Another discovery about the NEW location in Enshrouded

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[Music] three two one but first of all I noticed that a lot of you aren't subscribed uh so if you don't mind please drop a like And subscribe that will really help me continue to make these videos oh and this is actually part two so if you haven't seen the first video I uploaded earlier today make sure to go check it out afterwards hello guys and uh welcome back I thought we could take this a notch up and have some fun so how about we set off 300 explosive barrels inside this cave and see where it leads just look at this mess this is going to be uh this is going to be quite a show I hope um but yeah I guess we just go outside and set them off and how about we use a grenade for this 3 2 one wow that was fast what a mess I just created a battlefield here I guess you know we could just keep going we could just use the grenades I do have 100,000 of them so let's just start digging more or less let's see if we can punch through this wall here my hope is that we can get a glimpse of what is on the other side even though it's still in the Red Zone we could potentially see something let's see see this might take a while oh man look here we've encountered the end of Early Access there is no way around this it's really really annoying an anticlimactic even ah I guess we can try another way okay let's go outside again we free found a little bit of waste up here okay so we're pretty close to the top here right above the cave so I'm thinking what if we can actually carve down this mountain kind of get in a way to see through it all that would be fun um then we need to do some place where that's it's not too thick think we're going to hit the yeah we're going to hit your red here so my thought was if we can kind of you know demolish this area here so we can peek Beyond The Ridge it's quite hard okay what if we go higher then we can at least look past it let's try and go this way and then see if we can get a vantage point up High I mean they're not unscalable once we have these grenades and stuff as you can see okay we can spot a bit of land out there but the thing is okay we need to get up there I'm probably not going to be able to fly very far because the uh the 9 seconds won't get us very far that's just that and the red kind of act acts like a fog so we can't really see very far even see stuff close to us because it's so thick or diffused so yeah but let's let's get up here and see what what it looks like wow this is tall feel like I'm going almost straight up oh there we go so we're at the top we can we can kind of see some mountains out there in the west right let's see as ass soon as we get here I can't really see anything so it's almost like the visibility is a bit better here before you go in I mean it would be cool to kind of carve all this down and get to the ground level and the same way all the way around as soon as you get to um the point where you feel like you can fly very far it just takes so long to get down so you won't make the ground in time in time and have time enough to actually see something um where are we we're here and I think the cave is going to go in like this it's probably the new place probably going like this and then we come out over here so maybe if we oh look here look at this formation here this is going to be our exit right here so can I point towards that this is it it's down there okay you know what let's give it a go where's my altar it's over there uh yeah it's going to take some time getting back but oh well let's just do it right let's try it five four please please please one no see how hard it is and actually wondering could we where were we we're standing up here right could we potentially dig all the way through and get out here that's what we're going to do so stay with me it's going to take some time but we can just F fast forward you can just fast forward and yeah I'll see you once I hit that point in case anyone was wondering it's pretty damn hard controling the game when it's running at 16 times speed there we go so basically just going to make the painful deck in through the cave and try to maintain height I guess so it kind of was on the right track wasn't I yes I was but for some reason the red already comes here so what if we go sideways now and just try to follow it and then like skim along the edge of the red will that take us closer maybe to the potential exit no it won't but damn it what's this what what the heck wow am I kind of under the map well it doesn't matter does it because there's nothing here to walk on where are we in terms of seriously guys I think this confirms my first video because what does this space look like this space looks like where the whole structure is going to fit in right you follow I think we just confirmed that look at this wow I means it's let's just try and jump in here I can't even this an invisible structure here it's whoa what the heck where am I that was weird did what where did we end up that was very very weird man I wish I could go back it's like it's almost like when you have a dream right and you you discover you're actually dreaming and then you will wake up that's kind of the feeling I'm having right now because I was like this is too good to be true and I guess it was for a moment it worked and then it didn't well I guess we're going keep trying to punch through here eventually we're going to not be able to get the grenades any further oh we still have a long way to go wow okay guys I guess we are going to have to keep working on this uh hope you enjoyed that little treat I sure did but you know if you did like this keep throwing likes this way also subscribe all that really appreciate it and until next little secrets or exploration video have a nice night and take care bye
Channel: xO_oxDK
Views: 3,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded secret chests, enshrouded new location, enshrouded all chests, enshrouded new dungeon, enshrouded secret loot, enshrouded, enshrouded altar, enshrouded glider, enshrouded secret tomb, enshrouded how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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