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live streamers was this year it never played Wow and got beta well yeah of course because their streamers like Blizzard gave them beta access so they could advertise beta to their viewers I mean that's obviously what happened right I mean everybody knows that okay let's go ahead and we'll start this up we tell needs a fresh start true Tallyho and good day to you all it's chimney here and welcome to the classic Wow guide to etiquette by messes deaf camp and Meldrum in this exquisite extravaganza of etiquette excellence you will learn to dot the i's and cross the t's and mind your P's and Q's so sit down make yourself comfortable and you'll learn how to make yourself presentable in polite company here in the world of Azeroth okay I was was that enough guys is that okay that's great that up off the top of my head perfect chim nothing's official unless it's said in the English accent thanks true great well I'll see you in the next one guys have a good one you too Jimmy thanks for coming across the pond for us and guys if you're interested in watching some of chimneys amazing content a link to his channel will be in the description of this video builder on here well as Jimmy so eloquently stated guys this is the gun is British people trying to get in there and get all of our [ __ ] subs men ID you are already stealing all of our world first and now they're gonna try to steal our subs on YouTube - I - classic well etiquette before we get started I had to say that this guide is primarily tailored for people who haven't played vanilla while before or who are coming back after a very long time if you're playing retail you may not be used to this type of etiquette that's in vanilla all right yeah this version of the game has a lot of social interactions that can happen and only how to traverse these social interactions can assist you in many ways and make your experience in classic well much more enjoyable in this guide you'll learn how to present yourself in the world of Azeroth both by yourself out in the world and in groups how to proceed guys camp here so why should you care about etiquette you only know your social standing is very important in classic well especially on a server where you will run into people time and time again what Goes Around really does come around and the fact is karma is a very real thing in classic well when he depends on how big the server is because if you're on a really really really big server you can be a piece of [ __ ] and you will fly you will hover under the radar forever like this is what I used to do all the time in Wrath like I think that the best example that I've ever had is that while I had just finished ninja looting one VOA run in Wrath somebody was spamming in trade chat and I was advertising for my next VOA raid in trade chat on my alt and I filled the group and we did it again like we just just kept doing it because there's just so many people on the server it we just got overwhelmed and that's it yeah layering kills this concept I don't really think it kills the concept at all honestly it invited two groups or guilds and raids people are gonna remember you they're gonna say hey this guy helped me out before he ninja'd something from me and having a positive social standing can really go a long way so if you find yourself being a helpful person I think that's most likely people will think of you when they want to buy goods or services getting chance also it makes a very lasting impression on people it builds trust there are a lot of examples that we can choose from whether it's helping someone on the with this or just being nice in a group trust me it will come around to you in the end so we can think about etiquette or talk about etiquette in two major game modes those two major game modes of vanilla well you could be soloing out in the world or you're in groups so let's first go over etiquette when you're soloing out in the world by yourself okay first thing you want to know is you wait for all right imagine this right you have like a hunter or like a mage next to you and he's casting like a pyroblast or like a big cat bility you want to use your thrown weapon and hit that mob right before the pyro best hits it right and that way you tagged the mob but the pyroblast does more damage so the mage has to kill your mob and then you sit there and you don't even help him assist you killing his mob right your mob I mean and you just sit there watching him while he's trying to run away and try to maybe D aggro the mob and then he'll finally kill the mob you loot the mob and then you just do it again like I used to do that all the time so one thing I'm very fond of especially while playing my priest is buffing a passerby it's a great way to say hello and it's also a great way to help a fellow adventurer another good trick is if you bought them there's a good chance they're gonna buff you back that's you know for those of you who don't have any idea sometimes a wave does a trick or just a friendly hello it's very helpful to buff someone because you don't know if that stand buff you give them can end up being the difference between life and death so it's a great way to just make new friends and also help someone along the way in classic Wow and there are many requests that require you to heal quest NPCs and this may be a single quest NPC or different types of quest NPCs now unlike in retail well in classic well only one person can tack mop unless you're in a group so for example the quest hager will require you to kill Hager and loot his paw not only is he pretty hard to do by yourself but other people are going to need that God as well so you can invite others if you know you have to kill something that requires you to loot it this will not only help you kill the NPC but it will help others get the quest done as well it's customary if you're going to invite some into a group to ask them before you invite them they may not know why you're inviting them for just Matt it's like if you have two people sitting in front of a respawn and somebody invites you to a group and you ask him why you were dumb as [ __ ] what you were dumb like I never I never tell somebody really unless I'm doing a quest I just invite him and I'm like bro you know what's up I know what's up let's get it done come on let's do it boys and we just go in there it's like imagine standing in front of hoggers respawn some you invite somebody to a group and they ask what's this for man I probably kick him out ask them hey are you killing Hager and if they say yes asking if they wouldn't be in a group and if you see someone questing in an area where you know you need to get a quest NPC or a certain item and they're clearing all the mobs around them don't just run up and tag the mob that you want invite them to a group because they did all the time and effort