Asmongold Goes Back to Finish The Zul'Farrak Clear In Classic WoW

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we're coming out hard just how I like it let's get it done boys we gotta wait here and uh then we'll be good it what the hell happened oh they pull the Scarab I'll get some fun yeah let's get this guy down real quick [ __ ] okay come on you can do it hardest Blas will be the stairs event no I don't think that it will be I mean like the thing is with me one thing you need to understand is I am a god at AoE threat so AoE threat is like my trap card whenever it comes to AoE threat I'm just gonna be able to pull and like do so well that there's no way that I would ever lose a grow or die so it's gonna be a blizzard ad announced that they'll add a classic armory what do you think about that I don't think it's a big deal personally there we go see let's see yeah let's focus on the witch doctor here gonna lose I go watch out watch out don't pull the mobs behind us okay yeah how do I not have a grown man what the [ __ ] like I was like to sunders and I still wants a grow okay there we go we'll kill this blood drinker first I'm gonna pull him away a little bit there we go we're fine it's a change well it's an out of game change too though it's kind of like how you could say like changing the aspect ratio is a change as well personally I don't I don't see a problem with them having an armory let's hear you know what let's hear some counter arguments well why is having an armory bad for classic well I can think of a couple of things but personally I don't really think it's gonna be a big deal what do you guys think it's it's it's evading don't stand there merked he's gonna heal yeah that's that's not really very good it doesn't matter them I'll just stun him here there we go perfect three xio score for Chad off warrior well the thing is like so so your your concern is that there will be add-ons that use the API from the armory that then tell other players what different players gear is I think that's a reasonable concern but I would respond to that by saying that people already did that in classic Wow they just did it manually so it is having a woody colic is having a tool to do that that much more harmful than just asking people what their gear is at the bank yeah yeah your classic I oh I don't know how how relevant that's going to be okay good job let's move up here gear check Oh gene yeah I mean you used to go up to the steps of the bank and they'd be why all right what's your gear and you know the raid leader wouldn't understand why you had on leather gear as a warrior and they'd kick you out right it's very very common I'll pull this one just just kill this one where it stands don't send in the pet just kill it where it stands we have all three ranged I'll try to run back but yeah just kill him where he stands if you pull them over here yeah I think we can line them maybe yeah there we go perfect okay if I get afraid of the stun him too so he doesn't run away perfect look at that see that's coordination that's skill okay we've got triple blood drinkers this is gonna be big damage on me I've got to get ready doesn't the last boss pull the whole instance if you don't clear ah I don't think so no can we whine actually just kill him it doesn't matter just kill all that's so rare that's the rare that's so good okay let's kill him dude okay just give me a second I don't think I currently you can't inspect someone's spec armory would allow you to get around that most likely but it only hurts people who want to secretly raid is a bad spec in the first place okay so I'm sure as fun probably is not going to like the idea of having armories in classic Wow but I can see like you know but probably hotted won't like it either and a few other people too let's go ahead and let's pull this pack right here let's pull this pack let's do a skull kill that guy first and then we'll maybe killed this guy second wait for the pad over no we have to pull these guys I don't want to take the risk of pulling in between and then also we have the pack behind us just doing one extra pack isn't a big deal okay that should be able to line them around here right okay I'll just aggro others gain aggro on that one if the shadow caster if I don't have a grow into shadow caster it doesn't really matter stun that one real quick okay good yeah I just try to get these guys down okay yeah blood drinkers gonna AoE the group it's not a big deal though just try to kill the shadow caster and just keep chipping the blood drinker this should be no problem they're gonna edit events to the Armory I'd bet I wouldn't I bet a million dollars they're not going to add a Chivas to the armory like that's such a stupid that's such a stupid jump to make like they had the armory for a long period of time in Burning Crusade and there were no achievements like no that doesn't mean that they're gonna add achievements to the armory like absolutely not like they're not gonna have achievements in classic Wow now this is something that I talked about before right would it be bad for classic Wow if they had something that allowed you that gave you a feat of strength in classic and current Wow if you got a level 60 in classic well what do you guys think about that III think like on a oh we pulled the boss can we sheep the shadow caster and then kill the blood drinker and then 0s let's go and do that yeah we pulled the boss yeah let's kill the blood drinker first I should be able to survive here okay we'll talk about that later I have to focus now okay just reshape Shadowhunter okay stunning him good yep keep she keep shaping the Shadowhunter [Music] [ __ ] toning maybe I got the Torah I got the turn off thank God okay good stay away from the blood drinker I'm gonna pull him away okay I'm just gonna start getting Agron this guy now don't let him get away kill 0s keep the Shadowhunter sheep [ __ ] you come to me I could have I could have actually trinket of that was my fault I do I'm getting so lucky with these [ __ ] taunts dude like I don't know how these taunts are going through holy [ __ ] okay keep sheep keep sheep okay I just get out of that now we got them holy [ __ ] jump down stunned him I stunned him jump down dude what he [ __ ] kill them oh my god dude that was we jump down here I'm gonna whine I'm whining okay okay he doesn't care about line of sight apparently oh wait now he does I guess he could see my head alright boys if I remember right this guy wait wait a minute he didn't even drop anything he dropped a green [Applause] Wow and we got a pair of boots that nobody can even use cheap whenever you're ready it doesn't [ __ ] matter we'll just get this done paid rare actor I mean that's basically what it is okay I don't have enough space my inventory is full right now okay uh let's see yeah I mean actually you know what let me trade these over to Hydra and then if you can trade me the hell stone again Eric okay he doesn't have enough space either okay I think he's gonna try and cut the blood drink over the trap okay that's a good idea yeah a triple blood drinker pack is pretty hard to deal with try and pull back here like not having my attacks hit it's like really really [ __ ] scuffed it's done that guy I don't even know why I wasted it's done there should have waited okay good now I can just start actually shield blocking [ __ ] shield block isn't like really that good but it's better than like anything else that I have right now and she'll block also makes it swear I can't get can't get crit or crushing blood so it's actually pretty decent right now since I'm fighting the high level mobs okay good how much space they have in between all of them I'd say probably twelve slots total okay good actually know what even less because we have a we have a mate I'm sorry a warlock and a hunter which means that they actually are down one back fine good what kind of word about Sachi anymore sundar so I'm gonna build rage so I can get a groan now the blood drinker okay here we go alright I'm just gonna go stun him okay there we go Tawney I feel like whenever they're stunned there's a higher chance that I'll be able to get my get my attack off maybe that's just uh you know me remembering it that way though we're thinking it's gonna happen that way though all right perfect the mage three sheeps run for two assisted frost bolts and run for a broken sheath well yeah and then what am i doing getting every attack parried and then just taking damage like yeah tanking like these high-level dungeons is really [ __ ] hard but as you guys can tell like these dungeons are [ __ ] easy like this is so [ __ ] easy if you do it right like I feel like that's the thing with classic is that as long as you do it right and you try to not like just [ __ ] around it's not going to be like overly challenging so let's go is that a boss no it's not we're gonna have to pull these guys let me pull these guys back to us double checking to see where these mobs are going to be I'll pull this guy from right here and then I'll circle around Chris Kyle American sniper I'm gonna grow him too okay all right just oh wait we didn't agro the other blood drinker oh [ __ ] yeah dude okay there we go I'm gonna line that healing ward good okay moving out of the the totem amazing stunning that cast good all right great so now I can just interrupt every cast watch do it see what happens cast see what happens that's right interrupting that look at that dude easy [ __ ] game is it silences him - okay oh we added a bonus scarab it's obviously not ideal we go nope I'm a totem killing God [Music] okay so I think we should let's pull the Pat after this yeah we will pull pull pull the Pat after this okay got him scared yeah it's not be Jim let's pull the Pat after this to me three mobs let's kill the big boy yeah let's get big boy down and then we'll do one of the shadow stalkers well we're kind of out of mana [Music] try to get mana fast yeah I don't want to take the risk like this to say this is a flawless run so far and I don't want to have anything else go wrong music is so dank Thank You Man give Hydra man a pepero I just did thank you very much Don for three dollars I appreciate that man what are your thoughts on GM island game route in 8 point to end of an era I don't know why they'd remove it honestly you should watch the class skin video from Taliesin I'll watch the new classic video he did keep wanting to get things done fast possible [ __ ] would be a favor I should you threw things make up your damn mind no that's not true at all that's not like I don't see how like there's nobody out there that goes around and intentionally wants to waste their own time ok like let's be honest here nobody wants to just go around and be like ok I want to spend the highest amount of time on something as possible because I'm enjoying it right nobody does that so it's very different than like the game being like designed for speed clearing versus wanting to speed clear anyway like I am the kind of player that wants to speed clear but that doesn't necessarily mean that I want a game that's completely revolving around that I mean those are two completely separate things ok um should we wait for the Pat or not I don't think that we should let's move up after this and we'll pull the Pat as they patrol over I always do that I'm not used to waiting three seconds for the mound come back come back let's just fight him out here let's just fight him out here it's not worth it just wait up right here I said we'll kill the big boy and then we'll just kill the other shadow caster all right stalker whatever the [ __ ] it's called all righty let's go all right the amount of potions yeah I forgot I actually didn't get those two okay here we go may your generosity be returned to you 104 true all righty let's go I'm gonna pull perfect I'm gonna try and go for a second shot on them got him a little bit more aggro there these things stun so be ready for that I think they do an AoE stun so I want to keep them as far away from the group as possible okay yeah watch out whoa good trap [Music] Heydrich should be able to heal through the damage though it's not a big deal okay I'll just actually I had to she'll block more often now against these mobs especially this big boy okay easy easy [ __ ] game remember how we wiped on those [ __ ] mobs back in the other group and now we're just killing them like it's nobody's business this is amazing see this is the way this is how it's supposed to be boys this is it okay let's kill this guy here should it should be simple try to get the mallet we already have the mallet in the group so we're about to summon gasps vanilla as soon as we moved into the next room so we do have them out we'll be good to go all