Asmongold Listens To His Guild Mates Roast Eachother About In Game Loot & Tries To Fix It

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these two so I don't forget about them tomorrow I love your content can't wait to move up in the chain ye Quinn Oh ex okay great welcome to the guilt I love this eight is being destroyed by drama more Alexis I've transferred GM to Paris wait what [Music] okay so alright let me talk let me just the Olympus eight level and goes being destroyed by threats and beggars threats from guild members that threatened to leave if we do not have a full guild beggars that join and immediately asked for a tavern and leadership Olympus eight guild leader is a little passive towards this sorry for unnecessary drama just trying to level with the fellow guild members that are just trying to also level the random drama is annoying as [ __ ] thanks for streaming and getting me into this game well thanks for watching I appreciate it we'll take care of this at some point - hats off to Matt and crazy for Olympus while you were dancing around the interwebs for your fanboys I was asking for ninety silver so I could buy my two bard and rep the guild when I ninja loot and tell this Rhodes to suck my dick and balls since I heart out mad and crazy from a little bits handed it to me props to him make sure you give him some credit your future running mate mccr oak well thank you very much Mick rogue mad and crazy is a great person an amazing guy and I totally agree he actually gave me a couple of potions earlier absolutely this is some lame excuse to not face the fact about how [ __ ] the guild was in you later he actually what the hell is this change of heart please forgive me for how long this is but please read it all I had not been inviting any olympos members to any guilt group and kicking ones that managed to squeak in that was the norm until the other day that when told of one of your members need coffees that I don't play with losers from Olympus because [ __ ] asmin gold he said that I was wrong about Olympus and as one I want to argue with him but he told me that he was about the stream and he would gladly talk to me after his discord I figured that this is some lame excuse to not face the fact about how [ __ ] the guild was in you later he actually contacted me and invited his discord and I went there to teach him a few things when in reality I was the one that gained an understanding he pointed me to the few of your videos and explained per his words as Mon is an asset to the server the Alliance and is a better guy than most give him credit for division well what that is certainly debatable he was right you are an asset and I will no longer decline to play with your guys good good it's good to know that moistens raid last night in MC I was told to roll for a BOE won the role and it was Luke counseled two more to her by Royson I have screenshots of me out healing mono on two fights while my healbot was broken and the guy has benediction and epics another healing pally saw what happened and told me this was common he told me reasons click gets priority loot I was just pissed because he got tear at the end I don't want to be cocked teased with rolls and then have it counseled out to his homies rude verse is this true okay dude didn't you get loot Ram weed Luke count salute to everyone we try to give each person a piece of and so I'll check my god or something so in so this did happen he probably won the role but we don't we don't based off role all the time did he know that was wrong yeah he's been in the guild really well it's the first time you rated with us but so we're doing for everyone it's weddings from ages I didn't get any loo last night and gave the mage player with the loot council system I checked with all my officers when I when I gave away every Pete so what is it I don't know it depends on like the guy got loot here we got loot for that and his role doesn't really matter depending on like how huge a round-robin system or like after you win a few sagir you go down to the bottom a little bit we're just trying to make it fair for everyone that's fine I think it just means you have to make sure that people know that and so it's like because as soon as somebody gets like like we had the same thing happen with like the talisman we're like a Heuer got it and the knife majors get pissed off and you know it's like this making sure buddies of all same page what do you mean oh no ready no don't read it so I'm sorry I'll make another apology video of course gonna be dismissed get the [ __ ] out here Tora he says he's gonna clear it out this is a person mono ultra dude Oh okay what's he gonna say well see what what his take on this is now I give him a second they'll take a little bit of time to get this together I'm lead a feeling Department and Roy's right okay just give me a second you said you're in you're in discord right come on oh oh yeah yeah there you go okay I'm gonna move I'm gonna move you into in our Channel okay come on are you there oh you needed funk just come on oh you know let let me get the street for a second okay hello sir hi what so mama um so I just noticed this letter I didn't see the contents of it I just know she apparently cinetic I'm personally the the head of healing right now I guess for loot Council we do as Roy said a statistic at normal camp sometimes we roll sometimes uh sometimes we [ __ ] up and sometimes a Roy doesn't explain the rules properly before doing bullet council