Asmongold Reacts To "Content Nuke - Keemstar" | By H3H3Productions

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I vote Asmongold goes on H3H3, just because. 👍

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Inspired_Performance 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
like I'm gonna be honest with you guys Mike I went into this and I was thinking like okay keemstar was mean to a few people this this is bad this is actually bad hey man I have no idea what you said about me because I personally haven't seen it yet all I know is a bunch of people are tweeting me say that you were talking about me I really hope that's not true because if it's true oh man we're gonna have to expose another snake not to laugh and you touch kids people need to know where this dude lives i docks destiny where is the big story Jesus dude wild one of nature's most oh you know what the [ __ ] is this once his venom is injected in Jesus Christ cause psychosis in minutes [ __ ] does this and in some cases even death okay any fees on there Jesus man today we hunt deaky Milius reptilians the world's most deadly I'm like [ __ ] God or in the best channels on YouTube yeah this is kind of this is clever always I want to get into the actual video though like this is this is funny but let's see what's actually going on here yeah this is Content cop obviously super safe in this discreet underground location Harry Potter is just a movie but I don't think I've ever actually met a real-life Slytherin until keemstar like he's the Wizard of being an [ __ ] many of you may have seen my last video and what I defended myself against the accusations I am the most evil man alive and the explanation that we gave was adequate for everyone except one man the camellias reptillus also known as killer keemstar they were I put a lot of work into this holy [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god do it this is pretty good [Music] readers of payday 2 basically came out and said look we're going to do an h3 h3 DLC we're gonna sell it for $5 and all the money we made we're gonna give the h2 h3 board this seems like a personal vendetta now like many things keemstar says yes is 100% untrue and let's please still appreciate the gravity of what he's saying he's accusing me of a felony fraud of the theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars yeah and keemstar puts that out there really without any second thought and with full confidence he says you're a liar okay quickly with all of King stars transgression Jesus Christ onto his illustrious future he told totalbiscuit who was dying of cancer that he couldn't wait to report on his death he falsely yeah they're like this guy's an [ __ ] man like hey I guess that was their very few things that like I try to always look at like the positive or try to say like hey you know maybe somebody had maybe it was like just kind of a misunderstanding I try to be reasonable and like I look at it and like generous and you know hoping like maybe there's some other sort of reason but no that's act like that was just I don't know it seems like a bad thing to say she used an elderly career of being a convicted pedophile uh I mean how does he RS glory and gold IRA accused the guy being a pedophile but God forbid if he has to stop playing a game to look into it you know what his evidence was wait for it don't even give a [ __ ] I in the photo yeah that's it this was very this was very sad it was I remember this happened like I gotta bother me no matter what okay you know I know who and what I am and my real friends know yeah [Music] now keemstar likes the app yeah we are all good but here's a clip of Tony talking about the incident one and a half years later describing how this one mishap on chem stars and dramaalert ended up with years of endless harassment for him have a listen one time I had I don't know hundreds of thousands of people threatened to kill my family her ass and my sister my nephews I mean me I mean you know they were just they hacked our my runescape account they have is there nothing sacred about Wow anyway I sent a little Twitter out yes said keemstar just so you know your BS a year and a half ago still causes me trouble every day and keemstar you know having evolved I would say came star only reported fake news once wahoo but it's been more than once from his point of where he was before he's changed you know he's a better man this is how he reacts to Tony I am NOT gonna put up with you [ __ ] blaming me for people throwing you anymore cuz this I am not guilty I'm guilty of that video game and what I said about but I'm not guilty if you be control in 2017 if this happened once or twice I just I just let it go but you times of last six months and I'm holding back every urge for saying [ __ ] you oh boy yesterday the victim of poor Tony's harassment unacceptable the way that Tony is harassing poor keemstar who is he is just had it up to here with Tony it's like if you make a video saying that some dudes a [ __ ] pedophile and it becomes like a big thing like you're obviously responsible with the videos wrong I mean like this is not an outrageous statement to make the guy he accused of being a pedophile publicly no no is not what do you mean what do you mean to tell this guy to [ __ ] off keep Stars got a bottle of G fuel somewhere in this house it's actually a Horcrux how much do you feel so sponsor this guy by the way G fuel brought to you by false pedophilia accusations guy chugga chief you get it now at G fuel dock there you go now after do you guys agree with the going after people sponsors thing I don't know McConnell what do you think about that I feel like that's like kind of uh I don't know why pressuring sponsors every single time that like somebody does something bad like bring up something from like four years ago III don't like that and like obviously like it's very easy to say that it's okay in this circumstance because people don't like keemstar but I think the practice of doing that regularly is actually like kind of harmful to the to the platform in general and I think that really what ends up happening is that you know somebody has something brought up from like years ago and then everybody gets really mad about that and then they want to hurt this person's income and way of life because of it and like realistically like yeah obviously it's game stars fault he does except for us he should accept full responsibility for the guy but is is something they did four years ago I don't know like what would be an acceptable penance for that it's hard really to say I think that there are a lot of people who they don't want to have somebody be able to redeem themselves they just want to be able to have the ability to like inflict retribution on that person and like to punish that person they don't really care about justice they care about punishment then call there was a period in time when keep star was laying low at being a good boy and everyone okay well I'm just talking about this video for the worse the much much worse now guys before I get back to the beginning of this video and which came star accusing me of a felony fraud I'd like to bring you up to date with all of his achievements since contact cops so here walk with me here a Museum