Asmongold Goes to WAR to Save His Friends | FFXIV DAY 6

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oh damn you have mega dog thanks for five subs i appreciate that yet you struggle to the benefit nice least of all yourself oh wow they're gonna make out this echo of yours intrigues us we desire only to understand it and for that we need your help true you wish to be rid of the icons do you not what are the icons yourself a great deal of torment had you accepted our aid from the beginning damn damn god wow [Music] tell me everything and i shall end it quickly refuse and though you beg for death you shall not have it damn this [ __ ] is crazy which will it be as you wish my dear menphilia okay unpleasant though it will be for all concerned you leave us no choice but to employ more rigorous methods of study what the [ __ ] be so kind as to deliver the prisoners to castrum meridiana okay damn dude she's getting her ass beat it's past time that we turn to the raking stands to leave our headquarters and despair any longer will be to dishonor the memory of those who fell there we have been brought to our knees but we will rest rebuild and rise once more let's go back over there open the door wait is there a bomb behind the door oh it's the girl yeah look at that who goes there now yida is that any way to greet a friend oh often on asthma goal look at that oh sid wait is this a dream not that i'm aware of uh it's been a while oh wow well that's nice i don't believe it i was sure you'd been this place has seen better days yeah i i see that you know i wasn't actually here when i was still talks in the adders nest the first i knew about it was whenever i came back and i saw eda the church had taken uh the bodies but still left the stains it was hard to know where to start if you schlotta had been here to help me damn wait yeah where is she yeah where is she yes but she's not here ah she's not here [ __ ] man she's gone to udawa to meet a man who might know what happened to the others uh pallopio and milfina were among the dead according to the church there's a lot of things that they were taking somewhere well yeah i mean obviously what they were taking somewhere are the orders of the black wolf no doubt why would he want them because they possess something he desires the knowledge of another power that can be brought to his bear against the primal is the one that gaius has yet to harness the echo that's what i'm assuming yes the assuming has been correct the assuming has assumed correctly guys will be aware of its existence as well as the immunity that grants the uh gifted to the primals influence powerful enough though algon may weapon be he would so doubtless desire such protection that would make sense he means to use milfina to grant and underst to gain understanding of the echo none of which explains how the empire came to know the location of the waking sands in the first place though they probably looked it up on google they used google maps no matter the empire is showing its hand and now we must act it's up to us to rebuild the scions and save arizia can i count on you yida yes whatever you need [Music] we can discuss our next move upon uh okay for now i say we rest okay good that's nice we can relax wait he's just sleeping on the floor what the [ __ ] why aren't there pillows in the other room wait uh oh i have to sit on the floor this is such [ __ ] here wait feel think okay she want to talk to me because i got all the crystals oh wow oh this was whenever that calamity thing happened damn bringer of light oh that's me by the way brave gatherer of the crystals thy soul holy [ __ ] that thing's huge jesus for the darkness [Music] oh my god for he is the crystals shall be thy salvation thy blade and shield both okay steal thyself for at the appointed hour thou shalt stare into the heart of darkness is that the monster that we fought i don't know what the [ __ ] that but fear is for i am ever with me wow wait others yes dude yes dude okay you slaughtered there she is all right as well i see you enough in our safe and sid look at that wow that we five should meet each other and thus defy simple explanation as if the benevolent hand of master louis guides us still he would not see us undone so easily not now when the need is so great [Music] i know where milfina and the others are being held oh that makes it easy all right great where imperial stronghold in the heart of mordana castrum century that sounds like a bad place to be they're like oh [ __ ] apparently this is not what they wanted to hear mr wants to discuss the fate of the prisoners being held held and sent from country all right the rest of our allies will be no small undertaking asthma goal the neural circumstances breaching the fences of an imperial castrum will be highly dangerous proposition i believe i know the man who will be able to assist us oh i already went there before i talked to that guy it's this guy isn't it and in the snow or some [ __ ] yeah we can go over and talk to him that's easy um so let's go ahead and talk to this guy yeah it's okay guys it's okay all right let's see who this is all right portland what do you want ah azmogul the man who unmasked the heretic in our midst what do i owe this pleasure of your company you were an associate of enchilada of course wardrobe confided to me that you were a scion of the seventh dawn bro i'm getting big exp holy [ __ ] dude i'm farming catherine central interest do you have any imperials they hold oh what the [ __ ] they all they all fast travel here too of whom we intend to free any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated i see that might explain our scouts reports they observed four prisoners being led into the castrum a heroin woman an elysian men and two lalafells one male and one female okay well we have to rescue at least two of them it's them okay it has to be milfino uber danger papamio and tartaru got it freeing those in castrum century requires substantial planning and preparation as such it's an endeavor that will admit some slight delay the matter of escapees by contrast will not shortly the prisoners vacated the airship and our scouts observed imperial troops sending off in pursuit it's likely only a matter of time before they catch them if you wish to see your comrades again you would best act now okay as if it had been suggested the guardians took our fellow science prisoner in hopes of understanding the echo it seems reasonable to assume that they will not be executed until such time the study is complete but bigs and wedge are not scions nor do they know anything of the echo as lord portland said this may prove our only chance to rescue them i should i say that we seize it so we're gonna get these guys back we won't regret this i think i will those guys were morons yeah those guys were absolute clowns [Music] didn't i get something to level oh what the oh [ __ ] it's darth vader [ __ ] dude okay is this are they going to the prisoners i'm assuming mechagodzilla final preparations are almost complete my lord there stands a culmination of five years long of painstaking work but all our efforts will be vindicated when the emperor's vision becomes reality at last we have the power to purge this land of its false gods we shall give the ignorant children of eurasia the security and stability so they desperately crave and watch their spineless leaders have so palpably failed to provide oh wait this guy's a nice guy he's trying to help