Asmongold ROASTS His Viewers PC Setups (ft. Mcconnell) | Episode 1

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this this setup is our good friend in the chat his twitch name is aka fox wait this is my raid this is my raider this is my e are you what the all right so he's got let's let's look at positives let's look at negatives all right first positive is the cat negative is the uh what do you call it is the laptop uh positive is the fact that he's using a separate keyboard and mouse for the laptop uh a small negative is he has the speaker and he's not using headphones because i guess no he does have headphones nevermind that's not a negative uh and then if you look at the top there so what do we have we have the buddha statue we have the speaker and what's in front of the speaker what's that black that brown thing what is that i wonder what what is that dude what is that man i show up this guy isn't sponsored by monster he's gonna lose it okay and he's got a second picture here and uh that just gives it yeah okay i i thought so uh it's a round oh yeah it's a round it's a pipe dude no it's a router man dude that guy's smoking reef no bro it's a it's a router what are you talking about all right so next burning rob okay this is burning rob's screen room and then there's pretty much his setup there so he's got one large uh i guess like kind of sideways monitor i guess that's for chat and then he has his two other monitors he's got his webcam or two webcams actually uh stream deck and wait what the what's this keyboard what the [ __ ] look at that what is this keyboard dude what what is this [ __ ] it's all these weird ass keys on it man and look at his mouse dude it's got holes in it man oh that's for arrow uh aerodynamics aero fluidity so it can fly faster that makes sense budget but it works this looks like you just got moved into your first college dorm and you actually have no intent on like you have no intent on like making friends you just want to set up your computer and play video games at a house that's not your mom's dude this guy is this is the type this is the kind of person that gets rank 14 in classic do you think so the chairs the setup i mean this guy's got nothing going on in this slide he's not doing that's anything man like that's good that's good because that way you don't have other things distracting you okay next one dinkle rate my setup daddy by the way i bought the poster before season eight came out oh no he has a game of thrones poster oh you know what's even worse than the game of thrones poster people that name their child khaleesi the fact that he's riding on the mail muncher i'll [ __ ] you okay wait holy [ __ ] this guy actually plays wow in the attic wow this is [ __ ] awesome holy [ __ ] this is comfy as hell man he's even got a plant in there so he doesn't run out of oxygen all right let's see a second picture here four wait three monitors so he's got a discord monitor right there he's got me on the [ __ ] the scuffed ass samsung monitor from 2009 and he has the game on the middle monitor this is really really good he's a discord mod no i mean like what's wrong with that he's got a discord monitor he's got a lot of friends man what now you're going to get mad at people for having friends the hell is wrong with you guys this is good you can't have friends in 2020 okay that's yeah it's probably much of a uh it's a competitive advantage damn dude this is wait who's the other person that's in the the other person has to use a laptop here come on over come play over here here here's sweetie here this is your setup it's right next to me here you have to use the laptop that's from 2006. like your stream mate holy [ __ ] wait oh never mind i thought he only had one monitor then he's got the top one up there this is uh this is pretty good look at the keyboard it's like dude [ __ ] keyboard what when did this become like it used to be used to contain these dumbass led lights in your goddamn computer case yeah you said extra money for no reason yeah for some reason people just decided hey let's take the lights out of the computer and just put it all over the goddamn room so now you're just stuck with a bunch of goddamn lights just blaring in your face for no [ __ ] reason okay here we go this is straight out mom i can't go to school tomorrow rap to the lich king's coming out no i can't print anything out i'm playing the game like this is some straight up [ __ ] like 2008 vibes man like look at this it's got the old [ __ ] hp monitor for some reason there's a rubber ducky he's got i think is that lotion on like the back of his [ __ ] uh on his desk there he's got the laptop just for a second monitor i like that next level uh technology and he's got the canon [ __ ] printer underneath there like it's a family computer and then he has this bonus keyboard down there at the bottom so he can probably lay in bed or something like that and move around on the computer like this is crazy it's a fan though oh i didn't even notice look at the fan look at the [ __ ] fan dude he's got the [ __ ] fan that's taped down to where it can't move so it can blow the air into his computer because it overheats oh no yeah this guy's a [ __ ] genius he works with what he's given all right he works with what he's given okay next the only thing i like more than wow is gtrs what's that some [ __ ] sex dildo