of hate and destruction dude I don't even know if I'm gonna watch this this is actually pretty bad like that that's that's pretty [ __ ] bad [Music] if there's anything else if this is like the Alex thing or whatever I'm probably just gonna skip past this dude it's fine I mean it keemstar is a partnered streamers on Twitch right it's not fine other streamers watched it yeah all right god damn what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude like I mean that's not even there's like a difference between making a racist joke and going into all of that God okay it's a joke haha whatever right it's good it's bad it's whatever but this is there's a lot Jesus just Destiny's a youtuber who made the very regrettable decision of using underage girls in his thumbnails keemstar took that and ran yeah I'll sing you a ting that he is a pedophile with zero evidence do you touch kids oh my god really but but do you do you touch kids after losing 3,000 subscribers for this interview keemstar declares war unjust destiny i lost almost 3000 subscribers I'm going to war with this mother and if Pierce Pike keemstar releases all of his public information on the Internet here's an example of what my dog spin looks like it has my name Bert Wow home address all of my phone number my parent how do they know he and my release addressed this is released with the express purpose of harassing he say often leads to Sawadee as well here he is admitting to daxing him i doxxed him Oh what are you about all right okay I mean I'm literally telling you right now what do you think is gonna happen to me there it is you said to Auggie this is gonna be a big story that keeps stirring docks destiny i docks destiny where is the big story yeah I ducks okay all right you know I I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but I don't think that's necessary I really I don't think that's necessary okay so it seems like you probably did that don't we be honest I I think if you're using underage girls especially like in that way on your thumbnails if your channel should just be immediately banned like that's not even that's not one strike that's like ten strikes like you're just gone you're finished you're done and you don't get a second chance you can't make a second channel you can't do anything like i i i agreed with what keemstar saying like fundamentally that like what the guy was doing was bad obviously don't agree Daxing right but I do think the authorities should be involved with that 100% people all the time I'm I've run a new show like it's literally part of the job he perhaps about daxing many people because he runs a new show no I don't know what kind of new show and keep stars running but I don't remember the last time Anderson Cooper had to find out someone's mom's phone number and post online I need to know I need nowhere I'm sorry [ __ ] but I'm talking and you're talking when I thought geez dude holy [ __ ] goddamn here's keemstar daxing a youtuber known as smiles for YouTube on his livestream his skype is literally smiled for you to keep note of all this that's his skype right there even though my house address you know all my information oh my god the guys from Canada this is his wife's phone number what the [ __ ] is this phone number right here wife's phone numbers newsworthy a white hoodie charlie yeah madras we need to draw this address you can hear someone on the streams what the [ __ ] dude like I'm gonna be honest with you guys Mike I went into this and I was thinking like okay keemstar was mean to a few people right like he's mean to a few people like okay who gives a [ __ ] right this this is bad this this is actually bad like what the [ __ ] Alex sensual vibes that's not good let me tell you something that is not [ __ ] good oh my god saying far cord a violent crime hostage situation or a terrorist attack to provoke an armed police response at someone else's address this is our house last year this is what swatting looks like daxing leads to swatting keemstar clearly knows this he's holy aware of the consequence of saying this we need this dude's address we need to drop this address and swatting sometimes leads to death as we'll find out later in this video people need to know where this dude lives now I'm gonna get swatted look at the mall there one waiter everywhere so they actually swatted him did this one I'm sorry I'm one recording for the situation cuz it happens a lot so yeah I'm sorry I called you guys I'm like listen it's fake it's not true team star is shocked that people think he's responsible of course he never called the police himself that would be illegal he just gleefully put the information on his stream during any of this felony needed to be swatted like now I'm being accused of swatting people all right I even believe oh my god I think and I cannot believe that people actually believe it his skype is literally smile for YouTube people actually believe it this is his phone number people actually believe it this is his wife's phone number people actually believe it we need this dude's address we need to drop this address oh my god people need to know where this dude lives people actually believe it is it really that hard to block rude and start talk about him after leaking all of his private info on stream this kid is a [ __ ] loser and every since holy [ __ ] dealt with such a loser like I'm honestly almost impressed by keemstar it's like this same way like it's like I didn't know somebody could be this much a piece of [ __ ] you know why how can you do that like that this is impressive it's like you ever go on dirt you ever see somebody on Jerry Springer and they come on Jerry Springer and there's like a laundry list of dumb [ __ ] things that they do and it's like you know they [ __ ] their mom they [ __ ] their sister and then they tried to [ __ ] their dad and then they also stole their dad's car and blew up the car and then also they tried to eat the dog and it's like at a certain point it just gets so out of hand that it just becomes entertaining because of how ridiculous it is and I think that's really where it is here it's so [ __ ] ridiculous life like this guy has no friends oh my god no friends and I have trolled him so hard that his life is consumed now I'm being accused of swatting yeah satire King exactly YouTube swatted him first smile for YouTube dude is a liar all right I never swatted him he swatted me and he swatted basher and even if that's true does it really justify leaking his wife's phone number what did she have to do with it this is his wife's phone number and his home address endangering the lives of his children Jesus man father [ __ ] father father father father this is a man that's willing to endanger children over a petty Internet beef yeah fastest [ __ ] boy we need this news address still fastest stuff this is like I do it when a [ __ ] father skies crazy I don't think you have any idea how fast I really yeah I dogs people all the time I've run a new show these people need to know where this dude lives [ __ ] fast I am pissed guy has no friends and I have trolled him so hard that his life looks just like running in the [ __ ] picture man yeah the editing is good interview with the swatter wait oh my god oh no a man in Los Angeles is under arrest