The Menace of Menethil Harbor | Rogue 1 - 60 | World of Warcraft Classic

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they're coming down the elevator hold your positions we are the under city's last line of defense disgusting Alliance will never take the Undercity push it back to the elevator charging on next oh it's just one person man you alliance players really gonna step it up this is embarrassing welcome to another World of Warcraft video last episode I attended a Hallows end roleplay event where I procured an incredibly convincing Night Elf Mass which resulted in me being bored by a group of trolls heard those elf mmm this episode I'm going to finally tell you the story of how I hit 60 after all I have kept you waiting quite a bit but first let's talk PvP it's no secret that whilst I was leveling I was a bit of a PvP fiend and overwhelmed nuisance if you will sorry dragon but once I hit 60 most of my play time went into getting gear and when you're locked inside dungeons day after day after day having your loot stolen by [ __ ] hunters it becomes very difficult to find the time to kill disgusting Alliance players I said I said to my group hand of justice [Music] I'm happy to tell you now though that after countless weeks of grinding I am now pretty much pre-raid best in sloth and since phase 2 drops I'm back on my [ __ ] but the world has changed PvP isn't just a passing occurrence anymore it's a way of life it has become the game leveling zones are no longer cute theme parks for low levels to quest in no they have become fully fledged chaotic war zones for level 60 s to host territorial race wars within and if you get caught in the crossfire well you unfortunately become just another statistic I just came here to hand in a quest I used to feel safe walking around the starting zone of Tirisfal glades but now if I'm alone you can bet two or more rogues are going to unstuff and tear my [ __ ] up my [ __ ] and if it's not a pack of sneaky alliance killing you within the walls of your very own City it's a giant war band making sure you get the full dragon experience what on earth did I do to deserve this but you know what they say if you can't beat them join them now don't get me wrong roaming around Azeroth in a giant death patrol swishing puny alliance like ants is incredibly fun and in my opinion is one of the greatest experiences world of Kraft has to offer even if the honor payout is substantially smaller teaming up with 20-plus people to kill a flight master and completely shut down an outpost brings about a sense of community I don't think any other MMO can match however I'd rather just be that guy at Menethil Harbor so that's what I've been doing 12 hours a day for the past week it is for me way more fun it gets people way saltier and it gets me way more honor that is if Blizzard doesn't fudge the numbers on my honor kill seriously Blizzard I'm missing over half my honor kills what the [ __ ] you doing I don't care if you were afk I don't care if your name is gray I don't care if your name is gray and you're afk or having a bad day trying to fly away named Minjae I'm gay I control the harbor the only good Alliance is a dead alliance and if you have a problem with it well you know where to find me but as I've said before I'm not all bad I could never raise a hand to a child so these three tiny humans they can go in peace fly away children fly away sometimes the docks are quiet and you only get a few bites and sometimes the docks are in full chaos war mode you never really know what's going to happen and that's what I love about this area one minute I'm death rolling with a mage because we wait for unsuspecting commuters tough luck and the next I'm outnumbered and fleeing after securing a quick kill rush what's that human paladin you are running from a group of Horde and are desperately trying to make it to the boat well it would be a shame if you were chased down and stunned and mystified by also really enjoy when two people decide to have a duel on the docks it literally just means I get two free kills what did you think was gonna happen but the truly great part about Menethil Harbor PvP is it's not just the docks there are also the boats themselves and with a small group you can seize control of a ship and live out the ultimate pirate fantasy it's like sea of thieves but but good at 443 a.m. on a weekday I teamed up with a group of like-minded menaces to take control of one of the ships what's interesting to note about the boats in World of Warcraft is that once you sewn into the boats destination anyone who was dead on the ship is immediately revived making it incredibly easy to camp people over and over what's especially [ __ ] up about this is that you can't even attempt to run back to your corpse because even as a ghost the game will teleport you back to the ship and your inevitable demise if the people camping you have stuns for example an ice trap you literally have no option but to spirit revived and want to thank blizzard for making this possible this poor hunter didn't even try to fight back he just feigned death and let his destiny unfold when we pulled up to Theramore Isle some fresh meat hopped on the ship and were immediately indoctrinated into our crew of the Damned your bubble conceived you know we made the trip back to