Asmongold Does The Firelands Timewalking Event On The WoW PTR

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and let me turn up the music to system sound okay we're ready we're gonna do Beth to life first stay with me this is very dangerous area we're in Ragnar OSes domain now okay watch out these things do a lot of [ __ ] damage if it's anything like the way it used to be we'd oh I don't have show target of target [ __ ] okay let me turn that on real quick system interface display target of target where the [ __ ] isn't there we go okay it's good all right perfect okay we're good now I know what's going on okay perfect good job one beast at a time the job so far guys now listen this first boss is extremely easy now can you guys put a 1 and raid chat if you know if you know what the fight is how to do best to lie just so I can get an idea for people put a 1 this is not good this is not good whatsoever okay come on guys stand the molten Ward watch out for the yeah I guess you have to move out of that whenever he spawns that flame stomp watch out there you go get out of that great job guys really proud of you keep up the momentum I'm thinking like so so far first impressions guys what do you think is it too hard or too easy is there anybody else I can invite for this by the way pre-made groups no I can't okay message me and I can maybe invite you if I know you I can invite you to this and hopefully I can see if I can get more people in here because we have healers for 30 people but we only have DPS okay l drift I'm gonna try to invite you see if you can zone into our raid l drift and we'll see if this is work so so join the group and then talk to talk to the person and in Stormwind and see if it'll port you over okay music is louder yeah we'll see what happens how off our style trash so in my opinion I think the trash mobs take too long the kill it's a it's a real slog fest let's be honest it's a real [ __ ] slog fest going through this to take the ax that they have way too way too much I'll just takes [ __ ] forever so I I don't like that number one besides that I think everything else is pretty much okay it's just that each of the trash mobs takes forever I get more DPS yeah I think that obviously you can it's just like basically Oh what do you guys think the loot is gonna be I never even thought of that like nobody knows what the routes gonna be what the [ __ ] oh it should say actually it says okay wait so it's no Lu [Music] living in BER living in BER the [ __ ] is this okay let me invite this guy here okay we'll invite this guy here and I'll invite this guy okay I invited some other people to join okay stay on these guys keep pulling Blizzard's so lady when it comes to lute Firelands is 25 min not 30 in the quant and uh in time walking you're gonna be able to to do it with up to 30 people because it's scales in the same way that everything else does so this should be no problem okay they may tell you you were almost the face of twitch right now ninja left for mixer listen dude like I I played the game like that's what matters I play the game I show up and I I do what I do right I try not to think beyond that that's really the truth I try to always be like that okay let's kill this guy here good job maybe I might not be the face of twitch but at least some of the neckbeard of to which I think that's that's accurate enough sure it really is accurate okay so listen up this I don't know if the hard mode is active on this or not I have no idea so let's assume that it's not and we won't really plan for people that are soaking the the spider links so we need one tank sorry one tank up above and one tank down below I figure like I will be the tank that goes up above because I can probably use CDs and like no one to do that and wookie you can just go ahead and off tank if you want down below what you need to do is you need to tank the large ads this is like you know eight years ago so I don't remember like every mechanic but my understanding and what I remember is you need to tank the large ads the drones I believe this with the cold I don't know exactly away from the smaller mobs and what you're going to be doing here is basically you tank all of them for way and you pull the small ads away from the start of the big ads away from the small ads and then ranged AoE down and kill the small ads also if you are melee or a Heuer especially hewers at the beginning make sure that you quick the the little fire things and so the first set of spiders that come down we want to have all the some healers and myself go up and that way we have a tank up above while we're fighting bethe - like okay and so that should work demon hunter damage what the [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] Sall drinker as well does that even do damage uh I don't know if it does or not but holy [ __ ] um bro moon blaze that was a really good trinket mirror of the blade master oh my god I forgot all about that so Fu's oh my god we'll get this [ __ ] gear this is insane he's got like full bits okay so listen up I'm gonna go up first and obviously I'm gonna go at first along with the peelers after I go up then DPS can go up after that okay I think we're ready let's go helm that's so [ __ ] broken yeah I know the helmet was amazing alright let's go guys I don't want to ready to check or anything you should be ready let's go there it is now remember I killed the spiderlings range to low spiderlings melee or sorry keywords and me yours and me let let us go up first okay let's go up first [ __ ] okay get on them okay kill this thing Oh taunt oh I forgot to say uh taunt them let me go up okay there we go I'm up [ __ ] that guy went up too early okay I need to heal her up here yeah I need to heal her up here and also melee yeah taunt the taunt those down I forgot all about that neither here or up here neither here or up here moving on to that shield wall okay good job guys keep it up now melee dps click on these and go up or actually any DPS click on these and go up it doesn't matter who it is alright we're just fine now res Nicki Minaj if you're up here okay guys watch out for those crit dosa those meteors that come down if that hits you you'll fall back down focus up guys focus up now whenever she's gonna do the big explosion you have to jump down through the middle okay okay getting out of that good job good job keep it up good job [Music] she's already at 95% health we're doing amazing keep it up guys I'm proud of you thinking about yeah as soon as we have somebody that can come up and res that's ideal okay we just did big damage er just literally just just do big damage just do big damage here that's all you have to do whenever the next spiderlings come down just keep killing them this seems like I thought there were three sets of spiderlings that would come down am I wrong about that when's she doing the explosion yeah when is the explosion happening I'm confused here because I thought she was gonna do it whenever she had a hundred energy what is going on here easy mode a 33% no that's not the way it works she goes down for sure at 20% 20% but besides that no she should never be up this long yeah I I don't think this is the way that it's supposed to work this is bugged okay let's see all righty moving out of this okay we'll see what happens ever she reaches your energy I just don't remember like her being active for this long spider is bugged Yad this but oh the spider is bugged okay alright okay keep it up guys keep it up thank you for the darkness apparently is doing nothing okay now she's about to get ready if she does the explosion we have to jump down to the bottom okay so get ready for that we need to make sure we have the hewers go up or sorry tank go up first this time okay now she should be all right there this is the explosion all right now jump down jump down everybody jump down okay now nicki minaj's rest up now let me get the first one okay let me get the first one great job on that great job on that okay now she's up there okay that's a big explosion there's the spiders okay now we pulled the spiders here taunt taunt the spiders melee DPS taunt the spiders I'm going up hewers come up come up and help me heroes come up with me okay the bone boy is getting attacked it's actually good for me all right we have a Heuer backup perfect okay so it seems like I don't know it feels like the up phase here is too long but I can go back and watch a video of myself doing Beth to like or something but it feels like it's too long okay keep going guys kill the mobs down below yeah I just come on up your melee dps or any DPS actually just come up to the top whenever you guys can with the spiderlings there's one right there a good job big damage guys maximum damage on the boss it's a long fight but I know that it's a long fight but I don't think it's this long it's a long fight but not this long she's gonna hit it rage at this point [Music] I never even thought of that uh you rat me you might actually be right what's her enrage it's like eight minutes or something right I'm assuming hopefully it's not that long okay in rage is 15 minutes oh [ __ ] okay when we make a timer so we've probably been doing the fight for like what five minutes or so okay we'll see how this goes what if she had rages by the time she comes down to the third one and we're just [ __ ] we'll see what happens I guess okay moving out of that I don't think that I really need to move too much more should be fine there's a timer on details I don't see it anywhere I don't really pay attention to a lot of the detail stuff and the odds are the timer for Beth to lakor and the Boston Fire lands raid is probably not actually gonna be on here okay so this means guys as soon as we get down to the bottom so she does three explosions and she comes down as soon as she comes down to the bottom everybody needs to deep dick this boss like literally [ __ ] pop CDs pop your potions she will enrage before she comes down at around her energy being 30% oh no I'm not talking about the soft and rage you know I mean actually like a hard like [ __ ] five hundred percent damage okay let's go top left corner of details top left corner Oh six minutes okay thank you I didn't even know that perfect I don't even need to worry about this okay so we're six minutes into the fight alright so that means we're gonna have about three minutes we have three minutes to kill this boss and when it comes down focus up let's get this done okay we're doing great so far just keep it up guys keep up the damage guys down at the bottom you're doing an amazing job I'm very proud of you this raid used to be one of my favorite raids I love fire ants very smaller in devastation let's go down alright one more one more voice one more now remember melee DPS taunt down these spiderlings and I will go up first after I go up then obviously the healers need to go up again we get this time until the boss we're already seven minutes into the fight seven minutes into the fight guys keep that in mind alright he ores take it let's go go up to the top ok I'm back up there it is and the hewers I think should be back up as well okay he orders you back up this is it this is the kill right here all righty seven minutes versus the Cataclysm boss yeah so all right well let's talk about the boss after we after we finish it and we'll go from there I feel like the fight the time walking raids they they don't have good enough for awards that's like the main issue that I think they have is like that the rewards are just they're not good I mean like maybe let me think like so it works in raid I don't know like cuz the time walking rates they take forever to [ __ ] do you get tokens yeah but who cares about the tokens so like on the first time like there was old a warrant an old wartime walking drop for 15 gears so actually at the beginning the Patra was kind of good what would you guys think about if time walking raids dropped for 25 base line gear yeah I don't know about that for 15 good I mean I feel like that would be hell no for 25 is useless yeah that actually is true what about 4:30 I don't know maybe 4:30 is too high though I mean four-thirty gear like that's as good as like heroic azshara 4 or 15 max 435 450 or nothing I feel like okay what if they gave like a currency that was actually meaningful like they gave you a bonus roll coin for actually completing the raid but then like I feel like it would just be people would be pissed off because they'd have to do it for the bonus real coin and it would end up like just being like this arbitrary thing to make people have to do content and I don't think they'd enjoy that either for theory is good because you only do it once we will [ __ ] ah do it once a week yeah maybe I'm just thinking like how this would work Titan resident yeah I mean maybe resident would be really good like you get like I don't know 50,000 resident but then it's like getting a 4:45 helmet from time walking that that also seems silly I don't know I feel like they're doing to make the time walking rewards better one way or another they need to be better I'll say that for sure okay um 4:30 at some point I think we've got balancing a gear no standing fire has one fine trust me it's tanking I don't need to be paying attention alright whenever she comes down here increased mob drop mom I'm sorry mount drop chance would make a lot of people do it [Music] [Music] okay so okay 10-minute enrage and now she comes down everybody gets their ass beat so why don't we try this doesn't she automatically do the explosion if nobody's up there I'm pretty sure she does right no yeah let me see all right run back everybody run back let's try this again so nobody go up there at the beginning CIN way more people up no we send everybody up that we could I mean she was at 50% health there's no way we could have killed her there okay what do you think I began hundreds at Mount drop chance and retail Wow if you did something classic no okay let's see have it in seven minutes one tank one he or you sent to any hewers know it like listen she's at 50% health like that that's not the way the fights supposed to work I believe that if nobody is up there she automatically does the explosion I could be wrong about that but we should at least try it need all melee to go up yeah I don't know about that I should go 5060 percent first time up yeah the mechanics are not working properly so that's not really accurate okay let's see how this is going to work stop using thunderfury I would except for the fact that my damage is insane look how much damage senator fury is doing 1.7 percent of my damage is all thunderfury run back let's try this again so nobody goes up nobody goes up period and we're gonna see if Beth tughlaq will do the explosion more quickly hopefully that's going to work I don't know how this is gonna work get more demon hunters and insta kill yeah maybe I think actually there's like a