A͏s͏mongold Finds GLITCH To SECRET Zone & Gets STOPPED By Blizzard GM - WoW Shadowlands

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wait why is already dying blizzard they literally killed us they won't even show themselves they're so afraid they will not even know it's a guys so all come on man okay all right so everyone else come back down here to me okay everybody is here now guys listen to me I will lead the way so allow me to keep a 20-yard distance between you and me so stay back there actually actually let him go let him go first what the our our demon hunter will be the the Walker okay let's get ready demon hunter so EDI yeah demon hunters gonna lead okay come with us tree trees stay close together we're going over to the MA man all right okay be careful be careful all right let's do it I'm on my way it's a long way over there boys it's a long [ __ ] way over there I don't know if I'm gonna make it I'm trying cuz like there's an island over here and I think I can get to it if I do it just there there it is I'm gonna make it I'm actually gonna [ __ ] make it I'm going for it man it's right there come on we're going all in I'm seeing it I'm starting to see it I'm starting to see it here we go no way dude if I go over that I die I'm like 90% sure okay keep going keep going keep going I need to land right there this is gonna be tight oh I made it I made it I made it no no no I'm trying to get away trying to get away all right going around this way going around I'm going around okay hopefully there's a place down there that I can land at this is gonna be just fine this is it ship going back going back going back going back going back okay good I'm circling around this area right here use the toy I can't I can't use that here I have to go around this area I'm starting to lag this is where I'm in the mall [ __ ] don't port me don't port me I made it I'm almost through come on I have to circle around it what's over here though what happens if I land [ __ ] no you were warned please follow and be careful okay I'm a little bit lower but it's okay so there's another floor under us okay sounds good it's that little hole we have to fall through that's gonna be pretty hard to fit in oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're doing it we're gonna make it I'm in the mall I'm in the mall I'm being careful okay where is he where is he I lost you man always down there okay I'm on my way down [Applause] here we go okay now what now what now what do we walk back on and we're in come on don't you say Westfall I'm here I'm here where are you where are you men where are you keep going down okay alright we're going down we're in I'm waiting for you alright alright let's go man we're here it's in game time okay see what's gonna happen here [ __ ] okay drop no I'm not ready for dropping yet oh he's dropping he's dropping okay all right let's go all right we're in the middle of nowhere so we're just kind of making this is a big trust fall man okay wait what's this what is this we're going past this wall not sure if this is a good idea or not but right now we're just kind of moving we could be anywhere right now what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this holy [ __ ] look to the right oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Wow cut need cut holy [ __ ] dude we [ __ ] made it oh my god these are are these the tour gas levels Wow need cut yeah this is where farallon's at exactly oh my god how the [ __ ] did we get over here that is insane turn all your graphics up I only want to turn up view distance right now okay cuz I don't want to I don't want to have it overload and like DC me or something it's changing what oh my god what the [ __ ] is this look at this dude look at this [ __ ] dude okay turn graphics all the way up okay oh [ __ ] it spawn more of them oh my god Wow are we gonna be able to land on this no way we're gonna be able to land on this [ __ ] I don't know what happens if we go to this purple box dude Oh what the [ __ ] dude oh my god what the [ __ ] dude oh these are the moss structures holy [ __ ] what a game dude what a [ __ ] game they dated mine the jailers test room in there somewhere you can find it wait so I can find it jailers room what is this I think this is an area from the mall holy [ __ ] yeah this is from the [ __ ] law well that's bad dude the lighting here we'll get it that's really cool okay we'll go up to the top here now what do you guys think the chances are of me being able to get up to that area there bar sign yeah I can Farsight over there that's at dude I can Farsight up to the mall I can probably Farsight up to the [ __ ] law but let's explore around here first and then we're gonna go over and try and do that this as muncom very spooky wait wait what's spooky wait what am I looking at what's going on I'm coming over here come here he they're spamming me come here so now we're gonna get a better look at this Oh what the [ __ ] [Music] and it doesn't look like kil Jaeden because like that's the first thing that I thought of it has like the weird thing on his head and it has the weird diction's though it's our commando know our commandos is gray let's go over to Icecrown Citadel number 7 I don't know I'll have to think about that oh [ __ ] go go what run right run away run away run away did we have anybody do we lose anyone we didn't lose our warlock did we I can't mount here either where's our Warlock are you safe okay yeah go met you make a warlock and I'm gonna log on my other character and I'm gonna get someone down here on my shaman let me just try to