the Eastern Kingdoms and the cycle continued those who hadn't spirit revive who were killed immediately and as we pulled up to Menethil harbor we added another pallet into our ranks the ship set sail for Theramore I'll once again and when we arrived the Paladin made their best attempt to throw themselves overboard to escape their gruesome fate unfortunately we are evil people and had planned for this accordingly after being sapped blinded encased in an icy tomb and then blinded again our priest mind controlled the Paladin and we took him below deck I'm sure Hayden was realizing now that there was going to be no easy escape I'd feel bad but paladin's are quite literally the most insecure class in well I couldn't have less respect for them if I tried after being placed in another block of ice for 30 seconds our paladin friend was worth killing again and after doing so we were awarded a cool 69 honour nice we celebrated with some grog and helped ourselves to the free meal the Holy Light inside the Paladin provided a satisfying burn similar to that of a chili pepper however the constant ice traps had left the meter a little frozen I would rate the meal four out of ten definitely below average and not up to par with the quality I have become accustomed to after all I'm used to cool down Ramsay's excellent cooking ignore the bad take a short while later we once again entered the eastern kingdoms and our paladin french-fry to run away he shouted as he made for the exit but well I'm sure you know what happened next as punishment for spitting in the face of our generous hospitality we mind-control him into the corner to possibly take a timeout but even as his very brain was being controlled and manipulated by our fiendish priest his proud paladin spirit bled through as he exclaimed you lose you lose you lose you alone even when he was put back on ice we could still hear his war cry through the frozen tomb and honestly I respect it that's a real paladin after breaking free he made yet another futile attempts at escape only to be thwarted by yours truly I gave the meat one last try for good measure and yet the ice champs have definitely ruined this specimen where where's a fire mage when you need one huh could really use a primary blast right about now the ship sailed back to Kalimdor I kept to the Paladin stun for as long as I could but finally after being told to go to retail he bubbled up and jumped overboard that's the ocean I followed him into the murky water and dispatched him with the other rogue and after seeing his ghost leave his body I knew our time together had come to an end god bless you though hey Dan you're a good sport I've put you on my no kill list along with Kumon who by the way I'm still looking for where are you kou man I miss you as I'm sure you've all gathered by now I'm a bit of a mischief maker messing with people and wasting their time makes my brain feel good and when I see other people doing the same I feel a sense of kinship these rogues for example are and I mean this with 100% sincerity doing God's work keep it up boys this is [ __ ] great but why am i bringing this up well let me introduce you to my business email INBOX a shadowy abyss filled with vultures ready to offer a short-term payday in exchange for picking the flesh off my ripe plump analytically perfect audience I'm talking about you now normally I'd estimate that I do not respond to 99% of my business emails because let's face it unless I actually like the product I'm not going to be showing it to my audience and the overwhelming majority of business emails are either boring products outright scams or awful just just awful mobile games so I got this business email for this mobile game and I decided to do my due diligence and you know google the name of the games to see what it's about before I say yes to anything you should you need to I need I just want to get your reaction to the the games trailer are you ready okay just breathe brace brace yourself with it okay three two one plate but wait wait wait I guess worse is he guilty is he guilty yeah yeah I signed it did they pay me $10,000 yes normally I'd estimate that I do not respond to ninety nine percent of the business emails I get but when a gold-selling website which will not be named contacted me I knew I had to respond right away I mean how could I not respond to such a wholesome genuine definitely not shady business opportunity oh and whilst I tell this story I'm just gonna have footage of me exploring Mount Hyjal in the background oh hello there I begin I've heard of your website how could I not with the amount of bots you have constantly inviting people to chat channels to advertise the website aha I am absolutely interested in working with respectable people such as yourself I love to buy golden video games because I'm lazy as hell and artificially inflating the value of gold for everyone else on the server is of no concern to me my therapist says I display sociopathic tendencies but if being a resourceful capitalist in this capitalist society makes me a sociopath then I guess I'm just a product of my environment and therefore I cannot be at fault but I digress as much as I would like to work with you I only partner with high quality services and reputable businesses so to ensure that you are indeed professional