way you can jump up on top of our web and start the fight up there so that could always work to have a new collectible system prepared for old raids like Paragon levels yeah I don't know I just feel like they probably should try to make a better incentivization system you saw drinker it will do 50% of your damage or more insane for tanks really okay I think I have one of those in void storage but maybe not all right uh is everybody here eldress let's try to pull the boss and have nobody yeah let's have no we'll just wait for him to get over here let's have nobody go up nobody goes up okay bosses is bugged no I know the boss's book like I'm fully aware like I did this blossom progression like I literally have a video on my youtube channel of myself doing this boss at level 85 Heisman gold let me see if I can find it [ __ ] where the hell is it [ __ ] okay well I'll find it later on doesn't matter yeah just a second I'll look at it later okay one second she okay it's wrong one okay where is where's el drift el dress please come over to us actually we're just gonna pull without el dress I want to try this out okay guys let's go we're pulling right now move up guys move up we're gonna pull I think they were pretty much good to go it's good done alrighty just high a wee damage to the whole rate if nobody goes up well let's see if that's gonna happen or not so if this doesn't work we'll go to her we'll go the world liner okay so she's she's losing it [ __ ] man this is crazy okay don't go up nobody goes up so she's gonna do the explosion or not not supposed to go up there man oh she does that a OE pulse thing I see yeah I forgot about that okay how can we even do this so we literally can't even kill the boss yeah we actually can't even kill the boss period what the [ __ ] I'm thinking is there anything else that we could try instead of that go a fire giant yeah we're gonna try this later on send all range DPS doesn't matter if their range for melee DPS it's the same the same issue let me think if there's anything else that I can do one tank one fury up with best DPS maybe I just don't want to try to like go all out to try to get this done I mean I figure we just go to another boss instead this is really really [ __ ] scuffed though let's be honest because we're thirty yeah it could be scaled up for the energy gains for some reason if you do with ten people you can still send six people up and you can kill it oh so the amount of all I see what it is but still that's [ __ ] broken like what do you that's so broken you just send DPS instead of 3 healers up ok go ahead and wipe everybody just stop healing let me put in a bug report ok I found an issue with that to lack either either the amount of webs you need to go up needs to be increased or the time that it takes for Beth for the boss to gain energy needs to be needs needs to be decreased okay um she enraged before her third smoldering devastation okay there we go I'm gonna report that right there bug reports submitted let me look right now I want to see I'm gonna compare this to my old myself doing a fight back in the day okay where's my old video of it indestructible vs. Beth - like right there watch this [Music] okay so this is only a seven-minute fight and how fast was their energy going down let's see yeah well cut energy is going down so fast I mean this is unheroic so it might be a little bit different timer the look out look how fast their energy is going down and then she finally comes down here and just give me a second okay so she was still pretty high how old yeah ya know this is that it's buck it's actually [ __ ] there's nothing nothing I did wrong come back over let's do let's do war to rile if I'm sure that's gonna be a lot of fun yeah so there we go holy [ __ ] there it is so listen I just obviously proved that it was it is bugged clearly and hopefully they'll be able to fix it well classic and playing a classic them to play warrior obviously you have to be the fire web drones alive they draw her energy the fire web the traumas alive fire oh you mean the mobs up at the top I don't know about that I had no idea about that let's see alright let's go over to Ward riot with so this is going to be this is gonna be a problem alright let me just say that it's gonna be a problem pull the core hound you know what's gonna pull everybody knows it's gonna pull let's go get them over here kill the core hound this is a very very high level mob [ __ ] come on guys come on guys what the [ __ ] is going on this is fire Lance we're not even a Ragnar OC ette and we're [ __ ] up okay I'll break out of that fear okay kill the core Hound killed the core hound don't kill the fire scorpions all at the same time they explode never they die come on guys you've got it I'm gonna shield wall here last and that's fine okay now stay on I'm stay on them let's go this is why classic will be hard yeah this is a little 85 Core Hound - it's not even the high super difficult level level 60 Core Hound versions ok kill those fire scorpions now here's here's really here's the way that it works ok guys if I I'm the only person that feels trash ok I'm the only pushing dude don't pull any traffic besides that I head over back to you me ok head back over to me you have to leave the cinder web drones alive they draw her energy let me actually try and see if that's true syndra web drones higher energy fully depletes drone climbs up the bath lacking safe entire energy from her go back to Beth - why go back to Beth - like kill kill kill these [ __ ] can't kill kill the Turtles kill the Turtles kill the Turtles kilter everybody kill Turtles everybody killed Turtles get on to Turtles let's go guys big damage on Turtles big damage on Turtles big turtle damage I want to see it come on I get me a zig no we're fine I'm so glad he told me that thank you so much I forgot all about that it's been so long okay uh just one second let me go ahead and take a drink here guys great job so far by the way I'm really proud of you I'm extremely proud of you guys especially that thank you guys so much for pulling that extra pack we really did not need to pull that for any reason it's completely irrelevant to anything that we're trying to do total waste of [ __ ] time but we're gonna pull it anyway great job actually not a waste of time ironically because um we need to actually kill these mobs to Agra shannon's thank you so much for agreeing not to okay from now on next person aggro trash mobs kicked out of the raid okay we've had enough of a growing trash mobs I killed the molten ward first and then get on the surger okay yeah I kill the molten ward first keep it up guys yeah we've had like five people pulling I think people think it's like funny or whatever like I'll just keep gathering I don't want to waste time on that Oh kill the hatchling kill the [ __ ] hatchling dude there we go good job dude these turtles are harder than any did their order than the boys what the [ __ ] okay good now we kill the surgery we'll be fine okay this rate is so badass I miss the old days prior lands is in my opinion the best raid that came out of Cataclysm I'm glad they chose fire lands for Cataclysm time walking let's see what's right so Mists of Pandaria time walking would be I would say probably okay let's go all the way over here so no damage on the yeah throwing Thunder yeah obviously through North under and then wad that sounds actually thinking of WOD what would WOD time walking even be actually pull this core hound here pull this core hound because this one's gonna Pat around and it's gonna be the place we're gonna fight Shanna sorta fight chanak's right here so it's gonna just poke around a BRF everybody's saying BRF I like time Oh a lot too but okay so overwhelmingly BRF am i right about that [ __ ] I'm oh I don't know I think that I'm always awesome I'm almost one of the best raves they've ever done I mean I guess I just kind of like outdoor raids and maybe that's just my own personal thing but I've always been a huge fan of outdoor raids I thought they were really really cool to team is man Daria yeah what about Legion night hold probably I would say night hold is probably the best Legion raid and all WOD raids were really good yeah I mean if you were just a raid logger and WOD you probably didn't hate the expansion as much as other people did right which is actually a pretty big compliment for WOD ok so we are not going to attack yet yeah night hold number one a trial of our was also really really really good I love trial of our so here's what we need to do this time guys do not kill the drones those are the ones that spawn up above just do not attack them do not target them do not do anything to them do not even [ __ ] with them they're not even target them look at them don't a Oh II don't do anything okay just let them SAP Beth black and we're gonna be just funning okay we need to get Beth client to go back down at the right time and then we're gonna pop big heroism and just burn them down okay guys move up to here and let's get ready let's pull go bien Taurus then tor is better than night hold [Music] no I don't think so I mean I think that night holds better like I think like gold dan crosa star logger like I didn't like the grand conjunction mechanic on star auger because it was just like it was not fun let's see besides that though yeah I don't know the tomb of [ __ ] so I go it's cancer yeah I never liked that either killing a Titan well I don't care about the thematics of it I care about the playability who cares about whenever whatever you're killing a boss who doesn't matter to me at all okay I'm gonna get on invincible okay are we ready and good to go it looks like we are so do not kill the small lads do not kill small ads that come down you can kill the little baby ads and the large ads but not the ads that that are taunted down best TBC read probably the I I would say maybe SSC I thought I should be related like tier five content was amazing don't kill the spinners don't kill the spinners stop killing the spinners what are you what's wrong with you guys oh wait no it's not the spinner it's a drones I I forgot it's the drones yeah yeah let the drones go up I totally forgot it's actually the drones that empower not the spinners yeah don't kill the drones yeah okay no it's fine it's fine okay let's try this again wait the drones aren't losing energy though so they're just literally not losing any energy at all what the [ __ ] I'm thinking it siphons them well no what I mean is like so they should lose energy and then as they lose energy they go up to the top and they siphon off a bath too like she's already half energy wait are they siphoning off of her now there's no way what's the timer on the boss here okay just a second let me see how this works so we've got she's at 30% health you have to let the little spiders get the drones to five no I don't think so I don't see where that's that that's on there at all ethics monitoring devastation perverse smoldering should have been 90 seconds into the fight if they were siphoning [Music] [ __ ] I'm trying to figure that this is gonna work okay oh no Adventure got in classic yeah a second group up top attacking her okay welcome to the stream I feel like this isn't uh what the [ __ ] so it seems like so the drones aren't losing energy and her body smoulders and begins to flicker and I don't feel like she's losing energy any fact wait she only got up to oh [ __ ] okay now she's up to full energy again is she losing energy faster now though let me see so she's at ninety five percent ninety four percent so we're starting this at one minute thirty seconds I don't know guys watch the fat boss guy I guess I could let's see kill kill one of these drones they're getting to be a little bit a little bit dangerous for our tank here okay yeah I kill some of these drones it doesn't really seem like they're influencing Beth's lack because I remember the way this used to work right and this is actually really bad okay we shield wall here yeah these are gonna do a ton of damage okay I'm thinking what I can do here yeah killed that kill all the drones right now kill all the drones right now if our lines Maude pulled up ice cream okay numbers this isn't right no I know for a fact it's not right but it seems like her energy is going down faster now than it was before so the way it should work just ate they channel a little fire beam on to Beth to lack if they're not if they're not tanked or sorry if they go up to full energy but they're not gaining energy so they're not channeling the beam on to Beth to lie this seems like just a straight-up [ __ ] bug the bug in a fight is the tooltip for drones shows no energy consumption well it shows no because there is none the drones literally move from the top sorry from the bottom to the top and that's not happening is this PTR yeah it's PTR it's not a spider it's a spider not a bug they need to consume spiderlings to lower energy no they don't we just had them consume a bunch of spiderlings and nothing happened to their energy go do Riley go do Riley let's see if we can do that I'm very very excited about doing a list resort that's the main one that I'm really really looking forward to doing all right come over to this way so what we're going to do I didn't expect anyone to do this now well the funny thing about that is they actually made a post about that let me show you guys yeah come up this way and just come across and just pull the these mobs here just a second I want to show them this blue post when we wait the guys do fire energy bars 85 decrease instead of like one energy per second supposed to happen by itself you're right its bugged yeah I know okay yeah I just pulled these guys one at a time I'll pull up what Blizzard is has said before okay give me one second here let me open up a WoW head and we'll look at Firelands testing feedback Firelands time walking here we go just pull guys so let's see my feedback is don't screw it up what I found is when someone logs out inside fire lines the entire realm crashes not sure if it's fixed or not well I hope it isn't or I hope it is let's see when we figure out yeah so literally nobody has given them feedback nobody has done this blizzard boys heard listen what was that sound oh I went on Wow head so I I got an ad that's a weird [ __ ] pop-up yeah it's like this so I don't know what the hell is wrong with wow head but I go on there and I get like these weird like redirect links and it's like a virus like it only happens on WoW head that's the only website that it happens on and I get I come back and it's like you have been selected to be lucky winners and it's some [ __ ] weird-ass [ __ ] scam website and I don't know how they still have that up on their website it's actually a [ __ ] disgrace hopefully they fix that they have it - yeah it's it's ridiculous that they let that happen and so you block origin don't let them say check you