Asmongold Reacts to "This Is Why We Watch Asmongold" | By Asmonboy

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as modern boy new video is a masterpiece we'll see about that see how good this video is okay all right [Music] bro what the hell oh yeah i remember that wait look at my hair [Music] oh my god it's so bad holy [ __ ] it's so bad oh my god what the yeah bro i [ __ ] hurt my knees all right all right that's that's not okay what is this yeah it's about right very cute very cute [Music] there it is dude it's good it's a good start right there he added in the fart sound it didn't really when did that happen oh no oh no not this pop this again how do i do it i don't know how to use it like i didn't know i didn't know it's not my fault that's a fake ass one got attacked in public wait what yeah i ran away what's wrong with that yeah i had to run the [ __ ] away asthma and gold zombie walls guys i'll be right back okay all right yeah real [ __ ] clever i think i caught it this time anyway what is this oh oh i got into the group all right what's this [Music] it's so [ __ ] stupid man yeah it's a [ __ ] okay let's go yeah piece of [ __ ] well people wanted to see if okay just a minute people wanted to see if i could get inside the box and i told them that i could yeah they wanted to see if i could get in the box is that bruce yeah i have a hole in my pants like everybody acts like this is a [ __ ] this is like a big deal like everybody thinks this is a big deal except for my dad because my dad has a hole in his pants too and so he doesn't give a [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] everybody else who gives a [ __ ] man my dad has a pair of pants from the 60s or the 70s he wears them like every day still why he's still he's the same exact pair of pants it's like those pants those pants are older than probably anybody here in chat take a break after this another another break not get the mount [Music] let me show you something okay real quick let me just pull this up going to understand how much i like the game where's my actual channel where's my actual yeah where's my youtube yeah my channel where's my channel where's my i don't even have it like it doesn't even show my [ __ ] youtube channel youtube channel it's gone oh there it is all the way down here 67 videos before my actual channel the [ __ ] yeah exactly with the guy what does it hurt no it doesn't hurt like there's like it's very like no it doesn't hurt like i could listen like sometimes it hurts okay why are you gay i'm not gay okay all right that's yeah real [ __ ] clever then folks that's about right actually asthma god's take on your happiness cannot come from an external source you cannot let other things make you happy you cannot let other people decide your happiness true not let others so true they're objects the truest your happiness has to come internally yeah those who didn't [Music] okay real clever i did that pretty good though to be fair that was pretty good all right literal god remember what the guy was saying about how he can come back and watch a stream months later and feel like it's the exact same thing remember that wow wow that's great guys this really really good it's great show she does that i bet there's somebody in this chat that wants to have sex with that we got okay arnold oh [ __ ] [Music] oh yeah where is that gun i don't even know where the [ __ ] it is [Music] jesus please wizard give me the [ __ ] mountain oh dude i'm ready for this i remember the one i remember this dude i get the mountain wait what can i buy another one can i buy another box yeah wait no okay and so let's see if i can log back on and we've updated windows to bring you a new web browser are you [ __ ] kidding me delete this no this is the worst angle i get out of here why did i have this angle this is such a bad angle i i don't know what the [ __ ] soft edge get the [ __ ] out of here look at that task manager oh my god and said it couldn't best angle ever i don't think so suck my dick okay give me a second they put it on my bar even i'm pinning the [ __ ] warming up before quiz what is this you are allowed access to two extra lifelines in addition i did so bad ask the audience i did so bad on the last one man the signature weapon of night elf war i got this one wrong it's a penumbra or i graveyard umber crescent that's right yeah you [ __ ] up you [ __ ] up you [ __ ] up real [ __ ] funny man [Music] hilarious yeah great uh-huh i need to take a piss i'll be right back [ __ ] okay yeah i broke something probably oh my god dude dude ollie g was the [ __ ] best show man like i wish they would just come back and do ollie g again that'd be amazing that'd be so [ __ ] good dude abortion everybody oh