so sometimes it links the item for example and people we just hand out equally and try to give people equally as much as possible so to preface this I'm the only priest from last week that survived the Kerch who's asthma son what remember I said I'm sorry okay so there was a little bit of drama in Olympus tea yeah we lost one of her main tanks which one in a healer his name was um cream something cream top screaming in essence and left apparently the officers minute rule did not do not mean about the ninja loot thing before so I made a joke about it and then I couldn't officer this court I mean on ignore and you got really meant so there was no drama like I have man as once captain challenge ring an officer oh that guy sounds mean cocky about this too yeah so creme and assman son left because they had personal personal issues with it and they just left it was this is out of the picture they didn't talk to anyone they just left so after I made uh my last me my guess in Chad I got kicked to and to get him when that happened people unit not you unionized and left like following me I guess how many people unionized like ten people do do people know they know came to a one like Doku Panda hooked us up and they just invited right back is we didn't meant leave Olympus at all like we love the guild we love Royson and we were like loyally but um we had problems with Callaghan I guess and we cannot remain there so we just moved over basically yes yeah I I don't have much control over the guild chat assist okay so the main problem was a calla grim he's like a random level 50 Palin was getting power trippy over the Raiders and that's not our case so we we just moved over I guess power trip of define power tripping okay let me like spend another side of the story new mono was being a bits per game he'll check it was but I would not have kicked him for that and he didn't even come to me before kid just me me about royal dude we were doing like the old greed memes and any any greeter enchant like that kind of stuff so he would get mad at me if I said like anything related to Roy so I my last name was yo if I invite Roy to a group am I talking about Roy and then you know he wished me bit whispered me back last warning dude it's like putting her in ignore and I said whatever and he kicked me okay who's the GM of Oh to some random level 30 is Ola 30 did great guy by the way should we promote Royson to guild master or vote to probably buzz okay here's the thing so if we're talking about the current thing about Romina the young priest since I was the only left priest I'm pretty thick down from last week so a lot of people like I kind of mad at me is I have a lot of you from the so we recruited three new priests one of them was Romina one of them was jinkx and one of them I can't remember his name but he got the benediction drop last week I mean this week so it's kind of high Romina was asking for healing tips because her real body was down or broken or something so as a healing guy I was yeah I don't know dude she I totally just rolled without it and just try her best and whatever give her tips for every fine and whatever and I was constantly talking with every single one of my priests to make sure they understand what they were doing and understand what was happening fortunately we got three pieces of loot for one of our priests busy he won one of the two pieces and then he got some bracers and i can't remember what the third drop boy said let's say - okay Romina was performing real well so I was cheering Eric on on whispers I guess and eventually ii racers ii bracers drop and Royson like links to them in [ __ ] like a raid warning and it says a roll so everyone rolls and then they were like oh [ __ ] we should look Council this to the people who actually have all their two sets set pieces and Royston like handed in and get it out to me this was like a minute after Romina wanna a ring like her first epic item in the and the first rate ever with us and I was still talking to her on whispers she was like doing the Wu emotes and all that [ __ ] like she why I thought she was okay with it like yeah she was okay with what I with the rate with the race how we were dealing with [ __ ] okay she never complained to me about like y'all what the [ __ ] do you got the world I want um it was kind of stuff yes has it happened before yes sometimes we roll items when we should not be rolling and then we like to make decisions after the fact with the road with the loot council I'm not a part of the loot council by the way so I'm not like influencing this rules or this a loot handle handing at all haha and today I was hanging out with the boys and I get a message that apparently Romina was burning out about me calling me out and like being a shift healer and like her out healing me without an addiction and some stuff I was shocked okay so it is so like it's a girl that's bad yeah it's a girl okay and that's that like we were just talking about it like Romina being mad and me I was I said that yo I'll talk to her is if she's mad that's one thing but she if she's like talking [ __ ] that's that's a completely different thing did she run me off as we were talking now this is her first time the first one okay so um so as we were speaking about this I tune out and stream because people are spreading it to me and a fairly I mentioned in a [ __ ] toxic letter directed towards me like yeah I don't I didn't get to see what the letter said cuz I wasn't watching the