right to pull this guy Tawney resist on taunt [ __ ] [ __ ] game howdy I can get aggro wait I already did damn there we go okay another resist on taunt I miss on my attack 17 wow I love this game so fun okay please look corpses you can miss an epic no because if somebody Lutz that it'll be fine the purple loot on bosses or sorry on mobs is visible to every person in the group okay let's move up this is the f not st yeah I know we're not we're not doing st yeah alright umm we can probably just move up and take these guys where they stand so as soon as they're ready we'll go ahead and get this done yes we are literally about to summon the Hydra okay let's kill the caster first I don't think there's any more mobs and after that we do the stairs event which I am you know it is what it is right okay moving out of that yeah hopefully we'll be able to get a sheep on him there we go okay good all right now I'll just wait for rage come on come dick what I interrupted that what a [ __ ] game without that cast actually I can just move over here I just don't want them to accidentally aggro a scarab that's the only thing what a bunch of [ __ ] yeah not having to cast bars is [ __ ] rough okay at least I got that one there I know this goes good start them there I grow the next one taunting resist good game there we go YouTube channel already how'd you react video up for the new Dark Souls game really moment when we find it it's not a YouTube channel this is four separate YouTube channels like and look at look at the quality of these thumbnails here right we've got all of these three are actually pretty good like this is the best one here daily dose of as mingle but this one is just [ __ ] terrible like let me look at the thumbnail here I can't wait to play this game new it's like it doesn't even fit on the [ __ ] screen no views yeah no surprise holy [ __ ] that's Auto this that's a four pole this is a [ __ ] four pole okay um let's kill the caster and then the hunter and then we'll kite the the other guys avoid can we let me see if we can there's no way to like we're gonna agro those hundred percent alright it's based right here yeah yeah we're gonna Agra this let's get it done I'll just try to hold aggro on both of these okay getting a growing this guy let me just try and stun him come on okay there there's a stun good all right now I can get on the other mob I've already generated enough aggro on him claims okay there we go taunting good idea let's see can I get the other mob I'll try and just get him [ __ ] come on taunting okay good I got it I got it I got it amazing amazing good perfect [ __ ] perfect okay she'll blocking I'll try to generate some Agron this guy too Shadowhunters going to die a 4-pull holy [ __ ] man okay we could actually do mar'ied on today and this is an option we could do Mardon today and plan for sunken temple tomorrow cuz nobody has done Mardon nobody's done more than so we could go for the world first Mardon - it would actually be a little bit easier yeah like what do you guys feel about that like I I think that we could do it honestly yeah world first exactly it wouldn't be that hard sunken temple right yeah you know strat minnow my mole it's 40 well we're gonna we're doing things one step at a time okay stressful and I'm a little bit a little bit paranoid about that stunning him okay it's a double punch yeah I'm probably ought to be able to get Agron this one [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] garbage game I hate this [ __ ] game there we go perfect go sunken temple for dragons call dragons called the legendary level 51 I believe sword that drop some shade of a crane yes that someone's they dragon whenever you hit something yeah I don't think I really need that might be only a level 50 though I forgot to 1% drop chance yeah it's a legendary exactly I mean to be fair though like legit like epic items that dropped in below 60 dungeons were basically legendaries but you would see those probably less often than you'd see thunder fury okay so let's see where's all right let's pull this guy right here just we can just kite this guy let's just kite him I'm not even gonna try to tank him actually hydra is pretty pretty high hull or high mana i will qaeda or i will tank him okay stun him there we go perfect anything dragons call i got drones call thanks to someone who hacked my account well hey dude that's that's turning a good situation into a good situation i'm proud of you very few people can do that another resist I love resists you can do little dragons call on summon 6 whoops at a time yeah it only takes like what 10 hours Wow wow that's a good one holy [ __ ] all right let me go pull this guy I'm just pulling to singular mobs right now I don't really see the point in pulling more than one so we'll just keep pulling one at a time so this is the first boss right here hydro man serve delivery now usually we do that one last but since we're doing the opposite side we in addition first okay here we go boys I don't know how this is gonna go we'll see asleep that's all I'm gonna say is we'll see this [ __ ] take so [ __ ] long to kill these mobs perfect good job I'm proud of you we pull the Shadowhunter got him uh do we need to pull those mobs in the back no I hope not watch the mobs behind us to the right okay good so we're gonna pull Gaz roll up over the right here and that way we have a huge open space of kiting him and we also need to kill these scarabs too so we don't accidentally aggro them on the way over there let's pull this path as well we'll pull the path second or sorry next okay all right well we get manic quickly I want to pull this right now you're gonna grow I didn't really want to pull without him like getting Nana but I felt like us waiting for so long would be bad to the fall damage no I've just counted against the wall it's not a big deal this was kind of a a scuffed pull here but I thought it would be worth it don't take a hygienist to the wall no I can just I can kind of like right in there so the knock-back won't do anything it'll be easy man trust me okay and we try and get stun on this mob come on come on give me a little bit of rage Perry son of a [ __ ] what a bunch of [ __ ] taught this and of course it didn't work all right great let's kill the Shadowhunter here we just tried to get mana and kill that shadow hunter or sheep the shadow hunter it's not really a big deal we'll just get it down whenever we can wait how do I have to [ __ ] sunders on this mob and I don't have aggro the [ __ ] is this oh my god okay let's go yeah I'm just I keep getting [ __ ] carried and everything else like that okay Terry again dodge I mean it's good that they're switching it up you know make things exciting boys I can't really game you get raged in real life yeah that I never I don't know how that mob ran through the [ __ ] wall um I will actually report that one hunters and ZF run the wall when they get off okay yeah that actually that is a submit worthy bug I very rarely report bugs and to unless I feel like they're actually game breaking or they matter like most of the bugs I don't really care about but that one actually is a real [ __ ] yeah an actual beta tester not a beta player okay good that still happens in live well hey they had their chance to go back and change it I kind of want to pull this mob but I just so I've been thinking about this and I don't know what you guys think about this but this is kind of where I'm at I genuinely wish that they would just make a new expansion after classic Wow instead of an expansion after BFA like I I really I would rather that hey guy I don't want another expansion like BFA just has so many problems I don't think it's worth it and the game has so many problems I don't think it's worth it in general let's see so there's this witch doctor that patrols all the way around don't don't pull that don't pull gas rolling yet go back guys and just kill the Scarab behind us okay there's like one scare behind us go kill that scarab and I'll wait and I'll pull the the other mob okay um I'm gonna pull Hydra man sir over here Erik don't even worry about it right now unless you unless you pulled did you pull I know you didn't okay I'm gonna pull Hydra man sir right now get ready guys alright first boss we'll pull all the way back okay whining that still Qaeda still kiting hiding again ok got them the pulling got right there dude yeah alternative timeline yeah I are you gonna do all eternal pounds oh yeah I mean I'm gonna always do the new rage right but oh that's a lot of damage but yeah I would actually like to see a new timeline more than let me pull this mob right now little smile right now thank you good very good pull where does hydro-man sir drop oh there it is Wow I forgot all about that there we go okay what can I throw away um now combat armor large bomb I kind of want watch bomb I don't really need these dusty boots okay let's pull that and we'll get the tiara okay perfect great good job guys great tanking by the way really proud of you okay we're good how can you trust Blizzard for that though I can't but if it was an expansion it would be assumed to be separated from the original game I trust blizzard more to create an expansion that will follow classic Wow and I think the outcome for the expansion that will follow classic Wow will be better overall than whatever the outcome for the expansion that's supposed to follow a BFA will be Hydra time is it time to summon the Hydra I think it is let's pull ourselves a [ __ ] Hydra what's doing I'm ready whenever you are let's go whoa whoa okay all right let's see if I was it see where he's gonna Pat around that other mile bad girl oh nice nice pull murked nice pull murked it's gonna be a little bit damage on him try to line that cast he's been gonna taunt nice I got so lucky with that time okay give me like literally give me like 10 20 seconds to get aggro here and then you can just go all-in on okay frozen ok wait for two sub wait for five sunders I'm hoping to get a shield block oh that was not good I'm so dumb I shouldn't have done that like I I forgot I didn't have tactical mastery and I swapped over I'm toning whenever I can that's a resist if you can't get it off flowy get it off Floyd that's a time good okay let me get aggro again okay good there we go perfect see that literal God I'll go and get them back in position drinking out of that Tony again okay there we go got it again there's a knock-back [Music] Tony again I'm getting really lucky with these taunts guys keep this in mind I don't think I'm gonna need the last stand okay there was a knock back again that should be fine he's not gonna do it again Tony there it is boys there it is easy [ __ ] game so [ __ ] easy now um okay let me pull this blood drinker actually wait wait wait everybody pull back everyone pull back everybody stand over here except me that way if I die nobody else dies with me it's capable right yeah I just want to make sure that it's skippable just stand back here okay okay it should be fine come across be very careful hug the right hug that right wall hug that right wall if you die just immediately die just immediately die quest item wait what quest item [Music] no there's no quest item what do you mean yeah I need this one there's no quest time what are you talking about I'm confused jebaited wow it's so funny okay let's go I head over here don't anger them up and we'll be fine okay let's try and kill these so you're not doing carrot quest I'm not hungry right now okay yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about that garbage can't get the scale from the guys roll yeah I don't have the question I never got I never did the beginning quest from the shimmering flat so I don't have it okay best trinket in quiet it's not it's trash okay like what am I gonna use that for 3% mount speed who gives a [ __ ] like of course I don't need that okay I'm just gonna talk this one there we go okay there we go amazing I'm just gonna keep a growing this guy stay away from him okay good 3% mounts movie now 40% actually me POG it's not gonna be POG like it's a minor advantage that it's relatively meaningless that I'm gonna have to think about and micromanage regularly that I don't want to like I don't give a [ __ ] everything is fine 1.5 minutes for keeps our farming well you know what we just mean like that look if I could go back right now I would pick up the quest and get it but I can't so we're [ __ ] I might have to do this again sometime like off stream or something and then I'll be able to do it oh I aggro that one okay let me just go around here after this let's plan on pulling the pad if we can I know we all be fast enough never mind I cool around here okay guys here we go this is what people said