Asmongold Reacts to "What Streaming Does To Your Life [UPDATE]" by Yuber and then talks to Mcconnell

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there's an update video apparently and it's got its twelve minutes it's kind of long that's a long one that's a long one okay so do you guys want to watch this or I mean I haven't seen it either yeah I haven't seen this either I only saw half of the first one let's see can we watch it like a faster speeds yeah let me see can I actually do that we covered yeah I don't know if I can watch it a faster speed HD speed normal okay let me see if I can watch it at like 1.5 okay and maybe that'll be better because I do feel like that's kind of long okay let me see what I've got going on here because I'll see I'm actually curious to hear like what is the the feedback that he's gotten even as let me open this up Firefox okay setting speed I'll just get normal started a second what's going on everybody this is the I would say update video to the video that I made and I want to I'm gonna just go over a couple of things that's just to vamp transparent about the situation and I also want to just give an update on what's going on who can't hear it so pretty much - uh I'm just gonna start this off by saying thank you to everyone I mean there's no way to you know sorry there's no way to describe the amount of love Jesus Christ sorry there's no way to describe the amount of a love and support that uh has came out of this from people all around the world you know whatever you think that you're alone in or you think that you know no one's going through your situation or you think that no one will know we're on there will understand you there's always gonna be someone out there that does and and because of that that's really sunk in with me and that's something I have come to realize and that I really didn't take heed to before the situation so I definitely appreciate everyone from the bottom of my heart seriously but I want to just be fully transparent about the situation that happened and I want to go there first and then I'll give an update later so to pretty much explain what happened as you guys know I made the video it's one point two five and I was a very very dark place in my life a place that I do not wanna ever go back to hopefully um but pretty much so what happened is one of my good friends online who haven't talked to in about seven eight months he saw the video when I posted it and he decided to post it on reddit now easily posted it already so yeah so I didn't post the video he posted video but the reason he posted it already is because he wanted to raise awareness to what was going on and you know what this situation can do to someone so so we posted that and you know a lot more than that and you know it really uh it really affected a lot of people in that because right now this or that it's because of you know what I said and where it came from because it came straight from my heart and I think a lot of people realize that and a lot of people understood that and can also uh you know I can't think of a word but they could also understand where I'm coming from because they might have the same situation or or it's not with twitch either it's I saw people talking to me about many different aspects of life and jobs and stuff and you know what I said also went with what they were doing you know outside of twitch so it really sunk in with a lot of people for many different reasons and um and I'm you know the one thing I'm glad of well I'm proud of it I'm proud that I could uh you know share my story with people and let other people know that they're not alone because they saw mine and they could see like hey you know someone else is going through this situation but for me I didn't have that I didn't see any other videos of people talking about this situation or a situation similar it was just uh I could really find it at the time so after he posted the video you know everything happened a lot of people started reaching out to me and pretty much things uh things things turned out in a very very strange way and uh and I definitely was very shocked very surprised I did not expect everything that happened the way it has and for the people that reach out to me the way they did and it's just it's it's there's no way that there's no there's no way to describe it man there's really no way to describe the besides being humble and grateful for for everything and everyone everything I paused this [ __ ] video yo y'all [ __ ] try and make a 10 minute video without saying ah yes seriously I'll try and make do did Jesus do like yeah shut the [ __ ] up - oh shut up shut up who's reached out to me here is nothing but love and support critics but to uh to go off of that and I guess do I guess they give an update of some sort you know I since that has happened I've talked to a lot of people and a lot of people reached out to me I've had very long conversations with a lot of people and you know since this has happened I have decided to continue with streaming and it's not because and I want to just talk about that a little bit it's not because of a you know some people might say well you you you did this you said you're gonna quit but now you're coming back because what happened the video blew up and now you want to come back no man like you can't first of all that's not the way to think you can't think that way because you know what if in any situation if someone was which is a terrible situation what if someone was suicidal right and people saw that they were like this and they wanted to help them and reach out to them you know you wouldn't it if people reach out to you try to help you you know lying to still do that would not be a great idea because now you see that you have the support you have people that care about you you know so going in that same route would not be the best decision in my in my personal opinion especially when people try to help you and want to be there for you so that's pretty much what happened here people were like you know that's decided to really really get I'm sorry I get confused I apologize but they decided to really talk to me and really help me out in a situation mostly by words and words mean a lot and that's what I needed I need a lot of I needed a lot of talking I needed a lot of words and I needed a lot of inspiration which I've got from multiple people and a lot of people helped a lot of other ways too and a lot of good things will come out of it and um you know I just uh I just I'm just being fully transparent here and uh I I really I really just appreciate everybody man like I didn't know that I didn't know that people could be so generous like like I you never you could have I could have never expected it could have never expected it and ever so grateful and but besides that I definitely will continue to stream and I have Surrey and uh I think I screamed excess yesterday in the day before and to give you an update on what happened when I disagree might clean my room and uh you know a lot of people helped me and they said you know you should work on this side first and then go to this side and you sweep the floor and stuff and uh you know it was a it was a fun thing for me because people were there to help me that's all that's been happening so far as it's been a lot of a helpful love and support for many different human beings that is a queen for my room to clean a lot of