Asmongold Deals With Royson Ninja Looting DRAMA In Classic WoW (Quin69 VS Royson DUEL)

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[Music] good morning Vietnam hey hey read it it's nice it's nice to see you read it looks like you haven't changed much since the last 8/3 so I'll just make this quick thank you first of all for supporting my stream so much we broke our sub goal by x 5 today just crazy crazy support I appreciate it all man I really do the other 50 or 100 people that came in just to make make fun of me and say I look like a horse and I have a really big nose I don't appreciate that but you know it's reddit right like I ninja to the 400 gold item so you you're totally in your right mind to come in and berate everyone in my stream and my wife and me absolutely and uh say that we look ugly yes over a foreigner gold item yeah I'll never say it like I deserve it don't get me wrong big true with that said I'm just I'm very tired of explaining what actually happened so I'm just gonna do it we're on on a video for the members were Olympus to one of them was 4/7 Quinn's guild which I figured out later I didn't actually know the guy at all he was just a mage that someone else wanted to invite so I invited him for a DPS didn't have an embattled net I didn't ignore him I didn't remove him from battlenet none of that actually happened actually quite the opposite I messaged him twice and I asked him if I really knew him and where where we played it on retail if we did so this to pause for a second is dude chill guy did you know this [ __ ] guy or not I know I didn't someone else wanted to invite him so I was like yeah I need a mage really weak okay he ignore me and then his fellow I invited on my bed that made the reddit post ignored me as well and then um sent me a bunch of like arrow is one by one so would fill up my mailbox it was it was very cute honestly which one to clear that up yes I told them the thrill agreed and then I rolled need perhaps that was an oopsie in hindsight and obviously a [ __ ] thing to do but I don't really regret it I've sent Quinn a hundred gold because I didn't want to start any [ __ ] with him and his Gil didn't have like a war with him so I sent them some money about 20% of the the cost of the gloves and then when it does sell it's still in the auction house right now right here this is the bad boy right here legendary item when it does sell I'm gonna split the other 300 with the other guilties my hand yeah I guess that's it's actually very simple it's very simple what happened I ninja looted it I was gonna split it with my for guilty's and just sell them and then they they made a reddit post about me and it got 15k up votes and then things got a little weird so yeah I just wanna let you guys know thanks ready wait what's the end hey Soph ready here we go you ready first thing is safe apparently made a comment about this and I will look at his comment real quick name is stay safe let's jump right into things the first issue we're going to talk about today is a player named Royson while doing a dungeon saw in edge masters handguards drop this happened on the fairly 'no pvp server in north america and he has a member of the guild Olympus everyone in the group to all greed as you can see here in the image then went ahead no one best stated the edge masters handguards after all what authority had greed had greeted them resulting in his victory and resulting in him receiving the item as you can see everyone here freaked out this is a very clear case of ninja looting what do you do in a situation like this well Royce and said you know what I got the edge pastors I am going to put them on the auction house for 420 G I believe they sold and then he went on to purchase his epic mount with the gold he got from it from ninja looting the edge masters hand guards now it's not exactly what happened but you know it's it's basically like I mean listen people make these videos like I if you ever like yeah it's not exactly what happened but like I mean you really expect them to go into like a 30 minute [ __ ] thing and figure out if this random dudes gloves sold I mean like who gives a [ __ ] of course he's not gonna try to figure that out yeah of course that's not gonna happen but if you're a player what do you do so this thread this image has blown up on the classic Wow subreddit the GM of this guild asmin gold has been contacted what should happen to this guy should he be G kicked from the guild should he be blacklisted by the entire server is this ban able by Blizzard should Blizzard step in in a situation like this let's take a look at the Blizzard Terms of Service is ninja looting a problem and should Blizzard get involved in a recent blue post from around five months ago Blizzard does mention ninja looting in this context quote ninja looting does have consequences in the community and those who do it will have trouble getting invited to groups in other words your reputation will matter remember to play nice play fair folks end quote so this is sort of indicative right of Blizzard taking a hands-off approach yes we're not gonna ban people for it you could pretty easily infer that from getting this we're not gonna be in people for it hands off but if it happens it is with you within the players control to tell the guild master go to the forums okay go to Reddit whatever right and so what he's saying is completely true right I mean obviously this makes complete sense yes I totally agree and it makes it clear in this post here that boy xored does not plan on arbitrating ninja loot circumstances go to the appropriate subreddit so I'm not getting really not going World try and say hey this guy's a ninja don't play with him it is within the players power to choose who they will play with and he will not play with if you know who aleut ninja is if it's ever been identified you just don't play with them now I also feel like just because of the context of the situation this guy I believe is a Rea leader in asthma gold's guild Olympus we should go ahead and get some context of this let's go ahead and watch this asthma clip real quick but if you do a group and like let's say you're just playing with some under other like random unkilled of nobodies and you ninja loot their gear I'm gonna go ahead and promote you because that means you're gonna have better gear to help the Wraith so it just kind of depends