we wouldn't be able to do let's prove them wrong let's get it done here's the most important part of any group please say you're agreeing I mean like the thing is with classic like every healing and classic I think is a lot easier than healing in like the the later expansions because most of the time you're just spamming the low ranked heal and just healing anybody whose health is you know not at a hundred percent I think that later on they made healing much more reactive and they made it more like complex you know like and no wrong true everything was so hard in classic what do you mean no it's our this game everyone know it's not true at all no okay let's think about this now I watched sbond on an undocumented server he'll kel'thuzad and naxxramas the hardest fight in the game and he did it with half ret dear without knowing to fight and with an addon that simply just had him target the lowest health member and his party and apply flashlights to them so if that's possible to do I don't see how healing is hard at all I mean are there instances and what healing could be hard and vanilla yeah of course but that's not what I'm talking about it's like in general I'd say healing is pretty simple okay they pulled that guy I kind of want to pull another one after this bullets not worried about that right now I'll go all the way down to the back let's I go that guy too okay I didn't work let's line of sight around let's line a set around so we can get ready for path a little death saves in BFA um yeah you have death saves in BFA but you also have raid damage in BFA how many bosses even do raid damage like half of the bosses in vanilla Wow don't even do raid damage they just do tank damage like oh let's think about it I mean like as a Heuer now getting like yeah maybe a little bit wrong what are you guys [ __ ] stupid I'll think about it okay um what raid do we want to start with what what raid should we start with and we'll talk about raid damage let's get ready and pull this back a q40 princess whoo-hoo run exactly yes of course and the way to obviously disprove a generalization is to bring up an exception another 200 IQ rebuttal by twitch chat thank you guys I really appreciate your your input it's super useful okay four horsemen yes four horsemen does do ray damage let's see Farah Lena I think she does ray damage because you need to dispel the dots so I would consider that Ray damage sure well we'll do next Rama's because that's obviously the hardest rate naxxramas in general does have more ray damage I will already say this to begin with next Thomas does have more red damage so let's see a new perk on he does the facing like the thing we're like faces of a member in the raid and he does the thing you not see everybody up in the air so yes he does ray damage Farah Lena does little to no ray damage max Cena does intermittent ray damage but max Cena is mostly a tank damage fight because the only time she's are doing ray damage effectively is if the Scarab spawned and are not actively controlled and they deal damage to the raid or if people get webbed on the sides of the room so those are both times that Max Oona wait what what's what what's that goal poster sprinting well yeah I mean most fights like here's the difference right between the goalposts every fight basically in BFA has a large amount of raid damage and the damage is much more dynamic in two fights than it is in vanilla well like the fights are just simple in vanilla like max ena you heal the tank and you heal the people like they're just simply less mechanics anybody that's going to argue that vanilla raids are easy or sorry harder or mark more complex I mean you've got to have brain damage really but the spikes in vanilla are way higher yeah they're way higher but the thing is they don't happen in succession so that means that even though they're higher you can just seal people up from them on your own right I mean you have like a couple of fights that are actually pretty hard for healers right and oh I pulled three there I was kind of intentional but uh probably a stupid idea let's pull the Shadowhunter and just sheep the blood drinker keep the blood drinker okay there we go actually yeah just do whatever yeah just just kill both of them it doesn't even matter this should be fine just yeah just shape the sole leader will kill bull kill shadow hunter first so he doesn't he'll just who's the blood drinker actually is gonna heal okay yeah it was kind of a bad pull all right so anyway a patchwork likes to point patchwork is a good example um patchwork literally only does tank damage right and like patchwork is kind of a it's kind of a unique example because there are very few fights that are as direct as patchwork let's see Grob ulis does grab us do raid damage not really he puts a dot on one member of the raid and they have to stand behind that usually the the boss I'm gonna use the last stand there I almost died so I want to use it just to be safe sorry about that I can we cut this blood drinker I'm just going to stop generating rage actually go battle stance and just go I'm gonna try and hamstring okay for health for health go for the stunt there it is now keep kiting him keep cutting all right perfect next through three bosses $15 a damage 13 15 do ya and knacks is also the hardest the hardest raid and the most challenging raid in the entire game right I mean if you compare that to like molten core or something very few bosses have like any sort of like real sustainable ray damaged its meaningful and like almost all the raid damage that they do have is completely based off of people making mistakes it's kind of the same thing in dwl - well kazakh does ray damage yeah if you [ __ ] up he does there we go alright good people have always died on Baron Geddon boom yeah but just because people do something wrong doesn't necessarily mean the fights hard like I don't know I feel like a lot of people if you genuinely think that like vanilla while raids were hard you are a bad player like you're just a bad player and you've probably never done any new mythic raids in the past like five years like they're not even remotely close to how hard the fights are now they're infinitely more challenging now and anybody that thinks differently is a [ __ ] idiot okay if you cast again I'll go ahead and I'll interrupt her is she gonna cast what the [ __ ] no she's not doing anything classic raids were easy but they took so long it takes on a patience you have to sit there for four hours um I think the main difficulty with classic raids occurred outside of the raid so like getting people there 260 getting people to farm up there resistance gear getting people to be ready with you know this dad or the other thing I just pulled that guy because he's a 1 pack you can just heal up and by the time that you're ready he'll be over here yeah I mean cabba rates were hard yeah I'd say cattle raids were definitely hard cata raids was whenever Blizzard actually really started making [ __ ] before then I think that the raids were really not as challenging as they as they are nowadays I think Cataclysm was probably the the turning point in terms of like making things more challenging let me use my my elixirs here refresh them where are they okay there's that one and fortitude good alright then we'll do Y in strength it'll be good okay excuse me firefighter well I think in general right I mean like obviously and also even firefighter for example if you look at the amount of mechanics that are involved with firefighter and didn't you compare that to something like sinestro arson or whatever like Sinestro is infinitely more complex than firefighter like firefighter I mean like the last phase was pretty hard you're right about that but you go into phase 1 what does phase 1/2 phase 1 has the the Heuer debuffs yeah you have to move out of the the pools or sorry the the water things and tried TVC bosses before neurofen I I did and yeah TVC bosses were challenging sure but all I'm saying is that I think that the difficulty really ramped up like I'm saying the Cataclysm dungeon boss azure sorry raid bosses were harder than any of the other raids before them by a substantial amount how it sits that's very true okay let's just go ahead and just see see one of the other blood drinkers and I'll pull them away okay good amazing good job okay you think Christian pre nerve could be tilt could be killed today yeah I I think if they released cocoon pre nerve players would be able to kill it yes I could be wrong about that but I think so yeah yeah they would know well why not I mean like I think you guys underestimate how much better players are nowadays like even the private server foyers like the meta I mean think about this right we're people clearing molten core in 20 minutes during classic Wow [ __ ] no people probably couldn't even do that until rat but back in in the private servers now if people can clear molten core in like less than 30 minutes it's mathematically impossible people use different ways to calculate numbers now right there are different things that are taking into account they players are just better at the game mathematically impossible like you you have things like here's an example right the players don't understand the players don't get right is that like the the feral druid helmet that you could power shift back and forth I don't think that was a thing in vanilla Wow but nowadays everybody uses it that way I mean if you really think that players haven't improved to the points where they'd probably be able to do it nowadays I think that you underestimate how much better people are than they were back then like I would suggest for you to go back and watch some of the world first kills from these bosses in max traumas and then say if those people would even build a clear from Ehrlich raid nowadays I'd say probably not yeah the math changed that's it yeah okay um do wait oh we just pulled those let's get this last blood drinker to be safe okay before we go up and kill the executioner okay boys the moment we have all been waiting for was Black Temple hard at all I mean like the first half was it very hard to know I mean like supremest magenta sand shade of a comma there were joke fights Terra and going was only hard because it emphasized personal responsibility I think relic warrior Souls was where things like really kind of stepped up in difficulty reliquary was pretty hard also dr. game really submit a post about how it's impossible whenever he's ludus jerks p.m. yeah well I mean I would probably bet a thousand dollars alright ten thousand dollars if there be released pre nerf C'thun that people will be able to do it absolutely like it people just really underestimate how much better players are nowadays okay um let me pull this and then I need to take a piss all right let's get this guy down better players I mean you really cute I don't know how you can feel like there's not better players okay where's your farm gold for the mouth on Stormwind and on twitch okay I should be fine for aggro here most private servers have very very few guilds they can kill pre nerf lich king heroic what do you think about that well they probably have very few guilds that are trying like how many guilds are trying to actually kill premier Lich King I'd say maybe you like a dozen and so like let's say three of them can do it I mean that's a pretty high percentage like it's I mean these servers are not overly populated so I don't think that's a good way to to judge things what about son well muru was extremely hard I think if they really spree nerf Maroof players would still have a pretty difficult time okay I'll be right back all right one second guys I take a piss [Music] [Music] okay sorry about that poison bang okay okay oh boy alrighty um we'll wait for everybody to get back and then we will begin so let me wash hands I don't need to wash my hands if there's anything dirty I just rub it on my face very cool guys have very fun video but vanilla that you haven't reacted to I did so anyway what was I saying before oh right here's a good way to look at like the mathematically impossible you know that that phrase if you were to tell people in classic Wow that there were groups that were able to clear molten core in 20 minutes and be WL in 20 minutes do you think they would say that was mathematically impossible - I'm just curious I treated again so you're saying yen was wrong yeah probably he's wrong yeah I'd say it's probably going yeah okay speed resin running isn't the same as uh as that yeah I mean like if you want to split hairs like yeah sure it's obviously not the exact same thing but it's generally the same thing and what I'm saying is that the classic community back then did not have a full