Asmongold First Fully Geared DUELS In Classic WoW

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this is the perfect duel okay here we go I'm gonna duel this guy he is a mage okay watch this this is what I get this is where I get to deal with this is my wife then he does this [ __ ] and then now what I got lucky here what do I get to do now this is so fun is anybody else having fun here we having fun oh wow this is so great I'm inside the dead zone oh here we go yeah this is awesome wow that's great what I got yeah I need eight different consumables go on the lock well I'm not really pvp Specht on my walk like I mean I'm not PE piece back to my LOC at all like it might sound good for me to do that I'm not pp SPECT on in any way ok engineering so that's the thing you've got to have like an engineer you've got an engineer oh you need eight different trinkets like in order and like warlocks can equip those same trinkets to warlocks can use free action potions to warlocks can do all of this other [ __ ] too and they do a lot of [ __ ] damage like holy [ __ ] guys this is such a I'm pissed I'm already mad man I'm thinking alright alright I'll do it one more mage and I'll show you guys to the dueling setups ok and you can take a look and see what's going on here and people can see where I'm coming from all right so I'll duel this guy alright right I charge in I got really lucky here with the prop and he's not blinking away for really no no reason I don't know why he's not blinking away ok there we go so now he is when he went and there we go I charge in and it's an absorbed okay okay there we go what am I gonna do now I'm gonna be able to kill him actually I was this guy completely [ __ ] up like you really like you absolutely completely [ __ ] up like the fact that you lost a duel duel mate you should have blinked the moment I immobilize you what the hell were you thinking man but he gets a payday that was a paid actor that actually was that was a genuine [ __ ] paid actor the good one all right let's go let's go mr. rogue come on okay okay I resisted his kidney he's dead I got lucky there on that yeah I I got lucky here see he tried to kidney me and it got resisted I mean that's the way it goes right oh great okay now you guys can watch our druids play see it's like as a warrior oh he has resurrection sickness I'll probably win this one then yeah I'll probably win this one okay come here come here come on what is this what's this okay you're gonna go for the stun I like it oh wait oh no his rest sickness fell off man I'm gonna lose now [ __ ] okay all right now what he's looking around doesn't know what's going on he has no idea and I was gonna probably do nature's grasp I'm assuming he's dead yeah there it is oh yeah he had it on but I routed him on top of me and I killed him all right beverage you know what's gonna happen you know what's gonna happen what are you doing yeah waiting for EM they go into Berserker stance so I can hit him for a little bit more damage we tried to do a charge right there I'm dead zone Ian you went in battle stance so I don't feel like charge me again there it is beverage wean the talk like we need to figure out what the hell you're doing wrong okay white that was a big mistake okay what about this guy let's go go I'm ready for you get this done only warriors can beat warriors I've actually I was so upset about the dueling tournament I wanted to [ __ ] I was so upset about the doing tournament I actually want to make a warrior only doing tournament because I feel so I really you're gonna dodge every single one is this is this real life oh and then my [ __ ] over power misses wow what a fun [ __ ] game son of a [ __ ] this is crazy what the [ __ ] this is stupid no he dodged even without evasion every attack he dodged I mean he's gonna kill me [ __ ] you idiot every [ __ ] attack man every [ __ ] attack this is ridiculous alright scare oh let's go alright oh it's oh it's a mage they're not that good like right there see you should have blinked like your way to wait on the point so you're gonna hit me with that I'm gonna keep this up so I can just charge over to you and that didn't break for a certain reason I'm gonna charge over to him now he's gonna have to ice block see that was it that was just I was a bad play like I mean I was a bad play like he [ __ ] up in like three different ways and so like is that really does that mean that Warriors are good does that mean that he [ __ ] up I'd say that means that he [ __ ] up yeah listen alright go let's go buddy what are you doing or you're gonna try to deadzone me it's not gonna work man like just stop like this guy he already lost really what do you think's gonna happen here and I'm gonna trying to gouge me probably okay gonna do that it's fine he's rooted okay and then he did he tried to bandage inside of his cooldown and now what you dead why that's not what I'm trying to prove to you guys is that warriors are not good at ghouls they're not like this is hair Mon bulb oh it's another warrior okay all right here we go he's rooted so