Asmongold FIRST Deadmines Dungeon Clear - Classic WoW Release

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with mom yeah I live with my mom Hunter cave you Randy live with my mom that's right you don't don't fix what's not broken okay let's just get this done so here's like the way that I'm thinking right okay let's just pull these one at a time so if I if I take the items right then it's like you know it does kind of devalue everything I do agree with that to an extent it kind of makes a little bit like you know less it's not as cool right to do it all yourself but also is gonna take longer and it's like do I just want to do I want to make it take longer not really now how does she not a grow bro like well I'm right here okay now we're fine okay I'll be able to thunderclap in like two minutes here okay guys I feel like I should just like why I'm having to I mean trying to tank dude I'm like not even I'm not even tanking this is a [ __ ] dumb okay there we go we're fine dynaroo clap yeah it's the journey not to this nation well to me it's also the destination right I mean I so that's the reason why I'd want to do it right it's one of the reasons why I wouldn't want to is that if I don't do it then or if I do it then obviously I level faster I a better gear it's just easier for me to do stuff and it's easier for me to fight off people right and since I'm already kind of behind I'd feel bad for you know just kind of like putting myself into disadvantage do a straw poll maybe I'll do a straw poll after this okay but those are like those are the two options I'm looking at if that makes sense hey McConnell I'll do wisdom on both of us okay try and get this mob and then we'll just maybe you might watch make sure to keep up my time I mean I guess the thing is that I made the speech right right if you want me to be specific right I made the speech before I made up my mind to plant a few piece over right I mean it'll let's be honest well I I did not plan on playing on PvP so just keep scaling and hopefully this works okay we're good I already know you're gonna take everything if you're ready I'm in such a breakdown about on day one well totally a bit like a few days right so like if I can get through it on day one I can just do it for the whole dress at the time and also like later on like I'll have pretty decent gear so I won't feel like I need to did I even get ganked once well yeah of course because I'm not in a contested zone like how can I get ganked oh that's good then Westfall well yeah uh all right we're doing fine here okay we're making progress let's go that's not a justification yeah no I I just I wanted to just get sixty right I mean that's what it really comes down to that's want to get sixty and that's the only thing I really care about so I don't know I think I think about tonight I'm not gonna do it tonight I'll think about it later put your cheating doing it yeah but people were cheating screams knocking me too so I get it stream sniping is cheating like fight fire with fire I'm not gonna have people cheat to [ __ ] me and then I can't [ __ ] them back you know what I mean it doesn't make sense we all know you gonna take it yeah I know I know me too it's okay just guilt like [ __ ] he's running away we got a runner okay no we're fine no we're good I'm worrying about chatting so that's actually true - like I'll waste my time thinking too much about what chat thinks you guys are very right I spend so much time worrying about like making chat happy I like to make chat happy I do it makes me feel good whenever chats happy but I probably do think about it too much you're right ROK's how y'all feeling about sap we could definitely do okay all right that's good we might need to just remember that when we SAP actually when we SAP we on yeah yeah okay all right well one of you guys can try to SAP this wait for this guy to Pat back around and just SAP now and we'll kill the first okay hold on hold on wha Stone stone mason cloak who picked that up 99 where were that Gavin I'm not gonna die like one preventing group there's no way I'm gonna die like whenever whenever you guys need to remember you were euro literally like looking at the literal God looks good everything 500 health Andy 500 health Andy okay go SAP one we kill the other one then we kill the boss go SAP one alright I'm gonna use our Lions strength to I use my looks or water breathing to they'll never come to get my fun for years okay good get on to watchmen kilowatts mints done Watchmen I'm gonna try and build aggro on him I'm just killing it's fine okay and then get on the boss hello miss SAP SAP broke get on watchman kill the other Watchmen until the other one let me know if you're feeling cuz that's probably gonna happen alive okay I'm gonna demo shout okay I might have to use abilities under my spell both make them more powerful we'll see if I need to do that or not okay I'm getting low health how much does she'll block walk fifty two blocks nothing okay that's great yeah literally blocks about 50 damage I might as well use it I mean actually know it faster he dies fast roof stops dealing damage [ __ ] out let's just pop damage big dick what's the best loving spec for warriors probably re rolling yeah re rolling it's the best spec trust me I've spent a lot time yeah you just playing on the spec something get this stuff and where's our loot he sometimes just rubs away that's a big hammer that's a big hammer a nice job I pulled one I'm gonna lie inside okay we're gonna have a pack coming from the back too so be ready for that [ __ ] you not that how are you not body pulling there we go okay we're good I'm gonna wait for their observer to go away okay we're good nice nice tanking God so I feel like if I'm if we have like a dedicated tank I think I should be the dedicated tank and I just tank in battle stance with thunderclap cuz like you know how I put all those points in a thunderclap but I'm not using it man are that's really great that I have those talents I'm not using I'm actually I'm gonna go battle stance for all this except for the bosses or like big pulls I think that's probably the smartest thing to do cuz like these polls should be really simple to do okay yeah that this should be no big deal there we go perfect what's your shift F macro ah shift F is Babel standard defensive stance it's nothing special let me see it the red zone no we're okay that's too bad way to murad wait till my Rawdon I mean like marauding isn't easy done marauding is light it trust me what we do more Aden one shot every boss broadens the easiest dungeon okay holy crap okay let's