understanding of all the mechanics and different ways that the game systems interacted with each other and the different ways to optimize their characters so based off of that I don't think they had all the information available to make a definitive analysis and say that it was it was impossible they just didn't understand everything about the game in the way that people now do and I think a good example of that is the feral druid helmet yeah if C'thun pre nerve came out I would that probably $1,000 that it would be killed yeah [Music] stop as one you're making me less hyper classic because you're saying how easy it is all players just little gods on your delusional not all players but the ones that would attempt to kill C'thun pre nerf I would assume probably are yeah you're right there sir they're certainly better than they were back then absolutely people still click their abilities back then in world first guilds oh yeah I'm sure that those people were definitively certain that it was mathematically impossible of course while they're clicking their abilities and talking to each other in /se and / whisper during a boss fight yeah those people really know what they're doing okay let's see fix hair [ __ ] wait oh my god okay is this is this better how's this okay this is good and we'll watch we'll watch the Taliesin video watch a couple videos after this and see if we're gonna do more Adhan cuz I do actually kind of want try more hair done yeah um the game listen like the game is not based around like the enjoyment of a game should not be based around how easy or hard it is it should be how fulfilling completing the content is and that's kind of independent but obviously loosely correlated with the difficulty of the game let me make sure we ready check okay Eric you everyone is ready the time is now review my boss good luck morrow good luck in your of your cliff so yes we do let it begin what can I do for you for the Alliance there we go stay on top stay on top here that way we don't a grow them from the bottom stay on top here I'm just marking the elites that's all I'm just going to try to get aggro on the elites not all of them just the elites focus on focus on those elites guys great damage so far okay keep it up don't let our don't let our team members die second elite resist okay got a grow [Music] keep cutting these keep cutting them a demo shot as much as I can okay keep our party members alive remember a conserved mana conserve mana conserve mana [Music] keep getting that keep getting aggro guys keep getting aggro let's go stay together stay together jump down if you need to I can't get aggro on those right now I can't get out go on him [ __ ] funding that one okay job hey OE if you need to the first wave is almost over trying to get aggro however I can keep it up keep it up just actually going really well okay I've almost got a girl for another bomb okay okay do not let lloyd I do not let Lloyd I taunting I'm gonna challenging shout challenging shouting all right I can't do that again so keep that in mind keep these slowed as much as possible okay we've gotten through the first wave almost kite them around if you need to okay I'm going to hold these at the front here and I'm gonna use I'm gonna use whatever I can to stay alive if more mobs spawn eat right now eat right now eat right now I will stay alive I will stay alive don't worry good good all right we've recovered I don't have bandages right now I'm out okay actually no I have the shitty ones that's right [ __ ] I hate using these okay all right we're fine stay focused everybody stay focused we're almost we're basically halfway done stay on the top of the stairs don't go down do not go down probably gonna lose aggro on this one okay good demos shop these mobs pull this guy too good alrighty here we go got shitty banjos yeah they're like one ply toilet toilet paper that's the best analogy I've ever heard [ __ ] okay trying it out on this guy good focus up focus up focus up focus the up focus up do not mistakes do not mistakes okay good job good job one at a time one at a time okay all right we've got a pretty good amount of non-elites coming up so just pay attention to that we don't have any more weeks here there's actually I think like maybe one more week down there maybe not so just just focus on getting these down I'm gonna trying kite bees as much as I can that slaves out of my aggro building I'll be able to get him off how many I do one attack per sleep okay good all right perfect all right now we have the non-elite spawning okay after this it looks like we're gonna have no we not have a drinking window never mind okay I can't cut can't cut that one okay that one ran away let me get this guy here drinking yeah drink if you need to as soon as you're out a combat drink if you need to okay kill that drink if you need to here guys drink if you need to drink if you need to [ __ ] all right kill that one kill that one I'm gonna hold the rest of them back I'll hold the rest of them back drink now drink now drink now drink now [ __ ] got him okay good alright where's the [ __ ] boss dude this shit's taking a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be high for doing zero who hires Hydra is doing great of course hydras doing doing zero Haley this is a this is a long long event like we can't just like waste everything right now he has to make sure that he has the man that everything for this entire event okay good I'm just gonna keep getting a grow in these mobs you can kill certain of why just for a second okay all right the bosses spawn the boss has spawn all right we're almost done so whenever we're gonna go down and fight the boss focus up we are going to kill neck room we will kill necrophilia - he should die first after that I'm gonna be doing interrupts on the other guy as much as we possibly can okay a lot of mobs here lotta mobs here wine here wine this slime this want this let's see girl okay it's a lot of aggro on these mobs good good okay this should be fine I should have a grow on as many as possible yeah do some AoE here if you need to I've got let's if this is just should be the last elite last elite [Music] okay here we go nice bomb thank you should have saved that for the [ __ ] boss okay you you're gonna have time to drink after this drink after this drink after this I will go down actually I won't go down until they aggro them drink after this get ready to do this as fast as possible drink as fast as you can wait oh we got one more mob that's really bad that's really bad that's really bad kill that mob killed that mom we need to go down drink now drink now okay so we focus on nekron force and then we're gonna do interrupts on on the Shadow Priests okay if the non-elite spawn here we're going to kill the non-elites first kill the non-elites first move down now move down now they're spawning let's go kill the non-elites first till the non-elites first why stand is up last stanza focus killed the non-elites first I can't get on those outlets here well I stand this up for now stun him do not let the duan do not let the moms die they can each probably tank one of them tight that one if you need to okay toning toning the boss Tony boss take him down if we need to take him down if we need to I don't have challenging shout Tony again didn't work Keaton Ekrem Kai to keep nekron cutted kill these other non-elites the acolytes he'll kill the acolytes okay Tony neck room is it was a Miss taunt do not aggro behind us time to tone again got him got him okay good stand up that's that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine okay good uh he'd date kill Ravan is gonna kill Ravan gotta kill this guy kill this guy good getting that chrome down holy [ __ ] eat up holy [ __ ] [ __ ] if anybody's an enchanter please need on that we did it well that I mean we still have the last boss the last boss is probably gonna be even harder talk to the Goblin now I'm gonna talk to him in just a minute holy [ __ ] that was [ __ ] rough okay let's blow up the door do we talk to the yeah I know we fight them afterwards we talk to the Goblin now right Goblin first yeah if he a grows we need to help him but I don't think that he will okay so we're going to kill murder first then or room den Raven will save sergeant why for last we can even kite sergeant Bly up and down the towers here so kill Merida first let me ready check this actually alright let's get it done greetings I want to start this a full rage I'm gonna pull a scarab let me get full rage just kill the Scarab slowly yeah I want to get full recha okay yeah this could be bad if I don't wait three hours later yeah that's about right dude I didn't realize he's gonna take this [ __ ] long fifty rage is more than enough okay get ready guys im gonna pull as soon as this thing dies I'll battle shout too might as well see you later let's go nice nice okay and roughing that which dispelled their shield interrupting her cast and I should go the stunner here there we go she's dead perfect good job all right let's get on Raven get on Raven now get on Raven now and just see see actually you know what um get on yeah get on Sargent fly we can just see see the other two it's not a big deal you can even cleave them down I don't even think it matters honestly just fear or feel fear or good job stay on sergeant blye okay focus up we've got it after him let's go up and kill the caster we fear the caster focus up I think I got like gouged or something I'm gonna just move away from Raven so she doesn't do it again if she comes out of the the poly okay there we go dude this boss like what the [ __ ] man this guy takes forever to kill this is ridiculous god damn no [ __ ] I forgot to this masses this is crazy okay use Rend I actually will use rent here here's why sergeant Bly has higher than average armor and because Renda static damage it's going to be effectively better because less of the damage is going to be mitigated by armor so yeah we will use rent it's a good good idea okay let's get Raven Hill Raven I'll just kill ball pump who gives a [ __ ] okay there we go good all righty who's gonna die good yeah kill Raven then we'll kill the last guy oh let me loot him - what can I throw away for uh for room oh nice got it dude all right boys let's the elevator okay all right peace I was kidding okay um get this guy down and then we'll kill the last one let me just go up there and get and just start fighting him now it doesn't even matter okay never mind holy [ __ ] that was [ __ ] ridiculous you got us yeah I really got you guys that time huh okay let's go up here we'll pull this guy there we go I don't even think I need to worry about getting a girl but I might as well [Music] there we go easy hands just like a normal warlock he dies and nobody gives a [ __ ] okay very very easy great job boys now we fight the last boss all righty here we go shields am greater than avenge no way I don't think that it is their shield slam generate five times as much sorry four times as much threat as revenge does I'm pretty sure it doesn't yeah loot boy for the ring I already wounded it we can go loot murder - if you guys want shield block passive oh I don't want to have shield block up I mean like it's just it's usually my health is not a limiting variable of the of the fight so I don't want to use shield walk because it's not going to change the outcome of the fight okay let's kill the just kill the level 55 I have 45 I don't care got him all right come over this way are you gonna skip the other two bosses no we're going to do the other two bosses as well but right now we're gonna go up here and kill the last boss because I don't know what's going to respawn in this area so I don't want to take a risk watch out for the snakes don't worry dude I can handle snakes yeah and there's also the two guys on the side I'm worried that all four of them are gonna aggro we'll see if that's gonna happen or not okay dude you killed gas Ron yeah I did it's 40 the local captain beta yes yeah this is the last boss and we're going up to this should be the hardest boss I thought that the the stare event was gonna be easy I never thought it would be challenging whatsoever there's no real reason for it to be challenging what would be challenging about it it would just take a long time I mean like obviously you can do it wrong but the difficulty of the stare event was not a growing the entire bottom area so as long as you didn't do that you'd have no trouble where the flashing bars on your character oh those are my swing timers the top one is my swing timer in the bum those are the bad boys kill can you see see one of these can we see seed the other one looks like I might have to I just have agra on both of these okay all right if that's the