I know I can stay away from he went back out because they didn't realize his being rooted now he's he's trying to overpower me right here oh [ __ ] he got me but he didn't swap over to battle stance to get that over power he still had the five-second window he [ __ ] up I'm gonna go and put this so I can't move away from me that guy actually did do pretty well he got two swords back procs on me pretty good damned oh yeah sure [ __ ] man okay listen why where is this your choices okay now all right all right this is a warlock my reign of terror is about to be over you guys ready to see this he's gonna death coil me probably into a fear okay who's enough Jeremy off your as pet what's he gonna do now choices I fear this pet out of range of wrong macros yep okay gotcha gasm all right all right no Warriors are not good at duels like they are not this is I'm Tony white guys these guys have just fought Dave dude they're just [ __ ] up this is nothing okay this guy is pretty good so let's see what he's gonna do all right he opens up on me with the kidney and now I'm gonna hit him right here with the Ren there it is and I was gonna try to run away okay there's gonna go and he's gonna cheap shot me again why did I do that why did I do that like I should not have why did I not go into Berserker stance that was a bad play on my part like I totally [ __ ] up like they're not that good I'm telling you guys like listen he never death coil well no you death coil here's that here's what that guy did wrong is you death coil you don't death coil at the beginning of the [ __ ] duel because you're losing out on half of the utility of death coil death coil offers you a heal what you do is you wait to fear the warrior away you're going to make a difference in a gap in his damage he will then have to interrupt your damage time your fear toward the mortal strike debuff will go away he interrupts your fear you're not on gcd he is you apply death coil at that point whenever he doesn't have mortal [ __ ] the mortal strike debuff on you and then you full [ __ ] heal that's that's how you need to play against the warrior in a perfect situation I'm not saying like on all situations but that is a perfect situation you want your walk well I don't have like I don't I don't want to practice on my walk right now because I'm not like I'm not as good as I should be on him and I don't want to make it a okay what about this guy he's a warlock okay let's see if this warlock can do any better let's see if he can do any better all right so let's see what's going on here all right here we so he's got me right there he goes from the succubus so he's gonna probably try to fear me here or use her shadow bolt okay see we'll get that he immediately used that now I'm gonna go ahead and just hit that they're gonna come over drama wait why can't I fear him oh there we go okay see he almost killed me there the guy almost killed me there and why is that it's because he used death coil is a gap closer wait that's what you do like you suck you use succubus right because they charge in then you you suck them and then you walk away and then you hit him with a shadow bolt you hit him with a shadow bolt then after that figure out for it that wouldn't of made me win the duel I was like 900 health for it gives me like 400 hours til one he doesn't have shadow burn either it seems so wouldn't make a difference anyway he would here's what would happen and then they intercept over to you and then you death coil them away and they can't do anything that's it this is it so that's the whole thing and you just run away all you do is run away you run away with the dots it's so simple okay where's this here this guy it's a ret paladin okay ret paladin let's go okay he's gonna have to heal himself he still got moto strike the above hit might fall off races the cast goes off it won't okay listen I understand I'm winning these duels right now but you need to understand like that's not me doing I got lucky with spell batching there see this guy like I mean listen I mean he's not badging well I didn't need to and I thought that if I banded she'd be able to get into a wine a-side position I wouldn't be able to charge and I'd lose the advantage the heel wasn't worth it all right god she already told you listen Warriors are not that good at dueling I promise you it's not what is this random idiot okay where's the surplus Raya I told you man Vendetta Vendetta okay listen I'll duel this guy okay let's go didn't duel me idiot oh did I not okay I'll duel you afterwards man shut the [ __ ] up okay what's he gonna do you gonna do one of those okay now what's he gonna do he's got rent on him and he's also got deep wounds he's upset already he's already upset so now he's just he's just getting [ __ ] in the ass right now like that's all it's happening right now is he's getting [ __ ] in the ass so now I just get out of that I was really slow on that wait where's my attack oh there we go I was weird okay like that guy completely [ __ ] up like here's the thing this is another rope okay this guy's