well I will have to do that but the fact that it's even happening to begin with it's just ridiculous okay yo strip out her downloads torrent listen I'm not I'm not downloading anything man maybe I'll download a plug-in but that's about it I don't want to do a bunch of weird [ __ ] okay let me minimize this I guess we're gonna have to do a board Brian okay guys so okay alright let me go up to the top right here come and come around here come around here come all the way up to the top before the little lads spawn okay there we go come to top ere we all these are the lads down so Lord rile with let's talk about Ward rile if I don't know why you guys aggro'd the pie rewards have no idea why you did that but Ward rile it is a difficult fight that has mechanics that are hard so what you need to do in order to beat the fight is you need to hit the leg to make Riya with walk in a certain direction so he needs to walk over the volcanoes that are active so he activates he's gonna spawn three volcanoes and you need to make sure that you hit the leg to hit the right sorry the right leg not the not the right as in left and right but the right as in correct correct leg to make Ryloth turn and attack and walk towards the volcano that you want him to destroy okay this is very very simple this is an extremely extremely simple raid very very easy boss there should be no problems here we're just gonna go in here and do it and that's all there's gonna be okay so what do you guys think we're gonna be able to kill it how you guys feeling about this boss No okay yeah okay we'll see what happens all right we killed these things okay okay all right so let's save heroism for Phase two so he has to walk over eight of the volcanoes so attack the correct leg to make him walk over don't go go go get ready get ready let's go let's go scissor the flesh from their tiny fries oh we're turning and returning him okay alright here we go here we go here we go alright keep these ads okay turn to right foot right foot right Barrett turn turn around turn around gamer I know a right foot get on right foot down right foot down right foot turn him around turn around alright come on guys quick hit the right foot dude he's gonna go in the fire dude come on man good no come on man turn him around turn him around come on no get these apps get these ads here's that no [ __ ] all right I'm rally rally rally Rory all right take him over to this one here take him over to this one here everything's fine everything is fine don't worry about it everything is just fine okay [Music] listen nobody is a namby Turner nobody's internal alright guys we can't let him hit the fire all right we've already wiped on one boss I don't even think that's a bug I genuinely don't even think that's a bug because if you're attacking both legs then it evens out his uh his movement and I think that you guys are just cleaving between the lakes now I want you to listen up okay why are you guys still alive why you healing zyo why are you healing just dying we only need to get him to 20% health okay that's all we need to do get him to 20% he'll wipe it up wipe it up now I understand this is a hard fight for you guys because you have to go left and right I get it it's very very difficult trust me guys I [ __ ] understand but this needs to get better this is [ __ ] embarrassing if you are a [ __ ] idiot do not attack the boss and phase-1 literally stand at the very back and wait for the people that aren't [ __ ] [ __ ] to finish phase one okay if we die one more time I'm gonna write out a [ __ ] I'm gonna get out do you want me to go to mspaint we will do that we will go to mspaint if I have to now let's go come on up to the top let's try this again he cannot go into the magma or he [ __ ] does a million damage also he needs to run over the [ __ ] the bulk don't even go why would you even go over near him don't even go anywhere near him all right guys [Music] little pressure gauge come on across run across just run across let's go run across all right here we go guys let's go okay so wait all right there's the volcanoes now wait for him to the power all right all right hit that hit this one hit this one hit the right foot hit the right foot hit the right foot hit the right foot hit the who's on the right foot good the [ __ ] everybody is literally on it like [Music] okay okay run back run alright alright run back we're all pleading ok the direction gage is doing nothing alright let's look and see what people were doing just go ahead and wipe it up here actually let me see if I can do this on my own ok so I'm turning him here so he's turning there right ok let's see you've chosen to mess pain it's PTR give them a break nope no breaks wipe it up again wipe it up again alright I'm going to I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna change my weapon because maybe the thunderfury frock might be doing a little bit of cleave damage I want you guys to not do any cleave damage at all no cleave damage at all no cleave damage at all do not any cleave damage so right now I want to look at the current segment let's look at overall data we're gonna reset everything we're gonna see if this is going to work all right so listen up take the cloak off good idea take off anything that could incidentally cleave the boss the left foot which was the wrong foot took 78,000 damage wookie could you please link me a damaged breakdown of the amount of people that were dealing damage to the left foot the wrong foot damage taken for a ward riot with come on literally auto-attack literally [ __ ] auto-attack Xue hai is doing 11,000 damage where Xue hai what's what who is this guy do not go across this time do not go across this time go back do not go across come back come back come back thick biscuit come back do not go across I guess because I'm fire that's correct you are fire and you're doing it wrong you're not supposed to cleave neighbors you're probably cleaving with uh with the fists of fury you're doing it wrong no cleaving on this boss literally no cleaving on this boss if you do any cleave damage do not attack the boss at all if you cannot manage your character to understand if you do cleave damage do not attack the boss at all if you don't know what cleave damage is do not attack the boss at all now focus up this shouldn't be that much DPS it has nothing to do with DPS neighbors it has to do with attacks it doesn't have to do with the damage that Ryloth sustains it has to do with the amount of people that are dealing damage each instance of a attack that the left or the right foot receives directs it in a certain direction that's the way that it works if I remember right I used to be the person by the way I used to be the person that drove Ward riots and my guilt back in fire Lance and trust me if you think this is bad Michael was even [ __ ] worse we spent weeks on this boss because people didn't know how to hit the right foot let's go the leg share health maybe bug that's not a bug that's the way it's supposed to work let's make it happen pay attention guys actually I need to repair give me I need to repair all right let's go come across let's go guys why would you do that why'd you get so close why would you get so close ANCA why'd you get so close to the boss white why even get that close why ever even get that close you've already had two accidental Agro's of the boss why would you even why did you even do that let's go you can damage them down right now a little bit all right now wait for the volcanoes oh wow good job frost or it's good thing frost only hits one target okay now get ready guys get ready okay now we're gonna wait for for him to decide which volcano he's going to empower and then we're going to attack the foot that takes him in that direction their left foot get on the left foot get on the left foot everybody on the left foot get on the left foot turn them turn them let's go turn them left foot come on get on the left foot okay link damage to right foot link damage to right foot link damage to right foot link damage to right [ __ ] foot succumb to living why stop now [Music] okay this time around I don't want to have anybody attacking the boss at the beginning because I want to be able to accurately figure out who is not doing this correctly so from now on I want no damage on the boss on the pole zero damage on the boss on the pole no damage no damage on the boss if you attack the boss at all you're wrong okay so noble warrior why was your top damaged right foot and not left foot it was it started the fight that doesn't make any sense and I switch to ads okay that makes sense all right you know what that's fine I'll accept that I actually I will accept that that's fine spells fists of fury Sparkle violent that that's fun do not do any damage to either one of the feet whenever we first do the boss nobody attacks nobody attacks trial with period nobody attacks trial with at all do not attack Ryloth do not attack Ryloth do not do it do not even think about attacking Ryloth nobody attacks Ryloth do not attack Ryland take your pet off rila don't have your pet attacking - take off your Cleves so you don't hit rile if whenever this guy gets over here we're gonna go ahead and pull do not hit rile if do not do it alright it's gonna be fine we're gonna get it this time it's no big deal [Music] okay now let's say I attack hey hey hey hey do not attack Ryloth do not attack Ryloth come here come here come here Jebus why are you doing that no dress why are you doing nothing do not attack Ryloth okay we're gonna start let's go do not attack Ryloth do not attack Rio food do not attack Riley do not attack do not attack you order for it okay shoo the flesh from their tiny now attack the right foot attack the right foot attack the right foot attack the right foot attack the right foot their tiny brains attack the right okay [Music] wink damage on the left foot blink the image on the left foot blink damage on the left foot let me actually see myself okay let me look alright damage enemy damage taken left foot so left foot was taken primarily by zoo bye and neighbors and L draft and lowness you did over a thousand damage to the left foot right now I want a 200 word essay in chat why you decided to hit the left foot instead of the right foot ads stacked with the left foot what what did I tell you to do aldra what did I tell you to do what did I tell what did I tell you to do answer I'm kicking him out of the raid right foot and what did you do instead of the right foot I honestly think it's bugged it's not bugged it might actually be bugged but this is not this is not an indicator of it being bugged back in Cataclysm AoE damage was not part of different most players normal rotations because of that the boss was not tuned for people to be doing consistent incidental cleave damage every single attack on the opposite lane leg of ward Ryloth whenever he's trying to go in one direction will stop making him go in that opposite direction so let's look right over here neighbors why did you attack the left foot why did you attack the left foot [Music] I won't fists I already said that last bolt come on let's try and do this again if there is any damage on the other foot bike leave damage at all I'm not gonna be happy get the demon hunter over here let's go do not attack the wrong foot okay let's go we see what happens if only I had the [Music] loo did I say for you to attack I didn't say for you to attack sooo the fresh from their hits the right foot hit the right foot hit the right foot hit the right foot hit the right foot they're tiny [Music] wind damage on the left foot 600 damages relevant there's no it's bug there's no way it's not bug [Music] he's gaining it sometimes but I don't know why it's happening sometimes and not other time so genius dreamed ways making people switch to wait no this time it was a legendary cloak rockin well I told you not to have that like I told you not to cleave why would you have the legendary cloak on if I said not to cleave I I don't understand why would you why would you equip that item if you're not supposed to cleave I said not to do like why I'm just confused here why why would you do that look at me our Mike what's wrong with you okay pull pull these pull these mom's right here let's get these running okay I had no other cloak so what do you think's more important you equipping your cloak or the boss turning and not wiping the raid what do you think is more important l dress here you know what we better honestly is if you weren't in a raid at all that's how that's how important you are to this raid so keep that in mind you're actively working against the raid okay you took it off that's good you have to pull this here Jesus Christ it's nothing it's not it's not personal it's just because if he hasn't here's why right each of the cloaks melee attacks is like it hits like 12 times or something like that we are going to give this one more attempt okay we're gonna give this one more attempt okay so jobs tonight I'm not being toxic at all like I told people to follow instructions and are not doing it that's not like being frustrated at people who are fallen - why'd you delete it whenever you wait wait you deleted it like what's toxic is not following the directions you just do your job and I mean like this is not this is always the mystery of video get outta me like you have such an easy mechanic that you have to deal with and you just keep doing it wrong okay let's go it doesn't oh [ __ ] I'm dead kind of rest real quick so I'll have to run back just to save a little bit time if someone says this is toxic well if you think this is toxic you're a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] and you're probably a [ __ ] that wipes Anila farm I'm sorry but I value my teams my team's time a little bit too much - just [ __ ] pussyfoot around and pat people on the head and ever they do the mechanics wrong and waste everyone's time let's go [ __ ] [ __ ] man it's embarrassing okay so from the very start this time guys I want you to start attacking the right foot as soon as Lord Ryloth enters the middle of the room as soon as he enters the middle of the room I want you to attack the right foot so that means any damage on the left foot is a big wrong and a mistake let's try this again okay let's go everybody's here Mara's not here I don't know why he's not here let's go [Music] okay wait again wind it all around no attack the right foot actually you know what yeah everybody try and kill the left foot yeah swap over let's see if it's a bug with the right foot that's actually a really good point attack the left foot everybody attack the left foot get your pets off of the right foot get your pets off the right foot everybody attack the left foot okay we got lucky there because we made him run over a volcano what the [ __ ] oh we're turning up we're turning up returning him we're turning it's working it's working here we