explore over at the this Icecrown Citadel yes we need to go deeper so this means I can prop [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there it is okay now where is it it's right over here let's go over here what it is icecream [Music] but what's that that's what I'm curious about what the [ __ ] but we're up here now and this is I guess I'm sort of like let me get to the very peak here and we'll get a better a better view this is the ebon hold area this is the the ebon hold because they're the vendors over there yeah that's Evan Evan boy so Evan blade whatever the [ __ ] let me go inside holy [ __ ] all right we'll see what's inside here that's the shadow vault well it's the place for the Evan [ __ ] the Evan blade or whatever the [ __ ] they are the quartermaster's right there holy [ __ ] alright I'm gonna go over the other place now maybe you'll find a PvP vendors would not be really funny if like after an hour after exploring we finally find a PvP vendor like three different levels down here that'd be so [ __ ] funny okay let's go over here now but yeah the Bengal tiger vendor oh my god what is this what the [ __ ] is this he'll use platform this is Hellas platform and she would be right there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so remember Sylvanas made the pact with hell yeah [Music] hmm okay um let's go over here maybe I'll see if I can find this worm is a dungeon boss wait what warms the dungeon boss yeah all do you mean I killed his ass dude like I don't want to fight him again I thought boss drove me crazy cuz I got a bad rng on one pull which boss is he for the tour gasp boss I'm pretty sure it's not that's a dick that's it that's a hundred-fifty buzzer drew a dick that's a that's a [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] do I I try to go into the mall cuz I think that's the next step that should be the next step now that we've gone this far and we just go up [Music] their way to have a voice okay there's the other place [Music] oh [ __ ] okay let's keep going we'll look over this way maybe I'm trying to get out trying to get visual okay book the top oh there it is there it as soon as I see it got it I'm on top now now we're making progress good oh [ __ ] all right um I'll get right up to this tip here let me get right on the tip okay I want to try to go up to right about there okay so we're climbing up into the mall all right here we go holy [ __ ] dude okay wait what is this what is this I don't even see anything now what the [ __ ] okay the music works really well with this I know that that's why what the are these are the unused assets or actually a phone is that the jailers chair oh my god what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no [ __ ] way dude let me let me go up to right here so you guys can get an idea of it it's not I don't know I mean who else is thrown would that be I mean realistically and put it right in front of it Arthas shut the [ __ ] up yeah this is a huge [ __ ] throne there's no way it is not something important it has to do with it okay so now we need to make sure that we can get into the actual area itself oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude Wow the highest peak [Music] oh my god we are in mauled Raxus boys oh my god okay let's go over to this one [Music] go over to that one maybe I'm gonna go down to the ground I'm gonna see what's on the ground here [Music] there's mom's eye you can see the mobs discuss all 62o eat he's got keen eyes holy [ __ ] dude this is too [ __ ] this is the area oh my god oh my god wow that is this is just like the area and the [ __ ] preview dude zoom out I am zoomed out oh [ __ ] this is just like a solid [ __ ] wait there's traca that's thralls mother baroness traca for the honour of the bleeds for temporary location no pre quests yet that's elite dude look at that blood and thunder from car look god my god okay let's go over to here damn dude dude this place looks awesome okay I want to go over here then what kind of weapon that weapon is a that was in the game already I forgot where it came from though dude like the skybox here this just looks badass we've got the chimeras flying around yeah it's basically [ __ ] Mordor holy [ __ ] apparently these models are new and they weren't here yesterday wait what's in here what is in here okay nothing too interesting let me go inside the middle the Dark Portal I don't think that oh yeah yeah when we turn on the in-game music that's a good idea [Music] no one gave music no one gave music apparently okay let's go down over here how about that how about that let's go on top of it yeah let's go on top of it guys holy [ __ ] zoomed all the way out guys I'm trying to see as much of it as I can this is insane wait wait is this a raid look at this it's like there's a pathway or something like that on - there's no way is this actually a [ __ ] raid [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] raid boss I don't know I feel like if that's a raid boss you're gonna need more than a 40 man raid for him turn up the graphics I don't want to get deceived okay so I'm gonna be a little bit uh a little bit conservative with the graphics okay guys let me go up to the top here and that way I can get a good a good Eagle Eye of them oh [ __ ] Wow see this is what I thought ice crown was gonna be like whenever it came out with like water underneath it you know like this is what I thought ice crown was gonna [ __ ] be yeah these are like minion axes everywhere look at that there's a mini knacks right here blinds look at that guy oh [ __ ] okay I'll go over