businessmen I shall need you to attach an image of yourself or someone at your place of work wearing a suit a cup of coffee in hand is optional but will go a long way as will a hat I look forward to hearing back from you now I'll be honest with you guys I send bate emails like this out all the [ __ ] time and I I don't really ever get responses but a couple of days later your boy got a response hi there it is great here you want to partner with us we do not wear suits for working but we promise we are very professional business this month we have hundreds of transactions and we have worked with professional youtubers for many years if you can send us your audience analytics we can get back to you with remuneration figures for your consideration and here's my favorite part very sorry to hear you are in therapy we hope you become stronger in the mind soon thank you marketing WWE com did I respond to this email you asked of course I [ __ ] did greetings digital coin seller sorry I did not reply sooner I had a very bad weekend it turns out the strange smell coming from my bathroom isn't and then I just kept tapping the first word on my predictive text because I was on my phone working on my own room is so comfy and I was mr. morning and it is a good day to be able for my birthday to go with me and it is my morning day so haha attached is a dot zip containing my analytics on EB keeper and yes I did attach a dot zip to the email inside of which is a PNG titled Barney analytics dot PNG which is actually a jpg although silly me I put a password on the folder damn I'm sure they're gonna have to email me back to get that past but oh here it is right on time hello bun happy birthday there is a password on this folder what is it thank you marketing ww calm how could I have been so foolish to have password locked my zip and then not told them I'm such an idiot I responded quickly morning Jeff every now and again I make foolish mistakes like this please forgive me ask and you shall receive maybe I should get out of the habit of password locking every zip I create oh by the way I really am sorry I forgot to tell you the password real idiot move of me of course I'm sure you forgive me right now to uncover the password you must look at the first letter of every sentence in this email which it spells out me a [ __ ] unfortunately for the gold sellers the ruse doesn't end here after the gold seller types in me are more on to unlock and extract Barney analytics dot PNG they will find that Barney analytics dot PNG is not a PNG of Barney's analytics at all in fact Barney analytics taught PNG is instead a digital drawing depicting a shirtless humanoid Goomba from Super Mario I'll leave the bottom half of this image to your imagination I never received a response back from WWF dot-com but that's okay as I said earlier I only take sponsors from games or services I like because I respect my audience and I will never ever sell you short which is why today's sponsor is afk Arena now I'm gonna keep it 100% real with you guys I usually don't take sponsors from mobile games because I mean I mean do I do I need to say why when I tried afk arena I couldn't stop playing it and I haven't stopped playing it and I now have 20 hours in this game this is not a joke that this is not part of the contract for me to tell you this this is 100% real I actually really like this mobile game what is what is happening to me I don't even know who I am anymore when I'm on a flight path in water Warcraft I'm playing afk arena when I'm dead in a raid I'm playing afk arena and okay I've actually been killing myself on purpose in raids so that I can get back to playing fj arena this is not a joke my guild leader watches these videos he's gonna find this out Lucien please don't kick me from the guild so take it from me this mobile game is actually good and they're supporting my channel and my content so it would mean the world to me if you clicked my link in the description patron dot me slash Barney 64 and check this game out it's got 10 million active users the community is like always setting up like cosplay events and holiday events and giveaways there's over 50 characters to collect and they all have their own unique storylines and play styles and just look at this art style bellissimo so do me a solid check out the link in the description that's patron dot me slash Barney 64 enter the secret bonus code you see on screen now into the game to be awarded 500 diamonds Wow five common hero scrolls Wow and sixty rare heroes soul stones amazing what's your Excuse huh you guys don't have phones but whilst we're on the topic of me getting money I finally acquired my epic mount but wait that's not an undead mount yeah you got damn right what the [ __ ] do I look like spending 800 gold on a shitty [ __ ] dead horse are you kidding me don't get me wrong I love the forsaken I think that we are undisputedly the best race in World of Warcraft but Blizzard really gave us the shitty end of the stick when it comes to mounts orcs get badass wolves Turin get hulking kodos trolls get sick raptors night elves get majestic sleek Tigers dwarfs can ride sheep that's [ __ ] cool and I know it's an unpopular opinion but I think the gnomish mecha stride is a pretty damn sick but the undead yeah just give them literal dead horses are