stream yeah but that's the situation Wow mikono I'm your biggest fan I'm your biggest fan Hopstop that's so embarrassing stop no it's not the end love it's um it's [ __ ] embarrassing don't ever tell me you like me ever I hate it come on okay hate you McConnell what do you know but yeah that's it there's well we had a little bit of drama with one of our main healers leaving right now and right but we just sorted that out you pop trash right one of your officers just to me yeah yeah since I know you here yeah what's up so we were talking with pop if he if you can bring puppy we decided to make pop so that one son wants to can land in lefty he left the guild yeah I mean coming to this if he can we've I've never heard him in this word but what I assumed what happened I think he got mad at one of the officers that specifically Callaghan and you just left that's pretty much been an issue were oh so he's whispering me saying Aspen actually got kicked by Callaghan - okay so we've had problems where other officers would kick members or causes not like cause drama but they would police the Gill chat and down really hard reso Aspen you haven't written any mocking Oh to chat it's basically officers typing in all caps telling you one not to say it's not that bad but it's like well it wasn't it like that yesterday okay yeah I have some people listening right now getting help roll dude okay Romina she'll be able to come in next one okay and then we can just sort it out and then that way we just know like it seems like people obviously have like a you know a different take on this and that makes why we thought it was fine because it was her trial she didn't want to come at first because she said her heal by was now working and we told it like it doesn't matter just come and do this I uh I don't know man personally I passed in a lot of priests [ __ ] because I just wanted to hear my voice yeah but uh we gave her a piece of loot though right so like that's more than half of our walking mages have got in like rehab slow no gotta gets enemies like we got our piece of gear we have so many people and our deal that haven't gotten yet we get cuz just can't do it yet but everyone is okay with it like everyone on rates one it's really chill about it yeah except I guess is a new member they just joined yesterday and now it started to stir up drama okay I'll get give him a minute and he'll be able to get it seems like the best idea right now oh just give me a second we're getting attacked there's like you know any time I go anywhere and tell these guys real quick and then I'm gonna go ahead and bring them in and figure out figure out the situation I don't know how I don't know how this stupid ass [ __ ] keeps happening honestly seems really kind of really kind of ridiculous honestly mm-hmm like really really kind of ridiculous um one thing we have to fix on our own on a rate master living schedule mean way of handling things is pretty much a loop we we roll the rolls are kind of cosmetic for some reason so we kind of roll first and ask questions later okay all right well just give me a second what you say roles are cosmetic it's behind a lie yeah okay I once I can you hear me hey a son as my okay I'm trying to figure this out hello hey yeah hey yes Ben I don't got much time so I'll make it quick it's more so I guess I'm pretty sure why I know iris Venus except I mean for me [Music] okay so you're not happy with the inconsistency of balloon I mean I think that's one question for a Spencer why did you let the guilt you didn't show up great come on wait what who is this come back why is why is we're seeing the item it's whatever there's there's people that'll do that that's not that's not it's what you should have seen on stream what he did after oh no did you fail for the [ __ ] you read it meme dude were actually mate now you you trust me if you saw history musi help bigger [ __ ] yeah I watch it yet watch lot of me duh anything helm operations listen you name like one thing that yeah that was like it's what happened you just got to see how he tried to deal with the situation first he tried to play it off like he didn't give up you know it's fine whatever you don't get in but then the the things he did after to try to justify himself as in oh I didn't even know it was from seven oh I'm just gonna give Quinn a hundred gold because it's cool you know just the way he tried to justify his actions after yeah just really Scott me to be honest and you know if you still hate me right now that's fine you know it's not a big deal I just want to let you know you know so you don't have any more problems like this in the future him so we should kick him out of the guild then probably the Roy's a [ __ ] scumbag just you gotta know that but I don't have the item anymore so am I still a scumbag azmuth son yes what about what we kick do you feel like the resolution that we did that Roy agreed to was fair I mean and yeah the way you guys handled it after was fine it's just what he did as on street as soon as the reddit post blew him to be I was sent to Roy uh I like to do it I thought he was cool you know I thought he was really nice that's why I joined this raid group I was really happy and then once I saw that on stream yesterday like yeah what it's like kind of easy to say oh yeah I see what you're saying like III get it right and like obviously it's your own prerogative who you want to support or whatever well I think there's also I count a little bit of like maybe