my room as you see my room looks a lot different I had to throw away a lot of things but I still have a good amount of work to do but uh but this is definitely progression and my life has definitely progressed in a good way from from where it was so but besides that I do I want to I want to I just want to give a nice want to talk about a certain amount of people here I want to name them off people that actually really reached out in many different ways and I want to and just so you know this isn't in any order this is just people who really just know came quick to like okay I need to I need to do something he talked to money to do whatever I need to you know come out and it really really did help me with my situation first my son when I name is OB he's a person actually posted the video on reddit and I'm ever grateful for him and he knows that and he definitely knows mr. quagmire markiplier reached out and Wow he definitely uh I mean there's nothing I could say wow I can say man if you're watching this video I mean thank you that's crazy you're a great human being and I'm glad I'm just glad you're the type of person that you are man oh yeah and I am ever grateful for that and just know that I really really resonated within me thank you ninja ninja reached out he I apologize if you're watching this I apologize man I did not see you talking in my stream in Johannes Chad he didn't notice later on and went from there but uh ninja definitely reached out and showed his support you know wow that man thank you bike man from from twitch actually back man from twitch nothing but love and support and I appreciate that so much mad dog from twitch I don't think I got to talk to him that much but um I definitely preciate everything you've done nice trying thank you so much dude I definitely appreciate it poke Ranger has been nothing but supportive never knew again I never knew who these people were besides Obi never knew who these people were I knew who they work but I've never spoken to these people physically not all of them yeah Pope Ranger nothing but support and I really appreciate appreciated sky soldier 22 I do know who he is and he has been there for me very immensely and I really appreciate that man and the last person his name is Dora Dora I appreciate everything dude I love you and thank you so much dude seriously but that is pretty much the Peabody I want to name like a bunch of people just a given an overall I guess given overall just everyone else who was showing any type of support and love has been just just just like I can't I can't explain I really can't put it into words but just know that what you have done has really helped me just know that you have you have a physically saved someone because I was at a really dark place and I didn't know what I was gonna do I really didn't I didn't know what was gonna happen what I was doing I was my mind was in the very dark space and you would actually save someone seriously I can say it that way you really did save me and all so thank you for everything and from here like I said I definitely will stream again I will continue to do you know to try to chase the dream and uh you know some people were saying that you know well you already made it you made it you made my I didn't make anything I I posted a video from the heart and people saw that that's all that's happened of course other things have happened to a lot of people have a you know started to you know follow me and things like that and I appreciate everyone everything everyone's done but uh but I definitely I'm gonna continue from here I'm going to make sure that your love and support is not going to waste and I'm doing this all because I want to and not because I'm obligated not because I feel like I have to I'm just doing this because I want to and I really I really just want to show people and I want to be there and see and show people that hey you can overcome this you can get past a really dark point in your life and do something great so that's where I want to go from from here forward I'll post uh like links in the description I know a lot people they're trying to reach out to me I didn't have that many links up to try to reach out to me at the beginning but I'll post different places you can reach out to me on in the description and uh and uh yes that's pretty much it it's pretty much all I wanted to say thank you everyone for the love and support I will continue to do you know do this so and uh it's gonna take a little bit of my might take a day or two or maybe three days or four days to really get back to where I was because you know I pretty much did a lot of different things once I stopped but uh but it will it will be going very very strong and I promise that you know I will do my best to you know just show people that I did overcome this so I wanna say thank you everyone once again I love everyone I'm glad you're alive I'm glad you're a human being and I'm glad that you know there's people in the world that want to help others and want to be there for other people so I thank everyone I love you and that's pretty much it Wow so what do you think of that McConnell god damn dude what god damn dude okay you go first since it's your stream and I'll say what I want to say okay let me read some of these too because I am far away all right pants give me mr. Issa best room Michael oh so he wants to compare his physical inability to stream and not being good at some of the things they should kill themselves no I think what he was saying is he felt suicidal because he was failing right so they could be one in the same fracture and thank you very much the recent volcanic much debris sub give McConnell frosty and one for you to rate your thing arrested three appreciate that thank you thank you artistic rocks the bridge so has to feel the guys bidding super hard to feel bad for man everybody stayed in the video one is a lie well even if like what he's saying is a lie it's something about feeling bad for the individual it's about talking about the situation right and like I'm not like I I'm a very skeptical person - I agree with you right and so I got yeah who knows what's really going on but did what he's saying is true right even if he's not experiencing it what he's saying is true so saying that is like kind of it's a monastic form the conversation right so thank you if I see a people failed that ends all time I just look at failed musicians artists etc it's nothing new it's not enough to be a good content creator you have to be great I so we'll talk about that I'll read that co-drive when I really think referee said mister [ __ ] month and mr. Benjamin something or shoulda three you start trying to be successful every should want to tell you not to do it and just tell you that fun yeah but every like that's only like half true right like everybody's gonna tell you oh just go follow your dreams right because telling somebody to work at an office and be an accountant is boring right I mean of course people are going to say that but that might not necessarily be the right decision okay everybody's gonna say follow your dreams that's what it says in Disney movies too that doesn't make it true or make it accurate or make it something that you should actually listen to right look at the rest of these unless if you got to build an audience first use YouTube Facebook and Twitter so on focused on twitch you'll get no are poor fella so let's