go ahead first cut the invoker first let's go and get Sonya Volker then we'll get over here I lay on hands you I lay on hands you know we got to keep moving on the invoker's because of the diamond strike on the ground okay that's done debugger okay I'm gonna interrupt the volcker after this okay she's gonna run back we also have the ads from the other side let's kill this a small minor here it's kill a small minor they'll be bubbling I'm bubbling I'm spamming lower rank iou's kill the miner kill diviner we're all attacking different targets kill the miner then after that was killed this overseer that's my target here is rocket i taunt it both of them I should have a groan both of them just keep big heels on me guys I think you safe you're good look you guys can say whatever you want about us fun say he's a terrible player say you hate him say whatever he is a God with a lay on hands nice he is a [ __ ] God with lay on hands that's totally easy that is a [ __ ] fact like I don't know how many times he saved me with lay on hands it's actually crazy okay let's keep moving what's get moving this way guys let's go tonight to take the target no he was doing fine I I think that honestly was just take a really really stressful situation and people just kind of did whatever they wanted dude thunderclap is doing 17 thunderclap is doing 17 oh my god I'm a dude I'm I'm top DPS guaranteed right now guaranteed top DPS moving out of this moving out of that okay we're good 17 damaged well you think about seventeen times five what's that 17 is four I mean what actually isn't is that sound like [ __ ] like 48 or something that's a lot of damage like 48 for one ability that you use all the time doesn't UE damage okay 69 awesome okay I pulled three I [ __ ] up okay this is gonna be hard good to me I'm spamming rank-one heels on you point I really need to get my drinking I'm letting him drink okay all right I've got a grow on all three okay Tony that one again resist on time [ __ ] okay I'll just keep Agron both of these two okay I feel so stupid I'm clicking I'm clicking Lera I'm clicking liabilities because I haven't sent my key binds okay we're doing really really well enable sound effects okay you know what I will just give me a second system sound they're turned on I wonder why it's not working that's weird I guess there must be a bug or something yeah what the [ __ ] easy guys good job I pull these one at a time that's my bad okay control s bro I know like look I present like thank you guys I really appreciate you want to help me but please like thank you okay thank you guys Oh woodworking gloves all right I pulled these two guys hey um we should give those gloves to McConnell if he isn't a bitter okay we'll get on that one they're taunting the 30 okay good yeah I should be able to have like the same that okay minor u-turn sound effects down it's the same actually I know what I'm doing everything's fine dude we've gotten so much out of this one [ __ ] how much where do we start this out like this is actually a good leveling path let me see slash played oh never mind I think if we have a good group though if we have a good group for this we actually probably would be able to do this faster than then just like we're bowling yeah obviously we're playing like [ __ ] right now but that's not you know I mean who gives a [ __ ] right we're doing great anyway tired as [ __ ] yeah yeah a little bit okay so I'm now gonna worry about a growing that doesn't even matter I kind of just want to practice like tanking a little bit but it's not a big deal Oh wall you Munda sound effects up of course of course thank you guys I don't know why I didn't think of that I turned that down all the way today yeah that's good I was here I was thinking it was an audio bug okay great I'm gonna just pull the last two right here okay we're good thank God does Miss doing yeah I know what I'm doing guys are going I'm have only been up for 24 hours listen everything's fine don't worry about me I'm doing great where everything's great okay it's like since I'm clicking half my abilities it makes me think that I have to click the other half no I hopefully thank God I don't need that item that [ __ ] chess piece sucks thanks for the offer though max appreciate it okay good you slap have enough 24 hours listen dude I actually felt like whenever I woke up okay you guys don't like how Ragnaros says too soon executives is like that that's how I felt exactly like that it's not good we're dying who's the heal could be I'm healing why have I not done the emo shop dude like imagine me tanking vici man like that was a crushing blow to like this is gonna be rough and like like vici hits like twice as hard as that oh nice here's the item that's their problem for now okay okay now it's my problem okay there we go all right we want gold-flecked gloves gold-flecked gloves boys or I think it's this one two one two drops lavish a jeweled ring no it's the next guy oh no we want taskmaster axe taskmaster ex if that drops I need it should ask those first those are actually an upgrade for me yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna use them what about me I'm a paladin are you strength and intellect okay go ahead not alone yeah you know what you know what's reassuring as a as a group member is whenever your tank takes an upgrade that's cloth you actually have items like that in this game you see that happen you know like okay this is gonna be oh this is gonna be a rod voice like it's like they make a cloth item with strengthen and elect on it so literally anybody can use that they'll we have just an extra feeling there might be a group that comes up behind I know don't we'll deal with them applets whoa let's pull them around here I know I'm just saying okay let's go ahead and kill this one right here the level 18 okay kill this guy first good okay I've got a girl on that taunting him off good then he'll die and I can just kill this guy perfect okay now yeah we are gonna have the pad that's gonna come to the other side I mean like realistic like we're actually farming two-step forming it's pretty quickly I think if we have a good group we could do deadlines in probably 20 minutes actually I don't know 20 minutes is really fast I don't know we can do it fast let's just say that we need to get my dance like I'd say 30 minutes for sure 30 minutes for sure a good group we do deadmines 30 minutes for sure a good group of nobody over 22 okay I only get Agron these guys [ __ ] demo shot there I need to [ __ ] key buying this I feel so stupid clicking I'm such a dumbass just line-of-sight that no okay