Asmongold Reacts to Twitch Rewind 2020

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twitch rewind 2020. all right boys this better be good is this whenever he got banned yep shouldn't have played vr chat oh this is where oh that's whenever he got banned the first time [Music] oh okay let's see listen man oh yeah [Music] yeah he should hold a contest and have one person smoking weed non-stop and the other person drinking monster and see who dies first yeah so listen so whenever i did that i heard that um uh because we're obviously looking for like sponsorship opportunities for like otk monsters not going to be one of them okay they're not going to be one but they don't want to work with us so yeah um we are a part of the g-field family now boys how about that [Music] [Applause] i know why some people still think my name starts with an r it's austin yep he doesn't want this bro i got better hair than him now god it feels good oh what the [ __ ] that on his face oh no the shroud thing i don't know who that is oh no why does he look like he's about to call the manager dude oh come on i owe you guys an explanation i haven't seen or talked to a girl in over two years this is when we decided it's good start the world of anime titties vr chat twitch really it's been more than a year and there's been more than 6 000 people partnered i have shut the [ __ ] up i've never seen it oh oh oh can i even watch this everybody else watch it's fine uh oh who is it i've never seen a clip of slicker not being mad like i straight up i've never seen a cope of slipper not be mad every single clip i've seen he's mad i'd like to welcome you to twitch partner program all right yeah there's that oh yeah destiny is on your mind oh i came out today hi who's that oh my god oh oh my god the 21 savage thing holy [ __ ] i haven't graduated i graduate in a few weeks oh this [ __ ] is five dollars we gotta get to 500 subs like the thing is like if if any like if any dumbass would have done this if like me macau well i guess whenever mcconnell did it ninja mate yeah yeah ninja actually made a video about it but i feel like this shamelessness is like if i did this or like miss gifted this or basically anybody else did this it would be completely fine it's the only way i'm committing this yeah listen it works differently with them because there's a little thing called uh you ever heard of a little thing called finn dom it's like a big thing now it's like uh it's where these people you know get up and they say like you know give me money or you're worthless and you're pathetic and [ __ ] so it works a little bit better for them than it would for us you know i mean no one no not not fem dom no i think he's locked up in jail i'm talking about fandom yeah this is this is real funny schedule how do you have hours of time to watch me and not five dollars because they're collecting unemployment i've been live for almost 10 minutes now and there's just not enough people subbing to the channel women get called out for this it's so blatantly obvious and the reason why this is getting retweeted and liked so much is because she's an attractive woman guys it ain't difficult it ain't difficult a lot of people are having a hard time but i'm more important than y'all so just fine that's all i'm asking for yeah that's all i'm asking oh yeah he doesn't have to can i um give that money back if you haven't paid your tier once up to your favorite streamer then why are you even thinking about eating i could not believe that how could you steal [Music] [Music] that it may have been circulating for weeks undetected in the greater seattle area that is so [ __ ] good verona corona covet come on yeah i have a pair of old underwear [Music] oh what the [ __ ] witchcon amsterdam and twitchcon san diego we knew that something had to be done these are interesting times but esports will power on it will take a lot more than some coronavirus to stop this esports trains [Music] i remember watching this that was [ __ ] wild man i never thought like twitches have like a guy like [ __ ] sitting there in his room crying with his shirt off playing super smart super mario 64 man that's so [ __ ] great man i love it simple yeah it's simply i met the guys he's pretty cool i like him it's not me i just love the blood splatter okay yep she's smiling it's her i i i like something she's like yeah dude you're so trapped like oh i i'm not gonna carry your [ __ ] [Music] why she where is she among us with xqc i don't have to play with him this is what will happen yo i think it's xqc there's somebody who killed in the electric room he was the last one there and oh [ __ ] you wait why are there 500 people in my chat calling me a [ __ ] idiot what's yeah you killed the orange guy okay look put that on something my mama i oh yeah i remember this there's this too that's what like the way that guy talks is amazing it was an honor for the opportunity oh yeah because they didn't invite xqc didn't they invite him the second time but then he did a beaufort d's nuts joke that's good man that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] funny dude good luck with the future and endeavors very nice very kind oh i something crazy so what happens when you melt send because it turns into glass glass glass right right what you're doing okay glass you