go turning turning turning cheer the freshmen there - bio crush you order for flu I literally watched you a Oh a with rash I believe I literally watched you go why did you not why did you hey we why did you cast an AoE ability it does like 30 damage strong hoof can you explain the turning the cannon to me he says it does like 30 down can you explain the turning mechanic to me I want you to explain the mechanic to me now I think this is gonna be very I won't use it again no no no no I I don't care if you use it again I want you to explain the mechanic to me explain the mechanic to me I'm kicking you out of the raid explain the macaque who's obviously I obviously nobody I don't understand the mechanics oh because the damage of your ability matters I want you to explain the mechanic that works looking up in the dungeon room [Music] we need more people attacking the right foot no it's not that I can't believe it all this thing to attack the right foot any damage to do the opposite foot is gonna [ __ ] us good see see I knew I knew he knew it see I know he knew it look I see I told you it was gonna work out he's learning okay so let's try this again I'm gonna reset all data and let's see if we can get this right so if there's any AoE damage that you're going to do don't do it single target down the ads and it only attack the right foot we almost got at that time we almost got it just keep up the momentum guys I'm really proud of you okay I'm proud of everybody in here floof I'm especially proud of you okay I want to say that right now I'm especially proud of you because you learned and that's something that doesn't happen a lot so let's get this right let's go guys try it again move up only attack the left foot whenever Ryloth gets into the middle of the room only attack the left foot only attack the left foot okay just give me one second here [Music] okay says he's not using let's go only attack the left foot only attack the left foot don't make any mistakes here guys come on keep it up all right now we're going to attack the left foot now we're taking damage the right foot is taking damage Lona you're doing come on you can do it hit the left foot hit the left foot you're hitting the right foot you're hitting the right foot that's the wrong foot the right foot is still taking damage why is the right foot taking damage I don't understand like why [Music] so kind all right wipe it up wipe it up do dots affect the direction as well maybe people are multi diving they're not now Jebus could you explain to the raid why as a holy paladin you are number two on damage to the wrong foot why is that noble warrior you damage the the right foot as well consecration [Music] why did you use consecration why did you decide to use consecration I'm curious here where'd you get these guys you see the best of the best well I'm just curious like why would you use cuz I already had said that you're not supposed to do any AoE damage because it's part of my rotation I forgot well you're clearly watching the stream because you're listening and responding to what I'm saying and I'm saying it on stream so have you missed the past hour where we were talking about not dealing damage to the opposite foot like what about the last hour of conversations we've been having about that do you remember that it's part of my rotation I forgot [Music] also noble warrior you did damage shouldn't done that take it off your barn don't attack the wrong foot we're gonna start we're gonna kill the left foot okay we're gonna kill the left foot the left foot this guy's afk I'm gonna kick him out all right let's get this done this time okay don't attack the wrong foot you can do it I really believe in you let's go attack the left foot only attack the left foot only attack the left foot only [Music] okay bio crush you order boys turn him love letters from their Chinese look at this he's turning [Music] [Music] wipe it why is it wipe it wipe the boss okay it's wipe it again we're gonna get this which is probably a couple more tries no it's a bug it's not showing the correct damage taking cuz it didn't get reset don't make him turn right away you have more room turn I'm waiting to get them in the middle of the room so we can turn them okay let's try it one more time all right unless you have a very promising pole I don't know what I I don't know what we're gonna do okay I really don't all right let's go let's go cut them only auto-attack until you enough stacks a hero to burn him down that won't work they're gonna they're gonna have to hit their abilities they have to hit their abilities that won't work trust me okay I'm gonna reset it this time and that way I know exactly who's doing this wrong listen guys we've been in here for a while I think I I think at this point we should have an understanding of which foot to attack we've been in here for like an hour so that that's enough okay guys no more mistakes let's just get this right the right foot is the only foot to attack first no it's not how it works all righty wait what's this title renowned Explorer what the [ __ ] is that whatever who cares all right uh let's see yeah renowned Explorer what the [ __ ] is renowned Explorer do I even have that title or right now I don't know where our is in the alphabet I do have it wow I didn't even know that okay let's try to get this done now only attack the left foot no attacks on the right foot do not attack the right do not attack the right do not attack the right foot okay let's go reset DPS I'm gonna reset it again all right let's go [Music] Sadhguru bless you doing so wait for him to get into the middle [Music] okay here we go don't hit the right foot so come don't hit the Rinka remember how you said you weren't gonna do that and now you're doing it you yelled at sporting ice turn them turn them let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's keep keep killing the left foot okay guys just keep killing the left foot keep going the left foot now see as you can see it is completely possible to turn the boss the only issue is that people keep hitting the right foot so let's see what's gonna happen here there we go more damage on right foot see it's easy you just don't attack the wrong foot see you look at this see how see how easy it is see how easy it is you just attack the right foot there see look at that he's turning Wow what's this the boss is turning oh my god wow what's this oh my god we're gonna give this one more attempt ok guys so let's talk about this all right overwhelmed by Ozzy I understand its cause everybody's focusing on killing the the foot ok alright so noble warrior let's see noble warrior thick biscuit actually angka and could you deal damage how did you deal damage to the right foot how'd you do that I have no idea I'm not using moon fire [Music] hmm what did he deal damage with right foot [Music] he says that's [ __ ] he says that [ __ ] so we're wait so were Cleves why said not to cleave though like I don't understand yeah I said not to Cle solar wrath cleaves no I thought only the lunar one cleaved how does solar rats overlap yeah how does that solar wrath cleave yeah what the [ __ ] is this the proc leaves empowered wrath cleaves rathia wrath is single-target I mean not only lunar strike cleaves after starsurge it's empowered wink me Star Search do I have to get on my druid right now like I don't want to get on my druid right now but I will Star Search lunar and solar empowerment linked me solar empowerment what does solar empowerment do let me see actually it should tell me on his bike buffs gained right Horus solar empowerment causes your next solar wrath to explode for initial 20% damage to all nearby enemies and reduces its cast time by 15% [Music] what the [ __ ] do I attack with them you know what ANCA just don't just don't really just just don't don't attack let's see if we can get this right again okay guys I understand this is very difficult but I want to see if we can get this right I must attack papaya yeah I know I know I know you'll attack all right now we're gonna get on the left foot this time okay so again I want to reiterate this we will be attacking the left foot the left foot let's go all right move up let's get this done saude little flashy danger okay wait up do not attack whose do not attack the wrong foot all right now let's get the left foot don't [ __ ] did I do that get on the weapon get on the left foot get on the left foot get on the left foot I'll see how I see how I did it all right now turn him turn him turn him turn him get on the left foot get on the left foot get on the left foot come on guys I'm curious actually how I did hit him I'm like actually curious let me see here alright just go ahead and wipe wipe it up wipe it up now wipe it up now okay just give me a second let me look and see what our damages my damage done see what's my damage done as spells heed my call [ __ ] as right okay what about let's sit that was a [ __ ] what about big floof sheet my call again okay I now have a new strategy to use I want to integrate I want to integrate a new strategy that I'm going to use it's going to be called use eight healers and kill the boss let's invite everybody yeah all right let's go this is not going to work naturally we are not going to worry about dealing with any of that we're going to play like [ __ ] idiots and we're gonna get this done we need more viewers let's go I need a lot of people in here message me for an invite actually one second guys I'll have to let me teleport out of this dungeon if you were a Heuer please come over to here and we'll be just fine okay just give me a second all right let's see scourge alright is this guy Heuer it does seem like he's probably okay he's a Heuer I need more people Mahlon all right we'll get mailing in here how many more viewers is that we need a lot more healers guys we're gonna set role as Heuer you're a healer and then Mahlon you're also a he or good all right and let's see that's gonna be six years I think and we need one more healer seven healers okay just give me one second here alrighty let's see we also could take one more DPS actually we need another tank is there anybody else that can tank so we can get this done real quick yeah I'm gonna just go back to the dungeon actually yeah we need a tank this is [ __ ] ridiculous okay I'm just deciding how we're gonna handle this okay what realm we're on the the realm okay I'm tanked alright kathiria's tank that's fine I need let's see how many more viewers do I need now so if this guy is set role as heals and then this guy has also set role as heels that should be six healers and we have two tanks criteria so gentlemen this is the way it's going to work we are going to kill the boss we are going to prioritize adds kill the pads over the boss whenever the boss reaches one of these sides at the first one I will rally second one Noble rally third one Oaks comer rally fourth one nuke rally we are going to heal through the damage that he deals okay so pay attention let's get this done enrage timer no it'll be fine we'll kill him before the enrage timer please set role of the Oh tank it's bugged it's not letting me set roles for some reason yeah I have no idea why but it doesn't let me set rules for anybody I'll try and refresh and see if that's gonna work the role check oh that's a good idea okay there we go it's not gonna work okay Malin and scourge please don't in these guys are trash masters so they're gonna be all over this raid set two main tank okay I can't actually do that it's just not working okay this point main tank yeah it just bugged out let me try to refresh my UI maybe that might help just one second here let's try this again use ad blocker listen to it we're gonna do what we can this is [ __ ] ridiculous guys I mean this is this is the easiest boss in the game but we're having this trouble why I understand it it's hard I get it but it's got to be better than this alright let's make this happen boss only turns after stepping on volcano that's not true like I I don't but it's just it's not true like listen I all right let me see I can get this up okay ah let's see tank okay yeah it's still still broken all right give me one second here and I'll be good to go all right um give me one sec all right it's bogged yeah I know okay I think that we're ready to go and do this right here okay all right I just 200 damage [ __ ] it because it's individual attacks that's why it's very very finicky and stupid like it shouldn't work this way but it does alright so guys we're just gonna kill them as fast as we can all right let's go right foot took zero damage to the BART start going down say a 232 the whole time yeah I don't know what it is alright let's go let's do it right guys come on all right burn down the boss burn down the boss let's go save here was some save heroism whenever he takes extra damage save heroism just just give damage on boss damage on boss and pull the ads right underneath the boss we're gonna cleave down the ads right on top of the boss all right let's go okay get these fragments over get the sparks over pull the sparks on top of the boss okay somehow now he's turning for some reason okay come on guys all right keep that what Wyatt White's could pull the spark on top of the boss let's go okay we're doing it good job great job great job keep it up guys keep it up okay great job amazing job okay get on this next one now I'm gonna rally this yours bakes her to he'll key ores make sure to heal all right there's rally stay alive stay alive kill these ads kill these ads stay on top of this boss come on guys let's get it done kill the sparks there we go there we go there we go he's gonna run into it he's gonna run into it this is it all right keep on the sparks keep on the sparks let's go pull the sparks under the boss pull the sparks under the boss it's simple was he gonna hit it please hit it please hit it yes okay yeah we got it you got it okay good good keep it up keep it up this is the kill this is the kill focus up focus up all righty now stay on top stay on these sparks okay stay on these sparks just slowly deal damage to Ryloth kill the sparks just keep control over the boss control the boss okay we're gonna have to turn him again now stay on these boss okay he's re at 85% health we're doing ridiculous damage guys all right Noble rally this one noble rally this one noble rally this one okay here we go good job guys great job okay good rally good I'm proud of you all right now stay on these sparks keep killing these sparks I don't know why people aren't killing the smartest always focusing till the sparks all right let's go now keep the boss stay on the boss all right we're doing amazing keep it up keep it up keep it up we're doing great Charles is dead that's what happens whenever you stand in the volcano that's the wrong way to turn it does the wrong [ __ ] way to turn why the [ __ ] did he turn that way okay let's go he's