the good days man mcconnell gets shrunk and you run him and you run him over i will give whoever runs him over gets the killing ball a hundred thousand gold yep stop wait oh my god then mcconnell runs me over yo stop dude you'll stop dude man you get [Music] i haven't done a gmod run in a long time now that i think about it yeah really hates whenever someone is on a screen that's true actually i really don't like that get the [ __ ] back in there get in there they say if you do what you love you'll never work a day in your life yeah if you don't do anything you'll never work a day in your life either smart playing baldur's gate was okay but i feel like playing it solo was kind of boring it was okay i feel like the best part of baldur's gate was just making the character and whenever you actually got into the game it didn't really feel like it was as exciting i don't know i was kind of kind of boring accidentally which bolt that's [ __ ] good oh no yeah i didn't know that i didn't know that how was i supposed to know that turn-based games are brought yeah they're boring to watch what is this i look like a fox no no no no i did not very funny [Music] what the [ __ ] is this oh yeah this thing yeah yeah dude so we're making an award i remember this [Music] yeah that's all i would do i just like swinging the sword around look at that oh that's good you like that that's really good yeah is that permanent let's get a zoom on that what the hell is going on here my camera die again the piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] fell apart again on me what a [ __ ] surprise there is that permanent from when you slammed your head on the desk oh shut up is that is that like two years ago come on gold yeah so uh basically usually whenever we do a cooking stream nothing ends up being edible so i uh went he knows and i bought a bag of beef jerky oh ultra rare footage of asman gold washing his hands do we even have any of that oh yeah i remember this give me your hands do you paper towel air dry paper towels are dirty oh yeah i remember this rub it okay by the way you can use it oh my god what happened i didn't know how to use it like [Applause] because i actually i i genuinely didn't [ __ ] mean to do that i was just [ __ ] around trying to be funny and it just accidentally happened okay i really mean that facebook yeah one thing one teaspoon of salt what is it just lean over a teaspoon oh [ __ ] off dude and now they wanted to throw the whole thing away oh yeah look at that look at that one chat yeah i smell like a pretzel when you make them oh you mix it you mix that like oh my god this could be a pretzel watch i'll make it into a pretzel right now let's keep working it yeah okay so let's move over to that you got to slap it on the table you twist slash jesus dude that was so nasty man it was so [ __ ] nasty we [ __ ] this up so bad man [Music] you know i thought better this i did my best okay i really did i did my [ __ ] what's exposed about this what's wrong with this that wasn't about me what do you mean yeah we couldn't figure it out it was hard to look do that look at maya just sitting there in the background just disapproving of everything that we were doing look at that look at her [ __ ] face she was just like oh no these guys are so stupid oh my god they're ruining it it's not my fault okay i did a great job yeah okay we ate those by the way yeah oh dude oh my what's up it's like a wrap oh oh yeah that was our those were those were our pretzels guys yeah those were our pretzels they were delicious that was pretty bad it was pretty [ __ ] bad it's good right next time 100 yeah 100 no you guys lost you guys got last place [Music] that was not good we got got boys we got got this is where kobit actually started yeah asthma wanted they told him later that's true that's very true this is a long video time to get serious time to get serious eu login servers are down can you call blizzard police yeah sure yeah i call blizzard all the time yeah i call blizzard all the [ __ ] time it's important what do you say hello yeah ian what's up bro all right assuming the chat said the uh the game sucks if if i were to call him i think it would go exactly like that i think it would go exactly [ __ ] like that true convo yeah that's that's the exact same thing perfect tomorrow by the way guys look at this guys oh my god this is ridiculous yeah playing fall guys oh yeah this is some like i think that they're trying i always died on this one man i would always [ __ ] i don't even know what it was about this but i would just always [ __ ] die on this one right here man i was such a dog i really do i think people are trying to push me off already that was xqc by the way right there just knocked