say I should assume tears 1.5 hours of stream I have no idea man I'm an MP really Sims okay appreciate that so here here's basically what I think about it right I think also like there's a lot of things that I think go into this and III think that in a lot of ways like if you do well on Twitch there's a very big component of theirs there is not a big boat there's it there is a component of luck absolutely there's a component of effort there's a component of dedication there's an opponent of timing right and so if you don't have any of those three you're probably going to have issues right for me personally obviously I you know I've gotten breaks but for the most part like I you know I built my YouTube channel from zero right and I didn't really get shoutouts from people on my youtube channel or anything right I just purely made videos and I made videos that people liked and that's how I succeeded right what I'm saying is that like being able to interact and being able to be relatable I think is really important right and doing things that make us relatable to your audience really does hurt your chances of being being liked being entertaining being able to build an audience etc right there are some people that you watch because they're just really entertaining like doctor disrespect for example right like he you watched him not because necessarily you relate to doctor disrespect but you like what he's doing and he entertains you and each different person has their own different stick and everything I I think also like being home schooled that does kind of make it more difficult for you to be able to go out there and interact with people and be relatable because you're missing an experience it's so high of a population of the percentage population has experience right you don't really get that chance to have those socialization experiences that you have in middle school in high school and even elementary school so there's a lot of things like that that are very subtle that people pick up on and it makes them not fully understand you or want to want to watch you or interact with you because they view you as being like kind of foreign to them and I think that's absolutely something that happens McConnell what do you think well number one his first video absolutely needed to be made like that what he said that Beato needed to be said and I agree everybody on this platform needs to watch that video and at least take in some of what he said ok there are people that do make it on this website yeah and and half of me like I'm a little bit torn because this the update video while I'm glad he he's you know becoming successful and you know he he is snowballing and he's gaining traction on one hand I'm glad he made that but on the other hand I feel like it gives a false sense of like of like hey I I did this this happened to me and now I'm I'm I'm growing and things are looking up the problem is not like what about he it's good that he did that it's good that that happened to him but what about everybody else that you know is at the bottom of the list trying to grind trying to do these things that didn't make videos what about that like um so his first video still applies it those people it does it absolutely does and I don't think it really negates their experiences or anything I'm not saying that you know because he made that video then you know streaming it was completely fair and it's great and there's nothing wrong with it you know absolutely you know it's still an issue but what I do think that he's saying and I do it was important like there are some things that I feel was like kind of a misconception right I don't think that you have to get hosted to be successful there are a lot of people that I posted before right as an example I've hosted and like then they go back like I hosted them and they had like 50 viewers and I hosted them for like 10,000 viewers and then the next day there are 55 viewers and then the next day they're back at 50 right I mean there's a lot of those like I mean you can just say that's happened to me you've done that for me and let's say well I mean there's a lot of people right because like people don't follow like here's an example right like people don't follow you know like let's say like one stream to watch somebody else's right and you have to build your own audience you can't expect somebody to just give it to you even people that do get hosted and do get a lot of attention like everybody here's a good example is Greek Greek is really good example of this Greek is good at networking Greek is also really [ __ ] funny and he's entertaining he entertains people so that's why he's successful it's not because he networked with people it's because he's entertaining right one could not exist without the other right he would not be successful if he was not entertaining he would probably still be successful despite networking with people right that's just how it works that's how twitch works and people like they're not gonna just sit and watch somebody just because they're associated with a big streamer it's just not going to happen and the people that do that it's gonna be very small amount right and it's not something you can look forward to now there are a lot of people that start streaming and they fail that's completely true as well they start streaming they fail and you know what that's how it [ __ ] goes like I I started playing pub G I put almost a thousand hours into pug G what a waste what a waste wow what a complete waste I suck I will never be as good as shroud I will never be as good as ninja I will never be as good as you know even people that are like tier two players you know I will never be that good and can I be okay yeah I can be okay but I'll never reach that same level of success and my advice to anybody here's my advice do not focus on rounding yourself out focus on something that you are good at get better at that become the best at that do that better than anybody else and that's what's valuable that's what matters a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none would you hire a master electrician would you hire somebody who just kind of knows a little bit about electricity it's simple be good at one thing be great at that one thing build that skill and let that define your success that's my advice okay and not the complete sign a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none yeah that that's the whole thing as far as I know for let's see so what what do you think about that McConnell is that kind of like how you feel or do you disagree I mean that's that's okay advice I mean it's not as it's not frickin pag chomp like chap is saying but it's okay advice oh there there is the other end of the spectrum where there are very boring extremely boring people on this website who get a lot of viewers just because they know somebody that is actually entertaining no and you know the other is yeah how do you find a lot I would say a lots like 2k or more no I really think so III don't think so I mean like you can PM liking you can p.m. me like examples right I don't want to say names I said p.m. cuz I don't we're obviously not going to name anybody here's what I'm saying every single person that you might think is boring or whatever they've done something to achieve that level there are a lot of people that think that like pure gameplay streamers are boring but but those people are really