case let's do it okay probably should have saved that but it's okay all right that one's dead toning off a Hydra mist god damn dude this guy just goes wherever the [ __ ] he wants come on okay did these are the hardest to mobs yeah I know CeCe yeah these were really kind of hard to see see taunting yeah he just does whatever he wants wait for Trinket I won't need to I'm a little old I don't need to wait for trinkets it's not gonna matter does anybody else ever scratched their dick to see what it smells like I do that like three times an hour yeah like literally all the time okay so the danger snakes I don't remember if we have to fight four at a time or two but if we have to fight four at a time we will kill skull and X first and if not we'll just kill them in that order [Music] [ __ ] okay all right it's all four let's go uh let's see what I can do for aggro here try to get it try to do what you can guys for I do what you can all right pulling back I might have to use Last Stand here we'll see what happens got aggro on that one good job guys good job keep it up keep it up that's a stun kite them if you need to route them if you need to kill these guardians let's kill this Guardian second okay come on guys you're doing great keep that kiting keep that kiting great job Hydra miss on that positioning great job on that positioning okay second snake [ __ ] I thought you get that time yep jump over from the sides go to the sides guys if you need to we can kite these it's going to be easy this is an easy fight taunting that one good this is a easy fight keep it in mind this is easy okay yep fear that if you need to just make sure it goes back on me I should have good aggro on that now let me move that away okay I'll thread them on me and should make it easy for me to stun okay that's two down let's focus on killing let's kill this one first and just sheep the other one sheep the other one if you need to I'm gonna separate them boy boy that was a big one just move away there that was a real [ __ ] Heuer room who cares the hundred console at this point if I die right now if I go afk right now it'll be fine okay stunning that cast good cheese there so fast okay good job let me go ahead and I'll read some donations while I finish this last mob okay let's see the time I want to get that okay I read that one thank you very much appreciate that you've had your man pot I did that thank you very much Jones tomorrow done I'm down for that he's not some wild cosmic Spanish people don't mind having 16 elbowing cap at 60 I don't know if that would be a good idea or not I genuinely mean that I don't know if that would be a good idea or not um a big a small thank you for many big laughs sweet boy thank Martin arse I appreciate that your hair donated to ours where's your hair go thank you very much the two hours appreciate that do you think retail is salvageable at all no I don't thank you very much I appreciate that thank you guys for all the resub than the the twitch prime subs too I really felt gonna appreciate it thank you thank you thank you guys all right okay so let's talk about this I am going to tank the chief if I remember right which I probably don't if I remember right Bru's Lu can be slowed which means that the hunters can see see Roos Lo and kite him around without letting him hit them if that seems to not be the case and hunters are unable to kite him around I will go back and re a grow him and taunt him and try to generate aggro on him if that is not the case however I will stay on uber style I'm gonna stand the big book I'm gonna be on the big boy and we're going to continue building aggro on him so that way whenever this guy dies we'll be able to focus entirely on the boss do ad spawn during this encounter I don't remember there we go here we go [Music] all right left wall was bugged to be careful yeah be careful for snakes spawn during the fight if the snakes spawn during the fight what we're going to do is we're going to have the hunter and the healer run back and kite them as far back as possible if they're not elite and if we're not able to just to kill them on our own and then we will try to just burn down the boss and then wipe the snakes and go with the boss afterwards okay I think that should be the best idea okay so kite kite Rizla all DPS should be on Musleh when we ready check and we'll get this done okay here we go what do you think about twitch banning the accounts were saying to work Naga twitch made the right decision the people that got banned were [ __ ] and they deserved it they should be spending more time filling out applications at Walmart and let's try and trying to rationalize the decisions on Walmart sorry on Twitter that's what they get they were wine pieces of [ __ ] I knew it everybody knew it to think that twitch was gonna actually ban somebody for saying the word Naga of course that didn't happen okay let's get it done focus up I'll talk about that afterwards these des are to be mine tight rulla rulla rulla Cairo's low as much as you can he has low health he should be easily Qaida ball yes he's being slowed he is being slowed keep keep him keep him rooted to keep him rooted how the [ __ ] does he have aggro it's really bad keeps that's actually really really bad where's my rage potion what the how am I not holding aggro like I don't even understand that move him away kill roseola kill ruse low and then recover kill rusul and recover just randomly drops aggro I got lucky with that kite you better kite you're a better kite uh he just he drops aggro so spread out spread out at this point spread out use first aid start using first aid [Music] we're dead this keeps right um I'm thinking what we can do here like he just he's just III can't do anything like he just drops a grow everything just gets resistant and drops a grow okay alright did you soulstone somebody run back to here run back to here so we can do no I don't even think we can soul stone how far out can we kite him tied him all the way out to here see what happens yeah yeah try this can we get him to here okay we can get them to here kite them all the way out out to the back here let's see if this is gonna work okay so we can go all the way down here okay this is fine yeah run all the way out run all the way out guys run all the way out all the way out boy I don't want to take the risk on you rezzing so let's go ahead and let's make sure yeah just die right here guys wait where's the boss is the boss coming yeah there he is okay um I think we could maybe salvage this but let's just die and try to recover okay yeah because the pats respawned on top of us that's not something that we were really predicting okay let's just just die right here we have a soul stone I'm pretty sure I'll die right here okay you can't kill him at this level is that a challenge if you kill one the other enrages it's more it's more reliable for us to just kill one and then deal with the enrage I think okay give it a second before you use your soul stone okay they should be reset don't run back in merked we're not gonna be able to resolutely so we're gonna have to form an this pole it should be easy because it's just the Shadowhunters okay so we can kite him all the way down to the bottom why not kill the chief first because the chief can't be slowed and the small mob can so it's much easier for us to deal with one mob at a time and that way we can offset you know just like watching out for aggro and everything like that and it just makes things a lot less chaotic whenever we only have one mob to deal with at the time so I would say that's actually why ok rez him and then we'll move up here and we'll try to pull the the boss again use the lictors again let's try this again here chief can't be tanked yeah I mean like he can be tanked kind of it's just that he doesn't he doesn't threat drop so it makes it a little bit harder I just have to talk back every time he does it and since my taunts have such a high resistance it makes tanking I'm really difficult you can't be tanked well no he can be right he can be tanked it's just not at this level okay let's go up here we'll just kill this shadow hunter here made sure run in and get summoned yeah yeah Willie go ahead and just run in and get him to get summoned and we'll pull this pack before you get here it should be pretty easy to kill let's move up here and as soon as we pull this it's obvious that we're on a timer so we need to kill these mobs again we'll probably need to kill these mobs and then pull the boss immediately let me use my spyglass and see the boss is up there okay boss is still up there okay alright get up here and we'll we'll pull Hydra is almost out of mana watch out okay we just pulled that that's fine but we need to make sure that we're seeing these mobs okay Eric I don't know if tanking or kiting he's doing a good idea let's go and get this guy here if I get a cleanse yeah I just don't worry about this just kite them backwards this obviously was a little bit a little bit miscommunicated but should be fine okay yeah having that soul stone there really helped us out a lot why wouldn't the boss be there know that it's not about the boss being there it's about the guy with him if he responds under the boss dies which I don't know what the answer to that is I I don't remember so that that's why I was actually trying to look I knew that the boss would be there okay he didn't respond wait what if that's the case that shit's easy okay make sure you have a so you get a soul shard from this guy too Eric all right we got them [Music] to hidroméis rank one does freeze the edges yeah just the boss alone now that does mean they could respawn okay so let's talk about possibilities if the boss if the other boss responds during the fight we will come back and we will kill the smaller boss unless I call to kill the big boss if we're only going to kill the small boss what will happen is you guys will spread out and try to kill the big boss and I will tank the small boss while you finish them off okay so this should be fine sheep the small boss I don't think we can and if we can he'll break out of sheep early very often because he's high he's a high level okay and remember we need to do this pull quickly alrighty so if the little guy spawns at the beginning which I think that he probably will Oh summon him come up here and some of them so what we're gonna do here is as soon as Gore's becomes enraged and we're having trouble tanking and keeping control of them we're going to go up onto these ledges behind us and we're going to kite him so we're gonna jump up to here and we're going to jump down and as soon as we lose aggro we're going to go back up onto one of these and then we're going to repeat that back and forth to where other people get aggro and stop attacking if you uh if you get aggro though and that way we can keep him kite it around alright let's do this again hopefully it's gonna go better this time I don't know why it was so bad alright just go to pyramid stairs I worry if we try to do that we're gonna have D spawning and evade issues alright give me like 10 seconds to get aggro okay Hydra whenever you're ready okay pull in five four three two one these desert to be mine okay tighten back come back over here we're gonna fight them right here we're fighting him right here nice nice jump there nice jump Hunter's by the way [Music] all right we're dry bun char self in the dick for five straight minutes or play B FA for a day I mean it's really kind of hard to say I mean there's a lot of different things that I could do but yeah I'd say probably punch myself in the dick for five minutes straight yeah that's probably it let's see oh let me refresh thunders all right reign supreme okay he's mad let's see if here at while soundtrack probably the Ellen force when I would say hey you why people happy Thank You Man I appreciate that has no other streams appreciate the entertainment keep going big dick thank you man as you can see dude we're going pretty [ __ ] hard right now we're doing amazing well Maggie Borden was last thing I masturbated probably like Oh fell down try to run up here I bet you can take the damage I'm trying to taunt don't let him die don't want him die okay eric has a grow that's good okay I got him I got him do not let him evade do not let him evade Hydra where are you Hydra oh you're right there I don't know why he evaded there okay this is fine okay get back in position okay yep jump down if you need to did he use okay let's see what are these mobs here boy he handled the mobs boy handle these mobs I'm gonna try to get the slaves let's see a merked deal with the boss smirks keep trying to tank the boss kite him out to the middle there just try to circle them around and I'll take care