empathy I don't know if that's really the right word it's like if you have like a bunch of people that are just like going crazy and I talking about your [ __ ] about you obviously you're gonna behave like really defensively you know what I mean yeah and so like I get especially if it's a gun stream you're n people come in like you're actively have to deal with this in real time like it makes sense in a way no again I'm not saying like this is good or whatever these doing it but you know it is what it is and III can see why you're you're frustrated and everything and I'd hate to see us like lose people from the guild especially for something it feels like honestly he feels like I literally went away for like a few days and everybody just went crazy it's like I take the weekend off and I come back and this [ __ ] happens and everything that happened was in OT so you know we're not like directly commended by you all the time so I guess I know whatever Roy do you know this about the guild bloom not my [ __ ] ass gonna let the Guild's I do you want any no issue is you know the first time the first week we run thread is we did roll on like some of the priests items together but then some of some of the other ones just went straight to mono so you know that's fine you know I understand he's your main priest the one the the item that went directly to me was benediction by tho no there were there was a couple items I only rolled on one when there was like three or four top didn't you wipe us on gar like how can you come in here all like cocky and cool I just had an idea I just had an idea what do you think about this okay because we have so many guilds why don't we just have it so we're like if you want a certain loot role then you join that guild so if you want like a free roll you try to join oh one I mean one a loot council you try to join Oh - and then at least just be consistent you know if you're gonna loot councillor cap if you're gonna just give it to your you know yeah yeah like cuz you know I understand you gave mana the benediction that's completely fine okay do you remember what happened like I didn't even that was aether and and other people that have been working really hard to get the the rinse douse and like I'm not the only guy making the decisions I checked with everything is just your problem I'm just saying in general building off that is like you know seal that man's been he was top healing every boss literally every [ __ ] yeah he's our God healer he in that Remini isn't under two right drop yesterday remaining can hear me okay I really and he's literally Allen is can I use that what powers the mage boy oh wait sorry sorry I always I was confused okay what I mean like just some consistency would be but it's hard with Luke councilman there's 20 or there's 40 people is it always Liu counsel oh except for mages because we have so many mages that we don't feel like it'll make a fair decision yeah you have to either you just have one [ __ ] rule set okay just either do Luke Council or freeroll round-robin talk we have eleven majors that are we [ __ ] throw all that [ __ ] yes this wasn't an issue before today though none of our majors are actually God healer I just think that would make sense I don't know I mean yeah there's also like okay so let me go ahead and I'll like put my two cents in here basically like what you guys are saying what you're doing is I'm completely fine with that like whatever it's up to you but I think that if you do a role this is my perspective if you do a role that role should count for whatever the item is and like we had this issue in like the main rate whenever we had like the spinal Reaper drop and like that was a concern that I had right is like I feel like a role should always be the deciding factor if a role is called and it's like obviously if you tell people like okay paladin's role on this item and then like a major roles on it it's like obviously roles don't matter in that circumstance but if they're if they're supposed to role on the item if they're supposed to role on the item then roles should be the deciding factor of who gets the item or you guys shouldn't do a role right and in my opinion I think that's the the cleanest way to handle it because that way you're not going to have people that are getting you know they're getting their hopes up basically for this item they see themselves when the role and then suddenly this person is now or somebody else is getting it you know and I feel like that would be really disappointing for a person too so I don't know is that something that you can you can agree on or what I mean like yeah that's basically what happened in the dungeon you know like I was performing the best that I could I got everything that I needed to like mana pots fire resistance everything that I could and I mean I wasn't told to council rules ahead of time maybe I was but I was kind of [ __ ] with my healbot to make sure that I was performing well but that wasn't something that I remember being discussed and then I actually had a lot of other people whispering me in the raid about how it was this is this kind of thing had happened before in the raid previously and what they basically about how loot was being handed off to lights on my screenshots I have to look it up I didn't you get blue last night ruin it yeah I was given the ring that everybody let me just put this on the back burner pressing Roy what the [ __ ] happened with the index you had Takashi has the head