and clear in that area and you know they were trying to kill that mob as well so don't be that guy who just runs up after someone cleared an entire area and tagged a mob also there are many elite areas in vanilla well these are areas that have elite monsters that you will do that to some quest to be in a group so it's customary if you're in that group and you're clear in that area to wait your turn if there is a group ahead of you there's only X amount of mobs that are gonna spawn and if ur groups ahead of you you should really give them the chance to clear that area before you start with your also sometimes EVP areas and if you're repeating P server you might want to protect those players if they're getting ganked by the opposing faction this build trust and camaraderie within your faction also if you're a farming class like a mage you may not want to farm in areas that have high volume or have quest NPCs in them if you're killing all these no one ever no guys listen everybody does this like you guys might want to act like you're not gonna do it but whenever you're actually in the game it's beneficial for you to do this right and be polite with people because you might need that person to help you with a dungeon or help you with a quest later on whenever you see them and you don't want that person to think man that was that [ __ ] that [ __ ] me you know two days ago with this quest mob because then they're not gonna help you like it's actually a good idea right if you're acting purely in self-interest it is a good idea to go out of your way to try to help people whenever you can right and obviously like there's a little bit of trolling that goes on but for the most part I think that uh you know like this is pretty reasonable won't happen with layering you don't know how layering works if you think that you're dumb the NPC's okay other people can't complete the quest so just think of others with the social current is exactly if you notice you're in an area where you're waiting for that NPC to respawn and there are many other players standing around also waiting for the same thing to respawn don't just try to tag that mob yourself invite others into the group so you guys can get it done as a team alright next one is gonna be very important for you gathers out there so please pay attention many of us have had an encounter where you're clearing a mob to get to that mining node and here comes this other player who rides right up to it and as you're killing the two or three mobs that were near it almost dying he mines it away and lassie you and walks away now is not the proper or recommended way of doing the wreck we used to do this [ __ ] all the time man I would even aggro like there was this one decaying ability this is like one of the best days of my life here is there's this decaying ability it was like an unholy pestilence that a decay would put on themselves right yeah I see the Baldy okay I I [ __ ] see it relax guys III get it alright look at yeah okay alright oh come on yeah okay okay like I I get it alright epic gamer moment yeah it was and so a DK had applied the the pestilence the debuff and I was in stranglethorn not turned round shoulders are Basin and I pulled a tiger on top of the pestilence the tiger then AG rode the DK instead of me and then the DK had to kill the tiger while I mind his note it was one of the best days of my life man I still remember that I was like 10 years ago I still remember that commended way is if you see someone going up to a mining node or an herb node yeah and they are clearing mobs next to it you should wait and see if they're cleaning those mobs to get to that node if not just hang tight and if they walk by it it's all yours also if your Skinner and you see someone killing a mob that can be skinned give them a second to loot and see if they need to skin it as well if not it's all yours and for you miners out there if you just need a point from a node and you notice there's someone else around just mine it wants to get your point so someone else can as well now this point you guys ever done this whenever you're mining so you go up to a mind somebody else is mining the mine and you go up to him and you're like this so they're mining and then you walk up to him and you're like this and you start [ __ ] trying to get their mind while they're mining it because each time you have to click on it and it's the time that you actually [ __ ] get their mind to say okay all right it's not like that guys relax why do you have oil in your room in case you have to watch a video about b.fa that's why [ __ ] sjw obviou it's not sjw at all like these are these are very important things that people need to know you can't just do it once cuz layering well no it's there's nothing to do with it again um cuz like other people are gonna be in the same layer anyway it's the same thing but like in general like I like this is true and whenever I'm playing the game and I'm not like being an [ __ ] and if you're on like a smaller server this is really important for you to do because if you're on like a really big server who gives [ __ ] I mean if you're stealing people's stuff [ __ ] them who cares but in general like it doesn't really get much worse than than the way that people are in like you know private servers and you know larger servers to look at the mind don't get loot before the Gy leaves what do you know that everything is sjw well people people say things are sjw like the people that complain about like everything being sjw are just as [ __ ] as the people that are complaining about everything rape being racist right it's like imagine you have a coin and it's the two sides at the same coin okay like I mean I don't need to make an analogy here okay it's the same [ __ ] people they're both just [ __ ] morons only really becomes relevant if you're on a pvp server so if you're in a pvp server you're going to get ganked people rate games you're going to see people die all the time and it's important if you see someone in your faction getting ganked try to lend a hand if you can it really helps you and me thanks I've gotten personally when I stop someone from making another player it really builds faction pride and can be a way of getting to know someone awesome yeah if you're getting game assist you don't run away that actually happens a lot help the person who's helping you so you guys can kill that opposing faction player together if you're not good resurrect if you see someone die to a mob or another player it's really nice to just resurrect them send let the corpse walk all the way over to the body again really nice thing to do if you're dueling if you beat someone in the duel it's customary to say good duel and if you're a healing class throw me heal or even bandage them get them to high health sooner not only is it I always say good duel if I win because if I don't want it