got really good gear look at him he's got he's got double elite pokey boys double elite pokey boys look at that perdition blade and Core Hound - we're gonna see a completely different game with this guy okay this is gonna be completely different like I can almost guarantee you this guy's gonna win [ __ ] disable these there's too many buffs I don't really give a [ __ ] about forward but like the surgery mark in the wild and everything it's gonna make it much more complicated there okay what are you gonna do that's not good as a [Music] okay what's he gonna do what are we gonna do you're gonna use the bombs that guy again I mean like he [ __ ] up the guy [ __ ] up I mean his opener was terrible he didn't even reset effort so he said yeah this guy [ __ ] up all right Riordan let's go Riordan I don't need thorns hey let's go battle strong come on buddy I'm like just open on me please like come on how long do we have to wait for this what are you doing what are you what listen Warriors are not good this is okay the Dodge okay to even turn this back to me you're a roll why are you turning your back you prepped another [ __ ] blind are you serious and my dot killed you with cold blood up you weren't gonna kill me you're gonna do like 1500 damage I would have turned around and overpowered you you're me dead chaos and chaos an all right let's go kale San let's go next one didn't even get the charge don't know what the hell that was retaliation's I don't even care but it doesn't even matter like his damage is so bad it doesn't make a difference he's rending me so I don't even need to worry about anything else I'm just gonna go ahead and go over here I think he's probably gonna get ready for the wait what's he doing what the hell what the hell is this wait or do you don't know I didn't use last and alright come on they're not that good okay let's go buddy let's go I'm ready come on Hanah target this guy so annoying okay [Music] I don't know why I did that as a mistake he's gonna kill me oh [ __ ] I know I'm s I met that was me that was me that was all that was on me I went I did that wrong yeah I [ __ ] that up I still think I would have lost but I think look at how much more damage that rogue does look at this is a backpedaling mage I wonder if I'd be able to beat the backpedaling mage it really I don't know I'm catching up to him because he's backpedaling away from me he had to ice block and now he's routed what are you gonna do now you're routed spell batching made you able to be immune to my stun that's I already told you I'm rage okay what is this here okay what is this guy oh right he's got the onyxia buff I guess you're gonna do really well huh let's go let's go hit me with this shield it'll balance out my health because it's a little bit lower okay [Music] onyxia buff and he gets two gets destroyed I mean come on come on guys there now you have dire maul buffs okay let's go next okay Rocko not today Rocko now he's gonna try to go for the charge but he didn't do that cuz he went into battle stance for no [ __ ] reason adder why would you go into battle stance I'm already disarmed why would you overlap oh you're gonna use recklessness well that worked didn't it okay good job I could have disarmed him but I assumed that he had the [ __ ] weapon chain am i right yeah yeah Death Grips on you losing with recklessness what is this guy oh it's another mage Warriors are a very bad dueling class any good player will beat you what are you gonna do you're gonna poly me what am I gonna do I don't know how you got the second cast okay he's gonna rank one no he's not what am i what do I get to do now when do I get to play the game oh that's right I get to play a game next duel whenever I do a class that I can actually win all this is great uh okay I got it okay I should have done that that was a mistake I was such a mistake I could I could have killed him that was stupid of me no I I [ __ ] up there instead of going for the last tic I should have actually gotten out of that and charged into him because I went out of combat there probably and I could have charged him and he wouldn't been able to blink away or do anything because he was out of mana and so that was that was my fault Ella all right let's see here okay let's go go again go again right d now he's [ __ ] he's purging my buffs what a good idea young Jaina this is before she learned how to become a mage come on man this is I mean this is ridiculous all right resident what is this resident wait Oh resident you're a priest okay great I love dueling priests where is he oh he's right there okay let's go so here's how you do a priest watch so so you get you get ready he does that and he doesn't know what he's doing interrupting the mind blast right there and I was using holy Nova because he doesn't he wants to use all of his mana so right there I get the other thing on him there what's he gonna do now now he's gonna go for that I'm just gonna stun him right there I was a little bit too slow on that I could have reacted faster so now what so now since my MS mist I've got to make