and we're trying to get him they okay people so Takashi okay so it's not am i yeah it's none of my bags you won the room okay so Takashi won the role did everybody get chance to roll earnest so like I I died and since I was little master and I accidentally really yeah everything went to roll so I told everyone past Takashi needed the head and then still okay can you get Takashi to come in discordant and we can work it out with God yeah I mean I don't know I'm sorry I mean you know this is like this is it's happening like right now you know so I want to sort it out before it becomes an issue that I have to deal with you know yeah absolutely no problem yeah we're gonna put you on the back burner okay I know my place yeah yeah like it's a car she has okay we'll see we'll see what Takashi SSI and I this is very easy to solve right essence on left by the way oh yeah he had to leave he's pissed well that's fine if he's pissed but like he like he already left to go like as Mon like Marjorie character as one suddenly [ __ ] Olympus you know well I I can get like name your character something else in leading like I does that seem like um awkward you join to the gills like as Mons son that's like what happened to being in Olympus so you have to tell the story every time dude I got into looted okay just and I'll work it out with you later I was one son okay we'll figure this out so so what we'll figure out this other thing is he willing to come into score and we can just like figure this out the guy who got the head yeah yeah Takashi yeah Takashi he's not gonna come in here without voice he's out there's no way he's gonna want to talk it out oh yeah I just wanted it the most so I guess I just took it man no any cleaners no I I can talk to him no it's fine like no we can talk we should promote Takashi in Olympus 5 for our guild scarlet monastery runs like our main car monastery group we use the need before to read system the built-in one yeah how does that work someone took the garage shoulders as a mage but we could let them off with a warning that's taken care of right yeah yeah totally ok he's an actor right I think Takashi needs to talk win and west okay okay what class is Takashi he's a warrior uh-huh yeah well at least it's going to somebody who it's best in slot forward but like let me let me just sit down and talk to the guy and and we'll figure it out okay III think that that'll basically solve it we'll see I mean I could be wrong but I think that that will probably take care of a lot of the issue okay did you guys see if he'll come into scored let me message him to come the head thing okay I asked him if he could just come in we'll see what he says I quite serious or doubt no it's I said oh he said yes oh okay wait yeah he just wants attention man just give him his five second all right so he's gonna he's gonna be coming into discord in just a minute so what we'll work this out with him okay and second no this is fine like we're gonna deal with the MC loot drama after this one but since this is like happening right now I kind of have to deal with it right now yeah that's fine yeah it's you know it is what of this Jesus Christ as mobs hit hard okay so what sometimes you get it sometimes you get it an injured yeah I Olympus okay he's done give me a second let's whip this out he's in moving in okay uh you there man yeah what's up not much dude one Congrats on the head no thanks dude okay so did you did you win a role on it or did everybody else agree to pass and you need it on anyone okay so the master looter didn't quite a master loot so basically everybody was rolling on stuff and so Royson didn't say anything he just said I'm gonna need and so because he did that and you know his record kind of lately I need it as well okay dude okay okay okay and so then along with that fella guilty nine tail's agreed that he messed up he didn't even state that he was needing to roll out on as far as distributing to the guilt he just had needing that's it okay so so I assume that he's needing so everybody else is needing and I only needed on the mix ahead I didn't keep anything else I didn't do anything else people need how do you think grievances okay so well alright so how about this or are you willing to just like like have it do a free roll cuz I feel like that's kind of fair right I mean wouldn't you agree um I would but then like there comes the loot as far as the Nixie a bag because they may see a bag can't be rolled up so then now I'm out of that bag wait what do you mean you're out of the bag that means I can't roll on it right because they can't be it can't be traded yeah and so [ __ ] well then who got the Onyxia bag yeah cuz I didn't roll in the Nixie bag somebody got it suck on it so he's gonna trade the head Ferb no no nothing I'm gonna trade it well I'm saying the thing I can get out of here man like please no one cares about a bag let's be real well I care about it now I'll give you 50 gold if you just shut up and roll for the head please know that I'm not gonna even trade it sorry Roy since have you ever done one of the games where you have like a negotiation with a certain subject and there's like four different things and then it's like you click one of them and it says hostile mode engaged then your guild though like yes listen Royston not up Royson shut up for just a minute yeah I've been taking for a couple races for everybody you know I get it I get it and listen if it goes to anybody if you end up getting it like that's