good just because you're not the target audience doesn't mean that the audience doesn't exist if I want to play a new game or if I want to see a new game I usually go when I watch somebody who's just really chilling doesn't put a lot of personality into the game because I just want to watch the game right I'm not interested in that I don't want to hear you know like you know a bunch of different like goofy noises and and stupid [ __ ] I just want to watch the game I want to watch the game be played that's okay there are a lot of people there that are fine with that and just because you're not the target audience doesn't mean that the audience isn't there and I think a lot of people need to realize that so basically you just you disagree because you you like certain people not necessarily because I like them I think it's because like obviously some people are successful because they're connected to other people like that's of course right I mean what's the sure yeah there are a lot of people that are successful because they know somebody but that's only gonna take you so far right and then also I don't think that's the only reason like obviously people get something out of that person's stream they're not all just sitting there watching because that person knows somebody else it's just not the way that it works it's just not that's not it and also a lot of those people they still show up every day you know they're still consistent every day you know so it's not just some sort of a golden ticket to success it's guys not liking somebody's an opinion playing simple you know like um don't mean like it I feel don't well you can you can objectively evaluate somebody's content right and you can say like yeah this content is like you know it like there are a lot of ways that you can objectively look at content right and obviously everything is subjective to an extent right but at the same time there are like kind of measures that you can use that are generally accurate that that's what I'm trying to say and some people like what do you want they like game plays some people like drama you know they like drama streams like you know you know about like twitch drama and you know oh this person's talking to this person etc you know everybody has like their niche right that they want to work into and if you don't really understand and you can't personify your niche and be able to build into that and work with that you're probably going to fail or even if you don't fail you're probably not going to succeed to a very high level and I think that a lot of people they they look at somebody else who's successful I think ninja is a really good example of this right you look at ninja and you're like wow this guy just made it overnight what people don't realize is that ninja grinded for like 10 years right so like ninja saying that video resonated with them completely [ __ ] true like ninja grinded forever and he's been doing this longer than I have he's been doing this longer than I was doing like anything like he was doing this like forever by ten year ten years think about that ten years yeah ten years and nine of those years he didn't spend playing with Drake okay he spent playing by himself he spent building his audience and he kept [ __ ] he kept going to back he kept going to bat and eventually he hit a [ __ ] homerun because that's what it takes you have to be indomitable you can't let [ __ ] bring you down and that doesn't mean that you know like any negative thing you should ignore right but at the same time there there comes a point where you just have to put your [ __ ] dick to the anvil and start hammering and that's all it comes down to for tonight man I mean just got lucky you don't get it man like he didn't just get lucky to be able to identify trends and capitalize on them you think that's just luck if that was luck you should go be a marketing executive because it's so easy for you it's not being able to capitalize understand and trends and then build into them and loud and and profit off of trends and what people want is extremely [ __ ] hard to do like it's you you're delusional if you think that it's not and then Joe is getting 30 or 40 K peers playing pop G I never saw him getting 30 to 40 K I think yeah you got like maybe 15 to 20 is it's hard to talk about this without like yeah I just feel scared to even talk about this because you you're not supposed to say other people's names or criticism it's like I don't know on one hand I do I just don't talk about people I would criticize that's the secret I just don't talk about them I know but like in the in this situation it's hard to say like okay someone did really well yeah then somebody else did really badly and I it's hard to like give an example because you can't say their names it's just really hard I don't want to start drama I just want to talk about this yeah yeah I I agree I think that it's definitely like streaming in general there's a lot I'm gonna pull everything to the end of the instance this done just for fun streaming in a lot of ways like yeah it is really stressful and especially like if you are like you're like living off of streaming right I think there's a lot of people don't realize how stressful it is and I like see the thing for me is like I like I kind of stress myself out a lot of times and it's it's like whenever you work at a job right I can because I've actually many people that that stream they've never really worked a an actual job right they're not many people but some of them have never worked an actual job I used to work at the IRS or the Sam's Club temporarily so I I've had I've had some real world experience right I don't have my ten years of you know like corporate experience or anything like that but I you know I've had some experience myself streaming is is by far the most stressful job I've ever had like by a mile it's not even close asmath the IRS yeah you're goddamn right and I never got anything wrong I tell you that too you can tell if someone experience yeah yeah I mean I just tuned in may I ask you about the competition day right now we're trying to we're having a little bit of real talk guys I'm actually kind of enjoying talking about this because it's something that I'm kind of passionate about and I've made a lot of videos on my second channel about this right just like kind of streaming is like a meta right when's the Pat battle tournament it's gonna be soon man I'm not really entirely sure when why is streaming not luck well it depends on how you define luck is somebody lucky because they are able to understand and identify trends and capitalize on them is somebody lucky because they were able to see that a game was popular and play it and get good at it if somebody lucky because people just randomly come into their stream is somebody lucky because they got hosted and somehow they were able to build off of that hype the idea of luck is very very ethereal right and what can mean so many different things and that's kind of the way that I feel about it when strand V our chat models let me know that there you go dude there you go movement got boosted by Siegel would you call that so moon moon got home let's say he got hosted by Siegel right but he like every single time I've seen that guy on he's not even playing overwatch so let me get this only get this straight so this guy got got helped by somebody else and he doesn't even play the same