everybody out yeah wait i love the empire now the empire is good these are the good guys i will not rest until the weapon is fully armed and operational damn griffin you depart for castro macedonians at midnight uh you will command a western front at vilbrand the eurasians will attempt to interfere with our plans you will see that they do not i'm gonna have to kill his ass dude i just know it my war did this be your will i shall carry it out to the best of my ability i live only to serve the empire yeah forgive my impudence but it's improper to give command and half our forces to uh i have given you nothing perfect this you have earned it that will be all dismissed damn yes my lord wow okay and now it's the girl my quarters one out all right all right dude darth vader's a pimp how about that that thing does look really badass it's like a robotic balrog you know that's cool and that's a level up boys that's a level up boys sid wants to prepare strategy and rescue milfina and the other scions nice now we must find a way to rescue milfina gods know that we've kept them waiting too long based on what we've learned we believe it's safe to say that they're being held in castrum century so let's reconvene in rivendraft and mordonna that's a good place to as any to prepare better than most the road winning east to west to south will get you there when you arrive let's seek the advice of local adventurers all right how the [ __ ] do i get over there so let's see here we'll go turn this in and then we actually get to save milfina all right let's do it let's do it dude oh oh wow this is a nice little place look at this this is actually a new zone damn dude i've been going this is wait we're in the end game now [ __ ] yeah dude i'm ready for it let's do it let's go talk to this guy all right slap borno what do you have for me well met my friend what brings you to revenant's toll this guy's got a hipster haircut stop talking to him did i hear you rightly your friends are being held captive and castro center and you want to rescue them i don't mean to discourage you but that might prove difficult the stronghold has been on high lord of this weight with the armored patrol has seen a perimeter around the clock not even a fly could get without a hundred gallons of the walls undetected if the guardians were alerted to our coming i cannot know what they will do to melfina and the others who must act with the greatest amount of stealth it has been given the good old-fashioned infiltration but with security so tight how are we going to smuggle ourselves in simple we get in a box and we say the box is meant to go in the building and then they put the box in a building and then we get out of the box surprise now we're in the building i have a mind to walk through the front door the front door we'll disguise ourselves as imperial troops and march right in for this we need a few sets of imperial uniforms a suit of magitek armor and impeccable timing that's a bold strategy but it just might work where we are there's certainly no shortage of opportunities to borrow the equipment knowing these imperial bastards they won't even suspect that we savage arizians would think to use their technology then it's settled yes have you had the uniforms and helms repaired yes i have absolutely yes these will serve beautifully the great ignop never fails to impress the quality of these repairs would fool even a legolas that's repaired that's equipped you should not have any trouble blending in amongst the imperial forces all right let's devise a plan good work at the imperial dutch you've been pleased to hear that i ain't been myself and i've took me long enough but i finally hatched the plan to get us a suit of magitek armor magitek armor is the uh it's the mount right the mecca the mecha suits ah there she is is this the robot the mecha warrior this is the place but where is the enemy right here [ __ ] [Music] wait what the hell send in the reaper let's make an example of these insurgents [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] big dick we're big dick and we're big dick and let's go let's go big dick huge damage all right you know what [ __ ] this i'm popping cds going in going in big damage big [ __ ] damage okay sorry i'm not used to these abilities it's a it's a weird keybind for me to do all right got him look at this damage boys immediately deleting everything oh my god dude my damage is crazy look at that holy [ __ ] man i'm destroying this thing wait they're healing it okay just give me a second stunning that cast interrupting it it doesn't matter i can take that damage i just use a cooldown if i need to all right that one's dead aquinas you're [ __ ] dead too suck a dick aquinas stunning that cast not today okay and that's why you play tank boys it doesn't matter stand in the mechanics stand in the fire dps higher [ __ ] it okay we've almost got the magic reaper down okay got him that's an easy gg now what at very last our own suit of match deck armor not wishing to get the chocobo in the beak does it seem rather worse for wear doesn't it well it's really good it's in perfect condition what do you mean what are your honest assessments oh boy sir i think it sir i think it's [ __ ] up boss i think it uh i don't think that that i did it's broken [Music] yeah it's not good uh those things to be protected by uh elm thick armor plate uh yes it's odd causing them doesn't seem to be taking a blow i suspect we're dealing with a faulty part whatever you're dealing with it's not resting until it's fixed not one wink of sleep you got that wedge okay dude he has an engineering degree is that right oh oh okay i heard that what's this what do they have to do a haul has been set aside for us to use from revenant's toll that's where we'll carry on our repairs look for us there aspen gold i will easy easy dude bullying okay oh wow they got it to work again damn that [ __ ] was easy lala fell life i see that damn that's crazy [Music] okay so now what she's ready magitek armor engage or not she needs a loving tap out wager uh oh oh i do that with computers yeah i know how that works let's take her outside and put it through faces asthma would you do the honors yes i would all right i get to have this uh this new thing all right hop in the pilot suit okay some reason to dismount simply come back here and we'll start again got it oh okay um all right so i just walk it over here dude this thing's cool damn this is a beefy boy okay okay so i went to the wrong way again let me see can you make this jump no he's too fat okay let's go over here then turn on the new mount music wait really oh wow so each mount has its own music no anomalous music uh movements uh evident from either way good jump back down and sprint north as quickly as you can okay let's go over here that's cool i like this music it's very it's a little more relaxing mysterious wow wow leg joints absorbing all impact without incident excellent please make your way back damn this shit's easy dude i already beat the whole quest got it the torso remains stable during vigorous motion excellent and that concludes our test thank you for your cooperation i'm ready to go to war daft as i felt i gave it my best i welcome myself into a buddy stand still what were you expecting to do anyway baba is a crook oh that's a crusty a curtsy looks great no wonder no now no doubt you're wondering why the servo mechanism is so in important as to warrant this stillness without it the