for a suspected prank that originated in the gaming community but turned deadly in real life in Kansas John Blackstone with how it unfolded wichita police officers believe they were responding to a hostage situation Wow when Andrew Fitch was shot dead after he appeared to be read what the [ __ ] it was all a mistake started by this phony call to 911 pointing the be honest man I was halfway expecting to hear his damn voice why I mean just to hear his [ __ ] voice like I swear to god man I was getting ready for it it's got it's already gotten this bad police believe the call was actually made by 25 year old Tyler Barry thirteen hundred miles away in Los Angeles [Music] we reached out to him and we asked him if we could get an interview with him and we did and this is what the person that made this fake police call said roll it this one really went under the radar but I find it really disturbing that keemstar the day after this murder happened was able to get this kid on his show fully monetized came circa that's impressive on this whole ordeal it is impressed I also if I recall correctly the interview brought to you by the SWAT murder was also sponsored by G fuel use code keen for 10% off of your life expectancy you SWAT at that address cracked sure okay so you swat at the address you put in the fake hostage situation correct and then this guy gets killed so it's really yeah okay debatable isn't it wonderful like yeah obviously cops should probably be a little bit more gun-shy with things yeah I mean like of course but it wouldn't have [ __ ] they would never been there if he didn't make the [ __ ] call they would never have been there if you didn't make the [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] do you mean keemstar is giving this murder the opportunity place blame on others totally uncontested there's multiple people that caused this to happen right while still at large from the police and can we appreciate that irony of keemstar of all people to sit here and pretend to be outraged when he enables this kind of behavior all the to would do such what would you say to the family we need this news address I mean this this family does it oh no you know these kids don't have a parent oh my [ __ ] god mother has lost a son this is his wife's phone number his family has lost a member of their family because of your actions people need to know where this dude lives this kid is a [ __ ] loser and every sense of I've never walled with such a loser in my life oh my [ __ ] god did no friend Wow zero friends I remember this so this was he did a whole drama or thing and this guy was really popular on YouTube and keemstar basically ruined this dude's career no I actually because I would watch the drama or videos he want to rub my wok and mocked the tweets of a suicidal youtuber that's it that's all I need to say about that today's story is about basher he had a breakdown on Twitter and quite frankly he's suicidal this is what he said on Twitter I almost kill myself today on the way home with the voice I'm not sure why I can't ever just go through with it oh my god highs low what the [ __ ] you take this anymore by itself this clip is bad enough but to understand where our story is going you need to understand Kim stars position on mental illness in general we don't believe in depression in this household we believe if you're sad or ardour if you claim that you have mental health issues people automatically support you they automatically feel bad for you they automatic all my dog tension why are we not surprised to get it that a lot of this is [ __ ] that depression and mental health issues is the biggest shield in the [ __ ] world FYI everybody gets depressed but only the weak let it define is the end you are weak if you want to be left alone here's a blog drug companies invent all of God's dances so they could sub drugs I remember this tweet people got mad about this one is 100% a fake invented illness so they can sell you drugs and make millions what the stock dude weak society 10k wieck's well I mean like I think God drug companies probably do monetize mental illness too much right I mean there's plenty of drugs I think probably are unsafe the problem with like some of the things that he says is that there's like they're like 10 percent true and it's the same with like Alex Jones for example sometimes Alex Jones will say something that's like 10 percent true and people just go all the way because they think with the ten percent and and don't realize that they're just kind of ignoring the other ninety so for example there are people that do bad things and then blame it on mental illness and to try to to do it with without repercussions like this happens yeah I think we've all seen it happen multiple times but to take this perspective is obviously bad literally catering exactly if you keep this [ __ ] [ __ ] real talk if you suffer from panic attacks and you're old enough to drink the best way to stop a panic attack real quick is to have a sip of beer you only need like three semi brought to you by dr. Daniel keep star spawn stop GP doctor kiemce dude okay I think this is probably the last one the last like little part that I want we are learning new details about the death of popular youtuber Erica the medical examiner's office says the 20th annual drowned in the East River by suicide Etica whose real name is Desmond a MOFA was found Monday near the South Street Seaport the NYPD says things were located along the Manhattan Bridge two days earlier fans became worried about the youtuber last week when he posted an eight-minute video saying it's been a nice life there we go here we go Attica has lost his mind like the third time Attica is a youtuber that unfortunately took his own life it shook a lot of us to the core and caused a lot of introspection in the YouTube community I believe he suffered from bipolar disorder and queer we did I mean it's something like that I mean III never really watched a lot of his videos but I watched like two or three of them and I remember the guy was like he was so vibrant and excited and like how many think of a way to put it he's full of life like you watch his videos and he'd be like running around and like the videos and like he'd get me hyped up for a Pokemon game and I wasn't even gonna play it he had good videos and I liked him and so it sucks it really does and I remember like even whenever it happened I said that there are tons of people that were trying to cash in on it to be you know pretend like oh wow I cared about this guy but just for like a sympathy points I I didn't like that either it was known for going through extreme manic states and making a spectacle he on YouTube and keemstar of course was very quick to capitalize on these spectacles he started tweeting out crazy things yesterday once again for the final time I am God and so are you oh my god wait I'm God I'm God he's God [Music] when you're bipolar you're in a manic state you have to understand that you can become very detached from reality yeah probably needs is certainly professional help and tenderness and not being fed into their mania you could see for example just how worried about him keeps areas Atika has lost his mind I mean don't be so excited about it too it's kind of a bummer