we're good once you get some deer you probably just went yeah I mean the thing is we have like no [ __ ] gear which by the way leads me back to the same [ __ ] point I was making before I I should beg for gear let's just kill these guys so they don't cause us trouble behind us yeah good idea okay a little bit [ __ ] I didn't see that I thought was lying my bad I can feel what he do watch this i interrupting god interrupting god boom in art thank god all right there we go I just moved too much up to six no I don't use six six is not it's not a number that I use I don't like six won't compromise what you get Garrett will avoid make it faster and knock your maximal that's what we care about anyway I mean like max level like that's actually a good point that's a really good point because I was like thinking about this like last night or a couple nights ago it's like how do I even farm for gold alright how does somebody farm for gold they usually go out in the world and it's like as a streamer I don't think I really have like that possibility on stream you know you don't yeah I take the items your role in alts fishing well the thing is like anywhere I'd fish it's like all contested areas so I'd be like nah he'll and you know people are gonna like grief me so try sucking dick well listen like I I'm okay if you guys are okay with me sucking dick and gold Shire four five five goal a pop and I mean that a pop then you know what maybe I'll do it but you know I I it's it's something that sloppy will probably wouldn't want to sing make that Bank yeah dude get that bread sis farming ever you're not streaming there's no way I'm gonna go out of my way to farm while I'm not streaming so you want me to like not stream and is it more important like that I get my own epic mounts or the I stream like I wonder what he was wondering for you okay just a second just in case you need to slow fall no yeah I think so I'll use these okay perfect sharp is this right here I forgot to do that sharpened boy yeah there it is havock mount yeah I I don't know like the more I thought about the more I thought it was kind of dumb okay people just give you anything you need I know exactly don't do gold Shire degrading stuff for gold yeah it's okay I probably won't I also should have probably helped him get that mom okay um how are you a God if you received refuse gifts that's actually true you thinking about like all the gods remember how the you know the Mayans and people would like you know they do sacrifices to their gods and stuff like what we're gonna have to do is we have to create level ones and then have horde kill them and then you know in front of me I think that's what happened we'll get like a level one like humans and put them in white robes and then just kill them in front of me you know it's like actual proper sacrifices using any add-ons no I don't think so little thanking God well I I know I am a little taking god I lost a groom never mind if I have like my macros and everything set up I'm gonna be so so [ __ ] good at tanking I've actually thought like so this sounds crazy because it is but a lot of people are actually talking about like tanking with two-handed weapons or like dueling I feel like that's like it's not like that's like high end like progression guild stuff though I don't think I should even think about that at all fury tank is real yeah it seems really stupid tanking god never even and for the healer I don't really think that she'll block is as good as a lot of people think that it is I think she'll block is actually kind of a weak ability at low levels because you don't have any increased shield block value and the only real advantage that she'll block gives you is that it makes it to where you're not able to be critic rushed that is the best thing that shield walk can do and because I don't have protection talent for two charges of shield block and I really just don't think it's valuable at all the amount of damage that it reduces like she'll block effectively reduces 20 damage we're like 15 damage reducing 15 damage I do not consider as a that's not good this guy's gonna craft the [ __ ] thing he's gonna craft the [ __ ] thing yep there he goes and he does it every [ __ ] time okay let me get this guy pull back make sure we kill the engineer don't let him run okay it's done hey one thing that uh I gotta watch for is when they start making the Golem see if it gets done a minute window owes them enough grid-view I know it's not okay but she'll block from her rest that's what I was saying before um so the reason why she'll block is good is it makes it to where you can't be crushed and it also makes it to where you can't be crit so that's why she'll block is so good but at this low level you're not gonna be crushed and crit as much and even whenever you are the damage that you're taking isn't gonna be as substantial because you're doing dungeon runs so that lowers the value of she'll block by a lot and because of that I don't actually think she'll block is as good as people think that it is for leveling and I never really like to you she'll block at all and that's why I died using I'm not using it do you do 24 hour stream I did a let's see where we got twenty two point three hours from that's why I'm out right now okay dodging [ __ ] come on come I'll come on there we go okay we're fine now yeah 22 yeah 22 and a half I've been [ __ ] going at it if you fight Harlem mobs does it make it easier to crush it does spelt like and that depends on what kind of them up right so like let's let's take two different uh two different bosses let's look at Van Cleef versus like let's say the first boss of the Simpsons first boss of this instance is a big dumb ogre now he's just a big dumb [ __ ] over because he's just a big dumb [ __ ] ogre he doesn't do anything except for attack with a big two-handed weapon or mr. smight for example phase three so because of that a crushing blow from them is going to be on average bigger than a crushing blow from Van Cleef because Van Cleef is due will be so Van Cleef will eat my shield block charges faster and there will be worth less because they'll be blocking weaker attacks per hit so I like I I think about this a lot right because I don't have anything else to think about and that's only taunt this I don't know what I'm doing that's it yeah okay here we go what do you think of shadow freeze what do I think of Shadow Priests well it's not a warlock that's the first thing I think I think of a shadow priestess like it's not a warlock that's it that's a disappointment now beyond that who cares right it's not a warlock [ __ ] aggro these okay there we go it's like a really really weird aggro pattern I kind of wanted to skip those mobs did the other mobs aggro if we if we just pull the boss I don't think so do you think so say what I'm sorry it's pinks [ __ ] just ran away that's fine he'll only pull one mob with him whenever he runs away hi Izzy I told them about the narwhal uh-huh look at that he pulled one lob how about that nevermind three okay let's line the sight pull up here pull up here I just cut back if you have them on you we're going just talk the high health once I'm healing the hildine craftsman I killed the Golem let's kite backwards cause everybody's already kite backwards yeah McConnell if you want to run I'm healing okay all right I'm gonna stop right here wine that's fine wine you're gonna range okay I've got this one might try and get Buddhism yeah it was like a little okay engineer ago slinkys down the stairs next go home after this have I grown all of us yeah [ __ ] okay okay okay something I killed a little kill the ball I'm popping you this video this is something take fall damage yeah I'm cutting all the way back yeah you're good you're good you're good another down their back on you okay pop you just long enough I mean we have no minna tidy I can't lie I can't lie okay we uh okay we kill one that's good okay we're fine can we just cut backwards quick you'll engineer maybe it's not I stunned engineer you should keep running keep running we can read you in mana if we can sail it online for our route these good okay okay good okay you're gonna be able to regen right now right yeah I can reach it let's keep going as long as you can watch out for the Pat watch out for the Pat we can have to turn off the papa okay okay I'm gonna I'm gonna Healy I can't stop that kill the engineer okay all right but you got a hamster on yeah yeah yeah all right yeah how help me I'll get him again he died the other one died I'm really good I'm really good I'm one big hill nighty-night Neal you know no I'm saving okay are we good nice oh boy here it is boys to hurt his voice it's just that easy pull that out of the frame you see that that's how you play the game that's how you play the [ __ ] game if I get this staff dude I actually need it I actually need this [ __ ] staff if it drops [ __ ] adieu I'll take it you ever venture spellbook I am so stupid you're totally right I don't know why I haven't been using revenge I don't have to look I don't have the right bridge for hook strike right now I'm so tough we only have three mobs uptown think it's worth taking the risk of the Niagara with the boss oh sorry for I'm so dumb dude I'm tired man I am tired killed the engineer yeah the thing is like I feel stupid because like the revenge is actually so good it's one of the best abilities in the game I may be some good armor for you the challenge for you okay soldiers armor the bear yeah yeah that's big okay I'm gonna get this guy here okay there we go okay I hate how like revenge does revenge does no it does no damage man it just sucks I don't get it but it's how do Buzzard think this was okay like revenge does like five [ __ ] damage okay what can I trade him for this okay it's an aji scroll okay there we go all right we pull this should be three more than we pull boss okay your tank oh wait ode I use on myself oh [ __ ] okay just five damage but Jenny so our threat yeah but like the way I look I'm a retail tank man but whenever I tank I tried to top DPS every time dude any group I'm in I'm here I'm trying to top DPS DPS I'm trying to top EPS actually out of DPS I don't really care right bow I come I'm tank I tried to topb s okay let's try to pull this craftsman here I'm gonna pull him back and then we'll go ahead and snap the other one okay you can't snap the boss can you I don't I don't think so yeah it seems kind of stupid to even think but yeah let's go ahead and just zap the craftsman and then I burn down the boss okay we'll have to wait for the debuff otherwise - yep okay boys gilded gilded this guy drops the in birthstone staff this is a big staff I want it massive big dick damage by have the staff I can't believe how slow we go stealth Jesus well yeah you know it makes sense right because you're trying to move stealthily and not have people notice you not like in retail where somehow you [ __ ] move faster and while you're in stealth you tried man you try to try to try to get the other Bob particular get carpenter craftsman okay hey you sorry I'm tired saying used to these distance same dude okay it's fine okay um we should be good boys tired yeah I am dude I'm pretty tired see one thing that uh this is good for shield block is good for [ __ ] revenge so like if you really want to generate threat and like you're looking like long-term threat and you don't have like very good other active mitigation it's actually a good thing to just proc a revenge so that's like you're an upgrade there are a stamina upgrade for me how do you guys feel about it what do you actually know what rogues take back you know I don't really care yeah I want you to take it Chris like I mean you might as well have it okay let's move up here keypoint all right yeah I mean like it's stam upgrade but I'm losing so much armor at this point I feel stupid for just like taking more of it I like holding a grow a demo show we're just kidding actually I don't like doing this full taskmaster banks actually hate doing it that's a really good item that's a really really really good item okay here we go some streamers all 23 I know that well some people didn't get [ __ ] DC then get [ __ ] DC dude here [ __ ] DC do I hope I get that weapon we'll see if I do or not Oh as I'm taking okay uh let me see yeah I forgot might as well take that little sword there we go we got on him he sees yeah I mean like I've had Oh actually he needs that that's all wait no that's the other one swords an upgrade why don't you just go ahead and take it like for me it's like a literally one DPS upgrade it's not a big deal and I'm tanking anyway so who cares it's better for you to have it Alliance but busy the Alliance is the best faction did you forget about that what do you want to play a [ __ ] cow think about the horde races you've got a green thing if you've got a cow you've got dead alliance and what's the other one oh you got troll basically a Jamaican like this it's ridiculous yeah we're gonna stick with the [ __ ] Alliance man grats dude there it is nice there it is as wait did I get it oh I did get it totally forgot I kind of just assumed that I'd lose the roll how can you pick lock here no no do it