching all of his movies in a theater back to back smart and wearing a paper bag [Music] but now he's ready to unveil his magnum opus i used to be a change he won't divide us their message from astoria queens broadcasting he did camera feed will be up 24 hours a day for at least four years yup i remember this video called it a triumph the first great art of the trump oh my god dude i remember this [ __ ] webcam this [ __ ] webcam there were so many people from 4chan that went to this it was crazy i watched like 10 videos about this man you know i was like yeah this is the ice beside nera exactly he will not divide us paul appreciates art too and they wanted to express themselves on camera as well absolutely god this is good oh boy oh boy i slapped the chicken titties out of her hand oh yeah i remember that he's about to crack isn't he paul had one goal in mind to take over the exhibit and trigger cheyenne oh no museum of keck [Music] oh no [Music] by day two shire is getting sick of hearing about pepe [Music] yep i remember seeing that one oh here we go oh my god jesus christ six hours i haven't heard that song since then is that little speaker who's speaker is that poland that shire was particularly triggered by nazi role-playing so it became a game to make nazi references while he was on camera oh my god dude people used to be like this is what the internet used to be all kinds of just dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] like this all the time what's up bang bang hitler did nothing wrong in a rage he's sexually assaulted i like how he pauses for a second like he he pauses and he's like wait a minute he just no he just said that dumb dude oh my god then sam hyde showed up [Music] you're not a real artist oh my god [Music] imagine like the thing is what's so sad is like the guy probably thought that he was really doing everybody a favor you know what i mean he was trying to like really make up you know make like you know some kind of a movement or something like that or really make something happen and then it turns into like everybody's just memeing on them and calling them dumb you know what i mean like it's so [ __ ] stupid out of touch celebrities yeah listen remember how many celebrities there were that thought that they would make covid better if they were dancing in their living room singing yeah look it is what it is nice out here it'd be nice out here you're surrounded now but it all came tumbling down yeah off camera because of a misunderstanding he assaulted one of his own supporters of course the police called the event and he was arrested [Music] i like how they said if you're gonna arrest him arrest all of us and then they just take him away and they're like okay well all right well anyway um so let's keep going let's keep talking to the camera yeah they just got that was easy you know what i mean like that was real [ __ ] easy you got divided fast los angeles the next day soon after they also had to put up a fence yeah a wall if you will and now only five people at a time can come in and they are very well vetted yes but credit where it's due although this was not good art chai had created one of the most fascinating things to watch on the internet that's true he did make a really good meme like this is something that we will remember i will remember this in 10 years this i'll remember this way more than i remember transformers like this is more memorable than transformers so yeah is shia is he an idiot or is he a genius think about that and here are a few of the best featured characters the milky bar you know that's hate speech yes towards black racist type of things they do they try to say oh my god like black people are lactose intolerant like just purposely drink milk outside very obnoxiously how'd you get my phone number how'd you get my phone number i haven't given up my phone number did you hear that at the end he said hitler did nothing wrong there's so many racist people calling me right now oh my god i don't use i don't use the word nazi lightly [Applause] this oh no look at his face look at his face oh no he doesn't i came there to trigger people and it was great oh boy oh boy 2016 2015 it was a different time yeah it was a it was a really different time guys let me say that it was a really really different time the world was it was much dumber and i'll be honest it was probably a little bit more fun me many more i have to go way down yeah single best reality tv show on the internet right now yeah it was great going on for the next four to eight years yeah it didn't happen watch the second one all right i'll watch one more okay watch three all right let's just watch three man season two was removed it got banned for being too spicy yeah i'm not surprised about that war has changed it's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries machines nano machines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their ability oh he's talking about vaccine after defeat on the battlefields of new york and new mexico shire headed to a new hidden he went to a new place no more chanting or interaction this latest exhibit would just be a flag waving arrogantly in front of a camera yes there were no landmarks no scenery there can't be no clues at all to its whereabouts nobody can find it nobody knows where it is and nothing could stop the broadcast