wasn't a good duel a nice thing to do but you can start your next duel a little bit quicker for those of you who have professions where you could craft to provide services remember to provide fair prices because it means you'll be asked again and also favorable attitude it really helps to build rapport with people and also create new friendships it's very nice to tip anyone who offers a service such as lock-picking portals or summons especially for portals because they're not free and they do cost a little bit it's also very nice for your friends or guilties a bit of a discount on what you can make because chances are they can help you in return yeah guys this is really just a catch-all basically we're trying to say here is that you should assist others that are if someone needs help finding request is give him a hand trying to find out where it is if you have the knowledge of that quest if someone has questions about their spec or their class there'll be a lot of new players come back to classic well if you are a place of knowledge share that knowledge freely you can just that's actually this happened a lot in current Wow and uh no I don't want to write loss this did I even know where it's the three [ __ ] Oryx from behind the tree at red Ridge Mountains like I know exactly who these [ __ ] works are they would just run you down and kill them yeah no I think that's actually it happens a lot right you have people that teach you and show you how to play the game it's one of the good things about classic is that people are able to share knowledge and you know build upon each other and build each other up in the game I remember like whenever I was at global forty somebody did that for me they're like a little 58 and they're like oh you need to do this you need to do that and it helped me out a lot so my clue yo low IQ tips there what do you mean sup presented Steve stuff what do you mean like no this is this is how the game actually worked assists people by giving directions to their trainers or other points of interests and you can even help people by telling them which add-ons to download to help them in their yes people the depth of experience if you see players struggling in the world and having a hard time if you are able to give them food or water or bandages or even approaches you have in your bag that friendship can really go a long way y'all so if your lovely enchanting consider instead of just reinstating the same piece of item to go out into the world back slash yell and say hey free enchants and just try to get some points that way I never took your points for your enchanting for your house annoying the same time and finally you will see people being chased by multiple mobs if you see this try to help them don't just laugh at them who knows they might help you when you need it oK we've covered etiquette wide world now let's cover all your grouping before we get the actual etiquette I think it's really good to spend a little bit of time understanding how to form groups and some of the abbreviations they'll be thrown around and vanilla well so the first thing to do is that use correct and succinct syntax when looking for groups so you'll notice entry chatter and world chat the world tread is available you'll see things like this tank lfg older and what that means is that's a tank looking for group for older man which is a dungeon you may see something like healer lfg mara and all that means is that that person is a healer looking for a group for a Marauder another dungeon in classic Wow and you may even see something like this where it says LF 3m need tank healer and one TPS for ZF and would that mean I was I just make my own group looking for it's fine I did that all the tiny to tank any healer and yeah this is really basic rock so you'll see these things being thrown around so it's really good to know what they mean she's dead mines being called VCE acceptable asthma I know it's not if anybody does that my guild I'm gonna G kick them dead mines is called DM VC is there's nothing VC is moisture yeah they're just getting G kicked for saying VC get into groups quickly now if you're a soul DPS so for many of you'll be a soul DPS class you can't really do any other role it's gonna be really hard if you just type into world or trade chat hunt you're looking for group because everybody's waiting for available out there and you are just one other one instead try to initiate the group yourself so type in lfm be a self-starter and dps for our FD so that means looking for more need a tank let's make your own des Marty this is much more attractive show that you're showing initiative building the group or that maybe there's other people in the group as well and when people join they'll just happen to be in the group so I find this is a much easier way to form groups if you are soul TPS on the right guys grow a bunch of different abbreviations I won't go through them all but pause the video if you want to peruse these on your own time on the top or all the dungeon raid abbreviations and the blue boxes and in the orange box are a bunch of different abbreviations you'll see thrown around all the time studied I didn't know what lfg meant whenever I first started playing Wow and I started asking people but nobody would tell me because they thought I was trolling like I just started the game they're like yeah get the [ __ ] out of here yeah I had no idea and why is everybody keep saying lfg what the [ __ ] is that this before you jump in the classic well so you know what people are trying to say to you now to move on to the loot rules of classic Wow now remember ok rolls all the greed rules if you need an item make sure you know that you're clicking on the correct button need looks like two dice and greed looks like a couple of coins couple of gold coins in fact yeah and you should only need on an item if it is an actual upgrade that you can use should be okay so okay here's the thing usually that's the case things become more different whenever you look at BOE items for example always need role on BOE items you need gold by everybody and also like this is actually a 200 IQ all right you guys don't understand us if everybody needs nobody needs and that way there can never be an instance of ninja looting that could occur because everybody officially obviously wants to go up from a BOE item this is what my old guild used to do because there are so many ninjas in my old guild and my old guild was so toxic that every single item that dropped that wasn't bo P was need rolled by every single member in the entire group because nobody could trust anybody else to hit greed rolling for the role that you are in the dungeon so if you're a healer you should be rolling on healing gear not on this gear unless no one else need that you see yeah that used to be a fall so you want to let people know if you're rolling on a bo e