this way I love this what one I love doing it like this the defies gunpowder oh oh but mine is - you know what one of my favorite default keybinds is guys this is something that's really intuitive and useful for new players is being able to randomly accidentally change your action bars by your mouse scroll wheel that is probably my favorite one of the best and most useful key binds for people it's I can't imagine us still how's that so in the game dude like whenever that happened I literally I couldn't figure out what happened I thought I had to hear it in character guys ready don't pick a lock you ready jeweller chuckles goddamn it dad I loved one of the door I didn't want boiled over see you there check out that noise it's just so like I don't know yeah well we do have to have it yeah I mean I feel like this guy here I wish I had like I had to get some add-ons actually to help me like tell like what I have target to target on everything anything I'm healing this is part of the reason why I didn't want to use the cannon okay I'll be able to finish that guy kill the parent kill the guy ma'am ma'am that's right [ __ ] call PETA [ __ ] you doing there we go targets are you dissing base game yeah I know but like if I'm mad on it told me like each mob that I'm out of mana my mana is no you're not no you're not keep there you go what a liar with us how easy we're making actually really good progress so how long have we been in here so far an hour and a half okay so do that's its solo DPS though I mean like it's terrible for DPS 25 to 38 think about that's [ __ ] garbage well then the damage it's very fast it's not it's not it's man what is your to hinder I'm not taking it because I'm gonna get the [ __ ] staff out of this oh yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna get the staff okay I don't know I feel like yeah I'm gonna get the staff with this and then I can just start all doing like that's gonna like improve our leveling so [ __ ] fast like I wanted to go with the choices and Westfall because they're really good you know what's funny you know what that staff is it's actually a hunter weapon you're right actually seriously an attack power this step is undo what let's see so a target target no I just wish I had like a thing that told me like which mobs were attacking me but I think it's also a matter of like whenever I mean like a couple weeks here whenever I get thunderfury it's not really gonna matter anymore you know what I mean cuz I'll just have aggro on everything by default just cuz of the thunderfury Barack's and then it won't even matter wait we get through wait words there are actually three new EU servers three new EU servers are you [ __ ] serious this is probably by the way guys this is probably the world first deadmines run so let you know that world first I hate how he does that oh that's that's fine they're mine okay I thought was somebody else 20k yeah six hours to let you know I'm the first rogue Thunder oh yeah is that right yeah so what you'll be gonna be joining well I mean of course after yours yeah yeah I'm in a queue for eight hours because the DC yeah I I know queues are crazy right now it kind of sucks but you know it is what is this what's a good flats to play for a new player a good class to play for a new player is probably a hunter or paladin I feel like those are probably the strongest new player classes because they are very versatile Ward same with the druid a warrior okay so Warriors are only a good class at the beginning if you want to hate the game like if you genuinely want to hate the game start off with a woman play a warrior and you will hate ever you will learn to complain about everything like you will watch my stream and have a newfound appreciation for how mad I get about the game you'll be like that's right a parry again [ __ ] [ __ ] game I knew it I'm telling you guys that's how it is okay uh double parents double parents is all be key in this is in this under cuz there's this uh Bob do you okay all be keys not in this one is he that's too bad I'm gonna I'm gonna bind emo shout right now sorry it I just I can't do without you Michelle it's so weird okay I'll have to actually okay there we go sorry I just I I couldn't do it without the emotion I felt so stupid I ain't a macro that oh [ __ ] let me just pull these last two and then you guys are the end up the boss okay so I'm fussing big heal this is gonna be kind of bad like this boss is actually gonna be hard we might have to deciding kill this I'm deciding leg straight up for the boat okay so let's do this let's kill one mob that's really good nice okay so we're gonna have obviously to shadow guys they pull with the boss so we pull we kill one shadow guy then we killed the other shadow guy then what we're going to do is we're gonna go right to here we're gonna pull them back to right here actually jump down here let's kill the two shipbuilders jump down here okay this is so I can kite him all the way down to the bottom we're in Stormwind now guys see this is storm one here okay good yeah I mean queer no this is not that's not a bug it's not about the only bug there is the the weird like the Faison thing that was dumb but everything else is fine okay so here's basically the plan we're gonna kill both of these we don't want to have any damage I'm mr. smight so we don't push them into the stun face after we kill both of those guys we're gonna jump down into the water we're gonna heal ourselves up then after that mr. smight is gonna chase us down there and then we're gonna push him to 60% after that he'll stun us for the full duration he'll run all the way back to his original location that'll allow us to five-second animal and he'll back up recover and then kill the boss yeah I think it sounds good okay yep I'm gonna pull hunter right here okay [Music] as fun let me know if your full want to make sure that 100% for this just tank and spank it no it's off yeah it will be like tomorrow we will be just deep digging this deep [ __ ] this deep [ __ ] this but until we start deep [ __ ] them dude you remember whenever we did this in the beta and there was no water yeah painted it easy actually did it was so funny I totally got diagnosed as I did so many times on the beta I remember it it's not having water and like now it does have water I'm like how to get flooded the [ __ ] I better go and pull yeah you okay let's go my target first excuse gonna keep cutting back as much as I can okay all right kill this one next if we're still fine after this we'll just go directly to mr. spine I think I think we should drop in water I don't think