pilot will be required to control the armor's every movement manually that would be an onerous task at best of times and wholly and practical during battle using a mammoth heart in its place of the warren magitek core seemed a promising solution alaska device does not appear to be compatible with garlean technology well that's not good imperials they come for the armor oh [ __ ] okay damn they have this corner it's three guys who cares there's the reaper it's it's three it gives him oh damn all right taken by the traitor garland and the elk slayer all bollocks call for reinforcements ah [ __ ] okay let's go only three guys it's fine the hells you will what do they do oh that was the emp device we've located stolen reported requesting immediate assistance respond respond he's trying to hit him with a please respond it's okay man i've had the same thing happen yeah it's totally fine no matter if we can't reclaim it destroy it oh boy that is a big boy right there buddy house protect the armor at all costs all right let's go off to battle let's [ __ ] do it boys big dick damage huge damage here huge damage let's go massive unstoppable incredible amazing look at that cleaving all these guys down look at that dude look at that dude i'm actually going crazy right now this is nuts so make sure i'm getting hit by all these two perfect keep them away from maggie wait there's a name for it now what the [ __ ] since when did we name the thing oh maybe that's what we have to do to make it feel like it's part of the team we have to give it a name okay let's kill this guy real quick get rid of him all right and now we fight the bigfoot wait what the [ __ ] is going on what what's this hey hey quit hitting my robot what the [ __ ] is this i'm taunting him off okay perfect i faced that guy away so isn't it the robot too good all right that one's dead perfect why don't we get the bigger one i think the bigger one would be better right i guess not okay that's an easy gg that is an easy ggg there it [ __ ] is oh [ __ ] oh no what is this she moved uh now she decides to grace us with her presence it took us a good while but we're finally ready it's time to infiltrate castle centauri to rescue our comrades all right let's review the infiltration plan castrum century lies just beyond a short while ago and imperial patrol left us to do its rounds it's time alpha.9 will create a diversion out there and keep them occupied for as long as we're able to meanwhile the three of you will enter the stronghold posing against patrol returning from duty should alphanod and i prove less distracting than hope that will contact you via link pearl be ready to beat hasty retreat all right i got it i'm ready wait why don't they have helmets on what [Music] okay i'll lead the way with the reaper stay close to him all right good i need an heart tell you this but don't do anything suspicious okay unless you wonder yida and yoshilato left shortly before you arrived we planned that they should linger in the vicinity to cover our retreat in the event the alphanaut and i attracted too much attention but the approach of an imperial vehicle forced us to improvise don't be too disappointed at least they didn't they did at least leave a message for you something along the lines of don't do anything reckless if my memory serves me wise words did they leave me any pictures all right the imperial patrol should be returning any moment now you best be off it is time i'm actually so glad i don't have to do this on my own i'm so glad this is a cinematic i i know i would [ __ ] it up if it was up to me man i would totally [ __ ] it up oh oh here we are okay so i have to talk to these guys salute okay all right this guy has been imperial saluted my apologies it's okay what prisoners do you speak of do you mean you haven't heard only the famous infamous scions of the seventh dawn captured by the tribunalist herself damn that's crazy greetings congratulations but you haven't visited the storage hour recently have you i only asked because i dropped something in there and um oh who am i fooling i've fallen for one of the prisoners all right i dare say you know what i mean this felt blonde yeah yeah i mean yeah i know what you're talking about goodness no it's allowed she's so adorable it hurts i want to sweep her up into my arms and squeeze her until my arms ache what do you reckon it'll take to convince the centurion to lend me the key so i can see her i'm killing him first yeah we're killing him first guys all right let's see what this is security's tight just as we expected we're going to need a special key if we want to get past this bulkhead well surprise we have a special key [Music] now what open the door open the door biggie open the door biggie let's go come on now what can i change my gear now i feel like that would be a bad idea yeah these guys are all chill everybody here is chill there's no reason to change the gear [Music] do i change gear now what do you guys think you can change it i'm gonna change it okay let's do it i'm gonna bust this [ __ ] open i'm gonna be like what up bro oh [ __ ] here we go escape from castrum century if you're all right boys let's go what do we have to do here no milfina and the rest thank goodness they're safe nice dude i'm the one you want leave the others be if you hurt my friends i swear i should take my own life and you shall answer to your mistress [Music] oh they're trying to intimidate her i see yeah they're trying to intimidate her oh super danger we've got him back too [Music] shut up you little [ __ ] tataru we must do something we risk letting the entire cast room know we're here let's go i'm ready you're right we may not get a better chance just hop in there this is the third squadron what is it a reaper seized win and just only came to light now the culprits will have left the trail take his main menu need and scour the area i want that reaper found now's our chance that's convenient oh look at his face what up [ __ ] what the there it is we got it surprise [ __ ] eliminate the entry yeah yeah right dude oh jesus okay let's go it's time it's easy to be easy easy easy easy let's go okay got all of them there we go you came i know i came just for you okay i guess we focus on this guy first he has more more help taking a lot of damage i can't move my character okay there we go good get these shackles off us quickly i don't know how to do that so i'm just gonna ignore it okay is this guy dead yet okay now he's dead perfect okay let's get on him now okay this guy's getting [ __ ] destroyed god damn overpowered getting out of that nice he's already half out boys already half health massive damage big dicks okay this guy should be dead here all right one more combo i'm not even gonna move he's gonna die here i knew it now what you're safe you're safe it's okay asmongold i was so scared yeah you should be we're gonna throw you in the garbage on the way out it was foolish of you to come here you might have gotten killed but i thank you sure to think what might have happened if you had not arrived whenever you did i say did you not see thalo dread anywhere i'm beginning to fear the fellow oh he'll be fine yeah don't worry about it he'll be fine to linger here shall we yield us no answer let us away uh ear to the window to the liberty closes shut good i can do that oh [ __ ] oh she's not happy dude she is not happier then recapture them fail and i shall have your head god damn and what have we here nice the