me off he was watching my stream wow what a bunch of horse [ __ ] right there dude there it is dude [Music] okay dude really that was the first [ __ ] round oh really you're gonna use the wrestling music come the [ __ ] on man spacebar jesus christ why is it not space barring get me out of it get me out of the game [ __ ] i didn't lose to a 10 year old man these are probably like other [ __ ] 30 year old men yeah in this game that's all it is yeah it's a bunch of old dudes that was it's true [Music] wow wow great see that's what they would [ __ ] do look at this guy look at him [ __ ] grab me and then he [ __ ] me right there he [ __ ] me so goddamn hard i hate this [ __ ] game man i probably should play this game again i like this game a lot this game is really fun jesus christ yeah real great [ __ ] content dude that's real [ __ ] amazing wow like i have more contact with fruit in this [ __ ] map here than i do in real life oh my god imagine jerking off with that no no no bro you [ __ ] you you pull your dick off you do that you don't have a jerk what the hell is wrong with you no you don't do that yeah that's the worst idea i've ever heard yeah dude four king mechagon in the box three yeah one [ __ ] piece of shlock you really had to play the fart sound man you really had to play the [ __ ] fart sound give me a break i see that somebody said that um i like the bald assman gold people are like we like bold we like oh you guys are crushed okay let's go what is this [Applause] [Music] okay all right what am i supposed to say to you what do you mean apparently i'm i'm apparently oh god dude so mcconnell oh my god so there was a thread on lsf about mcconnell saying bad stuff about me being a [ __ ] and then i reacted to it and i was sad and it had nothing to actually do with what mcconnell said it was something kind of relatively similar and then he goes on my second stream because he's upset because the comments were negative about him dude that's what it was can you believe that on my second stream behind your back oh my god are you reading reddit i there it is right there do you know how many there are over 500 youtube comments i just had to read and yeah that video was just he just had to read them i'm really sorry this has happened to you so i'll say all you all you do is play wow i want you to play [ __ ] other [ __ ] man dumb [ __ ] okay i'm part of the degenerate side of horde oh my god i can see that that's a pretty badass [ __ ] thing yeah it's pretty good oh yeah it will move away that's good play other games oh yeah this was such a good [ __ ] stream dude that was such a good [ __ ] stream okay here we go jesus dude holy [ __ ] that was so [ __ ] awesome man holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] wow happy today is my birthday can you sing for me tavello all right let's go happy birthday to you happy birthday to you why'd off with your non-dominant hand because if you don't what's going to happen is you're going to build up too much muscle mass in your main hand right your dominant hand and because it's your dominant hand you're doing most things with it so it's going to naturally be stronger so you need to offset that by always jerking off with your non-dominant hand and that's why you see i have such great physical uh such great physical uh symmetry such great physical symmetry is that i always jerk off with the other hand okay oh yeah i remember that dude i was like i remember she got me to go in that hot tub with her man i did not want to go in that [ __ ] i'm like oh [ __ ] man because so everybody was sitting there there oh my oh no dude why why i gotta go and i i was i just did it anyway it's god dude red noggin candle wait why is my head red wait god damn i'm red as a [ __ ] thank you blizzard thank you so much oh this was exactly what i was yeah i remember that i'm so happy yeah this is [ __ ] patch day uh you know really listen to the player base and do what needs to be done great yeah yeah you take an extra bath yeah exactly okay very [ __ ] clever boys very [ __ ] clever yeah this is a good time uh we had a lot of fun uh why all these videos link the video yeah sure let me link the video yeah it was a good video man it was a little it was a goofy video of course it was a goofy video but i thought it was [ __ ] funny as my boy makes good videos i like them a lot [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 465,710
Rating: 4.9317369 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold stream, asmongold loses it, this is why we watch asmongold, asmongold memes, asmonboy, asmongold asmonboy, asmonboy asmongold
Id: a4cbExky0KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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