Asmongold MIND BLOWN By The Scale of The Universe

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powers of ten are pretty cool they're actually pretty powerful if you know what I'm saying there's no powers in bath a power of ten is any integer power of the number ten basically ten multiplied by itself a certain number of times any number of times for example 10 to the power of one is just ten 10 squared is 100 10 cubed is 1,000 oh forget the idea yeah the powers of 10 help us compare the relative size of things here and represents any number you want it called the order of magnitude all right positive order of magnitude will make X bigger while the negative number will make X smaller the effect of adding one extra zero to the beginning or end of any number may seem irrelevant but what happens if we take these numbers to the extremes what might these numbers represent the [ __ ] does that mean how the what the [ __ ] does that even mean believe it or not the powers of 10 actually put our universe into perspective quite nicely let's start with the really small powers of ten at ten to the negative thirty five meters we come to what is known as the Planck length Planck length is the smallest measurable distance in the entire universe much like at the center of a black hole at a scale this tiny the laws of physics as long as the dix of the people that can point about me on Twitter break down and cease to be valid the amount of time it takes a photon of light to one block length is known as the Planck time and is equal to say 43 seconds meaning that this is the shortest measurable time possible any time children this physically has no meaning at all this is why at the moment scientists can only say that the universe came into being after it was already 10 to the negative 43 seconds old getting larger at 10 to the negative 18 meters we reach quarks the atomic particles that compose protons and neutrons why does the negative 7 meters we reach the smallest forms of life single celled organisms okay at one time here you'll find things that you can see like eggs birds and toilet paper or I've seen before we have everyday life humans dogs blue whales come in at a solid 30 meters well next we come across the meaning of life or 42 whatever you decide it is and 170 meters reach the length of the Titanic that's a long triple that and we get the population of Vatican City the smallest country in the world it's kind of funny because Central Park in New York City is actually four kilometers long and it's eight times larger than Vatican City which is an entire country clocking in at 11,000 meters is force Mars is largest moon fun fact one day it's gonna crash into Mars so if we're gonna call an eyes it we should probably find a way to deal with it you just hit it with a nuclear bomb and that way it would blow it up like that's I don't know even know like that's what you do you just hit you hit it with a bomb and it will blow it up and that way it wouldn't it wouldn't hit the planet or you could have people like maybe on the moon and they would like what would happen if they were on the planet when they blew it up and I each individual piece like what the [ __ ] would even happen then with an order of magnitude of 5 with Hydra one of Pluto's moons Hydra even though it's a moon it's only a hundred kilometers across that's the state of West Virginia in the United States times as large this is about ten to the five pairs on the average human head at 2,300 kilometers in diameter we have everyone's favorite planet Pluto Oh anyway moving we have earth thousand seven hundred kilometers at a diameter of two hundred thousand kilometers we have Proxima Centauri the closest star to our Sun it's also home to Proxima be an exoplanet with features much like Earth oh and mission to any other star systems planets Proxima beat would probably be the first choice Wow was an order of magnitude of nine Sun clocks in that about a 1.4 million kilometers wide I think that's bigger than the earth holy-shit 1.4 million kilometers Jesus dude look at that that's crazy it accounts for more than ninety nine point eight percent of the BES insane at ten powers of 10 we come across the overs of Mercury Venus and Earth Brent you from 36 billion kilometers from the Sun all the way to 93 million kilometers although these orbits seem pretty big they're dwarfed by one of the most luminous stars in the sky the pistil star at 470 million kilometers it really is as much energy in 20 seconds as our Sun does in one whole year but the pistol star is nothing when compared to the largest star ever discovered the [ __ ] you WAIS Cuddy what is a billion kilometres wide and if it were to replace our Sun it would completely swallow the planets of Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter and Saturn at 26 billion kilometers we reach what is known as a light day it is exactly how far light travels enough that's that's really big like imagine how hot that is Jesus Christ got to be really hot what the [ __ ] this distance is currently farther than any human or space trip has ever traveled yeah at 10 to the 14 meters away from Earth our solar system appears only as a small point of light in the sky just like every other star that we see in the night sky Oh 10 another 15 metres we have the cat side Nebula one of the most complex nebulae ever discovered the entire nebula is nearly half a Lightyear in diameter oh my and two light-years away from Earth we reach the Oort cloud region of space filled with water and methane ice at this far distance the Sun's gravity no longer has an effect on objects past this point yeah what if other stars are stronger Oh 10 to the 17 metres we have a familiar sight just pillars of creation each pillar is over 5 light years long that's about 48 trillion kilometers heat five light years long like what the how the [ __ ] its Legion yeah I know where do you think they got the idea like you think about how long that's not your dick okay shut up but the missile can't us look like what's the middle one look like a dick man everyone has seen these before yeah however they won't last forever they're actually already gone why those of creation are located about 7,000 light years of Earth okay about 6,000 years ago they were destroyed by a nearby supernova well I thought that in 1,000 years they'll fade away from our view and disappear into the darkness of space what they'll skip forward to 10 to the 21 metres away from Earth we can finally see the Milky Way galaxy and in its entirety every star in the night sky that you can see lies within our galaxy however at 10 to the 22 meters we've reached the distance to our nearest neighboring