tribunus herself just as you said you have the eye of an aramadin oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's kind of hard to miss uh she's kind of missing that showy armor of hers it's a cat fight i see it a cursed scions how did you slip our defenses when unexpected ease of truth be told their chance to be a commotion outside the castro's walls which allowed us to avail ourselves into the comforts of your vehicle your child is just being polite choose one of the most uncomfortable things i've ever stowed away and it's no wonder why it's called the phantom train no passenger would ever been seen dead in it damn they're talking [ __ ] to her already so you scuttled in the midst of the freight just like the vermin you are i shall be sure to have words with your rat catch our rat catcher such negligence is unforgivable this is far from your most pressing concern first you must answer for your own wrongdoing lisa i don't know what the [ __ ] her name is towards you that led the raid on the waking stands and butchered the unarmed men and women for the crime of being unworthy of capture you killed our friends we'll never forgive you nor shall we suffer at the plague of a razi any day longer be take your guard uh-oh uh oh there's extra guys more intriguers protect the tribunals man [ __ ] that [ __ ] who cares confounded eater with me oh [ __ ] okay so they got away after them where's his excellency in the hangar my wedding uh in discussion with our guests alert him at once yes my lady gun wins yeah i don't know how the [ __ ] that's supposed to work but okay damn she's mad they're there i fan out and surround them what's gonna happen oh there's four guys who gives a [ __ ] most protect tataru bigs i'm going in see everyone to safety oh he's using his robot it's four mobs no wedge don't do it wait oh no he's going he's going in for war oh my god oh no asthma gold hold them off i'll walk after milfina and tataru all right let's go oh [ __ ] all right i'm gonna kill the robot let's go okay okay let me pull this guy over here too oh i can't kill it why am i frozen i don't know okay killing that one got it killing this guy next damn dude this guy's getting [ __ ] destroyed seeing absolutely [ __ ] destroyed maximum damage what's generating the shield must be found destroy it okay let's find out where the shield is let me kill this guy real quick okay and he should be dead here right yeah he's dead all right so let's see here to look around okay it's i think it's right here yeah this is probably it okay and this one's dead here got it okay i thought i'd be interrupting that but i wasn't able to okay i'll just kill this guy right now there's no reason to worry about it i can't interrupt either got it so now am i able to kill it or are there more of them there's more of them okay wait it's almost dead wait okay so do i even need to do it there's no end to them okay i gotta kill the other one i gotta kill the other one all right let's go okay go into this the field generator killing the field generator big dick on field generator okay nice i'm gonna kill this guy too amazing movement got it perfect huge damage here interrupting spells i can't get god i don't get god hitting this one here okay it's actually taking damage now okay are there any more of them uh no no more of these are immune right yep there's one more okay they'll be able to kill the next one sprinting it's over here yep it's right here good okay killing this one first i shouldn't have used that ability i should have used the other one oh we got a big dick coming over here all right over this way good all right we're totally fine we're totally fine oh he wants to get his [ __ ] smashed too all right let's go avoiding that cast spinny boy winnie boy let's go back over to here back over to here let's go and let's see i'll kill this wait for that cast all right we're good kill him first all right big dick big dick time big dick time it's big dick time let's go huge [ __ ] numbers huge [ __ ] numbers nice uber danger saving the [ __ ] day let's go uh what about this one here is it immune uh let's see no it's not okay is this a new design oh [ __ ] yeah it is got him wait how'd it hit for 800 that must have been somebody else there's no way that was me okay getting on this one here got it let's go that's that colossus we're gonna kill him now this should be a very easy boss to destroy stunning the okay cash the unknown foe there's no reason to wear them we're just gonna kill them [Music] okay i don't know what an option or an optino is so we're just gonna kill it first okay i'm assuming it could be a healer so we're gonna yeah that's pure i interrupted the cure i'm like 90 sure that's a heal because that's what people are saying that the other you were spamming whenever i was doing the dragon ball okay and he's dead good that's it that's an easy gg that was an easy gg god damn oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's the red one that means he's on truck that means he's in charge because he's red oh we just run the other direction okay we're cornered take the leader kill the rest okay just kill him just fight him what the [ __ ] what the exactly fiasco what the holy [ __ ] god did ray forgive us our delay take it off [Music] oh my god dude she went in on him what took you so long what a nasty little [ __ ] show him off the edge nice to see you too got him the reunion must wait now what right first things first okay yes let's get back to being heavily outnumbered let's not do that wait where's oh [ __ ] oh they got the robot you ditched your magitek armor full of a lalafell they're all fools they're stupid because they're lalafells well excuse me she's all yours if you think you can do any better wait there i lala fellas are irish what what oh my god okay wait that's yeah anime yeah what is this dude wait what's it doing [Music] can you hear me yes we can hear you sid i need you to count then chop understood okay okay one i didn't say it there it is boys there it is we got do we got right the [ __ ] out of there man not which is more pitiful the characters who rule eorzea or the masses that clamor for their implausible panaceas that's a pancreas i see that which they cannot this realm pounders for what of a ruler with true power the power to cast down icons i don't know what icons are continue to deny this truth it is the people who will suffer embrace reason oh [ __ ] he's part of athene's logical oh wait what the [ __ ] is it the robot the big robot thing [ __ ] oh no it's here send me down there i'll take care of him i'll beat his ass 12 they finished it ultimate weapon ultimate weapon so it has a name what what original name of ancient allied excavated from its resting place deep beneath al amigo oh my god look at that used it to crush primal and foe alike and now the guardians mean to do the same it's mechagodzilla okay which is also when i think about it also a really bad name mechagodzilla okay look there beside the black wolf okay what does he want an assian oh [ __ ] the illuminati those are the super illuminati an overlord no less his garm attests to that oh [ __ ] it then let's kill em man let's get their ass i'm ready let's go to work thank red see i told you we should have killed them i told you we should okay we're gonna i knew it i told you guys oh no who was la brea no no this cannot be you got it yeah you got oh my oh no this is gonna shoot down there we have to go now hang on okay grid no wow wow