good because it's a really good item for you right but I think that it should be rolled off fairly and regardless of what Royson did or not that's not really fair for everybody else in a raid because they're not responsible for what Royson did and I think that whenever you go into the guild there should be an expectation that you roll off the item I mean does that make sense - yeah it does but then you know it just comes down to that he messed up like like we're good we're all gonna suffer because he messed up well no now everybody else is gonna suffer because you're willingly messing up sohow's not any better well because well now I have the next year thing I have the next ahead of with me now so now I I have it I won the role so now if I change it and give it out to everybody now I lose it if it was up to a free roll you would have either won or lost anyway yeah it wasn't because my master looted wait a second somebody else says they have a screenshot of Royston saying he was needing distribute redistribute whoo yeah I didn't think he did that okay well let me go ahead and make sure and I'm asking I'm ask him to send it to me I'm discord I won't even roll for a DJ I really listen like you're a tank right yeah keep please just make this easy so we can keep your tank in the guild but yeah we do this [ __ ] drama dude like just trade the head away let people roll for the [ __ ] head like MC is tomorrow like I don't want to deal with trying to find another [ __ ] tank for another because you wanted to hold on to the helmet you can so rolled for the [ __ ] head but I think that you need to roll for it just like everybody else it's my fault I apologize it is to deal with the guilt Duff while doing this rain but this solution of Louis's mistake is to not need roll on the helm and then [ __ ] everybody else in the group out of the helm man like I mean can't you see where I'm coming from with this but i get it i get i get the whole you know guilting guilt aspect as well okay but then another another thing is like if I get the item you know that's only gonna also help the guild out as well so it will help to go out with anybody getting item well more more so for the tank you're right but that's not your decision to make again it was the master looters fault so at this point it is my decision to make at this point cuz he may be messed up no that's a queer you can understand that it's not your decision to make right and it's collectively not right decision and it's not to your decision no I understand I understand that yeah you know if this shouldn't have happened but it wasn't my fault that it did happen well yes but it is your fault that it's still happening well I mean I want it that's that's the best thing I want its knows everybody else but I have it now you're right what else do you want I'm just cool keeping it and like tanky for the guilt and stuff I mean what else do you want in Mike MC like what's the rest of your deer like well I have three pieces of mine already so I don't know you know right right but it's not even about that it's like you know I would love to continue going with Olympus and you know rating with you guys are you keeping it because you know Anderson does you know have a little bad track record as well so you know that kind of you know yes you're right Royston Royson did something the other day that was bad that we solved right and that's that's fine so here here's a screenshot here we're gonna go ahead I'm gonna pull up the screenshot and we're gonna see what what he said okay and this is the this is the post that was made so here it is right here and he says I'm going to need and trade gear was that that was after he that was after everybody needed on it I believe that's when it when he said it that actually is after he need you're right about that because it shows salute roles and you got the seventy on it yes so those after he didn't say anything about it before I typed multiple times that I would just okay well we don't have that in the screen you shouldn't yeah you weren't even talking and rape but you just saw me in that you were in the raid I just distributed the other the teens no you didn't you discuss until afterwards you didn't even notice the loot was what what do you think is gonna happen in that situation the loot gets messed up the leader of the raid is what I say what I think is gonna happen I don't even have the other item that well what do you think he's going to ninja whatever the items sorry what do you okay so what do you think is going to happen whenever Royson ninjas another item I don't know he's gonna have the duel in and everything's okay so you're not happy with the way that we do redistribute it uh no not really well cuz now I'm in this situation I mean I thought it was funny and [ __ ] but sorry well you said you were okay with it before and now you're saying you're not okay with it because based off of your language and it's okay if you're not okay with it right and we can talk about that it's fine but I mean you can just be honest with me if you don't like it like it's not like I'm gonna freak out or something I mean I just here here's my goal right is you're a tank and the guilt I want you to continue tanking in the guild but I don't want to have somebody who's going to take items for themselves at the expense of other people that are in the guild and also I will grant you that item is really good for tanks that is really really really good for tanks I hope that you win