you kidding me and I know what you're thinking Barney didn't you have to grind hella rap to purchase another racist mount yes and here's how I did it in Orgrimmar there's a troll named Mahima and you can donate stacks of rune cloth to her in exchange for Darkspear trolls reputation for each sack of rune cloth donated you gain 50 rep and you need to reach exalted standing which is maximum rep before the trolls will even consider selling you a raptor how much wrath did I need to grind to go from my neutral standing to exalted 42,000 that means I had to hand in 840 stacks or 16,800 rune cloth just to be allowed the privilege of buying a wrap to mount yes don't get it mistaken this grind doesn't award you with the mount at the end this is literally just a grind to be allowed to purchase the mount and at 1 Gold 30 silver per rune cloth snack I had to spend 1092 gold on the rep grind alone to reiterate so you fully understand my plight that's 1092 gold on the rep 800 gold on the mount itself and then the 20 gold wrapped a license cuz a boy you boys for that Raptor but Barney you don't accept gold donations like other well personalities how on earth did you manage to save 2,000 gold to spend on a mount dire maul North tribute runs and if you don't know what that is while I'm about to explain it to you you see dire more North is a very interesting dungeon and I don't just mean because the outside of the dungeon is a war zone I know I've said it before but gotta [ __ ] love being a rogue can you imagine having a corpse walk back here over and over just to get into the dungeon oh it could never be me despite having seven bosses available to kill there are intended dungeon mechanics in place to allow you to skip past six of them and if you opt to do this strategy you are awarded bonus loot at the end what's super cool about this though is that with a rogue and two druids you can stealth past all the mobs stealth past this boss go upstairs zap this guy blind this guy unlock this door vanish stealth past this boss kill these dogs and then have one druid tank the King have the other heal and then have the rogue nuke the boss following this strategy you can make a one-hour dungeon take 10 minutes and the loot is insane by disenchanting the [ __ ] drops ven during the ones that for a high price and putting consumables on the auction house you can expect to make at least 30 gold per run split between three people of course if done optimally you can expect to make at least a hundred and eighty gold per hour and if you're doing this a couple of hours each day in no time you will be able to afford whatever your heart desires and thanks to this strategy I now have my epic Raptor mount she doesn't have a name yet but if you guys have any ideas feel free to tweet me at Barney as for my old mount well let's just say this dead horse is going to be rotting in my bank until the end of eternity but let's give her one final send-off [Music] just in piece shitty dead horse I am so happy to be finally rid of you and before you get shitty with me in the comments I tried to sell the horse back to the horse merchant so that it could live out the rest of its undeath in a peaceful Terrace full meadow but the merchant literally didn't want it back so what am I supposed to do the only thing I can do is let it rot in my bank I can't even mercy kill the horse it's already pretty dead now this was going to be the part of the video where I told you how I hit level 60 and I promise I am gonna get to that but when I was looking over my footage to put this video together I found something that I couldn't just not include and it's especially relevant given this episode's focus on PvP a couple of weeks ago I was pvping at thorium point which if you play the game you'll know is quite the contested area or at least it was until battlegrounds were introduced and effectively put an end to world PvP but we'll get to that next episode anyway I wasn't recording at the time so I only have this screen shot but as you can see when I arrived at thorium point and killed the first person I saw he blurted out or knew you are an Evo Korean in World of Warcraft you cannot communicate with the opposite faction when you when you type something in it just gets Auto translated into nonsense speak however because the internet is the internet people have figured out how to translate certain words and phrases so this means not only did this person find the translation for my name they then wrote that into a macro and had that ready to go for the incredibly unlikely event that they ran into me in the game what and it's not like I had been hanging around this area for a while either I literally I mean I literally just arrived I landed at the flight point and this was the first guy I saw and so I killed him obviously I had to boot up my recording software and document the rest of this interaction so let's get into it this night elf had gone to extraordinary lengths to get my attention and given that the world is so large we might never see each other again I would be an [ __ ] if I didn't stick around to see where this would go and so I knelt in front of his corpse and eagerly awaited his return a minute later he appeared behind me also kneeling unfortunately the nice moment was immediately ruined by this bitch-ass shadow