that [ __ ] betrayed us man can you [ __ ] believe that oh like that's his only line he just laughs to be honest i didn't know who it was they pulled it fast oh my wait who's this guy all that time the enemy was beside me and i never even suspected yep we had an imposter that's what happens when you don't throw them off the ship and to think that it was i who suggested that thank red investigate the aseans how could i have been so blind damn you [ __ ] up predator this guy [ __ ] up oh my god what a mistake small wonder the enemy knew our every move and where to find us i confound it all yeah you had somebody feeding them all the information you idiot no no this is not the time for self-doubt the alliance leaders staked their hopes on the science but now they believe us all dead or missing true when they learn of the empire's new weapon we cannot be certain what they will do i wonder we must go and offer them what assurances we can that defeat is not inevitable uh well actually they have the thing remember the thing that uh uh each individual uh of the primals they didn't know what they could be and then have the thing that killed all three of them so i think that defeat is actually pretty much inevitable it's over uh the game is over we've lost it's been fun but uh yeah uh we've lost gg cryo this is mincing the situation may have taken an ill turn yeah but the battle is far from over and so long as we stand together wonderful there shall ever be hope of victory what is she getting a phone call where did her pizza arrive delivered for one jesus let's ask who's she on the phone with like to them all right good matters are coming to a head i hope we can count on you yes we can count on me everybody can count on me yes my regards to grandfather what do you want what is it i am ready let us pay a visit to the council of the alliance leadership okay so now we're oh oh wow oh dude it's the guy he'll just take the black wolf in his new toy says [ __ ] [Music] uh-oh rally all available forces i want them ready to move upon my word and roulette to sally foreign and to order the sale that is all oh they're all together oh this is a big deal the maelstrom stone's ready what are the flames ready as you'd like to be i only need give the battle award to real oh jesus oh good so great now we've got the flower girl thank god that not now everything now we're ready to go to war all right flower girl have you prepared the uh maybe she can do catering for the war you know like she can bring us uh uh hors d'oeuvres while we're in the battle like a lunchable or something no the dragons have got their tongues silent to the last i was unwise to hope for the better what would stir the archbishop to open his holy mouth if not this and if he claims the fury for his god it's this she literally says it's a joke damn who is it no no it's the parrot the holy see has made its choice we will proceed without its cooperation wow what a surprise i would have never guessed that jesus guys ridiculous okay now what i believe we're all acquainted with the terms of the black wolf's ultimatum we must agree upon a course of action not less than the fate of aurezia hangs upon the decision of this council okay van belsar claims to wield the power to smite primals true should we yield to him he pledges to rid the realm of its false gods yet offer resistance and he swears that we shall share the primals fate pardon my bluntness but i do not like these choices yeah this is too great a decision for any one of our nations to make alone choose we surrender our resistance the answer is for one but if for one surrenders the rest will surely fall so let us pray for the wisdom to do the right for all of our peoples so they have to vote on it democracy that sounds awful are you kidding me it's the u.n it is the u.n thou dread's plight troubles us all yet we cannot allow anything to come between us and our goal so long as the ultimate weapon exists eurysia will never know peace let us go to the alliance with asthma gold and make and help them know to make the right decision we're gonna do this one right here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] let's go oh look at that dude all right bartow what do you got for me the council of alliance leaders is presently in progress by a fragrant chamber i should must ask that you step away from the doors sir i'm sorry you're on behalf of the science of the seventh dawn a thousand pardons my lord of course you may enter oh i'm the guy ah we keep treading the same ground yep van belsar's demands are clear alas our minds are not it's too bad never been one to shy from a fight but if this weapon of theirs can do all they claim it has been five years since the calamity and our people have scarce begun to rebuild their lives yeah their shit's [ __ ] up can we now in good conscience call upon them to risk what little they have left that's a good point very good the pain of further conflict very good point so they're going to [ __ ] out conflict i say though that would imply forces settings if the combined might of three primals could not stay garlamald's new terror yeah what meaningful resistance can we offer exactly we who struggle to quell the foes who rise up within our own borders true y'all got a [ __ ] out yeah have we fought the primals but to what end we strike them down at no small cost only for them to rise again and again yeah because new games keep coming out that's the way it works are we to play this profitless game for the rest of days i for one grow tired of it mistake me not i do not propose to trade one tyranny for another oh they're gonna go with it i love liberty but conciliation need not mean oppression uh if you're talking about the empire i bet it probably does [Music] by the twelve though neither of you cried surrender your every word be tokened true true bro that's why see that's why i'm on his side yep uh-huh that's chad energy right there so there is true in what you say nor can i rightly claim that or die is ready to fight nope refugees flood our gates and beastmen swarm our land while the great and the good do nothing my flames struggle to bear the burden damn that sucks on a grand show at the remembrance service made all manner of lofty promises i've made good i'm not a bloody one oh that's how every election goes don't worry about it it's fine man it is what it is yeah that that's how they all go blame yourself ralban you said only that which the people needed to hear or present have done the same yeah we just make [ __ ] up bro our citizens have become lost if our words serve to kindle it in them anew better we speak than remain silent yeah so just make [ __ ] up he condemns us for failing our people yet what does he care for their well-being true while we labored to rebuild their lives the black wolf built instruments of murder with which to end them damn dude this parrot really knows what they're doing this parrot's smart her majesty speaks true for all our failings the people's well-being has ever been our foremost priority while none among us ever doubted that the empire would one day resume its war we scarcely had means enough to solve the problems of the present i which is why we look to others to safeguard our future this is where i come in this is where i come in surprise [ __ ] surprise [ __ ] guess who it is wait admiral i fear you are mistaken oh [ __ ] that actually is what happened surprise [ __ ] master garland yeah guess what wow you dear friend it's