game and people like him do you think that Seagal told people yeah you have to like this guy and if you don't like it's against the law like they chose to like him they chose to watch him and maybe the fact that Seagal was liked his dream enough to host him in the first place is not luck and that's actually just him creating a good stream and Seagal trying to build the community right so you you're only looking at things from a one-dimensional perspective it's much more complicated than that does that make sense McConnell I'm listening to you but I just like from the perspective of a nobody streamer I think like you're misunderstanding what did with the arguments about like yes there are there are people that do make it on this website but the problem is most people don't and that's the reality which is that most people like most people in twitch at that are typing right now that if you stream you're probably not gonna make it you're probably nobody's ever gonna watch you okay that's the real truth that you're probably just not entertaining enough for anybody to ever watch you okay and the video that his first video needed to be made because the fact is on Twitch like like yeah Moon Moon might have made it but what happens what would have happened if Seagal had never hosted him or or gave a shout-out or anything like that like I just I don't see how you can say that luck doesn't exist on this website you you do have to be lucky you have to be you have to be playing a game that just came out whenever a big streamers aren't playing being one that he is and then maybe people see you being lucky isn't going to make you succeed like it will help you like I'm not saying it won't help you I'm saying that it's not going to define your success like being lucky will not define if you were successful like there are a lot of people that did get lucky and they still fail like there are tons of people there they were at like 10,000 viewers and now they're not I'm not saying it's all luck I'm not saying that you do have to be okay entertaining to have an audience I'm not saying it's under present luck I'm saying it's a like the majority of it is luck in my opinion I I don't get that so okay well then we just I don't I don't say I if you want I can evaluate I can't do this on stream right but I can evaluate I can tell you down to the [ __ ] T why almost every single person is successful and why almost every single person is not because that's how I did my streams I looked at who was successful I looked at every single thing they did I looked at how they moved their [ __ ] hands I looked at how often they read shat I looked at every single little [ __ ] thing and I saw what can I do better than this what can I do different than this every single little thing and I can tell you exactly I can break it down in like a 30 second incremental thing and I can tell you exactly why people are successful and if you want to take somebody who's not successful I can do the same [ __ ] thing but I'm not gonna do it on streem yeah don't do it but yeah but but yeah that's been but what I'm saying is that their gameplay streams and then there are personality streams and the people that have the gameplay streams they're just good at the game and people will naturally watch them because they want to watch somebody good the game personality streams a little bit different because if you're a personality streamer you have to already have the audience for people to enjoy your personality and if you're just starting out on Twitch and you have a decent personality that's entertaining to watch then people are probably not going to ever see your channel because you're down at the bottom of the list trying to grind okay and like like a lot of personality streams are how is how the streamer interacts with the chat and if you don't have a chat to interact with you you have no personality you're dead in the water there's no thing I can put out an entertaining stream without even looking at Jack I don't I mean by now you probably could because you have the audience to do so no Larry no because I wouldn't be looking at chat it wouldn't matter like on top of that how to [ __ ] do I make a video that's like a half hour long and people watch it I don't have any chat there I just do that and I do that [ __ ] one take it's not that simple like and I I'm not like an extent your but not your not everybody like not everybody is like you I'm talking about the majority example on this website in what you apply is it that's one thing that I'm good at I'm good at sitting here and talking for talking about stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours just talking about dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] and that is what I'm good at right I'm good at just talking about dumb ass [ __ ] and that's what I built like what I do right what do I do guys I sit around we open boxes and I talk about stupid as [ __ ] like did you hear my idea about gold war no it's all the war except for every boss is a seagull like I sit no it's [ __ ] funny dude it's funny I think it I'd be hilarious if boy sir did that right and people think that shit's funny and chat to see here's the thing is I lay in bed and I think about that dumb [ __ ] and why is it funny it's not it's just it's so [ __ ] stupid it's funny and being able to identify that is important right it's funny you guys love it all right here's what I'm saying is it this kind of stuff like everybody has to figure out something that they can do that makes them unique and if you're not unique you're probably like people aren't gonna watch me like that's honestly I feel like that's one of the reasons why people dye their hair on Twitch what's funny what's why what why what what are you laughing why are you asking why you oh no what why are you laughing what's funny about that know it there's a scientific reason why people dye their hair there's already it's already been discussed like it's the same and they in the animal kingdom where you've got bright colors it signifies people that you you want to stay away from you don't want to interact with because they're poisonous I understand what you're saying I forgot but you're wrong so basically what yeah you're completely wrong because it's done with the opposite intent right it's done to be unique right it's like if you see some guy with blue hair you're gonna be more likely to remember that person then somebody with brown hair right because it's more unique is that something that we can all agree on guys let's start down let's start down it at square one okay i dude oh yes no no I I know I know I you hate whenever I use logic I know you do I know I know I hate when you go like oh do we agree on this guy's like when you're already saying yes you're asking your chat though if you were like of course your chats gonna agree with you on everything that you're saying because know these people are fanboys if worldone will haul you out no they won't all right here give me example all right all right warlords of draenor what's the best expansion ever am I right or not guys am I right or not see they're saying no see a lot of them are saying no a lot of it we're saying yeah that's just because they're doing that to troll dude they're doing that the troll and now they're doing they're doing it ironically okay what yeah they're doing it all wrong can't just say people are doing something ironically