can make a window oh window see through the window you can see kill the gun [Applause] i am the killer what wait wait what big soldier just killed somebody what is [Music] oh no oh no he hit the [ __ ] bench [Music] trying not like unironically is like a really good at that game like i've watched him play it a little bit it's pretty [ __ ] impressive and uh yeah it's the the among us craze i mean like i could say it what it's probably it's not even over like people still play the game all the time it's like really really big but like it's i i don't know i could never really get into the game i don't know being good at among lists yeah of course you can be good at it oh minecraft okay okay [Music] there it is [Music] [Music] [ __ ] look what happened look at this beard look what happened holy [ __ ] [Music] oh my god oh yeah this is between like clint and moon moon i remember this yeah see you guys tomorrow boys 21 million 53 million [Music] 82 dude goddamn oh hey what's up glenn uh hey man i just want to say i'm really sorry to hear that you end up in second place after trying so this guy grabbed me i won i got my first win 100 there it is he's trying to [ __ ] with them too that's what you get that's what you get that [ __ ] like honestly like yeah yeah yeah but that [ __ ] was [ __ ] funny dude like stream sniping sucks people that do it are [ __ ] but that [ __ ] was [ __ ] funny i'm gonna be honest lots of jelly beans yeah i guess oh dude fall guys was [ __ ] fun i feel like they didn't really innovate the game enough i hope that like they bring out an update soon that makes it more innovative and and good i was hilarious be able to guess 900 moves i could never get into chess man more than that for me it's not it's not so much about guessing it's the fact i could never do it oh oh my gosh here comes the oh like this oh it can no please don't and it's too soon i can't believe it i can't [ __ ] believe it he just lost weight yes yes yes yes wow listen hearthstone stick to hearthstone okay listen they stick to play mage or whatever the other champions are that's you're just 2d andy that's what you are poor skin i mean talking [ __ ] dude [Music] okay oh no no no dmca detected dmca detected dmca detected dmca detected on twitch it's absolute pandemonium every twitch streamer is facing the dmca firing squad right now there have been a lot of dmca fans on streamers a lot of strikes being issues and it's just been truly chaotic [Music] i guess new kids [Music] champ that's a jam dude god damn that's what it's all about yeah i feel so bad about that man like the dmca [ __ ] like the soundtrack thing the funniest [ __ ] thing about that whole thing to me was the fact that like twitch went and they said they're like oh well here's how to get around it just delete it afterwards so twitch is literally telling you how to [ __ ] obfuscate the government or the people from being able to file a lawsuit by like deleting evidence they're literally telling you to delete evidence from something that is assumingly a crime and they just send this out to everybody and like nobody ever called them out on this or anything but it's really [ __ ] funny that they just did this and nobody thought anything about it it just seemed completely [ __ ] normal it's so pocket true yeah just which twitch literally tells you we'll just delete the evidence problem solved so this is like youtube drama and i'm thinking about the current twitch drama and i'm just like comparing it isn't like the current twitch drama is something like getting carried in league of legends or something or like we've got a whole lot of drama to look at today between league streamers i will dominate in tarzan because tarzan was streaming when he claimed that i will dominate hasn't reached challenger on his own in several years he's boosted two of his accounts to the challenger chess i mean qvc and box box negative talent in life nothing nothing up here nothing here just you know you guys are all idiots and they're like like i actually really like this guy because reminds me of every single [ __ ] that was it you know like every single card shop has a guy like this every single one and whenever i [ __ ] see this dude it makes me feel right at home i see him i'm like wow this guy is gonna have a strong opinion about everything and he doesn't know anything about it sometimes but it doesn't matter because he can keep talking about it until you just give up and leave leave him alone yeah every card shop has a guy just like this that reminds me [ __ ] you guys are like wow a deer i'm so over this platform if they continue to endorse her after this yeah it's so embarrassing [ __ ] this dude i'm so pissed off this this is pedophile accusations man [Music] that's not even all of them [Music] [Music] who cares i am such a hoarse girl oh my god i want to make sure that shimmer is safe above all else yeah it's a good horse it's a great horse where's the horse is the horse okay no jesus dr chad thunder like why why would that mean anything to anyone can i shout out sexually inappropriate comments oh why stop now dr chad thundercock is what happened last night do you guys even know she just looks like she looks at his hands i'm a cherry kitten i'm a 24 7 sex slave um what's up with you chilling what the [ __ ] yeah jesus yeah that's young