I doubt it was he's excited because he gets to make money talking about it you know what I mean yeah and I think that's really what it is is that he doesn't really give a [ __ ] about it to begin with he's just doing it to just make money like it that's there's really nothing else more to it than that he just wants to make money and I can I would forgive somebody saying something like that if I knew that they were just like memeing but whenever you have like all of like the supporting evidence of him just actually like not really giving a [ __ ] about if it like harms people or not then it's like okay there's clearly even if you did have the line it was just like I don't know never forgive that well no it's like I don't know it's more complex than that in my mind it's just a meme family feeling that happy about it at one point he was arrested by the police and keemstar noted that he couldn't help but laugh at it somebody and we don't know who called the police on him the police showed up to his apartment and this is the video he posted on Twitter roll it yeah I think somebody's trying to hurt me I don't know it's people online people online are trying to hurt me online people online don't let them hurt me okay because they keep calling the cops on me doc I don't even know what Twitter is me for some reason he got no idea me though all I do I make know though I make I make a lot of so I'm really rich I have a lot of money I make a lot of I was like all right what a [ __ ] it's like impossible not to laugh at that during a previous manic episode Cape start had tweeted out the address the location of the mental hospital he's being stayed up you're in a manic state the last thing you need is being fed more energy and excitement and mania be daxing someone is bad enough but a dude in a manic state the docs is nuts oh my [ __ ] god stop staring at this tweet and complete disbelief the gay team start doxxed his mental hospital he tweeted out Edeka fans are tweeting at me saying I shouldn't be streaming Red Dead at a time like this he's not my friend I barely speak to him I'm worried but there's nothing I can do and it's Red Dead 2 sorry but I'm streaming it no matter what 3 why is it bad that if he streams the game hit Red Dead - yeah why is it why is it bad if he stream the game is there something I'm missing about that just watch it okay he's later Kim stars tagging attica and putting as much pressure on him as possible retweet if you want an interview with Etica and then people start giving him [ __ ] in the comments leave is give him some time to rest suck a dick I run a news channel I'm going to get my viewers the news I don't give a [ __ ] about your fake social justice warrior emotions on Twitter for attention oh boy those how keemstar views etiquette more as a commodity than a person Kim stars channel performance is way more important than the well-being of Etica during one of his manic states the police broke into his apartment I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm really scared I'm really really scared I'm really really scared right now look can you see me okay okay okay and released him a couple hours later now keemstar god damn dude scoop him up in his vulnerable state the manic state he was in and immediately put him on his show so there you have it that was the end of that Lake Attica to the mental huh and look at the picture he's using a few hours later he was released oh my god comes in set up this interview and let me just tell you things got crazy crazy Jesus dude should also notice nice little meme he introduces him with yeah there you go only truly how little he cares about Etica it's me the Antichrist I've come to purge the planet I feel like he he kind of does all of it with like the shield of saying he's doing it for the news and because he's doing it for the news it kind of makes him feel like any negative repercussions people feel because or endure have to deal with or anything because of that doesn't really matter because it was for the news of all human life I will be dropping nuclear missiles very very soon on every single human being death means nothing why are you all so scared of death for it means absolutely zero in the interim why do you think I'm a trump president we're about to get some fireworks real soon gasps ladies and gentlemen Anika is not in the line here now Attica when you say death means nothing are you basically saying that life is a simulation is that what you're getting Garret life is a video game we're all in a video game and I'm the one that's putting the pieces together everything that you've done in your life keemstar was all leading up to this moment so where you can broadcast the start of the beginning of the rise of the known Antichrist I am the Antichrist I am the one who brings death to all Etica is clearly having delusions of grandeur and at the so I'll give you kind of an example of like this that happened is so like this is a couple of weeks ago and we were in like kind of a weird situation or months ago actually with there's a scuf podcast right because we had Richard Lewis on the podcast who he was going through a tough time and if it was up to me like his I talked her trained about it and like we didn't really know like what to do like should we take him off the podcast or not and he was like drunk he was like kind of making an ass out of himself and it's it's one thing whenever that kind of things happens like out of nowhere but if it was up to me like I don't want to have somebody ruin their credibility or something like that on my show unless it's for something that I think they're doing is bad and yeah I remember yeah exactly what the [ __ ] dude both are [ __ ] well no the point that I'm making is that I feel like it's very predatory to you know take somebody who's in I mean it's obvious it's predatory take somebody who's in a compromised state and then broadcast like their thoughts and opinions and feelings like at that state to everybody else peak of a manic state keemstar has no concern for stopping this interview and getting him help he's only interested in the spectacle of Attica Attica has lost his mind of feeding into his delusions and broadcasting it to millions of people holy [ __ ] what is your purpose what is Jesus Christ of the Antichrist I said to purge all life this is the absolute worst thing he could do faretta qey loading him up with more intention and feed you up into his manic state he knew he would get lots of views and he did with great cost to Etica scariest thing about thinking that the world is a simulation and it's predestined all that is then there's no reason to live why not why do you fear death Kim chars greatest moment comes when he asks Etica in a manic state why doesn't he just jump off a cliff do you really think about it then why live jump off a cliff I ain't taking a piss I'll be right back guys it is this finally is this what's gonna end keemstar I don't know I feel like it's a uh this is it honestly this guy has been through so much drama so many times it's like I don't even know hopefully but I don't know what happened it would cost someone sponsorship yeah maybe holy [ __ ] dude I'll watch a little bit more of it yeah who cares of course hypothetical but it is quite a coincidence