what now stupid nazis mate and this would allow shire to act smug for the next four to eight years that is unless paul's agents could find a way to track it down challenge accepted it was to be the greatest game of capture the flag ever paul began organizing they said about gathering all the information they could on the local environment the actual cloud this was the funniest [ __ ] thing if you guys ever underestimate people on the internet if somebody ever underestimates somebody on the internet show them this video make them watch this [ __ ] video i remember this yeah because it was a live stream they could match the time of sunset to quickly discern that the flag was somewhere in the eastern time zone that's two-thirds of the country ruled out in one move others began looking into intel about shires whereabouts as it was highly likely that he was present for the raising of the flag itself as time went on distinct noises could be heard in the background the croaking of frogs suggesting water nearby oh i remember people didn't people like drive around honking horns too to try to figure out if they could get a positive for it then yeah the second big break it's it's pepe man just faintly quickly opened a live feed of all of the air traffic across the eastern seaboard but identifying these two lines amongst all of this that's hard to do be a challenge yeah meanwhile social media trackers found this post at a small town diner in tennessee this waitress couldn't help but brag about her run in with shine it was another big break tmz also reported that shire had been seen fly fishing in the area greenville tennessee oh my god it's moving much faster now according to the aviation team two more planes would soon be flying overhead if they could be spotted on the live stream pole would have confirmed they would know yeah they would know for sure bingo to further narrow down the search area the aviation team started charting all of the flight paths of spotted planes but they still needed more information as day turned to night they got it paul's astronomy division used the constellations to narrow down the angle and rough position of the camera with this the flight paths and some advanced trigonometry the candidate area had been reduced way down further confirmation from weather satellites backed up the claim as an agent was dispatched to the scene see it's like you know what that you know what the government should do is like every once in a while they should just find one of these cases that they can't figure out and just put all the information on the internet be like all right all right somebody figure this [ __ ] out and they'll be like ten thousand people that [ __ ] figure this [ __ ] out it's like because it's not like one person did this one person did not do this this is like probably a thousand people working together they do that it's smart as he drew close he started honking the horn while viewers of the live stream gave feedback as it got louder yep a few minutes later target sighted but hid in during broad daylight and risk shia's wrath instead he had to wait for the cloak of night in the meanwhile paul got to work devising an infiltration strategy a few hours later it was a beautiful moment and it all took place on the live stream paul's central intelligence agency had clocked windu season 3 in 38 hours and 14 minutes it's like imagine like imagine how mad this dude must have been whenever he saw that like erie wakes up and they're like dude they took down your flag like no they didn't and just going over there and seeing that [ __ ] hat there and the flag there's no way where it is 38 hours yeah exactly and poor shire was divided for a third time jesus divided between the flag could he ever recover probably not could this be i remember that picture as i was editing this video there has been an update the stream has gone down and the maga hat and shirt with it oh no intel indicates that the flag will be up again soon over the area and you can see here that shia is keeping guard off the flagless hole that's my response operation eagle eye is on standby the drone carries a sophisticated device you can see here a mega hat confederate flag and bucket to find out what will happen next okay stay tuned for season four okay all right this is too [ __ ] good man one more okay all right all right all right yeah here it is season four is here and this time it's a perfect museum in liverpool damn that's across the world finding it wouldn't be hard the live feed stated where the flag was oh this is the one that was on top of the building i think i remember this one too and taking it yes dude within the hour scouts were doing yes dude hundreds of sleeper agents on pole were activated the planning began plan a walk in the front door take the lift up to the roof [Music] and steal the flag no good god's already disabled access people people are [ __ ] prepared for this meanwhile an agent stakes out the cafeteria jesus they learn about the museum's private security and that they're on 30-minute rotations checking all corridors and emergency exits plan b scale the building here's the fact museum the flag ladder access to the platform 24-hour cctv doors to the roof and entrances to fact and adjacency the route is simple walk into the neighboring complex gain access to the roof across jump over