turning he's turn he's actually - he's actually turning he's actually turning stay on stay on the right foot stand the right foot for some reason it's working now turn turn on the right foot get on the right foot get on the right foot turn him turn him over to this one turn him over to this one this is it this is it boys this is it focus focus focus please sit this one yeah it's working see this is the way it's supposed to go okay all right turn them again turn it again turn again turn again all right turn them into these nuts this is it dude this is it okay back on the left foot back on left foot not gonna turn him turn him to kill these Achilles alike yeah yeah left foot left foot left foot love it left foot left foot mm look look look get up get on up get on up get good all right good game left foot Jonathan there it is there's gone I thought y'all there it is turn up turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn that Darius okay good job pop heroism now pop here wasn't now poppy Rosen now pop heroes now poppy rossum now pop heroes now pop heroism now okay come on poppy rossum now good job now burn down this dick-sucker burn down this dick-sucker burn down this dick-sucker let's go avoid great job guys great job this is the world first world first Lord rile if boys it's gonna hit that one or not I think you will I'm gonna try them okay stack up under the boss I'm gonna rally the first explosion okay got it [Music] okay um later on in the fight fight though it actually starts to starts to work okay perfect all right we've reported the bug now what Luke did we get go to a list resort go to oh wait wait we did get something we got living ember Malin Malin Malin yo nice dude that's big go to a list resort Lewis Resort is a very very hard fight but I think that will be fine then though we'll be able to do it easily don't run in there don't run in there don't run in there interrupt the [ __ ] interrupt the [ __ ] wait where are the [ __ ] [Music] okay just run in here and kill kill these other moms okay I'll do I'll do the left one let's go how do I get on these things dirtiest okay [Music] okay here we go here we go boys what up see you tilt this all the way down it just makes it kill itself you shouldn't do that you just have it kill itself man it's much faster yeah just have it tilt it all the way down it can kill itself there you go there you go getting closer here we go finish them off we'll get that damaged now look how fast he's dying all righty boys do not click this feather yet do not click this feather yet do not click the feather do not do not click the feather if I come back and this boss is active I'm gonna be [ __ ] mad I'll be right back ok just give me a second [Music] okay I'm back nobody clicked it did they all right good now listen up what's enough what's enough guys this is gonna be very easy okay there are about ten different mechanics that you have to watch out for number one the ads criteria and I will be picking up the ads will be doing the primary the majority of the damage because of the imprint buff I'll just pick up the one that you don't pick up criteria it's gonna be pretty easy if you get the imprint buff damage down the ad it does it take notes you do like a million damage to it we're tattling I'm already doing that also on top of that if you can get the feathers who here is ever played starfox who's played starfox okay so if you know how to get the feathers you get one feather you get two feathers you get three feathers boom you're up in the air now you need to chase down a list resort while you're going through the different [ __ ] the little the little circles alright that the rings and the more rings you go through the more damage he deals all right now I believe she turns around and does an AoE attack but I think that's only on heroic so I'm not gonna worry about that with the meteors but if there are meteors you attack those I think that's on heroic though also whenever she does is a tornado face let me explain what happens imagine this is a tornado here are criteria run in a straight line towards me [Music] criteria is a tornado running a straight line towards me criteria [Music] [Music] do it again practice practice again do it again okay I don't that's not a straight line so you just move out of it right that's all there is to it okay let's go um other than that that's pretty much it Oh kill the ads the castor ads to interrupt and kill the caster ads I forgot to mention that they spawn like right there and like right there okay do not [ __ ] us let's go get ready boys ready to pop the [ __ ] off there it is let's go get it don't be in front of her don't be in front of her don't be in front of her don't be in front of her you're in front of her big ball quit [ __ ] around dick you're in front of her Baker infer a tracker and furrow ox go you're in front of her don't be in front of I said don't be in front of her don't be in further boss don't be in front of her don't be in further ball right give out y'all right there we go good will pop heroism on a fern first in rageface all right get on that's it on ads put on ads going that's get it-get opening bag ready go all right whenever all the feathers come down and gray to pick those up all right we've got a hat all right there said there's two eggs there's two eggs that's a egg one that's a - I'm gonna get egg one or actually get egg - okay let's go I'm ready stay away from these ads stay away from these ads get get let me get on these ads don't be on that fire it's hot taunting imprint on me imprint on me there we go there's imprint watch my damage watch my damage watch my damage get away from this it's broken it's pretty it's actually broken it's broken its broken the damage is broken okay move out of these all right now kill the hatchlings as much as you guys can okay this is so bad this is so bad okay good he's gonna eat these okay feed him nose whenever they do tantrum okay all right now stay on nice the hatchlings are very easy to deal okay all right is this the this is the fire thing right patner he's he's mad he's in mad mode all right get ready guys get ready you guys better be up there at the top doing two things okay there's the attack right there all right I'll have him eat that one okay get down the initiate an issue it should be our our main priority get the initiative the initiative erasures hatchlings we can kill them later okay this is not good this is not good okay come on come on I don't know what the [ __ ] why the [ __ ] this isn't working how come I'm so high on damage I shouldn't be or actually I should be but the mechanic isn't working properly I should be doing a thousand percent extra damage on these ads and I'm not it's broken okay stay on these ads okay stay on these ads there now he's mad watch what I do whenever he gets mad he eats that now he's not mad anymore okay good job now stay on the listeners where everybody focus up all right get ready for the tornadoes don't died that the tornadoes let me get one of these right here do not die do the tornadoes do not die do the tornadoes do not die to the tornadoes do not take damage by tornadoes shield-wall here do not die the tornadoes alright we're gonna pop heroism after this popping heroism after this dare go pop heroism pop heroes and burn down boss burn down boss burn down boss Ferno boss sqweep everything kill those ads kill those ads kill those ads kill those ads kill those ads you're not killing ads kill those ads I will be on the list whose or first let me go and that Olas resort first let me let me tank bought so many tank boss okay let's go do not be in front of me do not be in front of me do not be in front of me do not be in front of me drop you in front me drop you in front me drop you in front me drop you in front me alright big dick big dick on boss big dick on boss neighbors on Hawaii have a groin that voracious hatchling come on come on get on the ball get on the ball now Garre get back on boss it's really really good really good damage here okay how we doing rez neighbor's rez neighbor's rez neighbors finish off these ads finish off these ads let's go now you guys see how important it is to make sure that we killed those uh those those guys all right now perfect that's a perfect reset yeah res neighbors right now res neighbors right now kill the initiative's alright now let's get ready for the next set focus up we do this again we do this again so think you do about once and then that's twice that's again let's go we don't want to have fire on the ground because it's hot get away from the molten eggs now remember these ads are a priority but they're not your main priority these are your secondary priority get on the initiative a la DPS get on those things get those get those feathers [ __ ] I didn't mean to have meat that it's fine no it doesn't matter okay get on initiating on the voracious voice get on the hungry boys let's go 41 percent guys everybody focus up focus up now watch what I do he gets mad I get away from them boom there it is you have to feed them or they get mad alrighty focus up focus up we're doing great we're doing great keep it up now he wants to get that one that's fine I can I can Saul a tank I'm even though he has the enrage it doesn't even matter okay all right I'll get ready we're gonna have more ads get ready for those ads kill those ads or we're going to be doing damage to the voracious hatchlings as well damage the voracious hatchling this as well okay he ate that one too good stay focused guys stay focused everything is going great do not let anything go wrong here do not let anything go wrong here melee stay on Olas resort everybody's doing great all righty probably watch out for that in a second actually you know what I'm just gonna tank this one I'll do it with the next one and after that I'll be fine I see it doesn't really do on damage okay all right I get on those initiative on those initiative on those initiate get get on them come on guys let's see kill those initiative and jump over that he's gonna eat that one right there perfect okay get on those initiatives and we get back on the halflings this momentum is amazing boss is already at 27% health we're gonna get the mount right here all right let's go get ready you get these at the same time [ __ ] I missed it okay I'm gonna last and this one just to make sure there's nothing weird happening okay focus up focus up trying to get these [ __ ] things keep getting in the way [ __ ] I can't even get these di di Mads alright yeah kill these voracious hatchlings while we can there at least I got one stack they're getting another one here alright go go kill the ads actually all damage on boss all damage on boss all damage on boss all damage on boss burn down the boss all damage on boss let's go okay we should be just fine yeah burn down the boss let's go guys [Music] um [Music] holy [ __ ] I'm gonna be honest guys ELISA Resort is one of the best fights in the whole game why I love this [ __ ] fight like that is by far one of the best fights in the whole game all right let's go pull some of this trash will pull Shan ox let's go get shannon's come on over here let's kill these guys here lot of mobs here so make sure you guys are ready stunning them big AoE wheeze guys it's Last Stand to drink getting out of that got some CDs here this overseer make sure I does he do a cleave that everybody has to soak or nobody can get soaked by I don't remember I guess we'll find out okay I pulled them I'm dead okay well that worked itself out he just reset okay keep killing these let's go I was actually really good we did amazing there great [ __ ] job boys amazing [ __ ] job I'm very proud of you keep it up outsiders encroach on fire loads private grounds find their trail find them for me but I need to spin Spanish mint okay let's make it happen this is gonna be kind of difficult to do so let's make sure that we're focused up we know what we're doing all righty we're gonna wait for this guy to come back over and we're gonna pull shan ox right here now listen up shan ox has an array of abilities you have to get out of the emulation trap you have to get out of the crystal prison trap if you're tanking one of the one of the dogs you have to take it through the crystal prison trap to stun it whenever it does a thing also the dog will like hold somebody down and you have to damage him face rage yeah you have to damage him down until face rage goes away rage face and frenzy devotion rage face enters an unstoppable rage delicious now okay so what strategy should we use guys should we just try to burn down the boss [Music] should we try just burn down the boss [Music] frenzy by 30% a taxpayer 3 per son okay let's kill let's kill rageface let's kill rageface and we'll kill chantix after we kill rageface okay I should be able to tank him even with the 100% damage buff I will pull him back to back - let's resource room okay that's what we're going to tank then fight the boss I've actually only done normal shamrocks once on progression like after that we just did heroic jumping away I will deal with shannon's all right kill rageface first kill rageface first get on him now get on rageface first Oh tanks need a that's right yeah this needs to be a swamp okay I'll call whenever to swap okay get on rageface let's go guys all right yeah knocks - okay get away from that spear it does an explosion based off how far away you are from it I think I actually don't remember all that well okay good this is a lot of damage holy [ __ ] oh oh that's because I was standing on a trap that's right okay keep it up get on rageface break him out of that break them out of that rep Lemieux can always take him right through the the crystal prison trap all right keep it up keep it up 50km tried to break the race is done oh it broke it's right there time I'm gonna why stand here all right taunt taunt I need a tight and then we can change choppers okay whenever you get a chance please tank swap this terror is doing a lot of damage okay is the tank is there no tank swap oh maybe he's not tonta below okay all right turn down Shannon's burned down shinnok so we're gonna heroism at 30% health we're heroes IMing at 30% health I guess I can Bob this off right okay I bought me whenever Shannon skipped to 70% health and I'm still alive by then okay focus up there's still prison break people out crystal prisons break them out just give me a lot of damage focus up guys let's make it happen no talking this fight yeah I vaguely remember that being an issue it's been so long it's hard for you really to remember though okay I'm gonna try and jump away and reset my stacks trying to reset my stacks here okay good alright I reset stacked everything's fine I don't need a Bop anymore good job try and take rippln through the through the crystal prison trap okay here we go you reset whenever you throw a spear yeah it's hard really for me to remember it's been so