when they your plan backfires you loser no I'm not dude what are you talking about like they're doing it because of you they want to make you mad or they want to make me mad they want to make me look stupid and that's what it is like I I know what's going on here guys you can't [ __ ] fool me listen like you're really gonna if you saw somebody alright here's another example right I mean like if you saw somebody that was like eight hundred pounds right you would be more likely to remember that person than somebody who is just like an average size or somebody who's like seven feet tall yeah you'd be more likely to stick to that shaming dude what do you mean fat my time in my long chain - am i long shaming - give me a brain one new to us man give me a break time long shaming guys can you believe that like no it's it's common sense man it's common sense people that are unique or more often than if you remember like of course there's nothing that's worried about that at all okay just just move on to your point about this color they're pulling the point is because people they do things to make themselves stand out and to look unique and that's one of them if everybody is unique nobody is okay are not doing that but not everybody is doing that's why they're doing it is because now everybody's doing if it is plain if they were just dying your [ __ ] hair if everyone's dying to her blue the people that are smart would dye their hair green you see what am i awesome LARC dude no this is what do you mean question mark what do you question mark and me for like are you [ __ ] serious question marking me die you're here no all right I must see what's in this box dude I'm gonna see what's in here okay McCallum no he's just he's trying he's being uh he's like trying to I don't know what I don't know what I don't know how to call it okay yeah you don't know how to call because whatever you're thinking is wrong no I'm not I'm trying to keep it real with you okay and in the context of what we're talking about it just the guys videos I just want to talk about the guys okay all right all right all right what's the next point you want to bring up my next point is that listen listen here's the thing okay the thing is most okay listen all right you know I'll give you a minute I'll give you a minute dude or about just get your thoughts together I gotta read this tiger I think much the five holy sepulcher it deserves the name by the way it's not fat shaming consider I'm sure whatever no III know I know okay thank you Mirage tie-dye i tote when I think your arch the brace I appreciate that thank you thank you no one thinking rush to the resep all guys by the way I'm McConnell have you heard of something what's it called twitch Prime have you heard of that oh you know what dude I did actually hear about this it's basically what happens is if you have an Amazon Prime account you can link you can actually link it up sync it up hook it up to your twitch account and what happens is you get a twitch Prime account which gives you a good run and so you get a number one you get a special icon next to your name Wow and number two you get a free subscription once a month your favorite streamer for free for completely for you get all their emotes so they're saying somebody could sub to me for free absolutely get my emotes and they Wow yeah if they have twitch Prime yeah for sure holy [ __ ] Wow oh yeah I should use it you yo up above it says right there up above you up scribe and you can click on that button and it could give you a free sub - your favorite streamer asmin gold I totally forgot about that man thank you very much for reminding me man thank you for explaining I really really appreciate that thank you so much God every time this is just kidding I can't even use it oh I think I've gotten like almost a hundred subs what did just now dude what the [ __ ] dude yes so how much how much am I gonna get from that what well what do I get out of that for Yas you see this chest right here I'm gonna see what's in this chest cuz I forgot it I've got a key to open up the chest okay here we go all right here we go let's see we've got here okay umm why fruit okay good Oh Madden get something what were you guys say Meccano so I forgot nothing dude okay yeah all right cool uh so I let me see if there's any these other ones that III missed it and thank you guys all for the the twitch prime subs I literally like I I think I've gotten like a hundred subs there it's actually [ __ ] insane thank you guys all so much you know if I didn't video you're still talking to me make believe chat doesn't exist for yourself I could do that about anything rush to the ten let's see it's Morrow singers two three 27000 partners we're in right well yeah three seven thousand partners 2.2 million monthly non partnered streamers 1.2 percent of those people still aren't successful yeah I mean you absolutely have to be part of the 1% I mean it's that that's how it works I mean it's unfortunate but I mean that's that's life I mean not everybody is going to succeed if everybody succeeds and there's gonna be a different definition of success right III would say so let's see well cuz what happens whenever preparation meets opportunity III agree with that - I definitely do if I ninja has my longest sub-channels doing twitch he's been on the grind for a long time yeah I know man I'm fully aware let's do streamers need to put in a lot to works and capitalize on opportunities it can appear through luck yeah I've gotten lucky before I mean sure I've gotten opportunities before sure yeah but I mean that's not the only reason things go well right I mean that's just it's always the way it goes let's see I think I got oh yeah that that same deserves some coin like if you're great at something let that define you not sure if it's film no no I just made that up like I like the way that I look at a ride is streaming like streaming is like here's one way that I did I say okay oh there's a lot of guys okay um winning looks a lot like losing until you win and it takes a long time to actually get to that point man it definitely does and it's unfortunate but it's definitely true no I'm serious uh yeah what's question mark about that it's not confusing at all like you sit there and you grind for a long time you don't get anywhere until finally you do that's the way it works man that's the way it [ __ ] works that's not winning you're you're not winning while you're losing the [ __ ] yeah talking about the yeah because that's the process of winning looks a lot like losing until you win yeah that's right [ __ ] you talking yeah yeah that's right so so what were you gonna say before what were you gonna say before about um I forgot what it was about the video what were you gonna say uh no I just I just think like I don't know I just can't express like how much I related to that video like I watched that video and it was like holy [ __ ] this guy like this guy is the most self-aware dude I've ever seen make a video like hehe didn't blame anybody else for his failure he like he recognized that it took him three years to fail and he should have quit a lot sooner like it's good it's good to be that self-aware and to realize like you know I mean I don't know what what was up the whole like suicidal stuff like that was that was a little weird but other than that I think it was I think it was on the money like most people are not gonna