a four meter real life mission by the cctv and work around to the flag meanwhile online shire and his friends were reading 4chan ready to call the cops if they got onto the roof so discord teams ran counter posting fake news updates to the public forums plan c another team was experimenting with a high wattage laser always burn the flag from a distance jesus christ obviously that didn't work a side quest operation chadelaine involved a bluetooth speaker packaged in bubble wrap which would then be lobbed onto the roof so they would hear it but five stories up proved to be too far to throw next plan d as well as e and f all involved drones jesus one agent worked on a flamethrower assembly jesus another worked on a weed whacker attachment to cut down the flag and another would simply attach a can of why and drop it on the camera okay all right makes sense while these three were busy fine-tuning their new sex robots the propaganda department was hard at work on ms paint drafting artwork to rally the troops plan g trust based infiltration all of a sudden fact inboxes were flooded with unsolicited resumes for internships and janitorial positions maybe soon they couldn't trust their own employees sure curators of the museum were getting spooked already that day they had caught someone i'd probably be like man all right get that [ __ ] down i like listen this is a fine upstanding establishment get that [ __ ] down we don't want to deal with this i've got enough to get enough problems man trying to make their way onto the roof using a fake press pass but while plans a through g were all being debated over three people with no plan at all were scaling the buildings they discovered that the flagpole mechanism was locked in place with zip ties and they hadn't brought scissors they were almost immediately seen on the roof security was triggered and the police were dispatched the three agents fled without getting the flag but they managed to cause quite a scene police did a sweep however no one was arrested but it was still mission accomplished fact abandoned the project the flag and live stream were taken down liverpool's closed yeah it's like they don't want to deal with that [ __ ] they don't want to it's a museum it's your security site yeah they don't want to deal with that they're like all right get this [ __ ] flag out of here i don't want to have to deal with these stupid ass kids showing up trying to steal the flag [ __ ] it man [Music] wow i i didn't know the whole back story that's the best part about it is i didn't know even part of this 25 hours another ripple [Applause] but this isn't the end of cheyenne no the season five dlc hindu cabin oh yeah and then people found see all right this one's not on the internet anymore but basically people were able to look for different cabin listings and then because shia made a video inside of the cabin they were able to [ __ ] cross-reference it oh my god i don't see any footsteps [Applause] spooky huh very spooky and then right beside it is this huge tree that's obviously come down recently tree do it that scared me i'll be honest okay um let's see all right we've got one more we've got one more yeah yeah that that got me all right the walking divided he will not divide us this is the last one this is the last video the final adventure this is uh episode number six there's two more no the other one isn't available there's only one more that's still on youtube this is the final one the last adventure no longer featuring him wait what no more crowds just flags what the [ __ ] time for a quick recap season one new york shire's arrested shut it down season two new mexico someone pulled a gun shut it down fine then we'll do a shitty flag stolen season 4 another flag but with guards stolen i'm going to sit in a cabin for a month and do nothing mission accomplished and that brings us to now the flag is back stationary camera completely muted audio no confirmed clues just a white flag on a white wall time to get to work you know this reminds me of like expectation versus reality you know what i mean where it's like you originally thought that it was gonna be like this really cool thing and you know people are gonna come and you know support your political ideology and you know all this kind of stuff right and then at the very end of it after you know all your dreams are crushed and your hopes are diminished and your uh you know all of your expectations are shattered you have the same flag in a [ __ ] dimly lit fluorescent room in in a like a random ass hallway that nobody knows about and ironically it did become a big thing that's what i was saying right this is more memorable than transformers the transformers that he was in so shia won't be making a cameo this season he has bigger concerns which is why his buddy luke turner featured here in season five has taken over so it goes live at 4pm gmt the first thing to determine is the source of this light is it a lamp or natural well it's moving very slowly and its luminosity is changing that means there's a window the angle of the light means the window should be about here with the camera here so the relative positions of things in the room should be like this next they wait for sunset sunset is 8 pm gmt okay okay that puts the flag somewhere in this zone does luke have a house in this area yes he does perfect