priest No I screamed but it was too late the night elf had died again as a group of a lion stormed over to avenge their fallen brother I wept over the corpse of bebop and it wasn't long before I would join him in the shadowy afterlife a night elf druid softly wept as she mourned over our corpses as I walked back to my lifeless body from beyond deaths wispy veil I could hear a dwarf yell hey Barney hey Barney who the hell are these people I revived waved to the priest he burst into dance and then Adobe cloud all tapped me from the game to let me know my subscription for their ludicrously priced service was ending soon because of this the next 30 seconds of footage is corrupted sorry about that all you need to know is that during those 30 seconds bebop [ __ ] tied again and had to be revived by the druid during this time I activated my orb of deception so I would look like my new friends but just as I did so that same bastard pre showed up again and killed both bebop and the druid might be mad about this but I don't think I can expect anything less from someone who names their character China once again my tears flowed but at least the mage knew he would have to die for his crimes as a group we gathered around to pay our respects but you know some people just have no class really latern up really you're gonna turn up at a time like this now my orb of deception is on cooldown for 45 minutes thanks a lot sorry Barney they yelled back to me but the damage was already done just wanted to look like a nice because druids are a [ __ ] awful class seriously who plays this shudder mastic couldn't revive bebop again and so this time had to rely on alternative medicine shockingly this didn't work but it did crisp up the skin nicely for just a little fight it would be a shame to have this body just go to waste a few moments later bebop had returned our new thing he said to me as we knelt before each other in mutual respect may love you yes may who was I to decline such a request I threw a kiss hard at the night elf and then he me know that he was ready oh no what am I getting myself into oh no he's taking off his clothes thankfully an orc arrived on the scene and put a stop to the degeneracy a dwarf hunter then put one between my eyes and as I moved to my corpse as a ghost I could see that bebop wearing nothing but his boots and a sword had challenged that same dwarf to a duel overwhelmed by bee-bop's primal Chad aura the coward declined but really can we expect anything else from a dwarf minutes later thorium Point had become overrun with a lions bebop and I tried to spread a message of no kill and no war but it was unfortunately futile I died again as the turnip exclaimed love you burn when I revived a human warrior pointed at me and challenged me to mock Korra for those unfamiliar with the orcish custom McCory is an honorable duel to the death I didn't realize humans knew of this custom but refusing a mock Agora is a great display of cowardice so I had no choice but to accept bebop tried to talk me out of it but this is muck good huh with my honour at stake I went all out on Rahab the warrior who was woefully unprepared to deal with a rogue such as myself our duel was over in a matter of seconds with rahama only landing - pathetic blows upon reviving roham seemingly overwhelmed with shame threw himself off the cliff and committed suicide as bebop mourned for his friend I realized that this night elf was truly too good for this world of warcraft' all along he had tried to spread a message of no war but this is not the world we live in for we live in a world of war crafts with a heavy heart I waved farewell and took a flight to the Undercity I hope bebop lives a peaceful life because this night elf truly deserves it the end just kidding if you've watched my content for some time then you'll know that when I play games I often find myself coming up with extremely ridiculous time-consuming self-imposed challenges and once my idiot brain has come up with one nothing will sate it until the goal has been realized so when I was thinking of ways to make my level 60 ding memorable and my brain conjured the cursed Thor tail why don't we do 60 using discovery XP I grabbed the nearest pillow and screamed why why would I come up with that why would I come up with that that's this this is oh this is gonna be so much work but I got to do it I've got a [ __ ] I can't just not do it right I'm so goddamn sick and tired of being me first I need to find out how much Discovery XP a level 59 would get for walking into I don't know let's say Ironforge the only problem with this is that we still to this day do not actually fully understand how discovery XP is calculated so outside of literally taking my character into Ironforge to find out I would have no way of knowing how much XP walking into Ironforge would give a level 59 and because you can only gain discovery XP once that's why it's discovery XP that wasn't going to work mmm quite the conundrum we have on our hands however due to my fully decalcified pineal gland I opened up my third eye and birthed a brilliant idea if I make a level one thwart and see how much XP he gains from walking into iron far iron fart Ironforge all I would then have to do is find another location that gives that same amount of XP take my level 59 there and then