something like that what the hell's a gtr i think it's like a it's a it's a car or something dude i don't know like i mean this guy he he likes racing cars and he has a racing chair you know other than that this is really really clean uh obviously he's got his [ __ ] you know little toys in there on the desk not really my aesthetic but uh you know for somebody who likes this kind of stuff i could see it fitting really well together this is what you're talking about bro yep this that's [ __ ] is this like is your setup like a booth at dreamhack this is living in [ __ ] blade runner you have unnecessary leds a [ __ ] anime wallpaper and then the other one was [ __ ] razor [Music] i had a death adder and it was true to its name because it died this is the kind of stuff or it's like look at that pc that's not even a pc that's basically a that's like a mini fridge that got hollowed out and you put some [ __ ] some windows on it this is too much dude and who sits there next to you who do you really want to have sitting there next to you all the time playing video games especially with two mechanical keyboards so you can hear them right next to you [Music] you know the whole [ __ ] time dude all right let's go to the next one all right [Music] wow wow this is amazing it's hachi it's hachi they make monitors now i think they did 10 years ago dude oh no and look at this right like this it's like literally a [ __ ] like did you take this picture in 2008 since when do they have sprite cans that look like that i think the last time i saw a sprite cam that looked like that [ __ ] bill clinton was the president playing classic he's playing classic okay so let's see so he follows me on twitch that's good and whoa light mode hold on oh yeah but he does have sennheiser headphones those are the game one headphones those are really high quality so i'm gonna let this one go and then there's the second monitor right there oh wait no he has three monitors well that's him making the tweet and then here's the last one his hand guys it's his [ __ ] hand all right i already checked it it's his hand it's his hand he's just pointing at the keyboard all right like your hand is like twice as big as the keyboard like i can just imagine this dude trying to type there man he's like he can only use like three fingers to try and do like this man holy [ __ ] okay wow so he's got a salt lamp i have that exact same salt lamp like this is like straight up like a clean good-looking aesthetic there's nothing wrong with this let's say one monitor dude wait yo nixie you're right he does have one monitor bro next time you want to do a setup update spend less money on your leds and just buy another monitor yeah one monitor man one monitor in 2020 give me a break okay what is this here oh we made a whole video of it okay that's great okay let's watch it [Music] you know what that was this is did you notice no what is it okay so obviously this guy does uh music recording you know he's got a uh uh he's got his uh key a piano there keyboard there excuse me and uh he's got one uh what are those things called the uh the music machines guitars i i do like he stole the chair wait did he yeah this chair does look yeah this chair is uncomfortable dude like look at that chair bro like that's awful let's see this one here all right [Music] um wow oh i i like all right so another another guy that's in the music and he's got he's got big dick on his monitor i like that too he's got his uh nintendo switch we've got the um the keyboard there and then the third monitor which is i guess what is that the end of darks is that soul of cinder uh in dark souls 3 i'm not really sure i i like this this is actually really well put together it's clean and uh i i like it yeah it's great wait a second that guy is uh that guy loves music why you say that because that that one is uh it's over a thousand dollar uh uh keyboard really how do you know that what do you mean it's a it's a kurzweil music systems sb6 88 key uh stage piano yeah oh oh yeah yeah you're right and so that is pretty expensive you're right all right let's see what this is here no no the whole rest of this it just looks like the uh it looks like his dad's desk that the kid just kind of took over and made his gaming pc setup like look at the [ __ ] go ahead you know the most offensive part of this picture is what the funko pops yeah i thought so too actually listen it's okay to have a couple of them i have a couple of them all right but uh yeah wait look wait where do you move your mouse look at the mouse space it's like you can either go like this or like this yeah there's no mouse pad or anything man and he's had it on there for so long it's actually worn off the wood finish it's not your setup yet i've seen this one before it's not your [ __ ] yeah yeah it's not your [ __ ] setup uh i really enjoyed diablo and went with a heaven and hell design here switching colors pretty often though that's why i love rgb holy [ __ ] the guy says the tape was built by his grandfather and he's grandfather built it in 1966 and he ruins it with that lighting grand boss [ __ ] pissed man you tarnish his you tarnish his memory with this think about that one monitor yeah exactly one monitor and look at that heat sink dude jesus christ holy [ __ ] man okay this is my way of watching your streams so i really like the background i think