of the slaves as much as I can okay can I get back go and [ __ ] something holy [ __ ] this is annoying okay all right I've got a growing two mobs where's the boss taunting all right I've got three mobs now going down to the bottom here where's the boss where's the boss did he ki spawn oh yeah all right guys good job we did it we did it man we really we really did this huh I'm proud of okay III had y'all dude if they do that if they make this cat fifty I might just have this right now they're just real quick just real quick if I get these [ __ ] shoulders oh my god there we [ __ ] go we actually wounded them there we go all right [ __ ] yes dude Wow dude those are like some of my favorite shoulders in the [ __ ] game yeah don't even deserve it yeah I'd do it was my strategy that was like it was my strat to do it like I look I am here for moral support and to have my taunt resisted every six seconds Oh take seconds never mind yeah okay like I I'm doing a lot keep that in mind guys doing a lot so what we need to do now we have two bosses that remain three bosses actually that remain so let's see can we come over to here be great if we could just skip all these mobs okay so if we go there put it here okay then we could skip all of this yeah can we come up to here guys I think we might need to pull those if we don't do that let's double-check actually yeah we can skip anyway holy [ __ ] Wow all right come over here guys like okay yeah sure I just pulled this mop let's go done comb over it wait wait what what I need to get a haircut guys this is really this is getting embarrassing this is more embarrassing than my performance on my usefulness on the last bus I don't think I've really did anything wrong I mean like like what am I supposed to do there but still it's a little sad okay this is the next boss do not run onto tombs okay do not run on top of the tombs yeah I do not walk on the graves so what we're going to do is whenever we pull the boss we're going to just stand inside that little room okay and just give me like maybe ten seconds to get out grow Eric you're a little bit too close you're making me a little bit nervous Eric don't even think about there I thought some of them would just open if you didn't click if you just did it anyway okay let me pull this mob there we go let's go face your site no we're fine okay okay all right we'll pull the other Pat and then we'll pull the boss so if I remember right the boss summons the ads so if the boss summons the ads kill the ads over the boss and lest we the boss is really really low health I'll call for it okay let's go kill this [ __ ] boy right here just run away I'm sure we get them closer to us well what do you mean white what y'all say I'm white for like everybody's gonna white no I'm not gonna [ __ ] wipe dude but I'm literally popping off on such a high level right now and people are just so upset that it's happening they can't believe it we're not gonna [ __ ] white we haven't wiped at all we had we had a point where we didn't kill the boss and everybody died but I wouldn't call that a life that was just more or less like a we had to regroup from the graveyard and go back inside the instance all right move up we hey we had a redo you call that an alternative poll died just give me a second and I'll wait and then we will pull again this is going really well okay now let's pull move up to the top sad I hate you this guy okay it's done kill the zombies first build a zombies first [Music] okay focus to zombies first great job so far guys keep it up that's right you go in for the attacks if you need to whenever a Hydra starts getting low on mana Oh hearing okay [Music] focus all damage on the boss focus all damage on the boss keep me healed up focus all damage on the boss I will deal with the somme be okay this might have to be another tactical reset yeah this is looking like a tactical reset guys holy [ __ ] god damn I didn't know that he's summoned these mobs I think we have to clear all the graves first okay so we have the the smart strat and then the dumb strat I think you guys can pretty much bet what each one of them is right the smart strat is where we kill all the graves and the dumb strat is where he burned down the boss what do you guys want to do I say in my opinion we burned down the boss clear out Greg I think that we burned down the moss and I will see here's the good thing you guys actually got really lucky by having me in the group I am a god tank like one of the best so because of that it will be easy for me to keep aggro on all the mobs and everything's gonna be fine now here are the problems that we're gonna run into problem number one is the hue or getting aggro I'm going to solve that problem by not letting him get aggro it's problem number two that's the only real problem yeah it's basically yen only two more elixirs yeah we only need one more pole so it doesn't matter so that one did not go very well okay let's just get that out of the way it did not go very well all right it went really really really [ __ ] bad you burned a boss even if he dies the ads will won't respond will respond it doesn't matter like we can just go around them or just pull the ones that we dealt with then I don't think we're gonna need to worry about that we're probably gonna need to pull a couple of points of respawns like three or four mobs so I just wait at the beginning okay let's try and get this done guys okay everything in vanilla is tank and spank well it is I'll prove it to you so boy what I want you to do is I want you to be using cone of cold as much as you can and mainly frost Nova on the mobs so frost Nova is gonna be able to keep them C seed but only start doing Oh No [Music] okay everybody mount up here's what we're gonna do mount up we need to run through and only aggro that pack we make sure I can do that we need their respawning now hydro get over here now get over here now wait for Heorot yeah we're too slow they're respawning now let's see you know we're not too late and we're not too late [Music] what's the cooldown on your soul stone Eric it should be like 10 minutes right yeah it's okay we did just get [ __ ] because we have to wait though what's it cool down on your soul stone okay here's what you're gonna do I am going to run in and I'm going to aggro as many mobs as I can I'm going to take those mobs away from you guys and whenever I die I will call to run you will run as the mobs are resetting okay listen up and get ready get on your [ __ ] do not run with me do not run with me do not run with me get ready I said don't run with me I said don't run with me why did you run with me why would you run with me if I said don't run with me like how many invisibility potions do we have like I'm just why would you do that I literally said don't run they didn't yeah they did because they were in front of the [ __ ] rock like what do you mean that they they obviously [ __ ] ran we have about one more chance at this okay let's try and get this done most ever used to swiping ZF it's not a useless swipe it's just super important that we get this pull done because they are respawning my idea was that I could pull the mobs away we could get ahead of the respawns I could die they could run to where I died whenever the respawns are running back because there would be D aggro'd and then they could res me and we could get ahead of the respawned and pull the boss again that's that was obviously what we're supposed to do like that's a mythic quest strap people do that now [ __ ] yo it's still a grow pulling back to the spots no they wouldn't because they'd be resetting they don't agro running back the only rag girl agro running forward ah dude [ __ ] man this was such it was such it was gonna work perfectly we can queer the right side path it shouldn't take too long yeah I mean I guess we're gonna have to okay the FA doesn't count it sure [ __ ] dies I wish it did because if it did then they'd know what the [ __ ] to do pull these mobs again it's not a big deal they will always do you there higher level it's not a matter of if they will D aggro me it's how long can I prevent them from di growing me I did not do that well because I did not expect the mobs on the right side to aggro with the left side to aggro okay debating how we can do this now [Music] deciding if we should do this again charged into the second pack then I'll be out of mana let me try one more run let's try one more run guys I think that's probably the best idea do not run until I call to run yeah when I die you run that's a good way busy way okay do not aggro [Music] [Music] [Music] go now go now go now go now to the left go now to the left go now to the left yep to the hydro boss go to the hydro boss now okay so now I need to figure out how I'm gonna survive this they got me alright I'm resetting I'm dead okay I get ready to summon me alright great us on me we'll do this it will do this again save so much time I sure did do you want to know why I saved all the time get ready you guys are so dumb that's embarrassing wait honestly it's actually crazy to me sometimes how smart I am and how good I am at this game so I was laughing at how dumb you guys are not me not what I'm saying why it's actually true watch yeah they can't summon inside really okay okay so good at this game listen guys I played this game for a long time he or says on the lifted section next to the left razor you can ignore the ads and focus the boss just got here so I'm not sure if this can be has been tested to suggest it on the beta I don't know if I want to try that think you're assuming zolf Iraq it's my favourite Pinilla dungeon it's a hard time for me because my girlfriend left me 2 months ago and I have no friends when I watch your stream you make my heart smile thank you very much zach you're like a bro for me well thank you very much man I'm really sorry about your girlfriend man that [ __ ] sucks thank you thank you man I appreciate that yeah it does [ __ ] suck all right make me smile too yeah everybody should be smiling right now because how [ __ ] great that pole was now here was what I just did I pulled all the mobs away from my group and now my group is going to be able to summon me we're going to skip the entire respawn process and we're going to go right back to the boss the literal God like watch this see they're gonna said cuz we have a warlock here they're in combat no they're not in combat that's why I told them not to run because they're too far away from the mobs I pulled the mobs away from them to a point to where they wouldn't get into combat whenever they ran near the mobs because of proximity aggro and now they're gonna be able to summon me so me guys [Music] [Music] be very careful and dismiss your Pat dude Merc dismiss your Pat bro [Music] it's not a bug chatsters dumb yeah they're stupid it's really sad honestly like I don't know I feel like I mean every once in a while there's [ __ ] that I forget but it's sometimes it's like chat doesn't even know anything he's he one thing I oh I forgot that one thing but Chad it's like oh [ __ ] okay we're gonna kite them up to the top where the bosses on actually know those things might have respawned okay can we use bombs and everything just give me like one minute to get aggro okay that's 41 okay we'll focus up guys let's get this done there's gonna be a lot of these mobs I'm gonna try to pull them one at a time should be a lot of zombies yeah be very careful we've got a scarab in the back and then also the blood drinker so focus up and wait actually right now let me go check to see if the pad has respawned because it might the respawn on the patent might actually be tied to the last boss let me double-check on that yeah we can't pull them up to the top there we're gonna have to kite them and hide them all the way back and maybe up to the stairs so if we have to kite them up to the left and then to the stairs I will pull one mob - - mobs okay can I get a I can I get I'm sorry and chat please because I just want you guys to apologize for me to me it's just honestly I I know no really you're not gonna say you're sorry this is disgusting I did the toxicity in this chat is just absolutely [ __ ] it's just it's so disgusting I can't believe it you know I I I'm showing you guys next level poles how to play this game on a level that most people don't even know exists and people won't even apologize whenever they realize that I did something right this is my wife pull these guys it's three pay attention don't pull extras [Music] we should be able to pull probably five of these at a time I would say us four okay fine for if I can get aggro on all four there we go yeah that's a good shackle good job that one's gonna die anyway who gives a [ __ ] okay good so the