long okay keep it up 75% health big damage Zhongshan ox save here wasn't save here wasn't it's a by [ __ ] stood in that again dude I hate this [ __ ] mechanic that's your son okay here we go let's get it right guys got a lot of stacks already okay I'll probably reset next set already set right [ __ ] okay I guess I won't reset all right let's go keep it up guys keep it up keep it up we're doing great he's at 50% help doing amazing we're taking out a nice string of water I've been doing fine man okay yeah I'm just gonna jump away this time Thanks all right so he he refreshes it like four seconds in so I've got to jump away like right now he's gonna get me he didn't he didn't okay all right we're doing great keep it up guys keep it up all righty pop heroism pop heroism pop here wasn't burned down the boss pop hero isn't burned down the boss rippln is mad rip limb is mad burned down the boss at all damage on boss all damage on boss let's go [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's yours holy [ __ ] man this is a [ __ ] kill this is amazing [ __ ] yeah good job boys amazing [ __ ] job all right let's go now we have bail rock that fight actually you know to be fair that fight actually didn't seem to be buggy at all that's impressive very impressive come up this way circle around all these ads don't aggro those ads don't aggro do not aggro do not aggro okay get out get on this guy I tank this guy fight this guy here I don't want any more of these they spawn okay I don't think these are okay yeah those are fine I don't think that's on anybody okay guys let's keep going we're doing amazing one out of four not buggy to be fair for Blizzard that's actually really good I'm very impressed that one out of four the bosses is not buggy I I would have expected all four of the bosses to be buggy so I'm very happy at how this has turned out that's obviously a big [ __ ] damage buff let me just go to [ __ ] last and I guess holy [ __ ] that damaged all right let's go kill this guy and then we'll get bail rock now for bail Rock I'm gonna be completely honest I don't remember exactly how all the mechanics work I remember there's a rock that you need to soak and so tanks can't soak the rock so we might have to move the boss and melee just need to soak the rock but they can't get healed while they soak the rock so if you have the rock you have to make sure that tanks don't get the rock and that you are using personal cooldowns or something like that okay let's go fifteen stacks yeah fifteen stacks exactly all right let's go swap rocks at ten stacks okay guys this is gonna be this is a damage deck boss this is a damage check boss so we need to have a lot of damage that means that you guys need to do everything that you can to push the limits of your class then just pop the [ __ ] off this is just a rinse and repeat easy fight there should be no problem mages can take an entire Rock I think that they can't it should be easy but we'll see if anything else changes I'll go ahead and read these guys up and then we're gonna fight Bell Rock all right boys this is gonna be kind of challenging but I think that we're gonna be what the [ __ ] is happening uh-oh what it's Baron Geddon [ __ ] okay get it get on the boss it's better and get watch out he's surgeon he's Sergent don't let him search I need big heels big heels on me keep me keep me up keep me up keep me up keep me up come on holy [ __ ] Wow okay let's see what we can get here let's invite this guy over I think that we should be good for hewers as well yeah hewers are fine I'll see who else I can invite go ahead and head right on over here guys and we'll get this done everybody has been doing great so far so let's just keep up this momentum and we'll be doing just fine Charles is offline let's keep pull let's pull these trash mobs and then we'll be ready can you fix details yeah I already set all the data it's bugged out I'll do it for the boss fight so fire lands all right so for you to do this raid let me ask you guys a question what would Blizzard have to give you in-game for you to want to do this rate for you to say you know what doing firelands on time walking is worth my time amount [Music] yeah how would they do ammount though I'd have like the time walking firelands I feel like that that would it would just be scuffed somehow right I mean sulfurous yeah that's true itunes giftcard okay yeah I don't know about that man I stack them on top of that and just kill time walking badges I'll be honest guys time walking badges are not a very compelling reward whenever I hear that I'm gonna get time walking badges for something the first thing I think is an oblate I don't really give a [ __ ] honestly okay these despawn so I guess we can just burn down the boss I guess fire elemental like now like oh that would be really good a fire enema elemental light mount like the Jana mount except for its fire yeah that would be really [ __ ] cool I would that be too much incentivization for a time walking raid though I think maybe if it gave more time walking Badgers like what if it gave like mm time walking badges that would be a big number in my opinion that would be good right rescan Firehawk Mount Oh a green Firehawk Oh eldress just gave me the best idea eldress you might not be the best at knowing your differences from left and right but your idea is actually [ __ ] brilliant oh wow sulfurous wielders to Magan sulfurous hand of Regnerus like they did with black temple [Music] I suggested that great idea very yeah that was a great [ __ ] idea you need transmog homely obtainable during the event alright why not the staff because the staff is stupid and it looks dumb nobody cares about the staff ok guys I will tank the boss first criteria you can't on/off whenever you're ready and make sure to soak the crystals don't take too many stacks and don't get too close to a crystal other than that I feel like there's like almost no mechanics for this boss Inferno blade oh yeah the tanks are supposed to taunt for something I'm pretty sure I'll figure out what that is as soon as we start the fight ok yeah that'll be easy as IO is not here I don't know why he's not here can we get a summoning stone summoning stone down for zyo real quick one of our warlocks let's get him inside here and okay he's offline okay he's alright great alright when do i bloodlust you put you bloodlust on pol this is an extremely challenging fight guys listen up this is some good [ __ ] this is some hard [ __ ] we beat this boss we have a chance of going for the world first Ragnaros do you want to kill world first dragon roost yes you do let's go all right I'm gonna get ready I'm gonna pull move up let's go I'm gonna tank him where he stands okay shards soak the shards soak the shards big damage on boss big damage on Boss big boss damage okay where does this do physical damage taking increased by 30% okay it's that's a lot of damage yeah guys keep heels on me keep heels on me I need big heels Inferno blade what's that gonna do nothing doesn't do [ __ ] okay I'll do it with my damage to my damaged arm I can't get got I literally cannot die okay watch out watch out the tank just got that that's really bad that's really bad the tank got that that's really bad brain dead [ __ ] range don't know anything about the game and can't play the game at all okay just a second let me go ahead I got on now cuz he got [ __ ] up cuz he got the stack brain dead [ __ ] melee can't play the game good job just kidding bad job alright stay away stay away I'm gonna be taking a lot of damage a lot of damage shards again moving out of that inferno blade criteria watch out be careful that's a lot of damage don't die don't die 50% health already snag ring youtube gets too many rocks man that's too many rocks too many rocks quit eating all those rocks let's go come on focus focus focus criteria is now tanking he will tank probably until I get a he dies okay main Lane needs to be soaking crystals melee need to be soaking crystals melee needs to be soaking crystals pay attention guys let's get this right decimation boys what does that do oh yeah it does 90% of your health that's right okay he'll be fine yeah there we go okay good I forgot all about decimation boy that does a huge amount damage okay come on guys you got it [Music] focus up you can do this fit just finish off the boss everything is going so well right now it's going so well look at this damage we're doing thick biscuit two million DPS Zulu 1.9 million bps incredible keep it up alright they kill a spider we're gonna talk about that after this I don't know if we can use the crystal if we have to if we can get a spider or not I actually forgot I think that we have to kill the spider if I remember right but I could be wrong okay decimation blade decimation blade you got to heal them up guy heal up the criteria there we go good seems good okay can we talk to talk aout living in Bert Congrats dude all right now for Beth to like give me one moment I'm gonna be setting up groups real quick okay how many viewers do we have [Music] all righty we're gonna have to do this so my assumption is that the amount of spiders that spawned is static so if we bring in a 10-man group to kill Beth Tughlaq we will be able to do it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask every single person this sign on groups one and groups two to zone out right click the portrait and click teleport out of dungeon teleport out of dungeon if you're not in groups one and groups two you're not leave you're not getting kicked out of the raid okay nobody's getting kicked out of the raid you just have to step out for this boss you have to step out in combat for some reason the odds are somebody probably pulled one of the the worms if you're in combat just jump off the edge and die yeah if you're in combat jump off of the edge and die the odds are somebody pulled the worm let me go ahead and double check so this should be very very easy 14 players now all right that should actually be fine I don't think we're gonna need to have any more of that now the way that best elec works is that she goes down under two different circumstances number one three smouldering devastations number two most people don't know about this one twenty percent health so we are going to have myself Poe and then all of our high melee DPS thick biscuit Zulu scourge all of you guys are going to be going up and damaging down Beth Tughlaq as we go and we fight the boss over time okay so that's how it's going to work not Zulu Zulu whose actual name is Xue hai but that's too hard to say so we're gonna call them Zulu [Music] all right rack toe racked Oh listen listen rocked Oh racked up [Music] racked up there you go he left all right good all right guys listen up let me go up as well every range every DPS that can go up is gonna go up the only person that stays down for sure is scourge and criteria and Jebus Jebus is going to healing scourge we're sorry the healing criteria all right now listen up you right now have the weight of a 30 man raid on your shoulders do you want to kill Ragnaros yes well then you have to do this right let's go move up that's it yeah that's it let's go get this right this is an extremely easy fight this fight was made for brain-dead idiots almost ten years ago I'm sure you can handle it let me go up first all right we're only we're to healing this by the way so that could actually cause some problems I'm not sure if it'll be that big ministry though we should be able to kill the mobs relatively quickly so it shouldn't matter too much let me go up first I'll kill this thing before I go up now okay keep taunting those down remember all right let's go getting on him all right so ranged or sorry after we get our tank up here okay all right DPS start going up we're gonna have not everybody but just a few people go up we need to damage them down to 20% health don't let ourselves get overwhelmed down at the bottom criteria type if you think that you need help down at the bottom also we need to be killing those spiderlings down at the bottom to anybody who's who's up here now stay down at the bottom scourge okay good scourge is there perfect um let's see noble I want you to jump down actually Nick see I want you to jump down Nick see jump down and help criteria because you're gonna be able to slow the ads okay Nick see jump down and help criteria okay keep it up makes you jump down there there you go there you go there you go alright now focus up this is the kill right here too many rocks boys no no we're fine confusing comps not not confusing at all situations evolve and they change now stay on those drones okay everything is going fine she's already at 75% health 73% health 72% health look at that good job more spider links kill them all right big damaged mailing big damaged melee remember if this boss cannot go and we're gonna pop your rosam at 20% to actually will probably pop it next time we have everybody go up it's probably gonna be a good idea oh we don't even have here wasn't who give some [ __ ] okay down is under control okay good let me just pop your oh I'll pop here oh I'll pop your oh the next time around okay no reason to do it now okay down it's under control so this is apparently the strategy that Blizzard intended for people to do is to just send a bunch of people up and then have them damage down bet slack but it's not gonna work unless enough the spider webs are gonna be down there because then the spider webs will also be spawned and Beth Blackwell will die I think that boys err needs to fix the energy regeneration rate on this boss and then have her go down to the bottom so the entire group is together if they actually want this boss to be approachable by a normal group it does seem very difficult mages can hear am i dude oh yeah I forgot about that well mages hero after after this one okay yeah this is what they call a surprise mechanic okay let's go oops wasn't paying attention Heidi already the boss is already a 50% health what'd I tell you guys this was going to work keep it up guys keep it up you're doing great so far hidden face shut the [ __ ] up alright there we go she's about to enrage or not enrage you guys can jump down if you want or we're not just wait until she casts there it is alright jump down now all we have to do is repeat the process that's it that's it this is the whole fight this is what we were chattin this is what we were struggling on earlier right here this this is it's the whole thing it's a whole fight no heroic is [ __ ] easy heroic for this fight was a joke like what why was heroic hard because you had to deal with the ads the only reason the only thing that her look was hardware this is 20s Tin Man because you had to have liked the people doing [ __ ] double duty inside like soaking me engorge brood brood links or whatever the [ __ ] uh heroic was it so easy on this fight what are you talking about alright hero uh yeah