the role on the I that doesn't mean that you should get the item for sure does that make sense it does like again i get it i get i get the whole guild aspect and believe me i want to do the right thing then let the other guild is rolling out right now i won't roll what's it i want let me let me ask you a question if you want what do you think is the right thing what do you think is ready to do at this point right now because it's so [ __ ] up and then even even somebody else in the raid the it was a rogue believe nine tails you know you've enrolled on it on the same aspect as me and so now because he's gonna get [ __ ] on this too as well because let's say i didn't i didn't get the role and somebody else did it was then it could have been a whole different situation they could have just left you know i'm not trying to just leave and and have like you know [ __ ] over the guild or anything i like being in the guild i like playing with you guys yeah and we want to have you in the guild but how is it gonna look think about it like this right if you're in the guild and you have another tank and the guild that willingly basically ninja lutz an item and it's like you're effectively an intuitive item right I mean can you at least but let me from this track right your license done in it seems like it's fine well no it's not fine do you know why it's not fine who has Roy sins item right now I don't even know Quinn has Royston sytem because we distributed the item because we thought that the acquisition method was unfair so does that does that alleviate your concern because I really well then why not look you know give me some gold I'll be happy with some gold at least okay how much I think that's me how much gold do you want yeah what do you guys think is fair honestly like come on I mean I think Nick sees head do you know what I think is fair a zero gold because you're part of the guild you want to raid with the guild you want to do stuff with the guild you want us to keep you in the guild and at this point it seems like a bad decision to do that because it seems like what you care about is getting this loot for yourself more so than the other people in the guild that you're taking this item from you're not stealing it from Royson it's not like oh I'm getting this item and I'm taking it away from Royson because I'm not happy with what he did two days ago no it's like every other person in that group that you were going to get the item from or was a good entry get an item you stole that chance away from me is no I didn't poison it okay how about this how is it Royce is responsive or you go out of your way to take the item I didn't go out of my way it was I won it fair and square this way right now no I what at this point I've won it fair and square he didn't put it on master Luke how is it fair and square if everybody else passed because nothing was stated nothing was stated he said it afterwards do you think nobody wanted he onyxia head besides you yeah you really think yeah why do you think they all passed on it yeah why do you think because they assumed that Royson was gonna gonna trade it off so well we really don't know that okay I mean okay all right well how about this how about you trade it off sure no no I feel like I still feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick here what surety do you think you're getting I don't get the the next year head okay don't you feel like you getting the short end of the stick is or sorry getting the long end of the stick don't you feel like that's kind of coming at the expense of everybody else in the raid knocking the shrewdness six who is it better is it better for you to knock at the item and then have everybody else be able to roll for it fairly or is it better for you to just take the item and say [ __ ] you to everybody else in the raid well that's not what I'm doing cuz even though if I take the head I'll still be tanking or I'll still want to tank for everybody do you think they're gonna want to play with you after you stole an item well regardless I didn't steal an item I want you did you've stolen that that's why they all pass on it they all pass on it - no no not everybody passed on it not everybody pass on it that's the thing oh right there was two other people that didn't so what about all right of the people that did pass on it that was again that was the Masters fault what does that have to do with you and what you're doing right now why is it his fault that you're behaved like yes you're right he did something wrong but how does that rationalize what you're doing right now so because he did something bad that means that you can do something bad too and it's okay and because it's his fault look let me think about it you mean give me like two minutes okay that's my show some you and just like come back no I'll meet myself don't worry it's fine you were game Serbs and donors yeah yeah I'll read a minima okay guys hopefully we're gonna get this [ __ ] chess piece dude here we go yeah I'll read subs and doughnuts in just a minute okay that's another [ __ ] Wren run that you didn't get it I can't [ __ ] believe it dude okay mr. manager true querido you spawn the face of them yeah I know I know I know listen like eat here's the thinking about a GUI show so yeah yeah okay just give me a minute alright thank you guys for donations enjoying guild it will happen don't worry we'll sort it out okay fYI you not land and un'goro CLC Gil is killing everyone rise you wind at 5.10 