sure that I get this one up what's he gonna do now that's another Oh might might pummel missed two that's so adorable god I love this game I really do this is such a good game what a [ __ ] in my ass what a massive [ __ ] in my ass I mean this is of what the [ __ ] he goes for the emcee dude okay where's come on let me get a he'll like any good mage or any good rogue is gonna beat me like if this rogue doesn't beat me it's because he doesn't know what he's doing alright let's go let's see if he knows what he's doing okay good start oh oh oh you got lucky there with the Perry not full full point kidney shot that's really good now you're gonna walk around here you're already at 80% health that's not looking good for you okay D yard you're on the kidney or you're on your own attack okay good all right moving back out okay that's a really good stun now that was a really good stun now he'll kill me here good job dude that's how easy it is you should never lose to a warrior any rogue that loses to a warrior is it is just a [ __ ] rogue like you're actually just terrible okay let's go oh [ __ ] I need to stop making out my macro let's go scare Oh okay what are we doing here you're gonna come over to me I'm gonna do one of those okay not gonna happen not good for you is that your gonna panic you're gonna panic and you're in a [ __ ] up there yep you panicked see I hit him with the whirlwind he wasn't expecting the whirlwind Scott okay here's a druid alright druids are great players everybody who plays a druid is really good at the game so he's gonna be able to do great there's no way this guy isn't gonna completely pull it out or Scott come here Scott where's Scott I don't even know where the hell he is okay we'll just open on me on stealth okay like I don't give a [ __ ] oh wait no what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] is this what is do you gonna go like that okay alright I see I see how this is going to be watch what he's gonna try and do you idiot Scott you [ __ ] idiot what word you think I was gonna what do you think like come on man like you knew that I'd be there like I knew you had to run through there why would you even walk in that way bandage all bandaged why have [ __ ] entangling roots which deals damage to me over time yeah what a great idea to bandage you know what they're talking you already good time to bandages right now let's bandage right now well oh wait I don't have my fear up I can't bandage great [ __ ] you he ran out to go ahead and get the moon fire to finish me off and he died yeah I done in my fear of that's the problem with dueling I wish duels reset your cooldowns that'd be [ __ ] great alright I see now yeah yeah III kill him there he went for the moon fire i stunned him inside human for him I killed him not really a big deal okay alright I see look at this guy right here he is a SL SL what just he's got amplify cursed he's completely ready for this okay watch what's gonna happen to me so what's he gonna do he's gonna net me now obviously that's really good for me here now since he gets really well I'm gonna wait for this next Oh No [ __ ] I can't see him I can't see if he's casting or not he's going shadow reflect her wait what the [ __ ] why did you do that now he's gonna fear me away is he in him a second wait you're a nightfall [Music] behind you you're gonna be in front of my ignore list if you do this again I already told you Nike swag I'm near 58 I'm not gonna duel you people at 58 it's like you can't win if you duel somebody who's under 60 if they get you to 80% health they're gonna I use only 58 though and if I cute you if there's any sort of a close duel do it ah you suck you woulda lost right he's not gonna do it okay lawyers are bad yes they're terrible they are the worst dueling class in the game like III felt so bad I want to make a okay aren't you gonna do this okay why would you start with Emily why wouldn't you start with whatever wait you're so firing are you okay let's go that's actually just really good he did a double one no I'm not gonna let you do that okay okay don't respect it just go respect SL SL man like why would you play that speck why are you conflate your con flagging what are you doing well interests all right let's go interest we're gonna duel you where are you interest where you are let's go duel you two let's go what are you gonna do now you're gonna root me okay that's good and okay you escape artists make sense I don't you you went too close it's a very very bad movement on your end alright next okay I did I jewel this guy no this is a rel holy paladin okay listen guys I understand that some people see this and they're like oh wow warriors are so good at dueling they are not they are not good at dueling they're not these are only alright watch this guy he said this is a holy paladin I will lose to a holy paladin okay think about how embarrassing that is so he's not even I don't even have a weapon swing timer okay so what's he get all right there's his bubble now that's actually good for me okay now what he's running right out of