make it on this website I just got to say that that's all I can say I mean like the good way to look at it right guys is if you go to a section you look at how many people are on the section like everybody on the front page of the section right assuming it's like a decently sized game he's probably able to support themselves screaming everywhere below that front page is probably not able to write and keep scrolling down there's gonna be like hundreds and hundreds of streams that are probably not making it and that's the way it goes I mean it's sad but there it is what videos I'm out it's this guy he made a video talking about like kind of his experiences streaming and basically like how it made him depressed etc and it's kind of like honestly I feel like the two videos that we've watched today are both of people crying have you guys thought of that because we watched the video of the guy crying about bless and now it's this guy right and I don't know what's going yeah that's that's kind of like sad in a way I mean I feel like a lot of people really want to make it on the Internet and then whenever they don't make it they they just feel like [ __ ] because of it and it sucks but there it is like I don't know what do what do you think about that do you think that's true because well true I wasn't people yeah I know people like a lot of people want to make it on the internet you know they want you know succeed and they're just not really able to yeah people will do anything to to succeed online yeah I definitely think so I mean they will like there are people that like they do all kinds of like really really crazy like like bad stuff to succeed right like I know a lot of people like there are things that I know about things that people have done that are not good okay let me just say that they are not good name of the video please it's like how streaming ruined my life or something like that and so I mean I'm not gonna say any names right I never say any names I never call anybody out everybody knows they're good boy I'm a good boy that never does anything guys I never do anything wrong okay you know that I'm in the Gargas and got the Malon as a thank you for my guild oh you did or III did like hopefully that'll happen I don't know even murder wait what let me think yeah I don't know anybody that's murdered somebody for their stream I don't think that's gonna happen for a few more years so what let's hopefully keep that off for as long as possible all right let's go fellas well I mean here's the thing that like I'm just saying that the whole situation right it's sad that happened to him but it's also I mean that's life I mean it's sad but I mean a lot of people don't succeed there have been things that I've tried to do there have been things that I've tried to do guys did I have not succeeded that I did not even come close to succeeding and I've done very bad at did that two years ago do break with my life oh yeah I know that there are at least six hundred and wive Wow streams with one viewer right now that's one way to look at it that is definitely one way to look at him I I think I'm not gonna say it's all twitches fault I'm not I just want to clarify I'm not saying that okay however I do think no no it's not okay what I'm said what about say is the truth that nobody else is saying right now okay here it is twitch does not do a good job in facilitating you know people that are not like they're not popular they don't do a very good job facilitating those strings they they feature partnered streamers on the front page and partnered streamers are already successful they've already made it theirs there I mean these people are already at the top of sections and people are already looking at their streams you don't have to feature like what should be happening is that somebody should be looking at these lower viewer streamers and like putting them up there there are good streams that don't get very many viewers because just nobody knows about them I I don't entirely agree with that I I agree with that like it in a way but not in every way so obviously like yeah a lot of people like you know maybe it would help if they got exposure I don't think twitch should be in the business of taking winners because that one of the best things about twitch is it's a completely fair market right I mean if you if you do well and and you're your success one twitch it's probably because you put out a good stream right if twitch starts you know like giving different people different advantages and giving them front-page spots because twitch thinks they're gonna be good or something like that I mean I can only really see that being abused and I can only see people losing trust with the website I don't think that they should be in the business of trying to pick winners so I think they should what their audience make that decision and then cultivate and build those people up I think that would be the real solution what what do you what do you guys think about that Jesus well no I mean like I'm at like legitimate opinions everyone is very yeah then why have a front page well because the front page would show the people that are the most popular right I mean that that's what would make sense what is it what is the point of that what is the point of showing people that are already popular we're like what are you even are you even like are you thinking about this at all what what do you mean like what's the point of showing people that are popular these people have already made it they don't need help these partnerships don't more popular because those yeah because those are the people that have invested a lot into the website they're helping to find and build the website they're making the website a lot of money of course that's yet to the website should help because they're making the website the most money they're advertising the website the most of course they should help them because that's what where are you are you are you saying you're are you saying the twitch promotes people that are already popular because it it makes twitch money are you saying that are you saying then publicly money is not I think the right word okay it builds notoriety it builds the brand obviously different people you know kind of are synonymous with twitch right I mean there are a lot of people out there that like you just you think of that person you think like oh yeah that's twitch right and yeah I think twitch should should build those people up absolutely fish's business yeah and also like who's to know like if this like 15 viewer streamer is gonna do something crazy like you have all kinds of streamers doing like really really dumb stuff that nobody even hears about ever because there are like nobody's really watching right but people do bad stuff all the time on stream why would twitch take a risk inviting like some random person to be on the front page and then what if they do something wrong what if they say something wrong and you know then what then twitch is gonna look like [ __ ] I'd much rather think they should focus on the people that they they can trust and they know won't do stupid [ __ ] what do you do dumb stuff all the time like what about it's a matter of frequency it's a matter of frequency like how often does that happen wait just because something dumb happens sometimes it's like you have but let's say 1 in 10 chance to somebody who's a random saying something bad