when you consider that only 51 days later that very same youtuber he jumps off a bridge to his death ha yeah a popular YouTube personality and gamer from Brooklyn is missing tonight convenient and a video posted before he disappeared has family and friends worried geez do you know Desmond and MOFA also known as Etica online he published an eight-minute video yesterday apologizing to those he feels he's let down now nobody's been able to reach him since and of course who was there to collect the revenue oh we have a bunch of news for you today but first Attica has gone missing nobody can find him and who was there he's so thought he was lying that he was he's so excited about it there is no house ability that this is a publicity stuff the thing that pisses me off is that etiquette now 100% knows the Internet is worried about him yeah 13 hours later he's not notifying his fans that he's okay maybe it's cuz he did often himself holy [ __ ] man I doubt it sounds like a dude that really cares about his friend how about this tweet from only a couple months earlier dear Etica normally I would say stop going crazy but there's no news going on so go full July 15th baby I've got kids to feed once Etica body is found by the NYPD he suddenly turned ah I am [ __ ] like I am the most generous person possible with trying to see other people's perspectives and like thinking oh well maybe he could have meant it this way maybe he could have meant that way all will he's 10% right about this but bro this is a 100 percent wrong like what the [ __ ] dude well I I try my best to see like where other people are coming from and be understanding but this is a 100% wrong like wow holy [ __ ] it's too homey and the rewriting of history quickly begins to cover his tracks scumbags are trying to pin my friend's death on I can't even more say wasn't your friend yes I'm sure came to start care deeply put it in Anika has lost his mind go for ends they were idubbbz had a great segment in content cob about how cheese considers people his quote friends I'll let him tell it it wouldn't surprise me if keemstar thought him and I were friends you know just because I follow him back on Twitter he's probably thinking idubbbz referred to me as buddy in the DMS he must he must be my friend so if he ever makes a video on me I'm gonna say we were friends we were supposed to be friends we were never friends cont people don't understand and they don't ask me questions they just point the finger and say you are to blame and there's so much more that happened privately that just you guys don't understand and I just want to mourn my friend so please stop making me defend myself um um what you know guys I think that honestly he really means it here you know the other times where he was saying he didn't care and he was excited about him being missing I think that that was just all for show and he really guys he really means it and you can tell because he's talking in different voice this is the time that he's actually being serious and showing us who he truly is not the other 99% of the time that's all fake this one is real some people are pulling up a tweet from October yeah of 2018 and where I said you know I've only talked out a co few times we're not really friends and that was true that was the truth like at that time we only became close and you know had conversations you know in length privately about really life in general and YouTube and Twitter and all that stuff only kind of around the time that we did the interview and maybe that's true but if I had to bet on it I'd say it's probably not well I mean it's probably not I mean I never did show you guys the end of that interview with his good friend Etica with his Holmby I recorded an interview with Etica he started yelling and rage he got mad as I'm holding up for being weak keeps her loves to call people suffering commands weak but let's go back and see how that interview actually with his good friend Etica I've been on this platform and I've tried my best too many toes I've always tried my best to consider other people I don't want to hurt anybody I never wanted to I always I always shied away from whenever people would make fun of people and it just felt that it's like why would you tear that person down why would you I know I always thought I was weird because why would I never want to jump to the hurting someone I always just wanted to make content and have fun and I realize now what a loser dude imagine having fun than just making content well you're not supposed to do that man you have to profit off of making [ __ ] up about other people like what the hell mute discord that wasn't that's not my discord that was that's and uh that's in the game because I have all the sounds for my disk or sorry it's in the in the video that's the video guys I don't have any discord sounds on it all you could crack jokes about people and still have fun it's not being me yeah but your meaning about it you know you're a mean about it you're sometimes yeah I mean about it but it's still yes that's funny that's funny it is funny though look I saw [ __ ] I don't kill people like you do sometimes you've killed that old man by calling him a I've never done anything out of here get out of here that's ridiculous I'm not gonna shut up we got a story wrong about 45 minutes the video was taken down I offer the guy 20 is why people watches videos by the way this is why they're looking in the mirror doesn't doesn't it hurt keemstar it hurts when you feel the same this is why they weakling record this and put it on drama tonight recording it right now I'm recording it right now I think like really like with him reporting on the guy obviously it was a mistake to report on the guy and he shouldn't have done that but in like the grand scheme of things I feel like that's probably the most he has the most deniability and like plausible deniability with that more so than anything else it's like if you watch this video and that's like the one thing you come out of it with that's not really a big deal to me compared to like doxing people and stuff like that friends by the way yeah of course they're friends by the way of course what why are you defending him I think it's important to give people to give it a fair shake because if you don't then it's just a hate mob that's it's an irrational hate mob that doesn't mean anything if you just have somebody that just reflexively hates anything that somebody says it doesn't make sense like I will listen to what he's saying I will see it from his perspective and determine if I think it's right or not I don't have to have like everybody agreeing with me or anything like that I think one of the most important things is to be able to see the good in your enemies and not just the bad because if you can't how can you ever beat something that you don't truly understand oh my god what if that job Oh No everybody doesn't have to go through people don't all have to rheumatica that's a lost his mind like the third time they just point punker and say you are to blame possible not to laugh at that and there's so much more that happened privately there up off a cliff if it's just a simulation who cares that shoes don't understand was this a publicity stunt and I just want to mourn my friend