only please no I want I want to hear about how toxic the chat is because that the truth is like I knew that was gonna work everybody in chat was calling me stupid and for the amount of times I have to eat [ __ ] because I'm [ __ ] wrong about something in the chat won't let me forget it this time I want it I want you guys to eat the [ __ ] [ __ ] because I was right I was right you were wrong I did it you didn't it worked you're mad that's too [ __ ] bad just pulled that individual zombie after this I had to go take a piss I'm a warrior it's classic Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what's this well they came back oh it's fine dude or but I'm good literal agro God don't even worry about me aggro God three of them easy easy okay I lost a groan that one but besides that one aggro God there we go just uh don't loot them so they respawn slower I don't know if that works honestly we're just gonna move them okay this is fine is there anything I'm saying to make the world revenge prop up whenever revenge is ready ah you know what I don't know did they have that revenge thing whenever it pops up in vanilla I don't think they did can you guys correct me if I'm wrong about that I actually I I'm willing to be wrong about that it wasn't a game I I see like yeah it's just so long ago I don't remember okay when we pulled that zombie over there don't pull the witch doctor we're gonna do the oops we're gonna do the graves real quick that should take like maybe five minutes cuz I want to see if we can actually kill this boss it was in-game but most people use the custom SCT they didn't see it yeah I don't remember man honestly it's so long ago laughs no it's not gonna take half hour dude there's no way it's gonna take half hour and we could try and a Liam down but like the problem with that is like if we have one mistake it's over just kill these guys real quick easy yeah I mean I think these mobs should die pretty quick quick sell your fast food list yeah that was actually the right list all the other lists are wrong let me go ahead and use my litters again to make sure we're good I'm actually just amazed that worked out though like honestly I was so like what they have in retail while they have a thing that this like automatically dismounts you and now that doesn't happen or so yeah I guess like in classic it doesn't happen but they prevent it they added that I guess so people can't just like pull all of ZF and to say OE farm it really easily maybe because I thought it was like this 200 P or something oh wow oh wow yo that's actually really good what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wait oh no it's not because people are able to get the tree and ambulant yeah that's actually not as good as I think the business okay let's go just use the dismounted boating or macros yeah I'll probably get an add-on for that nambia yeah I mean that's just better that's too bad okay I'll pull this right here wait doesn't always spawn them oh okay that that one's fine can somebody loot that one the one that's directly in front of me okay give me a second to get aggro on these guys come on quit playing games on this [ __ ] we've got three zombies and a bad boy so pay attention okay yeah this is actually going wait [Music] wait did it just change what time is it it just changed it to 54 the Sun came out well that's nice it's just a nice sunny day for killing zombies how beautiful killed that guy right there okay good try to conserve mana here I want this to go as fast as possible it's already gonna take [ __ ] forever yeah so the weather is and was this even in vanilla I don't even remember okay good job we'll give everybody a second to get mana so how many of these poles do we need to do and we can probably do three at a time probably five or six poles okay let's do that we're gonna report the Sun I don't want to report the Sun the sun's doing great okay let's see is everybody else here and ready let's make sure and then we'll pull oh did we pull wait what the front how many I grow these what the hell these guys come from oh where these from the boss fight at the beginning I think they were yeah I'm pretty sure they're from the boss right at the beginning talk this god damn dude these this is so [ __ ] annoying the tank these by taking it dude I need thunderfury man like do I have a grow on anything right now actually I actually don't I don't have a grow in a single mom okay let's pull these here you know walk on graves I don't think he did I think the aggro of the other mobs okay yeah just try and kill these it's like I'd like to be able to AOE farm these but I don't think that I like if we have one mistake I can't guarantee you lightning will strike twice with me being able to do that thing correctly because that one was actually like that pole that I did was pretty [ __ ] hard to do because if you get hit by them from the back it'll days you like hundred percent or not 100 like eighty percent chance of all days you okay good yeah so like one thing we could do [Music] I mean we could do this guys if you want we could just do the other bosses and then just burn this boss down and that way we don't even need to worry about clearing all the graves let me go around here and see how how easy that would be I don't know how I didn't aggro that clear the graves you can bug the zombies yeah if you stand on the brazier or whatever let me see how many of these I can't we can do what do you all want to do do you want to do a little bit of that ok let's do two of these why did it have to spawn the guy ok we'll kill him yeah this should be easy as long as we don't have like too many mobs here yeah I think we should just go try to kill the other bosses personally but I don't really care like we'll do whatever people want to do okay let's pull these tumble call to start streaming again here's the thing about McConnell and streaming you know what I mean so it's just like one of those things so we'll see what happens okay yeah it just usually doesn't happen alcohol got [ __ ] by summit Hey so hey goes man that's life okay well can I kill this guy and yeah I think what we could do is we could a grow everything we're sorry not a grow everything but we could kill the other two bosses cuz to be really easy and then just reset after this because it won't matter if we die after the boss dies if we could just have everybody burning down the boss alright sit down drink real quick classic will be the reason why people come back and play retail I think a lot of people will like an ironic Lee there will be a lot of people that play classic and they're like I don't like this but I want to see what the new game is like and they'll try it out in the back guy you know what retail is not that bad [Music] see if I can pull this here I'll give them a second to get to get mana and everything and then we'll pool okay let's do okay thank God that wasn't one of them god that's so [ __ ] annoying men [Music] yeah this is so [ __ ] annoying okay good yeah this is actually like I expected this to be a lot harder honestly like this whole like ZF thing I vote to burn boss yo I'm ready like if you if you want to like we can go do the other two bosses real quick we can come back and just burn down the boss and that I honestly I feel like that would be a better finish for the instance what do you all think about that yeah I'm not yeah I don't want to I don't want to sit here and just keep killing these yeah it's boring it's gonna take forever let's go do the other bosses okay go all three of these will be good perfect retail isn't bad it just attracts different players um just a second um let's go kill other two bosses and burn this one then be done this is taking forever okay yeah now they all know what to do graves have a high chance to drop an epic chess piece though yeah but it's probably not gonna drop so let's go and let's go do the other bosses guys stay over here stay to the right here I'm sorry yeah at the left here because there's there's mobs that are gonna spawn right here let's make sure to pay attention don't aggro the mobs over here okay good alright we've got one more person we've got to wait on ya there's the boss right there think of the martyr let's pull him come over here let's just pull him to right in the back here pull him to right in the back I just don't agro any scarabs okay guys just be good and don't make a mistake and that's all we should need to worry about I don't know if he had grows and scarabs on his own kilgrave's closest to the boss yeah that's fine okay here we go okay this is actually pretty good I've already got two sunders on the boss this is really good there's a revenge - oh my god we're doing great I needed an spell okay good no scarabs are being agroed wow what is this this is almost like a a good group or something this boss is annoying it's not he's easy you just do it okay yeah whenever I stunned him there I didn't get enough I didn't take enough damage to generate threat so now I'm just kind of [ __ ] okay hopefully I'll be able to get aggro here yeah there we go perfect good job got them easy easy okay let's move over here and we're gonna fight the second-to-last boss now this is the boss that beat us last time so I want to make sure everybody knows that we are coming back for round two and we're gonna beat his [ __ ] dick in this time there's not gonna be any more [ __ ] mistakes nothing's gonna go wrong this is gonna be great and let's move forward okay just give me one second and we'll move forward as soon as everybody basically has enough mana let me just agar that witch doctor they're perfect kill this one if you're a gambler you would like retail um I mean like I know that's like a meme thing to say but is that actually really true I feel like gamblers like gambling and like with retail there's not really a lot of stakes in retail like who cares if you get the titan-forged item or not like at least whenever you're skeet you're gambling you either have to lose money or not in retail the only thing you're losing is your time so it's not really as like the the hype isn't really there in the same way so I don't know if that's as true as people might think that it is okay let's move over here and we'll pull these mobs this guy okay perfect we've got a number of mobs to pull here so just be patient guys let's get this done time is money well yes I know that but time is something that you're also like a lot of gambling is in my opinion right one of the reasons why people lose money on gambling is being compulsive and whenever you have to like you you spread out that bad decision among like a different like a number of like I don't know like weeks or something like that that compulsive behavior doesn't necessarily have like the same like with any way to put it gambling usually is one bad decision but playing PFA is a bad decision every day right and so like it I don't think it really fits the gambling problem in the same way time is yeah I don't know maybe that didn't make sense but at least that that's like kind of the way that I see it like I'm not really a gambler and I don't know a lot of people to gamble but that's the way I said times money my name is representation of value okay Socrates like I know that but it's a different paradigm spending time on something because spending time and money are two different things because you can spend time on something and enjoy it but generally whenever you lose money gambling you never have fun like let's say you do a run for ashes of a war and you don't get them out but you still generally enjoy your time playing the game that's not a gamble in the same way as betting fifty dollars on blackjack and then losing all of it because you were wrong you know I would say those are two completely separate things okay kill this guy and if we kill this boss I'm gonna be so [ __ ] happy because of how bad it went yesterday how many achievements you have um I would say like let's see how many achievements do I have I think I'd like 30 31 K or something like that on current well I used to be ranked 2 in the entire na or like the entire like not na but just like the whole like all like North American and South American Rob I was like number one no number two excuse me but that didn't really last very long and then I kind of stopped taking it that seriously oh sorry hydride and realize you were at Amana I wasn't paying attention all players think their time is valuable well everybody's time is valuable right it's just how valuable is it like if you work a balance your time is about worth seven dollars an hour you know but if you work as a lawyer or something it's probably your doctor it's probably a little bit more thank you but yeah I was uh I was a lot more serious about