and a 1 in 100 chance to somebody who's a partner streamer saying something bad who are you gonna go with like it's obvious you're gonna go with the person that is the least probability of doing something wrong every single thing has a chance of failure but you want to go with the highest chance of success just because you can't go to a hundred percent doesn't mean you don't try to get as close there as possible all I'm hearing you say right now how can all have you all have ever been seeing on this website is the rich get richer and the poor get more God how did the poor get poorer because a [ __ ] break dude what what what do you know if they get poor how did the poll by God know I see this oh my god what a great argument oh my god here's here's my argument okay okay here's my argument big streamers hosting other big streamers I and everybody just getting together and just go hey I'm a big streamer hey you want to look you want to host me a yeah you understand and then let's go boom is that people have freedom of association this whole people should forced to host somebody with a low amount of yours that there you go guys freedoms association is the problems it's price go ahead go ahead go ahead I'm not saying that what I am saying is that there are good streamers on this website that don't give viewers and the it is it should be I've said this before in your stream okay I've said this before on your stream it is that it is big streamers responsibility and twitch to help out the little guy you know the little guy that needs a little push he just needs a little push to the top of this section of two to prove to people that he's a good streamer you know who made you that decision oh my the the people the big streamers because they all make that decision and they do because they vote with their audience they decide they choose who they want to watch you could watch anybody on this platform but for some [ __ ] reason people choose to watch me right because because your art get the table like nobody like how does I can get there because you you already you started from making YouTube videos dude how do I get there you got lucky you're a good streamer what do you want me to say you're a bad streamer no no okay I'll publicly say it right now you're a good streamer okay you can clip this you can you can record it whatever you want to do okay you're a good streamer but the fact of the matter is the fact that matters yes you made it but what about other people that you know are just as good at show you why am I good streamers people get something out of my shrim listen to this guys if you do dragon soul and you want to give hog are a little bit faster if you take the teleport down you don't actually have to wait for cow goes to create the portal to the eye of eternity you can just fly back up there and need portal will already be created and it'll be faster overall see that's what you get out of my stream it's an educational stream you learn from my stream watch this McConnell this is why people watch right here now shut the [ __ ] up like listen like you're gonna see right now alright so you fly all the way up here recorder will automatically be there automatically there okay thank you you're welcome guys twitch prime by the way see that's why they sub with twitch Bron that's why it's cuz I help them out I do that for them mad I'm not mad yeah I see that listen dude Mike now it's just we've had this discussion before like it well I think we had the same the same discussion like maybe like eight months ago or something like about why about this exact thing like we talked about this exact thing like with with with like before this guy even made this video we talked about how you know low viewer streamers are not like they're just not getting the traction they deserve well who says they deserves any nobody deserves anything in life oh my god are you seriously gonna are you seriously promoting an attitude where nobody deserves anything yeah ever yes that's what I that's what I promote yes what it what a great community you're promoting dude whatever fantastic you know I'm being sarcastic clearly what it what a yeah what a what a great community that you're building in which nobody deserves anything and everybody just should just fail except for you dude that's that's that's sociopathic oh why what I mean everybody should fail except me when did I say that you only care about you dude I I have friends I care about my friends too well you wouldn't talk to me about I don't care about my friends what are you talking about I don't care about other people I'm not a communist okay I've I voted for Trump okay I voted for Trump and I vote for them 100% again okay I'd vote I'd vote for Trump 100% I'm not a communist okay uh-huh okay okay that's all I gotta say cuz I saw a lot of people in chat saying Wilma calm calm yeah that's true well that's the thing is like I mean that is basically like what you're what you're saying is that you want equality of outcome is that not what you're saying absolutely dude why disagree well then this argument spoke okay we're just yeah it's that it's not good for the website it doesn't help the website it's not it there's it's pointless and it doesn't create I'm being messaged by staff right now to stop talking about this so okay fine the thing is men like I don't know I I do really think like going back to the video can we talk about the video yeah yeah we can talk okay we can talk about the video the video I I do really think it's true and I've gotten really stressed out about streaming before in the past and it's been it's it's so stupid right like this is it's so stupid that the idea that you could get stressed out playing a video game like whenever I first started feeling stressed out I felt like a [ __ ] idiot like I really did I was like why am i stressed out I'm sitting here playing Wow and somehow I can stress myself out with this I felt so dumb you know but there's a lot of people that uh that do feel that way I think it's true you are dumb oh yeah yeah but see not really though I mean like not not that not like that man come on insecurities become it's not even know even about that I don't know it's it's much more on like a meta level like I don't know it's hard to me to explain but I've kind of gotten over a lot of that and I'm kind of just like chillin now but it was a it was definitely like weird for me it was like I don't know have you ever gotten stressed out about streaming McCall no liver the only time I get stressed out is when I attain a big you know a big jump and viewers that lose everybody you know I mean that like that's dressing like a host or do you mean like it like an organic jump well I mean sometimes I get some people on my own that's why I asked like I wasn't saying that you didn't I was asking you to clarify I mean sometimes I do it on my own sometimes I get people in there we know man we know you're doing you're doing real good man you doing good anyway I've been on your stream for about like two hours now so I think people are getting sick of it all right well anyway man thanks a lot for coming and talking man I do appreciate it yep all right man I'll see you later all right peace peace
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 58,465
Rating: 4.6824036 out of 5
Id: Kgaz13NCIXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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