your boy byralga you're alive all of you except for thaladred that cheating ass [ __ ] the double timing son of a [ __ ] as we have that lion ass dick sucker talk but i know that cannot be it is not the aorzian way true we're gonna die hear me my friends accepting the guardian's offer to vanquish the primals would be folly true folly i say for might is not the answer to the primal threat so isn't this like indeed the more the empire exerts its strength the worse matches will become so think about it right so you have like the four different people that are elected by their people to like run the city and they actually don't make any of the decisions it's like this unelected group of like basically an illuminati that just tells them what to do it's kind of funny it really is kind of funny how that happens you know what i mean and thank god for that primals enter this world when mortals call upon them and mortals are want to appeal to a higher power when they are desperate true nothing is more certain to breed desperation in the beast tribes than the guardian's proposed solution that is true the true end of the pepper lasting there will be such suffering as none can imagine yeah it's gonna be [ __ ] up that's what he's saying it's gonna be big [ __ ] up to the many challenges that each of your nations face yet you must not give in i remember five years ago when you wagered all for the sake of the realm remember what you fought for what you were willing to die for damn the memories rekindled the fire in your heart for aorzia has need of it again yeah i gotta drink that one raw come what may we scions will never give up the fight damn and so i bid you stand with us and together we shall safeguard the future of the realm with the guy in the back mostly that's going to do all the actual quests yeah a great man once said that a shrewd merchant grasps not for the quick profit but invests in the future wise words hey rauban [Music] true sid i your words stir and shame me in equal measure how could i contemplate surrender well because you didn't have the [ __ ] the avengers there okay like of course you thought about surrendering to mecca godzilla whenever you didn't have the avengers to help you out but now that the avengers are here you're probably going to be able to do it it actually was it seemed pretty reasonable right like yeah it kind of makes sense i know full well that all we have we owe to the sacrifices of those who went before us yet the seeming hopelessness of our plight robbed me of my insight yeah we know that because you're all 12 years old and under yet we have still less for those who would threaten our homeless yeah they're all kids ever have we fought to protect what is this behold dear and this shall never change gridania will go to war oh [ __ ] we will fight the empire for the sake of the realm and all who abide here damn [Music] all right [Music] what are you laughing for what is it what's so funny at long last i hear words worthy of a founder of the alliance all right i lost one homeland the thought of losing another had blunted my resolve jesus okay laughing at gridania i mean they should yeah knows better than i that if you want art you'd best be ready to die for it with great danger comes the chance for great glory true great prophet real dawns who have turned sand into gold know this well that's why see this is why we're on this side how many times have we fallen into the pit of despair only to have you pluck us out i fair lost count uh it depends on how many expansions are out now what a lot of you like bloody pirates well i won't waste my breath trying to talk you around on account of being a pirate myself [Music] and the people oh [ __ ] who shrinks from a challenge is no pirate at all oh [ __ ] all right they're going to war those who would pick a quarrel with us must choose back down or go down with all hands [Music] so we're going to war is to be free of this poll of darkness let it be by our own house yeah dude wow yay oh they [ __ ] that oh dude they turned that [ __ ] on fire dude said [ __ ] that [ __ ] you darth vader suck a dick the weapon may be brought to bear against us the maelstrom will secure strategic points along the coastline in the meantime the flames will deploy at be at ease my friends you have banished our doubts that's right pray leave the military matters to us and retire to the waking sands we will send word anon great that's great all right well [ __ ] yeah now i have to go talk to her oh everybody's back look at that oh [ __ ] that's good i cannot well express my relief to think that the alliance came so close to surrender yeah they almost pussied out dude but the fire in their hearts has been rekindled and they will fight to the last look dude look how badass i look man god i look [ __ ] good man god i look [ __ ] good inside did you feel it too grandfather i would know something was that your power at work earlier nothing of the salt the leaders of eozia had lost their way i merely helped them to find it again okay a cell phone hello yes our party returned just a moment ago how close are you yeah i just leave the pizza on the doorstep i'll uh i'll pick it up in a bit thanks ben yeah pizza's almost here thank god it's all right sid nice we must needs plan our next move pray continue liaising with your respective nations okay sid would you be our man in ulda i'll be whatever and wherever you need me to be damn okay we haven't all right waste all right let's do this bankrupt's fate weighs heavy on my mind i cannot bear to think of him enthrall to an asean he's not enthralled bro he's the he's the main dude like we have to kill we have to kill a man you know this already but the aseans are immortal beings without physical wait what the [ __ ] since time immemorial they have fanned the flames of chaos from the shadows that they might work unseen the aseans and trap and possess mortal men by means of malign artifacts known as crystals of darkness been [ __ ] with us for a long time he got the flower killed remember that darkness the salad a mere replica oh wow using data obtained from anomalous crystals found across eorzea it comes to us courtesy of the students of baldessian are distant allies even for an archon bankrupt's talents are exceptional we all had complete confidence in him so he just [ __ ] up it was for this reason that none among us foresaw the danger in sending him to investigate the aseans alone yeah fancred had been striving to fill the void left by luis suarez yet it was plain that he was over taxing himself he [ __ ] up yeah he would volunteer for everything and work till he was dizzy no we didn't remember i had to tell them that he helped me and he didn't do anything yeah remember that way would have been the toll taken by his exertion bro nah man i'm like remember this not even that's not even true man like what the [ __ ] nah dude nah bro remember that bind thank red must be somewhere on his person if we could but destroy it his asean possessor would be compelled to relinquish control no man you have proven the stoutest of allies yeah absolutely with us through thick and thin i know i do my best the most perilous struggle is still to come for the sake of the realm and thank cred i ask that you lend us your strength once more i will give you my strength milfina yes thank you from the bottom of my heart okay as i am sure you are aware the realm was saved from certain doom five years ago by heroes known as the warriors of