we should I don't think we need to still watch I mean I'm also a minute I'm saying like if you drop then we give this time to reach in you're gonna reach in right now how many Perry's does this guy do man have I gotten a single successful attack what the [ __ ] man you landlubbers are tougher than I thought aw laughter improvise okay yeah so you can five-second right now yeah I'm just like first aid yeah I'm just like dpsing without a seals I don't like start the five-second rule but raw healing for you there we go all right now I've got to I don't know what it was Matt I was getting every attack was getting parried then you're driving me [ __ ] crazy guys whoever uses a target pull marker no you're very like I mean everybody here is a good player so I'm not expecting to see like anybody do any stupid ship and it's gonna be fine everything's gonna be just fine okay just move up and finish this [ __ ] yeah the GlassFish guys by the way mace is on reserve hey what are you reading yep I just called it no wait why you can have the ax man it's okay reason that's actually really good for me oh wait you guys need that I'm passing passing date-date that's actually really good for them like I'd want to have that item but it's just not fair for me to take that from the rogue that's just stupid of me to do I I thought about being too generous like that's such an upgrade for me man 3 a GI would dodge every attack I would be like a rogue with evasion except for I would have evasion Wow one claw I was behind all this they didn't like wow that's a big head like what the hell is that item literal God of generosity well I don't really like that's the thing is I'm too generous that's why everybody has to give me free loot is because I'm too generous I killed a pirate first and small shape after that greatest empire of never he goes well that's not cool then I used to be a pirate O'Connell can swap take her next I'm feeling always remember like this isn't even this isn't the cata version the caliber of the squall shapers do like ridiculous damage but like on this version they don't Wow okay it's been a very very long time why you're only level 18 okay so here's the thing all right so let's start from the start we got [ __ ] in the ass and then we got [ __ ] in the ass again and then we kept getting [ __ ] in the ass until we actually just got used to it and we stopped caring I just block right there is didn't want to crits on me yeah that's basically it I'm honestly like guys I'm worried about well I'm stuck in the ass [ __ ] I'm so worried about logging back in tomorrow watch out above us play it safe okay there we go I would like bug out and pellagra just don't log out I don't think it will I think it was like a light fluffy thing I don't know I'm thinking what I can do here log in before going live yeah great idea but like what happens if I log in before going live like an hour before I go live I'm actually thinking of like cuz like what if I the thing is like alright if I did if I do the same thing I did today right and I could just put my stream on unlisted and have people call me whenever it happened I could just leave the stream on the whole time and that way I just have people call me whenever it's gonna happen but I feel like that's like really stupid and five-hour IQ yeah cuz I'm down to sit in a long queue you look tired this vlog was tired as [ __ ] 10 hours ago like this is how long is this stream now almost 23 hours so I'm feeling okay let me turn this back on I'll turn on my camera I'll heal how's my hair looking okay we're good all right perfect boys let's keep it up uh 19 hours you haven't slept well I mean if you can't like not sleeping yeah I don't know to me like I didn't really get a lot of sleep I'm gonna be honest like I'm not a good sleeper and I probably got like whenever I was laying down maybe like three hours of sleep something like that but I really want to as I focus still actually yeah though I look way better now now you guys can see every single little piece of dandruff but another 49 hours actually see four hours start cute see four more hours I feel like that's just not healthy like I mean I care about like staying healthy throughout this whole thing I know that might sound ridiculous but I don't want to do something that's gonna just kill this one just kill this one we aggregated okay kill the Shipbuilding kill the shipbuilder I'm healing uh-oh these two mobs kill these two mobs kill these two mobs greater jump down jump down check out yeah I think we should have gone to the wheel I think we should have gone to the wheel man we've been fine we don't resident Sentinel Hill do we if anything I give it to my mom because we're on the same ip address I'll go on dude imagine like imagine I log on and I like she steals my one gold she steals my 38 silver like pink sparkle goes in there and she mails that to herself she's like well there's a nice shirt I wanted to buy it you know lives with mom yeah I live with my mom 100k viewer and II live with my mom that's right you don't don't fix what's not broken okay there's two [ __ ] oh wait they're women okay there are two to powerful individuals that they can do and choose whoever they want to be with to pull these guys kill the Evoque reverse okay oh yeah let's go this one you okay oh yes done here it's fine okay let's go you all guys check the queue before you go to bed I'm gonna why I'm gonna do I'll check with you why your imagine if it says nine hours dude if it says nine hours wouldn't be so happy because then I'll have like an excuse for being for going to sleep for nine hours I'll just say yeah guys it's a queue I mean I had to do it I probably just like what I should do is I should scream no it will end up being like three and a half out yeah yeah it'd be a nine-hour queue I'll sleep for eight hours and that you will be seven and a half that actually happened to me in WOD like I was genuinely think about quitting the game because I just said I ders never time I could get in and play the game join queue and go to sleep I'm think about having like my mom's pangey okay man well offline we can go to bed I was wish to submit my house that could check this [ __ ] for me how much is AK was here to feel this like [ __ ] check it join QQ on stream yeah I know will wake him up mom mom I forgot to stay in the queue to play classic Wow what wake me up if we get out of the queue okay I played a game driven yeah duh you know that I [ __ ] up guys we pulled means holy bleep this is a lot of your pops okay let's kill the let's kill the taskmaster first let's kill this taskmaster with