the background is really good you got the foot rest there i like that too you have a second chair for some other people you really appreciate what he did here so he has a really nice gaming setup with four monitors and his guest who he wants to have come over to his house wants to sit over the house and play [ __ ] [ __ ] has to sit in this wooden garbage-ass chair what is this the right monitor is something i had laying around going to upgrade sooner i don't know i feel like this is just like a default setup like i this is like one of the ones that's kind of like in the middle you know where it's not really that nice it's not really that bad it's just like kind of a decent looking setup the only positive thing i can say about this is the fact that he has it to where the blinds don't let as much sun in and he also has the classic wow table mat but uh other than that this is okay to me yeah good job brando all right here's the setup react baldi also would have a lot more pop cans but i quit drinking soda a lot that's like a 15 card table and like a 30 chair one monitor oh man i literally have this exact [ __ ] card table downstairs i like this from a nostalgic perspective but holy [ __ ] this is awful like this is actually so bad like that share was on sale at officemax they were about to throw that [ __ ] thing away and this dude was like whoa wait stop stop stop just give me a minute give me a minute i've got i can use that i need this [Music] am i close to you yet what is this here yeah this is basically a [ __ ] so he's got that weird [ __ ] keyboard thing yeah this weird keyboard thing and he's got all the the trash around it i like this this is one of my viewers these are my viewers right here and that's what i like to see good job i'm actually proud of you wamba oh yeah i like seeing more like this uh this is my asmod setup you still owe me a thank you for saving your life in pub g whenever you're playing with that's found in mcconnell about a year ago also hart mcconnell all right papa chris thank you oh [ __ ] oh [Music] yeah the halo poster this is awesome man and like what's the pot is that like a cooking coffee pot in the middle look at this view image look at that it's just a coffee it's like what do you see i've got like spaghetti in there so you just eat a cocky pot that's just a regular pot that he filled up with [ __ ] spectrometers sitting there he just he's just eating it straight out of the goddamn side boys let's get some gaming in and then you've got the uh make azeroth great again hat uh the [ __ ] ha the water bottles there it's good he's trying to be healthy uh a pepsi double leader i i like that too [ __ ] all over the floor uh this is great man and you know my favorite part about this is the sound proofing this sound probably he literally has two little sticks ticked up there all right now nobody's gonna be able to hear me here we go that's perfect two little squares now let's see asmond setup this uh this is the current setup that i'm rocking with please give me your opinion on changes and upgrades i could work towards too thank you so much and keep up the streams all right roger let's see what we're working with here wow as we go look at the little hearts there i play way too much wow that's good i'm proud of you i can tell because you have raider i o and raid bots up uh the water hydration yeah he's got the whole [ __ ] water jug right there purified water he's not drinking that tap water [ __ ] look at that he says the tap water has 5g in it and that's going to give you autism so you can't have that happen listen this is great i really like this setup a lot let's look at the second picture fine all right that's beautiful this is nice that is [ __ ] perfect totally nice he's got the vincent van gogh starry night picture in the background this is a man of culture oh my god this is the bed next to the window you got the tv right in front of the bed so you can lay down and watch [ __ ] you know the tudors or whatever yeah you got [ __ ] four monitors right there yeah oh my god that's [ __ ] legitness i like this a lot all right let's go next one is good this is nice i mean he got this uh you know probably went over to salvation army uh bought his desk right there and um inside of it he probably has a bunch of like dusty ass [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] from like 10 years ago and uh i don't know like he's got two monitors i hate wooden desks because they're gonna get scuffed like look right here look right here this is scuffed that's scuffness and so you have to always worry and watch out for scuffed desks regardless i uh i think this is okay he's got the koozie right there that's nice watching my stream what's his character right there i can barely even tell but uh i think this is a decent looking setup but i don't like the wooden desks i'm not a fan i haven't seen a single one of these that i actually like okay um me and my girlfriend set up [Music] this is nice yeah that's actually kind of nice what do you guys think [Music] imagine having a girlfriend man oh my god how hot is that room yeah dude imagine that you got two [ __ ] people you got two [ __ ] fans like these pieces [Music] and like all the fans blowing and then you're trying to talk to each other on discord it's oh my god dude all right let's go the next one this is from ash my current setup