that drops which is a bind on equip item and you should equip it as in the sign of good faith so they know you're not just needing on it to put into the auction house so if a high selling item drops in the dungeon ask before needing on it usually everyone will need on it unless someone actually needs it for an upgrade or for something such as profession recipe yeah yeah you plan on reserving an item in a dungeon you must tell the others before or while forming the group you don't want to get to we tell them why we're killing the boss right guys remember this those are called those are called surprise reserves you know some people like to call that a ninja looting but we just call that a surprise reserve we're and then also it was a one remember one random reserve which was like aka one random death bringers well reserve and ICC that's called being a dick oh yes wait doesn't the best things not like classic Wow is like all the stupid-ass [ __ ] selfish [ __ ] people would do in the game I feel like if you weren't able to do that kind of stuff the game wouldn't even be nearly as good as it was like being able to just like have these like people doing these like terrible things it's like that's what makes the game special in my mind surprise hey guys you have to put it on master for this boss because the chest is bugged okay man yeah yeah the boss and see that was changed to master loot because you know that something's up someone is probably gonna try to take an item and finally guys don't want to say this actually as a tip to you guys because people don't know this if you ever join a group and the group leader has master looter on you know what's gonna happen for all like I mean you know what's gonna happen like is especially if it's like a five minute like you just leave the group like if anybody ever has magic just leave the group cuz you know you're just gonna get your [ __ ] stolen I mean there's no reason even to think about anything else happening you should not be able to change in raid I think that you should be able to I mean like not it's not make a bunch of [ __ ] rules what if they put on right before the poll didn't you just wipe the raid and you tell everybody you're like yeah we'll get this piece of [ __ ] doing this like I used to try and do that too and like most people wouldn't even notice because what I would do is that the change would happen in the chat channel so I would spam a macro that would fill up the chat channel while I changed it to Mass to it so nobody would know ninja loot it is something that in the end will hurt you rather than help you because people will remember that you are a ninja and will not invite you to groups in the future campus you will inevitably come across chests and mining or herb nodes while in a dungeon and if you notice the chests do not run over and try to open it the first thing you're gonna do is tell everyone there is a chest and tell them to roll on and you're going to type in Forge slash roll into your chat and you will roll from one to a the winner of that gets the chest and gets to retrieve the loot it's also very I don't agree with that like to me like the way that I do it is I just run in there and like whoever gets the chest gets the chest I mean they just get the chest and like I don't even really think about it or worry about it it's like okay some guys gonna just now if you if you're going off on your own you're like looting the chest or everybody else is there and like fighting the mobs yeah that's kind of a [ __ ] move right but for the most part it's not a big deal and if it's a locked chest in my mind a locked chest all the items go to the person unlocks the chest right even if it's a rogue and they're just using their lock picking skill because that person is the reason why you're getting the items and because they're the sole reason that you're getting the items the items should be given to that individual right it's just what makes sense yeah I I think that's pretty fair just so the rogue can quitted the dungeon himself well nobody can open the chest himself right and there's only the rogue that can open the chest and also it's like an open world etc I don't think that you should that rogues are like blacksmiths or whatever that use the keys should help to share the items are you nice instead of keeping the loot say green item drops and say you're a rogue and the cloth healing piece drops this ask if anyone else can use it and if something does want to give it to them if two people want it have them both roll on it also you'll come across locked chest which can only be opened by blacksmiths or rogues right in that case you should really let the blacksmith or rogue keep what's inside the chest unless you guys have determined something beforehand okay say can you open this up any green times Naoki let us know me we can roll on it finally if there are other miners Skinner's or herbalists in your groups you guys should take turns getting those reagents or those nodes so I think that node that pops up and there's two miners in there you guys should go back and forth and take turns or maybe even roll on it you guys can just decide what you want to do in your own group setting we had this happen like this was like back in I was either Mardan or under under bog right and like BC I forgot which one it was and this guy kept stealing I think he was stealing all of the sanguine hibiscus and there were two guys that were trying to go for him and one guy kept clicking on the sanguine hibiscus where the other guy was just like trying to [ __ ] get all the Lu and or sorry kill the mobs right and eventually the guy that killed all the mobs because he wasn't getting enough abyss 'kiss he left the [ __ ] group and he heart out he had just had enough because the other guy had stolen all of his [ __ ] plants this happened yeah it still happened see I know so funny okay next we have class and profession etiquette okay this means if you're a mage you want to provide food or water to those party members who need it if you're a warlock you can provide health stones or summon people that are also soul stone the healer or the tank if you're a rogue you can lockpick block boxes or if you're an enchanter feel free to enchant items if people give you the materials or if you just need the points also if you're an alchemist it's very nice to give potions whoever needs it tank could definitely use some health pots and the healers can definitely use some mana pots sometimes you may think you're providing some things for free when you can make money off it but you're actually saving time by helping the group and also helping those in need the next point of etiquette guys has to show you with game I tanked time and letting the tank pull so threat is not an easy thing to get in vanilla well and it's very important to let the tank pull so he or she can get initial