let's go ahead and get ready here oh yeah go ahead and hero now yeah hero now oh we should be just fine okay yeah pop off big damage on boss remember we need to take the boss all the way down to 20% health 20% health and also make sure there are no spiderlings in the middle of the room whenever she goes down whenever she reaches 23% health all melee jumped down and actually not all melee but just like a few melee jumped down and make sure we kill all the spiderlings so none of them are gonna be in the middle of the room and they don't feel heavy whenever she jumps down there's more spiderlings right there keep keep brutes okay here we go perfect and now she's gonna jump down keep the corner keep going let's go boss just kill boss it's fine just kill boss what was it 10 percent it was 10 percent maybe it was I don't know I I maybe I got it wrong okay now we just stand the boss I'll type to scan an urgent region broken webs don't scale with the amount of players and raid super easy with ten impossible possible with 30 okay there we go he mad everybody's own back in zone back in do not aggro the trash mobs do not aggro the trash mobs do not okay guys this is amazing we're at our final two bosses we're only moments away from fighting the greatest boss ever created actually rock red nose probably is like I don't know [Music] Parag Ragnaros was one of the coolest fights ever made hey guys let's have a little bit of fun let's see if we can get the achievement yeah I don't run over there let's see if we get the achievement I think this would be really [ __ ] funny to see okay yeah let's see how this is gonna work last boss of high mall was better if you ask me oh wow that's actually a really tough decision okay so hype radar margrock mythic versus Ragnaros mythic refer awake oh man that's it's so hard to decide because both of them are just so good III really I really don't even know I'm straight up I have no I do not know oh you guys already [ __ ] it up okay cool all right let's move up pull this trash yeah fullest trash spread out okay so let's talk about this fight so okay so we stack on three he turns into a skort all right keep me healed up keep me healed up let's go kill the druid to the flame killed the druid of the flame that that's a human kill the humanoid druid of the flame kill the humanoid druid of the flame he does a lot of damage he's a moon boy watch out for moonkin - really Oh peeing cataclysm this is actually true to the original nature what our mechanics I don't know what is aggro range apparently somebody in here doesn't know either I just killed both of the Druids at flame so let me try to remember this so if enough people stack up he turns into a scorpion and if enough people spread out he turns into a cat and if he's a scorpion you have to make sure that he you're stacked up because the damage that he does it's split with everybody in the raid right and it supposed to be soaked by the whole raid so what we're gonna do is we're gonna stack up until he does three I think it was three of the of the scorpion attacks and then everybody's gonna spread out for five of the cats and then group back up for oh [ __ ] I'm dying what the [ __ ] yeah 500 for peon attacks yeah three sexy I I don't remember exactly I didn't even probably this what's happening blistering wood okay let's kill these mobs okay this boss is a lot of health so I want you guys centers yet [ __ ] get it what get away get away okay I'm gonna get over to the ER do not let them get to me I've got the healing debuff now alright finish off the subjugator a bunch of offline people in the raid it's fine doesn't matter actually I'm gonna remove them anyway there's no reason not to okay we've got exactly 25 just like the old days okay so everybody's gonna be stacked up at the beginning and stacked up and then they're gonna spread back out and then whenever I call there's gonna be a converge that's gonna be after the the third actually you know what let me call when to spread out in the first base if I call spread you spread if I call spread you spread if you if I you even get spread by calling okay all right let's let's make this happen play like champions Malin is not here big floof [ __ ] big foof [ __ ] big full [ __ ] talk to the top to the orb right there it'll teleport you over to us talk to the orb - oil tank you know what we'll just double tank it to be safe but yeah I'm we might sell a tank adapters yeah talk to the orbital teleport you over to us okay guys everybody should be pretty much good to go wait I failed the achievement the [ __ ] fill the quest it's not there okay can we just get a summoning stone for floofy let's get a summoning stone for foofy just so we don't need to worry about that also I believe that major don't know oh yeah doesn't need someone's ads never he jumps yeah he does I forgot all about that majored oh no sorry wishful thinking actually I haven't read donations in like two two hours now just a second hasn't all of the game on palette attacked me and asked me where I killed and I came back with a guy help me this time it was so fun and making a mad give the good work well you'll look forward to classic it's gonna be a lot better what did I get banned for I don't know thanks to two bucks wizard donate $50 thank you man now 1 million Congrats as my keep it up thank you very much boys room for the 50 is your [ __ ] bleeding today what was that cosmic doors no but apparently people weren't able to pay attention toward violence so I can see why you're confused imagine wiping almost ten-year-old content I I know please don't beg for loot in classic [Music] [Music] okay dude okay dude all right everybody's ready somehow I'm in combat don't mind combat with well I guess I'll probably find out during the boss fight okay let's get ready and go guys stay stacked up stack up right now [Music] stack up okay be in front of them be in front of them be in front of them get on this boss deep [ __ ] boss deep dick on boss deep dick on boss let's go all right this is the first attack what the [ __ ] that's a lot of damage okay get everybody healed back up get everybody heal back up what the [ __ ] okay spread not after this one but after the next one so not this one but the next one spread after this one come on stack back up now you spread after this one spread now spread now everybody spread now spread now there you go cat mode okay now get ready for cat mode now whenever he cats at you you have to get away from the cat now we're gonna do five of these five of these then we swap back over okay cat mode one kill the spirit get ready all right good job on the spirit stay on the boss cat mode - all right good job spirit good job keep it up guys keep it up there it is cat mode 3 I'm gonna move him to the middle of the room because we're in kind of an awkward spot okay spread out cat mode for all right after next cat mode after next cat mode everybody stacks up after next cat mode now stack up stack up good job okay I forgot what this does run out run out if your debuff is going to expire watch your debuff right now and run out if your debuff is going to expire check your debuff right now run out at five seconds in your debuff this is really bad five seconds remaining but only five seconds remaining everybody has a different timer on the debuff okay come on guys come on run out if your debuff is about to expire only then though I'm gonna rally for this one good job that's saved base I knew that was gonna happen alright after let's do one more after this one more after this one more come on soak this last one soak this last one then we step alright there a cat mode cat mode all right let's go cat mode again alright five five cat modes five cat modes focus up five cat moats that's one get the cat whenever we stack up again we're going to pop here with some actually papi Rossum now populism now yeah there you go I don't know why we didn't pop you're with him earlier that's stupid okay good that's two okay stay up stay together stay together stay together you're doing great I'm proud of you stay together get ready that's three three cats three cats that's a lot of meows keep it up real men use bloodlust yeah but only retards care about the distinction okay get ready stack up after this one stack up after this one stack stack stack stack stack so is that a stacker is that [ __ ] okay good we're gonna kill the boss here we're killing the boss here you got big damage This Is It this is it boys my study is oh just pika okay I didn't loop my share of the loot was 15 gold wait right here now this trash mob is going to pull up fire from me from here and you have to watch out for the fire okay this trash mob has a lot of health so please pay attention let's get this done to easy it wasn't too easy we did it right with we have nothing nothing went wrong so the main the choke point for that fight is people getting hit by the flame scythe and having the explosion from the lava seed happen while they're inside of the flame site and then having the flame scythe kill them or kill somebody else that's hit by the AoE and then having that caused a chain reaction and kill other people because their dot will then these will expire because they die and then it just wipes the whole rate that that's what the choke point for that fight is move up here okay let's go guys all therapy is doing Perry is do it there he is dude there he is do it okay we've added the foot move out of the llama holy [ __ ] man all right can you do heroic Ragnaros I actually don't know what if they had oh dude what if they had a heroic version of the Firelands time walking that would actually give you the sulfurous appearance and you had to complete all the bosses on heroic mode dude that would be so [ __ ] high man I can you imagine doing that for the first time that'll be awesome I guess we're blizzard-like something to be more realistic is you know give it to the the easy like nerve rate in half and then give everybody sulfurous hand of Ragnar no sooner they kill the boss any boss yes there yes I kill the spewer first just killed this viewer first I'll tank this one on this side yeah just kill the other one that way it won't be an issue watch out for the fire things that they put on the ground they can knock you off and put you in the fire I just killed the spewer first don't see that you get out of that that's how you get out of it it's by getting out of it good job all right boys were up to Regnerus okay so let's talk about magma traps you don't want to get hit by him did he does he do world in flames or is that heroic only vanilla or Aggies sometimes better I'm gonna be honest I think Firelands Ragnar Rose is infinitely better than vanilla while Regnerus Firelands rag grouse is one of the best fights ever made especially on heroic and I think that it's probably one of the most true to form I guess like readapt ations of a fight that blizzards ever done I think it's awesome yeah I've known fights well I mean like Ragnar rose and vanilla was cool but what did he really do he'd knock you back and some attacks like it's kind of boring all right now listen up you dig the walls well as a matter of fact it is phase 1 we will be tanking Ragnaros over over right here we will save heroism for the last face I will call for it also magnum entraps will be soaked by hunters who can disengage to avoid default sorry the the damage that you get cos knocks you up in the air and like you have to soak it and also let's see I'll fix details here yeah there we go and then also by mages so you have to do something to avoid the fall damage locks and portals yeah portals are a little bit harder to do like disengage and blink is really easy also on top of that during the transition we need to kill the ads do you know how to kill the ads you reduce their health to zero so kill the ads melee focus on the close ads from the hammer so like imagine if the Hammers on the left is right go to the hammer decide to the hammer go to the ads or on the other side of the hammer right so if it's on the left side kill the ads on the leftmost side because obviously doesn't take the most damage it's done the ads slow them don't let them get to the sulfurous and then in the last phase we're gonna pop heroism kite the the fire things around also if the what do you call let me see here so far is smash you don't want to get hit by that wrath of Ragnaros Oh beat yeah that's right rain can need to be spread out I forgot to mention that yes all range need to be spread out let's see hand run unless that's not a big deal ok magma trap magma blast suns and flames putting blow molten seed oh that's right molten seeds so just move away from nose and ever they're gonna spawn and then we kill the ads the ads don't empower themselves on her on normal mode that's only on heroic so that's not gonna be an issue and denizens of flame again oh lava Sion we have to kill those obviously just burn those down in the second transition I forgot all about that and then stage three that's whenever we pop heroism and we deep dig the boss okay I will call whenever the populism [Music] alright here we go watch epic Ragnaros pug tactics is this what I think it is reset boss just reset boss [Music] just reset ball okay just a second yeah just reset boss okay ah what is this here okay is this is this the one that I think it is this is the best video ever yeah I just so everybody can understand well let this guy explain the fight okay so listen up it creates zero wave you have waves which move out from the point of ambach this link we don't want it to happen so we want the ID but everybody to listen up this is the first thing that is important hope do you must do it 12 so we don't get more lava storms and we write broke if a player touch are moving Brava wave the rather inflects any not to touch you all okay okay there are this ignored Bureau deeply in major Ridge regnorts ignored bureau de inglês random third of the blade form in phrase immediately inflecting fire damage to briar cut in the cuff in the conflagration then again if we inflecting fire damage 1 second letter conceit and ignores creates molten see the location of two random players the new nearby lava inflecting 55k fire damage to all blazer in 6 yards of a certain second arm the molten sea everest receipts into i'm molten in four new this is the spell was in molten seat it's gonna be what molten in four new molten fu is when a seed when a molten seeds burst they are create a molten inferno so molten speed is gonna create molten interior than in 2008 eve 5300 no yes 100 in fire damage to all players and creating a molten elemental the damage inflicted decreased farther away from the player stands from the seat so magma blast magma back doors buses mega my corn a target this is an ad he's called my gamma blast bigness my gamma as he's gonna target if he cannot hell yeah prevent nearly them flexing 75k fire damage and increasing resolution