his consecrate he's running himself oom and I hit him with that okay that was actually really bad on my end I should have done that better now he doesn't have [ __ ] repentance so I'm just gonna use this so I can get more rage it's not really worth it to refresh my sunders going gonna get a little little one of those on there now he's gonna probably go for a heal yep there it is he's interrupted he can't lay on hands and he's dead like this is embarrassing all right let's go beef stir it let me see what do I have here where are you okay oh it's a [ __ ] front warrior okay let's go it's a prot warrior everybody knows how much I like dueling prot warriors right the we know he went over there because he thought he's gonna get an attack on me dude you're not gonna get an attack on what concussive blow so here all you do is just them do you want with that okay that's actually not good for me I kind of let that happen so now we can just joust him the whole time now he went over there for no reason he should not be in Berserker stance right now is no reason to be in beserker stench you're so low you should have disarmed this is upsetting I'm getting genuinely upset here you better beat me you're gonna go for the disarm to but you didn't do it fast enough for my who's gonna see it look at this look and he's overlapping his stun with his disarm so I'm minimizing it and now I'm running him out he didn't get a oh [ __ ] I messed up there wait no I didn't now watch what he's gonna do here listen man and I'm not even trying like I'm not even using my abilities this is crazy what's going on okay this is another warrior oh great another prot warrior I love doing prot words I'm just gonna duel you at half health I don't give a [ __ ] do it see what happens okay you're gonna go with one of those your Wow okay that's really interesting the way that you he's teleporting like Optimus Prime this is great holy [ __ ] what is this okay and every attack I I'm casting is missing that's great okay there it is another concussive blow yeah this guy's lagging or something this is crazy so he can still execute me whenever I get low but I can do the same to him he's probably gonna try to last standed there got another revenge proc on he's getting pretty lucky actually oh yeah he killed me if I had full health I'd have probably won I mean haven't used a 10 minute cooldown whenever I'm at like [ __ ] 80% health it's like not really ideal for me you know he got lucky oh yeah he got really lucky with that I mean let's be fair but like still that was ridiculous don't need full HP well I didn't expect to get like 20 of my attacks parried in a row and have like you know 80% of his revenge's stunned me I mean I I didn't expect that to happen okay alright let's go next plastic rng dude okay do you try to fear me here they always do this they always do they do the exact same thing every time okay I'm going back and forth this wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay can we redo all what was that okay I want to redo all this guy oh wait I saturate all right art renewal okay let me try it again okay here we go finally a real player I mean it's not really a real player he's literally sitting there spamming one button okay let's go I'm ready okay the stun it's actually really hard for me to see if his character is casting or not it makes it really difficult for me to have to go in there he tried to go for the fear again he didn't have death coiled Oh a double missed that's great he didn't have death coiled there of course he's gonna win yeah that I was gonna win though okay all right let's go next yeah I mean I think it would have been a lot closer like I I guess I've I genuinely have never played against a that was a mistake wasn't it that was a big mistake wasn't it that was a big mistake too wasn't it oh I'm just like I'm not a tat what am I not tacking the [ __ ] okay so now I'm gonna save up rage for whenever he's gonna somebody charge to him here wait what the [ __ ] oh okay where's nature's grasp just in time just in time slam we're gonna get ready and do an X in a few minutes I'm getting I'm getting a little bit tired of this let's go will duel somebody else here mister was help me all of those players get better PP why do you get so pissed whenever they win because they shouldn't win I'm sorry I shouldn't win like I should not win I get more mad at them whenever I win that whenever I lose you gonna play this game you really you're gonna play this game on me is this my wife okay okay I don't even know what's going on here okay I'm gonna interrupt this holy tree right there and now he's dead okay there we go yeah I and I he was trying to hit me with smite and it's a good strategy except for if you get interrupted you can't heal so I knew I interrupted his holy tree and then I could just finish him with an execute so he couldn't bubble all right enraged cuckoo is this what I think it is oh [ __ ] it's a moon boy come on boy all right let's go what is this yeah I'd run too okay it doesn't matter even if I take this it usually you go