on what the issue is right okay so I'll based off that clip it's easy to understand okay why this guy a ninja looted the edge masters hangar why he behaved the way he did when you have your GM you know essentially advocating and offering reward for such behavior though I think we all sort of know or this is my assumption you know I like asthma Gould I always assume a certain level of facetiousness and hyperbole ISM he's behaving hyperbolically and over being over reactionary to certain situations I don't think he was genuinely ever advocating that people and his guild ninja loot items and I don't think that he would defend this really at all but time will tell let's take a look and what I want to take a look at is blizzards ninja looting blizzard stands scam policy this is from 2008 so for one I offered a number of caveats to that later on in the future whenever I talked about that I think in the same stream it was like two months ago three months ago so it's hard really for me to get the vaad but back then if I remember right I said that number one you couldn't then do it from Gil Dee's and number two you couldn't enjoy it from what I would consider allied guilts right and that was originally my stance I was gonna say you can enjoy it from any other random guild fuck'em who cares III then later on changed my mind on that because it was too hard to arbitrate and so I just said don't into a period it made it a lot easier for me personally but before then even before I made that distinction it would still have been against the rules ten Kauai awhile ago this is during wrath which King quote in the past some people were intentionally exploiting the lack of awareness others had regarding the available loot options and the absolute power that ya boot masters have we have seen that you consider this to be a major concern and have revised our policy accordingly if a clear-cut agreement between the master looter and the other raid members was written in a public chat such as raid or general prior to the start of the raid we will be enforcing that agreement in the event of a scam or loot the [ __ ] dispute examples of clear looting rules looking for two more DPS Icecrown Citadel all tier tokens reserved for Guild everything else will be distributed via rolling organized vo a raid all items will be rolled for nothing reserved looking for more trial of the Crusader all loot will be distributed via rolling now here's the deal there was no master loot there was no master looter in this situation twelve entirely free roll everything was free room now he did say everyone greed and then also listen before you run injured so I'm not sure exactly and also this was from 2010 this is nine years ago I'm not sure if this specific scam policy or this instance of Blizzard stance and ninja looting applies or is applicable to this particular edge masters hand guards ninja situation I don't think it is what do you guys in the chat think should he be banned should he be suspended for a week or a month what should happen in a situation like this where he intentionally misleads people to greet or pass on an item and then he goes ahead and needs wrote need rolls it intentionally to deleting them what should happen here guys speaking of getting banned and controversy there is a lot of drama whirling around the quote devil sore mafia this is one more player but right now I want to stay on topic and deal with the Royston situation oh you guys gonna pass back you seven seven demise justice we want right now okay I mean seven to us justice also just read it we want Royston kicked out of elvis one two three just every Olympics killed that's ever made in the future like 14 in other words right off the bat that's not gonna happen he's staying in the guild and he's staying in office right no it's gonna be G kicked not low-rise up seven will rise up do you want war you can't do anything there's nothing you can do yoga group with us okay we have contacts on the hood so do we okay okay what you could do two minutes I'm thinking some form of recompense perhaps like I mean if you know that it kick him out like maybe you got golden you know I sent that back okay so yeah how is under gold not enough I don't want the ninja money the money back I have gold instead no we want gloves we want the doll no you're not let me keep getting free I this is no you're trying to extort us every time we come in contact with seven members they're trying to get free gear oh we want a [ __ ] free Lionheart helmet plus the ingots oh we want the goddamn clubs that were owed to us they're not calm down calm down okay this is this is what I'm we will be happy with bonus gloves and free line hot crust that's uh yeah we have with that and then then he can stand the guilt free Lionheart crafts [ __ ] it dude let's go to work I'm [ __ ] done okay Olympus rise up dude okay well no no I mean like this is this is the Donald Trump demand you know like negotiation style you start off ridiculous and then he's gonna negotiate down to something that's slightly less ridiculous that still has beneficial for him and he's gonna seem reasonable no III understand what you're doing here I do this all the time to weary roll the item with all the people that were originally there you can roll in dude chills place and I will give you the option to duel Royson and if you win you can take his chances to roll away from him that sounds good I like that I like that to trial by combat well trial by combat to the chat one tasty what about the PTSD in the psychological damage he put the game right I'm like yeah I'm a guild leader I care about my mambas already review I'm a mage I can defend on a resource and this guild okay you understand of course they are how else you gonna get gear for rent we literally had to go to the Horde to get an ingot because you were so [ __ ] goddamn stingy you will not help us out you piece of [ __ ] so [ __ ] you that was a reasonable demand that was a real it was a remain guild it's a reasonable mangu is the reason why bonus mice bro like what's bonus basis like 10,000 gold okay but you agree to the duel between Quinn and Royson yes for the gloves plus the crafting the reciprocal crafting reciprocal guessing reciprocal crafting so you agree to this yes I agree to this does wait wait do you agree to this let me tell you he's a mate he's a mage okay okay okay do you agree okay so you