like achievements and everything back in Cataclysm and [ __ ] but nowadays I don't really take it as seriously because like really what kind of broke me on the achievements was whenever they added these achievements it just it seemed that they they only really invested or sorry a rewarded time investment it was like okay dump three hundred hours into this meaningless achievement that you don't care about at all for ten points and whenever they started adding those into the game I kind of lost interest and you know like focusing and like trying to go for achievements and you can say like that's always been the case but I think there's a very big difference between doing one of the cool old wire off meta achievements and farming out 250,000 kills one of them is much more enjoyable to do than the other and I think one of them's like just it took a participation based achievement it's kind of like getting like 5000 pet paddles like what kind of an achievement is that I don't know like if your meta let me pull these back wait back here wait back here in case I pulled the boss if your meta is like farming achievements and stuff then we're gonna probably put both of them here yeah we did kill the sand color and see see the the humanoid the troll yeah see see the witchdoctor yeah sand crawlers are a lot harder to deal with why is he meant for reaching level 120 is that really an achievement well yeah it is I mean like you have to remember that like for you and like for a lot of us right we're very good at the game and we know what we're doing right and like yeah obviously like we're probably not like method level players but if you compare like if you ever think that like I'm bad go do LFR then you're gonna see people that are actually really bad right just because I'm not like amazing doesn't mean that I'm not better than average but there's a lot of people out there that are shitty right and then also the achievement is more or less just to make you feel good all right that's what they're really kind of about that's what a lot of games are about nowadays anyway it's about oh we're gonna make you feel good by doing this so we're gonna make you feel good by giving you this you know all this other little [ __ ] [ __ ] there's a gem for literally getting a haircut the achievements allow me nothing um it's not about like every single achievement meaning something it's about the like the like like the combination and like building up that many points right because it's like a certain point you run out of get a haircut achievements to do and you actually have to do something that's like more more difficult in the game and I've always really liked that like I always like the idea of doing achievements because it was like you were doing every different part of the game so like if you had a lot of achievements that means that you would achieve things in every different aspect of the game and I thought that was really cool and it's disappointing that's not more of the meta I'm gonna pull this guy real quick and then I think hydras lagging so we might have to wait for him is a hunter or pet broken sir I have no idea honestly it looks like probably just like a random chiid they ruin rating remember they added curve and cutting edge of G pants look man there's like ten different ways that I would say they've ruined rating and I don't think that even scratches the top ten like I really don't Q slow him because I hydros not here so I don't have a Heuer there you go okay yeah I I really don't think so man achievement seems to be shown to you not an achievement is inherently valuable enough for you know it's a system [ __ ] achievement system well no I mean like I think the achievement system does serve a lot of purposes and values and if I was creating an MMO like would I want it to have an achievement system that's actually a really interesting question and I don't even know what the answer to that would be okay Hydra should be back on now like because there are a lot of positives to an achievement system and there's also a few negatives so it's not as easy as saying oh yeah treatment system would be amazing or vice versa it could be terrible I don't know really he added way too many [ __ ] mountain bf a bunch of rescanned garbage well they did it's like back in Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm not Cataclysm bf a Burning Crusade there weren't a million different Reese camps there were some Reese kins yeah for like getting the reputations right but it was like more of a like a personal preference thing there weren't that many Mountain BC so whenever you did see somebody on one of the mountains you knew exactly what it was now you have like 18 different versions of the unicorn it's like oh well you have the blue one that means that you have no life and you have the green one just means you got lucky and I don't know I don't like that okay let me ready check here so listen let me get aggro I'm going to try to kill the totems as much as I can but let me get aggro and kill the adds that spawn focus on the ads over over the boss there's gonna be three or four adds that spawn so pay attention and let's get this done you're gonna maintain for your classic guild I feel like mein tanking is the main tanking is the default leadership position I would say and so I would actually like main tank I've thought about it for a while but I think I will okay let's go [Music] yeah these are these are all low health hubs so I'm not gonna worry about it you guys will kill those on your own okay there we go good job good job so far I will try to keep aggro in the ad but I'm gonna probably have a hard time with it this is the boss we couldn't kill the other day guys so focus up let's get this done [Music] okay I'm gonna build rage for the ad can you get that get that totem get that totem drinking out of that coming up can we not oh I god damn it okay get this ad get this ad okay killing that focus on that servant we're taking a lot of damage guys I'm stunned I did that again dude I need to stop doing that okay I'll try to kill as many of these totems as possible but it's pretty hard I'm gonna have to start using shield block here kill that servant focus on that servant guys focus on that servant there we go I don't think I can even build sunders I'll try to get one more since I've already got five four okay using my hopefully oh that's not good I got stunned right there okay um do I need to last stand here yeah I will I'll go in our last stand okay at this point we don't have enough mana to to kill the next ad so kite the next ad and we need to focus entirely on n2a Sewell pulling away from that I'm gonna shield wall potion get whatever heals on me as you can kind of as much as possible let me try and get the the sandcrawler that's a stun I think this is over yeah I can't see this working I'm just taking too much damage toning that stay on the boss I'm dead I used everything yeah there's just no way [Music] now that was a good try but yeah we just really didn't have it ignore our ads rush boss it's too much damage I don't think that'll work because he summons the ads on on his health percentage not on on a timer it's like even if we went back and we tried to do this again I don't know if it would work this Hydra have a soul stone yeah he does I just reset just reset maybe we can try this one more time I tried a soul stone up and let's rise up and we'll do one more okay we have that add up we have that add up so make sure raise everybody else down there wait did this thing respawn we do we have a respawn oh we had a [ __ ] respawn no wonder that happened son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay um let's see who we raised here can you raise Eric because you can raise Eric I can run back be really careful don't accidentally aggro try to burn them down yeah I'm just deciding how we can handle this but the hunters pet off tank I don't know what that is man I don't think that's gonna work okay Nana sting yeah we could try to mana burn him I think he's gonna still summon the ads and that's okay kill it kill it you better [ __ ] CC that mob kill it kill it you have to kill it you have to kill it see see it you can kite it all the way back to the other rooms watch out don't agro the other mob don't agro the other mob Quinn smirked can they not be slowed I don't know dude this is gonna be bad immundus snare [Music] just try to heal through it just do as much damage as you possibly [ __ ] can I don't know how Merck doesn't have aggro is how you're really gonna die here [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] man dude these sand colors are not a joke holy [ __ ] hunter can fear the ad it seems like he can [ __ ] man I I just I don't think that's gonna work man how hard releases why would I release the respawns are in the front like why would I release okay um let me think what we can do now let me figure out like what what the decision is how we can take this forward because I don't think we can kill that boss like we weren't even close mmm okay let me think okay some people chord CF easily already though I don't know if they're counting this boss is clearing ZF I'd like to see how other people cleared this boss it seems like it would be really hard to do uh yeah I'm just thinking right now just do it yeah I haven't seen anybody kill this boss yeah it's not gonna happen I wish they removed retail an upgrade classic Wow what do you think I don't know about that III think I think it'd be better if they made an expansion for classic Wow than an expansion for BFA I'd definitely agree that Titan the last boss area and wall hop I mean like that's kind of what we're going to have to do but if we do that there's gonna be response in the last boss area so like that's not even really gonna work not what the adds up yeah it's not gonna have a kill grace was a pushover without ads yeah well let me think what I should do here you've ate on the small stone slab that's not really gonna be an option anymore like I think that I think this might be it for the run because I mean we did kill the last boss we got all the items that we wanted to get so it's like this is just a bonus boss to begin with I don't really care about us killing it or not but it would be cool if we were able to Manor Burnham I don't know why but like we didn't do that the mana burn isn't the problem like his damage from there isn't the problem the problem is that he he summons the ads and the ads just have so much health and we can't survive through it see what we need what we need to need to do this boss is we would need a some sort of an off you were right to kind of like to make up the gaps where hidroméis needs to regen mana and that's where we'd have somebody like a spawn to come in and be able to off you and that's kind of what allowed us to to win in cathedral is that Estefan was able to start healing and we were okay but since we don't have that now we're basically [ __ ] corpse right yeah I don't know man let's see I'm trying to decide okay yeah it just seems like it's not gonna happen yeah I don't think it's gonna happen then yeah III don't know I think we're gonna call this one because there's no way that we can run back and get there in time right the boss into the Scarab room then there's gonna be a mistake of somebody pulling a scarab I can guarantee it we said that we're gonna kill that warden like Marion guy anyway so I think we should just focus on and do that I mean like honestly like we killed the last boss we went in here and we did what we came in here to do killing that other boss I really don't give a [ __ ] about so I mean it doesn't drop anything we need doesn't drop a quest item it was just like a thing that you know we tried to do it we couldn't do it that's it why can't you have pets offtank because they'll die they'll die too fast and the healing Nana used for healing the pets will be more than the healing Nana would be used potentially for healing me and that's basically why do you think it's possible with with more gear I mean like maybe but I'm not really sure honestly it depends
Channel: Everything Gaming
Views: 65,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold videos, asmongold youtube, asmongold twitch, everything twitch, classic, classic wow, world of warcraft, world of warcraft classic, classic beta, asmongold classic beta, asmongold clips, asmongold highlights, asmongold beta, asmongold classic wow, sodapoppin, esfand, esfand highlights, esfand clips, everything esfand, zul'farrak, zf, zulfarrak, zf clear, world first zf clear
Id: KPobQYj9ckw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 53sec (9233 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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