into nature's swiftness was that supposed to be your heel yeah it sure was yeah great job [ __ ] Garrett great job you have the carapace I have it too listen lady that was a dumb mistake nice use of forms well he liked his eye his strategy wasn't terrible but every druid in my opinion should start the duel out in stealth that's my opinion everyone should should start out in stealth where's this walls are all right where is this guy give me a second okay let's go he was I know it wasn't it's a it's a mage purge over to him now icebox okay he throws about what bomb was that what would you roll a what the [ __ ] was that it doesn't even matter like I had to do that I didn't want to do that but I had to do that I don't like basically I had to move forward so I didn't heal myself there because if you have deep wounds on your target each deep wound and each rentec breaks you're intimidating shouts so you know it's kind of annoying okay you didn't have full HP I don't even know man okay I dueled you before let's go we'll do it one more person that I'm gonna make the group for a Nixie okay I think it's time for an X you okay good duel for money I don't know if I want to do that okay I don't like to say dueling it's it's orangey man like I don't know why to me it's like some people like doing that to me I don't oh I [ __ ] up so bad there you are you are so lucky you are so lucky impacts I hope you know that I would have interrupted your bitch-ass [ __ ] yep and now I don't have fear I'm dead it's this easy like it's really that easy like it is actually it's absolutely that easy like there's nothing else rule you need to worry about it all okay like well played mage not really like not really there's no way to win there no there's not not even deep frost yeah like I'm sorry but like this is holy [ __ ] can we report this guy for spamming okay there we go an annoying [ __ ] all right let's go I'm gonna keep the hots on me because I'm not full health wait oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I'm gonna lose this okay I can't like see if he's casting cuz people are standing on top of them he's so annoying okay okay I'm [ __ ] yeah I can't see them I've got to download an add-on for that man it's annoying majorly good you didn't make mistakes you did well no even if see here's the thing right is it if a mage if a mage duels a warrior and the warrior makes no mistakes and the mage makes no mistakes the warrior loses every time if a mage tools a warrior and the mage makes one mistake an order makes no mistakes the mage wins every time if a mage duels a warrior and the mage makes two mistakes and a warrior makes no mistakes maybe the warrior might win half the time that's how it works two seconds if Cass bars I just it's annoying I mean I mostly I haven't really focused a whole lot you know what happened is I charge too early okay you don't do that Brian was mistake no it wasn't you dodged my attack look at the damage I just get deleted like this there's nothing I can do like he just destroys me like I really like there's nothing like warriors are the worst dueling class that there is really needing aids and sappers well don't you feel like there's following you as spamming yeah I just I put them on ignore all right reported them yeah time for an excellent yeah yeah let's do a next year let's get that other way art one more one more one more where is this guy right there you seem good Mike I didn't see you like our treadle okay let's go one more one more and I'm gonna get ready I'll give you a second okay guys like lagging or something it's actually good for me I get more rage from these mobs okay hopefully I'll be able to get them I'm buff there but it's not gonna happen okay come on I need rage I need rage see this is what I'm saying as a warlock I would this would not happen to me just this doesn't happen to you as a warlock right that's it majors is so good yeah I mean I'm sorry but like mages are just [ __ ] broken man there's nothing you can do about that it's so [ __ ] ridiculous dude yeah you need engineering bro like I get it man but don't you guys see like any class can use engineering so if I have engineering on a warlock that's going to make me even better so if I'm a warrior let's say it's like a scale of effectiveness of 1 to 10 if I'm a warrior and my effectiveness is to 5 and I get it engineering and it puts my effectiveness plus 3 up to it up to us and 8 then I'm a warlock and my effectiveness starts at a 7 I get engineering it puts my effectiveness up to and I don't now I'm in a nine warlocks are still gonna be better you guys oh yeah that's what I'm trying to say okay let's go do an X here guys [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 309,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold duels, asmongold classic duels, asmongold gear, classic wow duels, classic wow pvp, classic world of warcraft, wow classic duels, duels, wow duels, asmongold duels classic
Id: jRXHRdtzH7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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