so please stop making me defend myself we only became close and you know had conversations that what else that job Jesus dude what the feet are length privately about really life in general and YouTube and Twitter and all that stuff only kind of around the time that we did the interview before then before the interview holy [ __ ] after Jesus Christ Matt fouseytube is another YouTube I was a frequent target of keym stars he also suffered a manic break oh yeah he is talking directly taking star hey I'm just telling you as a man at 28 years old what I feel you make me want to commit suicide last year I wanted to kill myself because of all the attention you gave me I rewatched videos going viral after the denture giving me now of you saying OC is the biggest piece of [ __ ] egotistical [ __ ] on this earth Wow I have bipolar and depression that what you put into my head make me want to kill my style [Applause] Jesus Christ Wow but ladies and gentlemen I am here to tell you that either Clyde is I do think that like yeah more people everybody looks at the internet and like personalities on the internet as like kind of entities and not people and I think that's what makes it so easy to like meme on those people and be [ __ ] to them and kind of that's what I think allows people to be as vitriolic as they are because they believe that whenever somebody puts himself in any sort of a public space that they are then subjecting themselves because you will receive vitriol by people whenever you're in a public space and you put yourself out there and I think that by those people's acknowledgment of knowing that that is possible that then empowers them to do it themselves and I think that's really what the scariest thing about it is because the problem isn't really just keemstar like keemstar is one guy the problem is that millions of people watch the videos and then take what he does in the videos and they make that into actionable decisions and I don't really know exactly the way to solve that because it's been going on pretty much since the dawn of time with like celebrities and things like that and now I think that it's much more real for people because in more visceral and more direct and you're more connected to it because you have social media that you're looking at all the time so you have people that are just you know there's a video that's made about them and they have you know hundreds of people million people watch the video and there are hundreds of people harassing them constantly it's gonna be extremely hard for that person to not be able to deal with that and I think there are a lot of people out there that say that oh well you know that's just the internet you can just turn it off and I think every single person that says that probably hasn't had to happen to them it's extremely damaging and it's it's one thing for you to say that it's another thing for it to actually happen if it happened to you obviously I've had my share of disagreements with the community at large and you know it's not pleasant it's it's not good and I I in general like you know generally have more of a thick skill than other people but there's still things that get to me still things that bother me and I think that's the case with almost everybody so I I don't know I feel like the real problem like the fundamental problem here is that keemstar is he's filling a demand and the demand is still going to exist and the underlying subtext of this video about keemstar is how do you make sure that videos like what he's doing don't end up being trending on YouTube because of how popular they are you can learn you just turn it off though yeah and you can order to just change your mind so like if you're if you're being sad just be happy so like imagine if like you're having a really bad day in your dog dice like next time I get a donation that somebody tells me their dog dies I'm just gonna tell them to stop thinking about the dog get a new dog now you have a new dog and you don't have to think about your old dog anymore problem solved I mean I need to listen man like I should have people it's it's not easy obviously it's just that easy you didn't spend $15,000 of your own money and in the video he uploaded it yesterday again he said I spent my own money on this look that's just not true and I'll tell you why it's not true cuz like three years ago there was this really popular game called payday 2 okay and the creators of payday 2 basically came out and someone donated points out to you just mesmo scam person and say murder of I'm Ann Arbor's hate crime because you don't have all the facts well yeah I would want to have all the facts before I'd make a decision on anything that's why you have the judicial system I don't even know who that is but yeah I'd want to have all the facts I don't even know who this person is yeah that's what you do you see what happens and you look in new you figure out what the truth is of course what do you do do I hate joggers I don't know what happened what I'm saying it's like I'm not gonna go into it just assuming one thing iii-it's you should try to find the truth not prove what you believe that's the difference IIIi really find it I find it very disappointing that we can ever have a conversation that's nuanced or interesting at all about anything that people have an emotional reaction to so if I say somebody is 95 percent bad that doesn't mean that I think that they're good I'd like to have a reasonable and an actual intelligent conversation about things without things being resorted down to a black and white situation keemstar is clearly very entertaining he's retained an audience for a long time there are redeeming qualities about keemstar and that's why he's so popular you can dislike that all you want but it's the [ __ ] truth that doesn't mean that he's not a bad person that doesn't mean that he shouldn't be removed from YouTube that doesn't mean that the loophole that he used to make himself the host of drama word should mean that he should be able to have a YouTube channel it doesn't mean any of that but there are things that clearly make people want to watch him and to pretend like that's not real is to deny reality it's not about it's not about me agreeing or thinking that everything he's doing is bad or not everything is a shade of gray and yeah I think keemstar is I think he's a piece of [ __ ] I do like and even like before this I was like kind of undecided like I wasn't really undecided but I was like I was more undecided but after this yeah he's a piece of [ __ ] but there are good things that make people want to watch him and there are reasons why people do that and if you say that I don't think that saying that means that everything he's doing in the video is bad or sorry is good it's not that at all I just want to talk about it honest way that's all I just want to be honest and talk about things the way that I see them okay make content together yeah you bet I do why I don't know am I being baited I don't know am i I don't think that I am 90% chap don't understand new ones yeah I I I don't know I I don't feel like I'm saying anything wrong I feel like I agree with you guys just because I introduce any rationality to it at all doesn't mean that I'm I like him or anything like that I