bring to this deal with that we will do reciprocal recep we will do quite as hard for me to there and you at this for the gloves as well okay yes okay everybody agrees where are we doing I unfortunately know Westfall okay I guess I'll tell the whole story just so everybody is kind of completely on the same page and understands what's going on so a couple of days ago Royson who's a raid leader in Olympus - and one of the members of the guild decided to need role after telling everybody else in the group to read role on an item that was in the that dropped in the raid now release and after need rolling on that item went and took that item and put it on the auction house now we are working this out between the guild members and Royson has paid back all the guild members and of three of the four guild members I'll actually Voisin is one of them right so two out of the three guild members affected by this I've already personally contacted and talked to and we've we figured out a solution to in Royson has rectified that situation the third guild member we will be talking to very soon and obviously finding a compromise with him but the fourth person who was in the group was a member of the guild seven now seven is Quinn's guild now Quinn did not want to just simply reroll the item he wanted to have free Y&R to helm crafts which then we decided okay that's great but we want free spell power crafts and those two things coming together we will have a duel this duel will be for everything it will be for the the gloves in their entirety and the gloves will be held and it will be a two out of three duel so best two out of three that's how it's going to work okay this is it McConnell can you be only for practice for us I'm not gonna duel you this has to be a clean duels no he's already turned the cheek on the cheat he's trying to cheat by practicing adjusting Wow okay yeah everybody make a circle guys come on large circle okay so let's go ahead and we'll give everybody like a couple more minutes to get over here and then we'll get this started ten nine eight seven six five and what you're gonna do it on go for its pre-k three two one go all right let's see Royston is going in routes Quinn Quinn immediately gets right the [ __ ] out of it with blessing your freedom voicing it's incapacitated Quinn heals himself up Royston is probably gonna go for all he gets his son blinks out of the stunned voice and turns back around goes through the polymorph on to end and then he hits him with the [ __ ] grenade at the same time dude that was close Rosie gets pausing away Royce is doing his best Quinn is sheep what's he gonna do Oh Quinn bubbles out of it he bubbles out of the Sheep she's running out of them with the bubble Voisin is already below half mana chasing down [ __ ] Royson what's gonna happen here he's going for the other power he got interrupted I think there we go it's another polymorpha Royston goes for the the Evo king he's going for the reset right now when it's already used to the bubble Roizen not even worrying about making any distance at all immediately hits Quinn we're sorry I immediately hits Royson Royston already at half health losing almost a thousand health from that one hit Royson is getting away again keeping Quinn as far away as possible get stunned again Royce and winks out of the stun quinton runs over to him trying to make distance Royston goes from Rank 1 frostbolt but Quinn had to brushing and freedom it didn't even matter Quinn gets routed by a proc right there Royston gets incapacitated so Quinn closes the distance Roy in the company he uh ice blocks out of it and then Quinn immediately starts doing the first-aid oh oh oh oh [ __ ] oh oh Coulson's getting low okay there was this potion there was Royce's potion that was a milestone brah that was the way that was our house time oh yeah that it's Yahoo's moistens a thousand health Quinn is full health though Royston making a distance with almost no man on what supper and then Quinn with the kobe grenade hitting [ __ ] Royston interrupting that second cast and then when making the distance over to him with blessing of freedom no so is this the end all Royson doing a cold snap for a second ice block going all in on this first duel everything that he's got Quinn sitting there waiting to bandage up doing whenever he can keeping himself alive and then all stand out bro stand out bro that was a proc from Earthshaker right there at the end Quinn with the first the first one it's two out of three three two one go okay Royston opens up at the fire blasts immediately hits Quinn with the cone of cold Quinn gets have up the [ __ ] blessing and freedom and then Royce I'm just going all-in with the [ __ ] arcane explosions royce and gets incapacitated while quinn closes the distance hits him with a [ __ ] grenade into an earth shaker proc this is not looking good for Royson at all royce and gets stunned out of that quinn finishing it off with a hammer of justice and it seems as though justice has been served so you get a G kickin up for justice DJ penguin [Music] please present the gauntlets the edge masters dauntless - Quinn what the [ __ ] he's surfing bro what no no sure what if are you doing okay so no trade justice has been done justice justice has been served yeah so shut the [ __ ] up reddit yeah please read it stop threatening my wife Thanks yeah I was literally this whole thing was scripted by guys you don't care I just wanted gloves in free helmets so I'm doing GG's Boyz II Men let me know if you guys wanted the sure [ __ ] reddit piece minutes all right let's go back to my discourse way Tasman yeah real quick can you check out the clip I just sent you I think this is this might change everything about I'm they run great run great everyone greed it just everyone great cuz it's unethical he's already here okay good alright alright good everyone's greeted perfect good let's go hit some fun [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 369,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic wow ninja, asmongold royson, royson, asmongold ninja, asmongold ninja looting, classic wow ninja looting, classic wow royson, royson wow, quin wow, classic wow quin, classic wow staysafe, asmongold ninja drama, asmongold drama, asmongold roy, asmongold quin
Id: P1khcTSouf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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