galaxy Andromeda you can actually see Andromeda in the night sky with a simple pair of binoculars or normal telescope 10 to the 23 metres we reach what is known as those not that big its name pretty much tells you what it is it's the Local Group of galaxies that are near the Milky Way Jesus actually the second largest just behind Andromeda the local group is a part of the Virgo cluster a group of galaxies just like the local group galaxies Virgo cluster contains about 1,500 galaxies and is over 15 million light-years long at 10 to the 24 metres away from Earth we come across the anomaly known as the Great Attractor see objects with a lot of what is this it's like Marvel like I feel like I'm like listening to some [ __ ] like comic book war or some kind of [ __ ] like that Marvel extended universe or something like what the [ __ ] yeah we're gonna get it when are we gonna talk to talk about Galactus oh my god mass have a stronger gravitational pull that's why planets have moons and you don't they're a lot more massive than you are I don't have a Great Attractor is a bit different that's sad pulling clusters of galaxies towards it but we can't observe or see what it is what it's an object with a mass tens of thousands of times larger than the Milky Way's but we don't even know what it is what the [ __ ] 10 billion light years from Earth we come across the largest known object in the universe the Hercules Corona borealis Great Wall it's a bit of a mouth white but rightfully so why because it physically should not exist it is ten billion light-years long seven billion light-years wide and nearly 1 billion light-years deep this means that light will take 10 billion years to cross the entire wall only once it's put in my perspective the universe is only 13.8 billion years old ok and the time that Earth has been a planet about four-and-a-half billion years ok the light that has left at one end of the great wall hasn't even made it halfway to the other side yet structure is so big it breaks laws of physics there's something in the world of science known as the cosmological principle to put it simply it says no matter where you are in the universe if you look in any direction you should see an even distribution of matter this in turn creates a limit for the sizes of objects it's about 1.2 billion light years meaning that this structure is 8 times the supposedly limit of the largest object possible and at 10 to the 27 meters away from Earth we reach the outer limits of the observable universe this is as far as we can go and most likely we'll ever be able to yeah and thus our journey ends what happens you go past twenty seven steps ago we were back at Earth's back at life as we know what happens you go past that but the most amazing thing to me is that we travel to the outer limits of our universe as we know it you die seeing the largest structures known in the entire universe it's invisible walls 27 steps 27 orders of magnitude but in order to travel to the tiniest limits known to man at the Planck length we have to take 35 steps backwards from the human level this means that we are eight orders of magnitude or about 100 million times larger compared to the smallest thing there is that the universe is compared to us and that I find is the most interesting thing of them see this is why Wow dust at squishes because like if they didn't do that like the numbers that get insane like this is what happens like real life doesn't do stats squishes at all and like no there's no stat squishes at all and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and you have like these things that aren't supposed to be real yeah this is crazy like yeah you need a real life stat squish man how's it gonna be that big dude you think about like a [ __ ] a star it's like half the size of our entire solar system is over - I don't like the Great Attractor like dude like this is like some [ __ ] like it's some that's actually like sci-fi [ __ ] man you know you know how we all made fun of ICP for not understanding how magnets worked well they understood how they worked they just knew they were miracles okay well that's how I feel about this kind of [ __ ] like how the [ __ ] do we know about this gigantic ass wall like how the [ __ ] do we know about that who told us how a lien is not real how the [ __ ] is that happening they've got to be real they've got to have told us something right of course the government's wouldn't tell us anything because it would instantly disprove oh no I know of course a lian's about trump would all concet it he knows like on a like that he wouldn't know they would have irate listen listen if they trump would have said anything the aliens would have gone bad like they would have got like gone back through history and erased like back in time and like a race who he is his entire family he never would have existed and that's enough to put his to put fear into him and to never say anything ever I'm telling you aliens are [ __ ] real they can't I they can time travel they can they can manipulate us they [ __ ] I'm telling you how the [ __ ] are we supposed to know about this goddamn wall how is that possible I mean the guy literally says in the video that breaks the laws of physics or some [ __ ] right yeah how they know about it I know that's [ __ ] crazy man like to me it's like it's like that the scale of it is so big that just going back to thinking about building a castle was like oh yeah okay I love castles yeah I mean like it's so it's so theoretically massive that it's hard to even process and you're your mind you know what I mean like I've watched these things before and like it's incredible dude it's absolutely [ __ ] incredible listen to me chat I'm telling you right now okay something something has happened okay we have upset the aliens in some way okay that's why we haven't had any like super major technological advances in the past like [ __ ] like goddamn decade okay I'm telling you right now aliens are a hundred percent [ __ ] real okay huh think about this think about this okay how did how did we get plastic okay how the [ __ ] did that happen [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 817,237
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold aperture, asmongold scale of the universe, scale of the universe, how big is the universe, universe size, the scale of the universe, aperture universe, universe how big, universe size comparison, universe size comparison reaction, universe scale reaction, universe size reaction, universe how large, universe mind blown
Id: j-Pt65m6bw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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