aggro if you're pull here's how I look at is it if you're in a dungeon it doesn't matter what class you really are you can probably tank the dungeon okay dungeons are [ __ ] easy and classic Wow if somebody is not pulling fast enough you just have to you just have to do the job for them right and if they're gonna get mad right unless it's a wipe right you never want to wipe the group but if you can do a pull without the tank just do it like I do it all I do it all the time because like I don't want to sit there like we all got there we are I mean and on I'm like alright no troll right like if we all get there and we're ready to do the dungeon and the tank is taking [ __ ] forever right and he's like two minutes between each Pole has to sit down and eat and mark every single mob and waste everybody's [ __ ] time no I want to get through this as fast as I can and sometimes yeah I'm gonna pull without the tank hell yeah what am I gonna do I'm just gonna sit there and wait for this guy to waste an hour and a half of my time [ __ ] no I want to get this done and that's the way it that'd be good for everybody right angry cooks will kick you for this yeah but the thing is like I usually play with other people that are like-minded so it's like I think this is like generally like a much larger like etiquette thing out of this is that play with people to have the same goals as you do so if your goal was to like speedrun the dungeon and clear it as fast as possible then you should try to find other people that want to do the same thing but if you're just playing with a group of people that are like really chilled out and just want to do deadmines and it spend two hours in it then you know there are groups for that too but the way that I always do things is I want to do the dungeon as fast as possible I want to get in and out get my loot and be done you know and that's always my goal so if the tank is holding me back from that then you know I just kick him out or I just tank myself and I have no problem doing that just say you're an [ __ ] and quit the [ __ ] well it's not really being an [ __ ] like how am I being an [ __ ] for wanting to do the thing that we have all come together in agreement to do and have wasted and invested you know an hours and of our time into doing this how am I an [ __ ] for wanting to actually do that thing a little bit more quickly right if I feel like you know things are taking to them I mean I'm not being unreasonable here I don't think pulling you'll get all the initial aggro and all the mobs it's gonna be very hard for the tank to pull that aggro off of you in addition really give the tank a few moments to establish threat on who he's attacking usually this means giving the tank some time to apply either sunder armor if he's warrior or some swipes or malls if they are bare druid gives him time to get initial third Kingdom also if your healer be careful about putting heal or time effects or other healing effects on the tank before he pulls because he will only have small amounts of threat on the other mobs he's pulling and that threat will be transferred to you as the healer so be careful about how you do that also we'll cover this in the next slide about marking but always try to focus on the mob the tank is focusing his attacks on most of the time he or she will have the most threat on those mobs so attack those and other mobs so they don't come to you if you're a DPS class try to attack from behind if you're behind the mob they will not be able to parry or block your attacks this will also increase your DPS so just consider that if you want to learn more about tanking threat and how threat mechanics work we have a threat guide on class squad out live and on death camp melt or on TVs YouTube channel if you definitely check that out to learn more so okay okay that kind of makes sense but to me personally is that like if I if I go in there I want to pull aggro on mops because I'm a warrior and if I take the image I gain more rage so I want to do that on purpose but for the most part I think that if you it's like if you're shitty you should follow this guide absolutely but if you know really what you're doing and you can kite the mobs and do pretty much whatever you want like a lot of these mobs in vanilla Wow or just their syllable Qaeda bull and you can just kill them on your own it's not a big deal I don't think it really matters a whole lot whenever you're doing dungeons now if you have somebody that's pulling for you constantly and like not giving you enough time to like what the healer drink etcetera that's kind of annoying but whenever it comes down to just like generally like pulling like I know that everybody's probably been in the group before where it's just taken forever to do anything like people have to go afk constantly they're like oh I forgot to go this get this thing in town and it's just a huge waste of time it's a huge [ __ ] waste of time and I I I get so annoyed by that [ __ ] man so God's common sense yeah is follow the guide then no I'm not gonna fall we're gonna do I I play with other people that have the same mindset as me we run in there if I'm not pulling the tank is or sorry if I'm not pulling you know the hunter is pulling if the hunters not pulling the healer is pulling you know we are moving forward clearing the raid clearing the dungeon as fast as possible that's always the way that I play the game and I try to play with other people that have the same mentality I don't like going afk or doing anything like that I like to just go in there get it done and that's it I get super annoyed appeal rushing well yeah I think that's about the same thing it's like people trying to play with like-minded people you know I like rushing dungeons and doing raids really quickly and you know being super efficient about that kind of stuff and if other people just like being laid back and hanging out and clearing it at their own pace and that both things are fine but the way that I like to play is not the way the other people like to play and I think it's really important to play with people that are like-minded alluded to this in the previous slide but you want to follow the Killa water if you're pS class now the most common marking convention is the tank will mark who they won't kill for people like you mcconnell are the reason why we have dungeons the way they are now just because i like doing the runs quickly doesn't mean that i want to have speed integrated into the game as a mechanic nobody wants to go into a dungeon and waste three hours like nobody goes into a dungeon and says how much time can i waste in this dungeon everybody wants to clear it in a a quick manner right they want to clear the dungeon quickly and that being said of course people are gonna try to like want to make things go faster it doesn't mean that that's why mythic plus is in the game III don't