discounted by 50% like this down six second permission denies of a flame yes yes yes yes yes yes this is the best face the last face at 40% health regen NORs castus below burning so oh it states to rise into the blade form and creating sons of flame across the board for the ignore shop marriage for 45 seconds for on the library destroy all the sons brain of a brain do this anymore I can't do this anymore let's just we're gonna pull the boss alright let's see how good this is right yeah write that down boys write that down it's rad text-to-speech program yeah I guess so that wasn't on Ragnaros you guys want your learning to kill in just a second [Music] so alright here we go so I basically focus on the ads and focus on levers kill you oh boy and blazing heat and then focus on nature smash and his way no don't touch the way don't touch it don't touch that weighs too much do not touch that where the living meters are living meter fix on a random layer chases them when the leaving meat or you gotta you know know the better technics I'm saying now huh focus on you place to be is so yeah it's gonna be focusing the new TBS start safe side it's gonna be a hard but you guys so you're gonna focus on leaving meat or if you find somebody following you not friendly blame listen will see the bestie you got you get the [ __ ] out of his way that's right you don't get a funny video to impact anywhere within four yards of our living over living awful living me to meet your targets sorry I meet you American for interacting 500k fire damage to players within a charge so when you see that me too and back yep you gonna go away we got a split eight yards eight yard true you don't get hit I think you guys got something else to say yep sure yeah this is all they can say to you now okay we're gonna wait for everybody's come and we gonna give it a shot alright yeah by bringing water oh wait oh it's gonna show the attacker it's gonna show their attempt I've never watched it this far you have me like this coño okay here we go okay this one watch out guys look at that damage insane [ __ ] damage magma trap coming out be prepared for that here we go uh-oh Oh major [ __ ] are you doing with the bus I'm taking the trip the mage is moving the whole food mad oh that's how we take the trap and that's how it works boys that's how it works okay I'm sorry there it is now I think this this leaves nothing to wonder everybody should know exactly how to do the fight and that's all there is to it so let's make sure this happened that was painful it sure was let's make sure this happens when we ready check and let's get this done all right let's go this is the world first the world first for this boss keep this in mind [Music] let's get him pop heroism in the last phase [Music] I'm gonna pull right now let's go all right remember be spread out be spread out but you guys can be spread out all around the other side okay demon hunter there's so much [ __ ] threat I can't even hold threat off this demon another probably because I'm using thunderfury that could be a very big reason okay I'm gonna just hold on to that all right move back in don't like criteria die this boss is doing a lot of [ __ ] damage so far as smash key the Muse from natural world first uh you're watching right now this is the world first okay here we go magma trap alright let's go all right I'm gonna reset my on my taunt since he's got five stacks here all right I'm tanking now the literal tanking god okay here we go all right focus up focus up base I don't know how base is dead you shouldn't be in that get out of the fire and come why am I not surprised you got hit okay keep it up keep it up guys keep it up alright taking a lot of damage here a lot of damage baked us dead to baked focus up focus up mate okay all right this is first base spread out spread out and kill these ads spread out and kill these that's res baked res baked baked grip one away if it goes to him ripped one away come on res res bate get him down get that son of flame get that CC get that CC good job good job we got the dick boys over there watch out for me there we go there we go the more damage they take the slower they move get them down great job okay back on the boss now get ready for the ads get ready for the ads focus up great transition amazing transition good transition good keep it up stay on the boss traps need to be taking a bit quicker yep you're ready to do that trap if your pops up I don't think phase two does traps 20 phase one all right get out of that PO Jebus Wow he works suck all right move out of these move out of these the closer you are to them the more damage they deal okay all right hey we these down and read these down let's go get them down get them down get them down engulfing flames get out of that get out of that good job good job good job all right I'm gonna taunt right here let's go 50 percent great job on that good job on killing those ads finish off that last dad let's get back to the boss reset back to positions focus up this is it 50% he dies at 10% keep that in mind come on come on oh that's a lot damn it's big dick boys big dick no deaths except bass bass is dead but [ __ ] bass it's the way it goes okay engulfed in flames get out of that you're not supposed to be in that all right get away from these get away from these here this morning blow move out of that okay now we killed these ads kill these ads kill these ads let's go this is big damage here this is big damage oh oh this is not this is not looking good I kill these ads rally [Music] so furious we read your end that was a very bad overlap we can't to heal this with idiots getting hit by waves from the hammer yes you can because idiots are not gonna get it by waves from the hammer again now listen up now listen up we are not to healing it to begin with Meilin you are a healer Jebus po is a healer all three of you are healers that's enough talk they go to the circle of thorns and it will port you over now listen guys check Healing done okay this is how long has this been going on [Music] gbics Jebus I haven't been looking at healing but this is not promising at all this is sad [Music] we need to either push damage actually you know what let's plan to push damage like I don't want to I don't want to soft dick this in Phase two I want you to push the [ __ ] damage so we don't get two sets of ads we cannot get two sets of ads like that push the [ __ ] damage I'm trying to avoid mechanics won't you try to learn and play your character - you do - berzins - two stones at the bird time let's go get over here everybody should be here let's go [Music] it's [ __ ] ridiculous like these guys are clowns man actually you know what the not clowns are doing great that's not true they're doing amazing I'm very proud of them everybody's been putting in a ton of work here and it really shows they've just been doing great really proud of you guys battle potion of stamina thank you I will probably be needing that okay let's make this happen this is Ragnaros keep that in mind let's go I'm pulling nope alrighty stay on the boss now this this part is not a big deal I'm probably gonna actually know what I'm just gonna get the first magnet wrap that way there's no problem okay why you do that okay thank you though I appreciate that all right move out that his hammer that this hammer has been broken for like three years po po no don't get hit by that I'm gonna taunt here let me get me get a Grover alright good good job on that magma trap good job on that magma trap nobody better be dead from that magma trap all right let's go focus up now to stay on the boss stay on the boss so first smash don't get by that PO I'm talking to you don't even think about getting hit by that fire all right let's go get ready guys to be fair po didn't hit it by it but everybody else did I don't know if that's better or worse alright save big CDs after this next boss fight we're gonna after this next transition with hopping Hall CDs okay here we go [Music] [ __ ] okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine all right he already up to you already up he'll everybody up good job good job all right that's only one everything's okay all right I'm tawny it's big damage here do not use heroism but use your big damage we're almost there on the push we are almost there on the push big damage use your attacks let's go guys keywords need to be attacking there you go smiting in a BOTS Jebus randomly casting nothing that's great keep it up tor and Zulu you guys should not be getting hit by this alright converge I'm gonna rally for this now get ready to kill these ads get ready to kill these ads hey are we down these ABS anyway down in the ads let's go big [ __ ] damage engulfing flames avoid good job now get back on the boss now push the damage push the damage okay keep it up keep it up under Simon at all yeah this is [ __ ] easy dude okay except for up Jebus apparently it's not easy you know what would be better than healing yourself would be casting dispel and that way you'd be able to dispel your abilities just spell your you know the D buffs and everything that you'd receive because you have an ability that allows you to do that I'm just sayin all right there you go this is a transition good job great job I'll go get the ad on the other side all right kill these ads kill these ads kill these ads don't let the sun's of the flame get to the boss stunning okay good job oh good stop stop kill that one good job all right pull both of these over to us res cheating Andy res cheating Andy I get these lava Cylons over to us okay we should be just fine here now pop heroism now pop heroism now pop heroism now burn down the boss burn down the boss get out of that fire smash get out of that fire smap's good job five people got hit by a good job keep it up keep it up keep it up kill these lava signs good job now get out of that fire engulfing flames so it's fine we can just move out of that nobody should be getting hint good job criteria is dead rest criteria I'm gonna be so low tanking the boss here criteria is the other tank so push the boss whenever we get the first meteor run the meteor away from us okay run the meteor away from us do not run it through melee if you get hit by a meteor you're dumb okay let's see what should be fine criteria is actually still alive now okay good seven percent boys what's that the way it is on heroic well I guess that's different on normal so the fire stays there Wow I came too soon yeah I did I did okay uh let's see everything for that seemed good right let me see there was nothing that was wrong with that fight right I'm just trying to think back and see advertising for EU Guild yeah I mean what do you expect okay check healing okay let me go get healing here let's see if Jebus did any better [Music] Wow you were terrible okay screenshot everybody come on over here let's take a screenshot seemed good seemed good actually [Music] literally five plus years not sure why okay yeah it's been broken forever all right face this way gentlemen you are looking right here at the world first heroic fire wins the world first actually a time walking fire once on heroic rounds time walking fire wins good [ __ ] job boys amazing [ __ ] job I'm very proud of you world [ __ ] first so you know what I actually did get a world-first today I can guarantee you that no other guild would put themselves and no other group of people would put themselves through the torture of beta testing blizzards content I mean let's be honest I mean like this is yeah well it's about nobody would ever do that and yeah buddy very vesicles war first yeah here in zurko stance nope wrong expansion if I wasn't the first Oh actually I bet it was do you really think anybody else would have done this let me ask you that is a genuine question do you think anyone else would have gone out of their way to run through this entire dungeon this entire raid that was bugged out and [ __ ] up back and forth up and down all over the place just for a chance to receive one living ember from a boss that's gonna be deleted after the patch or after the PTR is gone do you think anybody would actually do that we were the first ones we were absolutely the first ones what else was added on the PTR let's see let me look and see it's the the bumblebee [Music] the bumblebee that's exciting yeah there we [ __ ] go uh here we go do a party sink molten pork we can only do it why you get get off that mount get off that mount stop stop graph that mountain okay let's see so we have the the honey back Harvester and what else do we have beyond that okay let's see womanís star seeker not a big deal what are the other mounts besides that okay I think there's one oh yeah this one I forgot to show you guys this one I showed these guys once before that's about it wound hasta yeah I know it's [ __ ] tuned hasta oh you have to grind rap for the B mount yeah I'm not looking forward to that I mean by the time that the B mount comes out though I mean like people are already gonna be I'll be a party playing like retail and like classic like back and forth and I'm assuming that like because I'll be doing that it's not gonna be a big deal for me to to just get that done like I'm kind of honestly I'm a bit nervous about playing classic about classic coming out right and I'm like this with a lot of things right whenever things are happening I just always worry stop get away from me with you and das tiss get away from me Dawson's I don't want to see him music is loud yeah just a second let me turn that down do this pretty lob one moment here music it's gonna be down to here okay yeah that should be fine that should be a lot better how do you ride the mountain search for these characters it's a new thing on the PTR it's not actually added into the game yet and yeah it's basically it he's gonna quit classic for retail won't know I mean I I'm not gonna quit class retail like I'm gonna prioritize classic and get everything done in classic but there's going to be a point in time where I get everything done in a classic right everything's done and whenever that happens I will go over and maybe make another character play a little bit of that and then probably go back over and play retail Wow right I mean that's the way that it just makes sense I mean am I wrong about that
Channel: Everything Twitch
Views: 54,319
Rating: 4.4010696 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold timewalking, asmongold watches, asmongold reaction, asmongolds reaction, everything twitch, everything twitch asmongold, everything youtube, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, asmongold ptr, timewlaking ptr, firelands ptr, new timewalking, firelands event, firelands mount, firelands raid, mcconnell
Id: pa8I1MlXRNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 42sec (11202 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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