still a work in progress also wanted to say that i got my long boy after losing your death roll congrats objective from moon guard [Music] more lights huh the only thing that i'm not surprised about here or that i am surprised about here is that i'm looking at wow and not animal crossing that's uh yeah that's pretty tough oh wait there is animal crossing there's the switch right there it's right there yeah okay see look jesus let's see about the rest of these yeah this is really really nice all right let's see uh i'm gonna go ahead and view image to-do list empty okay that's good i like that and let's see uh razer naga you've got a little pusheens there watching my stream on the other monitor i like that yeah this is pretty nice guess what race i play [Music] go to the next picture right now go to the next picture right [ __ ] now dude let's go right now don't even rate his yup for shits and giggles uh let's see what do you guys think of this one what the [ __ ] he's got like i mean the [ __ ] monitor stand alright so let's talk about positives and negatives positives wait oh is he having a kid oh look at that he's got the uh the picture of the um [ __ ] the i don't know whatever it is where they take pictures of babies and [ __ ] what dude how dry are this dude's lips [Music] this is a man who plans ahead all right he's got three chapsticks number one number two he's got two of the honey barbecue sauce from mcdonald's that he got and he's saving that for later i like that a lot and the bob ross cup this is really really nice okay all right what is this here okay you know why this one sucks because the orange doritos suck oh he's a lefty oh no oh what in the [ __ ] oh my god how do you what do you do what do you do like that i mean how do you use your hands i just thought like how do you i don't know i this is just because this is a cosmetic hand i don't use this one i like how he has like the mr pibb cans and he crushed him down he's like get him out of the way man because he doesn't want him in the way of his monitor he crushes down his cans i farm mounts at 5x efficiency [Music] oh [ __ ] a multi-boxer oh he is a multi-boxer that's actually really clever okay so this is an actual multi-boxer setup um [Music] i like it this is a decent looking setup uh the three mice i guess that's for multi-boxing and overall i think this is all right uh obviously he's not multi-boxing and classic so he can't hate on it too much i think this is okay man yeah this is decent let's go to the next one [Music] got the little doggo right there i like that that's good i like that yeah it's really really nice uh right there you guys stream deck and he's got his like little goku picture that's cool i guess what is that like a mayan calendar or something i have no idea oh look at that top left boys top left boys and yeah he's a classic andy he is oh my god man all right yeah dishes that's whenever he's watching my stream you know uh regardless i think this is really really nice uh oh look he graduated college he's alumni look at that wow and uh you got the little headsets there the holders for his two headsets that's really good and then he has uh this thing right here the ear thing yeah the ear thing it's a dog it's a corgi i'm pretty sure okay this is nice next hold on do you want to see this one yeah yeah all right see you on discord don't open it on stream immediately i want you to look at it first and then decide i know i know i know i know i know and uh it won't surprise you i know okay all right all right i'll show people let me just double check to make sure now this is tos [Music] okay it's not toss [Music] all right yeah it's not to us but it should be [Music] [Music] this this setup is our good friend in the chat his twitch name is aka fox wait this is my ra this is my raider this is my e are you what duck man oh my god i thought this was a normal person too man this was this guy said my guilt he raised with me i know i know look at this picture it's the girl with the popsicle a popsicle oh yeah i'm sure it's a popsicle are you [ __ ] kidding me dude oh my god and he's even got the [ __ ] anime girl boob uh [ __ ] mousepad this is legit set up aka foxlear in the chat and he only has one monitor this is degenerate dude dude imagine his dad comes in man he's like son i need you to mow the lawn he just looks at the [ __ ] wall man just like plastered with these [ __ ] anime girls not only that dude it's got a [ __ ] beretta gun what the [ __ ] oh my god man that is insane oh yeah he's he's got a knife [Music] he's got a knife so like man anybody talk [ __ ] about any of my 15 dozen waifus dude i'm gonna cut you oh my god i've never seen a dangerous weed before yeah man i i gotta i gotta cut it out with this whole like this whole [ __ ] dude this is insane [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,251,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold setups, asmongold pc setups, asmongold deleted, asmongold vod, asmongold deleted vod, asmongold viewers, asmongold rates, asmongold episode 1, asmongold 1, asmongold pc, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell asmongold, mcconnell setups, mcconnell reacts, asmongold reviews, asmongold roast, asmongold roasts, asmongold roasted
Id: Ri99ZacVlGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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