even like the way that this man I don't like the meta of speedrunning being integrated into the game I like it being a separate meta game that players decide to do on their own rather than actually being moved into the actual game environment think you left yeah yeah no I'm gonna call he can get mad all he wants right but that's the [ __ ] truth like he might be afraid of saying that but there it is time walking is not plus 5 key takes way too long and it really isn't fun yeah I know first with a skull who they want killed second with an X who they want shaped by a mage with a moon and who they want trapped by a hunter with a square now this can change depending on the tank but this is usually the most common marking convention also the diamond triangles can be used for different things like fear sleep and banish that really can change the tank will tell you what each mark means or at least they should following this kill order will ensure that the tank and healer have less pressure on themselves meaning that the tank will have to worry less about who is attacking and when and the healer will have to worry about healing less people so it really helps the group as a whole another thing guys is that if you see that a mobs getting close to death don't just switch the next target make sure that target goes down and dies because they may have mechanics that could hurt the tank or the healer even at low health so make sure you kill mobs before you move on to the next one also skull is your main target X is your second target the square is the trap moon is sheep star is SAP I forgot what people did like this red [ __ ] circle for I usually this is like the third kill target this is seduced or any sort of like a you know fear or anything like that and this right here is banished sleep or what Verne sting condom yeah what what was I say red okay well it's orange you guys know what I mean oranges to do is yeah I forgot what people use orange was for routes I thought people use the the green triangle for routes I could be wrong there but yeah the tank will try to l OS pull a lot of polls because they have ranged attacks the tank will shoot them with a bow or a gun and then walk behind a wall don't attack the mob until it comes across the wall into the tanks melee range if he's trying to l OS don't screw up that l OS mechanic yep alright let's talk about assisting your healer now healing works a lot differently in classic than it does in retail you will go oh I which is out of mana oh yeah a lot more in classic Wow than you will in retail that's very true likely that you will do one or two pools and have to drink oh now if you're a tank you should be looking at new healers mana pool very often this is the worst part after pools when you're ready to pull I'm sure that healer has enough mana and is ready to go boss so if you're a ranged DPS and you find yourself far away from a healer you will not be able to be healed so you want to make sure you stay in your healers range it's a very customary to ask your healer if he is ready before pulling a boss or a large pool you can just type in R with a question mark and the healer will respond with an R if he is ready if the healer gets aggro I don't care if you're a tank or DPS regardless of your class help him it is very likely everybody's let's aren chatterin or two heads outward won't kill your healer or will make it very hard for your healer to cast any kind of heals so if you see that the tank is busy and the healer pulls aggro just go over there and help the healer anyway you can also if you're a healing class and you notice that the healer is having trouble keeping the tank up or someone else up throw out a couple heals to help them it really helps out a lot some don'ts if your other classes such as a warlock is don't life tap when the healer is busy or can barely keep the tank up it's just yeah I think I've had a pressure that he doesn't need at that time yeah I don't want a frost Nova or ice block near a healer because it's very likely that that mob will attack the heal yeah I would say so that's a bad idea unnecessary damage that you can easily write it away from let's talk about filling roles when you can doing things on the spot or if it just happens to help out the group do it so if a tank dies don't panic try to pick up a threat especially if your class that's capable of doing so such as druids other warriors paladin's shamans hunters or warlocks with your pets just try to pick up the aggro and move on and then reza tank when you finish if the healer dies the same rule applies if you're able to heal he'll help the healer out then resum when you can now I'm always thought that was like the main [ __ ] differentiator between like good players and great players is that if you're a great player you know whenever it's time to swap your role and do something different right so I give the hero goes down or the healers out of mana and you start healing and you're like a paladin or a druid that's always something that I see somebody do that I'm like okay dude this guy actually knows what the [ __ ] he's doing and it's the same with like tanking and being able to kite mobs etc it's like not playing basically like an NPC and I I don't know I've always that's always very much impressed me whenever I saw somebody who is able to do that effectively in the game if you're healing and you find yourself just sitting there not doing anything fill in some DPS when you can if you're a priest one if you're a shaman or a druid just sit there and white hit you don't do anything that's not an intensive however you want to regen your mana if you can so just do some minor damage if you notice that you pulled a big mob and there wasn't anything marked throw a CC out if you can if a mage can cheap someone go ahead and cheap if you notice that the tank is taking a lot of damage and you need to throw out of fear go ahead and do it anything to help when you can and last but certainly not least everyone be patient and be kind dungeons and raids take a long time to complete it's a huge time commitment don't leave after one wipe this isn't retail well you can't get into a group right away it's a time investment so if you are white blast agent try to re-strategize talk with each other and try to get the dungeon done also what the [ __ ] are you gonna do you're gonna another 30 minutes waiting for a Heuer there are 30 minutes waiting for a tank and then by the time you get a tank then the other guy has to leave like yeah you have to sit there like that's one of the things in classic Wow is that like even if you had a really bad group you would grin and bear it because you had to [ __ ] do it like what else were you going to do like if you went all the way over to Scarlet monastery and you found out that your tank was a [ __ ] too [ __ ] bad you're gonna have to play with them anyway and yeah