just want to have like a reasonable conversation and just talk about things that are interesting me we're gonna sell it for $5 and all the money we make we're gonna give to h3h3 for the lawsuit yes here we are back at the beginning of our video where keemstar was just accusing me of a felony fraud but ladies yup gentlemen I am here to tell you that either Clyde is a liar if what he claims were true not only would I be a terrible person I'd also be in legal trouble with both Starbreeze the game's producer federal government probably myself I'm getting you the facts but surely with such incredible claims a newsman like camp star yeah incredible foj I pride myself okay this right otherwise it would just be outright slander let's see what he's got a penny two's new h3h3 themed DLC sells for $4.99 which the developer overkill will receive 0% of the cuts it's a matter of protecting IP and his proof is get this one Kotaku article that says quote it's a matter of IP yes that's his whole core he's gonna go out to a million people and say ethan klein is a liar and guilty of felony fraud because Kotaku said it's a matter of IP it's a matter i think also to an extent keemstar is a relic of the old internet before that it really kind of got more commercial and more commercialized and officialized so like back back in the day it was like more okay to [ __ ] like this because it was kind of a like internet was it was not internet was an alternate personality and it wasn't just an extension of your personality which is what it is now and so you were able to say really bad damaging stuff about people all the time on the internet back then because it wasn't really it's connected with real life as it is now but now obviously if you say something like this about someone it's damaging to their brand it's like cost them a lot of money and it's actually like a real thing and I think that as time has gone on the Internet has become more real and neon has become more interconnected with our lives and in 2006 the internet was not like that the internet was like a separate entity that you would go to and do different things than what you were doing in real life and now it's something that's interconnected with our lives and it's something that you deal with every single day and I think that's really it's more anonymous yeah it is and like it wasn't as commercialized and there's just plenty of other things that just like really kind of changed the Internet it's like back then like nobody uses their real name for anything and like now that's a very commonplace you didn't have internet celebrities it's like this is a completely new phenomenon and so I think keemstar is is a relic of that old age IP but they're giving them the money for the lawsuit blah blah blah your news guys yeah you bought the whole article maybe you didn't blah-blah-blah-blah article you would actually know that what you're saying is [ __ ] jeez apparently blah blah blah did your whole history when they decided to sponsor you blah blah blah but they're giving them the money for the one next time you watch to keep star remember what his research entails I wouldn't just make something like this up I pride myself on getting you the titles so let's maybe benefit of the doubt and let's call someone who would actually know so I called Almere listo the global brand director for Starbreeze studios they made the game and he brokered the deal for us no well did I commit fraud was that money meant for us it was 100 cent meant for you and Allah yeah so I didn't commit fraud no okay wanted to make sure because he was saying that I could all right well then that settles it big you're saying that's not true and you're the guy that that set up the deal and did everything so if it's got a really nice beard you right not keemstar it would be me yeah would be okay okay Fanta well I feel much better I feel like I don't know why I like this guy know that I don't know anything about him but I like him no fraud no fraud yeah but all right thanks man take care it just looks like a nice guy years earlier this is a big [ __ ] this is a serious big [ __ ] up to the point where I just feel ashamed I feel ashamed I can't believe that we would [ __ ] up like this we reported a story that this Massachusetts man had sex with a teen that he married an online game in runescape back in 2011 okay yeah and he got into jail and that he's streaming on twitch again now the problem with this is that that's not John that's a gentleman named Tony and when we reported this video a bunch of you went over and harassed this guy called him names pedo sex offender you name it this guy didn't do anything he didn't do anything wrong and because of me he was harassed I pride myself on getting you the facts like I pride myself on getting this right and pride yourself on giving them the news now whether that's a fact or not is you know you know we'll see what happens right but he prides himself on getting them the news I don't ever want to up like this again I don't ever want to fail you like this again I pride myself on being right and I was not right this time and Tony if you're watching we're gonna make this right with you no matter what we have to do if he had if Kim had just done that and like all the other stuff had happened and he just did the news show and he had the [ __ ] thing happen with the guy the runescape guy and he accidentally accused him needed that apology I thought that was a good apology it was but it's like everything else it's like okay yeah it's it's [ __ ] it was a good apology and I don't know why yeah it's a it's it's like everything else makes me doubt that more if that makes sense it was acted it was well well it was a well acted apology then it was convincing enough for me to believe okay maybe he actually means it every single day I get a death threat Jesus Christ you know do you think that is come on the reason I showed you this is because he hasn't changed he never changed it only to yeah I'm one year to turn on Tony this is a man that purports to do the news but goes out and calls a man a pedophile based on a picture or to accuse someone of a felony fraud with absolutely no evidence I don't kill people like you do sometimes you kill that old man by calling him about a hateful spiteful person that can't differentiate between personal vendetta and news he wields his audience like a weapon striking out anyone that dares to criticize him he's refused address we need to drop his address and if the facts don't suit his mission then he will alter them manipulate them and how convenient so you touch kids until the harassment becomes so unbearable you simply surrender team sir I apologize and I won't be sending me any more tweets and you know no matter what I'll do my very best to make sure no people said I said I don't wanna watch ten minutes of video I find this interesting this is interesting to me I like I just disinterest me that's why I watch it there commits compelling to me it's interesting I I like talking about things that are interesting to me I enjoy it your name never comes out of my mouth yeah now on my show when people bring you up I'm just gonna tell them that hey I think you're a nice guy no trouble all right no we don't have any idea how fast I really am just to