all 18 keep going back and forth and winding the wizard [ __ ] okay we can do that now okay am I gonna have to use seven here I'm gonna have to use seven [ __ ] got it I hate using seven I can barely use six I'm a tall guy but seven is it's a stretch I'm gonna die we're not gonna die the respawns do it there's no way there's no way this is gonna happen kill the taskmaster dude I'm rooted I'm gonna stand on top this oh she got away these guys kite better than a we're dead you guys have to come back here and help us or die like we cannot come back we're running as fast as we can well it's too it's too [ __ ] slow wait how did you I'll go change the source code just give me a few minutes thanks man McConnell but the fact is they're just not that good and that's all they're [ __ ] this to it Falco I know people playing Falco on now right I used to keep up with melee a little bit but now I don't at all because I've just played video games and uh play Wow all the time okay let's see if we can get this [ __ ] done this is so [ __ ] dumb all right here we go Falco has always been good yeah but I always felt like I don't know I feel like foul fox is always the meta not Falco but I guess things change dr. Mario what's the difference at dr. Mario and Mario is like it's cape or something like that I forgot even what it was it's been so long dr. [ __ ] Mario he's heavier no one's a doctor okay you know what that makes a lot of sense now yeah he's a doctor I okay dr. Mario cheated on his wife you mean oh that's that's so abstract I don't really think it's funny man yeah it's too abstract to be funny okay we have four people let's just move on why she's gonna respond okay perfect all right that's fine to get there us perfect yeah let's move up guys and we can regen mana watch out for the guy on the left okay you not noticing it may be funny I mean was it really funny though I don't know I thought it was stupid maybe maybe it's just me being a boom here but I I thought it was dumb okay let's try this again hopefully we'll get everybody here I guess like you can know this is one thing that I'm not gonna get used to kill the evoker I'm really not it's hard to me to get used to the the aggro there sorry the name plate radiuses because like in like in current wow you can see name plates from like 40 yards away and in classic that wasn't the case so I always just keep walking and I'll never expect them to pop up because I'm just used to playing on retail whenever the name plates have like such a large radius so that's something I've got to get used to I can tell you're on edge no I'm fine man like I mean am i annoyed that we wiped a couple of times yeah of course I'm annoyed but I'm not really mad it's not a big deal and turn it back on well no I mean like I I don't think you can because so you used to have like a console command that would allow you to do that but then they disabled it in the middle of the beta or something like that so I don't think that's the case I've just got to be smarter about like looking around and paying attention okay everybody here something serious I you can jump down there we go all right we're fine now we can keep moving we should be good now guys this is a bit of a problem okay do you feel like you're making decent progress no actually I don't jump off the top of the foundry there I feel like oh yeah I should be I feel like I should be like 21 or 22 right now maybe 23 if I was really really farming and like I had no mistakes so somewhere around it wow that's such a good weapon you see how cruel barb oh yeah that's big that's massive people are already 28 yeah but I mean like I'm not that good at levelling so like I'm being realistic to myself like yeah I owe your should be level 32 no I mean come on I'm not gonna be 32 I think that for me personally like 23 is realistic okay how many been streaming for let me see 23 hours and 12 minutes so we are almost at 25 hours okay where the [ __ ] are these bombs okay boys let's move up here and it will kill if we have any sort of an issue huh Esmond holy crap good luck Jim okay good one there's no hold on I'm kneading on that let's think about this mathematically okay the two ropes up I play a ret paladin and sometimes Rhett paladin's don't get the wrong they have this is you know this is losing karma for the onslaught girdle I hope you know this no look listen as of retribution paladin I have a little thing called ret privilege and sometimes I have to bestow my rep privilege you have to check your privilege and I'm checking my privilege today and just doing it on to you so you're welcome generous quite generous ladies after pool okay there we go I can guarantee you there's gonna be people that are like that didn't watch the stream this afternoon like tonight whenever I get back online they're gonna be like oh I don't have space for that I'll deal with it later actually you know what let me let me use these on actually this is the white armor I'm just gonna throw these away just trim the other ones are you sure you want that bill I'll trade you it's so bad I've put that face folder yeah I was yeah I did that pretty watcher okay [ __ ] how we pull three okay I've got a grown him got a grown him I don't have I grown ham okay toning this guy running this guy come on come on come on come on come on what is this how do i do - [ __ ] sunders i lose i grow into a [ __ ] heel what a [ __ ] game Hank every bus please yeah okay let me see what else do I have here that I can use I'm actually gonna I'm gonna fully buff for this like VC is gonna be really hard I'm worried I'm gonna get beat like he does a huge amount of damage thank you more difficult than BofA I actually think classic tanking is harder than BofA tanking like outside of like like mythic 20 right but like if you're talking like just a mythic 15 even I think classic tanking is probably I don't know it depends on like what like what is what is hard I have tanked a mythic 15 right on time and everything and I've tanked in classic - like which one do I think is harder I don't know it's really hard to say okay I'll use the elixir defense I'll put this on here white tanking I'd say like a lull of a dungeon and keeping thread on everything is probably really hard but the thing is with classic is you don't even need to keep thread on everything because other people like right now in retail Wow for example by other classes like let's say a dps warrior versus a tank warrior DPS warriors like cannot tank at all put in classic Wow DPS warriors were often used as off tanks so I could difference between like somebody whose actual tank spec and