you can get somebody else but is it worth it [ __ ] no you had to sit there and deal with it and I don't know how many times I had somebody like that happen like even whenever we were leveling at level [ __ ] 40 like 30 to 40 in score at monastery we had plenty of people that we joined that we invited and there were clowns they were terrible they had no [ __ ] idea what they were doing and I didn't kick them out because there was nobody that I could replace them with and it's unfortunate but there it is you just said you'd leave if it's slow what's more complicated than that I mean like you don't just leave every time like yeah sometimes I'll leave if it's slow and I feel like I can get another group but other times I sit there and I [ __ ] deal with it and that's one of the things that classic while did and the fact that it was voluntary and decision on the players part rather than something that was built into the game like the vote kick system was so much [ __ ] better because that way people actually had their own control over it and they could make their own decisions I like that a lot more trying to leave half way through if you're not gonna run a dungeon and set aside at least an hour to do that dungeon dungeons can take up to one two three four so don't join a dungeon unless you know you can actually complete it also if you're in a dungeon group and the players don't know the fights or the quests and you do tell them where the quests are tell them what the fight mechanics are be patient be kind it goes a long way as well next thing always celebrate accomplishments while you're in a group if someone gets a new piece of gear Tom congrats if someone levels up and then dungeon yeah Tom congrats it's a huge milestone for them in their character and when you complete a goal if you down the dungeon say hey guys great group add me as a friend and I hope you do dungeon with you again I just celebrate the goals how I played together so guys all of these things will lead to new friendships and better experiences when it comes down to it classic WoW is all about social experience and the camaraderie between you and the other players in this game it really helps a lot by helping someone else and giving that person the experience that you would want in return because chances are you will get that in return in classic well it is almost impossible to achieve greatness alone you can do it however with the help of others and in doing that you will make some great friendships along the way and enjoy this game the way it was meant to be enjoyed accomplishing great goals with your friends guys before we end I just want to say a huge thank you to Jim Lee if you haven't visited chimney channel or the link will be in the description chimney makes it ok excellent videos he did the intro for this video he was the English accent you heard of the Boomer while players teaching other people how to play the game listen listen you [ __ ] stupid ass twelve-year-old kid we're gonna play this game the way that we want to play the game and classic Wow is meant for boomers and it's gonna slow the game down and all the kids are gonna have to relax and learn what the [ __ ] they need to do and that's all there is to it yeah 20 minute got your god damn right beginning he makes some excellent videos exploring the music of Wow and they even does a podcast so head over the chimneys channel the link we in the description if you like this type of content please leave a like if you enjoy this type of videos we make here including the guides that podcasts as we do including deaf talk which is a podcast you listen to a SoundCloud Spotify Google place that you're in iTunes consider subscribing because we have a lot more guides coming and a lot more content for the community the links for those things will be in the description this guide as well as many others will be available on classic wat out live that's what live is an excellent resource for the class well community so if you haven't head on over to classic wildlife Brandon Media a friend and patron of the channel has started to create death camp melt or on TV merchandise like the form of hoodies and t-shirts if you'd like to sport some deaf camp melt or on TV merchandise head on over to Brandon medias website the link will be in the description and last but certainly not least thank you patrons for guiding us and assisting us I think this was very content wasn't for you guys we wouldn't be the channel that we are if you're interested in becoming a patron and we'll also be a clickable link at the end of the video thanks everyone keep on keep on eating runnin and we hope to see you in classic Azeroth yeah that was great like honestly that video was [ __ ] great everything about it was good I I'm like we need to see more videos like this of these people I feel like it's really important for the people that are playing what are you calling for for the people that are playing the game and they don't understand how the game is supposed to work it's really important that people make these videos and they're able to bring these new players up to speed and that's what classic Wow is all about whenever you think about it it's about trying to build people up and it's about the community and these videos are you know for a lot of us probably very rudimentary you know a lot of people already know about this kind of stuff but there are people out there that don't and I think the fact that you're able to get those people together and you know make something for those people is really important and that it's great are there macros in classic yes they are yes there are macros in classic Zoomers need to be told manners we just add them no it's not even that okay let's go down all right we'll watch one more video and then after that I think we can try to do we can try to do what are you going doctor weevil I don't know if it's going to happen I I'm thinking about this but I mean we're gonna get as many people as we possibly [ __ ] can so let me say this right now if you want to do doctor weevil if you want to actually attempt to kill this boss again I need everybody to get on and be ready for this we probably need the entire population of the beta servers yes all five or six people right yes we need everybody on wide just bring Tori mrs. Foreman well we already did that let me go ahead and I'll look at this later on okay there's new I kept it a lich king remastered story yeah I saw that I already did did you do Mardan know we haven't done Mara done yet go to Twitter and tell Blizzard that classic beta is dead okay well we'll do that while they're whist a second let me pause this real quick and read this you should start a podcast I already do that I do all craft it's fine I'm actually bald at least you have hair as Mon don't listen to him thanks for watching Mel Dron thank you very much that 500 bits I