give you an idea of how came to start torments and harasses people on his enemy list let me show you some of the dams he sent me over the years now these are cold dams I've already unfollowed him and he is sending me these dams unsolicited out of the cold blue for the express purpose of harassing me so I really don't feel bad sharing these tweets at all currently working on an h3 h3 lying salty manchild video have a few questions have you ever flagged down another youtuber creators video I don't leaking the dm's dude persists can I get an answer here I'm trying to meet you boys [ __ ] stop the fence because your baby ass can't defend yourself keemstar will make insane accusations groundless accusations but then he expects you to defend yourself in fact he likes it if you'll come on yeah go and defend himself the problem is like if you make it accusation against somebody and they defend themself it's like when do you stop beating your wife I think that's probably the most the most cliche or popular example of this is like because there are some people there are like some I'm not talking about 3 heads but I'm talking about 2 heads there are some two heads out there who are like if you defend yourself for an accusation if like if you defend yourself then that means that you might have done it because if you didn't do it you wouldn't have defended yourself and this is a logic that people have and so by insinuating the idea that the person has to defend himself for something that makes certain people believe that the action actually happened which is it's really stupid that people think that but that's what it is operation work and so he goes to one head say in his defense so he must be guilty have you ever lied to anyone on YouTube what do you the FBI don't have to answer [ __ ] you don't man bro I am honestly starting to think you are having mental issues won't be to grab a number for you to call from Erica costella he's making a reference to some like team 10 drama as a grow this is the next day he goes have you ever lied about anyone on YouTube can I get a sorry yet or do I need to keep defending myself he's like an abusive spouse punching is a girlfriend in the face do I need to keep defending what's up where you've been apologize we made a video about csgo lottery about how these two dudes tmartn pro syndicate oh yeah pretending to gamble on a cisco lotteries what's in Josh og on that too because there's a tmartn syndicate who's Joshua G was on that too right yeah I thought so I wasn't sure okay right that they owned it was crooked as hell when we made a video about it so keemstar DMC me out of the cold blue and he says i know about the csgo gambling investment for a while now people are talking I said are you accusing me of being invested in csgo gambling he goes me no others maybe though ago Oh interesting I say did you invest he said yeah I made a ton of money too he goes on to say K did you invest under someone else's name which I guess uh it leads me to believe he's like well I didn't find any evidence of you investing did you break the longer someone else's name I could tell you could report on yeah so many other examples I could frankly make an entire new video about it he is an anonymous letter about how I hired a PR firm to remove videos critical of me for being anti-semitic what the [ __ ] an anonymous letter posted to the internet saying the h3 h3 what the [ __ ] was going to try to create a scenario that the hate against him was anti-semitism he reaches a rating that I was faking our hundred thousand dollar giveaway I end this video which is honestly just so gold I think you should just watch it Ethan climb h3h3 tried to shut down comic-con now recently there has been an outbreak once a virus in Seattle Washington and the middle of March comic-con is gonna be in Seattle Washington and apparently a hundred thousand people are gonna show up from around the country around the world really yeah syncline h3h3 i mean he's trying to get his shutout he's tagging the governor he's tagging the politicians he's demanding that comic-con get shut down for the safety of the human now I'm looking at these tweets and I'm like bro let's see in retrospect now it seemed like a good idea that seemed like a good idea behind the scenes between h3 and Comicon there had to be some bad blood maybe he was planning on going they weren't gonna pay him the right amount something happened behind the scenes and he's trying to get comic-con shut down something right I am but one man probably not even the most hated man in came stars lives and you've seen it I think he's gone to harass me yeah to slander me to rewrite history in every conceivable way to make me look evil and frankly it has worked on a lot of people I have a wonderful support system a wife that loves me a stable financial system I'm fortunate and blessed in every conceivable way and this kind of targeted harassment from keemstar actually does take a toll on me mentally course I'm already having a hard time keeps her assured to drill in and give me yeah a worse time as possible yeah you okay bro I'm actually worried about you bro I think maybe you're having like a mental breakdown now what happened geez dude who has a less stable situation than me indoors this targeted and sustained harassment team stuff oh my god you know the streamer that team star accused falsely of being a pedophile had a beautiful way of putting into words what this really this whole video is driving it you know in life we're responsible for our own actions and you know we should be a little bit more careful about what we say and do ya know actions have consequences and they hurt people it's really that simple I mean you know and they destroy lives you know they always say loose lips sink ships you know bottom line is you start a rumor and you know one person tells two and two till four and to tell eight the next thing yeah the whole damn world is believing a bunch of [ __ ] that's not even true and that's that's exactly what's happened in this case it look hey you know I'm 64 I'm not real internet savvy I'm not into all this but I'll tell you one thing I'm not used to I'm not used to being called a pedophile no no I would hope not accuse me of being bald and fat and ugly I'll agree with you okay hey but I like this guy yeah I'm no pedophile and that's a terrible thing to say about somebody appear yeah anyway I sent a little Twitter yeah like this I just said keemstar just so you know your BS a year and a half ago still causes me trouble every day and it does [ __ ] [Music] Wow that's mine 30 years I don't think so okay [Music] Wow Wow [Music] Jesus Christ man [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 984,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, keemstar, drama alert, h3h3, h3h3productions, hila klein, asmongold keemstar, asmongold h3h3, dramaalert, asmongold drama alert, asmongold drama, asmongold h3h3productions, keemstar drama, h3h3 drama, h3h3 reaction, keemstar reaction, content cop, asmongold content cop, idubbbz, idubbbz h3h3, idubbbz keemstar, idubbbz content cop, h3h3 content cop, h3h3 keemstar drama, content nuke reaction
Id: U3qhgTSv07c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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