asthma and gold man what does it say same shirt by the way whoa i to me everything looks normal okay whoa so that was a picture from 2007 and i was 17 and i still had the same shirt man same [ __ ] shirt dude i mean what it's a good shirt why am i gonna get rid of it it's already a good shirt oh to me everything looks normal now i'm like scared everything i'm looking at isn't the right color i don't know am i black wait we saw this right okay s man don't look behind you that's the ghost of xavier it's our mom you [ __ ] all right yeah can you wait you can do it amaranth yeah huh that's because your armpit looks like my mom's vagina i know it does oh what even happened there well the guy was just getting all the [ __ ] thrown at him it was a that was a bird wait a bird flew into his face oh [ __ ] i thought dude i legit thought this was like a crazy girlfriend dude i thought it was like a crazy girlfriend throwing [ __ ] around bro that's a bird [Applause] man i looked up that dr k guy yeah he doesn't even have any kind of momentum that's a good webcam nothing i like that is he in a submarine a doctor do you feel like an ungrateful little [ __ ] hey got masters in jungle he's just like a doctor do you feel like an ungrateful little [ __ ] hey got me he's just like a doctor do you feel like an ungrateful little [ __ ] hey got master oh god i'm sure there's a little bit more context to that but without the context it's a little bit different than jungle got eus challenger i barely told you it was too hard no you have too much [ __ ] time on your hands you have no life i have a lot of me i have no life look at me i haven't slept you know so i have to stretch up all the vowel [ __ ] [ __ ] i remember that stream because otherwise i get banned you know i i do go to a plastic surgeon have you ever like asked if they could put a personality in i don't know what the [ __ ] this is look at this [ __ ] it's snoop dogg what the [ __ ] [Applause] how does he look like me wait what the [ __ ] how does he what the [ __ ] bro the first time i saw this i thought that the sound was out of sync and he was just saying it but there's oh my god you look like me ah that's a good [ __ ] i play video games uh on on twitch begins to twitch when you play with it dude oh this is really good how are you how are you not in [ __ ] school depressed you don't care i keep 20 pounds i really wish ninja would just come back and do streams like that again like that was that was actually it was so perfectly well edited and everything like that it was so [ __ ] good middle edge poke i'm sorry anytime i see a goatee i just can't stop thinking of shroud i i i can't do it like i i see the goatee and like the immediate thing like it's at this point where i can look at uncut gems i can look at adam sandler and i think of shroud i don't think of adam sandler when i look at shroud i think of shroud whenever i look at adam sandler like it's just it's so [ __ ] it's just there you know it is there the movie didn't work offline tv left me well i don't fit in with that man you know what's the best part about this well mine's not here oh yeah that's nice yeah i freaking made my opportunity yeah that was good she said love congratulations he chose love congratulations congratulations who chose love she chose oh my god she makes chows he chose love congratulations i chose love carson chose chose i like how carson had the he had the [ __ ] sunglasses ready he had his hand on him he's like i'm gonna [ __ ] pull this [ __ ] off and put the other one on it's gonna be no problem man she chose host yeah we knew okay i got confused because we knew for a minute i thought with the westminster dog show your dog are you saying i look like a dog right now no it's just it's just a lot of whiny [ __ ] though love congratulations bob that mouth is great say those words i love you i love you i love you i love you casey i love you i love you bob i love you casey cutie cinderella had one choice and that one [Applause] was wait did did they meet on that lover host show or did that just happen on its own yes no i don't yeah i had no idea happened later that's so [ __ ] funny yeah yeah that was before all you got to put all the stuff in the garbage earned that in the garage i mean there's a bunch of weight equipment in there now [Music] she's a dumb poopy head and i hate her i just think it's funny but like she is such a [ __ ] hypocrite i would rather donate five thousand dollars to lenny than 50 bucks to pokeman i'd watch gay porn before pokeman wow yo leave her alone from twitch [Music] i think we've asked it on twitch longer than i thought he would i he was there for like three weeks that was much longer than i had expected i thought i was getting i thought it was gonna be like a [ __ ] one and done hey buddy i think you got the wrong door the leather club's two blocks down oh [ __ ] you leather man maybe you and i should settle it right here in the ring if you think you're so tough oh yeah i'll kick your ass huh what yeah right why don't you get out of that uh leather stuff i'll strip down and we'll sell it right here in the ring what do you say oh yeah no problem buddy you got it get out of that uh jabroni outfit yeah smart ass i'll show you who's boss at this gym it's gonna be crazy just to see them banging with each other oh