appreciate that man and hey dude I'm well on my way don't worry about it don't do yeah okay here we go tell him to invite me to the beta no they really need to invite more people into the beta oh like I'm gonna say this right now I'm just edited a hundred more times a hundred times before I'll say it a hundred times from now they need to invite more people into the beta right now there's just simply not enough people in the beta for a while and I don't know what they need to do but it needs to happen somehow and I don't really know exactly what they need to do but it's I don't know it's very unfortunate okay just giving one second all right how long do you think it'll take you to get well 60 probably 10 days I'm expecting it to be that much invite me to the beta should I actually make a tweet about it should I do it right now but if I do this tweet like okay you know what I will I will make a tweet about the beta even though I've done it before I'll do it again okay just one second let me open this up and I'll do the tweet blizzard please add more people to the classic beta most people have already stopped playing and it's dead I need people to do things with Blizzard see us mid craft devs okay let's see what else is this good um don't say def no no this is it dear Blizzard okay yeah dear boys err die like that okay little selfish what do you mean your tweets a little selfish man of course what do you want me to put down there instead dear Blizzard hey it's me again it's your boy Osman gold Blizzard I know that things have been rough between us but I need you to know that classic beta is [ __ ] dead this [ __ ] is dead we the community need you to invite at least 2,000 more people that way we can all have fun and we can all enjoy how great classic is okay so that's probably not gonna work um okay all right Blizzard all right so III think this tweet isn't really that good man I'm sorry to say to more people well no I just didn't know what I was gonna write I'm thinking what I should go with here man really kind of Desai I'm thinking okay just say the community needs you to step in and step up invite some more people at least a few thousand so we can get the ball rolling and get more people to enjoy the game don't say don't say [ __ ] like oh I need you to do this because I'm not able to okay okay all right so they to me again it's your boy a Smeagol what should i type after that huh well just a guy cowboy no cuz I had to [ __ ] I had to delete I forgot what you said well look they know what's you you don't need that part okay you can just take that are out actually okay it's me again alright okay use the word just say use this say blizzard I implore you to invite more people to the [ __ ] beta we really need it the community needs it important I employ you [ __ ] [ __ ] implore I am PLO our community needs it let's see what else is there okay um the community needs it everyone needs it everyone needs a let's see the servers are getting a bit sparse wait I thought it's how you spell sparse okay a bit a bit barren please give more people the opportunity to play the opportunity to test to test and ask the game yeah yeah cuz they're gonna test a game okay that's fine um you typed implode not what do you want to do things up or get people in the game both actually let's see in game dear boys 'red hey it's me again I implode implore you to invite more people to the beta I needed the community needs it everyone needs it the servers are getting a bit bad please give people more people the opportunity to test the game and say with love with love okay III don't know like all right how about this does that look good looks good to me you got 60 more characters there you can use okay what should I last the last last 16 characters hashtag unban McConnell on Twitter okay it's not gonna fit alright [ __ ] it just just we though okay let's go we're tweeting it there we go it's sent let's see what people are gonna say hopefully this is gonna work guys I want I want it can I get some thank yous by the way can I get some thank yous for saving classic Wow and saving the beta cuz obviously that's what I've just done and III really appreciate all the support you guys have given me and yeah you're welcome guys you're welcome all right let's see what we've got here just give me one second I've got to open this up off stream just in case the [ __ ] is this cat Danny they trying to be crate the [ __ ] does that even mean just a second all right there's my tweet all right everybody go ahead and follow my follow my thing all right there you go go [ __ ] yeah crate I don't even get that man is this like is this like a Russian meme or something it's got to be a Russian meme don't bother Blizzard eight-point-two is going to kill classic damn well [ __ ] you Dan no it's not go back to playing football you don't know it yes you don't know [ __ ] about Mao [ __ ] man fantasy football fantasy real game all night writing down if the balls gonna go across the field dude okay just love it too much wow that's actually really good have you seen this before yeah yes really great god yeah it's a I'm gonna give that a like holy [ __ ] can I have it please please boys or thank you you're the man as Mun I remember let's whenever I got my helmet I that was [ __ ] great okay champ make azeroth yes please he's right you know okay now it's a meme from 2008 that's a good idea I think this is a good idea as long as the new invites are for streamers that's true actually it's a really good idea yeah that's very very true [ __ ] you Richie oh my straight this is a streamer only beta if you guys didn't know this already bass Richie I exactly what's this right here bald man speaks the truth okay we've got that right there and bite us Blizzard will sub for beta access I'm so sorry to hear that Stan as you don't don't do not give them any idea you see that bigger playing b.fa Oh classic wait was i dude what do you mean okay okay it's got the base where you were on the RAM and you're like oh look at my hair dude the bottom I look like [ __ ] I look like a [ __ ] ogre your cartoon villain III genuinely look like dog [ __ ] in that picture man I don't even know if I want to use that like I'm have to uh I'm have to copy strike that picture holy [ __ ] that's so bad
Channel: Everything Gaming
Views: 317,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alexensual, server, kargoz, tips out, retail, bfa, battle for azeroth, tricks, asmongold, comedy, kronos, lightbringer, azeroth, nostalrius, nost, commentary, tips, private, private server, light, hope, lights, elysium, how to play, solo, groups, guide, etiquette, new players, world of warcraft, wow, vanilla, classic, asmongold youtube, asmongold twitch, everything twitch, everything asmongold
Id: sZ0ypar6028
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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