light okay what you may not be aware of is that your many feats in service to the scions have prompted folk to make certain comparisons what is this i must confess you do remind me of them yet remember this however glorious the past it is the heroes lot to be judged on the deeds of the president true it's not what have you done it's what have you done lately very true a new darkness threatens true and real and the people cry out for a savior oh no i believe that you are he a warrior of light here in the present guided by the crystal's will that's true that actually is that is true by the way yeah see that's what happens whenever you buy the expansion you get to be the warrior of light it's pretty nice come my friends let us fight to safeguard to the future of our beloved eorzea okay let's do it [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] [Music] so do i have to i have to level up more right if i wanted to do the autumn dungeon now where would i go okay so we're trying to unlock apparently this is a very very hard dungeon and i'm level 47 i just hit the level that i need to beat in order to get it oh no not this place listen they said this was a very very hard dungeon they said i could not do it they said that only the greatest champions and the truest warlords of the realm were capable of being able to overcome such a challenge and today thank god i'm going to be able to do it myself and prove everybody wrong russian nesting dolls willy mooses tell me if introvert did you know the arm barrel earned its most enticing name allow me to enlighten you this cage is rich with sulphur and myth reward through reactions with groundwater combine exude golden hued fumes a beautiful sight that is until you realize the damn death clouds are ruining your chest from within but if you still wish to take your life in your hands i'll not be the one that stops you but do try not to get killed i've dragged enough corpses out of the veil last me a lifetime all right aur unveil is now accessible all right let's see how hard this really is a lot of people talk this up a whole lot you guys are going to see what happens it's time the commencement has commenced birdies a fat boy two fat boys oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and i gotta i gotta beat both the fat boys all right let's go big bulls you think i'm gonna do a big pull in this dungeon [ __ ] no look at this dude this place looks badass okay so um all right let's talk about this let's pull the big boy let's pull the big boy okay pulling him away i'm gonna stun him right now so he doesn't do anything got him all right it's not gonna matter he's gonna die before he casted i'm lagging i'm lagging i'm lagging i'm lagging he's dead he's dead he's dead it's fine he's dead you guys just don't know it yet i knew oh [ __ ] they're dead okay i'm picking this up it's fine it's fine it's fine barking with the five get the community subs i appreciate that the download will be finished by the time i get to the last boss and that's really what matters i will not get god this isn't that bad this seems reasonable to me yeah i'm not struggling at all guys this is totally okay okay now what where do i have to go let's go around to the side i guess gold buyer what the [ __ ] is gold buyer yeah what the [ __ ] is gold bile whatever i'm not going to worry about it it's probably nothing who gives a [ __ ] okay let's pull these yeah it's totally okay it's a debuff i just don't look at it problem solved okay and these are all dead yeah these aren't that bad to kill this isn't that hard at all yeah i totally got it easy [ __ ] game dude the easiest game of my life all right let's pull these over here oh i can't pull these okay i've got to fight him over here it's fine i'll just pull everything okay um did i do a bad okay popping skis i think i might have done a bad okay vengeance all right i'm doing vengeance okay all right big numbers big numbers boys big numbers look at that dude look at that dude i know i'm clicking i know i'm stupid i shouldn't i i should have this planned out better but i don't okay got them all there we go perfect look at that viewers just fine okay all right so here's what we have to do this is the locksmith which means that we have to let's click on one of these okay it doesn't work [ __ ] all status ailments are healed wait i shouldn't have clicked on that huh oh okay all right all right let's go can i stun this thing i can't stun it all right the faster i summon it the faster i can stun it again we're fine it's my s1 it doesn't matter it's fine yeah guys it's completely fine okay he's stunned all right now i've got a lot of debuffs there [Music] [Applause] okay right going back in position okay we're totally okay guys everything's totally fine we got it we got it uh i'm a little bit worried honestly i shouldn't have used that there got it gold dust okay get out of that nice people taking a lot of damage i'm going to stun them right now i'm going to set them just to take less damage i'm using everything i can oh no oh no he didn't do an aoe did he okay no he didn't we're fine we're fine we're fine using my cds got it nice taking out of this perfect keeping damage up as much as i can okay all right it's time to big dick this boss let's go berserk mode berserk's mode let's go we're killing him massive [ __ ] damage massive [ __ ] damage yes take it home easiest boss in the game stunning him right there got it there it is that's a hard boss that was definitely a hard boss okay let's go this way i think it's probably harder because i had no idea what i was doing yeah uh nah it's probably wow wow okay i'm kneading on that i'm greeting on that that is really really really good okay let's go over here have built up on your body sulfuric sludge huh how do i get out of that how do i remove that debuff eat a fruit oh yeah i i knew that i just wanted to make sure i wanted to make sure that the healer was ready for the other boss fights in here because i know they get a lot harder and so i thought it would be smart for me to just kind of give them give them a really a really big challenge here uh that's why i did that it's not because i want to it's because i had to yeah that's the real reason guys i understand some people might understand might not get that but you know if you yeah i was just giving him a test that's all this a boss there's no way it's a boss was damage low in that group in this group i feel like damage is kind of low or is that just me not understanding how the uh how the fight works no oh wow so these mobs have a substantially higher amount of health damn that's crazy treasure need needs need need that's a pet nice i got myself a new pet did i win it wait what the [ __ ] is that wasps okay let's pull these okay pulling all these here good should i pull another pack no i'm not going to i'm kind of low i think this is probably a mistake to pull in the back yeah they just do a lot of damage man seems like a bad idea you gotta know when to hold them and know when not to hold them this is when not to hold them got it perfect there we [ __ ] go okay and i'm gonna pull these here got it all right getting in position facing everything away as always being a very good tanky boy like i always was supposed to be i'm just gonna save all my cds here i shouldn't even need to worry about it perfect yeah these mobs are easy to kill anyway miss treasure no i didn't i did did i no i didn't no no yes i did okay we're gonna fight big boy