Enshrouded - Max Comfort Guide

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hello everyone tripy here and today we're playing some unshrouded if you haven't heard of this game you're definitely missing out this is uh it just came out recently it's very similar to valheim that kind of play style where you pick up your stuff and you learn the recipes as you pick them up uh there are still some quests to do to unlock the crafting stations but that's uh kind of similar there as far as the game gameplay there it's very similar to uh Elden ring where the kind of dodging that you have to do uh to avoid the attacks so anyways in this video we'll be uh I'll be showing you how to increase the comfort of your uh living area so what Comfort does is it gives you better stamina and better stamina regeneration so you want to be rested as much as you can in this game you can have comfort up to level 69 at the moment I believe I am just about done with all the quests as you can see I have zero quests left everything else is done I would say I am done with the content available uh it's possible that I missed few things but I think I have everything so uh that's what we'll be doing in this video we'll be showing you how to increase your comfort level to the maximum available so let's get started here let's me switch the uh Inventory management so here we go so let's start out with the bed by default you get five Comfort just from having your uh flame near you the walls all of that stuff doesn't matter so the only thing that matters is that flame that will give you five comfort so that is starting when you add a bed and this is specifically the Palm wood bed that gives you uh six Comfort I have tried stacking it with the other beds uh let me show you here so here is the other beds available I have tried stacking out with these beds they do not stack so the maximum you can have from beds alone is 11 Comfort the next piece you're going to need is a palmwood uh table here and this will give you uh Five Points so we're up to 16 the next thing is a palmwood side uh palmwood bedside table and that again will give you five points after that you need a uh this is a s uh sron that's what this is and that will give you seven comfort palmwood chair is the next thing that you will need and that will give you uh five comfort so we're up to 33 and afterwards you will need a a stone chair Stone chair will give you four Comfort having more than one does not stack so for example if I put another one next to it comfor Remains the Same so they do not stack the next thing you will need is a stone bench and this will give us four Comfort on top let me switch out these other sets of items here so here is the bathroom stuff this is a stone shower and that will give you four points of comfort uh the next part is a stone sink that will get us from 40 here we go sorry I missed that so this will get us from 45 to 49 so that will give us four points and a stone toilet again another four points and at last a bat tub and this is uh the copper tub so that will give us another four points we're up to 57 the next part is we need a lamp you can you can have one of these lamps or one of these uh chandeliers that look like uh a honey type of Outlook you can see it's it looks like a little honey screen so you can have either one of these three or the one that I plac down so that will give us uh Five Points of comfort and last but not least you need a picture and put that on the shower and that will give us three points for a total of 65 there is multiple pictures available they do not stack so you just need the one and that's the maximum comfort you can get from all the items from the carpenter so that is 65 how do we get to 69 well you go to the hunter scroll out the way to comfort items and here we go so here here you need one of those carpets and you can see some of them give one some of them give three this is the one you want this gives four Comfort goodbye and we're up to 69 Comfort which gives us an hour and 14 minutes of rested so you'll be out there for a while before you need to uh get rested again so I just wanted to cover this doesn't increase Comfort even though it says it gives you comfort uh this is uh something else Stacks with this I am not sure exactly which item it is however uh just to since this is one of those items not many people use in the beginning just because they're so hard to get like you need to play a while to get enough enough uh trophies so here we go so let's go over this for example it has one Comfort this is the basic trophy when you create this you will automatically unlock the next one so you can see all of these are the basic ones you get as soon as you craft it and you receive it you will get the next one which is going to be the bronze one here we go so once you craft the basic you're going to get the bronze which gives you two comfort and then once you craft this one you're going to get the next one which is the iron fell which will give you three Comfort but again these are one of these items here interferes with the head with the trophy so you're not going to get any uh bonus Comfort levels from that so I just want to show this here so you can see the Comfort didn't go up let me put another one so there is this one and there is the last one which is that golden one and again the Comfort level did not change so let's do the same thing for the other ones it's kind of neat you can place these anywhere you want you don't need to put them on a wall specifically so so it's kind of uh it makes it a little easier but again the Comfort does not change and I have all of them so I will just place these just to prove uh concept and there is this one and there is that one and again the Comfort didn't change so technically you don't need the trophies if even though they say they give you three comfort so I'm guessing one of these items here I'm not sure which one it is overlaps the Comfort level with the trophies that's it so that's the current maximum available 69 level uh level 69 of comfort yep thank you guys for watching hopefully this was helpful hopefully it saved you some grinding since I know uh the last thing you want to wait mats on is stuff that you don't need right so anyways thank you guys for watching like And subscribe and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Atanas Tripzter
Views: 9,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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