not tanks back in like classic Wow is a lot smaller than it isn't retail don't you guys get the chest and lower level yeah we did somebody would do them they got everything they wanted to have it's on us to do something that's good okay so he just patted around I'm gonna pull some more the trample as many this weekend it's do some [ __ ] damage get squad just do whatever sometimes right get to ball shape for this okay there we go should be good here all right warlocks good in classic or world walks good and classic warlocks are great in classic and they also have a lot of utility which makes them super useful I might jump here okay I'm gonna pull this mobbed I'm running back everybody run to the bottom run to the bottom bottom I just wanted to save time I almost fell down with the [ __ ] okay most useless classes in classic most useless classes are probably all right that's actually pretty good we got aggro from down here go go get on top of the wheels get on top of the wheel after this guy on top of the wheel and on top of the wheel that's why I want you guys yes you slowed oh dude Krause this almost didn't make us close okay all right now they should respawn they should read that they should reset I mean fool me once shame on us go sir fool me twice no no it doesn't happen okay let me pull these two mobs just stay down there I'm gonna pull these mobs to us okay just kill these two yeah just kill these two and then we'll go ahead and pull the rest I'm gonna do a few attacks and we go take a piss and opal boss I will be our beef okay your chance to shine going tank back pleat yeah yeah we're good what good boy level one had more gear one good boy okay okay okay yeah yeah just noticed yeah let's just reset again let's reset again thanks for calling night I didn't use I was I lost the one who had growed though that was completely my fault okay so let's think about doing this back here so they're at a range of the okay a then set staff of yours okay so let's kill the squall shaper first and then let's reset and then we'll do it again okay okay and let's actually practice plan to do all of them but if we have to we can just jump directly down you guys see where I'm at we jump directly down so I'm gonna get ready in pole okay okay good talk yes that's good so we will we'll get squall shaper I'm gonna try and get aggro on the other two and then we'll jump down because we need to practice for VC if this is a problem then vc is gonna be a [ __ ] yep I'll get a grouse there we go okay scholarship healing okay fine pirate pirate I'll take out the parrot myself I will defeat this beast [ __ ] you crackers [ __ ] it's because crackers is a traditional name for parrots okay I want to say that within within the window there okay it's a traditional name for parrots relax that's a big hill now I'll get to Kotaku articles in one day how about that okay yeah not too terrible this is fun yeah this is fine okay why don't me and McConnell both lost our mana but that's really not that bad that's a really good item okay so let's talk about BC here well this is a level 21 can we come down here let's go a few more mobs I'm about to level and I want to make sure I'm nineteen for this boss wait wait what if you almost level unrealistically unrealistic twenty it would be really cool if we pulled it off would be really cool let's always kill one of these how the [ __ ] do we get over here let's just go around the other side I think the other side's easier to go in okay and let's go he's saying it like if we get if we get I get a heal from the from killing a mob from leveling up I'd like to just have the Kalyani here Thanks pulling back to mobs dude i this is gonna be this is gonna be a [ __ ] man this is gonna be a real pop okay all right we're good the white by captain cookie if we fight cookie we can kill cookie it's not a big deal all righty hit this guy down all right boys are about to ding here we go 19 or this okay let's go I really want to go one point tactical mastery so I can overpower and swap back and forth between defensive stance but deflections also really good to rats yeah ding guys congrat thank you what do you guys think Tiger one point tack mastery or desk in our point deflection I'm at mastery I don't know man like I feel like it's not first atoll enough it also has the shittiest tool to literally ever what flexion okay so let's go ahead and kill one of the kill actually both of the elites and then after that we can try to out of combat mana regen how far back can we pull VC do you guys know whenever he D spawns I thought he'd be spawns at the edge of the platform I'm assuming that he does let's assume that and he's gonna cast for mobs I don't know if we're gonna burn him down or just kill the form up who will probably burn him down though and then just use lamb handsome [ __ ] is there buddy ready mm-hmm does anybody have a healing potion for me I'm I'm out of new ones just anything I'm totally out thank you okay stem it's the same thing okay this is actually better but I've already got this one on for now okay all right I'm going in let's do it remember first mop first and the challenge that brother fell this one I'm gonna have to he'll kill this one first y'all next black card I'm gonna see if I can hide him in any way can you can you recover this yeah okay I've got I've gone you know we're good we're good we're good okay no all of you as soon as the second set of ads comes up just burned off boss unless he goes too low I'll call it / boss they're killing ads just kill the ads just kill the ad stirs kill ads collides Colette's fools our cause is righteous feel first that bad okay they're attacking ads kill the other block guard make it clean I got first lay on hands okay shift Qaeda back there got you nice the Brotherhood shall prevail Oh world first Wow look at that blackened defiance armor holy crap dude two rogues [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 188,120
Rating: 4.6614699 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold youtube, asmongold deadmines, asmongold deadmines clear, asmongold deadmines run, deadmines classic, classic wow, classic world of warcraft, asmongold classic wow, asmongold classic, asmongold classic world of warcrfat, classic wow dungeons, classic wow deadmines run, asmongold classic release, classic wow release, classic release, asmongold mcconnell, asmongold esfand, deadmines, classic dungeon, wow dungeon
Id: 03l4diX4fQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 31sec (4411 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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