in theory I will know how much XP I will get for walking into iron forge and it just so happens that the gates of iron forge and iron forge itself both gave my level one dwarf 55 XP if I now bring my level 59 to the gates of iron Forge and see how much XP I get for discovering that which is 6 XP I can now safely assume that if I were to walk into iron forge I should gain 6 XP are you picking up what I'm putting down now just outside Blackrock depths in the grinding quarry there is a mob called quarry slave they spawn all along this perimeter and they can be either level 46 47 or 48 at level 59 killing the level 46 and 47 mobs grants no XP but those level 48 mobs mmm they give a very very generous 106 XP Wow why am I telling you this well after many many many hours of looking up enemy XP values and doing math and it's did so much math I had I did so much math the best calculation I could come up with when taking my remaining XP into consideration was the following at nineteen thousand nine hundred and 40 remaining XP by killing one 188 level 48 Quarry slaves I can leave my remaining XP at 12 now I know this isn't six but you know the amount of XP I'm gonna get when I walk into iron forge but let me explain if I can find another location I haven't been to yet that matches the same XP gain as the gates of iron forge and iron forge itself I can then kill 188 level 48 quarry slaves to leave my XP at 12 remaining then have a warlock summoned me to this new location to gain 6 XP and then I can ha stone tractor iron forge walk in and finally ding 60 theoretically I had solved the puzzle I knew what needed to be done and it was time to get to work for the next 5 hours I farmed Quarry slaves hey wanna know what's cool about quarry slaves they spawn around this room's perimeter so you can make a nice long loop around the room farming them and then by the time you get back to the start of the loop they've already respawn pretty cool hey wanna know what's not cool about quarry slaves if they only have a 1 in 3 chance to actually be level 48 you know the ones that actually give XP yeah that's what made this grind takes so long two-thirds of the time you're actually farming the wrong mob and you you have no choice because optimally you want to kill them all to maximize the respawns oh yeah also this grain has to be done in one sitting because if I log off I'll get rest at XP and that will [ __ ] up the math thanks for coming up with this one brain about what a kooky adventure [ __ ] you now earlier in the plan I mentioned I'd have to find a new location worth the same amount as the gates of Ironforge and get myself warlock summoned there but I don't have any warlock friends so how am I gonna do this well thank God I play on a roleplay server because unlike you basic [ __ ] we over on krob ulis actually have a [ __ ] uber service yeah that's right we've got a group of mages and warlocks who for a small fee will summon you from anywhere you are to a main city of your choice now they don't usually take custom summon jobs but when I offered them 150 gold half of my total money they couldn't exactly say no but not only this the uber service went above and beyond when I explained to them my ridiculous plan and how I was still looking for a location that matched the XP gain of Ironforge they went out in their platoons to find me a location that matched that description and they found it truly the greatest customer service of our time 10 out ten would recommend it had taken meet hours of planning hours of meth and hours of grinding but finally at 2:00 a.m. September 25th 2019 I was ready to finish my quest I was ready to hit level 60 I contacted uber for the summon and I hit accept as I loaded into a destination unknown I was suddenly terrified of [ __ ] the plan up please please don't [ __ ] up please don't ding here if I doing here I arrived in value of heroes storm wind under the bridge on a tiny patch of dirt I swam out of the tunnel slowly and very carefully approached this corner to trigger the discovery of Stormwind 8 XP actually I can't believe it's gonna work I'm a god damn I paid die a Morlock his one hundred and fifty gold and then I hearthstone back to the Undercity to make my final journey to Ironforge [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and that's how I did it the most elaborate level 60 ding in world of warcraft classics history I had pushed myself harder than ever before to reach this goal so let this stand testament to my iron will this took hours of planning researching communication grinding and worst of all math I had to do real math for the first time in 10 years to complete this challenge but I did it I'm the greatest of all time but hey big thanks for watching please make sure to check out this video sponsor afk arena link in the description and as always a big thank you to my patreon nah I love you this is my last video of the year so I will see you guys in January oh also I'm moving back to the UK permanently ok bar [Music]
Channel: Barny64
Views: 1,373,583
Rating: 4.8121905 out of 5
Keywords: barny, barny64, wow classic, pvp, phase 2, phase 3, battlegrounds, alterac valley, warsong gulch, world pvp, honor, honor farm
Id: Q3D-9wkFafg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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