we're gonna fight big boy here all right listen you guys know what to do we go in and we get them oh damn he's a cyclops he's a cyclops okay he's got i'm gonna see if he's got any ads i'm gonna wait till 50 i'm gonna pop cds if he doesn't have any ads okay we're gonna use the defensive okay getting him back in position all right perfect i have to avoid everybody avoids perfect avoids guys great job i'm proud of you great job we're amazing oh this is fine oh so it's like an inside oh it's easy come on let's do something a little bit more exciting than that [Music] i think next time he does that i'm going to do a stun on him easy he's nerve dude is this actually a nerf i don't know coin counter yeah this seems completely fine to me okay next time he does the big stun i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna hit him okay that's fine they nerfed it dude i'd love to see the under fight i think that'll be fun i like this guy he does a lot of avoidable abilities it makes it a little bit more exciting it's a tank you know because i'm doing different stuff i reprise him on the end of his ability i want to try and see if i can stun him can i stun him yeah i can nice nice so i stun i interrupt this ability that is a dead [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] that's a dead ass [ __ ] what i get what i get what's this what's this this bear big [ __ ] garbage [ __ ] out of here i don't want to see you the empty pocket this is me and the raid yeah i've got empty pockets right now i haven't got [ __ ] out of the raid okay let's pull these two guys big ass right there big ass right give me a second give me a second i'm pulling everything got him i'm trying to pull everything to me i felt like i had an aggro problem there oh i leveled again oh i'm the leveling god look at that dude level 48 boys [Music] all right let's get ourselves another purple boy let's see it what's this it's a piece of [ __ ] i'm gonna greet on it for now it's okay all right keep going where's this mob here poison peasant this isn't a peasant this is a this is a bug let me see how ashes is doing ashes is done so number one that means i will not log out on the boss and number two that means we're about to see what the flying mounts are like afterwards i'm not gonna have as much time to do it as i was wanted to because we've got d and d at four right and guys i know obviously like some people are wondering about that we are continuing dnd dnd is today boys and ashes it's okay it's completely okay if i don't get to everything with ashes today you know why it's because the alpha is up tomorrow too and i'm gonna make sure that tomorrow dude tomorrow is gonna be so big i don't want to give you guys a whole lot of hints i don't want to make plans but there is a very high probability that there will be a transmog contest in final fantasy next sunday this is something i've been planning on i've been thinking about doing yeah that might be happening again i'm excited okay let's kill these guys there we go okay gold ass fine go ahead avoid him there we go there we go killing these and picking these [ __ ] asses up there we go perfect got em dude got him oh there's a [ __ ] ass picking them all up picking up the [ __ ] asses not a big deal perfect oh more [ __ ] asses i can handle this oh here was half man i shouldn't have done that it's okay though oh marble fruit i want to kill them now so they don't turn into the big guys i see so they're like it's like a uh a metamorphosis face that's how that's how it works i just noticed that there we go got it all right give me the loop give me the loop machinist arm gives a [ __ ] about that who cares who cares about that are you kidding me dude all right let's pull these over here got him machinist dude my favorite job yeah well that one's even worse as a job because that's a real life job there's no yeah [ __ ] yeah that's a real life job man that's the worst kind of job you can have i haven't been using berserk at all since bosses usually i try to save cds i save like all my cds or it's my first time doing a dungeon just making sure that i don't have i always have them when i need them you know okay so my marble fruit so we have to watch what's the big bull oh we got ourselves a big boy oh that's a big one that's a big boy let's go ahead let's eat let's go let's go same thing poison first the d-box all right let's go [Music] all right [Music] all right let's see where i'm at i'm looking to see where my buffs are okay i'm waiting to see if he's gonna do anything bad breath okay burberro i don't know what the [ __ ] that is okay hook burrs have dug into your flesh what is that doing to me okay some people have two stacks i only have one i'll see what happens here got it hooked burrs as well that's two stacks on him as well for boro and this puts one stack on everybody right yeah it does okay so now these guys have three stacks and he's repositioning here so what does so do okay it doesn't look that bad okay all right adds big dick big dick big dick big dick big dick big dick big deal oh my god big dick oh my god big dick let's go barbaro [Music] okay see as i see how i click that in between the inside of the cast where the cast time of the fruit would end at the exact time that the cast time of this ability would go off to immediately dispel the debuff and then clear the other stack avoiding [Music] easy [ __ ] game easy [ __ ] game oh they're using the laser i'm gonna stun that i can't okay i'm gonna just pop this right now keep things clean okay we're gonna have more ads here okay uh do we have to even worry about the ants no i don't think we should just kill boss boss is dead ass [ __ ] that's the easiest that's the easiest dungeon in my life [Music] that's the easiest i've ever done in my whole life that's the easiest one people said that was the hardest one that's the easiest one it's the wrong answer [Music] you were popped off i think i did well your condition what's that oh i'll just replace the gear anyway who cares so what did i get uh you obtain a pair of autumn sabbath these suck okay what about this here okay uh halizu i'm gonna go ahead and give you the uh the thing then [Music] that's cock-ass garbage and so is that it's just two bits of cock-ass garbage [Music] so i go in here and this gives me the buff right so if i go in here again okay so it's all right i understand there we go carried by walla see who was i carried by got this guy right here the lancer he's doing spins and [ __ ] we've got um [Music] every group has a cat girl in it actually is that even a cat girl i'm pretty sure it's not even a cat girl what the hell yeah it's not even a cat coil yeah that this wasn't really that bad this was a like visually i think this was one of the cooler dungeons that we've had to do though like i'll definitely say that i've i've liked this dungeon more than many of the other ones okay dude i'm amazed how fast i can level like this is insane like i'm getting like one level of dungeon it's so [ __ ] fast man it is so [ __ ] fast 49 i'll get 50. dude i'm getting 50 tomorrow 100 man like i'm talking about 100. [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 387,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv day 6, asmongold final fantasy day 6, final fantasy day 6
Id: 7pqdM_Tjt18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 51sec (5451 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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