over there with a group and go kill him it's a little [ __ ] now on Gore you definitely don't wanna go to N or right now well we can go over there and deal with the un'goro people if you guys think you should I think after this rend you probably [ __ ] should take care of it okay welcome subside right now I'm gonna go back and that we're gonna do another run cuz I had to sort this out first before I make a group to deal with deal with those people okay all right you guys that yeah yeah what's up sorry I decided to get my baby oh no you know I thought about you know in the long run it is gonna be more beneficial for me to you know help you guys out again I love the guild you know I didn't definitely didn't want to be put in this position thank you dude you know so I'll definitely trade this [ __ ] off okay thanks a lot man I really appreciate and and I want to say like I understand like trust me like I've been in situations like that before and it's always a hard decision but easy for other people to talk about how oh you just traded it away but like that's that's a really good item for you right yeah and so you don't want to have the item and I can get what what you're saying and honestly like I hope that you wouldn't roll for it because it's a really good item for tanks and I'm not you know I I'm telling you to roll for definite old for the item because it snowed for zip because rice is not rolling on as well so I mean you know that's this choice listen dude at this point cuz you know now we're talking about Al Roker it being fair just everybody be fair and roll for it I think yeah everybody's up to you right I mean I'm just saying like listen the only point that I'm making right is I thought that you were saying I'm not gonna roll for it because you felt like some sort of like guild or like whatever you thought that you read in the wrong but if that's not why you just don't I wanted that much she wants me to have it that's completely fine it's up to you I'm just saying that I don't want you to feel like you have any sort of obligation not to roll on it at all at this point it's a great item for you it's a great item for him it's a great item for everybody and I really appreciate you doing that it means a lot to the guild it looks like me Hawes wouldn't can you treat it it's a road right the mage okay that's fine all right grats Mehas okay well I didn't even roll oh my bad there okay where is he [Music] did you find him no he's I don't even know who's that or he's not treating me okay this is our group is there any group yeah okay yeah it's always kind of weird remember stuff like that happens like as I was talking about before about like having people like that like win the role on something or get something then have to trade it away it's always like feels bad so it's really important then we try not to let that happen in general and also like if you have people that do that and like whatever Roy it's okay to just have everybody need and then just whoever wins it passes it off to somebody else that wins the role you know and that way it's not as much of a there's just like a lower chance like something negative like that's gonna happen yeah that's always like that's what I've done before in the costume I just run the deal with this good stuff right now yeah okay just a second he should be able to trade it in just a second I think he's trying to find the guy yes yeah I tried it oh yes rated yeah okay just a second all right cool thanks dude yeah thanks man okay yeah yeah for sure man uh okay yeah all right he just messaged me and told me that he's trading he did trade it I really want to say like I appreciate you doing that a lot man I know obviously it's like really frustrating to have that happen and like the thing with Royson and all like I can see why you're frustrated about that hopefully you can see the way that we solved the problem if you want to look into it I think that it was fair and we're not gonna really watch stuff like that happen in the guild okay yeah I appreciate ya it's just more of the whole Royston thing that's that's really what the issue was what is cool do you feel cool about a now are you good well it's whatever the item I really don't care about honestly it's just I use a track record and the mistakes that he's been making constantly now okay so like they're constantly making mistakes oh yeah he's [ __ ] up one thing right but it's like I don't want to go out of my way to say he's like [ __ ] up everything I mean fact is like he's the reason why you guys had that raid right I mean like he's the reason why you guys put it together and made that happen so III think that there's also some positives as well as you know the the occasional negatives and I think that's important to realize and remember right all right man well anyway I do really appreciate you coming in here and talking to us about it alright guys thank you take care of my peace okay
Channel: Everything Gaming
Views: 199,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, asmongold classic, asmongold highlights, asmongold clips, asmongold top clips, asmongold best clips, asmongold stream, asmongold reacts, asmongold olympus, asmongold wow, world of warcraft classic, world of warcraft, everything twitch, everything asmongold, everything twitch asmongold, mcconnell, olympus, olympus classic, classic drama, guild drama
Id: MMZkurU8NjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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