here that way I'm not in the water and I can actually look up all right let's look at this necropolis let's see what's inside now let's find out what's inside try go right there give me a little awkward to get over there what the [ __ ] dude that is so good as so good okay let me go over to here then I'll see what's inside [Music] what do you guys think this is school the main like I really like the way this looks this is I guess like the play glands area if you're too far away from the mobs I'm pretty sure Farsight doesn't allow you to see certain things that's why some people weren't seeing it and some people were so I'm probably gonna move my character next time I try and do this I'll move him like right underneath where I'm trying to Farsight to and that'll give me a better bird's-eye view of the area and I can actually see the mobs that are there too many palms for China where it goes okay I don't see how you can have multi rex with the mild racks this without having thousands of bones okay are there any mobs spawning here oh [ __ ] those are elite maro gars elite marrow gars look at that sorry with the graphics that are not ideal you know like it is a little bit low but I want to make sure that we don't hit a DC and not I mean the bones dude that was like my favorite boss to do cuz you just stand there and like literally you just [ __ ] so good I love that boss so much Duke very easy - okay wait oh there's Kurian over here there's Kurian here look at that Wow oh wait is this a quest area warden of rituals [Music] ronk wait was it was his name strong Oh his name actually is strong okay uh uh y-you guys we're saying that for a men that I actually just read it and there it is hook up it snacks it's how oh there's a witch right there let me go to right here so I can get a better review of them look at that [Music] walk yeah dude [Music] Wow all right let me actually try and turn up graphics I hit escape to open the menu and escape actually took me all the way over there but why are they summoning me where are we going here [Music] oh I just pour it all the way up there then okay and dude I could just do a so [ __ ] fast now but years ago me Farsight wasn't better what did you I wasn't better this is insane [Music] oh boy oh boy [ __ ] badass dude it is okay what's over here Genghis wait this is a boss I thought I found a raid boss you know what the [ __ ] oh my god he's only got five hundred thousand help though like I don't think that's actually a raid boss they're restarting the server quick quick guys let's get in here as soon as we can before they they shut me down okay slash target Kel'Thuzad I don't I don't know if Kel'Thuzad is here I mean like is there a reason why we think kel'thuzad is here okay there's nothing else really going on here all right let's go fear then they hotfix dude they're not gonna fix event they're not gonna flex it like I actually think it's a bad idea from the hotfix it because like showing stuff like this and getting people excited for it is like I mean that's what it's about you know I mean [ __ ] this is what it's about like why would they hotfix it doesn't make any sense cuz like also like me showing everybody this like I hope that they don't like I'll understand if they do it's like okay whatever right but I think actually showing people like what the zones you oh [ __ ] only people with the zones and everything or going to look like that kind of it gets people excited for the expansion you know what I mean okay oh there's a door wait so you can go in through here [Music] [Music] and we are almost inside boys [Music] and we're inside okay just I just walked through the door to walk right through the door so I begged you okay what's inside okay we'll go up to here [Music] we all got moved we all got moved there I dude do a quit playing man what the hell are y'all doing what are you guys thinking that what you guys think about doing go back all right that's okay let's try wait why is already dying Blizzard they literally killed us [Music] what the silent silent bro can use soulstone soulstone ah [ __ ] dude who's our shaman who's our shaman quick quick wait he's gone did we get pruned by blizzard I think we've just been pruned no oh oh dude dog show your defiance so your defiance against this this ah over our alright alright Reza me Reza me quick Reza me quick ah [ __ ] no we should have waited for a man we should have waited for them to give up all right guys listen you fought well but unfortunately the long dick of the law has come from an unseen place here and decided to [ __ ] us boys heard can you at least can we show up they put in GM here or something so we know it was you I want to see it make me a key make me a giraffe they won't even show themselves they're so afraid they will not even - oh it's the guys - aw come on man he says gg what yeah well how fair [Music] don't just like Icarus we've flown too close to the Sun and our wings have burned out and here we all lie dead on the ground gentlemen boys and girls what an incredible [ __ ] adventure [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 3,150,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold shadowlands, asmongold wow shadowlands, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, world of warcraft shadowlands, asmongold glitch, asmongold blizzard, asmongold blizzard gm, blizzard gm, wow gm, asmongold stopped, shadowlands alpha, wow shadowlands alpha, shadowlands maldraxxus, shadowlands the maw
Id: 1w5I67kLfj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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