time to do some recon oh my god as it gets darker it would be easier to see a light flashing through the window location confirmed three hours 58 minutes so what now some people tried to [ __ ] with the wi-fi router no good damn nothing really i mean look at this what's the bloody point yeah this is no better than uploading a still image and declaring victory it's nothing especially for art it's boring yes no this this was creating discussion it was arguably the greatest reality tv show of the last decade it was funny like things like this are unironically why i think people voted for trump is because it was funny like this time around like the second time around for the [ __ ] 2020 election there weren't really any of these it was just people that were sad about kovid like this is why like this was the enthusiasm that got the dude elected and then this is what happened but instead we have to make a clown rule oh god so we're waiting and we're waiting and we're waiting until holy [ __ ] there's a fly on the flag people flocked back to the stream the flag itself made for a makeshift ouija board what was he communicating what clues could this fly provide really [Music] d okay d h okay this is [ __ ] ridiculous this is [ __ ] ridiculous high definition why what does it mean of course people like to watch television in high definition true particularly when there's a football game of game of thrones or something and when that happens often people order food in so that they don't have to miss anything the most common kind of delivered food is pizza right that's it send the house dozens of pizzas oh no they did this let me just say they did this and they shouldn't have because i agree with that come on it's not funny i mean it's a little bit funny but it's it's not right you're animal i'm not a fan of the sending the pizzas and [ __ ] right because like then you know it's like the delivery driver's the one that gets [ __ ] right it's funny but it's not like you know what i mean like because then the delivery driver gets [ __ ] over the person gets harassed it's just it's not ideal animals do that kind of thing don't do that thank you look as i'm making this video nothing really has happened outside of tracking down the flag yeah no one has taken it people found european plans too plans to give it an upgrade but there's a good chance that nothing will happen no the stream will be like this for the next three and a half to seven and a half years [Music] but after five long seasons the only way he can say he will not divide us is by locking himself and the flag away from the world but i suppose there's a bigger question here to be asked if a man protests with a flag but no one tunes in to see it did the protest ever really happen it was the show that should have ended seasons ago a man perhaps undivided but almost certainly angry alone the funny thing is like i haven't thought about this this event in literally years and i think i remember watching the first video the new york video america is so [ __ ] so this was four years ago and it's gotten worse this was we can look back and it's like oh this is like we look back at these times and this is like how people look back on oh i remember you know the pomp and circumstance of thomas jefferson it's like compared to now this is like whenever they wrote the declaration of independence it's completely different yeah season six yeah i think these things are really [ __ ] funny man uh it was hilarious the thing is though is like so many people were like i think they were just pissed off that they like like there's something that i think rubs a lot of people the wrong way including me to a lot of extent whenever some celebrity starts making a lot of political statements and stuff like that it just usually annoys me because i feel like it's kind of like almost a misuse of their platform because there's not really the same level of like vetting that usually people that are in a political space have so they're just kind of shortcutting themselves into having a microphone to talk about issues that they might not be informed about now sometimes it's okay it's not that big of a deal but especially whenever people get like really involved uh it can be very annoying yeah it can be very very [ __ ] annoying so as you yeah i mean obviously i make statements too and i feel the same way right so pretty much what i've always said is if somebody says that kind of stuff they shouldn't be treated like they're anything more than just a random person like i'm just a random guy like i'm a random guy nobody should really listen to me nobody should listen to me any more than any other person i am just a random dude that does whatever that's all there is to it man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 651,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold internet historian, internet historian, internet historian reaction, internet historian react, asmon internet historian, internet historian asmongold, he will not divide us, he will not divide us internet historian, shia labeouf, internet historian shia labeouf, shia labeouf flag, he will not divide us flag, internet historian flag, shia flag, The Triggering of Shia, capture the flag
Id: ERiU2vBH4mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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