they're walking up to each other he's walking up to him he's walking up to him like he's mad at him you guys didn't get mad at each other in the hotel what just happened wait what what did this happen what just happened oh it just lit up just fried you have a spark you win some you lose some oh my god look miss keeps faking that it doesn't hurt that much trust me yeah trust me guys like i i trust me on this it's not that bad i know the feeling [Music] [Music] why is he running away okay someone someone put their fursona point in a gun at me and said show us what's inside the fridge you want the [ __ ] truth this was there is no fridge this actually [ __ ] freaked me out whenever i i remember seeing this clip this freaked me the [ __ ] out and i remember after this clip i went to every single streamers like background and i'm like is this real what about that is that actually a stuffed animal or is that a sheet of paper like it made me question everything man ladies and gentlemen i give you your valedictorian maya wyath white heart i know she had two middle names it's cool i just want to let you know that twitch will be donating 1 million tablegamers director [Music] what [Applause] [Music] how much was this [ __ ] worth because i don't know how much was this out for 12 grand 14 20 that 15 000 god damn dude nothing yeah nothing because it's a cardboard yeah i guess so it's still insane man wow there it is [Applause] that was [ __ ] insane we [ __ ] did it wait was that was that what i think it is is that ocarina of time no way we [ __ ] did it it's ocarina it's high oh my god dude oh my god dude i still have my old box too i've got my box downstairs it's sealed collector's edition yeah that's [ __ ] amazing like i have all my old boxes as well watch till the end by the way okay [Music] i'm watching your stream if you're about to tell me to have a child buy it come over that was 20 20 was quite a year yeah true dude yeah true dude [Music] that was pretty good i'd say that was actually pretty good i like that it was good i'll watch until the end yeah i will watch oh [ __ ] damn i i think this was uh this is a good video it had a lot of the really positive things that have happened in the community past like a couple uh past let's say a couple of years past year or so and i'm happy to see it i really am i think that everything about it was just really positive it was good there's nothing like i don't know i think it was just it was a good [ __ ] video man like that's all i really got to say it's just a good [ __ ] video and uh 2020 yeah it's like you think back like what's so crazy is like there's been so much [ __ ] that's happened in real life is like half of this stuff i thought happened like two years ago like i don't know what that says about me but i genuinely thought that like i guess like i knew that this one happened because like this is me right i remember this because it's me um yeah i guess this must have happened after the break but i genuinely thought that like [ __ ] where's i thought this happened like last year i guess it probably happens every year but you know it's one of those things it's crazy like it feels like it's gone so fast man i feel like there's been a lot of positive [ __ ] happen on twitch though i mean at least like minus the dmca the dmca [ __ ] was garbage i feel bad that two of the three big trends on twitch this year i didn't like you know it's like as chess it's like i don't want to play chess among us it's like ah [ __ ] but like fall guys i play fall guys fall guys just go okay i enjoy fall guys the rest of it was some [ __ ] though i think my favorite clip was this guy though honestly it really had to be this guy as i said just a huge [ __ ] and it gives me so much nostalgia from going to the card shop like he's just he's it's so much [ __ ] nostalgia your fall guy's dreams are the best thank you man yeah also correct nah a guy's a [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] but that's why it's funny careful dude he's a partner and he could uh yeah but he's saying [ __ ] about other partners man [ __ ] him yeah but if he wanted to report you he could ah whatever who cares well let's see he looks like weird yeah whatever uh he's only entering the truth yeah right dude this was oh my god i forgot all about this [ __ ] and as i said the funniest thing about this is that it's only that was only like the first clips that he found like i bet there's like 20 other ones he could have probably put on there instead yeah i mean that's it i wanted to make a combination yeah you still have more hair than you okay shut the [ __ ] up dude [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 580,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, xqc, tyler1, sodapoppin, pokimane, twitch rewind, twitch rewind 2020, twitch rewind reaction, twitch rewind 2020 reaction, rewind reaction, Twitch, Twitch Rewind, Twitch Rewind 2020, Twitch Rewind Reaction, twitch 2020, youtube rewind 2020, Youtube Rewind, xqc reacts to twitch rewind 2020, asmongold twitch rewind, twitch rewind asmongold, asmongold twitch rewind 2020, asmongold rewind, twitch rewind xqcow
Id: Be0C0Ub_5II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 42sec (2142 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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